Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1005: The formal establishment of the Justice League and Storm Academy in the DC world

Bat Cave, the secret base of Batman Bruce Wayne was built in a cave underground in Gotham City. As for what buildings are on the Bat Cave, it is not for outsiders. After all, this is the secret of Lord Wayne’s house. The base, if everyone knows it, I am afraid that some demons have already come to the door.

Here, the super wealthy Wayne family used a series of high-tech technology to decorate, and just ran out to pick up the new version of the Batmobile of a certain white-robed mage Gandalf, and stopped at this time. On the aisle of the bat gate, its body still has decorations similar to bat wings, and the hood is also emitting a billowing heat...

Obviously, in order to get rid of the chasing soldiers and those who are stalking, and finally return here successfully, they still spent a lot of thought.

At this time, in this Bat Cave room with computers and other devices, Batman Bruce Wayne and his butler, Afu, Alfred Peniworth, are standing In front of those computers and related equipment, he thoughtfully looked at an old wizard with white hair, white beard and white robe who was brazenly leaning on a long white staff, and constantly looking at their secret base.

"young people……"

"My name is Gandalf. I am a white-robed wizard. I don't understand. Who are you and why did you choose to save me?"

Although, Gandalf does not feel that he needs someone else to rescue him, because he has the confidence to clean up any demons who dare to provoke him! Of course, it doesn't matter if he doesn't win in the end, because he is also confident to escape calmly when he can't beat the enemy.

That's because he is Gandalf, the white-robed wizard Gandalf, and also a sub-god Maya!

However, since the other party kindly helped and rescued himself from the stalking of those demons with that magical vehicle and car, and brought himself to this secret stronghold underground, he must not Will be stingy with the little gratitude towards each other.

Here, he can have food and drink, and can rest undisturbed for one or two nights, he will definitely not mind too much. So, after looking at what seemed to him a little novel, he asked about the things he cared about.

"Hello! Wizard Gandalf!"

"I won’t hide it from your Excellency. My name is Bruce Wayne, which is the legendary Batman in this city... and this one is the steward of our Wayne family, as well as my assistant and most important 'S family-Mr. Alfred Peniworth!"

"I am not actually saving you, because we can see that your power is very strong. Those demons will not be your opponents, but I don't want to see you alone and lonely by their evil presence. It's just bullying."

After identifying himself and introducing his butler, he found that there was no surprise in the other person’s eyes. It seemed that he did not know him. This made Bruce Wayne feel a little surprised, but , But he did not show it.

"So it's like this..."

"It's just that, I don't understand, those demons, that is, those Bear Shield agents, what happened to them? Why do they seem to have completely ruled the city?!"

Yes, Gandalf has seen it in the days when Gotham City is smashed. It seems that those demons, that is, those guys who claim to be Bear Shield, are the real masters here. Dominating this huge city with a population of 30 million?

And this is what Gandalf felt very incredible. You must know that demons rule humans, but humans themselves are still happy, which he has never thought of and has never seen.

"It's a long story..."

Bruce smiled bitterly, because now it is more than a Gotham City that is secretly controlled by the demons?

"Before, I was determined to protect this city and eradicate evil..."

"But unfortunately, those demons easily ruled our world by various means at an exaggerated speed. Up to now, as far as I know, many politicians and high-level military leaders in various countries in the world have People controlled by them or directly replaced by them are the greatest evil in the world, but I can't help it."

"I accidentally discovered that you were fighting the demons a few days ago, so I decided to bring you back here in order not to let you do that kind of futile thing."

Thinking about all these years that he had been trying to fight the Bear Shield, but in the end it was still a futile sense of powerlessness, Bruce couldn't help but smile.

As the son of Gotham, although he has the inheritance rights of the largest Wayne Company in Gotham City and the actual ownership of 70% of the land in Gotham City, compared with the Bear Shield, which controls the entire world, both financial and material resources , He does not have any advantage! Perhaps this is the reason why he has been trying to resist the opponent's ‘ruling’, but he has not shown any improvement, right?

"The whole world?"

"This is much scarier than Mordor back then..."

Gandalf smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't even think that the demons in this world would be so rampant!


"Who is he?"

Suddenly, Gandalf frowned and pointed at someone who was flying down from the vent of this underground cave. He was wearing a blue tights, a red cloak, and a pair of red trousers. His muscles were knotted. Very strong and flying guy.

