Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1012: ?? (????)?? Death is here! Hurry up...

Bear Shield's tenth-level agent Phil Coleson’s car, the'Laura' was originally just an antique roadster with a classic car model. It was a car with only two seats... But for one For the upright deceptive Autobots, the seats are not a big problem at all!

Isn't this?

When it first appeared at the door of the courtyard of a weird person who likes to pull leaves, it has become a four-seater roadster, barely taking away the solemnly folded hands sitting on the co-pilot. The bald-headed young monk and another strong man lying on his side in the back seat, eating bananas with an indecent gesture of pulling his feet.


"Mr. Sun Xingzhe, please don't throw banana peels on the road. It will be dangerous if you are stepped on."

'Laura' was driving on a busy lane at high speed, and the situation of a certain Sun Xingzhe holding a banana while eating and throwing it out of the car finally made Coleson a little bit unbearable, so he stared at the back After taking a look at the sight glass, he carefully reminded someone who was neither sitting nor eating.

Although, there are no pedestrians on this fast lane at all, and the banana peels that are begging to be thrown may be crushed on the asphalt road by the truck behind in an instant, but, in Coulson's view, it is littered like that. Rubbish is always wrong.


"My grandson saves..."

Nodding, a certain Mr. Sun Xingzhe threw the peel of another banana that he had eaten directly under the bridge while the car was driving over a bridge.



Coulson opened his mouth, and finally did not dare to continue talking to the other party. After all, after the other party knew that it was wrong to throw it on the road, he could correct it and throw it into the river. At least, there were no pedestrians walking in the river.


"Kelsen donor, the little monk doesn't understand, why are you here to pick me up this time, not the beautiful Natasha Romanov female donor before?"

"The little monk originally had a lot to say to her..."

Yes, Tang Xiaoseng is very dissatisfied with this, seriously dissatisfied, very dissatisfied!

The reason why he agreed to the other party’s request so happily before was that, besides hindering the face of the auntie Anne who hadn’t seen him for a long time in his family, most of the reason was that he wanted to save all sentient beings. It's nothing more than that black widow who is so angry.

Of course, his thoughts are very pure, there really is no other meaning, he really just wants to make a transition, he dare to use the name of his great apprentice Wukong and Monkey Ge to guarantee!

"Mr. Tang, this is how things are."

"You may not know that Natasha is a powerful player in our Bear Shield and is also a member of the Avengers. She was dispatched to perform another mission yesterday. It is said that at least one month later Will you come back? So, I will have to pick you up this time. After all, we've seen one another..."

"Do you have any important things to find her? If so, you can tell it now. I think I should be able to convey it on her behalf. Our communication is very efficient and fast, and it can spread in real time in the galaxy. It won't delay your business!"

While driving forward at high speed, Coleson turned his head curiously and glanced at a young monk who was said to be some incredible fairy.

As a senior member of the Bear Shield Bureau, Coulson, of course, already knew the identities of the two people in his car, and knew that the other party was a profession like a fairy and a living Buddha... However, he didn't feel too much about this kind of thing. So much fuss.

One is because he doesn’t know much about Eastern mythology, he doesn’t fully understand the identities of the other person, and does not understand what the two identities of the other party mean; and the other is, like Thor, Odin, and Rocky , Mephisto, hell, heaven, ghost rider, aliens and angels, etc. or various other monsters, Coleson has already seen a lot of them, and even now even if there is really a **** Maybe he wouldn't be too surprised to say hello to him in front of him?

Anyway, for the receptivity and immunity of those mysterious things and mythological characters appearing in front of them, the agents of the Bear Shield must be relatively strong, even no matter how special and outrageous things are, they are all agents. It can be accepted quickly.

"Good, good..."

"Sponsor Coleson, thank you for your kindness, but don't be so troublesome. The little monk just wants to see her and ask casually, don't have other intentions."

"Since she is no longer, let's talk about it later..."

