Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1010: ?(ψ`?′)o That angel, don’t waver,...

In the Caribbean world, in Europe on the other side of the ocean, a battle to determine the fate of this European land is about to kick off...

"Drink~! ’

"Drink~! ! ’

‘God is with me! ’

‘The holy angel is equal to me! We will be invincible! Those evil witches and their five fireball cult are more sanctioned by the sacred flames from heaven! ! ’

"Drink~! ’

"Drink~! ! ’

In the distance, groups of Church Restoration soldiers, dressed in the old red royal lobster costumes, armed with flintlock muskets, or pushing a small amount of new artillery seized from the witch’s army, shouted loudly. At this time, together with the remaining partisans of the European countries that have been perished for many years and some wealthy businessmen who are unwilling to fail, tens of thousands of troops are confronting the more than 100,000 troops of witches on this western European plain.

Compared with the messy banner of the Church Restoration Army, the sorceress army of the Five Fireballs was relatively calm and quiet.

Whether it was the nearly one hundred combat witches in front of the battle, or the soldiers who were in the lineup holding the latest order-mounted single-shot flintlocks or in the positions of ordinary cannons and magic cannons, they said nothing, silently Under the banner of the five fireball gods, look at the so-called “army of justice” in front who are dissatisfied with the current treatment, because of the desire for power, or simply want to speculate.


"I said dear Elizabeth..."

Admiral Jack Sparrow rode his horse to the side of a witch leader who was more and more beautiful and charming, and carefully persuaded a witch named Elizabeth Swann:

"I think we shouldn't have landed here in Europe to fight them. Look, they really have angels... such a powerful angel, he flies there, can you beat him? "

"You can't beat it!"

Without waiting for the other party to answer, Jack Sparrow spoke out directly and assuredly gave his affirmative answer.

"The power and core power of our Flame Empire are at sea. We must be invincible when fighting at sea. Poseidon’s trident has always been in the hands of the High Priest of Charlotte. We can’t wait for their troops to go to sea. Beat them?"

"Look, their morale is so high now, and there are angels helping them to support the field, our angel? What about that Auriel? She was defeated, she couldn't beat the courageous archangel, she ran back to her dingyly I dare not come out of the highest heaven, leaving us with such a mess!"

"and so……"

"Dear Ms. Elizabeth, shall we withdraw first?"

After speaking, Jack Sparrow took off his general hat, and then turned his horse around with a awkward posture. He really planned to leave the front line of the battlefield and return to his sea ship.

He is Jack Sparrow, in addition to being an admiral, he is also a captain, so he can feel at ease only by returning to the ship! Moreover, only at sea can he have the courage to fight any form of enemy!


However, at this time, a sword used for command was instantly unsheathed and lay right in front of Jack Sparrow’s neck. He was so frightened that he squeezed the reins of the horse, so he didn’t let his neck give Hit the terrible blade.


"Jack Sparrow! If you dare to escape, I will shoot you on the spot!!"

She turned her face sideways and glanced at the opponent with a fierce look, and only after she retracted her back in fright, Elizabeth Swann put her sword into the sheath and continued to stare out of sight with cold eyes. Looking at the enemies who were far away from most of the guns, watched them continue to use blasphemous remarks to boost their poor morale.


"Elizabeth, you know, we can't beat them now!!"

After looking around, the Imperial Admiral Jack Sparrow, who had to turn his horse back, lowered his voice and continued to warn a certain witch who was the head coach:

"You have seen it too! They have that big bird called the Archangel of Courage! He is very strong, guns and cannons are ineffective against him, and your witch's fireball magic is also ineffective against him, unless Charlotte comes here in person, or whoever of you He can't hurt him, he can mess up our army alone!"

"Then they don't have to fight hard, the battle will be won!"

That's right, Jack Sparrow knows that the mobs in front of them are so motivated because they don't need to work hard!

They just need to wait for the end of their courage Archangel rush, and when the empire's army here is in chaos or defeat, then directly rush up and shout to kill and capture the prisoners. They have several times in Europe. The battle is done in the same way, and it is won every time!