At the same time, he couldn't help being silently guarded, because he could see that the opponent was a very powerful fighter.


"He is Superman Clark, the most powerful companion among us, and the core existence of our Justice League!"

Seeing that someone was late at this time, Bruce quickly explained.

"Hello, Master Gandalf, I'listened' about you on the way here. I'm glad to see you..."

The superman who strode over first handed something to Batman Bruce before reaching out to Gandalf.


However, it is strange that Gandalf did not stretch out his hand to clasp him, but frowned and looked at him.

"what happened?"

"Do I have any questions?"

Superman was puzzled, and looked down at his body, there seemed to be nothing wrong.


"No, nothing, young man, you are strong, better than anyone I have ever seen!"

Gandalf shook his head, then took a step forward, and took the other's hand, because he knew that was the basic etiquette of the earthlings in this world?

Then he quickly let go, but there was a clear look between his eyebrows, but he didn't go on to say anything, but smiled and witty stood aside, waiting patiently for the Bruce to talk to the other party.

"Sorry, let me lose my company?"


Bruce pulled Clark over, and asked in a low voice in the other's ear.

"How did that matter go?"

‘I just gave it to you, you can watch it yourself later! ’

"What about the other thing?"

'Do not worry! It's all done! ’

"What do you need now?"

‘Not yet, I will come to you if there is one! ’


In the following dialogue, Gandalf did not continue to eavesdrop, because he himself knew that it was very impolite. Although his hearing is very good as Maya, it was not that he deliberately tried to steal. An excuse to listen to other people's conversations.

So, he turned his head and walked to the other side, walked to the side of the butler Alfred, and took out his pipe.

"I want to enjoy it, do you mind if I smoke here?"

Gandalf knows that these people on earth cannot smoke in some places, and if they make a mistake, they will be cast into disgust, disgust, and angry eyes? Therefore, before biting the pipe holder and preparing to take out his own shredded tobacco, he first asked the old butler who was standing by.

"of course can!"

"But, Wizard Gandalf, do you want a good cigar?"

After speaking, without waiting for the other party to reply, butler Alfred Peniworth thoughtfully took out a box of expensive cigars from the drawer, and then took out one and handed it to the other party.


"It smells very good, thank you very much!"

For the old smoker Gandalf, this temptation is definitely not easy to refuse.

Therefore, he quickly dispelled the idea of ​​taking out his shredded tobacco, and turned to the other party’s cigar. After sniffing the cigar, he skillfully tore open its outer packaging with a smile and took it out directly. The tobacco inside was stuffed into the bowl of his pipe, and then as soon as he stretched out his finger, a magical flame flashed, and he began to vomit beautifully.


Can cigars still be smoked like this?

Just took out the cigar, before he had time to cut the floor for the other party, Alfred, the old butler, opened his mouth and saw that the other party had already smoked with a pipe, and from time to time he also pulled out some tobacco and put it in, he thought. I thought, in the end, I didn't say anything and let the other party play by themselves.


It’s a pity that I didn’t wait long for Gandalf to enjoy it. Soon, Bruce and the guy named Superman Clark, who were talking quietly not far away, went to Gandalf after talking about them. Come over here.

"Young man, I don't know if you have heard such a sentence?"

When the two came to him, Gandalf suddenly spoke, because he heard some whispers that the two had just said, so he felt that some things could be said now.


"What do you want to say?"

Superman was a little puzzled, because he felt very strange about this new old man, who seemed to have been paying attention to him from the beginning, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"Two days ago, I read a book by one of your earth philosophers. It said: If you fight with the dragon for too long, you will become the dragon; if you stare at the abyss for too long, the abyss will look back... "

"I always think it makes sense."

! !

"Old wizard, just say what you want to say..."

Superman frowned, then asked directly.

He knows the meaning of the other party's sentence. It is from Nietzsche's "The Transcendence of Good and Evil", which means: The evil dragon is an evil dragon because his behavior breaks the moral bottom line and the principle of justice? And these will make their offensive more unscrupulous, more vicious, and if people want to defeat the dragon, many times they must also use the vicious methods of the dragon... After a long time, even if people win, it will be to a certain extent. Become the kind of person they hated most before, that is, the "evil dragon"?