What are you kidding about, how can the important thing that I want to make a female donor pass on through generations? Therefore, without even thinking about it, Tang Xiaoseng categorically rejected the unreasonable request of the other party after putting his hands together and proclaiming the Buddha's name.

"OK then!"

"However, when I meet Natasha, I will definitely convey what you want to see her..."

While talking, Coleson let go of the steering wheel of the car with both hands altogether, slapped a little and stretched his waist at the same time, letting his own'Laura' shuttle at high speed in the traffic.

Coleson is really tired...

Because there are indeed many new problems on the earth discovered by the Bear Shield recently, all of them are almost busy. All agents, whether they are field or internal, are operating at a high load, and there are almost only six per day. The seven-hour rest time, even if it was Coulson, the highest level tenth-level agent and veteran, was no exception.


Tang Xiaoseng looked at the road ahead, and then at Coleson, who was holding his head in both hands and closing his eyes. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing. .

"what happened?"

"Mr. Tang, do you have any questions?!"

As an agent, Coleson’s perception is very sensitive, so he felt that a monk beside him was looking at him all the time, thinking that the other party wanted to say something, he quickly turned his eyes and smiled. Asked.


"Donor Colson, the little monk doesn't understand. When driving, don't you need to hold the steering wheel with both hands? What if you bump into someone else's car or rush under the viaduct?"

Tang Xiaoseng, who has the incorruptible body of King Kong and the body of invading evil spirits, is definitely not afraid of crashing!

Because he is a true Buddha, the kind that is countless times more powerful than the living Buddha! Therefore, he couldn't easily die no matter what... However, the Phil Colson around him or the other person who was hit, that's not necessarily the case.

Because of this, in line with my Buddha’s compassionate thoughts, although he was very reluctant, he still carefully reminded a certain Bear Shield agent to drive safely... Besides, they were on mission this time. He doesn't want to make mistakes halfway through, and then waste more of their time?

His Tang Xiaoseng has been very busy lately. He and Uncle Monkey have discovered that all the creatures in this world have been indulging in the sea of ​​suffering, the world is full of materialism, the world is also indulging in sensuality, and the charming fairies are still raging, which is the will of heaven. And arranged for him Tang Xiaoseng to come to this world, then he would always take care of it. Of course, he was only concerned with the fairies he thought needed to be transformed. There were too many ordinary mortals, and he didn't have so much free time to transform.


"Oh! You mean this..."

"It's okay, Mr. Tang, you may not know? My'Laura' is a powerful autobot. It is different from ordinary cars. Even if it is not controlled by me, it can take us to safety. Go to the destination, don’t believe me!”

After speaking, Coleson simply hugged his arm, and then gave an order to his car "Laura":

"Laura! Hurry up, we must arrive at our destination before 12 noon, and there are still seven minutes!"

'understand! Mr! ’

An electronically synthesized female voice came from the car's player, and then soon, the car's engine suddenly began to roar, and then it began to accelerate and move forward, automatically moving left and right without Coleson's control. Teng, surpassed the cars and trucks blocking the road in front.

"So that's it, Amitabha..."

Although Tang Xiaoseng didn't know much about many things in this world, he knew that when he came across something he didn't understand, he only needed to nod his head and recite the Buddha's name.

Di Woo~! Di Woo~!

However, before Coleson had time to be proud, a police car that was overtaken by them suddenly sounded its sirens, and then started to speed up and chase them.

'Mr! ’

‘A police car is watching us behind, do I need to slow down? ’

At this time, "Laura"'s voice sounded in a timely manner, because it also saw it, and the police car that followed it was the target of them.

Undoubtedly, for this old car with no license plate and a red car with a speeding car, racing on city roads at such a fast speed is indeed a bit too blatant and conspicuous. .

"Don't worry about it!"

"We will arrive at our destination soon. When we get there, we will get off and explain to them..."

