Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1018: I am the embodiment of power, how could I have one...

'what? ’

‘Wh, how is she? ! ’

‘It’s not so good! ’

'cherry! You said she should be fine, right? ’

"It looks like it's okay..."


When Misaka Mikoto’s shotgun super-electromagnetic gun and Altria’s EX big curry stick greeted viciously at a little girl who jumped out abruptly, and successfully "offset" each other's powerful moves. Attack power, when everyone was shocked and worried, after seeing the familiar figure of the dark-faced little girl slowly dropped at the intersection of the two attacks, they all exclaimed, screaming in surprise. Went up and began to boo long and short.

‘Sister Annie, are you okay? ’

‘Ann, Teacher Anne, do you really matter, where did you get hurt? ’

"It looks a little miserable..."

‘It’s really amazing! ! ’

After running to the front and back, the two sisters Tosaka Rin and Tosaka Sakura, as well as Ilia and Luvia, when they saw that there was nothing wrong with each other, they began to greet each other worriedly or gloat.



I don't know why, seeing Ilia and Luvia who are unscrupulously gloating and teasing her, Little Annie always wants to give them a hard time?


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

‘! ! ’

‘Annie, I’m so sorry, are you okay? I really didn’t mean it just now, I didn’t even know you were going out, I’m really sorry! ! ’

‘That, I didn’t mean it...’


After discovering that their respective moves seemed to have accidentally hit the little girl in front of them, and the other party did not look good or was not happy, the certain hairy queen and a certain electromagnetic gun who came to greet each other with concern. At the same time, one side stood a little at a loss and nervous.



" should be... barely okay, right?"


Yes, Queen Anne is a bit unsure. In fact, she is fine herself, but her little bear Tibbers must be okay!

At the critical moment when she jumped out just now, her mind was blank. She didn't know how she was besieged by some two people, so naturally, she subconsciously lost her bear Tibbers. When I came out as a shield, I didn't remember at all that I could still flash teleport and escape...

So, she has nothing to do now, but a certain hapless bad bear will need a mess of needles to repair when she is free!



(Tibbers said that for certain things and a bad little master, it has basically gotten used to it... Otherwise, the messy and crooked traces of hideous stitching on its body are from Where did it come from?!)

"You two guys! Talk now!"


"Sister Daomao, and Sister Miqin, let’s talk about it, what the **** is going on with you two? It’s so good, why did you suddenly start fighting and use such powerful moves?!"


That's right, Annie is very angry now, often angry!

However, she would not tell these nasty guys that the reason for her anger was not because she was beaten, nor because she saw them fighting... In fact, if she had come a little bit in the morning , She might even be hiding in the distance with Tosaka Rin, Tosaka Sakura, and Illia, sipping popcorn or melon seeds, watching the excitement of the two?

However, the current situation is:

The two hateful guys in front of them, when they were fighting, they didn't see clearly and directly zoomed in, and they even beat her Queen Anne together, and they were the kind of attack that the two of them joined together to attack?

This... This is really unreasonable!


ε=(????`●))) Alas~!

(Sure enough, Tibbers knew it would be like this, but it had a hunch for a long time, a certain horrible little master, she would definitely not be angry because Tibbers’s bear skin shell was injured. Or sad, it should have been used to it...)

‘! ! ’

‘You know? ’


"Do you know her too?!"

Hearing Anne’s question and seeing the other’s reaction, Misaka Mikoto and Altria, who walked up in a panic, saw each other’s expressions and heard the little girl’s question, they all agreed. Pointing at the other party and asked in astonishment.

However, after seeing each other's reaction and guessing the result, the two of them cast a slightly apologetic and unexpected look at each other except for a little embarrassment, and then unanimously converged a little bit of the previous aggressiveness. And after the hostile expression, he didn't express any more attitude.

After all, although they are all friends of Annie, the friends of friends do not necessarily have to be friends, right?


ε=(??ο`*))) really...

"Don't ask, let's talk about it first, how did the two of you fight?"


After picking up Tibbs, her little bear, Annie finally felt a little sad and scratched her head, because ah, the skin of this bad little bear was beaten with a big hole again to protect herself. I think about it. really hurts!

Of course, the pain was not her heart, nor Xiao Xiong's body, but her fingers!


Because, she thinks, at night, she probably needs to use the magic pattern sewing kit to repair it stitch by stitch, and when that happens, she will definitely stick her finger. , The feeling of being hurt by yourself is not at all uncomfortable!

"The reason for the matter is very simple!"

