Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1003: Get in the car, no time to explain!

At night, under the bright neon lights, the colorful nightlife of Gotham City, which has a simple folk customs, finally begins.

At this time,

In a restaurant specially prepared for middle-aged and elderly people who like to be quiet, beside the street table of the open-air bar on the street, a man with white beard and hair, dressed in a white robe and a white cloak, is leaning against the same The old man who is white and doesn't know what material it is made of and looks like a'long cane' is sipping his own boring wine in silence, and'click! Click! ’Smoking the dry tobacco in his pipe.

He had already refused several invitations to drink together from the same old Gotham City citizens who wanted to meet or talk to him. He sat on the small table alone without saying a word.

Originally, he didn't have the money to buy wine and drink...

However, when he used a gold coin of a lone mountain dwarf, it was the collection when he successfully provoke a certain dragon Smaug with a certain hobbit and a group of dead dwarves! At that time, he took a few gold coins in his pocket by the way, and he hasn't spent it so far, and he was able to go to the pawnshop in this simple and honest city to exchange some green bills that could barely sustain his life.

Then, after using the magic wand beside him to persuade (physically) a group of young gangsters who wanted to beat his old man for money and money, he came here to drink his sullen wine...

Yes, he is the white robe wizard Gandalf!

He is a Maya from the west of the Alda world and from Amen Island to the west of the sea in the Middle-earth continent. He is also a sub-god, formerly known as Oluoin, self-proclaimed Estari, and the richest of all Maya One of wisdom!


He left Middle-earth in the Third Age and returned to Amen for many years... However, because he is a subordinate of Varda, the **** of stars, he is a subordinate **** Maya, and After returning to Amenzhou, his abilities are no longer subject to any restrictions. Therefore, his appearance has not been affected in any way. He still looks like the old human with knowledge and temperament.


You can't despise him just because he looks like an old man!

Because the demons that fell into his hands a few days ago, and the strong tattoo **** who wanted to rob him of his belongings just before he came to this street bar to drink, but were knocked over by his sticks. Gotham City citizens with well-developed limbs and simple minds are a lesson for you!


Gandalf first silently observes the very magical technological creations that are coming and going on the road, and after watching the pedestrians with different looks for a long time, before no one is paying attention to him, he stretches his finger and summons on the top of the finger. There was a touch of flame, and after igniting a new pipe of shredded tobacco, he began to bite the handle of the pipe and began to meditate...

To be honest, Gandalf the White really doesn’t know why he came to this world of demons dancing inexplicably, because he has been lost in this huge human city, which is said to have a terrifying population of 30 million. God.

So far, he only knows that this is a magical world called Earth, and at the same time, this city is called Gotham City. Is it one of the most secure and simple cities in the world? As for other things, he doesn't know too well. Anyway, the police who he found and questioned told him the old man.


Click! Click!

Gandalf continued to smoke the dry tobacco in his pipe silently...

The shredded tobacco in those pipes was what he shredded a pack of cigarettes he bought and got the sweet-smelling shreds and stuffed it in. He obviously liked his pipes better than that kind of filter, because, He thinks that while biting the pipe can help his thinking better?

Several days passed in a blink of an eye...

Although his Gandalf’s power is not limited in any way, he also has to admit a terrible reality, that is: in this world called the earth, he can't feel their Alda world. In the Middle-earth Continent, you can't feel Amen Chau, and even more can't feel the existence of any true **** Vera and Eru Iluvita!

That feeling was terrible. He didn’t know what he should do, and he didn’t know what he needed to do. Not being able to contact any Vera would mean: He Gandalf doesn’t know how he should go back now. He may have completely fallen into this strange world.

and so,

Even if he has been thinking and exploring for many days and still has not been able to figure it out, besides continuing to wander around the city and continue to think hard, he does not have any particularly good ideas. He only Can slowly adapt to everything here in such an almost clumsy way.