At this time, whether it's slowing down or stopping to explain, it's just a waste of time. Therefore, Coleson, who didn't want to do that kind of meaningless thing, directly ordered Laura. Because he knew it, the police car behind would definitely not be able to catch up with them.

‘Understood, sir! ’

"Good, good..."

"Sir Colson, is it not so good for us to fight the police like this?"

Tang Xiaoseng certainly wouldn't be afraid of those officials' arrests, but he was afraid of trouble, and even more afraid of being missed by those laymen all day long! Therefore, whether it was him or Uncle Monkey, neither of them would easily choose to conflict or fight against people in the government, so as not to cause unnecessary things.

Although they are all gods, they have all become Buddhas, and they are all very powerful at the same time, but they are all gods with status and status. They will be like some who have gained power and are utterly utterly utterly awkward all day. I don't know how to provoke cause and effect, for fear that others don't know how powerful they are and cause disaster? Of course, his Tang Xiaoseng was definitely not when he was the Monkey King before the reincarnation of his Uncle Monkey, although that is indeed a very vivid and accurate example...


"It doesn't matter, Mr. Tang, you may not know, our Bear Shield is not under their control!"

"Besides, we are here to help their city solve problems. Time is urgent. Even a slight violation of traffic rules is understandable."

To be honest, it's just speeding now, and Coleson doesn't think it's a big deal. Besides, they have all turned off the main road now, and they are almost at their destination, not short of this time.

The most important thing is that after the Bear Shield has been busy with a high load for nearly a month, he is a little irritable and annoyed, how can he care about such small things?

Di Woo~! Di Woo~!


With the sound of the brakes, when Coleson’s'Laura' steadily parked not far from the door of a community leisure center, the police car that had been following them also hit. Using the police siren, he rushed over at high speed with a fierce attitude and slanted in front of their car and stopped the car.

'Mr! ’

‘Not only speeding, but also irregular driving, leaving the steering wheel with both hands, you are in big trouble this time! ! ’

Seeing that the car in front finally stopped and three people got out of the car, the two policemen who came out of the police car viciously held the gun handle around their waist with one hand, and at the same time stared threateningly at someone who was sitting in the driving position. The guy who dared not only dared to drag a car, but also dared not to put his hands on the steering wheel and defy traffic laws.

What didn't say, today these three terms must be copied back by them, and then the red classic car must be dragged back!

"On the contrary, gentlemen, I think I might not be in trouble at all!"

"Sorry, that's the case. This is my certificate. We belong to the Bear Shield Bureau. We are currently performing urgent official duties. If nothing else, gentlemen, I think you might be able to go back now?"

"Believe me, it's not safe here..."

Although it feels a bit rude to do so, but now the whole game is very busy, I just want to solve the matter here quickly so I can go back early to steal time and rest. Coleson, how can he have the mind to care about the opponent. What kind of thinking?



Seeing that the other party took out the metal-style bear head badge for the first time, the two policemen were taken aback, and then their hands on the handles of the guns at their waists became stiff. Obviously, they all know that the people in the Bear Shield are indeed beyond their control, and the other party does have some extraordinary privileges in this city.

'Hey! What's the matter with you two? ’

‘We are from the FBI, do they have any problems? Why stop them? ! ’

At this time, waiting outside the cordon of the community leisure center, two men in suits also rushed over, and at the first moment they took out two certificates from their jacket pockets, and they were a little surprised. The policeman questioned after showing it.

‘! ! ’

‘No, it’s okay! Sorry, we are leaving now! ! ’

The group in front of them belonged to the Bear Shield, and the other group belonged to the FBI. What was not said, they did not dare to provoke, and it seemed that there was no need to provoke it?

So, I guessed that something extraordinary happened here, and then I looked at the two policemen who were pulled by the cordon in the distance. After looking at each other, I didn’t even think about it, waved my hands and laughed. After saying hello, he returned to his car, and then quickly reversed and turned around and drove away like wind.