Therefore, this time, Jack Sparrow, the Admiral, was ordered to **** hundreds of thousands of elites from the mainland of the Garibal Sea. But how can he think that he was also carried to the shore by a witch?

"Sister Charlotte, she won't leave the capital and the Caribbean easily!"

"Jack Sparrow, this time, we must defeat them no matter what! Otherwise, the situation in Europe will be uncontrollable, and the resistance in many places is also about to move. We must use a big victory to deter them! "

Elizabeth Swan looked at the sky. The blue sky, white clouds and the sun were shining brightly above. It was a very good weather, suitable for the bombardment of musket troops and artillery, but...

She knows that today’s protagonist and the power that decides the outcome will not be the brave musketeers or artillery, but another, they are the battle witches, the enemy on the opposite side, who is suspended in mid-air, wearing gold His battle armor, with a huge golden spear and a red, courageous archangel like flame wings-Impris!

It is said that

That archangel of courage is the leader and embodiment of courage of the Envoy Council in the highest heaven. He also bravely led the angel army of the higher heaven to fight the demons of the flame hell, and has won countless battles in countless years of battle. victory?

Also, according to the hope archangel Auriel, who had helped the witch to persuade them but was beaten away in the end and had to run back to the highest heaven in embarrassment: Among all the archangels in the highest heaven, there is no one. Is it a stronger guardian of justice than Impris?

and so,

Elizabeth herself knew that today's battle would be difficult, but she had to come!

Moreover, they are not without a chance, because Lord Charlotte got their common master of the witch, and got their oracle from the emperor and goddess. They have a way to stop that incredible angel of courage and have a way to get Today's victory!

And now, all she has to do is lead the army here, stop the opposing army and wait for the opportunity.

"A big victory?"

"Elizabeth, it's not that I hit you or I have to hit morale, but..."

Having said this, Jack Sparrow looked around and found that many witches and generals were silently paying attention to his words, and he had to lower his voice and leaned to the other side and continued:

"You should also know that with our strength, there is no way to contend against their angel. Once we lose today, the European side will really be over! If you don't fight them, it will be a mess at most. That's it, do you really have to think about it?"

"Or, do you plan to use that thing? With a bang to kill all their troops?!"

Jack Sparrow was suddenly eager to try.

Because he knows that there is a core secret big ball of light in the witch church, and they seem to have obtained a lot of powerful things and skills from the ball of light, and there is even one that can blow up a big island and make a huge one. Mushroom cloud, even a terrifying weapon that can cause a tsunami?

Although Poseidon's trident can easily trigger a tsunami and swallow the enemy's fleet, the point is that Poseidon's trident is useless when it gets ashore, but that terrifying weapon can be used on the shore! That was the top secret that only a handful of people knew about the Flame Empire, and it happened that Jack Sparrow, the admiral, was one of the top secret leaders who was qualified to know.

"shut up!"

"Jack! We will not easily use such terrible things. There are many innocent people in their army, and many of our soldiers and sisters who have been captured. We will never give them up easily. !"

Elizabeth knew what Jack Sparrow was referring to, but she would definitely not use that kind of thing.

Moreover, that kind of weapon is in the hands of sister Charlotte, and before the security of the empire is threatened, that is, the security of the Caribbean Sea and the Americas is threatened, their witches will certainly not easily use such terrible things! After all, that kind of weapon is really too cruel and terrible. It exists like a divine punishment, and it's best to never use it.

"It's stupid!"

"Aha~! Look? You have good things but don’t use them, and then send soldiers here to die... Elizabeth, this is what makes me different from you witches. At sea, our navy fleet never depends on who the enemy is. And soft-hearted!"

"If it were me, I would have thrown it away and exploded them! At that time, those guys were waving the flag and shouting, even if the lone angel couldn't be killed, it would definitely not be able to become a climate again, would it?"

Holding Lanhua and pointing at him, he bitterly ridiculed a certain witch who was hesitant as the coach on the battlefield, but he had no good way.

