Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1004: ?Commander Jim Leno reports to you, the great head of state...

another world……

In a mine on the outskirts of the Atlanta city that has long been reduced to ruins, someone has all kinds of magical nicknames, such as those "Rebel Commander", "Sergeant Lei", "Desperadoes", "Terror" Jim Reynolds with magical halo, such as Molecule, former Imperial Commander, Thunder Sky, and the most successful man in the Kepru region, is biting his last cigar at this time Sitting silently on the highest point of the mine, silently watching the city in the distance that had fallen away, leaving only the countless walking dead after being infected with the virus.

Those walking corpses are actually not that powerful, anyway, compared to the Chonghai that once fought with Renault before, they are really weak! However, no matter what happens, they can't help but have a large number of opponents, not afraid of death, and highly infectious!

At the beginning, people in this world still had a chance...

However, when the armies of the various countries in the world that are like scattered sand and are still on their own guards, they themselves fall one step ahead of the people. When the virus begins to erupt on a large scale throughout the earth, everything is too late!

in fact,

By all accounts, he has been here for a while since Chief Reynolds.

He experienced the fall of this city, and finally followed the survivors in this mine to take refuge here in this abandoned and uninhabited mine. If you think about it, the combined time is almost a year, right?

It’s a pity that so long has passed, although he used his instrument and the instrument that Matt Horner gave him before to send some help signals to the star area and give back to some of the disasters that are happening in this world. Briefly describe the information, but unfortunately, until now, he Jim Reynolds still has not been able to wait for the rescue of the star area...

To be honest, by now, he has gradually lost his heart, and the only thing he may not be able to let go is that his one is also missing, and now I don’t know where or in what world Sarah Louis. Kerrigan.



Looking at the cigar that had been burned to the bottom, and the cigar that was already hot after the washing, Jim Reynolds finally endured the hot sting and took the last bite, and regretfully threw the cigar under the mine.

That is his last cigar, unless he can find it when he goes out to collect supplies, otherwise, he must not have that kind of mental food... However, they will not need to go out for the next two weeks. Materials, so he might be a bit difficult for the next days.

And everything is the fault of those **** walking dead!

If Jim Reynolds now has a set of CMC powered armor, and then comes with an old style C-14 electromagnetic spike rifle and a sufficient number of bullets, I am afraid that Sergeant Lei will be able to destroy the distance by himself. There are millions of walking corpses in that Atlanta city!

But unfortunately, when he came to this world, Sergeant Lei didn’t bring anything, and the 6-inch barrel Colt python revolver he is wearing now is in the gun shop of this world. Found it, so when he deals with the walking dead, he is not more advantageous than the refugees who are good at marksmanship.


"Mr. Renault, why are you here? Are you looking at the scenery?"

At this time, there were waves of vigorous footsteps behind Jim Reynolds.

Then soon, a middle-aged man wearing an Atlanta police uniform, a leather cowboy hat and a police badge walked up to Renault's side. He first looked at Atlanta in the distance and took a deep breath. After that, he smiled and ridiculed a certain Renault who was sitting at the top of a half-dug mine and was not afraid of falling.


"Is it Rick?"

"Who is in the mood to see the scenery in this world? I'm actually thinking about something, of course, there are some things you don't understand indiscriminately..."

Seeing that the person here was Rick Grimes who came here not long ago, Renault sighed and hugged the back of his head and lay on the gravel ground, just looking at the sky. The blue sky and white clouds that became clear due to the absence of human industrial activities.

"Well, Jim!"

"Although I have only been here for more than ten days, I have heard that you have just rejected Amy's courtship for the third time. Am I right?"

Seeing the other person lying on the ground and looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, I didn’t know what he was thinking. Rick first looked around and felt that there should be no danger here, and there was still their sentry in the camp under the mountain. There will never be a walking corpse running here, they simply sit next to each other and ask.

"do you know?"

"Now the people in the camp are discussing whether you are a normal man... Don't get excited, I'm not scolding you! You know, Amy is the most beautiful girl in our group. , And she is still young, she is a full twelve years younger than her sister, how can you bear to refuse such a beautiful young girl?"

Of course, Rick didn't want to pimp or something, he just felt a little curious and surprised. After all, it can be said to be the end of mankind now. In this precarious world, another little girl cried and begged to show her love three times. If it was replaced by him, Rick was the Jim Reynolds in front of her. He must have accepted it!

In any case, the other party is now single, even if it is not single, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to find his significant other in this world. Therefore, it is difficult for Rick to imagine that in this environment and situation, no one would No, when such an infatuated little girl took the initiative and showed love three times, how did this Jim Reynolds be indifferent?

