Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1014: ? (ψ `? ′) oVS ??? (??…



"Hello, Miss Angel from Giant Mountain?"


"If people want to sit here, you surely don't mind?!"


After saying hello to the other party, Xiao Anni directly sat down on the opposite side of the other party's table, and didn't care if the other party minded or didn't mind. Anyway, even if the other party really minded, she would definitely not leave.


Originally, she only thought that the other party just saw that she was not an ordinary person, so Kyle who wanted to come over to talk to her couldn't help being shocked. Then, she once again locked on the amazing little girl in front of her with her eyes.

Because, she wanted to see what the origin of the other party was, and why could she tell that she was an angel and also came from the true origin of Giant Mountain? You know, she has never told anyone about her. Then where did the other party know about it?

"you are……"

"Since just now, I have felt the energy of witchcraft from around the bodies of both of you. You must be two wizards, right? But, I don't understand, who are you and why can you break my identity? ?"

Kyle is very curious, because although she has come into contact with a lot of strong people since coming into this world by accident, she swears that no one has ever seen her identity like this weird little girl in front of her. Yes, let alone tell the story of yourself.

During this time, although she has used her power many times, she has never shown her true body in this world, nor has she released her wings... Therefore, this incident slightly evoked her. A little bit of curiosity, and the more I look at it, the more I feel that the little girl in front of me should not be able to see through herself directly, even if the other person is not an ordinary person, but a mage who seems to have good magic power, and may even be relatively powerful. .


Carter, who sat down with him, was also surprised!

Although he could see the extraordinary woman in front of him with the power of ‘Shazam’, and even felt a trace of divinity from the other person, he never thought that the other person turned out to be an angel!

However, he didn't talk nonsense, because he didn't really mind who the other party was. As long as the other party didn't disturb the world, or at least not disturb the earth, he would be satisfied.

"It's called Annie! Just like you, it's from the world of Runeland, but it's from the land of Voodoo, and it's an arcane archmage!"


If it was before, Little Annie would definitely be stunned, such as claiming to be the most powerful arcane archmage or something? But, now she might even be a little bit inferior to the power of the Carter next to her after turning into Shazam, where is she still screaming?

"Voodoo Land..."

"So, I think you must have come here by accident from the world of Runeterra, right?"

After the initial surprise, Kyle nodded quickly, because she remembered that since she herself could come here without any warning or reason, then other people were just as mistaken as herself. It doesn't seem to be too strange to enter this world.

"Not surprisingly~!"


In a sense, Annie herself was indeed from the Middle Runeland world, but that was not an accident. She took the initiative to deal with the messy things in this world! However, she wouldn't tell the angel who had just met in front of her all the troublesome things now!

In her opinion, this kind of self-righteous angel is the most troublesome. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have beaten the Impress for so long last time. So, if possible, she still felt that she shouldn’t let it. Is it better for the other party to know too much?


Kyle frowned thoughtfully, the golden light in his eyes flickered, and once again swept the little girl across the table and the man next to him.

"I'm a little curious..."

"Because I'm pretty sure, I have never seen the two of you, but can you tell me how do you know my origin and identity?!"

A little girl mage from the land of voodoo, a man with a variety of supernatural powers, and he seems to be the heir of a certain divine system, depending on the situation, Kyle said that he really never had any impression of these two strange guys. !

So, she was really curious, why did the other party see her through?


Carter Grant didn't speak, he just looked at his sister with an awkward smile, and at a certain little girl.

Because, he only knew that the other party was not an ordinary person before, and knew that another group of troublesome guys were in close contact with each other, and through big predictions and some investigations, he knew that he could meet each other here. He didn't know that the other party was actually a person. Angels and the little ones are some kind of gods from the same world.

"Everyone knows it!"

(* ̄︶ ̄)o

"By the way, sister Angel, what is your name, and what are you doing here?"


