Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1019: ????? Little Bear can magic, and immediately...

The preceding introductory remarks are very clear, clear and straightforward. In view of the fact that a horrible or lazy little master is busy with some maintenance of the security and stability of the plane world, is it really too busy?

(Annie's words: They are now talking with Sister Da Mao, the two nasty sisters of Tosaka's family, and Ilia and Luvia, and Mikoto-senpai. They are on vacation in this world. Bad bear, you male Don’t get in the way, let’s go out and play on your own first, and they will give you a big “roll” fake! How about it, aren’t you very happy?!)


and so,

In order to prevent the endless world from being destroyed, to protect the peace of the endless world, and to implement Queen Anne’s love and justice to the world, the cute and charming villain Shadow Bear Tibbers was gorgeously dispatched and ordered. Cruise around the world.

If it's a bit more popular, it is: Queen Anne is finally willing to send her cub, the bear bear, Tibbers out to patrol the mountain~!

But, in order to allow a certain bad bear who can't magically travel through the world of planes freely, and also in order for Tibbers to find a way home, or to prevent a bear from running in private and never going back. When the hand bear? Therefore, Queen Anne, who is smart, well-behaved and cute, gentle and kind and sympathetic to his subordinates, thoughtfully tailored a portable system for it!

(Lord God: Report! I want to report: A certain nasty little girl didn’t seriously build a portable system at all. She just forcibly stuffed a clone of the deity into the soul of a certain bear and asked the deity to provide full-time services. Personalized service, and ordered the deity to disguise as a portable system... Basically this is the situation?)

Ever since,

In a certain group of girls who had been talking to the above mentioned in the last second, and the female humans of the earth including a certain hairy queen, Tibbers, who was not ashamed to soak in the hot springs, the little master in it was vicious After the fist of the earth hit its head that said something that shouldn't be said, it instantly flew into the sky, and directly shuttled to another world, and began the extremely rare period of freedom in its bear life. 'Holiday.


"Wait! How does this feel a bit wrong~!!!"

∑(????`)? !

Just now, I was still lying on the edge of the hot spring pool, still commenting on some little girls' movies, and privately talking to my little master about how delicious the bodies of those hairless female laughing creatures on Earth look. The meat of this one is whiter, and the meat of that one is more tender. After washing it, you don’t need seasoning or grilling. You can swallow Tibbers without chewing in one bite, and you will be smashed with a fist by its mischievous little master for no reason. As soon as it went dark, it fainted, and when it woke up again, it realized that it had appeared in this strange world.


Tibbers soon discovered that it was smashed out by its horrible little master and traveled through the world for vacation. It seemed that it was not its shadow bear's body, but only its... soul? !

And, what’s worse is:

It also discovered that its current body does not seem to be its own, but that of a certain dwarf, because it saw that its own body was wearing a blue mage robe at this time, with its head on A wizard hat with long hair. The hands and feet and some key parts are also inlaid with a kind of metal armor that symbolizes some kind of silver. The hand holds a long rod, which is almost two times the height of itself. Times the ferocious metal staff? !


"What the **** is this?!"


Looking down on his body, he found that it was indeed not his strong and powerful bear body full of shadow power, but a thin and weak one who looked even worse than one of his own awful little masters. After getting a little short, Tibbers is completely rice-boiled...

Even, it's anxious in its heart, it can't even care about it now that it can speak, and it hasn't noticed the things that it blurted out a few unconsciously?


('Bad Bear's Carrying System' reminds you: Dear Mr. Tibbers Shadow Bear, you are welcome to start your vacation journey. From now on, this system created by Queen Anne will be instructed to serve you wholeheartedly !)

(Below, start to repeat the original words of Queen Anne to you: ?? (ψ`▽′)o bad bear, you have listened to others! The holiday comes after the holiday, but you can't stay idle, so people Suddenly I thought of a wonderful idea, that is...

o(*^▽^*)o people let the system randomly send your soul to the bodies of those guys who have strayed into each world, so that you can gain temporary control over the bodies of those guys, and then you can Go and have fun!