Could it be that this guy is really not a normal man, but a gay? If this is the case, the future of their group of people is really worrying...

Because, besides being a strong man, Jim Reynolds is also one of the leaders of their group of survivors. If the other party is not a normal man, how can he shoulder the responsibility of reproducing and continuing the good genes of the earth humans? You know, there are really not many people alive on the earth now, maybe there are less than a million people in the world, right?


"Rick, you also know that Amy is still a child, but I am now in my forties, a bad old man!"

Jim Reynolds closed his eyes and shook his head with a smile, regardless of the sheriff who was teasing him.

He really can’t accept that little girl Amy. Of course, the reason is not because of the other party’s age, nor is it because the other party is not beautiful, but because his heart has been given to him by his Sarah Louis Kerrigan. It's full, he can't tolerate other women...It's like when he was once the commander of the Huberian, and when he was the leader of the Rangers, he rejected many women. Now he is also too Will not easily accept a little girl who is obsessed with him for various reasons.


"God! Come on, Jim! Amy is already eighteen years old this year. She is not a child! Even before the disaster broke out, a little girl like her already had the right to pursue her own happiness. Up!"

"And you are only forty years old, still young, really! You are as strong as a lion!!"

Originally, Rick didn’t want to care about other people’s emotional affairs, because he had his own family, his own wife and children, but now that he said it, and the reason given to him is so ridiculous, he always I have to say a few more words.


However, Jim Reynolds closed his eyes with a smile, and didn't intend to talk about things like that with the other party! Because, the other party was not the first to talk to himself about that kind of thing. Whether it was the old man Dell or Amy’s sister Andrea, they all came to talk to himself, but there were some things that he had. Once the sheriff has made up his mind, no one can shake it.


Nodded, Rick finally gave up reluctantly, not planning to continue to persuade him.

"I can see, Jim, you don't look like an ordinary person, because you have a strong military aura, which has penetrated into your bones. You can't deceive the eyes of the sheriff of me! So, why not? Tell me, what kind of person were you before the disaster broke out?"

That's right, Rick always thought this Jim Reynolds was a military commander in a certain army or a retired officer or something? Of course, it is more likely to be active, because the opponent is only forty years old, and it is unlikely to retire!

In addition, he also found that the other party is very handy for leading a group of survivors from all over Atlanta and various industries like them, and for commanding and dispatching them, but for their intuition, command and shooting skills and performance. It is even more amazing, and it is definitely not the quality that ordinary people should have!

So, it is not surprising that a man like this who is very outstanding and outstanding in all aspects has been infatuated by the little guy Amy and confessed his love three times.


"Rick, if I tell you, Jim Reynolds is not actually from this world, I come from another world, or put it this way, I am actually an alien, would you believe this kind of thing? ?"

For the first time, Jim Leno revealed his origins to people in this world for the first time. Because, under the circumstances of the end of the world, without knowing how long he can live, he no longer wants to hide his secrets anymore.

Moreover, the atmosphere of the conversation now is quite good, the scenery is also good, and the Rick in front of him is also a sheriff, which makes him rarely want to chat with Sergeant Lei...Anyway, man Sometimes things are very subtle, so there is no way to explain it.


Sitting on the ground full of rubble, Rick, who just wanted to pick up a stone and throw it into the lake formed by the pit under the mine, was stunned, then shook his head and smiled and continued to throw the things in his hand far away. I went out and watched that little rock flew for more than ten seconds, then plunged into the fairly calm lake, and there was a bunch of water splashing high and all around. Diffusion ripples.

Obviously, Rick definitely didn't believe the kind of things the other party said to fool children!

In his opinion, the opponent is likely to be the commander of a secret force, and then, even if it is the end of the world, still subconsciously want to protect the military secrets guarded by the opponent? Otherwise, I wouldn't have made that kind of joke with myself until this time.


"I know you don’t believe it, but I’m really not from your world. I think I might come from another world? Because in our universe, UED’s Earth will not be so backward, let alone. Those walking corpses and biochemical viruses will be captured!"

Renault had already thought about this many times, and had already reached his conclusion.

He could see that the technological level of this earth is at least several hundred years behind that of their Kepulu region. Therefore, some and only the earth in a different world may have such a terrible virus crisis. Just defeat the situation.

"Okay Renault..."

"Okay, okay, I believe you still can't do it? Perhaps, this disaster on our earth is the biological weapon that you aliens deliberately spread out and want to destroy our earth?"

"Now you see, your conspiracy has succeeded, what are you going to do next?"


Obviously Rick, who didn't believe what the other party was saying at all, couldn't help but laugh as he spoke.


"That kind of virus is obviously a biochemical weapon that you people on earth researched by yourself. You leaked it out and caused this disaster. What is it for us aliens?!"