To be honest, Jack Sparrow wanted to leave this dangerous place very much. He suddenly felt that he shouldn’t have come ashore to join in the fun when he landed before...Look at it now, he is likely to accidentally take himself too. I got in, now even if I want to go, I can't go! Maybe, his wise Captain Jack will be completely planted in the hands of this little Elizabethan skin today?


"Jack! What time is it now?"

Frowning, watching the enemy have almost finished their formation until now, and has begun to calm down and stopped screaming, Elizabeth sneered, but she ignored a certain Jack Sparrow's sneer on the side. , But directly asked the time nonchalantly.

To be honest, if it weren't for the courage archangel to intimidate, if it was an ordinary battle, she just ordered to advance and cover up the past, maybe their witch and the elite army of the empire would have won a big victory! Those enemy troops who had come before them could actually spend more than half an hour in formation, which made Elizabeth's contempt even more obvious.


"What do you ask this for? It's almost eight o'clock in the morning, um... it's less than two minutes, but it's coming soon!"

Looking at the sky and then at his pocket watch, Jack Sparrow said accurately. However, because the time here in Europe is much faster than the time zone in the Caribbean, it is already time for the sun to dip in the afternoon.

"it's time!"

"Order: fire!!"

Calculating the time, I think it should be the current Elizabeth Swann resolutely waved at the officer behind who had been waiting.



Jack Sparrow just had time to exclaim, and his voice was covered up, because the artillery or magic cannons behind the army had already fired at the enemy first, and the loud roar began to resound. stand up……

boom! boom! boom!


There was a roar of cannons, and at the moment when the smoke rose into the air, a round of blooming bombs that were solid and hollow in the fire, and those huge fireballs dragging the flames, the magic cannon shells were in no particular order. The ground blasted towards the enemy’s front.

Obviously, the weapons and equipment of the elite troops from the capital of the empire must be more advanced than those of the troops stationed here in Europe, and must be more advanced than the old style cannons captured by the enemy! Therefore, when the enemy thinks it is safe, their shelling can easily reach the enemy.

Boom~! Boom~!


A round of solid bullets ploughed out a ravine of broken limbs in the formations wearing red lobster soldiers, and a round of flowering grenades exploded into groups of broken blood before and after the enemy’s formation, causing countless enemy troops. His limbs, torso, or intestines are flying everywhere!

And those magic cannons are even more terrible. As soon as they fired, fireballs rose into the air, and the grounds tens of meters square were immediately enveloped by flames. Countless enemies were either instantly burned into coke powder or wailed and struggled. After turning into “burning men”, they struggled to run around, and then fell to the ground while staggering, letting the flames on their bodies burn them little by little, giving them their lifeless bodies. Burned out...

Boom~! Boom~! Boom~!


However, although the first round of test shooting was quite successful, the witches and the elite troops of the empire with long-range strike advantages did not intend to stop the bombardment at all, and they continued to throw their shells toward the enemy's front line.


"Elizabeth, it's useless, we shouldn't be here today..."

Looking to the front, although the enemy’s front line was blown up by them, Jack Sparrow was not at all optimistic about their battle today, because, in the distance, that terrible, golden color The figure with the wings of firelight was rushing violently towards this side.


Jack Sparrow also saw that the opponent cut a solid cannonball flying by the opponent in half with a single shot, and even arbitrarily swung the spear to give a fireball shot by the magic cannon. Shoot directly in the air to make the spark burst directly in the air?

Now, the opponent ran over. There is no doubt that the opponent is here to defeat their artillery, defeat their witches and disrupt their formation, even if they have an absolute advantage in strength, even their soldiers are the most elite. Yes, so are the mobs that can easily defeat the enemy!

Because they can't fight the enemy that is like a **** descending from the earth... No, maybe, to be precise, the opponent is actually a **** descending from the earth? !


No way, seeing a certain witch, seeing that Elizabeth as the commander-in-chief can no longer stare at him, Jack Sparrow had to quietly control his horse back.