Gandalf who was swallowing the clouds couldn't help but pause for a while, hesitating to stop his smoking action.

Then, after frowning and thinking about perception, he slowly sighed and exhaled a heavy puff of smoke before he slammed his pipe on the table foot twice, and the ones inside were still carrying Mars, maybe only after burning half of the'fine' tobacco, while putting away his pipe, he reached out and grabbed his white'long cane', and walked tremblingly from this street. Stood up on the side table.


Immediately afterwards, he first looked at the surrounding environment, and felt that this place seemed not suitable for certain matters. After thinking about it, he took a step forward and moved towards the one not far away that there was no one at night, and the lights There are also some dim street parks wandering around.

Think about it a few days ago, in the few days when he was not familiar with the place where he had just come here, he often spent the night with those homeless people on the bench in that kind of park... It feels a little bit cold, and the wooden benches are a bit boring, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, but it is much safer than when they ventured in Middle-earth.


Passing through the park, walking along the wide and almost empty road, and almost reaching the abandoned factory building on the other side that seemed to be empty, Gandalf had to stop.


At this moment, in front of him, there are five brawny men in black lined up! On this big night, they still wear ink-colored eyes, it seems weird? However, Gandalf has no time to worry about why the other party wears that kind of weird thing, because he knows that those guys are here to trouble him, and this is also when he took the initiative to leave the crowded street shop. main reason.

"Really stubborn guys..."

After having to stop, and after complaining to the people in front of him like an old man, Gandalf held his wand in his hand while turning and looking behind him.

At this moment, on the road where he had just walked and the trimmed squares around him were neat and tidy. I don’t know what shrubs were behind, but also walked out silently, a famous person wearing a black suit and Guys wearing sunglasses.

"The existence of evil!"

"Why, it's been so many days, don't you plan to let me go this old man?!"

Looking at the guys in black suits and sunglasses, who looked very capable and strong, Gandalf knew that tonight would definitely not be too quiet...because, since he was a few days ago After accidentally taking care of a small matter, he discovered that the evil beings had already been eyeing him. Although they had tolerated it for several days, they had finally found him tonight.

"The old wizard from outside!"

"Listen, we belong to the Bear Shield. You are now suspected of trespassing, resisting arrest and cruelly innocent Bear Shield agents. Now please lay down your weapons and come with us!"

"You are surrounded by us now, you can't escape!"

As one of the black-clothed agents who seemed to be the leader came forward and spoke, soon, the black-clothed agents around sprang up unanimously, and then a huge circle encircled a bad old man on the road. intermediate.

That's right, the world belongs to them, and after the bad old man in front of him attacked their companion, they were eyeing it! Today, after they mobilized more than a dozen capable agents, they finally began to close the net, intending to capture the other party alive, and capture them back to their master and the Director.

"Do not……"

"My old man doesn't want to go with you guys at all!"

Seeing the other party encircling him, watching the other party want to capture or threaten him to surrender with less than twenty people, Gandalf couldn't help but shook his head slowly and sneered.

"and also……"

"Stupid demons! Don't you think that your poor disguise can deceive the eyes of my white-robed wizard Gandalf?!"

‘Εμφ??νιση! ’

After speaking, Gandalf suddenly raised the holy white wand in his hand, and after chanting a spell, he gave the tail of the wand to the ground so hard!

In the next second, a white circle of light ignited around him in an instant, centered on him, like a shock wave of explosion, overturning the so-called'Bear Shield agents' that surrounded him to the ground. At the same time, even with the disguise of those guys, all that simple disguise magic was broken!


‘Damn it! ’

‘His spell is working! ’

‘Quick battle, if we are seen by mortals, Lord Diablo will kill us! ’

'fast! Kill him! ! ’

As Gandalf’s aperture swept across the surroundings, soon, when the bear shield agents who showed their terrifying and true appearances stood up again and saw each other’s changes, they began to frustrated. Roared.

