Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1016: ?(ψ`^′)o On the power side of the ancient gods...

"Don't fight!"


"Stop! People are not here to fight with you today!"


at last,

With an impatient call from a little girl, and after a guy named Diablo raised his hand hesitantly, those who swarmed up and almost hacked a certain Maya sub-god Gandalf to death. The demons retreated slowly.

With a sword in his left hand, he killed a horned demon holding a huge scimitar, and with a stick in his right hand, he overturned a hateful female demon that would set fire. After the fierce demons who were still holding four sharp blades and wanted to match their own fists with four hands, those demons who still wanted to continue to use the human sea tactics to pile themselves to death began to gradually retreat.


Looking at the demon who fell to the ground around, looking at the head of the sharp-edged demon who was hitting his head with a stick at the beginning, and then he was lying on the ground still pumping. Gandalf's face sank in the scorched white robe!

He had known for a long time that these demons from **** were definitely not easy to deal with. The little demon at the beginning, the little thing he thought he had caught with his hand, almost hurt himself seriously, and was still dead. The kind of injury?


Look at the several red-skinned and blue-skinned demon wizards who will explode when killed when they are killed, and release flames, and use the skeleton staff further away. Gandalf can't help but numb his scalp. .

Because they will not only release fireball magic attacks, but also resurrect those weaker little demons indefinitely, making him almost unable to handle it!

Of course, what makes Gandalf feel a little difficult is a female archer in the distance wearing a white armor, a white claw helmet, and scarlet war pants! The flame arrows fired by the opponent are precise and high-speed, extremely deadly! What's even more frightening is that the opponent's ordinary arrow attack also carries a random elemental damage, making him almost capsized just now.


In Gandalf's view, even the Green Arrow in their Justice League, Oliver Quinn's archery might not be half as powerful as that of that woman, right? Fortunately, the red-skinned and rotten-skinned little demons who were besieging him without fear of death have now retreated, and the female demon archer in the distance and the demon wizards who wielded the skull flag wand and released the fireball have stopped. After coming down, he finally gave him some time to rest.


call! call!

However, Gandalf, who was breathing slightly, knew that it was only temporary!

Now that angel Kyle is fighting fiercely with her sister Morgana, the sacred energy and the fluctuations of the shadow are shaking, the impact and the flames on the weapon hit the ground slightly, and the other party is definitely unable to help him. Yes, so he still needs to face the two demon lords and the two powerful mages, one large and one small, alone.

And this is exactly the reason why he has not used and wasted magic power just now, and has been using his physical power to fight the demons who are rushing up and maintain basic vigilance. He must save a bit of physical and magical power, otherwise, he may not be able to go out today, but there are many enemies who are not weaker than his white robe wizard Gandalf.



After seeing that she had successfully stopped the vain practice of the Diablo sect demon who went up to die, Xiao Anni got close to a guy who turned into a'Shazam', and then tugged Said to the other half of the cloak:

"Brother Carter?"


"Quick! Now someone gives you a task, find a way to catch that Gandalf, and then shoot these two runes directly on his forehead, and banish him back to their original world! Don't worry! , I will definitely help you secretly cast a spell later!"


After speaking, Xiao Annie stretched out her hand and stuffed the two runestones that had just been taken out but was rejected by the other party into Shazam Carter's palm, and then patted the other party's back, indicating that the other party can start now. , She will definitely cheer on the opponent and provide long-range magic casting assistance behind.

As for the two angels on the sky and on the earth, there is no need for her to be nosy for the time being.

Because, that's a matter between the two sisters. If her Queen Anne dared to intervene casually, maybe she would be hated and the other party would unite and clean up, right?

So, she thought about it, or thought it would be better to clean up that Gandalf first? And just so, her Carter brother can also act as a melee wizard after becoming Shazam, and can barely defeat that Gandalf!


"Should we bully the less with more? This...I'm afraid this is a bit bad, right?"

After turning into Shazam, Carter seemed a little hesitant, because he felt that when the demons had just consumed a lot of the opponent's physical strength, he and the little guy went up with more enemies and fewer enemies. It seemed a bit not honorable?

