Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1011: ?(?`д′)┌┛★)`з?)? go with…

??(??˙o˙)︻デ═一??Da~! Da~! Da~!

After seeing Sally Whitemane and Renault Mograine standing by her side, Jim Renault, who was confident in his heart, certainly did not give the angel too much nonsense and breathing time, because he knew it. , Their little head of state had asked another angel to persuade each other, so any nonsense now is useless. Dealing with the kind of stubborn and disobedient guys can only speak well after winning!

Regarding whether shooting at an angel would blaspheme the spirit or not, Jim Reynolds didn’t think there was anything wrong. You know, they were the fallen Sarnagar in the Lian Kepulu district back then. , Even the true **** Aimon was bombarded to death. Therefore, for the Sergeant Lei, who had a history of killing God, hitting an angel would definitely not be a burden in his heart, even if it is true. He was killed, he would not feel ashamed.


clang! clang! Pong~!

‘! ! ’

Just had time to stand up, before he could ask who the other party was, and even less able to adjust his posture, the courageous archangel Impress once again suffered a violent attack from the enemy and continued to fight again and again. Backed up and almost rolled to the ground again.

Although the enemy’s weapons did little damage to him... However, those terrifying high-speed kinetic energy bullets continued to hit his heavy dark metal armor with broken molten pits, some The weak place was directly penetrated, and he was even beaten so that he almost couldn't stabilize his figure?



Isn't it dead? !

Finally, Sergeant Lei, who had completely finished playing a magazine, had to stop and quickly replaced it while staring at the energy creature named angel in front of him with some boredom.


'evil! You guys can't beat me! ! ’

Molten Battlegear!

Imprison is definitely not going to be beaten and not fight back, so when he was strafed again, he retreated several steps, and when he was strafed by the opponent again, he shot holes in his armor, and when the enemy finally stopped and When he started to change the bomb, he shouted angrily, and then the golden red holy flame burst out from his body, directly forming a layer of golden red armor on his body.

"Beat you into a ball of bad iron, and see if you die!!"

Da~! Da~! Da~!

For problems that can be solved with a gun, Jim Reynolds will never talk nonsense with the opponent, so another shuttle bullet fired at the opponent.

Moreover, he felt that, if it weren’t for the fact that his Huberian or any warship of the constellation federation could not be transported to other worlds indiscriminately for the time being, he only needed to transport his Huberian. After being bombarded with Yamato cannons, no matter what the archangel or the little angel, he will definitely not survive.

'Humph! ’

‘Turn to ashes! ! ’

Solarion Flame!

After discovering that his Molten Armor successfully resisted the enemy's continuous slashing attacks, and realizing that he was not so embarrassed when he was prepared, Impress slammed his spear, a wave of flames. With an unstoppable posture, the ground that was burning the air and being trampled in mud by the army went straight to the weird ironclad man who was constantly shooting at him.

"The Holy Light is with me!"

Shield of Vengeance!

Although Jim Reynolds was about to be hit by the holy flame, he was not alone at this time! Therefore, before he was about to be hit head-on, the next Renault Mograine who opened the barrier of holy light promptly waved the ashes envoy, who was also burning with the golden holy flame, rushed up. The earth blocked the holy flame of the archangel from the highest heaven.

'Well? ! ’

'you are……'

Seeing that the other party easily underwent his own attack, and didn't even seem to be injured, the Archangel of Courage couldn't help but feel a little confused.

In fact, Impris had just wanted to ask, because he didn't understand what was going on with such a mortal with the power of the Holy Light, and why did he come to help the witch against him? But unfortunately, the other party didn't give him a chance, but rushed up directly, and slashed towards his forehead with a slash?


There was no way, Impris had to temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart, planning to defeat the three enemies who ran out to make trouble for him.

Cang~! !


The ruling of the Templars! !

'Humph! ’

With a gesture of smashing Huashan, the Ashbringer slashed from top to bottom on the handle of Impris's gun of courage, Solarion, and then the Holy Light exploded, and the violent holy flame instantly swept England. Price's whole body began to burn frantically.

But it's a pity...

For Impress, who originally used the same or similar sacred power, it was just a little discomfort caused by the alien sacred flame scouring his body. It was like his Solarion Flame just failed. Too much damage to the other party! Moreover, at this time, there was a layer of physical battle armor on his appearance and the molten battle armor attached to the outer armor to help him resist the invasion of the alien holy flame.

"Uh huh!!"

Renault Mograine, who was the first attacker, did not feel much better, because in addition to the strong rebounding force from the gun handle that resisted the enemy, he had to endure the holy layer of the enemy. The burning of Flame Armor, although there is a shield of vengeance, still made him have to grit his teeth and persist.