"Young man, fighting against the devil requires wits and bravery. You may be strong, as I can tell, but it's not enough to be strong alone. I found that your strong appearance is weak and sensitive. Mind, your current state is very dangerous..."

"and also……"

"I just heard what you said. Of course, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on it. It’s just that my old man’s ears have always been very good. So, for the thing you want to invite me to join the Justice League, I might Need to consider it for now?"

After Gandalf exhaled a breath of smoke with different tastes, he looked up at the soldier in front of him who was so strong that his body seemed to be full of strength, and then looked at Bruce with a slightly embarrassed expression.

You know, what the two said just now, they also said that they must find ways to "fudge" his Gandalf to join them and provide magical support to their "Justice League". He is I heard it all.


"I know how to do my own business, and I'm afraid I don't need people like you who play tricks to tell me!"

Superman suddenly became cold. He knew what the other party meant. However, for some reason, he didn’t like magic or people who use magic. Therefore, he didn’t want to pay attention to the fact that he didn’t know where it came from. What the old man who can count as the "enemy of the enemy" said.


Bruce felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed. After all, Gandalf was brought back by him, but now he had a little conflict with Superman, which made him suddenly wonder who to help.

"young people……"

"Believe me, this old man of mine has lived for countless years, maybe longer than you can imagine, so there are some things that I see very thoroughly... Also, according to what I know about the demons now Look, it’s a bit difficult because you want to defeat them!"

"You people in this world are all deceived by demons, you are isolated and helpless..."

"Am i right?"

Think about the situations that I have seen since I came into this world, and think about the fact that when I fought with demons, I found that ordinary people not only did not help themselves, but also pointed out their own location for the demons, Gandalf felt a little helpless. He sat down on the stool and held his staff and continued to vomit.

Although he didn’t know why he came to this world full of demons, but since he came here, he felt that it must be Eru Iluvita’s will, and he would work hard. Find a way to guide people in this world to confront and recognize the true colors of those demons.

However, he still hasn't figured out how to do it...


"Sorry, Gandalf, take a break first, and I will ask Afu to get you some supper?"

After signalling the opponent to rest here for a while, Bruce chased the Superman who turned and left.


Just walking outside the door and closing the door of the room, Bruce suddenly turned around and approached Superman, looked at each other's eyes and warned:


"Clark, that old wizard, that Gandalf I have been observing for many days, although we have not been able to investigate his origins so far, but I am pretty sure that he is not on that side!"

"and also!"

"He really knows magic, and he can successfully remove the disguise of those Bear Shield agents, so that the world can see the true face of their demons! So please, we need his power, and the Justice League needs his Power, can you stop conflicting with him as soon as you come?"

Bruce was a little frustrated, because their power was not strong. Although they had secretly communicated and developed for several years, but compared with the Bear Shield and the demons, he hoped that everyone in the Justice League could be close Unite together, unite all the forces that can be united, and strive to save the whole world from the devil and from the clutches of the evil Bear Shield as soon as possible!

And this is what everyone in their Justice League has been working hard for!


"Sorry, Bruce, I see, I was a bit gaffe just now..."

After a while, Superman Clark slowly calmed down.

"No! Don't mind, I don't actually blame you, because all of us are under a lot of pressure, but we must stick to it, whether it is you or me, all of us are the same!"

"Yeah! Thank you, Bruce, I'm fine!"

"By the way! Clark, how is your cousin's business going?"


Clark did not speak, but shook his head regretfully.

"It's useless, Bruce!"

"You know who her husband is. That's Shazam the wizard, that's Carter! According to reliable information, he is said to be in a gang with a certain high-level Bear Shield. She can now remain neutral and not follow us. It’s pretty good to confront or expose us!"

"to be frank……"

"If Shazam talks about power alone, I am not afraid, but he, like those demons, has their own weird magic, and when fighting against magic, we have no chance of winning..."

Having said this, Superman Clark sighed.

In terms of strength alone, he is not afraid of ten Shazan! However, once the opponent starts to use that kind of ancient magic, then he is all right...Think about the fact that they have been repeatedly disrupted by the opponent during their confrontation with the Bear Shield in the past few years, and he will not be angry. But it was a little helpless.

"Do not worry!"