"Although there may be some misunderstandings, we found out that she broke into the palace for no reason, and wanted to steal our'main god', so I had to do it!"

While talking, although he looked a little embarrassed, he was holding the sword of victory vows after he was unsheathed, and the stupid hair king Altria, who stood tall and tall by the side of Little Annie, glanced at a certain rush. After entering their home, the girl who made a mess of their garden, explained coldly.

Although it’s not a long time to get the'main god', and I haven't fully understood the mechanism of taking things and all their functions, there is no doubt that the thing and the chapel are definitely important secrets worthy of their full protection. And the Holy Land, it must not be easy for a stranger to approach or try to get involved.


"You nonsense!"

"I didn't break in for no reason. I just found out that I couldn't go back. Then I found out that they also have a'main god' here. That's why I wanted to borrow it and use it, but who knows that she will come directly up here without any discrimination Just fight?!"

Yes, Misaka Mikoto and the others indeed have a ‘Master God’ in that secret base in the Academy City!

Although a little girl kept saying in the letter she wrote when she left that she would not leave them that big ball of light, but by chance, Intiks still found the extraordinary thing.

Then, just like what a little guy said, Kuroko succeeded in using the Lord God to advance to LV5 and gain more power. He was stunned and wandering around the school city every day... …

However, those things are not important now!

The important thing now is: Mikoto Misaka didn't know why she came to this strange backward world, and she couldn't find a way to leave, because there were no cars, no subways, no planes, and no cell phone signals... …In the end, she had to sneak into this palace and fought with the wicked woman who claimed to be the king in front of her.


"To take without asking is to steal, and to take without asking is to be a thief!"

Seeing that the other party was still stubborn and didn't want to repent, and wanted to quibble, certain Dumao, who was the queen, squinted and reprimanded the other party.


"I haven't thought about stealing anything from you. I just want to borrow it. The main **** is there and won't run away, and won't get smaller. How can I steal it?!"

"Even if I use it, you have nothing to lose!!"

In Misaka Mikoto’s view, the main **** is like a network login port or platform. Anyone with permission can use it, and her approach will definitely not treat these guys. Causes any kind of loss, so she doesn't think her behavior can be as serious and unpleasant as the other party said!


Altria didn't approve of the other party's statement, because their main **** was theirs, and she would not allow some unrelated personnel to easily contact.


Misaka Mikoto was a little anxious, but was also speechless for a while, and could only stare at each other angrily.

Now it is because a certain little guy has arrived. Otherwise, according to the current attitude of each other, I am afraid that they still need to continue fighting, right?

Although, she doesn't think that she will be the opponent of these powerful guys, but Mikoto Misaka, the LV5 strongest superpower, may not necessarily be afraid of them! Because, she didn't have time to use all her strength just now, she just used a little bit of strength?

'Humph! ’

‘This is my palace. No one of us knows you. You sneak in without permission. That kind of behavior itself is unjust! ’

‘! ! ’

‘But, before you found me, I didn’t cause any loss to you at all! I just want to find a way back! Your kind of main god, we also have one in our family! ! ’

Once the disagreement was planted, it would be a little bit difficult to clear up the previous suspicion after the two parties had already hit the fire. Therefore, the two began to argue tit-for-tat again.

'That one……'

‘Sister Altria, let me tell you, she electrocuted the goldfish in our house before breaking the garden! ! ’

At this moment, a certain Illia who was afraid of the world would be thief beside them, and peeked out from behind Tosaka Rin to add this sentence.


"Now, what else do you have to say?"

Hearing what Illia said and looking at this messy garden, Altria was taken aback for a moment, and then finally remembered why she had fought with each other before, why she couldn't talk to each other peacefully and insisted on not letting each other contact. The reason for the main god... Because the facts are like that, the goldfish they had kept in the garden for many years were indeed electrocuted by the other party!

In her opinion, she didn't anger the other party for this, nor did she use absolute force on the other party and take it down from the beginning. It was already very tolerant.


"Huh! You little girls, it's not a good thing to hide at home and watch goldfish all day!!"

Misaka Mikoto, who was a little embarrassed, but still strong enough to die, thought for a while, and then suddenly used the black words she had learned when fighting some gangsters in the academy city, and turned to the little girls who cast hostile eyes at herself Full of sarcasm.


Why can't I watch the goldfish?

The Mao King Altria didn't know what the other party meant, so he had to look at the people like Tosaka Rin and Ilia with hesitant eyes.



