Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1020: (?????) Look at this bear's forty-meter sword! !

'Hey! ’

‘Wait for me...’

'cherry! Hurry up! ’

‘Oh~! ’

'really hurts......'

‘Hahaha, look at her! ! ’

On the outskirts of Camelot, the capital of the Kingdom of Sacred Gryphon Camelot, the little Annie, sisters Tosaka, Ilia, and Luvia, who are outing in this forest here today, are doing nothing. In the middle of the forest, he trot out from the forest.

Almost each of them picked a large basket full of wild berries or other game, and then they put their arms around their arms or put them on their heads, flushing with sweaty little faces,'whoops Hu He walked toward their camp.


"Sister Annie, these things are really too heavy, or let your little bear come out and help us move them?"

Rin Tosaka, who was a little tired, threw her basket to the ground at once, then wiped her sweaty hair on her forehead, and after scanning it left and right, she quickly took her pair of With a hint of sly eyes in Bi-color, he locked the teddy bear pinned to Annie's waist.

Although they all know magic, they generally don’t allow anyone to use any spells when they come out to play. However, if you make a bear grow bigger and help them get things, then there should be no problem. .

"You mean Tibbles the bear?"


"But, it has been sent to work elsewhere by me, and it's not here now!"


Annie's small back basket also contained a basket full of wild mushrooms, which she picked under the shady big tree and near the dead wood when she was playing with everyone in the woods.

However, compared to the deadly wild fruits, her mushrooms are much lighter, and the small back basket is much easier to carry than the basket in your hand, but that kind of thing, she must be no matter what. Not going to talk to the little guys easily, she likes to see them tired but helpless.



"Sister Annie, we saw it, isn't it right behind you and tied to the skirt belt? It's on you now, do you want to lie to us?"

The sweaty Tosaka Sakura and Ilia finally followed, and then, at a glance, they saw a certain hideous face who was hanging upside down with a bear leg tied around their waist and dangling as they walked. There are also a lot of stuffed bears with fresh stitches on the crooked side.

Regarding their Miss Anne’s teddy bear, which grows bigger and smaller and can help fights, they still like each other when it doesn’t get angry or pretend to threaten to eat them, and, They are so tired now that they suddenly miss the big guy who wandered around with them in the past few days and never talked, but they were always able to appreciate the big guy.

"But it was really sent out by me!"


"Now this is just its body, and its soul is not here!!"


‘! ! ’

‘But, what can the soul do? ’

'Yes indeed! ’

‘What did you send it out for? If you only have the soul, you can't do anything, right? ’

‘It’s definitely not possible! ’

'how do you know? ’

'I knew it! ! ’

At first, the small groups started arguing with each other in a whisper, without waiting for Annie's answer at all.

"That's not necessarily..."


Little Annie didn't explain too much, she continued to turn around and left with her little back basket on her back.

She wouldn't tell these little guys that with the cooperation of the Lord God, the traversal of the soul is much faster and more efficient than the traversal of the physical body (body) directly!

Moreover, she probably estimated that it would take her a lot of time and energy before she straightened out those endless plane worlds that were inexplicably messed up... So, during this period, she would not I plan to run around, just stay in this world of the queen of hairy Queen Artoria and these little guys, while playing with their companions, while dividing more energy and patience to carefully smooth the super Troublesome, entangled plane world!

And this is the reason why she was able to give a certain bad bear a small holiday to a great extent!

‘! ! ’

'Hey! Sister Annie, wait for us...’

'hateful! What are you doing so fast that you can’t let us rest for a while? ’

‘Hurry up, Illya, and Sakura, you guys at the end of the crane! ’

‘I don’t have a crane tail! ! ’

'I do not have either! ’

‘Then you hurry up and take care of the dishes if you go back late! ’

'what? This is not fair! ! ’

'Wait for me……'



What the bad boy of his own family is doing in another world, the bear must have no idea, because, now, it is following Van Helsing, a monster hunter and a member of the Order of the Holy Order from North America. The doctor and the other's assistant Carl, on the second day, under the cold sky, rolling in black clouds, and the afternoon wind gusts like a torrential rain, they finally arrived at their destination-Tran. The ancient town of Sivania!

