Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1015: Justice League and Demon League?

It is late at night, and the number of people dining in this hotel restaurant with an unusually beautiful night view by the river has gradually decreased. With the original guests leaving the table and the table, I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional, so here is no more No new guests arrived.

At this time, the situation that Diablo and the three of them had just seen was indeed not wrong, and the four people who had been in a rapport at this table also gradually had some differences.


It can be said that they had some ideological and stance differences at the beginning, but because the two sides have been trying to restrain themselves before, they have to break out until now?



"Can I say that, as the master behind all of this, as the instigator of the **** demon, the honorable Anne Hasta Arcane Archmage, you are actually the source of all this evil, I said Is it right?"

To be honest, when Gandalf was in Middle-earth, he had criticized a little girl for sabotaging his own plan and arbitrarily annexing the original land of the Kingdom of Arno!

I think at the beginning, if it were not for the last moment of fighting against Mordor's forces, their Eru Iluvita intervened, I am afraid Gandalf himself would be in conflict with a little girl.

Especially, when he remembered that year, Gandalf finally fooled Aragorn to get a group of ghosts that were enough for the other party to sit on the Gondor throne and decide the victory or defeat, but in the end he was purged for no reason by the Queen of Alicia, and finally came back. Hopeless, watching the last chance dissipate, watching Aragorn miss the throne, watching the kingdom of Alicia dominate the Middle-earth world, Gandalf couldn't help his anger!

In the predetermined trajectory, his Gandalf was able to retreat, but the result was not good. He didn't get anything. With the title of loser and incompetent, he returned to Amen Chau griefly...

"and also!"

"Up until now, you still want to deceive an angel and deceive the Lord Kyle?!"

"Do you think that the kind of weird teleportation runestone you took out, you want to trick us into using it? I have already seen that your power now is slightly worse than when I met you in Middle-earth. , And what makes you have the courage to play with those stupid things in front of us?"

I think back then, if it wasn't for Gandalf and the Maya who were severely restricted in Middle-earth, how could he tolerate a certain little girl going wild?

But now it’s different. He Gandalf is completely unrestricted in this world now. He is a Maya and a secondary god. He doesn’t need to treat a little girl like he did before. Be cautious to compromise, especially after learning of some more'evil' things and conspiracies done by the other party!


!? (?\'\'??)?

"When did people lie to you again? Old man Gandalf, they really wanted to come and send you guys back! And ah, if it wasn't for Big Sister Iluvita to ask others for help, they wouldn't Come to pay attention to you, stubborn old man, why don't you believe it?"


With a snap, Xiao Annie directly took the two rune stones that could transport the two people in front of her back to their respective worlds on the table, and then said angrily.

She found that she now hates this bad old man named Gandalf. If the other party suddenly came and made troubles, maybe she would have called the angel in front of her as Kyle, and would call this demigod or star. What's going to fool you back to the world of Runeterra.


"Take out a runestone that I don't know where it will send us to, and want us to use it rashly, kid, do you think we'll do that?"

In fact, even if Gandalf does not have a preconceived bad impression and grudge against this little girl in his heart, even if they are strangers to each other, he will never trust each other easily and use the kind of ignorance that the other party takes out to send himself to Where is the rune stone!

After all, he is also a white-robed wizard. Although he had few opportunities to use Maya’s powers and spells before, that doesn’t mean that his knowledge is short, nor does it mean that he’s knowledgeable about magic. The level of understanding is low, he knows better than anyone what kind of harm space teleportation items can cause in the hands of people who miss them.

Besides, Gandalf also discovered that as Maya, as a secondary god, he couldn't see through the two small space transmission rune stones that the other party took out? That kind of thing, in his opinion, is simply incredible, so he strengthened his previous guess that the other party was unkind!



"Huh? Miss Kyle, what are you doing again?!"


She was planning to continue to reason with a bad old man, or simply contact and move out the big sister Iluvetta, let the other party to clean up the Gandalf in front of her, suddenly stopped her plan, and hesitated to watch To the opposite guy whose aura is becoming fierce.