(*??︶??*) But you must remember that the endless world of planes is still chaotic. You can't play in one world for too long every time. Remember to work hard and send those on time Guys go back to their original world, and make sure that the worlds are not destroyed too badly!

??(????????-)?? How about this arrangement? Are you surprised or surprised? ! )


"What? There is such a thing?!"

!? (??\'??\'????)??

Never imagined that a certain miserable little master would be so ruthless and would actually play with him like this. Just now he kept saying that he would let Uncle Xiong's own long vacation, but in the end, he changed his law. Erdi sent herself out to help her with work? !

This is really... outrageous! !

No way!

At any rate, it is also a powerful shadow bear Tibbers who wandered through countless planes with a certain miserable little master. How could it let the conspiracy and tricks of the miserable hostess succeed?

Don't think that the other party will stuff its soul into someone else's body, and it will work honestly, don't think about it! If it doesn't go, it will still play with it here. See what she can do with it? !

Maybe a certain bear’s big thoughts were detected, maybe a certain little girl had ordered certain things, at this time, a guy named Tibbs, but at this time, dressed in someone else’s shell, was preparing to become passive When the work was slowing down, a warm reminder finally sounded.


('Bad Bear's Carrying System' warmly reminds you: Mr. Shadow Bear Tibbers, the main mission is now officially opened, please be sure to send the'Evil Little Mage Vega' and the'Scarlet Reaper' who strayed into this world within a limited time Ladimir' leaves this world and maintains peace and stability in this world.)


(Main Mission 1: Detecting that the "Vladimir the Scarlet Reaper" in Valoran World has strayed into this world, and now orders the Shadow Bear Tibbers to defeat and send the opponent back to Runeterra within ten Earth days. mistaken!)


(Main Mission 2: Detecting that the "Evil Little Mage Vega" in Valoran World has strayed into this world, and now orders the Shadow Bear Tibbers to defeat and send the opponent back to Runeterra within ten Earth days. . Another note: As you have successfully possessed Vega, the main task 2 has been automatically cancelled, and the main task 2 will be automatically completed after the main task 1 is completed!)


(Character description: The evil little mage Vega is a Yordel master who is keen on dark magic. He can open his arms willingly to those terrifying powers that almost no mortal dares to touch easily.

As a resident of Bandar City with a spirit of freedom, he longed to break through the boundaries of Yodel's magic a long time ago, so he turned to study the secret texts that have been hidden for thousands of years... But now, imprisoned by the Noxians and finally free, he has become a paranoid creature, turning his original love for freedom and life into an infinite yearning for the mysteries of the universe... People will always mistakenly believe that Vega is evil, even if he sometimes feels that he is evil from the bottom of his heart, but some of his principles and practices will always make people think that his nature is not bad?

System evaluation: This is a arrogant and funny mage, but I have to admit that his original power is indeed very powerful. However, in order for a bear who knows nothing about magic to be able to successfully possess, the system king has to suppress it at the same time His powerful strength and soul. )

A list of the basic attributes of possessed characters: the evil little mage Vega,

Grade 1

Health value: 437

Mana: 805

Magic resistance: 0

Armor: 16

Attack power: 51

Spell power: 190

Passive skill one: extraordinary evil power!

The current Vega can be said to be the most powerful dark attribute demon. He can even attack the Heart of Runeterra-and he will only get stronger and stronger! Every time you use a skill to attack an enemy, kill a unit or demolish a building, Vega will permanently increase a certain spell power bonus.

Active Skill 1: Dark Sacrifice! (Not learned)

Vega quickly released a beam of dark energy, inflicting magical damage on the first two enemies hit. At the same time, the units killed by this energy beam will permanently provide Vega with a certain degree of magic power because of the sacrificed soul.

Active skill two: dark matter! (Not learned)

Vega summons a large group of dark matter from the void and bombards the area where the target he has marked. The dark matter and dark energy when landing can cause a wide range of magical damage. Note: The number of supernatural evil powers will shorten the cooling time of this skill.