And ah, a little guy calls himself his sister when he doesn’t need himself, and calls himself “Brother Carter” when he needs himself. This is too powerful, so he is considering whether he should To listen to each other?


ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

"Then let him and the angel hit you one? Let you bully more with less, what do you think?!"



"Forget it, it's still your business matters, time is pressing, I'll just listen to you and bully the less!"

The cheek twitched slightly, feeling that the little guy was right, and that he was unlikely to be able to beat the aggressive and violent'righteous' angel, so he resolutely moved towards the distant one that seemed to have stopped. After a violent gasp, Gandalf, who had recovered a lot of energy, flew over the ground and rushed straight!

‘! ! ’

Seeing the enemy flying over the ground at high speed, Gandalf's holy white wand naturally swung two times and then violently turned towards Shazan Carter's head.


But it’s a pity that Shazam, a superhero who has been given or completely inherited the power of the six gods, has the wisdom of Solomon, the power of Hercules, the endurance of Atlas, the power of Zeus, and the power of Aka. Because of Luce's courage and Mercury's speed, Gandalf's wand was easily grabbed by his big hand!


The long sword blade cut from the other side was similarly blocked by the golden brace on Shazam's other hand, preventing it from hurting him at all.


"Old wizard, I have to take you down first..."


Unexpectedly, the power of the old wizard in front of him would be so strong, but he felt that Shazan Carter, who was more powerful with the power in his body, still suppressed the opponent firmly, so that the other party could not withdraw the wand and long sword. , His eyes and hands suddenly began to release bursts of powerful lightning.

‘! ! ’

‘Κεραυν????! ’

However, in an emergency, Gandalf, a white-robed wizard, finally started to release spells for the first time. The electric snake of almost the same thickness also began to twist on his wand and long sword, and began to resist the enemy's application towards him. The kind of thunder power.



At this moment, on one side was Mai Ya's secondary god, and on the other was Shazam who inherited the power of the six gods. The two sides began to wrestle each other like this...

‘! ! ’

'go with! Kill him! ! ’

Seeing the enemy and the ‘friendly forces’ in a stalemate, Diablo smiled grimly at this moment, then turned his head and shouted at Andariel on the side. He thought it would be a good idea to send Andariel to poison the wizard who has been causing trouble to the Bear Shield for a while, and let the other party die sooner?

"No way!!"

!? (??''????)??

"We can't kill him yet, we must catch him alive!"


Although, killing the opponent may not matter too much, but there is still a little difference between sending the soul back and sending it back intact. Therefore, if possible, Xiao Anni still hopes to catch alive, no matter it is That Gandalf is the same as the two angels over there.



Staring at a certain little girl with bloodthirsty and cruel eyes for a while, Diablo, who has been hesitant to turn his face and get rid of the other's enslavement when the other party does not know what causes the power loss, Thinking about the **** Kepulu force under the opponent, thinking about a dog-legged Erheizi who seemed a little more powerful than himself and was extremely loyal... Director Diablo still had to With a cold snort, he stopped a certain eagerness with his eyes, and planned to go up to Andariel who poisoned the two fighting.


∑(??△`)? !

"Someone is here again?!"

Σ(??Д??; ≡;??д??)?

However, she never expected that Little Annie had just had time to stop a faintly reluctant Diablo and that Andariel, before she had time to secretly cast a spell to add a block to a bad old man. When that nasty old man knew what would happen if she offended Queen Anne...


This place that was originally shielded by the magic enchantment was suddenly smashed by something from the sky, slammed into it from the outside, and slammed into the confrontation with Gandalf. Shazam's body screamed and rolled into the distance, smashing a flowerbed directly?


"It turned out to be that nasty and troublesome guy!!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

After discovering that the person who broke through the shielding space and teleportation magic enchantment set up by Diablo and the others was actually beaten by a avatar wearing a ghost suit under his control and stunned by two butts of a certain superman. Little Annie just wanted to take out her 20-caliber super-strong electromagnetic sniper rifle and re-apply the old skills to her opponent. When she continued to beat her back then, she felt something faintly wrong around her, so she suddenly turned around. The muzzle was facing, and a shot was fired in one place!