There are not many angels or gods in the world of Runeterra, especially the Giant Peak, so little Annie can guess the true identity of the other party when she sees the other party. After all, her realm is there. , In a sense, she is indeed the'Lord of Ten Thousand Realms', she must be almost omniscient and omnipotent in the world she has completely and half mastered.

It’s just that, even if you already know it, it’s always okay to ask. After all, it can slightly increase the relationship and relationship between the two parties, and it will help her to ask the other party to leave the world later.


"You can call me Kyle, I am waiting for someone now."

Although I don’t know why these two people came to talk to them, and they don’t really believe what the little girl said, but Kyle, who felt that it was not a big problem, after a laugh, he said noncommittal. The name and the reason why I appear here.


She also faintly felt that the wizard next to the little girl, the guy who inherited a variety of complex supernatural powers, had already cast a weird look at herself intentionally or unintentionally when she came here. He sat in front of him and looked evasive, as if he had known his arrival a long time ago and was hiding something?

Or is the other person afraid of yourself?

In short, she always thought this thing was a bit interesting, and she suddenly felt that, maybe, after an old wizard who invited herself to come here appeared, she could almost solve her puzzles?

"Waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for?"

∑(??△`)? !

"Is it from the world of Runeland like you? Is it the other celestial spirits in the Giant Peak, or the guys from other places?"


If that's the case, then she can save a lot of things. When the time comes, one of them will count as one, and all will be rushed back to the other's own world.


Kyle didn't go on, just picked up the lemonade on the table and took a sip carefully, because she finally saw that the cunning little girl in front of her was talking to her with a certain purpose.


While Little Annie was talking with an angel Kyle from the world of Runeterra, in the distance, a car came slowly and stopped by the side of the road. However, it did not open the door and did not leave. Drop anyone.

‘Gandalf, things are wrong, I think we should stay away from them...’

"No, wait..."

'You see, the little girl seems to know the woman you mentioned, and there is also the Shazam Carter over there. We may be a little bit reckless this time, and we shouldn’t have come to the city of Naxonel to take the risk and continue with her. Those who are in contact, this is the lair of their demons! ’

‘But... the other day she clearly tried those demons, you have seen it too, she is very strong, she can’t be on their side...’

'I know, but now this situation is better to go back and talk about it, it is not suitable for us to go out now, after all, the hostility between our Justice League and them has become more and more open. Maybe we will fight when we meet. Here we are. No chance of winning! ’

‘Maybe you are right, but I still want to go over and have a good chat with them! ’

‘Gandalf, I don’t understand, you are...’

‘Listen to me, we have been discovered by her, and since we have all come, it would be too rude not to pass! ’

'what? Was discovered? ! ’

‘But, Bruce, you can go back first, I’m a wizard, you don’t have to worry about me, they won’t be able to keep me if I want to go. ’

'you sure? ’

'of course! ! ’

After arguing in the car for a long time, a certain old man, Gandalf, wearing a long gray trench coat, white hair and white beard, but unexpectedly good looking spirit, finally made up his mind, and then unfastened his seat belt. , And opened the door as soon as he reached out.


"The person I'm waiting for is here! It seems that you also know each other?!"

I waited for a long time until the dispute in the car in the distance stopped, and until an old wizard in a windbreaker walked towards him with a smile, Kyle smiled and gently put down the water glass in his hand.

She didn't mean to overhear, it's just that Kyle was not a mortal, and it was difficult for her to pretend that she couldn't see or hear some things.



"Who is he... Old Gandalf?!"

!? (??\'\'????)??

This time, I ran into another guy who was waiting for deportation, which surprised Xiao Anni but also a little bit happy!

Originally, Little Annie was still wondering how to find these missing and messy guys in various worlds, but now that she didn’t need her to find them at all, they suddenly appeared two of them. It’s like what it says on TV, there’s nowhere to be found if you step on a bad shoe.



I found that it was the old man on the other side who was waiting. It was different from the nonsensical excitement of a certain little girl, but a certain Shazan Carter had a spirit in his heart, and soon began to turn his mind and secretly do well Some kind of preparation.