"If our star area wants to invade you, just send an army to defeat your government. Where does the world need to be destroyed?"

Renault’s face was full of unhappiness. This is exactly what he said. If their star area wants to occupy this earth, it is really enough to be a battleship, and there is no need to use that frenzied and devastating virus. !

You know, even Kerrigan's insect swarms are no longer used by that kind of trick! Moreover, population is very important no matter what, let alone the tens of billions of people on the entire planet, no one would choose to do that kind of frantic thing.

"Jim! I'm joking with you, what are you doing so nervously?"

Rick laughed, because he had also heard some rumors from the survivors in the camp. It seems that the spread of the virus is really the reason why some people in their world have implemented some crazy plans?

But now it’s too late to say anything, because now it’s the end of the world. Perhaps the high-level leaders of a certain country who implemented that crazy plan have already reaped the fruits of themselves and turned into a member of the walking dead, and these survivors who survived by chance, I still need to continue struggling in this world to survive, and it doesn’t make any sense to think about other things.


"Jim, I would rather hope you are an alien, and then summon countless warships to help us people on earth solve these troublesome problems and solve those walking dead?"

Rick sighed, this world is completely finished, and no one can count on it. The federal government is even more restrained and it has collapsed! So, if he can, he really believes that there are aliens who can come to help them and bring their lives back to normal?

To be honest, he was seriously injured from a gunshot, and then he woke up from the hospital and found that the world had changed a lot, but he was really touched by the survivors who had been awake all the time!

"For you people on Earth, I, Jim Reynolds, is an alien, and I did it!"

"I have sent many signals to our Kepulu region, reported what happened here, and asked for their support, but..."

"It's been almost a year, and they haven't responded, nor have they seen sending even a transport ship to rescue."

Having said this, Jim Reynolds sighed, and then sat up from the ground, learning the other side's appearance, picked up a stone and threw it into the dug artificial lake below the mine.


Soon, another small splash of water splashed up high, and then the ripples and ripples that appeared to make the originally quiet small lake agitate.


Rick felt a little inexplicable, because, just now, he just took a sentence casually, but unexpectedly, this Jim Reynolds actually took it seriously?


"Maybe, it's because I, the commander, has retired for too long. No one wants to value me anymore, right?"

Think about the men who were in the beginning, such as Matt Horner, Grevin Hill, and even the leader of the engineering team of their Rangers, Rory Swan, etc., but they all became high officials in the Hero Federation of! However, no one has even paid any attention to the request for help from this former chief?

Think about it, it's really a bit of a bleak world, and people's hearts are not old~!

'I said……'

‘Brother Jim, do you really think of yourself as an alien’s commander? ’

"of course!"

"I once led an entire fleet, the kind that can easily occupy the solar system! There is also a huge battlecruiser called the Huberian, but I heard that it is now a museum?"

"It was the **** Arcturus Mengsk's suggestion. I think that old guy must still hate me, or he wouldn't do it so deliberately! Although the Huberian is indeed a bit behind However, such a good spacecraft should not be retired so soon."


"Actually, if you can have a CMC armor, you can guarantee that those walking dead can't help me!"


"Why, Rick, you don't seem to believe it?"

'Do not! I believe! ’

"Please, the look on your face tells me you don't believe it at all!"


‘But Jim, I don’t see any difference between you and us on earth, unless you show me some evidence that can prove that you are not on earth! ’

Speaking of this, Rick, who remembered something, suddenly looked at the other's crotch with a dazed attitude. He felt that he had found the real reason for the other party's rejection of that beautiful and young Miss Amy?


"What are you looking at! I'm really an alien, but I look exactly like you people on Earth! Because the humans in our Kepulu region were colonists who were exiled from the earth to the Kepulu region. !"

"I still remember that it was in 2231, and it was a good thing the **** UPL coalition did!"


‘But Jim, now is 2020...’

"Of course I know!"

"I'm talking about another world's earth, in 2231 there! At that time, UPL was in power, and they exiled all those who opposed them, but then we fought back after the unification of the constellation. Now that UPL, That is to say, the later UED should be defeated by the army in our zone, right?"


"Oh no! Rick, why do you still look unbelievable?"

‘Should I believe it? ’


"Look at this, this is our communicator. It can contact the Kepulu area in another world and call to rescue the fleet!"

Seeing how the other party refused to believe in him, Jim Reynolds, who was anxious, took out his only high-precision instrument that could prove that he was not a human being, and pressed it on it.

'and then? ’


‘Where’s your rescue fleet? As long as you can call it out, all of us and I will believe that you are an alien! ’

"But I really am!"