Active Skill Three: Distorting Space! (Not learned)

After a short delay, Vega will create a distorted space in the target area that can last for a few seconds or longer. Any enemy that crosses the boundary of this area will be slowed or stunned for a short time.

Ultimate Skill 4: Energy Burst! (Can be learned after level 6)

Detonate the target enemy hero target, causing a lot of magic damage, and increase a certain amount of magic burst damage based on the energy intensity of the target's body and the severity of the injury.

Currently learned skills: none

Currently assignable skill points: 1


"Just kidding, who the **** is that Vega and why do I have to be attached to him?!"


After listening to the description of the inexplicable portable system, Tibbers was finally a little anxious.

You know, it originally thought it was discovered by the conscience of some miserable little master, and then finally figured out something, or just let it go out and let it go without thinking about it for a while... But how can it be thought that things turned out to be like this?

That hateful mistress, she changed her way to send herself out to work for her? !

If it had known this a long time ago, it shouldn’t agree and take a chance. It should stay beside the other side to nap and sleep, even if it looks at the smooth and clean females of the earth every day. It's better for little humans to play and fight, than to come out to be coolies like this...


"That what system!"

"Say it! What if this bear does not follow the content of the task description? Are there any serious consequences?!"


Why can someone eat, drink, play and sleep every day, but Tibbers wants to come out to work?

Therefore, Tibbers, who felt that he did not need to follow the **** system monarch’s requirements, and did not need to do the main task of Lao Shizi, after thinking about it, he became nervous as if talking to himself. Hurriedly asked a certain'bad bear's portable system' nervously.


(The system prompts that if the main mission cannot be completed as scheduled according to the system requirements, every time Mr. Shadow Bear Tibbers fails, he may be recorded in a small notebook by Queen Anne and locked in a small black room of time a thousand years!

The number of years currently recorded in Queen Anne’s notebook is: 0)

"One, ten thousand years?!"

"Is she willing? This bear doesn't believe it so much!!"


Although it said that, judging from the uncertain tone and blinking eyes of a certain bear, it is obviously already a bit scary, and it is very likely that he is afraid to try the law by himself? Because it is better than anyone knows what the "little black house of time" is. It is a terrible place where only a second has passed from the outside, but 10,000 years have passed inside!

If Tibbers really doesn’t complete the task, it can’t be said. If the horrible little master of his family is angry, it is really possible to throw it directly into that terrible little black room for several seconds. ?


(Friendly reminder: The main task is now officially started. The final interpretation right of this system belongs to Queen Anne! If you have any comments, please use this system to make a real-name complaint to Queen Anne. This system will relay it in real time, but the system will be 100% One hundred million believe that your little master, Mr. Shadow Bear Tibbers, will definitely not accept it, and may even incur some terrible retaliation? So, please die as soon as possible. ?)


(* ̄?? ̄*)


(Please make preparations for Mr. Shadow Bear Tibbers. Now, the important spells and memories of the evil little mage are being shared, and there may be a certain delay...)


"and many more!!"


Tibbers, who just wanted to continue to ask something, before he had time to say something, he suddenly felt his head circled, a huge amount of knowledge and memories poured in instantly, and then he froze in a funny posture in an instant, obviously. There was a'delay'.


Day and night passed...

Now, a certain bear Tibbers, or a certain evil little mage named Vega, is squatting on the woodland in this wilderness forest, babbling about something beside a small mound, even if it The bonfire around him burned to the point that there was only a pile of ashes that was red with sparks and smoke, and it was completely ignored, so it concentrated on doing its own thing.


Suddenly, just as a certain bear was about to continue to do something, not far behind it, there was a burst of noise and the pulling of a certain instrument.

'do not move! ’

‘Turn around slowly, otherwise, my Lienbow will shoot you like a hedgehog! ! ’

Then, what followed was the footsteps of two people and a sharp shout from one of them.


 ̄(エ) ̄)ゞ?

Since it was someone else’s body that was possessed, Tibbers, whose perception ability was severely restricted, turned around slowly in surprise. It was only after seeing a crossbow arrow aimed at its head. Slowly turned around again with disdain, and continued to squat next to the small mound.