He thinks it, he has to be smarter later, it's best to escape here quickly while in chaos, and then run to the port, run to his ship, and directly lead his fleet to escape the **** continent of Europe? No matter what, he is also an admiral, Jack Sparrow, where the admiral went to the shore to fight the enemy? Anyway, even if he really ran away, no one would be able to punish and blame him for it.

Boom~! !


‘Uh wow! ’

‘Ah! ! ’

‘Hurry up and put out the fire! ! ’

‘Damn it! Warriors of the empire, stay calm! ! ’

At this time, the shell of a magic cannon was shot upside down by the terrifying enemy in the distance, and then it exploded directly in the formation of your side, and the fire swallowed a lot of it in an instant. Musketeers.

‘! ! ’

No way! Must run! !

After seeing the battle witches in front, and seeing that the guys including the idiot Elizabeth started flying slowly in the air, preparing to fight the archangel that was rushing in the air at high speed in the distance, Jack Sparrow knew , If he wants to run, he must take advantage of it now!

"What are you looking at?"

"I'm going to command the shelling now! You guys are staring here!"

He helped his head with the admiral's hat that was frightened and slanted, ignoring the officers who cast doubts and disdain at him, Jack Sparrow directly pretended to be taken for granted, awkwardly turning it around. After getting the horse's head, he flicked his whip and ran away!

‘Guide Pyroblast! ’

‘Witches! Prepare to blow it down for me! ! ’

The fighting witches in the Five Fire Gods are basically incomprehensible to an army of ordinary people!

Because they can fly, cast shields, and use powerful attack spells such as fireball and pyroblast! Therefore, when fighting against the enemy’s ordinary army, ships or city fortresses, they only need to throw fireballs at the enemy, blow up the enemy’s formation, burn the enemy’s ships or burn the enemy’s fortresses and city gates. Declared victory.

As a result, the fighting witches of the Five Fireball Gods, apart from those few high-level witches, the general fighting witches do not know much more than flying, shields and fireballs, and there is no need to learn. more.

boom! boom! boom!


The shelling continues, but now most people's attention is not on observing the effects of the shelling.

‘Pyroblast preparation! ’

‘Let~! ! ’


When I saw the flames of the nearly 100 sisters floating above the army, they had each prepared a powerful Pyroblast technique, when I saw the terrifying enemy in the air was dancing with fiery red wings towards myself and After the sisters rushed over, Elizabeth resolutely gave the bombardment order!


A burst of flaming fire, exuding terrible heat and enough to distort the light, screamed from the hands of nearly a hundred combat witches floating in the air, facing them in the distance. The courageous archangel Impress who rushed rushed over!

In the first article of their doctrine of the Five Fireballs, there is a paragraph: There is never any problem or the enemy cannot be solved by five fireballs! And if so, you need to use more fireballs!

and so,

Today Elizabeth, in addition to preparing to put down the more than 100,000 troops in Europe, also brought nearly a hundred elite combat witches! She intends to use nearly a hundred pyroblast fireballs that are so powerful that they can almost destroy a small city based on the teachings of their five fireball gods to try to see if they can directly bombard the infidel angel.

She felt that even if the other party was really an angel, even if the other party was truly incomparably powerful, it was absolutely impossible to withstand the direct bombardment of nearly a hundred fighting witches! !


Following the rapid advance of the enemy in the sky, and as the flame explosion technique roared towards the enemy like a flaming eagle, Elizabeth Swan soon found desperately: she still seemed to be a bit wrong. Estimated the enemy's strength, or could it be said that she incorrectly estimated the enemy's flight speed and reaction?

Because, in the past, the enemies they faced were ordinary people’s military formations, buildings, and ships with fixed targets. Their enemies have never been able to easily avoid their fireballs. , Never!

However, the situation is completely different now.

I saw in the sky, the courageous archangel Impress was facing a bombardment cluster of terrifying pyroblast fireballs, and when facing those launched by the witches, he looked like a roar. When facing the flame monster-like pyroblast that rushed towards him, he not only did not slow down to evade or try to resist, but in vain speed up the charge, with violent and incredible light posture and superb flying skills. , Keenly tumbling from the gaps of those terrifying Pyroblasts, and in less than a second, easily rushed through those dense bombardment formations composed of huge fireballs?