'silly! Mortal, don't think of being an enemy of me! ’

‘Go away! ! ’

Regardless of the power level or the energy level, there is no doubt that the courage archangel Impress is far better than the Paladin Renault Mograine!

After all, he is the most powerful archangel in the highest heaven, not one of them!

Moreover, he is also a serious sacred creature created by the Creator. For mortals, it is a god-like existence, which is not comparable to a mortal paladin.

and so,

Celestial Charge! !

After kicking over a stupid mortal paladin who dared to compete with him for strength, the spear of courage in his hand shook, like a poisonous dragon coming out of a hole, instantly smashing the opponent's divine power. The cohesive barriers, and without any reduction, will stab at the fragile throat of the opponent's armor!

Da~! Da~! Da~! !

It is a pity that when he was about to kill the offending mortal in front of him on the spot, a burst of fierce bullets struck again, knocking his head and body crooked, and then the gun of courage grabbed the blade. I had to lose my head and slashed directly from the shoulder of the opponent's shoulder armor, leaving a hideous tearing mark.

‘! ! ’

'brother! Be careful! ! ’

At this time, a certain sacred priest was not idle. She waved the huge priest’s staff in her hand. Then, a piece of golden feather quietly fell from the air, and then it happened to be caught by Impre. Si's attack hit his elder brother Renault, who was staggering back.



The sword of justice! !

Renault Mograine, who felt that his body suddenly became lighter, certainly would not miss this great opportunity. So, taking advantage of his sister Lisa's blessing of speed, he took advantage of the commander Jim behind to shoot a few shots. When the enemy subconsciously stretched out his hand to block the bullet that was shot at the opponent's head, he just turned around and dodged the enemy's rifle by pulling the spear and drew it toward his neck!

After that, he once again used the speed that was nearly half the speed in vain under Sally's blessing, and once again violently held up his Ashbringer, causing the holy flame above to explode again and launching another powerful slash, just so obliquely To cut off the shoulder of the opponent!

clang! !

The first shot was at the end of the opponent’s spear...

Crusader Strike! !


In the second blow, a stab, the Ashbringer who wanted to cut off the enemy's calf was smashed away dangerously by the opponent's gun blade...



The third blow, Holy Storm! Holy anger!

While being swept away by the opponent's huge power, Renault Mograine used the opponent's strength to directly follow the direction of the opponent's strength and twisted around, and then the Ashen Messenger in his hand swept away, exuding a powerful holy flame. The divine weapon crossed a circular belt of light and slashed towards the opponent's waist that was too late to protect. At the same time, the holy light of the ashes envoy in his hand erupted, instantly sacred anger.

clang! !



With a muffled sound, Renault Mograine was a bit stunned...because he had already done his best with the combination of blows he had just done, and he also used the increase in the Heavenly Feather blessed by his sister. At nearly half of the speed, I didn't think that the blow that I went all out was actually blocked by the opponent calmly?

Moreover, the last blow that blocked him, which he thought was inevitable, was a short sword like a shield that surrounded the other side and was still shining with golden sacred energy?


He knew before that angels are not easy to deal with, especially this kind of angels with sacred flames!

If you think about it, let him, such a holy knight who uses the holy light, hold the holy light artifact Ash Messenger to fight a master of holy power that is countless times more proficient than himself, and will even be immune to holy light strikes to a certain extent. An angel who dared not use the hammer of judgment and sanction would definitely not be a good idea.

'mortal! ’

‘You are strong and your weapons are good, but you should not be my enemy! ! ’

At this time, after discovering that the opponent's body was slowly slowing down, there were a lot of burning heavenly soldiers around him, surrounded by the burning energy holy sword and helped him block the enemy's last blow. Imprison raised his hand and swept the army.

After that powerful blow slapped some enemies who hadn't been able to ease their breath and rolled them into the distance, he looked at the weapon in the opponent's hand while rushing forward and said with approval.

It's a pity that neither the opponent's power nor the opponent's weapon should be used to deal with his own existence, because he is a courageous archangel from the highest heaven, an extremely sacred and righteous existence! And the holy flame of the same attribute of the other party, it must be easy to help him.

and so,

While Impress slowly flew up to prepare for a low-altitude stab, he had time to turn to the distant light and healed the small wound on the knight, looking like a woman of a church pastor. go with.

The woman who also possesses powerful sacred power on her body is very cunning. She must have seen that her sacred power cannot deal with his Impris. Therefore, she has never been right except helping her companions. He moved his hands.

That was undoubtedly a very wise choice, but, unfortunately, these people shouldn't fight with those evil witches after all, and shouldn't be enemies with him.