"Mr. Coulson, you are finally here, are you sure that the matter here can really be completely resolved today?"

Seeing the police car of the New York Police Department turned around and left consciously, the two men in suits who claimed to be FBI couldn't wait to walk in front of Coleson and asked.

As for the little white-faced bald head Coleson brought and a guy who didn't look like an agent, they were just ignored by the two of them gorgeously.

"First introduce it!"

"These two are the helpers I invited today, this is Mr. Tang Xiaoseng, this is Mr. Sun Wukong..."


"This is the FBI agent Weene, this is Schreck!"


"Agent Venetian, how is the situation here?"

Coleson, who didn't intend to be too polite, had introduced the two sides to each other carelessly, and then looked at the community leisure center that was full of cordon with some dread, and frowned and asked in a low voice.

‘How else? ’

‘It’s still the same, as long as you don’t get inside the cordon, there’s absolutely no problem. ! ’

The reason why there is only a cordon here, and the reason why there are not too many people watching here is because of this! Because ah, that thing, ‘it’ is indeed dangerous when it says it’s dangerous, but if it’s not dangerous, it seems that it’s really not that dangerous?

In short,

Over the past month, no matter whether it is from the FBI or the Bear Shield, they have come to many investigators, and they have also changed groups of people to investigate here, but in the end, it is really impossible to find out why. They had no choice but to put a dangerous biochemical sign on this place, and then isolate this place here.

Of course, quarantine is quarantined, and it must be dealt with as soon as possible, because no one knows whether it will expand or whether it will'run' to other parts of the New York city area, and this is theirs After hearing that Coleson brought someone to solve the matter, he would wait here for the reason.


"Two, do you see any problems?"

Hearing that no more changes had happened here, Coleson only relaxed a little bit.

Then, he held his wrist, smiled and turned around to look at the two that he had moved today, which are said to be very powerful in myths and legends, at least one of which is a very powerful rescuer.

The other party is Tang Seng Tang San Zang in "Journey to the West", and the other is the omnipotent Monkey King Monkey King. If you don’t say anything, please come and help them deal with such suspenseful and strange events that they can’t understand. What a big problem!


"Uncle Monkey, what do you think?"

Tang Xiaoseng looked towards the community leisure center, towards the courtyard with beautiful lawns, tall oak trees and some fitness equipment, and the two-story white wooden house in the middle of the courtyard for a long time. After seeing what was wrong, he hesitantly turned his head and asked at the uncle monkey who was still eating bananas behind him.


"You can't see it yourself, and you asked my grandson what did you do, don't you think my grandson can see it?!"


What surprised both Tang Xiaoseng and Coleson was that after a certain monkey glanced at the community leisure center, he also gave an answer that made them both feel a little surprised?

"Uncle Monkey..."

"Where are your fiery eyes? Don't hide them. Take a look. You can't find nothing, right?"

Tang Xiaoseng was a little dissatisfied. They came here today to solve the problem, but now a certain dead monkey refuses to cooperate. Isn't this sincerely adding to the blockage? !


"What do you know? My old grandson's golden eyes are the old sick eyes smoked in the furnace of Taishang Laojun. They can identify the changes of gods, demons and ghosts, and can also identify authenticity. This is indeed true! But here it is. It's just a broken house and a large yard. Whether you look at it sideways or upside down, it's still a house. How do you want my grandson to look at it?!"

That’s right, in his Sun Dasheng’s eyes, it’s normal here, and there are no problems. Even if he used the scorching eyes, he couldn’t see why. Therefore, he was very unceremoniously bald towards a little thief. When I went back, I didn't give the other party any face at all.


"Donor Colson, let's talk about it. What kind of evil ghost is hiding in that house?"

No way, since a certain monkey couldn't see the problem, Tang Xiaoseng, who was full of confidence and didn't ask much on the way, had to turn around and look at a certain bear who came here with his master, apprentice, or nephew. Shield agent.