Because, she found that the other party's eyes suddenly locked on her, it seemed that it was still the kind of malicious?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"little girl……"

"This old wizard, he just said, your name is Annie Hasta, I heard it right?!"

Kyle was gradually recalling some very bad things, so her aura and strength began to become more and more fierce, and the fluctuations of her energy began to bulge outward like waves.

"Yeah! Didn't they say it when they just introduced it? But, what's the problem?"

=???? (???????)?

After thinking about it, Little Annie, who found out that she did not introduce her full name at the beginning, could not help but feel a little embarrassed... But at the same time, she was also a little puzzled because she didn't understand that it was just a small matter. It doesn't matter, but the question now is: They had a good conversation just now, why did the other party suddenly become so hostile to them?

Presumably, it must be because of a bad old man named Gandalf, right?

"Of course there is a problem!"

"I ask you, did you do the Demacia thing? Don't even think about quibbling. I once heard the prayer of a Illuminator. She said your name at that time... which led to the Demacia Cataclysm. The culprit is a little girl named Annie Hasta, who is also a mage from the land of voodoo, what else do you want to say now?"

The golden armor phantom began to cover Kyle, and the holy wings appeared behind her for the first time in this world. Obviously, the angel of justice is releasing her powerful power, and a trial is about to come. Expand here.

"Say what?"


Although the secret words in my heart are not good, Xiao Anni still has a bit of hard lips.


"For the sin you committed! For the sin you committed in Demacia!!"

The golden armor has appeared on Kyle's body, and has even completely enveloped her wonderful body and her heroic face. The huge white wings have begun to carry a trace of holy flame. Her body floated, and a golden hilt and blue bladed long sword appeared in her hand.



"Aren't the people of Demacia lead a good life again? They will never discriminate against magic anymore, and people and wizards who were born with magical powers will not be persecuted. How good is that?! "


Yes, Demacia is gradually returning to calm.

That is after some stubborn people who always want to discriminate against and persecute mages or magical bad guys, after those powerful people who can't let go of their rights and worry that their own status and authority will be challenged by powerful people. After the rest of the people began to compromise with the rebels and neutral mages, a diversified democratic parliamentary state was re-established, and the Demacian royal family did not dare to dictate and persecute the casters anymore, ordinary The people and the magical creatures live together peacefully, and they are also beginning to enjoy the conveniences and benefits that magic brings to them. How good is that?


"Little girl, my reasoning is more virtuous than your nonsense! You don't want to use this to deceive me!"

Kyle didn’t intend to care too much about Demacia, although she always felt that certain practices in that country were not right? However, the law is the law, and the law is the specific form of justice. The law is a fair ruling in black and white. No one, including her, can easily destroy it.

However, since I met this little girl here and the instigator, as the patron saint of the Demacia Kingdom, she must be subject to a trial, which is to trample on the laws of other countries and interfere with Germany. The punishment of Marcia's internal affairs? Of course, as well as what Gandalf said just now, if the other party is really the master of the demons, and is really a black hand hiding behind the scenes of this world, it will definitely be judged by her sacred flames. !



At this time, seeing a little girl who didn’t know when she had offended this powerful angel named Kyle, Gandalf, who was feeling a little proud in her heart, suddenly felt something, and “had to rub” and stood still. Up.

"No! We are surrounded! Someone cast a spell to imprison the surrounding space, this is a trap!"

"You did it?!"

For the first time, Gandalf suddenly turned around and stretched out his hand, a white magic wand appeared in his hand. At the same time, his clothes instantly turned into a white wizard robe, and he used that This extremely fierce gaze stared at a little girl who was being pulled back by the man and the wizard Shazam.

Obviously, in the eyes of the white-robed wizard Gandalf, all of this in front of him is undoubtedly the conspiracy of a little girl!

"Hum hum……"

There was a burst of grinning voice.

"Do not!"

"Actually, this is what I did! It was done by the demons that you Justice League have been trying to fight against and get rid of..."

At this time, wearing a suit, his muscular knots made his clothes tight, and he was wearing a red-faced man like Diablo and Morgana, and a little fellow Andariel brought a lot of bears from DC Shield agents rushed here from the main entrance of this riverside hotel restaurant.