‘Receive the trial! ’

Solarion, the spear of courage, went from top to bottom and slammed straight toward the strong mortal knight who was oppressed by his blows back and forth! This time, he believed that the other party must be unable to parry again.

‘! ! ’

??(??╰_╯)︻デ═一??Da~! Da~! Da~!

'Well? ! ’

Imprison had just finished speaking. Just as the knight was about to end his stubborn resistance, another fierce metal storm strafed towards him from bottom to top!

Although, all of them were completely blocked by the shield array composed of the molten armor and the heavenly soldiers around his body, and the bullets that were flying at high speed and hot after rubbing the air turned into dots. The sparks splashed out, but he still missed the opportunity, letting the point of his Solarion spear into the ground in vain, causing the knight to drive away dangerously.



After being swept away by the opponent's counterattack, Impris, who had to slowly flap his wings and flew up into the air, once again stared at the soldier in the strange mechanical armor with scrutiny eyes.

Because, he found that although the other party did little harm to him, but the other party has seriously affected him! Perhaps, he thinks he should get rid of the opponent first, prevent the opponent from disturbing himself with that troublesome long-range weapon again, and then defeat the other two?

In that case, the remaining witches or other soldiers who did not dare to step forward would not be able to stop him.


"Just **** it! I hate angels! I hate all energy creatures!!"

After cursing and replacing his C-20 electromagnetic spike rifle with a magazine again, I saw the difficult enemy continue to fly slowly into the air more than ten meters high, and saw that the other party kept using the faceless rifle. Jim Reynolds, who looked like a black hole and hidden face in the helmet locked his heart, resolutely opened the accessory on his rifle and opened the safety of the grenade launcher.

"Try this!"

"Winged weirdo, see if you are harder than the bugs I used to fight?"


A miniature high-explosive grenade dragged a slip of gunpowder smoke, and slammed into the courageous archangel in the sky! Although the distance is a bit close now, Jim Leno can't take care of that much.

‘? ? ’

Although I don’t know why the nasty mortal fired so big and slow this time, I think there may be some differences in it, and I don’t want the opponent’s attack to hit and consume his heavenly soldiers. Imprison, who was in the Molten Armor, flicked his spear and accurately slapped the weird large projectile that he could easily catch with his sight.

‘! ! ’

what? !


Only in time for a suspicious exclamation, the archangel of courage, Enpress, was instantly enveloped in by the bursting hot flames and shock waves... and even the soldiers of the Flame Empire watching the battle on the ground below. The shockwaves and the witches were overturned one after another.


‘Uh~! ’

'Oh! Yes, it's Elizabeth you? I'm very sorry, I accidentally stepped on your ass, I thought, wait, you are not dead yet? ’


'you! Your Jack is not dead, how could I die? ! ’

'Oh! ’

‘That’s the same...but, dear Ms. Swann, those people seem to be very powerful, and where are you the rescuer you moved from? ’


‘Go away! ! ’

However, a certain angel just smashed the shield and caused a lot of energy backlash, and then was knocked over by the opponent arrogantly. Until now, Elizabeth Swann, who has not been able to ease his strength, has no energy to pay attention to a certain The guy born as a pirate, she just struggled, trying to get up from the muddy ground.

'That one……'

‘Elizabeth, do you say they can win? ’

‘I, I don’t know! ’

‘The archangel seemed to have been bombed just now, the explosion just now was so powerful, did you say he died? ’


‘? ? ’

'Why are not you talking? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Jack! Don't you see it for yourself? Also, I'm injured now. If you have time to ask this kind of question, why don't you come and help me? ! ’

Although the gunpowder and the diffuse firelight in the sky in the distance are gradually dissipating, and the situation above has not been clearly seen, Elizabeth Swan knew that the angel was not afraid of her Pyroblast technique, so surely not. I'm afraid of the powerful bombardment that I don't know what weapons cause.

‘Sorry, I thought you could stand up by yourself. ’

'Oh! Well, it seems that he is not dead yet, is it better for us to stay away now? ’

In the sky, the angel's figure is slowly emerging.

That's nothing to say, the other party is definitely not dead, so, for the sake of his own little life, in order not to suffer from innocent pond fish, Jack Sparrow hurriedly signaled to a somewhat stunned soldier not far away. Together with me, I helped a certain witch who was the head coach to leave here first, to a safer back.


Zi Ka~!


"Okay! I can't do anything with my weapon, it's really not something I can deal with!!"

After opening his visor and revealing his face, Jim Reynolds didn't need to look at the holographic enemy detection device diagonally above his eyes to know that the archangel must be fine, because the energy fluctuations on the opponent's body and The intensity has not diminished at all.

So, I'm afraid I can only look at his teammates next. Renault can only help with one side for the time being.