"While playing! I have no time to talk to you!"


Subconsciously felt that the opponent’s crossbow arrows could not hurt him, and knew that this body was not his own body. He was not worried or distressed even if he died and was hurt. After a glance at the opponent, he turned his head again and screamed. Talking.

‘! ! ’

'who are you? Is it a vampire? ! ’

Tibbers had just hurriedly turned his face, the man holding the crossbow could not see clearly, so he was hesitant in his heart, so he aimed at the opponent's head again and asked harshly.

"You are a vampire!!"


Tibbers is very busy now, and has no time to pay attention to those irrelevant idlers, so it snorted badly.


‘Are you... a werewolf or something else? ! ’


"You are a werewolf, your whole family are werewolves!!"


It's Tibbers Bear Master is a powerful shadow bear, but the other party said it is a werewolf, what is it not to curse? This is equivalent to calling an earthling a pig, so it must be impossible for him to have a good temper.


'Say! who are you? Not to mention, be careful I'm not polite to you! ! ’

The man once again raised the Liannu that he had just put down slightly in surprise, and then pointed at the opponent's head and neck. If the opponent dared to move rashly, he would definitely pull the trigger and shoot the opponent's head into a hedgehog. .



"Well, I am actually a mage!"

"Also, hurry up and put away your broken weapon, this bear is not afraid of it, and there is no time to talk to you now!"


‘Mage? ’

'Oh! It turned out to be a strange dwarf...’

Seeing that the other party stood up and went back again, continuing to mutter something to the mound, for a while, the man holding the crossbow arrow slowly turned to the other side's side, and looked up and down the other side. After his body shape, he was taken aback for a while, then smiled and put away his weapon in general with a sigh of relief.


"You are a dwarf!"



"It's not that this bear is boasting about the sea. If this bear's body is here, it will definitely be much taller than you, and even one paw can pinch you to death!"


After that, Tibbers, who felt that he was busy with important things and didn’t want the other party to gesture to him with a weapon and threaten him, suddenly pointed his finger at a big tree in the same place, and then A dark sacrifice was cast, causing a beam of dark energy to blast toward the original place!

Boom~! !

In a huge explosion, a large tree that could only be hugged by a few people in the original place was directly blown off by Qigen, and then the towering giant tree, which is likely to be tens of meters high, stood between the man holding the crossbow and Under the dumbfounded gaze of another man beside him, he groaned slowly and fell down?

Rumbling rumbling...



In that place, the rocking mountains roared and the branches and leaves of the giant trees roared and the branches and grass scraps flew. After the gravel dust splashed around, the two men who had been sluggish for a long time quickly put away the weapons in their hands, It was facing some weird guy who was still squatting on the side of the small mound after finishing the spell.

Because, they can see it now, that weird person, that guy who claims to be a wizard, the other party should not be hostile to the two of them, or else they can hit them with just a shot, so they still don’t want it. Or is it better to be a little friendly?

"How are you?"

"My name is Van Helsing. I am a monster hunter from North America and a member of the Order of the Holy Knights. This is my assistant Karl... Strange Mage, what are you doing?!"

After putting away the weapon, Fan Haixin walked in front of the opponent and introduced himself with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

Although, in a sense, I should be able to take action against a wizard, but, given that the other party has just shown goodwill, given that he has not received any rewards from the other party, he does not know what the other party is. It's not that kind of evil wizard, plus the means that the other party showed just now... So, he thinks it's better for them not to be nosy now?

After all, they are going to the ancient town of Transylvania to perform their mission to deal with the vampire Dracula who has been there for many years. As for the seemingly powerful mage in front of him, he is definitely not Will easily provoke or make enemies.


"Don't you have eyes to see what I am doing?"

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

Tibbers was a little unhappy, because the important work it was doing was disturbed by the two earth male creatures in front of him! Therefore, it has even begun to consider whether it wants to eat the opponent, or to sacrifice the opponent in darkness?