!? (??''????)?? I flash!

Unexpectedly, when a shot passed, the 20-caliber projectile that rubbed the air at high speed and turned red and hot, did not know why it flew back. This made Xiao Anni a little caught off guard, and she had to turn around in embarrassment. Dodged dangerously.

Bang~! !

A big hole appeared in the place where she just stood. The projectile instantly pierced the wooden floor and sank deep into the mud below, but a little smoke came out...

"Someone is making trouble?!"

(??????????)! !

Although the opponent's speed is very fast, I still can't see the other party's figure clearly, but Xiao Anni is very sure that the projectile that she just launched was turned around by the opponent with some extremely fast and short force. As for the projectile, it was shot towards you?



Is someone coming again? !

However, without waiting for Little Annie to find some nasty messy guy that seemed so fast that she couldn’t see clearly, a new guy arrived and attracted her attention, so she had to flash and teleport to another. Aside.

‘Uh~! ’

‘Wow! ! ’

‘Rakanisiu? ’

At this time, a harsh brake sounded, and then unexpectedly, a black Batmobile galloped from a distance. After knocking over a group of little demons, it quickly drifted sideways. The place where he was slammed horizontally, and several sinking demons and blade demons were completely crushed into meatloaf before it stopped dangerously.


Whoosh~! !


Boom~! Boom~!

Seeing that there are new enemies coming, the sinking demon or blade demon wizards who were originally here can't take care of resurrecting those little brothers who have been knocked over or crushed into meat pie, and directly use fireballs one after another. The black Batmobile smashed past fiercely, and in a burst of roar, it instantly drove the handsome black car that the opponent rushed in and burned it directly into a ball of burning iron. The shelf even caused the gasoline in the mailbox to burst.

But unfortunately, at this time, a man wearing a black tights, a black bat headgear and a black cloak, and a woman wearing a golden breastplate, holding a dagger and a shield, had already got out of the car ahead of time. , And looked at Diablo and Andariel's demons.




'Humph! ’

Cang! !

‘Uh! ! ’

At this moment, Gandalf and Superman in the distance are teaming up to beat a guy who originally thought would be easy. They used swords, magic and fists to go to someone wearing a red tights, a short cloak, and a chest. The guy with the lightning sign in front greeted desperately.

"Damn it!"

Shazan Carter roared!

If it were to fight a certain white-robed wizard one by one, Shazan Carter felt that he would be at least 80% sure to defeat an old guy! However, after a certain Superman joined, he felt that he might not even have a chance.

Isn't this?

After blocking that Gandalf’s sword chopping and the wand with fire power, before he could fight back or escape, he was immediately punched by a superman who swooped down from the sky again. Knock out...

"Ann, Annie!"

"Help! Come and help! I can't stand it anymore!!"

Fortunately, Shazam Carter is not alone now. Otherwise, he should now consider how to save his life under the power of the superman and the **** old wizard! Therefore, after he was ruthless in his heart and smashed the superman with a fist with powerful lightning, when the opponent seemed to be unable to resist the magic and was briefly paralyzed, he hurriedly resisted the bravely stepped forward The old wizard who chased him with a sword and smashed his throat and howled.

If the opponent uses magic to fight against himself, Shazan Carter, who has a high magic resistance, will definitely not be too scared. However, the opponent does not know what is missing in his brain. He is obviously a wizard and likes to use it. Slashing with the sword, smashing his head with the wand fiercely, and the swordsmanship and cane skills are still very high, he is a little bit unable to resist...

In any case, he has practiced fighting without any seriousness. He is just like a certain superman. He has been relying on his invulnerable physique and tremendous strength to beat people to play. But now, he has encountered one. The old man who started the practice hard and steadily, coupled with a certain superman assisting the punch, he really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Wait a moment, they are not free for the time being!!"