'mortal! You successfully angered me! ’

"So what……"


Hearing what the other party said, Jim Reynolds just wanted to sneer and taunt the other party, but in the next moment, he was horrified to see that in the sky, the few floating around the other party's body made him think that it was just The energy dagger of the shield suddenly burned with a raging holy flame at this moment, and then it became longer and sharper?


alarm! !



Hearing the radar on his CMC heavy power armor sounded an alarm, Jim Reynolds knew that the opponent must be eyeing him!

Huh! !

as expected……

In the next instant, several long holy flame swords suddenly turned their direction and bombarded him at Jim Leno! !

And wearing a heavy CMC power armor, there must be no way to avoid him! Besides, the armors equipped by the CMC Marine Corps members were originally designed to resist all kinds of enemy shooting and bombing. They simply did not design the related functions of shooting dodge and high-speed maneuvering.

boom! boom! boom!


The holy flame sword came in an instant, and then, the holy flame that burst violently drowned Jim Reynolds...

"Damn it!"

"Mograine! Hurry up and help me block it!!"

I just closed my visor for the first time. At this time, I saw that the plasma shield installed on my CMC armor had issued a red serious alarm, and at the same time I found that the opponent was still swooping down toward me reluctantly. Before the holy flames around him were completely extinguished, Jim Reynolds hurriedly backed away and shouted at a certain paladin not far away.

Now his shield has been instantly overburdened. If no one is going to help him block the enemy, once the opponent approaches, with the clumsy speed of his CMC armor, with the fragile plasma shield , There must be no way to resist that terrible enemy.

Anyway, he is definitely not stupid enough to use the short bayonet on his rifle to fight the enemy. That thing can only be used for emergency, but it is not something he can rely on. He really wants to fight. Then Jim Leno might really not be able to see his Kerrigan again.

Huh! !

Without the reminder of Jim Reynolds, Reynolds Mograine's Ashbringer burst into the Holy Light again, fiercely intercepting and beheading the enemy who flew down.



Cang! !


Bang~bang! !


Soon, the archangel of courage Imprison had to fight again with Renault Mograine, who was holding the Ashbringer.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the archangel of courage obviously has the absolute upper hand.

Because the opponent's speed is faster and his skills are more agile, he can not only fly, but also turn into white phantoms from time to time. From all directions, he has only parried the paladin, who has little chance of counterattack, launched successively. A fierce and continuous blow!

At this time, if it weren't for a certain Holy Light pastor and that certain commander Jim Reynolds who had just been scared to run away from time to time, ‘Da! clatter! clatter! If you use precise shots and hit a few shuttles to help, I'm afraid that the Paladin would have been pierced by the archangel of courage long ago or smashed into pieces.

But even if this is the case, if there are no other variables or powerful helping hands in a while, the final victory will undoubtedly be the courageous archangel, that is obvious!

'Hey! ’

‘The three guys are about to lose. They won’t be able to hold on for long. Don’t you, the most powerful arcane archmage who claims to be the most, the most powerful, go and help? ’

Not far from the battlefield, two little guys who were invisible were talking sneakily.

Obviously, the two of them are a certain little girl head of state and a certain unwilling person. When someone knows it with emotion and moves with reason (death threat), they temporarily choose to compromise and are willing to provide help within their capacity. Yordle Scout Captain-Timothy Million.



"Little Timo, if they are going to lose, why don't you go by yourself?!"

!!(?? ̄- ̄)o

Little Annie wouldn’t tell a certain dwarf that the reason why she didn’t jump out directly to catch the courageous archangel and beat it up is actually because her current strength may have been fooled by her some earlier. The world, intending to persuade the other party, but was beaten away, the hope archangel Auriel is even weaker? So, she was going to wait until the opportunity was right, wait until she felt that the opponent's strength was weakened, and wait until they were about to fight before going to shoot?

'I? ! ’

‘I think too, but you see, it’s flat here, there are no bushes, trees and shelter. Do you want me to go head-to-head with such a terrible archangel? ’

‘Our Yordle’s scout precepts are clearly written: When the enemy is strong and we are weak, and the time and place are not conducive to combat, our scouts must never show up to go out and confront the enemy! That is very dangerous! ’

Yes, Captain Teemo prefers to fight the enemy on the ground with forest or grass, because in that case, he can give full play to his advantages! Just like before, the battle in the zoo was like, although there were not too many green plants and bushes there, but he was also in a one-to-four... No, in a one-to-five situation, he still played fiercely. After a meal, some five guys almost managed to escape in the end!

But now it's flat and there are no tall weeds on the ground. How could he run out to fight against that terrible creature?



"Are you really not going out?"