‘Where’s the evidence? With this broken iron box? ’

"It's not a tattered iron box!"

'All right! Brother Jim, let's go back, it's almost time for lunch now, there will be no fresh live fish when we go back late! ’



"It, it's moving?!"

Originally, Jim Reynolds, who stood up in frustration and wanted to go back to the camp of the abandoned mining area below to eat with him, suddenly almost jumped up in fright.

Because he discovered that the communicator that hadn't responded for a full year, this gadget that is said to be able to send coordinates and help messages, is now shaking? !


"This is not suitable for a spaceship to land, hurry up, Rick, let's go back to the camp quickly, you will soon see evidence that I am an alien!!"

Regardless of explaining more, Jim Reynolds once again confirmed that the messy press in his hand actually pressed out the small rescue object, he hurriedly turned around and ran towards the bottom of the mountain...

Because, now he is finally ready to get rid of this **** apocalyptic earth, and finally does not need to use Yuanshi’s but backward weapons to fight the walking dead!

'Come on! ’

‘Brother Jim! Don't be kidding, I can see that it's just a vibrator. Where is your battleship? ! ’

Rick, who couldn't laugh or cry behind, but had to walk fast to follow, shouted loudly at the front Jim Reynolds who was joking with him.

"It's on top of your head!!!"

After the last shout, Jim Reynolds quickly circumvented the dense forest in front, and then disappeared in a few moments.

‘What can be on top of your head? ’

Sheriff Rick stopped subconsciously and lifted his hat up to look up towards the sky.

‘! ! ’

'my Lord! So, what is that? ! ’

Rick, who originally thought that the other party was joking with him, only saw: Above the sky, above the blue sky and white clouds, he didn't know when a steel battleship that seemed to be about the size of a fist appeared? !

Of course, the big fist is just Rick's visual inspection...

Because, if the opponent is now in the orbit of the earth, and it can be visually as big as a fist, then its size must be very shocking! Anyway, it must be bigger than the ISS and the larger Tiangong space station under construction?

"my Lord……"

Now, apart from calling God, the sheriff of this small town near Atlanta, the lucky survivor Rick Grimes, doesn't know what to say.

I don’t know how long it took. When he finally recovered and realized that he didn’t know when he had walked back to the camp, he found out again:

At this time, in their survivor camp, there were already many people in their survivor camp, as shocked as him, looking at the huge steel spacecraft-like building slowly descending in the sky. It looked like the largest Ford class in the Federation. The aircraft carrier is many times larger, and at this time it is slowly landing with a huge and roaring particle engine, and then opened four legs like giant thighs to stop its huge and heavy body firmly. The most spacious of the abandoned mine, the cargo yard that has begun to grow grass.


As the same huge hatch above opened, a huge transport ship, about the size of several large trucks, actually took the lead to fly over to their camp?

At the same time, the leader of this camp, one of the bosses, Jim Reynolds, the guy who just told him Rick that he is an alien, waved his hands and greeted him without fear at all?

"Oh, God!!"

At this moment, Rick finally understands. It seems that the guy who just joked was really not joking. That guy, really an alien, really called the aliens and alien warships? !


‘! ! ’

'Great! Jim, are you still alive? ! ’

Just alighted from the transport spacecraft, did not wait for the accompanying guards, did not wait for the heroic Federal Marines wearing heavy CMC armor and holding C-20 high-tech electromagnetic spike rifles to ensure safety and in front of the survivors on this earth When she was posing for her prestige, a woman wearing a researcher's robes and glasses, who looked very quiet and delicate, but did not have any dress, rushed out.

‘It’s nice to see you again! ’

‘Jim, you can’t imagine it. I’ve been worried for a long time because I haven’t received your definite reply. We have all prepared for the worst and thought you were dead! ’

Sheriff Renault’s old lover, Dr. Ariel Hansen, rushed over and saved Sheriff Lei fiercely, and after kissing the opponent's cheek fiercely, he was out of breath and whimpered. Write.

Because she hasn’t seen Jim Reynolds again for a long time. Since the other party and the female bug Kerrigan disappeared together, she has never heard from each other again, knowing that Haiwen Xing received the other party a year ago. At that time, after intermittent calls for help, she was able to know again the trace of this desperate guy in front of her.

"Alright, darling, there are a lot of people watching..."

Realizing that the other party was holding him and was unwilling to let go, Renault, who was slightly embarrassed, patted the other party's shoulder lightly, and slightly forcefully broke away from the other's embrace.

You know, Jim Reynolds now has a wife, and his wife is still an object that many people, including him, can't offend. Therefore, he had better not get in touch with flowers and grass! Even if the other party was his old lover, he didn't dare to do something that would make a certain **** jealous.