This is not an excuse, because ah, now Xiao Anni herself is indeed not free, she is waiting for her to watch out for someone who is invisible, or can be said to be too fast to see, and there is time to take care of Shazan. Life and death?


"Oh! Damn!!"

Hearing the answer from a certain little girl, Shazan Carter wailed in his heart, and almost did not directly send a lightning bolt back to his secret base, the Eternal Rock!

Sure enough, he knew that a certain little girl was unreliable. At the beginning, he clearly said that there were more enemies and fewer enemies, but as a result, he himself became the target of being more enemies and less enemies! If it hadn’t been for those demons who had just pumped in the cold to give themselves a little help, I’m afraid he would be internally injured by a certain Superman if he did not die!

"it's here!?"


At this time, squinting, looking around, and looking at the opportunity, Little Annie shot again in a certain direction! But, unfortunately, the bullet flew back again, so she had to stretch out her palm.

puff! !

With a muffled sound, the bullet that flew back was firmly blocked by a small space magic shield she gave to her palm, causing the red projectile to slam into an invisible force field. , And instantly smashed into a small discus under the huge kinetic energy and set off a burst of hot air currents.

"She is over there!"


"Diana, she is the man behind Bear Shield, she is the master of those demons! As long as we defeat her, all problems will be solved!"

At this time, when Batman Bruce saw Wonder Woman with a flame whip, the demons who rushed up were slammed out, and he couldn't take care of the scorching Bat chariot that he was heartbroken to him. , Hurriedly pointed in a certain direction and yelled.

Now that the enemy is very few, it is definitely unwise to continue to stay here and fight with each other in blood. Therefore, after Bruce saw that the little girl not far away seemed to be entangled by the lightning boy and had no time for him, He wanted to rush over there with the Wonder Woman next to him, ready to quickly take the opponent with three enemies and one.

If you can catch the mysterious little guy, maybe they can get back all over this time?

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!


"Uh hum!"

Three consecutive arrows with different magics shot at Diana fiercely, but fortunately they were found by her and blocked by the shield in time.

"Bruce, I'm afraid your plan will not be so easy to realize!"

After finishing cleaning up the Sinking Demon and Blade Demon wizards, but when she lifted the shield, she found two long arrows with flames and toxins were deeply nailed into it. Wonder Woman Diana used sharp eyes. Staring at the female demon archer in the distance.

She could see that the opponent's archery skills are very good, she must be prepared for it, or it would be dangerous! Besides, the other demons won't let her pass easily. For example, the two hideous and terrifying demon leaders who are now approaching her and Bruce grinningly?


"Look! Someone is here again!!"

Seeing that the demon female archer in the same place stopped, Diana didn’t bother Bruce’s cries, nor the two demon leaders who were threatening them step by step, but smiled towards the sky. Look.

There, Clark, the superman who was planning to take a certain Shazan, was suddenly knocked into the air by another woman who was wearing the same clothes! And the woman dressed up like Clark is really Shazam Carter’s wife, Superwoman. She is several years younger than Clark, and she has always been indifferent to the olive branch thrown by the Justice League. !

"Okay! Clark seems to be unable to count on..."

"Hey! Bruce, there are two enemies here. They don't seem to be easy to deal with. Which one do you choose?"

Now the high-end combat power of the two sides is almost even at once. Seeing that there is no advantage to take, and it seems that there is no way to escape for a while, Wonder Woman Diana, who is not ready to escape, looked at this time. After the two demon lord who stopped them not far away, he smiled and asked Bruce on the side.


‘That female devil like a spider may be easier to deal with, I will choose her? ’

Looking at the province that was flushed with red, it was all hard scales, and there were all kinds of hideous spikes, terrifying giant tails, and huge monsters with sharp claws. After Batman Bruce swallowed embarrassedly, he resolutely chose Although the figure behind the real body is also tall and big, but at least it looks more pleasing to the eye, Andariel.


"Then you have to be careful, I heard that she is very poisonous, but don't accidentally be poisoned to death by her!"