‘Don’t go! ’



‘Really! ! ’



Suddenly, an invisible, nasty little girl secretly stretched out her hand, and suddenly held a certain half of her height, and when she was lying on the ground she was as short as a kitten. The fur on the neck of the little Yordle.

‘! ! ’

'you! What are you doing? I warn you, don't mess around! ? ’

When Timo was about to resist, he was shocked and frightened to discover: The fur on the back of his neck was gripped tightly by the other's **** little hand, and he was still holding it gently? !

"I didn't want to do anything, really..."


That's it! !



"Timo! Bite it to death!"


After the opponent was thrown out, little Annie, who was still invisible and was afraid that the opponent would not be fast enough, took advantage of the situation and kicked the opponent's **** severely, and thoughtfully imposed a change on the opponent. Big expansion magic and lava shield that can burn the enemy, so that the opponent can look more aggressive?

As a result, Xiao Anni's new skill, Xiong Timojun in her hand, made its debut under her signature skill! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

(Tibbers silently mourned for a certain Yodel in his heart, because ah, it must be unwilling to go with the flying courage archangel, and the very fast bird People the kind of running around. And the guy who runs thief is definitely not his Tiberian Bear's dish!

What's more, because of the lack of energy of the owner, the power he can borrow is not too strong. It must be unwilling to be thrown out by his little master and be severely beaten by the Holy Light. )

‘! ! ’

‘Damn little girl! I won't forgive you! ! ’

Realizing that his invisibility has been broken, and discovering that the archangel who was fighting against the Paladin heard the movement behind him and was about to return with his spear, Timo, who was thrown into the air by a cruel little girl, quickly picked up himself. A small dart carrying a poisonous quiver quickly pierced into the gap in the enemy's back armor silently!


At the moment he landed, he took the initiative to use magic to counteract the expansion and deformation magic that a wretched little girl had arbitrarily applied to him. He sprinted and directly bypassed the two in the fierce battle. He ran to the side of Jim Reynolds, a large iron commander who only occasionally put down his guns.


"Captain Timo, I thought you had sneaked away by yourself! But I advise you to stay away from me, I'm afraid I will trample you to death if you accidentally!"

Seeing the opponent finally appeared, although the way he played was a bit weird, Jim Reynolds still teased such a sentence.


"Just step on it, you must not be able to step on me! I still need you as a big man to be my shield..."

After Timo quietly put something behind him, he said proudly in that kind of childlike tone that is characteristic of a moon person.

Because he has promised to join the team of these guys and intends to contribute to the world, he will definitely not run. Moreover, the things that the Yodels have promised will never break their promises, even if they are forced. same!

"Hey! Timo, where is our head Anne? Is she not ready yet?"

‘She was scared, so she ran away! ’


Rolling his eyes, Jim Leno would definitely not believe the other party's nonsense.

After all, their head of state is a master who is not afraid of heaven and earth, and the other party is also very powerful, even if most of the power now has to be used elsewhere to protect countless worlds, but she is still It is very powerful, and Jim Reynolds has always believed in this.


"Why is he poisoned too, isn't he an energy creature?"

‘Because there are magic toxins on my poison dart! ’

"It turned out to be like this, okay, I see, wait, why are you invisible?!"


Seeing the dyed purple on the angel's body, he bowed his head and just wanted to praise him for a few words. He quickly discovered that a certain little yodel who had not been standing still for a long time disappeared. No longer answer his questions?

And if it hadn't been for the identification friend or foe device on his panel radar to indicate that the opponent was not far from his heel, he would have been easily unable to find the opponent anyway.

‘Mortals! ’

'I've had enough! It's time to end it all! ! ’

After stimulating the holy flame on his body, and immediately burning away the toxins that wanted to pollute his body, the archangel of courage violently stretched out his hand, and while the holy flame burned on his body, he moved toward the front at a very fast speed. The Paladin who seemed the most troublesome to him rushed away.

He now understands that the four enemies are not too strong, they are just a little difficult! As long as he cleared away the Paladin who had been pestering him and couldn't kill him anyway, then he would have basically won today.

'right now! Witness the power of the highest heaven and feel the wrath of the archangels! ! ’

While charging, after lightly knocking away the troublesome holy light weapon in the opponent's hand, Impress's right hand that was burning with the holy flame slammed the paladin's throat and violently The ground waved its wings and flew high.

This is his stunt, grabbing the enemy and flying to high altitude, and smashing the target to the ground!

This kind of trick has always had a miraculous effect when dealing with ordinary enemies or demons! Because the holy flame on his body will burn the opponent fiercely on the way to the high altitude, and the weaker enemy may be dead without smashing it down!