"We also have wizards now! Gandalf is really powerful, I can tell! And Diana is now also going to Paradise Island, ready to win the support of Amazon Queen Hippolyte, please believe me, we are in a very fast situation It will improve!"

Bruce squeezed Superman's shoulders hard and encouraged him.

"hope so……"

Clark is noncommittal. He will not tell Bruce that he is actually becoming less and less optimistic about their secret career.

Because, he seems to see no light of victory at all? I think that when those Bear Shield forces had just begun to spread on their earth, they could not stop it, but now the other party is fully seated. On the other hand, the Justice League is still the big cat. The strength of three or two, the gap during this period is too great.

Then, after a last nod to the other party, Clark walked forward without a word, and soon soared into the sky, disappearing from the ventilation shaft of this secret base into the vast night outside.


Turning to look at the old wizard who was taking out the glass house, and thinking about Superman who had just left, Bruce frowned, and some thoughts faintly appeared in his heart.

It seems...

His cloning project is indeed about to begin, because what the earthling needs is more than just a Batman! Also, it's not just a superman!


"Alfred, you continue to receive our new guests, I may have to go out later!"

Seeing Alfred walking over with food, Bruce sighed, and then asked his family with an apologetic look.

‘No problem, go ahead and do your job! ’


After looking at the hard-working figure of my housekeeper, and watching the other party start talking with the old wizard in the room, I felt that my own Bruce was no longer needed here, so I stopped talking, and walked directly outside. He quickly disappeared into the night with howling his car.


at the same time……

In another world, in this world presided over by the real Bear Shield, in a certain room in the Cathedral of Light that is bigger than the real Light’s Hope Chapel, a story about family ethics and Certain fierce rhetoric confrontations on the Holy Light faith are continuing.

In this office that appears to belong to Sally Whitemane, Archbishop of the Holy Light Church, in addition to herself, there are her brother Renault Mograine, the top bearer of the Bear Shield, Phil Colson, and the same The old lion glared at their brother and sister Alexandros Mograine!


Seeing this man in front of me who had already been determined and stood on the same line to fight against him, let him beat his son and his adopted daughter, who was neither abusive nor abusive, and Alexandros Mograine was really confused in his heart. , I don’t know what to say.

These two people are undoubtedly excellent, especially after he learned about the scale and organization of the Holy Light Church these days, he became more and more proud of them! Because his children even spread the light to the entire planet and harvested billions of believers. This is the supreme achievement that all their old guys can't compare!


These two people, one of them is his own son, and the other is his own daughter. The behavior of the two of them eloped and made them faceless! So, if possible, he plans to take one of them back when he returns to the world of Azeroth. Then, he can make both of them calm down and reflect on their behavior?

"Renault! And Sally!"

"You two really don't come back with me?!"

Although this was not the first time to ask, but when he came to the end, he couldn't help asking Mograine.



Sally Whitemane and Renault Mograine, two dog men and women in their father’s eyes, are also the highest leaders of the Holy Light Church in the Marvel Bear Shield world. After they looked at each other, they He lowered his head steadfastly and dared not speak.

It is obvious that neither of them can leave anyone, no one wants to leave anyone, and no one can easily separate their brothers and sisters, even if it is an old man named Alexandros Mograine!

"It's really two evil barriers!!"

Seeing this, the old Mograine sighed again with a grimace.

"How can you two get together? One of you is my son! The other is my daughter!!"

Although he has been angry with the two for several days, he always finds a stick to interrupt someone every time he thinks of this kind of thing, every time he thinks of the situation where the two people's affairs make him faceless in front of those old guys. The impulse of a wicked animal's leg!

Of course, he has tried to do that, but it is a pity that the evil animal ran too fast, and the bones were too strong, so that he had used the Crusader Strike for dozens of times before, but he just failed. Broke a bone?


"Sally is your adopted daughter, not your own daughter! She is the orphan of the Whitemane family. I have no blood relationship with Sally. This is not a problem that we cannot be together, but your old-fashioned and conservative Dogma prevents us from being together!"

at last,

Renault Mograine, who had endured for many days, looked at his old man who was going back to the world of Azeroth today, and there was a high-level Bear Shield next to him, so he felt that the other party would give him something. For the sake of face, Renault Mograine, who shouldn't pick up a stick or chase him with the back of the Ashbringer's knife, gained courage and bit his scalp.