However, Ilia and Rin Tosaka had to come to this world when they were very young to avoid the possible persecution of the Clock Tower and certain Magicians Association and the settling of their accounts after Autumn. How would they know something in the modern world? What do you mean?

"Okay! Shut up!"


"Don't bother you!"


Annie didn't come here to hear these people quarreling here, so she didn't ask at all, she just stopped drinking and saw the two parties who were about to fight again.

"Sister Mao, I won’t tell you the reason why Sister Meiqin came here. If you have time, you can ask the Lord God for yourself... I only wanted to come here today to have fun with you, but I didn’t expect you to be here. Also appeared to someone who strayed into her..."


"Forget it, let alone those annoying things!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Thinking of some super troublesome things, Little Annie collapsed.

You know, she originally took the time to come here to play, but she didn't expect that there are such tiring things here, which really made her somewhat unexpected.

"People are hungry now, let's hurry up and prepare dinner, let's talk while eating..."


If you find something unpleasant, then you just need to eat something delicious, eat a pound, eat a ton, eat a little belly or something, you can basically throw away all the troubles. Behind the head!

So now, Xiao Annie doesn't want to explain more to the two of them, she wants to fill her stomach first, and eat her worries as food one bite at a time.


"Well, then Annie, what would you like to eat today?"

First, after staring at the still unconvinced Misaka Mikoto, she felt that they were really unlikely to be able to fight each other, and Altria nodded helplessly, and came to somebody with difficulty. Asked the little guy who opened his mouth to find something to eat.

Anyway, after a fight, she herself is a bit hungry for the big stomach king, so today everyone will eat earlier and have a big dinner.



"I want to eat those big birds!!"

?? (??`▽????)╭??

Since the other party has spoken, of course Little Annie will not be polite to the other party!

Therefore, she directly pointed her finger at the top of their palace, pointing to those who were hovering in the sky because they were startled by the battle, and they made waves of eagles, which looked delicious with four thighs. Said the big birds.


"Annie, those are the Griffins of our Camelot Kingdom. They are our national treasures. That kind of animals cannot be eaten..."

Are you kidding me, how can the Griffins of the Kingdom of Camelot be eaten?

You know, the kingdom’s sacred code clearly states: “It’s the same sin as hurting griffons for no reason.” As the queen of Camelot, she, Altria, has always abided by various knight’s virtues and was strict. How can she, who is self-disciplined, know the law and break the law?

"Oh okay……"


"Then people won't eat them, and they will eat their eggs instead, right?!"


Since the griffon is a national treasure and cannot be eaten, there should always be no problem with eating eggs, right?


"Gryphons are born viviparous. They have no eggs. I'll go get you something else! Don't worry, whether it's flying in the sky, swimming in the sea or running in the mountains, our Camelot knights promise to be able to quickly Get back the best and freshest ingredients you like!!!"

Turning dark, Altria turned her head and walked away quickly after finding an excuse to prevaricate the other party. As for the things here, this chaotic palace garden naturally has Tosaka Sakura and Tosaka Rin and the group of mages to clean up, and she doesn't need her queen to worry too much.



"Didn't Griffins lay eggs? People remember that they lay eggs. When they were in Azeroth, they used to get them to cook for those Pandaren chefs..."

"Hey! Sister Mao Mao, don't leave, don't want to lie to me!!"

ヾ(????﹏??)???? Stop!

However, a certain Dumb Queen who fought a battle with an enemy who was not an enemy did not intend to stop, and soon disappeared into the lush tree-lined path in the palace garden in the distance, leaving only a large group of them. The little guys rushed to a skeptical little girl.

Of course, there is also a certain Misaka Mikoto who has a face of doubt and stands bewildered, but is afraid to leave, and has no idea what to do...


Another timeline of Azeroth. In this timeline that was most seriously interfered by a little girl, the whole world has been basically completed by Azeroth, which was reorganized by a certain little girl’s Flame Alliance. Unification.

Here, the fire element, various human kingdoms, Quel'Thalas, tribes, night elves, high elves, naga, guardian dragons, and other intelligent races have been merged into the huge Azeroth Empire. Here, and became a member of the Imperial Council, jointly performing the related duties of guarding and protecting the planet of Azeroth and maintaining the peace and order of Azeroth and the Outland.

At this time, in the beautiful Pandaria, in the misty wine shop in the foggy plank road, the guardian of the earth, Deathwing Nesario is here at this time leisurely admiring the scenery of Yongchuntai, and healed little by little. The beautiful land of Pandaria was polluted by the evil spirit that Y'Shaarj exhaled before his death.