Although there may be a description in the mission report left by Natasha, the thing has long been torn to the toilet by the two of them, so how can it be seen?


"But there are no ghosts in there..."

"That's it, this house, which is within the cordon we pulled, has an unexplainable weird situation. Whoever dares to enter will be unlucky! Several FBI agents have died, and a lot of them have been injured. Our people from the Bear Shield almost died inside, but fortunately our staff was wearing protective gear at that time, otherwise..."

"Anyway, it's weird inside, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of asking you two."

After turning his head and taking a look at the community leisure center, combining the reports he saw and the situation he felt when he came here to investigate last time, Coleson said with a bitter smile.

"Where is the weird?"

Listening to the description of the other party, it seems that a ghost is at work? However, in the eyes of Tang Xiaoseng, there is no evil or ghostly atmosphere here in the blue sky, and there is no such gloomy feeling. Everything seems to be normal, and it does not seem to be evil at all?

'do not know……'

‘It’s weird anyway! ’

‘But, do you see the cordon that is pulled? As long as you don't go in, there will be no problem at all. Once you go in, you will definitely be unlucky. After a long time, you may die! ! ’


"Really? Have you all been in?"

Tang Xiaoseng became more confused...

'of course! ’

‘We have all been in many times. ’

‘I’ve been in twice! ! ’

Coleson and the other two FBI agents nodded one after another. They obviously remembered those who had ventured into the investigation.

"Three donors, don't you find anything?"

'No! ’

‘I didn’t see it either. ’

‘It looks normal, but we all know it’s not normal! ’

"Can you go in at night?"

‘I went in! ’

‘But, whether it’s day or night, it’s like this! ’

Coleson and the two FBI agents next to him shrugged their shoulders together after answering, saying that if they knew more, they probably wouldn't invite the two in front of them to come here.


"Three donors, you don't know this question. How can this little monk help you?"

To be honest, Tang Xiaoseng couldn't understand it himself, and it was precisely because he couldn't understand it himself that he asked so many questions and whispered directly in his heart.

Although Tang Xiaoseng has become a Buddha, he has an immortal golden body, and a body that is not invaded by all evils... However, he also knows that the outside world is big and many, and people who are stronger than him are even in his place. In that original world, those gods and Buddhas who are stronger than them are everywhere?

Therefore, seeing this weird situation now, seeing this kind of place that neither he nor a monkey can understand, he must be a little bit nervous in his heart.


"Don't look at us like this. Our equipment really can't detect it, and I can't understand it. After thinking about it, I think you are not ordinary people, but gods, so I think you may have a way, so I have to come to you for help."

Coleson didn't explain more about the identities of Tang Xiaoseng to the two slightly confused FBI people around him, but just smiled and reluctantly explained it.

"So that's it..."

"Okay! Let's take a look first..."

Seeing that he couldn't ask a question, Tang Xiaoseng nodded. He just wanted to turn around and walk towards the community leisure center that was full of the cordon. He suddenly stopped the thought and quickly settled down. Some idea.


"Uncle Monkey, why don't go first and see what happened?"

On the way to learn the scriptures that year, Tang Xiaoseng encountered monsters that he couldn't beat, or felt difficult, because his big apprentices were allowed to go first, so he turned his head and persuaded him with a smile.


"Why let my grandson go first?"

"Don't go or not! It's better to go first, little monk, don't worry, my grandson will stare at you outside! If you find a problem, you will shout out, and my grandson will hit in with a stick to ensure that no monsters will be better!"

His Sun Dasheng is not stupid, so he firmly rejected the unreasonable request of the other party and said that he can provide remote assistance and military support outside! He also said that if the other party really called for help, he would definitely get in!

However, it is most likely the kind that directly enlarges and lengthens the golden hoop and then smashes it in?

"Amitabha, good and good!"