"Why, Chief Lei, I haven't despised you as a stinky fellow, but you still despise me?"

Dr. Hansen, who was pushed away by the opponent, looked a little unhappy, so she held her arm and squinted dissatisfiedly, staring at the opponent's eyes and asked.

"I don't dare! But, Doctor, why did you come here?"

Renault had imagined that all places might come to rescue him, such as the iron buddy Matt Horner, such as the old man Rory Swann, of course, it could also be Tykes Finley’s food, and it is said that he has not Dead guy?

However, he never thought that the one who came here to save him today would be Dr. Ariel Hansen, a doctor of the Federal Institute of Genetics!

"Then who else do you think?"

"I heard that a terrible plague broke out in your world, and people all over the world are about to become the kind of moving corpses, so I'm here!"

Dr. Hansen, who was holding his arm, shook her head. She found that it seemed that the other party hadn't changed at all for so many years? Moreover, she also found out that Kerrigan and Sarah didn't seem to be here?

"Oh, look, I forgot!"

"Yes! I know, Doctor, you are very good at this kind of thing. The Zerg virus was solved by you, then please! If you can develop an antidote or a vaccine, this survivor on this earth I will thank you very much."

‘Don’t worry! ’

‘Let’s stop talking, let them collect some samples for me first, and then set up a laboratory quickly! Now the federal biotechnology is very advanced. If there is no vaccine or antidote within a week at the latest, then I will lose. ’

'and also! ’

‘Master Führer is over there, she has been a bit grumpy lately, you better be careful! ’

After the greetings with Renault, Dr. Hansen, who has always been an activist and dislikes contact with strangers, glanced at the survivors behind Renault, and after reminding them, he turned around and moved away. The command center of the hypothetical scientific research base is walking.

"Okay! No problem! Doctor, go ahead and leave me alone."

Now that the overall situation is set, seeing countless SCV engineers and Marines start to deploy bases and defenses in this place, Renault knows that tonight, he can finally sleep peacefully.

‘Jim! ’

"They are..."

After the soldiers in the mighty and domineering armor and the woman who looked like an alien official left, Rick, Sean, Glen, Lori and Old Dale from the survivor camp surrounded them. Coming over, I looked at the surroundings and in the distance those "aliens" who got off the spacecraft and started to build camps quickly and didn't know what they were doing and asked.

"Don't worry, guys!"

"Rick, look, this is the rescuer I promised you before! However, what even I didn't expect was that they would come so long..."

"The one just now is Dr. Aire Hansen, an expert in biological genetic research. I told you that she started to study chemistry at the age of six, published research reports at the age of eleven, went to university at the age of sixteen and got the Tasan The full scholarship of the University of Nice has also researched an antidote to the Zerg virus!"

"So, you don't need to worry at all, because from now on, you are safe, they will help you save the world, and you will soon be able to continue living your stable and peaceful life on this planet again! "

Now is not the time to explain, and he has already told Rick just now, so after patting Rick on the shoulder hard, and finally nodding to the still agitated survivors with a relaxed smile , Renault strode towards a little girl who was already a little impatient.

"Say what you want!"


"Big Renault, they are very busy now!!"


Seeing that the other party finally walked towards him, Master Anne, who had long been unwilling to stay in this broken earth full of walking corpses like ‘undead’, asked directly with a cold face.

Because, when the other party sent the help message, he called for him to see him, so the group of guys in the federation relayed it to him, and until now, he took the time to meet with the guy in front of him.

"Head Anne..."

"That's it. About a year ago, Kerrigan and I were attacked. I don’t know what attacked us. Although Kerrigan used her Sarnagar’s divine power to resist, she still failed. Then I got here, and lost her information at the same time..."

"I think if anyone can help her, it must be you! Can you help me find her?"

After looking at the left and right, no one was eavesdropping on their conversation before he leaned forward nervously and told him about the things he had hidden in his heart for almost a year.

"Okay! Don't say it! Because they probably already know what's going on! No wonder they found out that Kerrigan is no longer in the Kepulu zone. It turned out to be so..."


"Actually, it wasn't someone who attacked you. That's because there are problems in each world now. They start to collide and entangle constantly. People are busy dealing with them recently!!"

(; one_one)

Yes, Annie knew what was going on when she heard the other person's description.

After all, in the world of the Kepulu zone, there must be no one who can threaten Kerrigan’s safety. That guy is the last Sarnagar, who is like the creator, and there is only a gap created when the world collides. And energy can threaten that guy.

Therefore, the big Renault in front of him will appear here, and as for where Kerrigan has gone, she doesn't know yet.

"The world collides?"

"It sounds terrible, but what is going on?"