However, for the mortal knight in his hand who would also use the sacred energy and the holy flame, he felt that the holy flame might not have much effect, it is better to directly fall to death or stabbing the opponent? Only in the air, his advantage is the greatest, otherwise, this endless battle still does not know how long it will last! Besides, this is not the highest heaven. He has been fighting endlessly with high intensity, which consumes a lot of his power.

'brother! ’

Sally Whitemane exclaimed again, just about to use the leap of faith to pull her brother back, but after all, the angel flew too fast, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

‘Damn it! ’

Jim Reynolds, who raised his head and looked at the sky, also had to roar, because he knew that Reynolds Mograine could not fly and was taken into the air by the other party. That guy must be unlucky! !



Invisible, and also looking up at the high sky, looking at the two entangled and gleaming figures in the air that are likely to be thousands of meters above, Little Annie knew that the situation was bad!

However, she was not in a hurry to make a move, she still lurked patiently, because it was not the time yet, and she knew that the Paladin would definitely not die easily.


Soon, whether it's Sally Whitemane or Jim Reynolds watching the battle, or some little Annie who is invisible and waiting for an opportunity, plus the countless soldiers of the Flame Empire that surround this arena in the distance , They soon saw that there was a whistling sound from far to near in the sky, and then the golden holy flame light group above was getting closer and faster?

Rumbling rumbling...

Next second,

The two entangled figures smashed to the ground fiercely, and while hitting a dust-splattered pit, the violent holy flame directly burned the earth red.

And when the holy flame in it gradually dissipated, everyone only saw that a large blade of holy light gradually dimmed, that is, the holy light artifact, the Ash messenger, was slashing firmly on the shoulder of the courage archangel, countless Energy is constantly overflowing...

Obviously, the invincible and invincible archangel Impress of the highest heaven was hit hard by a mortal!

As for the other person, the Paladin Renault Mograine, who was passed by the terrible gun of courage, Solarion, and nailed directly to the ground. He looked motionless, his cheeks crooked. On the one hand, the plate helmet did not know where it fell, as if he was already dead? !


'Ruined! ’

Seeing Jim Reynolds and a certain scout captain Timo Bianqi who had to show up, they exclaimed in horror. Obviously, they all knew that the guy was pierced by a spear and was hit from high in the sky. Falling down, it looks like it must be dead.

'Do not……'

‘Renault, my brother...’

Sally Whitemane's eyes widened, she looked at everything in front of her incredibly, and her eyes were full of sorrow, anger, and incredible horror.

Her brother, her husband, her Renault Mograine, her warrior who swore to the Holy Light to always guard her, died like this? !

'Humph! ! ’

‘He is strong! The Divine Shield technique is almost invincible, but that kind of skill is not effective for me, and my understanding of divine power is beyond his imagination! ! ’

Seeing the performance of the enemies in front of him, the Archangel of Courage explained as he slowly grasped the hilt of the Ashbringer's sword that was still cut on his shoulders, and pulled it out forcefully, ignoring the energy that he was constantly escaping. And the injury, after one last glance at a certain Paladin who fell on the ground and couldn't move, he shook his head regretfully.

Just now, the opponent launched an almost invincible Divine Shield technique at a critical moment. However, the opponent used the wrong skill with the wrong target at the wrong time and in the wrong place. Therefore, the opponent’s Divine Shield technique was affected by his courage. The gun broke! It's just that it still took him a lot of time to crack the opponent's Divine Shield, so that he was stabbed against the shoulder by the opponent firmly.

‘It’s too late for you to surrender now! ’

After inserting the sacred weapon Ashbringer to the opponent's side, Imperius pulled out the spear of courage from the opponent's chest, and moved towards the big head in mechanical armor and the little mouse-like dwarf. While walking past, and finally persuaded to descend.

Although the artifact was very good, he still discarded it, because it was the weapon of a brave Paladin. No matter how good it was, Impress would not use or contaminate it.


"Don't think about it!"

Jim Reynolds directly loaded his weapon and aimed it at the opponent's head. Sergeant Lei would definitely not surrender. He would not surrender when he was fighting against the Tyronn Federation and the Mengsk Empire, nor will he now , Not even more in the future.

Because he is Jim Reynolds, except for Kerrigan, he never surrendered to anyone's violence! !

'Humph! ’

‘Never underestimate the power of the scout's discipline! ! ’

Captain Timo also clenched the quiver in his hand tightly. As a captain of scouts, he could see that the opponent was seriously injured and his strength was still escaping. This meant that they weren’t totally right. No chance.

'is it? ’

‘Then you will be judged...’

what? !