After speaking, Diana shook the legendary sword made by the **** of fire Hephaestus that could cut everything at the subatomic level, while grasping the supernatural power in her hand. The shield, step by step, strode towards the huge ferocious red demon Diablo in front of her and threatened it.

'Do not worry! ’

‘I have already received several vaccines against her toxins, and I am planning to have a lot of anti-virus serums against her when I come! ’

Obviously, Bruce was prepared for a long time. For him who is not short of money, after so many years of preparation, although he can't find anti-drug equipment, it is not too difficult to develop some vaccines and detoxification serums. Things.

"That's good!"

Nodded, Diana was not prepared to be wordy, she straightened her face, rushed towards the red demon leader, towards the Diablo.

Wearing a starry crown on his head, a guardian silver bracelet that can produce a protective force field of the Aegis Aegis on his hand, a sword of the **** of fire + a shield of power in his hand, and a **** of fire Hephaestus on his waist. Gaia's golden belt is made of materials, such as the mantra lasso and other artifacts. Diana can now be regarded as full of gods and go out, so she will not counsel the demon lord called Diablo at all!

'woman! ’

‘You remind me of those nasty Amazons! Do you know, we are not really bad, really, we are just misunderstood...’

For Diablo, who was once beaten to death by a group of **** Amazons and Rogers who also pretended to be gods, and resurrected countless times, now seeing such a woman, he is like an enemy. The meeting is generally extremely jealous.

Therefore, even if the opponent does not choose to play against him, he will definitely not let him go easily! However, before the duel, he still reiterated his position, because he Diablo is really a good demon now, and this earth is favored by most people. He likes that feeling very much. .


"Demon, your kind of rhetoric is useless to me! And, unfortunately, I seem to be the kind of Amazon you hate! Because I am a warrior of the Amazons!!"

For the Wonder Woman Diana Prince, who grew up on the Amazon paradise island with only women and was also a princess of the Amazon family, she seems to be a genuine Amazon warrior who keeps saying that she hates her?

'well! ’

‘Then you can go to death! ! ’

The roaring Diablo viciously rushed towards the woman who was also viciously rushing towards him, without using any magic at all, and directly using his own power and claws to fight with each other.


Now there is such a scene here:

Superwoman Keira Danvers was not upset that her own cousin Clark would join forces with outsiders to beat her husband, so she joined the fight in anger, fighting with each other, fighting and fighting in the sky with punches and kicks.

‘Kayla! Are you crazy? ! ’

‘I’m not crazy! ’

‘You can’t help me, but please don’t interfere with me! ’

'Humph! Clark, this is what you asked for! Who told you to play Carter first? ! ’

'you! ! ’

The two of them are completely ignoring it now, or it can be said that they have never seen the phrase ‘they are the same roots, why is it too urgent? Anyway, these two cousins ​​are just fists to the flesh, their feet and feet are flying high in the sky. You come and I wrestle, and from time to time, I use my eyes to shoot high-temperature rays converted from the solar energy stored in their bodies. They are so opposite to each other. Shooting, even if the distant river channel is accidentally shot out from time to time, the terrifying gully that melts the ground and the fierce attack of the transpiring river water are all hesitate!

And Shazan Carter, who was rescued by the superwoman, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. He first gratefully glanced at his wife who ran to support in time, and then began to rely on his youth and strength and the power of lightning. , Gandalf, a white-robed wizard who was like a warrior and more like a wizard, was re-suppressed by dancing a certain sword and magic wand and making one or two magics from time to time.

At this time, Diablo, the King of Fear, and Andariel, the Queen of Pain, fought with Wonder Woman Diana and Batman Bruce, respectively, with claws and swords, firelights and shields, bat darts, and poisonous new stars. Wait and start to greet each other, and it seems that there is no winner or loser in a short time?

As for the angel of justice, Kyle, of course, continued to fight her sister Moganda nonchalantly, completely ignoring what was happening around him.

At this moment, the two of them seemed to only see each other in each other's eyes, and they fiercely attacked each other with the power of various holy flames and shadows, so that outsiders could not imagine what happened between the two sisters. It has become such a terrible situation now.