‘? ? ’

The two men who were groping over because of passing by and seeing the smoke looked at each other, completely unaware of the four meanings the other party wanted to express, let alone what they would do to squat in front of such a small mound.



"You stay away, I am now killing this group of ants!!"


A certain bear raised his head, with his eyes full of golden flame-like energy, glared fiercely at a certain terrestrial male creature who was smiling and trying to get together. He lowered his head again after seeing that the other party was so scared that he backed away. , Muttering something in his mouth, and as soon as he stretched out his fingers, he knocked the two termites who were just crawling on the periphery of the mound and trying to crawl away into gray ashes.

Then, its eyes hidden in the upright collar and mage hat couldn't help but squinted slightly, presumably in a good mood?

‘! ! ’

‘What kind of witchcraft is that? Van Helsing, let's rush all night and try to get to the ancient town of Transylvania earlier? ’

Seeing the opponent’s previous spell like a cannonball blasted down a big tree and hit a big hole in the ground over there, then look at the neurotic behavior of burning ants with spells in front of the opponent, Fan Haixin’s side The'assistant' Carl pulled on Van Helsing's back skirt and whispered.

‘Carl, don’t worry! ’

"Hello, Master, it's just that I don't understand, what are you doing now?!"

Now that he saw such a strange mage in his words, deeds and even appearance, and since the other party did not have too much hostility towards his two strangers, after running for a day, Fan Haixin, who seemed not in a hurry to leave, ignored it. Following the advice of his partner, he directly asked the other person here.

Just now he thought this little mound was something weird, but now look at it, it turned out to be a nest of termites that can swallow dams, houses, and tall buildings?



Tibbers glanced at each other and did not continue to speak, because it had to do what it thought was important.


"Your Excellency, I don't understand. If you want to, this termite nest will be burnt in one go. The number of them is endless. Are you going to squeeze to death like this?"

Fan Haixin, who watched the other party using spells to give precise names to the termites and kill them, was very puzzled, because that approach seemed to him very irrational, very...stupid?

It’s like he doesn’t know how to shoot termites with muskets or crossbows. If he wants to destroy that kind of thing, he can crush it to death with one finger, trample it to death with one foot, or just dig out the opponent’s nest. And set a fire in it?


"You stupid mortals will never understand..."

(??????`??)?? ""

Lifting his head, he once again revealed the pair of evil enchanting and powerful energy pupils from the mage hat and cloak, Tibbers lowered his head again, and continued to use his extraordinary evil power and dark sacrifices. Sacrifice those ants one by one.

in fact,

Of course it knows that a fire or a powerful dark sacrificial trick can completely blast this ant nest to the ground, but that would be boring... as smart as its uncle Tibbers Bear, how could it give up like this? What about a good opportunity to stack extraordinary evil powers?

Although the ant is very weak, but no matter how small the ant is, it is a life. As long as it is sacrificed, its shadow bear's own power can be stronger! For a **** system, don't think that it can't be helped by restricting it to Level 1 of the Uncle Bear. Why doesn't the other party think about it, who has it been with Uncle Tibbers all these years?

Anyway, it had already planned it. Before it completely sacrificed the colony of termites, it would not go anywhere, Lord Tibbers Bear!

And now, the only thing that makes it a little bit regretful is that the ants don't seem to be able to bring that kind of inexplicable experience to it, so that it has countless layers of evil powers superimposed on it, it is still level one?

But it doesn’t matter. Uncle Tibbers Bear would definitely not mind that kind of little things. One level is one level. Now it’s more important to destroy this colony of ants without anything. As long as it successfully eliminates them, it’s Tibber. Uncle Si Xiong's spell power can basically go to heaven!

At the beginning, it was originally intended to find a human city, and then sacrifice all the stupid humans in it... However, I was afraid that a bad little master would suddenly come out to find it. It’s trouble, or after the fall of the fall, it finally thought about it, and had to choose the method of finding small animals in the wild and casting dark sacrificial spells.