"Well, you monkey head, go and go, don't you still be afraid of being a teacher?!"

Seeing the other party's confession, seeing the other three mortals looking at him, Tang Xiaoseng, who was unwilling to lose his Buddha face, gritted his teeth secretly, and after announcing the Buddha's horn, he resolutely stepped forward and raised those warning After the line, he got in.

‘Mr. Tang, you have to be careful! ’

‘If you find that you can’t cope with the situation, it’s best to come out immediately, as long as you come out quickly, it’s fine! ’

‘Be careful of everything around! It's better not to touch them randomly? ’

Seeing the young bald head stepping in first, the two agents who didn't know whether the other party was reliable or not, reminded each other loudly from outside the cordon.


After a certain monkey had eaten his last banana, he didn’t know where he got out an iron rod with gold on both ends and the mysterious talisman and seal characters, and began to squint at his house. The teacher and nephew of Tang Xiaoseng, who is vigilant about everything around him, is ready to hit him anytime.

This is his treasure. It was originally a piece of supernatural iron smelted by the Taishang Laojun. It was borrowed by Dayu to control the water, and the amount of water was left in the East China Sea. This golden cudgel has two golden hoops on both ends, two tongs wrapped in gold pieces, and a section of black iron in the middle, with a dense pattern on it and a dragon pattern, and a line of phoenix seal engraved next to the hoop, written on top Writing:'Ruyi Golden Cudgel', weighing 13500 jin, which is a full six tons!

However, this is still the weight of the current situation, once it becomes larger and thicker, it is far more than that.



After walking a few steps into this community leisure center, Tang Xiaoseng did not continue to move forward. Instead, after a while, he whispered the Buddha's name, and stood still, waiting patiently for something. .


He wanted to see, where is the weirdness of this place that Mr. Phil Colson and the other two agents just said? After all, it has been a dozen steps since he walked in. Apart from seeing the mess and equipment that he didn't know who was thrown around, there seemed to be nothing suspicious?

In short, with his Tang Xiaoseng's huge mana, real Buddha's eyes and other supernatural powers, he really didn't realize what was so strange here.



Suddenly, Tang Xiaoseng, who was about to walk forward, suddenly discovered that in front of him, there seemed to be a withered branch falling from the next big tree. It just lay across the road, seeming to attract himself to step on it?

Yes, it is attracting!

Because it just lays there with a Zen sense, now, no way is a big step or a small step, as long as you continue to move forward, it seems that you will step on it? Tang Xiaoseng felt very interesting about this. Moreover, after he looked around and still couldn't find any existence, after thinking about it, he resolutely decided: Since there is some kind of existence designed for him to step on, he is wrong. Step on it and take a look to see what is going on?

"Good, good..."

After clasping his hands together and proclaiming a Buddhist horn in a low voice, Tang Xiaoseng pretended not to know, and walked forward step by step.


Sure enough, he walked five steps forward in accordance with his original intention, and he actually stepped on that branch unbiasedly, and then, under the effect of the principle of leverage, a small stone was lifted up and moved far away. Flew not far away.


It seems, nothing happened?

I frowned and watched the little pebble hit far away, and I didn’t know that it was the child who placed the ball on the fitness equipment. He saw the pebble falling onto the concrete pavement under the action of the pebble and'bang' on the court. After he bounced a few times and rolled towards the original place, he found no abnormalities. After thinking about it, he continued to walk forward.


What Tang Xiaoseng didn't know was that the seemingly harmless ball, at this time, quietly rolled into the grass where it was, and happened to hit the pistol that was left there when the agent escaped. And the pistol seemed to be loaded, so it was so good to aim the muzzle at the bright back of a monk who came to the front?


Huh! !

The 9mm Glock pistol went off fire, and a 9mm Luger bullet spouted from the muzzle while still spinning, accurately hitting the back of a thief’s head, and staggering the opponent. It fell directly to the ground.