'wizard! ’

‘You shouldn’t be nosy! ! ’

Seeing that all their disguise had been broken, the huge demons who appeared to be more than two meters tall, huge demon wings, red demon skin, and strong and squalid muscles exchanged briefly in a cruel and cruel manner. After a few sentences, they took up their jagged blades without stopping, and intimidated the old wizard unkindly.

Indeed, had it not been for this old undead wizard a few days ago to be nosy, save a lunatic who ran out of the Arkham Asylum, and kill several of their companions, they would not have sent so many elite giants. The devil came to be troubled by the opponent.

However, it is too late to say anything. From the moment the opponent confronts their Bear Shield, the opponent is destined to be the enemy of them and their master Diablo!


Gandalf did not continue to talk nonsense with the demons in front of him, he was just silently vigilant, he wanted to see what the other party had the ability to dare to clamor to round up a wizard like him.

‘Do it! ’

‘Burn him to death! ! ’


After the giant demons stepped forward and threatened for a few steps, one of the chieftains suddenly yelled, and then several giant demons acted at the same time, burning the **** fire from all directions toward the wizard in the middle!

In an instant, the air boiled, and the place that was originally dim due to the darkness of night suddenly became red and translucent. The intense red light continued to move along the leaves scorched and curled by the heat wave. Shooting out into the sky and the surroundings...


"Do you think your magic can fight a white-robed wizard?!"

In the light of the fire, the figure in a white robe was not affected at all. Instead, with a wave of the white wand, the masses of flames that completely enveloped his body were condensed into the head of his wand, and It was converted back into pure magical energy and stored.

Gandalf's magic is not afraid of the magic of those demons, because he is a Maya, and he is still an unrestricted Maya, a sub-god, but these little magic spells can not hurt! Besides, he is a wizard, he is extremely adept at magic and magical energy!

‘! ! ’

Undoubtedly, when the demons stopped, they discovered that their flames, the kind of flames that could burn all enemies within range, and even melt steel, were easily destroyed by the opponent?

Even a single hair of the other party could not burn? !

"Go together!"

"Chop him directly!!"

Glancing at each other, he found that the usual hellfire magic was ineffective. The hideous red-skinned demons didn't think much about it, so they shouted at the demon leader who was standing still and raised their hands. The big jagged blades inside rushed up toward the wizard surrounded by them.


"Who do you think I am?"

Seeing that the other party had abandoned the magic and picked up the knife and rushed up, the unhappy Gandalf also slammed his white cloak without showing timidity, revealing a sword at his waist, and then directly made a stick with his left hand and withdrew his right hand. The long sword rushed towards the demons!


Strike! !

The head of a demon was directly broken by the head of the holy white wand in Gandalf's left hand. He staggered and fell on the fallen-leaved ground in this park. After twitching twice, he did not move. Obviously dead!


One-handed sword!

The neck of another demon was cut by a sword almost at the same time, and the blood of the red demon was shot high and high in an instant...

clang! !

Block with magic wand!

The serrated sword of another giant demon that followed was blocked by the holy white wand in Gandalf's left hand. The ferocious sword not only failed to cut the wand that seemed to be wooden, but also connected a wand. Didn't even the mark be left on it?


Whirlwind dance! !

After blocking the full slash of the third demon, Gandalf twisted and swung his sword toward the surroundings. A sword-like light flashed, and it made a circle in a very short time. Later, those more demons who planned to fight him were either cut off at the waist, cut diagonally down along their shoulders, or split into two sides from the bottom up... …


‘Uh~! ’


When the surrounding demons fell to the ground in various gestures with round eyes, Gandalf bullied him again, and with just one stick, he rushed a little slower. The head of the huge demon directly hit its neck...

Bang! !


Got it! This time, after only a few rounds of attacks, the demons who copied knives and prepared to smash a certain white-robed mage with more enemies and fewer enemies declared that the whole army was annihilated, leaving only the demon leader who gave orders. That's it?