Although he also knew that long ago, when a little girl left, the threat of the ancient gods was completely removed, but the wounds of the earth and certain wounds on the planet of Azeroth still need He Nesario, the guardian of the earth, went to repair little by little...

This is his long-lost responsibilities for Nesario. After he recovered his sanity by chance, he was determined to do his best. Therefore, he did not have any resistance. He was happy to be in Pandaria. Staying for dozens or even hundreds of years, I am willing to protect and heal this land silently.



Suddenly, he became a human being, enjoying the scenery on the stage of Yongchun, thinking about problems, and paying attention to the fate of the world of Azeroth and this damaged continent, Nesario, or Prestor, the king of the black dragon. Lord, he suddenly saw a portal appeared in the distant sky, and then quickly saw a bronze dragon emerge from the door and fly towards his side at high speed.

"It's the bronze dragon Kromi... What did that little guy come to me for? Didn't I tell her that it's okay not to disturb me?!"

For a long time to come, he just wanted to heal the evil evil people's pollution and destruction in Pandaria. He didn't want to go anywhere, and didn't want to take care of things. After seeing that the other party was clearly looking for himself, he was a little bit disoriented She frowned joyfully.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why, Chromie, are you trying to trouble me? I am Deathwing, so you are not afraid that I will eat you in one bite?"

Although he used the kind of joking tone, this also showed his Nesario's current mood and his unwillingness to disturb him!

Moreover, he had already explained to the other party that he did not want to intervene in other things, including things in other worlds, such as the Huberian and the Storm Academy? Because he does have important responsibilities now, and this world of Azeroth cannot be separated from the guardian of this earth for the time being, and the power of the druids of the Cenarion Circle is still too weak after all. The guy who only sleeps is unreliable after all.


"It's not that I want to come to you, it's that some little guy has to come to you!!"

After falling heavily to the ground, the bronze dragon Kromi, who had just had time to close his wings and catch his breath, didn't care about the threats and ridicules of the Black Dragon King. He just hurriedly explained the reason for his coming here. come out.

"Little guy? Is that little girl?"

If it is an ordinary person, his Deathwing Neltharion will definitely not give face, but if it is the little girl Annie who saved the world of Azeroth, saved the earth and his Black Dragon King In the case of Hasta, he wants to show some face anyway!

Besides, let’s not talk about anything else. In terms of strength alone, he, the king of the black dragon, is far from being the opponent of the little girl who is said to be getting stronger and stronger. If he can’t beat him, he will be more or less. Always pay attention to how the other person feels.

"Do not!"

"It's not the little girl you thought! It's him as a kid!!"

Finally, Chromie got short and put down a little boy who was sitting on her back and was dozing off, who seemed to be about three or four years old and was white and tender, until he put down the other side. After that, she quickly shrank in a burst of magical light and became a dwarf little Lolita who was about the same height as the opponent.

"You wake up!"

"Are you somewhere, are you still sleeping~?!"

I found that a little guy slipped onto the ground, and after sliding to the Yongchun Terrace, he still wanted to fall asleep on the stone table beside him, and turned into a dwarf little Lolita. Everywhere, he viciously knocked the opponent's head with his long magic wand.


‘! ! ’

‘Ok, it hurts...’

Suddenly, the little boy who had been struck by the wand was finally awake, and began to rub his head vigorously, while glaring at someone with dim eyes and beating him for no reason. Little sister.


Hearing that it was such a strange little boy looking for him, at first, Deathwing Neltharion didn't care too much, because he didn't know the other party, and didn't think the other party would be any important person.

However, he soon discovered something wrong!


"Strange, he is..."

I don’t know why, Deathwing Neltharion always feels that the opponent is a little familiar, and he can’t help discovering that the opponent’s body has a strong guardian power, and it seems that the opponent’s power is faintly related to himself. Is there a strange connection?

It's as if you have actually met each other, and it feels very kind, but when you look at it seriously, it seems that you don't have any impression at all? Anyway, in Nesario's eyes, it was a very strange and subtle feeling... However, after thinking for a long time and determined that he did not know the other party, he still shook his head and did not continue to delve into it.

"He should, isn't he from our world?"

"Cromi, you are a bronze dragon, why don't you send him back to his timeline? Or, send him to the Huberian and let the people from the Bear Shield deal with it?"

I couldn't figure out the reason, but I saw something more or less, and Nesario, who saw that the time attribute and power on the opponent's body were somewhat incompatible with this world, suddenly nodded and warned a certain bronze dragon. Tao.