‘! ! ’

‘Mr. Tang? ’

‘Damn it! Is he okay? Which **** put the dangerous thing like a gun in it? ! ’

‘Mr. Tang? ! ’

Outside the gate of the community leisure center, I have been paying attention to the situation of the other party and heard the gunshots. The three Colesons who saw the other party fell on the ground opened their mouths or asked, or yelled, or looked worriedly at the distance The figure not far from the door of the house.

Soon, they stopped talking, because they saw that the bald-headed Mr. Tang had stood up again, and then they only saw that the other party seemed to have nothing but rubbing the back of his head?


That's it!

Turning to look at the dead branch that I stepped on when I just walked past, the flying pebbles, the motionless ball that rolled down the distance, and the pistol in the grass, after taking a look at the pistol in the grass, linking the reasons behind them, Tang Xiaoseng seemed to understand something.

"Fortunately, the little monk has the body of King Kong, otherwise..."

However, although he roughly understood the reasons for some things, he still wanted to know more, after thinking about it, he laughed, resolutely continued to walk forward, and walked directly to the room that was already empty. One person, and the things inside are still tossed in the house.




boom! !





Coulson and the other two FBI agents, who were waiting anxiously outside, had no idea what was happening in the house. They only heard the building during the nearly half an hour. Strange noises and a final scream came out from the house.

And when they just wanted to do something and rushed in at the risk to rescue the other person, they saw that the door of the house was opened from the inside, and the guy who had been in for a long time finally walked out quickly and watched. Still embarrassed?

However, what surprised them even more was: they also discovered at the same time that, except for the clothes that looked a little broken and miserable, there didn't seem to be any injuries on the whole body?

'How's it going? ’

‘Mr. Tang, have you made it clear, what is it? ’

No one has ever been able to stay in the house for that long, even Tony Stark, who had been curious to check it out before, so Coulson hurried forward to ask.


"Coelson benefactor, fortunately not insulting your life! The little monk has basically found out the reason!"

Yes, although his expression looked a little unnatural, Tang Xiaoseng, who gradually relaxed after walking outside, said his words in relief.

‘? ? ’

"What's inside? ’

"It's cause and effect! It's Zen!"

'cause and effect? Zen? ’

‘What kind of monster or existence is that? ! ’

Obviously, for the inexplicable term spoken by the other party, Coulson must have been unable to understand.


"Coelson donor, cause and effect is cause and effect, and Zen is Zen. That's not a monster!"

After shook his head, Tang Xiaoseng put his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name, and he explained in a heartfelt manner, because the inside was not a monster. It was a kind of causal'causal law', and it represented 'Evil' represents the side of'death', which is very dangerous, even for him, Tang Xiaoseng!

So, after finally figuring out what it was, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and ran out in a hurry.


Coleson was full of doubts. He didn't understand. Why did he find this monk, and after he got the help of such a god, the puzzles and doubts in his heart became more?

"Good, good..."

"Kelsen donor, the Buddha said: Don't say it!"

With a wry smile and shook his head, Tang Xiaoseng did not continue to explain, because there are some things, if you understand it, you understand, and if you don't understand, you don't understand. It is useless to say more, and to say nothing.

"Really long-winded!"

"I'll wait for my grandson to go in and take a look!"

Obviously he didn't understand what Tang Xiaoseng meant by fighting against the Buddha without practicing Zen. However, he had just seen a lot of doorways, including everything that happened during the half-hour that Tang Xiaoseng stayed in the house!

For example, the other party stumbles inexplicably, hits his forehead on a nail, touches a leaking wire, triggers a small explosion, etc., so he himself wants to go in and experience the experience, to see if the existence of something that does not know what it is. Can't help him?


"What do you want to do?"

Just when he wanted to go in, he saw that his hand was firmly grasped by Sun Dasheng, he stared at a certain Tang Xiaoseng in a puzzled manner.