Boom~! !


At the last moment, Impris directly hit the last one, which was urgently urged by Elizabeth with a witch bracelet!

At that moment, a huge fireball exploded in the sky...


A grunt with disdain in anger sounded, making the soldiers below and the witches floating in the sky look astonished. At the same time, a certain archangel of courage rushed out of the fireball with flames. With just one shot, he fiercely pierced the witch in the sky and Elizabeth!


Celestial Charge!


There was a sound like hitting glass...

When the golden spear was about to hit Elizabeth, it was dangerously blocked by something invisible.


Almost at the same time, the faces of Elizabeth and other witches who were suspended in the air could not help but whiten! Because, they all saw that the large shield formed by the magic power of so many witches was pierced by the enemy's spear and split a series of terrible cracks?


"Muskemen! Attack him now!!"

Unbelievably, seeing the enemy rushing so fast, and discovering that the sum of the magical powers of herself and her sisters was faintly unable to withstand the opponent's stab, Elizabeth was anxious, and she hurried to the bottom if she could not prepare the spell again The somewhat stunned Musketeers ordered.

‘! ! ’

'attack! attack! ’

‘Knock him down! ! ’

When the soldiers were stunned for a while, when they felt that the enemy was powerful and that so many fighting witches were actually at a disadvantage, they finally reacted under the scream of certain officers. They raised the weapons in their respective hands, aimed at the top of their army, and aimed at the terrifying-looking archangel of courage who was about to break through the large shield barrier of the battle witches in the sky.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

There was a popping sound...

The mini bullets that are fitted with flintlocks gush out from the barrels of sparks and gunpowder smoke. Then, all the soldiers who can reach nearby have thousands of bullets. From bottom to top, the courageous archangel in the sky who still intends to use brute force to break through the shield shoots away!


clang! Bing! Pong!

Countless projectiles immediately hit the heavy golden plate armor of the courage archangel Imprison, and sparks and piercing metal crashing sounded.

But unfortunately, when the thousands of musketeers below who were able to attack the opponent stopped and had not had time to reload, they had to discover with amazement that their previous attack, that round A platoon of guns enough to sift an elephant into a sieve, why can't the opponent be a bit of it?

'Humph! ! ’

‘Is this the power your witch empire is proud of, it’s so pathetic! ! ’

The archangel of courage, Imperius, did not care about the thoughts of the soldiers below. He just sneered at the witches in the sky and the witches who united to block his shield, and then suddenly waved the gold in his hand. Spear.



Just one click!

After a sound like glass shattering, the witches who were already struggling to support, after being forcibly broken the magic, they screamed and fell into the pikemen army below, and smashed them. The soldiers lined up below were wailing...

'Humph! ’

Seeing that the strongest resistance of mortals has been easily defeated by myself, and seeing those evil ones who dared to strike the holy church and the witches who are said to have burned a large number of churches and fell down, Impress shot a long spear. Dive straight down.

He wants to break down the enemy's formation, destroy the enemy's long-range bombardment weapons, and then completely end today's war that will not have too many surprises.

‘! ! ’

'not good! Quickly reload, he rushed down! ’

‘Get the bayonet! ’

‘Wow! ! ’

Without any suspense, the Fire Empire soldiers who had just finished firing a round of guns underneath had no time to reload or mount their bayonets. They were given a flyby by the imprese who swooped down in a violent posture. It smashed a neat team of thousands of people.

Even the witches who just fell and hadn't been relieved were knocked out together, causing the army formation to fall across a large area, and the deaths and injuries are temporarily impossible to count.

'Well? ’

‘Is it there? ! ’

After seeing that Ping Yi’s power easily overturned a large block of mortal formations, Impress did not intend to care about the mortal army who hurriedly turned their heads under the shouts of the officers and planned to shoot at him. Instead, he looked at the cannon positions that were still bombarding in the distance.