It turned out that it was such a thing. Renault nodded. He always thought that it was a dark Sarnagar like Eamon who had come out to cause trouble and hurt Kerrigan, so he called for him and wanted to meet this one in front of him. brat.

"If people say that they are not too clear, would you believe it?"

(((┏(; ̄▽ ̄)┛


Little Annie felt that she would never let others know: it was actually because she frequently shuttled through the worlds, and then left her mark in the worlds, and also called the fleets across multiple planes and across the world. Plundered certain specialties of different worlds more than once, such as flat peaches, ginseng fruits, and a lot of infinite gems, etc., and then used the energy and rules of one world to influence other worlds, which led to the occurrence of certain worlds. Kind of knock-on effect?


ε=(????`●))) alas


However, Sergeant Lei did not question him, and directly nodded openly and expressed his belief in the greatest little head of state in their sector.

"Huh? You didn't like people very much before?!"


In this regard, the head of state Anne expressed some confusion.

"I didn't really like it at first!"

"Because you guy completed what we haven't done for many years in a short time... But then, I found out that at least in the Kepru region because you have achieved the peace that everyone dreams of, this We have been working hard for many years and have not been able to achieve it...The Tyrannian Federation has not been realized, and the Mengsk Empire has not been realized, but you, a little fellow, have done it, so I have no reason not to choose to believe you!"

Regardless of the process, anyway, as far as the result is concerned, Jim Reynolds himself admires the little guy in front of him a little, and Kerrigan has the same idea as him.



"People seem to like you as a big man now!"


A guy who once hated himself is now complimenting himself on the other hand, and Master Anne must not be angry.

"Thank you!"

"But little guy, do you know where Kerrigan is? I haven't seen her for more than a year. Although she is much stronger than me, I am still very worried about her now!"

Renault guessed that Kerrigan might not have fallen into this world with him, because if the other party is on this earth or other places, they will definitely come to him as soon as possible, but the other party did not! Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that the other party may be trapped in a certain world just like yourself now.

"More than a year..."

!? (??''????)??

Annie realized this keyword at this time. She didn't even think that the time in this world would flow so fast. You must know that she discovered that the world collided not long ago and hurriedly left the wizard's world.

Maybe it's because it just merged, or it's a factor caused by the lack of mysterious power in this world? However, she has already noted this matter, and will deal with it later, and try to find a way to integrate all the world's time together.

"Big Renault, let me tell you that, where Kerrigan is, people don't know now..."


"Because most of the people's power must be separated to protect these overlapping and overlapping worlds, and they are working hard to ensure their independence, to ensure that they will not suddenly collide together, and to protect people in each world from suddenly Just die...So, the power that can be used is really not too much, really can't help you find that Kerrigan..."


"Also, you may not know that people are going to be so busy lately! Sometimes, people really want to directly withdraw their strength, find a place to sleep, and let these endless worlds fend for themselves!! "


Annie wouldn’t tell the big Renault in front of her that, because of the need to protect this world, her current strength is at best equal to the level of her domineering and burning dragons in the land of voodoo. At most, it is equivalent to the hero level when she burned the old dragon to the upper level, and the level below the demigod?

This kind of thing, thinking of it, is really miserable...

Perhaps, this is what Tibbers, the bad little bear in his family, said, he will have to pay it back sooner or later when he comes out? And now look at it, she has obtained countless delicious foods from each world, gained countless knowledge and powerful enough to easily destroy or create a new world! But now, she had to temporarily return the power she had gained.

Of course, no one can defeat or threaten her in this world that will become her private one!

However, it seems that when facing some powerful guys, she can't help them temporarily?

Moreover, she can't even change a large number of clones to go to various worlds to help her solve all kinds of troubles, so she has the kind of things that make her complain and the kind of headaches and troubles that make her feel. She felt overwhelmed and completely overwhelmed.


Now all the worlds are on fire. She is like a firefighter who is fighting a fire, but no matter how busy she is, even if she hasn't eaten or slept for several days, she can't be too busy alone!

"No way?"

"Even you, a powerful guy who can easily cross the barriers of the world, can't solve that kind of problem?"

What made Renault somewhat unexpected is that he originally thought that the other party could help him solve the trouble, but who ever thought that the other party himself was already in trouble?

Renault had heard what Kerrigan had said before. He had already realized the eight-year-old girl in front of him who seemed harmless to humans and animals, and knew how capable this little head of the Heroic Federation of the Kepru District was! You know, as powerful as the last Sarnagar, and as powerful as his Kerrigan, there is no way the opponent can easily cross the barriers of the world.

"No way!"


"That's countless worlds, but there is only one person in the family, so where can I get busy again?!"