However, those little animals are lively and thieves. Uncle Tibbers Bear is not a professional hunter. He can't find many in a day. In the end, he was forced to have no choice. Under extremely accidental circumstances, Let it discover such a termite nest that looked like a small mound on the outside.


"Although I still don't understand, but you are happy!"

He really didn't understand that this was not like a child, but a little mage who was more like a dwarf, but he didn't want to interfere with each other at will.


"It's getting late now, can I borrow your fire and camp with you here tonight?"

"We have a lot of food, and we can give you a little bit."

Van Helsing, who feels that he will have to spend a long time to reach his destination tomorrow, before arriving in the ancient town of Transylvania, thinks about it, and thinks it might be a good idea to join such a kind-looking wizard at night?

Because he is different from his assistant, he doesn't think the other party will have any malicious intent against them. If it does, the other party should have already taken action just now. Therefore, he thinks that it would be a good idea to camp here at night and take a rest. Nice experience.

"up to you!"

"As long as you don't rush to kill these ants with me!"

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

Tibbers is now engaged in an exceptionally great cause, fighting hard to eliminate this colony of ants! So, now whoever wants to rush to fight him with Uncle Bear, he will destroy whoever! You know, this ant nest was found with great difficulty. This kind of thing is much more cost-effective than destroying humans in a city!

Every dark sacrifice can always easily increase its spell power by two points. How can it easily give up such a beautiful thing that is hard to find in the world? Although, this kind of thing is indeed a bit boring and tedious, but it is not a big deal for it, who has been tied in the teddy bear skin by its own mischievous owner all year round and held in the palm of the hand. Almost used to it.


how is this possible?

He was unloading his own equipment, and motioned to Carl to bring the two horses in the distance to Van Helsing and opened his mouth, but in the end, he still didn't say anything...because he was the only one who was really crazy. Only then will you go to play the boring ant eradication game with the other party? !


"Dear Master, can you tell us what your name is?"

If the other party is willing to tell him, Fan Haixin thinks that maybe from today, they will be friends?

Although the identity of the other party is slightly flawed, such small things are not important! For people like him who have come from afar and are unfamiliar in life, if there is an acquaintance nearby, it will undoubtedly be much more convenient to do certain things.



"You can call me the wizard Vega, or you can call me the Shadow Bear Tibbers!"

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

The opponent is just a mortal on the left and right, so in Tibbers' eyes, it is not a big deal to tell the opponent his name.


"Okay, Lord Vega..."

Compared to Shadow Bear Tibbers or something, Van Helsing felt that the name of the ‘Mage Vega’ might make him feel a little more normal?

"We have dried meat, potatoes, cheese and bread here. Would you like some?"

Seeing that Karl had brought their horses in the distance, he leaned down to pick up the firewood and carefully placed it on the fire not far away, making the bonfire more blazing, so that the bonfire would not be extinguished. Fan Haixin turned his head and asked in a friendly manner.


(灬?????? 灬)

"I have eaten it, no need!!"


Tibbers, who stretched out his hand to be a dark sacrificial offering, would not tell him that it actually wanted to eat the humans on their two earths most!

However, think about now that I have become the evil little mage Vega, my appetite has become much smaller, and it is no longer my own bear belly, and I remember that it has eaten a small animal just now. It wasn't very hungry, so he resolutely rejected the other party's kindness.

"OK then!"

"However, we may stew a pot of potato broth later. Can we drink and talk at night?"

I took a look at the other person and saw that the other person was still nervously at fault with the termite nest. Then I looked at the gray sky in the distance and saw that the sky was going to darken and Fan Haixin, who was exhausted physically and mentally after a day of rushing, stopped saying anything, but after finishing the campfire, he found a good position and sat next to him comfortably.



‘The two thousand and nineteenth...the two thousand and twentieth...’


After muttering in his heart, and after successfully sacrificing two ants, a certain bear Tibbers stretched out proudly.

Although, this kind of work is a bit tiring, but I don’t think it can superimpose that kind of extraordinary evil power more easily than this, so I feel that it can at least squat by the termite nest and work for a whole night. ?


╰(*??????*)??*?? Ask for tickets??

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