At the same time, at least hundreds of agents appeared in all directions. They directly rounded up the entire hotel restaurant, and even the waiters who seemed normal at first were also lost. The plates and towels in their hands turned to drew out various weapons awe-inspiringly, and looked at this side eagerly.


After scanning the surroundings for a while, seeing the incoming person again, and after feeling the powerful magic power on the other person, Gandalf's heart was stunned, and then he secretly said that the situation is not good.

Just now, if it weren’t for arguing with the little girl in front of him and focusing most of his attention on the other person, he should have noticed it earlier, and would not have been surrounded and set by the other person as it is now. Ambush is so passive.


"Morgana! It turned out to be you?!"

However, after seeing the people coming, the sight of the angel Kyle who was already flying in the air finally left from a certain little girl, and turned to firmly locked in the group of people who came out. A woman with purple-black hair in front of her.

Although it has now turned into a human appearance with magic techniques, it is impossible for Kyle to recognize her own sister, no matter what the other party is like, as her twin sister! And this is actually the reason why she has been stuck in this world and has not been eager to find a way back!

Because in the dark, she realized that her sister Morgana is here! Now, the other party really appeared in front of her, and continued to be with the dark and evil demons who had been spurned by her!

"It's you again! My dear sister, how are you doing lately? Or, can I think you are following me?"


"That is my sword, did you combine them into one?!"

Morgana teased her sister, and then saw the sword in the other's hand.

That was supposed to be the sword of their mother Misira. I think back then, when their two sisters were first girls, a stream of fire crossed the sky. It was the long sword with the flames of the heavens inserted between Kyle and her. Gan Na was on the ground between the two, and split into two.

It was also at that time that the two of their sisters got a handle, and they were blessed by the stars. They inherited their mother’s share of power from the protoss... It’s a pity that Morgana chose one in the end. It's a different path.


"Morgana, your sword is in my hand now, why, do you still want to go back?"

The huge angel wings behind him began to flap gently, and Kyle, who allowed himself to hover high in the air, didn’t even look at the mortals or demons around him, nor did he pay attention to what they had aimed at him, which looked like some kind of firearm. The muzzle of the weapon, but so firmly locked her eyes on her sister.


"Huh! I don't need a sword at all!!"

Glancing at the two-in-one weapon in the opponent's hand, Morgana dismissed it! Because that was not her way. Although their mother wanted them to go that way, Morgana refused in the end because she didn't want to be like her sister Kyle, in order to become the so-called god. , To abandon everything, even one's own nature, to become the carrier of those ridiculous stars!

Yes, she Morgana is unwilling to follow their path, whether it is Kyle or their mother, their path is not what she wants, because she is Morgana, she is her, she will not go to those so-called The protoss pray, never!

"is it?"

Kyle was noncommittal, and finally began to slowly scan the surrounding guys with her golden eyes that had surrounded her and Gandalf.

"It seems that you are in the same group with them?"

"Very well, then accept the light trial together!!"

Kyle has completely completed her transformation and turned into an angel wearing a golden armor and holding a star sword. Then he slammed forward and fought with the younger sister Morgana who was also rushing towards herself. together.

'younger sister! ’

Flare shock!

Unfortunately, Kyle's attack was easily resisted by Morgana's Dark Shield.

‘Kyle! ’

Imprisonment in darkness!

Kyle, who swooped down toward the ground in midair, was instantly hit by a dark energy and was imprisoned in place, but she shattered and dissipated the energy that had restrained her with a single sword, and rushed to the ground without any reduction. In front of her sister, she ruthlessly used her star sword with sparks to cut straight down!

But unfortunately, Morgana escaped easily with a flash.



"Hey! Carter, aren't they sisters? Why are they fighting first now?"


Annie expressed kindness to this, because, the angel said just now that she wanted to burn her with a sacred fire, but now it’s better. After seeing the other’s sister appeared, she even started fighting regardless. What the **** is this?


"Since the talk is broken, let's step back and be careful of that guy!"