If the big Renault man in front of him finishes talking, Annie will leave, because she can't stay in this world, she will go to other worlds to be busy.


"Don't you still have a huge empire to back it up? With the power of the current Kepulu region, wouldn't it be able to help you?"

Renault was puzzled, because he knew that the power of the star area had grown into a terrifying monster! And draw out some strength to help the little guy in front of you solve the trouble, isn't it the same as playing?

Just like now, this virus-ravaged world, in this doomsday-like earth, after the arrival of battleships and Marines, eliminate the walking corpses that only use teeth to bite, and develop targeted vaccine antidote. , Isn't that just a matter of effort?

"No way!"


"In addition to being able to freely enter each world and obtain coordinates, people can no longer easily open large portals... Even you are also provided by others, so that people in the star area can build their own portals to barely manage That battleship was sent here!"


"Furthermore, because the world is now merging, in order to maintain stability, it took a lot of effort to help them successfully transmit. Now you can't open the door like before, otherwise the two universes will be in phase. If you bump into each other or tear each other together, then there will be a mess!"


It's like a guy named Ner'zhul used to open a portal in Draenor and then shatter an entire planet!

And now,

Because the world has become unstable, if there is no support and help from Anne, those guys have just opened such a large portal and transmitted a battleship, maybe they have destroyed the two linked worlds, and then The ripple effect has spread to more worlds!

And this is precisely why she quickly shut down after only one battleship was sent over.

"Forget it!"


"It’s getting late, I’m really busy now, I don’t want to tell you so much! Here! This is the hearthstone to Haven Star. When you want to go back, go back by yourself, but it can only teleport you Alone!"


After speaking, Little Annie threw a white stone with blue magic runes on it into the opponent's hand, then turned around and prepared to leave here and go to other worlds to save her from the fire.


"Head Anne, please wait!"

Suddenly, Renault called out the little Annie who was just about to leave in front of her, making her turn around in confusion.



"Do you have anything else? Just finish it if you have it! But if you want to find Kerrigan, there is definitely no way people can do it now. After they find her, they will send her back to the Kepulu district. You just have to go back and wait slowly!"


To testify with bear's conscience, her Master Anne is really busy now, this is no excuse! Because, she is really busy to save the world, to save the countless trillions of creatures!

If the other party delays her for a second, many people will probably die! Anyway, these guys haven't really come into contact with them, and they will never know what terrible things are happening now.

"Head Anne..."

"That's right, what you just said, I tried to analyze it... Are you really sure, you can no longer rely on the power of the star area?"

Renault would definitely not run back to the star area honestly, and then start a long and meaningless wait, so he felt that he had better take the initiative to try to find him sooner, who now doesn't know what world he is living in. Kerrigan will do.

After all, a certain little girl is notoriously unreliable, even if the biotechnology in the star area is already very advanced, but if he doesn’t want to wait until Kerrigan, it’s already a mess when his Sara comes back. For the old man, what is the best thing to do?

"It's not bad!"


"It's just that the large-scale teleportation is not worthwhile, but for the small-scale teleportation, the soldiers are too weak. It's not as worrying and labor-saving as others who go out on their own!"


That's right, in the eyes of Little Annie, the power of the Kepru region is a large-scale fleet, the kind of huge ship artillery that can even kill Eamon.

And if it were to transmit small-scale troops, then she would definitely not be as efficient as her own horse! Although, the power she can use right now is not too much, but her face is great, people in many worlds know her Queen Anne is so powerful, and most of them know her, as long as she appears, all problems will be solved. All solved!

Of course, the only disadvantage of this method is that she is too busy. She has been almost unable to parry recently, and almost wanted to quit her burden.


"So, Lord Führer, you haven't thought about forming a special team or organization to help you solve the problems you mentioned? For example, forming a League of Legends with you in the center, or a hero academy? or Is it the special forces team?!"

Seeing the other party's face became a little impatient, I felt that the method I had thought of was good, and should enable me to find Renault of Kerrigan with the help of the opponent's power, so I hurriedly said it.



"Wait, let people think about it..."


That's right, recently Annie herself was a little fainted, and a certain bear cub seemed to be reluctant to give a bad idea, so she really didn't seem to have thought about something that seemed feasible?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers said that this is not because it doesn’t want to say it, nor is it that it doesn’t want to think of a solution, but that some bad little master doesn’t seem to have asked about it! Besides, Tibbers feels that seeing his It’s fun that the little master is busy and crazy. You don’t have to eat and sleep like before. After sleeping and eating, you can continue to run around the world. How can it still remind each other?)

"It seems to be feasible!"


"Okay! Big Renault, people decide, just try what you said! They will set up a storm academy by themselves, find some good people, and then send them to help them solve the problem!!"