'younger sister! ’

‘Where are your wings? ’

‘Liberate them, come up and fight with me happily! If we can't fly, what use do we want these wings for? ’

After a sword smashed the opponent, he flew a little more than ten meters into the sky. After getting some breathing time, Kyle trimmed it while facing her sister Morgana aggressively.

Flying in the air, although she has a certain advantage, but it is also more physically demanding, and when flying to a low altitude to fight with the opponent, she often becomes passive. This is what Kyle does not want, so , She even hopes that her sister can fly into the air to fight her as much as before!

'Humph! ’

‘My dear sister! ’

‘If you can’t stand on the ground, but always look high above the world like you, what use is your legs? ’

Morgana ridiculed the other party in the same way, and did not take the other party's aggressive methods to heart.

Because Morgana hated her wings, and even wanted to find a sharp enough tool to cut it off more than once, how could she release the chain that she had deliberately locked and let it fly into the air again with her?

However, Morgana did not rush to attack, because she also needed a short rest. After all, her sister Kyle became stronger than before, and she still had their mother’s weapon in her hand, she had to Be careful.


At this moment, in the distance, a little girl who seemed to be idle was frowning and staring around her with some annoyance.



After observing for so long, Annie has noticed it. She found that the enemy does not seem to be strong. However, the other party did not tell her clearly, so they messed around her or attacked her a little bit, making her feel very distressed!

If it were before, she would have picked out the opponent and kicked and punched her! However, it is not possible now, because she can only temporarily rely on the magic power equivalent to when she was five years old to deal with the enemy, and use the power that belongs to the mage to clean up the opponent, and those powers that exceed a certain limit are definitely not what she dares to use casually. , At least not until the countless entangled worlds stabilize.



It's just that although the strength is not enough, little Annie, who is not limited in her mind, quickly thought of a way.

"watch out!!"


Fire of Fracture! !

Seeing that the other party can't escape, and then thinking about it, I feel that no matter what moves I use, the other party can always use the speed that is close to the speed of light or exceed the speed of light to escape like a loach. I feel that this is not a way to go. Little Annie resolutely threw a fireball.

However, the direction of the fireball she threw was not to attack a guy who was quickly circling around her at a distance, but to a certain white-robed wizard who was fighting with Shazan Carter in the same place and fighting each other vigorously. Gandalf, old man!

‘! ! ’

Boom~! !

With a loud explosion, although Gandalf discovered and stretched out his wand in time, he used his magic power and the power of the holy white wand to barely offset the terrible shattering fire, but he was taken advantage of by that Shazan to merge in. A fist was knocked to the ground.

But if he didn't know what spell he had chanted to throw Shazan away in an instant, he might have already lost it!


?? (??`▽????)o

Burn! !

A fan-shaped tongue of flame suddenly rolled towards Diana and Batman in the distance, but, unfortunately, the fierce big sister hid behind her shield and easily avoided the flames. grilled!

And that Batman was fortunate to roll side by side behind his fireproof material cape, and he barely ejected in time, with the power and body of a mortal, miraculously escaped the fate of being instantly burnt to charcoal. However, with his cloak burnt out at this time, he might not be so lucky next time.

‘! ! ’

It can't go on like this!

Finally, I saw that a little girl no longer cared about her interference, but started to use magic to launch powerful magical attacks on her companions, and soon began to reverse the situation on the scene, beating Gandalf and Bruce After the danger, the Flash, who felt he had to do something, resolutely rushed towards the back of the little figure.


"Everyone, stop me!"

"Otherwise, I will kill her now!!"

For the Flash, for him, the lightning that can move a full 532,000 people to the top of a mountain 35 miles away to escape a nuclear explosion in 0.00001 microseconds, and also claims that if there is a road, it can run across the universe in three days. As far as Xia is concerned, as long as he wants to put a sharp dagger on a little girl's neck, is it not too difficult?