"It seems that you really know each other, so let's talk together..."

Nodded, Kyle didn’t intend to say more, so he sat elegantly in his seat, smiled and pushed out a chair, indicating that the old wizard Gandalf was walking towards this side and sat down on him. On the other side.

"Hello! Ms. Kyle!"

"And you too, Annie, long time no see..."


In the distance, a hidden place across the river, protected by some kind of magic to isolate breath and energy, two women and one man are looking across the river from afar, looking across the river, and looking at the open-air garden of the restaurant opposite. Four people at the table.

"Master Diablo!"

"Look, they are over there now! Our agents have surrounded it, and the waiters in the hotel have been replaced by our own human agents. Now they are communicating with the guests in that hotel, waiting for them to be slowly evacuated away. After that, we can do it."

After waiting for a while, the red-haired glamorous woman among them glanced at a certain communicator in her hand, and after seeing a certain piece of information appeared on it, she turned around and faced the dark red skin beside her. The strong man who shaved a big bald head and looked like a leader lowered his head and said.


"Ms. Morgana, you should see clearly? That woman, is it really just as you said, that super troublesome guy?"

The dark red-skinned, Latino-looking strong man called Diablo did not pay attention to the report of the beautiful red-haired woman under his hand. Instead, he turned his head and looked to the other side of him. That woman.

"Oh! It really is her again!"

"Hmph! It's really a difficult guy, and I haven't been able to get rid of her... Diablo, it seems that this time, you are really in trouble! You may never know, that How many people were killed by the self-proclaimed righteous guy!!"

"In the name of'trial', when she kills people, sometimes she doesn't even let her own people go, let alone demons like you!"

"I've had enough of her boring justice..."

The woman with purple-black hair, who was called Morgana, was holding her hands on her chest at this time, while looking at the restaurant across the river, she said with a sneer.

"Do not……"

"That's not necessarily trouble!"

However, Diablo shook his head, as if he didn't take Morgana's words to heart?


"Don't blame me for not reminding you, my sister is a demigod, and the most powerful kind! Moreover, I heard that she has also stayed in the Giant Mountain for hundreds of years. With our mother’s divine sword, she seems to have a lot of helpers. Are you sure you want to do it tonight?"

Regarding her sister, Morgana actually didn't object, because she wanted to get rid of her self-righteous sister more than anyone!

"I am Diablo, King of Fear, and the strongest among the three demon gods of hell!!"

"Morgana, please never underestimate my strength, and, do you think those guys are really all your sister's helpers?"

Diablo grinned and looked at the four people on the other side of the river who still didn’t know what to say at the table. After a while, he finally turned his head and looked at the woman next to him who was a little solemn. Yelled brutally:


"Did you remember to inform that guy when he said he would come here?!"

There is a rare opportunity tonight, Diablo will certainly not give up easily to clean up the white-robed wizard and the nosy woman.

"Yes! My lord, I'm sure to inform..."

"But he said, he will come here as quickly as possible, before our scheduled time for hands-on?"

Hearing Diablo's words, Andariel, who now looked like an unusually beautiful red-haired woman, quickly lowered his head and replied.


"Very good! Let the boys get ready, we will close the net later! Remember, don't let those mortals interfere with us tonight!"

Diablo, the King of Fear, said he couldn't wait now! Especially, when he saw a little girl present, he felt that it was necessary to make things worse?


"I will make arrangements!"

Nodded, Andariel didn't say much, just turned his head and left.

"Ms. Morgana, do you want to come together? To deal with your sister angel?"

After staring at Andariel's swiftly leaving back with cruel bloodthirsty eyes, Diablo grinned cruelly and asked the lady beside him who didn't know what he was thinking.

"Why not?"

"Since they want a villain so much, and since my sister seems to want a villain too, then I will be the villain they need!"

If the guys like Diablo were to deal with the old wizard with white beard and white hair, maybe she wouldn't do it, but if it were her sister, she would definitely have no way to refuse.