"You bastard! Do you know that, as a Paladin, we should treat ladies with respect and respect. Paladins should only have the duty to protect the ladies, not the right to possess! Feelings and carnal desires will only be lost by the Paladins? The will to fight is inconsistent with the creed of our Paladin!"

Old Mograine scolded angrily, and almost wanted to step forward and press the opponent on the floor to beat him! However, after looking at an outsider who was wearing a suit and holding his wrist while watching the show, he barely resisted that impulse.


"I am now the paladin lord of the Holy Light Church. Sally is the archbishop of the Holy Light Church. Our church has billions of believers and nearly 10,000 paladins! Although they are far from being able to follow the hands of Silver Compared with the Paladins, but this is enough to prove that your words are not necessarily correct, and the creed of the light in the world of Azeroth is not necessarily accurate!"

"Because love and guarding Sally will only make my faith stronger, and our career will make the light on both of us stronger!"

"Facts have proved that Sally and I did the right thing, and you must not break us up!!"

After speaking, as if he wanted to prove, Renault Mograine held his hands tightly, and then burst out the powerful holy light in his body, filling the entire room with that kind of intense In the ocean of golden holy flames.

The Holy Light is not just a simple belief, it is also a very subtle and intelligent existence?

Therefore, after the establishment of the Holy Light Church, after gaining more believers, what followed was that the Holy Light favored him and Sally more. They were able to summon more easily than before. The Holy Light uses more powerful power, unparalleledly powerful!

"is it……"

"Renault, are you trying to challenge me?!"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, it seemed that he was a little stunned by his old face, or was it really pale because of his words that convinced him?

Therefore, after seeing the opponent's provocative actions and the holy light, the old Mograine, who felt that he might not be able to beat the opponent with his bare hands, took the Ashbringer on his back, and made it burst out from above. Holy Flame, intends to go forward and teach the other party a good lesson, so that some stinky kid, big or small, can see how powerful this'Ember Messenger' is?

He admitted that the holy light on this little boy Renault is indeed extraordinary, and it is not even necessary that the Uther Lightbringer who died in the battle under Arthas is weaker, but as long as his old Mograine has ashes With the messenger in hand, he is properly the first of all Paladins!


Sally Whitemane did not speak, but lightly patted her brother and husband on the back of the waist, and after cheering and giving some hints, she stepped back gently.

Although she knew that Renault might not be able to beat a stubborn old man holding the Ashbringer, she felt that after all, it was necessary for Renault to defeat her father before the relationship between her and him could be formalized. recognition?

She doesn’t want much, it’s just an acknowledgment from the other party, even if it’s not a blessing, it doesn’t matter...

Because Sally Whitemane knew that she would never be able to wear a wedding dress in her life, and accepted the blessings of her stubborn old father and the Holy Light in the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel, so now she can only ask for The lowest level thing.

Of course, she wouldn't choose to help her brother secretly. She felt that if Renault was beaten up by his father, maybe... after a bad old man calmed down, wouldn't he be too opposed to them? Then, she would find another chance to coax the other party and coax the other party back, maybe this matter was over.

"and many more!!"

"Two, why are you guys?!"

Finally, entrusted by a little guy, he brought the thing called Hearthstone and handed it to the old Mograine's Coleson. At this time, he finally got a little bit unable to sit still, so he hurried forward to persuade him. One sentence.

After all, apart from giving the other party the hearthstone, Coleson has other important things to do. He doesn't want a guy who eloped with his sister to be beaten up!

"Mr. Mograine, you may not know yet? The relationship between Renault and Sally, in our country and in our world, is certified, and their relationship is protected by the laws of our world. ,and so……"


"Well, are you free?"

However, before Coleson could finish his words, he was frightened and shrank back by the glares of a lousy old man who looked like a lion.

Nothing to say, he has tried his best, but when faced with an inhuman paladin who is still holding a'radioactive' weapon that constantly radiates the energy of the Holy Light, he is an ordinary man. The tenth-level veteran of the Xiong Shield Bureau would definitely not dare to force it up to block it.



The holy light on the old Mograine's body became stronger and stronger, and the light of the Ashbringer in his hand became more and more dazzling. Just as Coleson and a certain archbishop who were worried in their hearts thought that the other party was about to take a knife and hit him. When people...