Although he can also accelerate the merging of objects, such as metal shards or other things, instantly accelerate to the neck or forehead of the opponent, but he did not want to hurt a little girl like that, so he had to choose such one to watch him. Come to a more secure disposal plan.



It's a pity that a certain Flash didn't see it, but the little girl who was being held hostage by him flashed under her eyes the look when the trick was successful?

(What a stupid earthling...)

ε=(????`●))) alas

(Discovering that a guy who could use his speed advantage to do a lot of things, but now he chose to show up and threaten his little master, the bear couldn't help but sighed.

You know, with the opponent's speed, as long as he keeps running, the little master of his family is really helpless for a while, but now it's better. Once he shows up, he really has no chance at all. )

"Sorry, kid!"

"I think what Bruce is doing is just, so..."


"Hey! Why haven't you stopped, or I would really kill her!!"

Except for the two Superman brothers and sisters in the distance, they looked at each other and found the steps and had to stop confronting each other. The others just glanced at their side and then completely ignored their warnings. After continuing to fight each other fiercely, the Flash once again pretended to hold the dagger in his hand and gave a warning.


This time, before those people reacted or said something, a certain little girl spoke first.

"Little brother, in fact, you have already lost!"



Hearing what the little girl said, the Flash Barry Allen was shocked. He just wanted to say something, and then he soon realized that he couldn't move at all at this time, except for breathing and eyeball movement. Besides, you can't do anything that you even talked about? !

"Haha! You are really stupid!"

?? (??`▽????)╭??

Slightly shorting her body, and after she got out from under the opponent's knife, Xiao Annie pointed at the other party innocently and laughed loudly.

As long as the opponent keeps running, her magic can really easily lock the opponent, but once the opponent stops, stands behind her, and wants to threaten herself with a knife, then there is really no chance.



Looking at the guys in front of them who were still fighting together in a mess, and it seemed that it was not fun for these adults to fight and kill, she finally decided to do something and hurry up and try to stop all this in front of her. Row.

You know, she came here today just to send some guys back to their own world, not here to fight or help the demons manage the world! Because Diablo has joined forces with the Black Tantou Director in another world in this world and established the Bear Shield, and the behavior of using demons to manage the world has nothing to do with her!

She didn't want to care about them, and she didn't want to help, especially when she herself was all overwhelmed and she was too busy with her business?

"Hurry up and stop!"


"Don't fight anymore, they really didn't plan to do anything bad today, nor did they want to do something bad, they just wanted to send that Gandalf and the two black and white angels over there to their own world!"


That’s right, today, she really didn’t want to do anything, she just wanted to capture the three guys and take them away. As for the disputes between people in this world and Diablo, she didn’t. Intend to intervene!



Those people didn't seem to pay any attention to her meaning. On the contrary, they saw that the guy behind her who was wearing a red headgear and was running thief was successfully caught by himself, so he counterattacked more ferociously? Even the superman who stopped originally wanted to fly towards him?

Fortunately, the other party was successfully intercepted by the superwoman and the big sister Keira Danvers she knew.



"Okay! This is what you asked for! You guys, you really think that people can't help you now, right?!"


However, those guys in front of her, especially those who oppose and are hostile to her, are either demigods or sub-gods, or descendants of gods. Therefore, with Anne’s current power, they want to directly subdue the other party. It seems really impossible?

However, even if that happens, it does not mean that she has no other way!

'huh huh huh huh……'

'Great! Respected and extremely great little master! I have seen that your appearance has made the stars in the sky dim, and your existence is even more dazzling than the scorching sun at noon! Your mighty power makes the endless world call your name...’

'Now, your most and most loyal servant, your most and most powerful servant, your most and most powerful assistant, your flame demon, your two blacks have heard the great you I feel your, the humble me is here! ! ’

"Excuse me..."

‘The omnipotent little master, is there anything that the little one can do for you? ! ’

At this moment, after a sudden cheer of joy, although someone deliberately suppressed his body shape, he still seemed to be at least several meters high, and his body was burning with terrible flames and black smoke that smelled of sulphur. He held it in one hand. The horned demon, holding the flame sword and holding the flame whip in one hand, humbled to the feet of a certain little girl.