This is a desolate ancient town located between the mountain forests and snow-capped mountains in Eastern Europe. Due to various reasons, it is becoming desolate and withered... However, it is said that many townspeople still live in this ancient city, even if they are in Degu. Under the evil cover of the La Vampire family, even if Dracula and his vampire brides often attack here and **** the blood of countless people and other threats, such as werewolves, they still can’t completely scare them away. ?

"Your Excellency, Master Vega!"

"The ancient town of Transylvania is here, you see, follow us on horseback, is it faster than you walk here?"

Van Helsing, who jumped off the steed, looked at the dwarf, hiding his body and face in the mage robe and mage hat, so that people could not even see the cotton face. Vega, with the help of his assistant Karl, carefully followed After the other riding horse jumped down, he pointed to the old dilapidated stone gate of the ancient town of Transylvania not far away and smiled at the other side.


"That is to say, I met us, otherwise, when you come here by yourself, it will be at least a week later."

Now, he is very proud that he can fool such a quasi-acquaintance who is not yet a friend here.

Because he has seen the opponent's spells, he is not at the same level as the evil wizards they hunted before, but the opponent has real skills! Therefore, he felt that the opponent might be very useful, and after knowing that the opponent’s purpose had something in common with them, he used his three-inch tongue to abduct the opponent into his demon team, and After most of a day's speeding, I came to this ancient town in Transylvania.

"This is the place where the vampires you mentioned, are you sure?"


Looking at the dilapidated town in front of me, watching the townspeople wearing thick and dirty leather clothes, with suspicion and vigilant eyes, locked on to the three of them, someone in the skin of a Yodel Tibbers asked uncertainly.

"Of course! If you are looking for trouble with a vampire, you can come here!!"

"Come on, let's go in and talk as we go?"

Seeing that the two behind had dismounted, Fan Haixin tightened the cowboy hat he was wearing on his head, and then took the reins of his steed, completely disregarding the townspeople in front of him who were staring at him. Just so carelessly, he walked forward.


"Huh! This bear actually doesn't want to come so early..."

ε=(????`●))) alas

Thinking that he had squatted for two days and one night, but also eliminated most of the termite colony, a certain bear Tibbers sighed angrily.



Van Helsing and his assistant Karl glanced at each other. Obviously, it was not the first time that they had heard each other complain like this.

"Your Excellency, Master Vega!"

"Then what do you want? Our goal is to eliminate the Dracula Count Dracula, and your goal is to eliminate another vampire Vladimir. That guy is said to be fighting Dracula’s group of vampires, let’s It just happens to be able to work together in a team, to gather their respective strengths, and then to defeat a powerful enemy, right?"

Seeing those guarding the gate of the ancient town who were holding weapons and being unkind to the three of them, and their eyes full of vicious and hostile spirits, Fan Haixin couldn't help but sneered, then lowered his hat and continued to guide his companions. Walk forward.

"But the timing is wrong now!"

"Compared to my powerful little master, compared to my original strength, I feel that I am far from strong enough now!"


Tibbers doesn't know what level he is now, because it is the first time in his life as a mage!

However, if you compare it a little bit with the terrible little master of its Tibbers family, and compare it with the power of the powerful wizard who can burn the planet to glass, it will probably know what it is now. s level.

In short, under the influence of a certain system, it will now only have a spell, it will only release a beam of dark energy, and it really doesn't have any confidence in the bottom of my heart.

"If you don't come and try, how do you know your strength is not enough?"

"Besides, attacking ants to practice spells at best will only make you more proficient, but it won't make you stronger!"

To a certain extent, Fan Haixin felt that the mage in front of him was already very powerful, at least much more powerful than him! And this is the reason why he spared no effort to fool the other party, especially after he heard that the other party's purpose was somewhat similar to him?


"Fan Haixin, stupid mortal, you are wrong. If you attack an ant, it will indeed make me stronger!!"


"Haha! Master Vega, you really can laugh!"

"Ha ha……"

While alerting the surrounding townspeople who gathered all kinds of ‘weapons’ towards the three of them, Fan Haixin smiled and continued to walk forward.


"What are you laughing at? I'm not kidding. I can really become stronger by attacking ants! As long as there are enough ants, as long as I stay patiently for a few days, the power of my magic can even penetrate the entire planet!"