Surprisingly, the old Mograine was like a discouraged ball, instantly condensing the light energy, and even the round, palm-like Rezebu on the top of the Ashbringer. The strong holy flame on the crystal gradually extinguished.


"Well, you have grown up, your wings have become harder, and you have your own ideas. It seems that my old man really can't control you..."

After slowly inserting the Ashbringer in his hand back into the sword sleeve on his back, the old Mograine finally looked at his elder son and adopted daughter in front of him:

"I will leave in the evening, and you can send me off at that time..."

After finishing speaking, a little lonely, as if a little figured out, he hugged slightly, turned and walked out the door.

If one of the two is active and the other is passive, then he will say that everything can be done to dismantle the other party's dishonorable behavior by fishing for Mograine! However, looking at the two people who seem to be determined, and have made extraordinary achievements in their respective careers and roads, what else does he have to say?

If it were in the world of Azeroth, the disreputable **** behavior of the two would definitely be detrimental to their official careers, and they might even lose their hereditary titles and territories because of this. That is something he would never allow! However, this is not Azeroth, this is the earth, and the two have their own business here, then he has to go back and train his other son Darion.

"Great! Sally!"

"The old man finally gave up the idea of ​​breaking up us!"


"Yes, great, Renault, we are free!!"

Seeing a stubborn and deadly old man finally had to give up, and walked out of this office with a dark face, when the wooden door was slammed on by the opponent, Sally Whiteman and Renault Mograine cheered and hugged each other fiercely and gnawed.

Now, the things that the two of them worry most have not happened, and the things they have been looking forward to have finally arrived. There is nothing that makes them feel cheered more than now! Because their father no longer pursues their brothers and sisters, and failure to pursue them is equivalent to acquiescence, which they have been expecting for many years.



Seeing a pair of dog men and women who were gnawing directly together, completely ignoring their existence, after Coleson twitched his cheeks, he pretended to cough twice and interrupted each other.

Because he still has more important things. If the two want to perform some deeper intimacy here in the church, they can wait for him to leave before doing it?


"Mr. Colson, what else do you have?"

Renault Mograine turned his head, but he didn't mean to let go of his sister, still hugging her body.

Moreover, the meaning of his words is very clear, that is: if there is nothing important, then you can get out, don't interfere with the normal emotional communication between the couple here! Of course, maybe there might be some indescribable exchanges?


"Of course there is!"

After finishing speaking, seeing the two of them looking at him with a very impatient look, Coleson quickly took out two of his suit pockets, which were similar to Hearthstone, but the mark on the top was not. Too the same rune stone was handed over to the two of them.

"this is……"

"Mr. Colson, we don't want to go back to the world of Azeroth. Why did you give us these two rune stones for teleportation?"

Seeing that the palm of her hand was exactly the same as the two in her brother's hand, and there were three waning moon-shaped arcane runes on it, before her brother Renault could speak, Sally Whitemane asked suspiciously.

"This is no ordinary Hearthstone, this is a time-space hub teleportation rune!"

After an explanation with a smile, Coleson continued:


"Your great Queen Anne, the cute lord, and the female emperor of the Azeroth Empire have now created an organization designed to maintain and protect the peace and stability of the plane world. It is outside the barriers of time and space. A battleship that was teleported there! And its name is: Storm Academy!"

"Now, you have been enlisted by your queen or Lord Moe. This matter cannot be rejected. Therefore, you must handle everything in this world within three days and use it on time after three days. The time and space hub transmits runes to the Storm Academy and reports to your commander Jim Raynor!

"My story is over, do you have anything else you want to ask?"

Seeing that the two dog men and women who were scared to let go of each other by what they said were dogs and the men who stopped sprinkling dog food in front of them had calmed down and looked at themselves with shocked eyes, Cole Sen nodded in satisfaction, then continued to smile with his iconic smile.

Originally, Coulson wanted to join the Storm Academy. After all, he had missed the opportunity to join the Avengers before, and now he definitely doesn't want to miss it! But it was a pity that he had to dispel that idea after knowing that his own strength was weak, and considering that the task that the Storm Academy had to face was indeed not something he could handle.



Sally Whitemane and Renault Mograine looked at each other, and then looked at the teleportation runestone in each other's palms. For a while, they didn't know what to say.


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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