"Do not!"

"Mrs. Morgana, I think you seem to have misunderstood. We are not villains. The cause of our **** demons in this world is just and open. We are supported by the earth human beings. We and our Bear Shield Has been committed to protecting the safety of mortal lives and personal property!"

"On the contrary, those who oppose us are the evil villains!!"

After speaking, Diablo smiled fiercely and pointed at the old man wizard and some righteous angel in the distance.

There is no doubt that the indiscriminate direct trial of his subordinates sent many of his subordinates back to hell, and the angel Kyle who burned many of the human agents of the Bear Shield with the holy flame, in his Diablo In the eyes of many people in this world, it must be evil!

Of course, there is also the Justice League that Gandalf joined! Those guys, don't think that Diablo doesn't know that they are secretly and a lot of local heroes and forces behind them. It's just that he has been enduring and not rushing to do it.


Hearing Diablo's serious nonsense, Morgana was a little stunned. She had never thought that in this world, there would be such an interesting, such a **** demon!

You know, the other party is a serious demon monarch, a big demon...

But now, look, he actually said that their cause is just, and her sister Kyle, the self-righteous angel, is the evil villain? !

"Hahaha! Interesting!"

"I have seen a lot of liars in Runeterra, and their mouths are full of humanity and morality... I have also seen gods commit crimes, and they will beat you back..."

"And today, look what I saw, a group of demons claiming to be the guardians of the people?!"

"You mean: darkness is justice, and corruption is eternity, right? Dear Lord Diablo, Lord of Fear, I really appreciate you more and more!"

Darkness is not equal to evil. This is an idea that Moganda has already possessed for a long time, and this is also the reason why her stubborn sister has serious differences and even fights! And now, very strangely, she seems to find that she has found a guy who has a little bit of common language with her in this strange earth?

"You praised, Ms. Morgana, that is actually due to my master’s good training... However, we are indeed the guardians of this world. In order to maintain the peace and tranquility of this earth, we burn the **** demons The sacrifices made over the years are obvious to all people on earth!"

"Of course, I just act according to my master's will!"

Diablo just wanted to show off in front of this Ms. Morgana the reason why they can live in peace with most of the people on earth, but after hesitating for a while, he still gave the credit to Pushed onto his little master.

After all, the little master of his Diablo is not far away, although he has always been a little uncomfortable with the fact that he destroyed his plan of action in the sanctuary world and later forced himself from the hands of the Protoss. ...However, due to various reasons, he finally had to accept a certain fact, and he was increasingly afraid to resist the other party.


"Your Excellency Diablo, I have heard you talk about your master more than once. I'm really curious about who your'master' is. Even your existence has always been in awe. of?"

In Morgana’s view, a guy who can surrender a **** monarch, a **** demon, a demon who is no weaker than her own, and who can make the other party willing to be a slave is sure It is an amazing existence!

So, she was really curious, who was the owner who was mentioned more than once in the other party's mouth? !


"Ms. Morgana, maybe, you will know soon..."

Diablo is not in a hurry to reveal the answer, anyway, they will launch a surprise attack after a while, ready to clean up the angel and the obstructive wizard next to the angel, and directly cut off the power of the Justice League.

As for the question in the heart of Ms. Morgana, the fallen angel, I believe that he will be answered soon, so he won't go too long.

"is it?"

"I'm looking forward to it..."

Now that Diablo said that he would know soon Morgana smiled and did not intend to continue to ask questions, because she was as immortal as her sister Kyle, and she had time.

‘Master Diablo! ’

‘Everything is ready! Would you please order? ’

At this time, without waiting for Morgana and Diablo to continue talking, Andariel, the glamorous woman who left and didn't know what to do before, turned back and whispered.


"Let's get started, it's time! Go! Let's meet those guys together!"

Hearing that the preparations were ready, and looking across the river, Diablo smiled grimly and waved his hand after seeing the four faintly arguing, and then the three of them disappeared instantly.


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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