Some time ago, the people from the Huberian and the Bear Shield came to their Azeroth world to recruit players and told him something about Nesario, but in the end he still didn’t respond to it, because He knew that the world of Azeroth was still inseparable from his guardian of the earth, so he did not join the organization dedicated to maintaining the security and order of the world like the bronze dragon in front of him, but promised to Just provide some help at the time.

"Do you think I don't want to?"

"The Huberian person handed this matter to me, and I really want to send him back quickly. However, his little guy just doesn't cooperate, just doesn't want to go back, and said that if he can't see you, he on……"

"Anyway, Master Black Dragon King, as long as you know that he insisted on coming to see you this time!"

If it is hard to come, Cromi, who has grown up and is strong enough, must have beaten this half-man, half-dragon little guy and forcibly twisted the opponent back, but...for various reasons, she was still reluctant in the end. The ground brought the opponent here and caught Nesario, the king of the black dragon.


"Why do you have to see me, who is he?"

Once again, he turned to the little boy next to Chromie who was staring at him with eyes full of tears and admiration, but he didn't say anything. He glanced up and down, and the doubts in his heart became stronger and stronger. Nesario had to look at the bronze dragon with his chagrin eyes.


"Don't even you see it? Your Lord Nesario, to be honest, the first time I saw him, if he hadn't said it personally, I might not even want to believe it!"

Seeing the legendary black dragon king in front of him, he couldn't see the details of the little boy who was following him, the bronze dragon Kromi blinked at him with a bit of wicked fun, as if he found something funny. Things generally laughed straight out.

Now, she was expecting the other person's expression after learning the truth, and thought maliciously, maybe she should use magic to save the scene?


"If you don't say anything, I will drive you away..."

Seeing that the other party was still hiding, seeing that the little boy was about to cry, and I don’t know why, Nesario felt a sense of boredom inexplicably in his heart, so he was already a little confused. Being impatient, he squinted his eyes and stared again at the bronze dragon that came here with a little boy who inexplicably brought a little boy who didn't know why he knew some power with that voice full of majesty and warning.

If the other party dared to continue teasing himself, Neltharion felt that he, the king of the black dragon with the name of Deathwing, must let a certain little bronze dragon see his power?

"Well, you are so boring!"

"Your Excellency Nesario, this little guy, I think you can also see that he is actually a half-dragon, with the power and blood of a giant dragon in his body. At the same time, he is also the prince of Lordaeron, his His mother is Jalia Menethil, Queen of Lordaeron, and his name is Daval Menethil!"

"You guessed it now, Lord Daval Presto?"

After finishing speaking, I found the expression of the black dragon king's momentary astonishment, the bronze dragon Kromi, who was full of evil in his heart, smiled thiefly, just holding his wand standing by, ready to take a look The next show will definitely be a wonderful confession drama!


"Wow~! ! ’

At this time, I finally took it for a while, and finally, the little boy who couldn't help the strong emotions and thoughts in his heart could not say anything. He just wailed in tears, and planned. In the arms of a familiar but strange man who threw in front.


Humph! !

However, it's a pity that a certain ruthless man didn't make him do what he wanted. He just stretched out his hand and covered his face with his generous palm and his power that seemed incomparably great to ordinary people, at the same time he didn't know. What kind of spell instantly hypnotized him.



"Say! What the **** is going on, where did he come from?!"

After successfully subduing such a little boy in an instant, I finally wondered why I had the feeling of astonishment before, Deathwing Nesario, who was able to endure some inexplicable anger and irritability, and used it. He glared fiercely at the opponent.


"Okay, okay..."

"Don't worry, it's actually like this..."

Seeing that the other party was immediately angry, and seeing the other party seemed to be about to turn his face, the little bronze dragon Lori Kromi, who was a little frightened in her heart, hurriedly hurriedly said everything she knew.


Not long ago, the little boy accidentally landed on their locked timeline, and ransacked on Lordaeron for a long time. Finally, he was detected by the Huberian in the space-time hub. After being locked, Chromie received the mission to repatriate the opponent.

Then, she naturally learned everything about the other party’s timeline from the little boy next to him who had the power to protect the dragon, and knew the story of another black dragon king Neltharion, such as The other party is a great hero like the great filial son Arthas, a nemesis of evil, a guardian of Lordaeron, and so on?