That's right, Annie felt that if only a few people were sent, there should be no problem! When the time comes, if you find any problem, you can send someone out directly, but you don't have to do anything. That seems to be fine?

Anyway, it must be much better than busying myself now!

So, after making the decision, she nodded with satisfaction to a bigger Renault man who was more pleasing to the eye, and was about to turn around and leave here again.

"please wait!"

However, Renault called her again...

"What's wrong with you?!"


"Head Anne..."

"Since I gave you such good advice, are you planning to leave like this?!"

Renault sighed helplessly, he didn't understand, such a good helper stood in front of the other party, why did the other party ignore it?


∑(??△`)? !

"Do you still want to be rewarded? But, people don't seem to remember to bring lollipops today..."



What's the joke, when did Sergeant Lei said he wanted a reward or a lollipop? !

"I said Master Anne, don't you think about recruiting me Jim Reynolds into your Storm Academy?!"

That's right, this is Renault's main purpose now!

As for the present earth, after Dr. Hansen and the others arrived, there is nothing for him. Therefore, he now intends to abandon Rick and them ruthlessly. At the same time, it also includes those who are extremely obsessed with him and have confessed to him three times. That little girl Amy.

"Just you guy?!"

∑(??△`)? !



"Forget it, you can't do it, big Renault, although you guys have a good brain, you are still too weak after all..."


In the blueprint of Little Annie's beginning to form a basic framework, her Storm Academy needs to recruit at least the strongest heroes, and the demigods are the best? As for the guy in front of me, apart from a body of tendon meat, it seems that there is really no merit, and it is not her dish!


You are too weak, weak, weak...

Like an echo, the deafening and disgusting sound of a certain little girl blew up in Renault's mind, and it could not be calm for a long time...

"Head Anne!!!"

"Yes! I am really an ordinary person, Renault. I don't have the magical magic of yours, nor the powerful psionics of Kerrigan and Nova, but I am an excellent commander!"

"Even, I think I'm the best one! Whether it's battlefield command, tactical command or frontline dispatch, I don't think it belongs to anyone!!"

"Besides, after putting on the CMC armor, I can also handle most situations. Don't you need an excellent commander like me to help you schedule tasks and command operations?"

In fact, Renault doesn’t have to join in, but, given that a little guy despises himself, and since he also wants to find Kerrigan as soon as possible, he must be doing his part and want to join the other party that is about to build. In the hero academia!



"It sounds like it makes sense..."


Although the other party didn't quite understand what little Annie said, but if you think about it seriously, it seems to make sense?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Your Great Head of State!"

"Field Commander Jim Leno reports to you!!"

Seeing that the other party seemed to start to waver, Jim Reynolds, who didn't come back when he felt the opportunity was indispensable, hurried forward, and when the little girl hesitated, stood at attention and paid a standard military salute to the other party.


!? (??''????)??

"Okay, okay! People promised you, stay away! You guys smelly, how many days have you not taken a bath?!"


Little Annie, who was about to refuse the other party, suddenly smelled a terrible smell, and then she hurriedly covered her little nose and stepped back several steps, and asked disgustingly.

"It didn't take long..."

"I haven't washed it for a month, right?"

After smelling the smell of his body and armpits, Renault felt pretty good.

Because, this world is full of troublesome walking corpses. They can wash their face every day and wipe their body when they think of it, when they are precarious and unconditional. Where is the condition to take a bath?

Over the past half a year, he, Chief Lei, has long been accustomed to this kind of life, and he hasn't seen anyone in the camp despising whom! Besides, the smell on their bodies is much better than the smell on the walking corpses outside.

"The mud is playing!"


"The matter just said is so decided, you first go back to Haiwenxing to make preparations, and they will look for you again when they are free!"


After speaking, Annie's body, who was holding her little nose, gradually became dim, and soon turned into a phantom, disappearing without a trace in the wind in this world, and once again successfully frightened the survivors in the distance. , Sheriff Rick and the rest of them all made a fuss and exclaimed.

‘! ! ’

‘Why did that little alien girl suddenly disappear? ’

‘What advanced technology is it? ’

‘It’s incredible...’

‘Looks like magic, UU reading www.uukānshu. com dad! ’

‘Child, there is no magic in this world. It must be advanced technology that we don’t know, just like their spaceship. ’

Rick corrected his son Carl's words and rubbed his opponent's head vigorously.

Now, he didn't want to care about what happened to those aliens, nor did he want to entangle their leader, Renault, who turned out to be an alien. He only knew now that they were saved! Whether it is oneself or one's own wife, or one's own son, their family and all of them, they will soon be able to live a normal life, and no longer have to fight and struggle with the walking dead outside. Saved.


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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