"Uncle Monkey!"

"Can't go in! Especially you!!"

With a straight face, Tang Xiaoseng rarely warned the other party seriously.


"My old grandson can see it, since it can't help you, so can't my grandson!"

Yes, in his opinion, since the invisible guy didn't kill a bald donkey, he would not kill him, the Monkey King!

Think about what kind of formation he hadn't seen when he made a big disturbance in Heavenly Palace back then? Therefore, in his opinion, the thing inside that can only deal with mortals at most, it must be unable to deal with his grandson.


"Uncle Monkey, you would be wrong if you think that way! The little monk just noticed the great danger, so he had to hurried out! If you go in now, the stronger you are, the longer you hold on, and the fiercer the resistance will be, I'm afraid the more disaster will come. !"

"At that time, maybe this world will be involved!!"

While speaking, Tang Xiaoseng clenched the opponent's hand tightly and refused to let go when he said anything. He was even ready to turn his face. Even if he chanted the curse, he would never let the opponent run into this danger. In the community leisure center.


"Tsk! If you don't go, don't go! Let go! My grandson is not rare!!"

Seeing that the other party's expression didn't seem to be a joke, there was no way, after throwing away the other party's hand, a certain eager saint had to slip to the side angrily.


"Mr. Tang, what exactly are you talking about? Can you solve the problem there, the monster?"

Coleson doesn’t care what is inside, because there are too many supernatural events that Bear Shield and the former SHIELD have been exposed to, and there are also many things he can’t understand. So, now he just wants to know, This Tang Seng, who seemed to see what was inside, could he help them solve it?

"Good, good!"

"I'm sorry, Donor Colson, although the little monk has found out what things are here, but that kind of thing is beyond the little monk's ability... However, it may change later, you should go and invite others, I am afraid , Only the kind of powerful person who transcends the world can have a way!"

After looking inside with lingering fears, Tang Xiaoseng decided that he would never cross those warning lines again.

"Is it that serious?!"

Coleson hesitated, because he felt that the situation inside was a little weird and dangerous, and the longer he stayed, the more unlucky. It didn't seem to be a big deal.


"The little monk is very sure, it is so serious!"

"Furthermore, before the arrival of people who can rule out'cause and effect' here, you'd better not let anyone in again, especially those who are strong! I know the capabilities of your Bear Shield and know that you have many strong However, the more powerful they are, the less powerful they are, and the more powerful they are, the more dangerous it is!!"

Now that I have come, and I still understand what it is, after Tang Xiaoseng pondered it, he stared at that Colson's eyes and patiently explained this sentence to the other party.


"But, who do you want me to invite? Wait, don't you mean..."

"It's Annie?!"

The bored Colson just wanted to ask the other person, but he soon remembered who they knew in the Bear Shield was the ‘power beyond the world’.

"Good, good!"

"Yes, go and ask Auntie Anne! The sooner the better!!"

That kind of invisible, formless, colorless and shapeless existence, listening to the silent, seeing the invisible, and only knowing it can be unspeakable, the'evil' of the world, I am afraid that only the one that Tang Xiaoseng knows can detach Outside of the world and it is said that the aunt of the powerful man who has already collected countless worlds in her bag can have a way to get it away or conquer it.


However, Coleson still hesitated.

But there was no way. Seeing the guy in front of him so sure, he thought for a while. He didn't believe the other party's words, so he decided to write a report on this matter and submit it directly to Director Nick Fury. What should I do, or leave it to the other party to decide?

Coulson must not dare to call the shots by himself and contact the little guy Annie directly, because he knows that the little guy is very busy now, and it seems that the survival of many worlds is still in her hands? Therefore, if it is not necessary, he definitely doesn't want and dare not disturb the other party again, at least until the other party straightens everything out, or before the emergence of a crisis that they can't solve by themselves.


??*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*???? Ask for a ticket????*????(ˊ??ˋ*)????*??

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