It is just like a well-behaved puppy, crawling on the ground in a posture that is completely incompatible with its size, and using his flaming horns to gently rub a little Girl's calf.


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

(For a certain Erheizi Balrog who is more and more flattering, Tibbers doesn’t want to comment... Anyway, if anyone can threaten its position and replace it, it’s likely to be grateful, too. indefinite?)

"Go away!"


"What's the use of your fellow coming here now? People don't count on you now!"


Although the opponent speaks super nicely, and it may become more powerful due to the absorption of the eternal fire, if the opponent joins the battle, they will definitely win faster, but now, I just want to end the kind here quickly. A boring battle, and didn't want to hurt those people. Little Annie, who just wanted to grab the opponent, kicked the opponent away with one kick, and began to reach out and touch in her little pocket.

"found it!!"




After finishing talking, a little girl who was smiling gloomily took out three glass jars under the eyelids of a very pleased Erheizi Flame Demon, and the one inside it seemed to be three small groups Yes, twisted together, like three hideous specimens of squid and octopus?

‘? ? ? ’

The Er Hei Zi Yan Demon said that it seemed to have no idea what it was, or what world or when its little owner caught him. However, it found that although it was isolated by the bottle, their But still exuding powerful, evil, and chaotic shadow power?

Moreover, Er Heizi faintly remembered that the other party seemed to resemble the ancient gods in the world of Azeroth?


If it remembers correctly, didn't those guys have been killed by its little master long ago? Why are they still appearing in this kind of glass jar? !



(Seeing that a certain miserable little master actually took out this incredible thing, took out this kind of thing that even the creation titans of the temples can do nothing, Tibbers knew that someone must be unlucky !!!)

"Hey! Ancient gods C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, and N'Zoth, you all listen carefully!"

\\\??('Ω')?? // // Clang clang clang~.

"Don't say they won't give you a chance! Here! Those guys over there are not very obedient, go and arrest them all for me!"

╭('??o??')╭?? is the two angels over there, the superman, and the Amazon, and the old man with the white beard and the guy with the black hood!

"If you want to catch the job, whoever does it first will be rewarded!!"


As for what the reward is, she hasn't thought about it yet...

However, now I can’t take care of so much of her, so after finishing talking, the thief smiled and threw out the three bottles of the ancient gods that had been caught in another timeline before, and let him go. They fell to pieces on the ground.

Originally, she could summon other helpers who were not too ugly from other worlds, but given that the guys in front of her who opposed her were too powerful, and summoning helpers was too time-consuming, she didn’t intend to explain too much. She didn't plan to watch a large group of people fight for a long time, so she had to do so now.





As the glass bottle shattered, and with the depths of the big blue eyes of a certain little girl, a dark dark color flashed, and soon, the three groups of rotten flesh twisted on the ground twisted crazily. Move and skyrocket.

‘The day I wake up is the time you wait for my life to die~! ’

"Surrender before the **** of death..."

‘I want to devour all the essence! ’

Soon, as three whispers sounded enough to penetrate everyone’s souls and even arouse fear in the hearts of the demons, countless twisting tentacles stretched out from the three large mountains of meat, Speed, the first time will include Superman Clark and Kayla, Angel of Justice Kyle, Fallen Angel Morgana, White-robed Wizard Gandalf, Thunder Shazan, Wonder Woman Diana, Diablo, Lord of Fear, Batman Bruce, Andariel, Queen of Pain, and the surrounding demons were all entangled and caught!



"Oh! Wrong! Those demons and those guys over there are your own! Don't grab them!!"


Perhaps it is a certain sentence of Xiao Anni that has a reward played a role, UU reading www. may have been locked for too long, or it may be afraid of the power of a little girl, anyway, when the three ancient gods were thrown out and finally relieved, they eagerly showed their powers. , With the greatest efforts, all the enemies and demons were captured alive in an instant, even some powerful guys who plan to fly away forcibly or get out of trouble by magic!


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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