Suddenly, the courageous archangel Impress, who was about to step forward to end the enemy's last resistance, turned around in a puzzled way, because he saw that the female priest on the other side was actually guiding the powerful divine power? What is she going to do? Are you going to bombard yourself and avenge that Paladin?


What's the use of bombarding yourself with divine power? !

"Never forgive!!"

"You unexpectedly..."

"Mograine is down... You actually killed my brother?!"

Sally Whitemane's body was surging with the energy of the holy light that even Impris felt a little admired, and her eyes began to burst out with dazzling holy light.

'Priest! ’

‘Your power has no effect on me... Wait, you are....’

Imprison, who was about to judge a few sentences and tell the other party not to do such useless things, was shocked to find that the opponent's target seemed not to be his own enemy, but... that dead Paladin? !

He guessed the opponent's motives, and when he was about to rush to stop him, he suddenly found that something soft seemed to be tripped under his feet, and then...

Bang~! !

With a muffled sound, a large purple toxic energy began to dissipate, and then they began to infiltrate his body frantically from the gap in his armor, from the wound on his shoulder, and at the same time made his movements change in vain. Got to stagnate slowly? !


"My warrior!!"

With a wave of the angry Sally Whitemane, a blazing beam of holy light shone directly on Renault Mograine who fell on the ground, and soon, the powerful holy light power came from his chest. Furiously poured into his body.


Cang! !

"Fight for you! My lady!"

Renault Mograine pulled up the ash messenger that was inserted by the opponent, and stood in front of the courage archangel Impress again, blocking the direction of the opponent's assault, and fiercely The sword slashed towards the opponent, shattering the opponent's bad attempt to hurt his sister Sally.

That was his younger sister, he swore that he would never allow anyone to hurt her, in the name of the Holy Light!


Upon seeing this, not only a certain courageous archangel was shocked, but even the soldiers and witches of the Flame Empire who were onlookers were surprised.

‘Goddess is on! ’

‘He is alive again? ’

'what is that? ’

‘That is a miracle! The gods are on this side of the empire! ’

"Hurray~! ’

‘Ula~! ! ’

‘Long live the empire! Long live the five fireball gods~! ! ’

Seeing that one's hero can come back from the dead, and seeing that the arrogance of the arrogant angel is suppressed, the soldiers around him shouted.

'you! ! ’

‘It’s not fair...’

Seeing the opponent come back from the dead, seeing the sacred energy on the opponent becoming more blazing, seeing the gap between the opponent and himself narrowing, Impress angrily brandished his spear in his hand, eliminating the toxins in his body, When he wanted to fly forward to solve the pastor who was able to resurrect the dead first, he staggered, as if he had stepped on something again?


Another mushroom blew up, and then, the body that had just become pure was dyed purple again?

"Don't think about it!!"

Seeing the other party stepping on Timo’s mushroom again, seeing that the other party’s actions became slow in vain, Renault Mograine, who had just been resurrected with full blood and energy, roared and burst into a more powerful holy flame, waving his hands. The ash messenger, stepping on dedication, turning on the fury of vengeance, rushed forward to sprinkle the energy of the Holy Light to his heart and fought with the enemy again.

The ruling of the Templars!



The hammer of sanctions!



Holy storm!



Hand of nuisance!


Crusader Strike! The sword of justice! !

Ping~! Pong~!


A shocking and terrifying sound of weapon collisions began to resound again on this'Gladiator arena'. For a while, the newly resurrected Renault Mograine was in a cold shot of a commander and a certain unbending commander. With the help of the captain of the scout who put cold arrows and poisoned arrows, he faintly gained a bit of the upper hand, so he fought with the enemy vigorously and defensively?

‘! ! ’

That does not work!

Feeling that it's meaningless to consume power in this way, the courage archangel Impress, who would not be worth the loss even if he kills the opponent again, finally made up his mind.

Soon, I saw him risking a deep wound cut on his waist by the opponent's divine weapon, and flew into the air in desperation, and turned into a white afterimage directly behind him. A female priest of stabs away.

Celestial Charge! !

Only by destroying the powerful priest who will resurrect the dead, his Impriss can easily win today's victory! Therefore, he just risked being slashed and attacked by two shooters behind him, forcibly flew into the air and launched an inevitable surprise attack.

He didn't dare to attack from the ground, because he didn't know if there were any kind of difficult mushrooms in front of him that would explode at the first touch!


"Sally! Be careful!!"

Renault Mograine was obviously powerless for the enemy who attacked from the air, so he could only chase forward with all his might and shouted in vain.


Power Word: Shield! !

Dealing with an angel who is proficient in sacred power and almost immune to sacred attacks, Sally Whitemane, who can't run or counterattack, except for gritting her teeth and putting on herself an instant power word: shield, she really is something Can't do it either.