"Devil! Have you thought about your dying condolences?!"

If the other party uses magic, he might still worry about causing too much momentum and being seen by ordinary people? Of course, I am even more worried about this huge city. After all, it is said that there are 30 million people living here. It is not a place suitable for casting and fighting spells, but if the opponent uses a knife, then it is not. The same.

You know, when he was in Middle-earth Continent, when his magic power was severely suppressed, who was he afraid of when Gandalf talked about his ability to fight? !

I think back then, when the coalition of humans, elves and dwarves fought in front of the Black Gate, his gray-robed wizard Gandalf’s wand was also dancing vigorously, and it beat the ring spirits to piss, and finally quit. Sauron, the boss of the spirits, came out and suppressed the place! If human beings were too greedy and greedy for the Supreme Lord of the Rings, then what happened to the Third Age?


He wouldn’t tell the frightened demon in front of him: his white-robed wizard Gandalf is different from ordinary wizards. Although he knows many spells himself, he doesn’t like to use them too much. ...Because, in addition, he has full life and endurance, but in talent, he has one-handed sword, two-handed sword, block, crit, charge, decapitation, whirlwind, and powerful cleave. Legendary powerful chopping and so on, etc...So, if the opponent wants to defeat him with his physical and fighting skills, it would be a big mistake!

‘! ! ’

‘Sorcerer, times have changed, go to death for me! ! ’

Seeing that the magic is ineffective, and seeing the melee companions are almost instantly wiped out, finally, a certain demon leader seems to be really frightened? Therefore, he didn't want to think too much or didn't dare to escape, so he suddenly took out an S686 from behind him, and aimed the two barrels of the black hole at the head of the wizard who was walking towards him in front. .

Huh! Huh! !

With two gunshots, the No. 12 shotgun with a caliber of about 18.5 mm was fired, and then a terrifying steel ball gushed out of the barrel, directly covering a terrible person walking slowly. White robe wizard!


After the two bursting guns were fired, before the gun smoke from the barrel had cooled down, the demon leader only saw that the human wizard had rushed in front of him? He didn't know what method the other party used to block those terrible, even countless bullets that their devil's skin would be pierced at close range?


As a sword light flashed, his hideous demon's head spun high and flew up. Then, when he saw a wizard below put away the sword, his eyes went dark and everything was gone. I no longer know.


"A very powerful weapon, it's a pity that I am not an ordinary wizard!"

If it is an ordinary wizard, or if he was himself as a ‘gray-robed wizard’, Gandalf believes that his own body and head must have become a pile of rotten meat! Because, in that case, he must have no time to react and defend himself.

However, he is not the gray-robed wizard Gandalf now, nor can he even be regarded as the white-robed wizard Gandalf. Now he is a secondary god, a Maya!

And general weapons, especially mortal weapons, such as those he possessed and dared to pick them up from the hands of the devil, the kind he had seen in the Alicia Kingdom army that a little girl made out The weapon named'Snatch' can definitely not hurt his body!


"An enemy is coming again?!"

When these huge demons in human skins were chopped down one by one by When the blood of those demons began to stain the ground of the park, when Gandalf saw their souls After not knowing which **** to return to in an instant, and before he could figure out what to do, he unexpectedly discovered that there was a strange black vehicle that looked like a bat towards him in the distance. Bounded at high speed? !


However, when he continued to hold the staff in one hand and the other was holding the hilt of the sword that had already been sheathed, preparing to be alert to the enemy's upcoming attack, Gandalf discovered again that the black car had stopped steadily. A few steps away from him, then the car door opened, and inside came out a weird looking very strong, wearing a black leather armor, a black cloak, and a black bat-like headgear?

"Get in the car, old wizard!"

"There is no time to explain, please believe me, there are a lot of them, more than you think! Also, their big boss is coming soon, I advise you not to fight with them, now Maybe there is still time to escape?"


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