At last,

Because I accidentally told the other party about this world, told the other party about this timeline, and when the other party learned of the deathwing of this timeline, Nesario was still alive and still in Pandaria. After treating the condition of the earth, Kromi, who couldn't be stunned by the other party's roll and crying, turned on the teleporters in a spirit of softness and some evil tastes, and made an exception to carry the other party to the Pandaria Veil. Here is the misty wine shop on the plank road.


"What are you kidding..."

Slightly opened his mouth, looking at the body in front of the body with the essence of the Black Dragon King and some of the energy of the guardian of the earth, watching the tears on this face, even in his sleep, he was chanting his name and that kind of'big Nesario, with the word "hero", had no idea what to say except for being extremely embarrassed and at a loss.

He couldn’t imagine what happened in another timeline, why his black dragon king Neltharion would once again get in touch with the princess of Lordaeron and the Galia Menethil, and His own essence was injected into the opponent's body to give birth to such a black dragon, and he also became an inexplicable hero? !

In that case, it shouldn't be...

After all, he has never thought of going to the female mortal in Lordaeron again until now, because he has now fully recovered his sanity. Apart from protecting and repairing the wounds of the earth, there is no need for him at all. To subvert the human kingdom and destroy the world, so he didn't even think about his former identity and the matter of Lord Daval Prestor!

But for now, what's the matter with another Nesario in another timeline? Why did he inexplicably make such a boy named Daval Menethil?

"I'm sorry to disturb you..."

"Your Excellency Nesario! Since I have promised to let him see the person he is going to see now, it is time for me to take him back to his timeline. I think his mother must also In a hurry?"

When I found that the face of Deathwing in front of me was beginning to be cloudy and uncertain and all kinds of divine light flickered, I was afraid that the other party would suddenly go crazy and then burned himself and the little boy Daval's bronze dragon Kromi quickly with a smile and apologized. , Just stepped forward and planned to grab the little guy who was lying on the ground asleep and talking some vague dreams from time to time.

Although most people think that Deathwing Neltharion has completely returned to normal and has taken up the role of guardian of the earth again, but feel that it is better not to provoke the opponent's Chromie easily, just a little bit I felt a little bit afraid of this reckless behavior.

If she provokes the opponent to go mad again and transform into the incarnation of the power she once was, I am afraid she will become the dragon of sin in the world of Azeroth.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Nesario, who didn't know what he was thinking about earlier, changed the expression on his face for a while, then suddenly stepped forward and reached out and grabbed Cromi's small wrist, preventing the opponent from trying to take it away. The little boy's actions.


"What? Black Dragon King, what do you want to do?!"

Shocked, Chromie, who thought that the other party was really crazy, hurriedly withdrew his hand and started to guard.

She felt that if she really accidentally drove the other person crazy again today, then she can't say she has to try to escape now and summon other powerhouses in the world of Azeroth to confront the re-emergence of death in front of her. Winged.


"Leave him here, I found out. Although his power is very strong, it is very messy, and there are still some remnants of the ancient god's power. If you vomit it and send it back, I am afraid it will It caused a lot of trouble to his timeline..."

"I have decided. I will teach him for a while, and you will come and take him back in three months!"

After frowning and pondering for a while, in the end, Deathwing Neltario didn't know what he was thinking, so he gritted his teeth and said his own decision, and looked at someone who was stunned again with an indisputable look. The bronze dragon glared over.

Although, Nesario is not the father of this little boy, nor the idiot in another timeline who seeks death by himself in order to protect the mortals and the continent of Lordaeron, but since this little boy has obtained part of the black dragon Power, gained the inheritance of the black dragon, he is always unwilling to watch the other party sink for a certain period of time as he did before.



Hearing what the other party said and the weird decision, Chromie hesitated for a while, wondering if he should listen to the other party.


"Kromi, you can leave now, I will let the Pandaren take good care of him, and you can come in three months!"

After finishing speaking, Nesario didn't wait for the other party to agree or refuse, and he reached out and grabbed the neck of a little guy who was asleep on the ground, then turned and walked to the misty wine shop on the foggy plank road.


" If only three months, I should be able to barely accommodate..."

The bronze dragon Kromi, who couldn't beat the opponent by himself and didn't dare to fall out with the opponent, finally had to compromise and sighed in frustration.

This time, she asked for it all by herself, she shouldn't have a bad taste and brought that little guy here...

It's all right now, she didn't see the cocoon, but she almost caused the task assigned to her by the time and space hub to fail! Right now, apart from running to another timeline and telling her to let the other party notify the Menethil Queen in the other timeline, it seems that there is no better way for the time being. .


??(????????)?? Ask for a ticket??(??????*)))

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