‘Enlighten! ! ’

Seeing the performance of the female priest, Imperius, who insisted on shooting after her, knew that the other party was dead!





Now, it’s finally time for Queen Anne to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf and teach the other party to turn the tide, because the other party has two swords in her body, and her energy keeps leaking. She also stepped on several mushrooms and planted dozens of poisonous arrows. Thousands of spiked bullets were fired by a certain Jim Reynolds. Now the energy level is not as good as hers, so...


The four fireballs that appeared in shape slammed out!

‘! ! ’

However, they were easily thrown into the air with a spear by the archangel of courage, and scattered and hit the ground around them, and turned into four burning pools, and even melted the ground into a terrible flame pond...

‘! ! ’

'who is it? ! ’

Imprison, whose strength was beginning to be a little weak, was a little surprised by the flames. Although he successfully knocked them off, he was also knocked out at the same time, and missed the best chance to kill the female priest.



"That big winged guy, do you still recognize people?"


Walking toward the front step by step, and after showing her figure little by little, Annie smiled and waved her hand and said hello to the other party.

While speaking, taking advantage of the moment when the opponent's stunned, strength and momentum weakened again in vain, chains of flames and magma jumped out of the four magma ponds, and took the initiative to trap and fly into the sky. The limbs of the archangel firmly bound it in mid-air.

‘! ! ’

‘Yes, is it you? ! ’

After trembling and exclaiming, I didn't expect the other party to actually come. I didn't expect that what Auriel said turned out to be true. The slightly less courageous Impress began to struggle desperately, but there were more red chains. But it spread again and came up and tightly bound his neck, wings and waist, making him unable to fight away anxiously.

‘Run! The archangel is defeated! ! ’

"Wow~! ’

‘Run! ! ’

‘Yes, what terrible witch leader! ’


In the distance, the restoring forces who did not know the truth saw the archangel being captured, and saw a little girl who appeared only in the church of the legend and the Five Fireball cult, and slowly flew into the sky and caught them. For the courage of the archangel, Lord Impress, they, who had been bombarded by artillery, began to fall apart and fled...


Just after seeing the archangel of courage, Impressive fighting in front of the enemy and stalemate, and still faintly defeated, those who hadn’t thought of fighting a serious battle, and were bombarded by artillery for a while, just thought. The speculative mobs are already a little hard to persevere!

Now, I can see that the most powerful witch leader in the legend, the emperor who founded the Flame Empire and the Five Fireball Cult, and the so-called "flame goddess" actually appeared, and even saw the archangel and was caught by the opponent. After staying, I didn’t know who could not hold on and shouted. Soon, the allied forces of the European restoration forces finally collapsed completely...

"You can't beat others. Have you forgotten what happened in the shelter world?"


"Hurry up and surrender, people won't do anything to you now, they just want to drive you back to your highest heaven!"

While speaking, Little Annie secretly used a weakening spell on the chain, and used a certain hint of secret language to it.

Although, if the other party continues to resist desperately, she will definitely be able to win with her current strength, but it will definitely have to fight for a while, which will damage her Queen Anne’s prestige, so, If you can fool the opponent to give up resistance, that's the best.


"It's really you..."

Imprison looked at the little girl who flew in front of him and seemed unguarded at all. Finally, he had to stop struggling when he dared not attack him, and gradually remembered something that made him once. Things that feel terrible.

At last,

He looked at the spear in his hand, the enemy heroes around him, and the little girl who made him unable to resist, and the rabble crowds that had collapsed in the distance. In the end, he had to sigh. , Dropped the gun of courage in his hand, Solarion, and let the magic chains bind him firmly...


"This battle is really not easy..."

After seeing the victory, Jim Reynolds smiled and relaxed, and lowered his muzzle, which had been fired with a hot barrel due to the continuous high frequency shooting.


"Captain Timo, when did you grow so many mushrooms?!"


‘When you look up at the stars! ! ’


"Ah, you mean when Impris caught Renault Mograine and flew into the sky?"

‘Yes! ! ’

"Do you remember growing mushrooms at that time?"

'of course! No matter when, Captain Timo can't give up growing mushrooms! ’


"Why is there such a strange statement?"

‘Because, UU reading I once had a dream, that is: to plant mushrooms all over the Valoran continent! ! ’


"That's really a crazy idea..."

'Do not! That is my dream! It will happen one day! ’


"Listen to me, Timo, you people from Valoran will definitely not like your crazy dream..."

Jim Reynolds opened his mouth in amazement, but in the end he didn't say anything. He just shook his head dumbfounded and raised his legs and walked towards the courageous archangel Impress who was being slowly pulled to the ground by the magic chain.


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