That is his goal. He must first eliminate the enemy there to prevent the enemy from continuing to bombard the church's army, and then completely disrupt the army in other places, in order to end today's situation that is meaningless and challenging to him. The battle on earth.

I believe that soon, they will be able to hit the witch’s capital, completely end the evil reign of the other party, and let the light of the temple shine on this distant land! And this matter was decided by his Impress, no one can stop him, those mortals can't, witches can't, and neither can the nosy Auriel who came the other day! !


"Isn't that bad luck? He, why did he come here?!"

In the distance, Captain Jack, who was riding his horse and fleeing towards the rear in the gap of his army's formation, obviously saw the courageous archangel rushing towards him, and he thought the opponent was coming towards him. So, after suddenly turning the horse through a formation, the admiral who had been riding well on the horse disappeared in an instant, and he didn’t know where he was hiding...

‘! ! ’

'Well? ! ’

Suddenly, in spite of flying towards the front low-altitude, and at the same time smashing and killing Impress, who overturned the army of a group of witches, he finally found something wrong.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

Strange gunfire sounded.

Then, that kind of head-and-face blow shot towards Impris from the front! Before he had time to recover, he was hit by the powerful kinetic energy of those bullets and flew out in an instant? !

‘I’m Renault! Jim Reynolds! ’

‘We’re ordered to come and clean up that angel, and you all get out of me! ! ’

A grumpy voice sounded, and then, when the imperial soldiers who were still organized, but didn't know how to fight an angel, hesitated and gradually retreated, they discovered that they didn't know when, and they looked extremely dressed. The heavy, flame-painted super-heavy armor, and the weird man with some advanced rapid-fire gun in his hand, walked step by step toward the angel who had just been knocked off in front of him?


At this time, a guy wearing an admiral's uniform, wearing an admiral's cap, and still has gold teeth in his mouth, staggered up from the pile of fallen soldiers.

"Damn! What's the situation?!"

He just had time to dodge the terrifying angel’s chase, and was knocked into the dark, but now, when he got up, he saw a guy wearing a weird thick armor who didn’t know whether he was an enemy or a friend. Walk towards him step by step?

"You shouldn't come to see me?"


With a nervous smile, Jack Sparrow, who just wanted to say something, suddenly found something wrong! Because, at this time, neither the weird man who was walking towards him on the opposite side, or the soldiers who were slowly pushing away, didn't seem to put their eyes on him?

Then, a horrible feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, and the already sore muscles all over his body instantly stiffened.

When he had his eyes widened and had to turn around a little bit, he found that behind him, there was a man slowly standing up, with small molten holes in the golden armor on his body. Even some parts have been penetrated, but there is no entity inside, and there is no courageous archangel Impress from which blood flows out? !

"That one……"

"Your enemy is him... his goal is you... so, goodbye?"

Barely showing his golden teeth, he stiffly explained the courage archangel who was at least two heads taller than himself with a smile that was worse than crying. Jack Sparrow hurriedly pinched his orchid finger. , Swaying from side to side on tiptoes, twisting his waist, and quickly backing far away, the soldiers who were making room for both sides ran away.


At this time, when he reached a position more than thirty steps away from the enemy, Jim Reynolds stopped and spit out the cigar that was only half burned in his mouth.

"I hate the enemy of this energy creature..."

Amidst the twinkling of blue arcane lights After discovering that Sally Whitemane and Renault Mograine appeared next to him, Jim Renault complained to them. Write.

The shuttle shot just now proved that his attack did not seem to cause high damage to the opponent, even if he used a special nail bullet, even if he had several shots pierced the opponent's armor.

"Your Excellency Commander!"

"Holy Light can testify, I don't like him either!!"

Renault Mograine, who was carrying the Ashbringer, also sighed helplessly, because he also discovered that the energy and wings of the angel were very, very similar to the sacred flames used by their paladins? Therefore, he can already imagine that in a moment, the confrontation between them will definitely be embarrassing?


?? (ψ`▽′)o: People are watching you! Where's the ticket?

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