At this time, as soon as Carter frowned, he instantly turned into Shazam's red tights, white cloak, and gold lightning pattern on his chest. Now he is an adult and has a deep understanding of Shazam's power, and he no longer needs it. Go and yelled foolishly.

Then, after the transformation was completed, he protected the little Annie by his side, watching the angel who was fighting with the woman Diablo brought in the distance while facing the white robe wizard. Backed slowly. Because he feels that it is necessary for him to protect a little guy with insufficient power. After all, how can he be regarded as the other's brother?

"What are you afraid of?!"


"That old man Gandalf, he is all alone!!!"


Annie didn't step back, but pushed away the opponent's hand.

In her opinion, she was the Arcane Archmage, plus Brother Carter, the Thunder Shazam, Diablo, the King of Fear, and Andariel, the Queen of Pain, beating a Gandalf, plus so many helpers around. , Isn't that a good catch?


Gandalf was not afraid, because he knew that being afraid was useless!

Therefore, he just drew out his long sword silently, watching the powerful guys approaching him and the countless humans and demons pretending to be humans.

After taking a moment to glance at the two angel sisters who were fighting together in the distance, watching the two people fighting endlessly with the energies of light and darkness, temporarily unable to distinguish the winner and loser and unable to help him, Gandalf was in his heart Sighed.

This situation is indeed a bit unfair now, because, as the hateful little girl said, he, Gandalf, is going to deal with so many powerful enemies by himself? !


"Your disguise has been seen through by me! Show your true colors to the world!!"

I didn’t know what was thinking, and felt that he needed to add some confusion to the other party. While letting him find a chance, Gandalf suddenly raised the long white wand in his hand, and then hit the ground with the bottom of the wand, making a circle. The white halo instantly swept around from under his feet!

Break the pretense!


Including Diablo, King of Fear, Andariel, Queen of Pain, and the surrounding Bear Shield agents disguised as demons, they have revealed their own hideous demons.

And among them, there are many fallen Rogers, sinkers, huge demons, banshees, and so on!

However, what makes Gandalf feel even more strange is that even if he broke the disguise of the demons with a spell for the first time, the same number of human agents around him just took a surprised look, and soon Turning his head and continuing to stare at him, it seems that he didn't mind too much?


After her disguise, Queen of Pain, Andariel looked at her demon's sheep hooves, hideous body, and exploded blood-like scarlet hair, but did not continue to transform, but licked her tongue boringly. After licking the spider-like fierce arthropod claws that stretched out from behind, he laughed and teased a certain white-robed wizard:


"Most people on Earth have long known what kind of existence I am, wizard, you still want to use this kind of magic to expose us, what's the point?!"

Seeing Master Diablo didn’t speak, and looking at a little girl who was nominally the owner of all their demons, she didn’t stop herself. Andariel sneered and waved his hand, motioning to the demons around and to gather and train. Those human agents of the first come first.

After all, the white-robed old wizard on the opposite side is very powerful. If possible, she still hopes to consume the other party's power first and explore the other party's details? Moreover, the war or something will always kill people or demons. It is better to let those cannon fodder die. Anyway, she can be resurrected from hell, and she is not afraid that she will consume too many manpower.

‘! ! ’

After receiving Andariel's instructions and orders, suddenly, a certain small figure, with a green dark golden light, and very dexterous actions, the sinking demon who was still surrounded by lightning power on his weapon shouted. Later, the attack was launched first!

‘Rakanisiu! ! ’

With extremely fast speed and lightning speed, along with the sound of the slogan, its little blade slashed viciously towards the next three paths of a certain white robe wizard! !


"Devil! Who do you think I am?!"

Seeing a petite body With a bit of speed, he dared to rush towards the little demon who was the first to attack. He has drawn out his sword and is dual wielding the berserker Gandalf. Naturally, he waved the holy white staff in his hand, and even the magic was useless. When the staff was used as a long-handled warhammer, the hammer hit the little devil's head so viciously!

puff! !




Suddenly, the white-robed wizard Gandalf discovered that when he hit the ridiculous little devil with a precise strike, a circle of lightning burst out of the opponent's body and attacked him brazenly? !


(*^▽^*)? Ask for a ticket? (*^▽^*)

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