Although I don’t know whether the power in the body of the Yordle comes from Vega itself, or from a system that is unkind, or is it possible to sacrifice lives through the "Dark Sacrifice" in exchange for the void However, Tibbers now only knows that no matter how small an ant is, it is meat. As long as it is sacrificed, it can always be given power!

As for what kind of principle is in it, it doesn't matter to it, anyway, this body is not its own, so it won't care too much.

"Your Excellency Vega, you are really interesting!"


Hearing that an interesting dwarf mage was still joking at this time, Van Helsing and his assistant Karl, who were being surrounded by the townspeople of the ancient town of Transylvania, laughed again rarely.

"Do not laugh!"


‘Huh? ’

'stop! Strangers, tell your origins, and then... raise your head, let us look at your faces! ? ’

Suddenly, when a certain bear Tibbers was about to reprimand those two stupid and self-righteous earthlings, and convinced them that the shadow bear Tibbers was really not joking and told them to shut up quickly, suddenly, they Behind the three of them, a woman screamed loudly.


∑(????`)? !

Seeing that the steps behind him turned out to be an old female Earth woman wearing a red tights, who seemed a little angry, Tibbers curled his lips and continued the old **** holding its weapon-like weapon. The iron staff with a little bit more, didn't want to bother at all about the stupid earthling who was standing on the wooden steps of the building with his hips akimbo.



Following the sound, he turned his head and looked at the other party up and down. Knowing that the other party might be the person he was looking for, and knowing that the other party should be the leader of this ancient town, Fan Haixin asked with a smile and jokingly.

'Humph! ’

‘Because we don’t believe in strangers! Any stranger! Also, strangers generally don’t live long with us...’

After discovering that the tall and handsome man who raised his head and the cowering servant-like guy next to him were not what he thought, the woman who was standing on the steps with her arms akimbo was slightly relaxed. And nodded.

‘You can stay in our town for the time being, but gentlemen, I think we must first disarm you...’

‘This is the law of our town, and outsiders must obey it, especially like you! ’

After basically confirming the identity of the other party, the woman shouted at the headed Fan Haixin. As for the servant next to the other party and another weird dwarf with a shorter figure, she did not take her seriously.


"Your laws are nothing to me!"

Van Helsing came to the ancient town of Transylvania for hunting vampires, how could he surrender obediently under the order of a woman? Therefore, without hesitation, he directly rejected the feeble request.


‘Go ahead and kill them! ! ’

For these strangers who dared to disobey their orders and not take the town’s laws to heart, the woman didn’t seem to be too surprised, so as soon as she stretched out her hand, she surrounded those around with various weapons. The townspeople ordered.

You know, in this town, she is the indisputable authority! Moreover, for them who often die and often fight with those monsters, killing one or two strangers or something is not too strange for her town.


"I see who of you dare?!"

After reaching out to the back of his leather coat, with a fierce and murderous gaze, he pushed back the cowardly townspeople who were obviously crowded but still cringe, Fan Haixin turned his head. Added:


"You are the leader here, aren't you? We are here to help you!!"

‘Just the three of you? ’

After looking up and down again at the three strangers in front of her, the woman laughed teasingly.

"I swear!"

"We are really here to help you, in the name of God?"

'Humph! Shut up! ’

‘We don’t need anyone’s help! You still...’

However, when the woman just wanted to say something, she suddenly had to shut her mouth, because she saw that the strong-headed stranger suddenly pulled out a strange-style crossbow machine. Aim the arrow on the crossbow arrow at your head?

‘! ! ’

Damn it! !

For the first time, the woman thought that the other party wanted to turn his face, and then she didn't think much about it, she squatted down subconsciously for the first time, trying to avoid the attack of the crossbow arrow in the other's hand.

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

The silver-white steel short crossbow arrows swiftly shot out from Van Helsing's peculiar self-reloading crossbow machine, then rubbed the top of the female leader's head and shot towards the original sky!

"Hey~! ’

‘Sizzle~! ! ’

Almost at the same time, the black clouds rolled, and under the windy and cold sky, there was a kind of terrifying neigh familiar to the townspeople of this ancient town in Transylvania.

‘! ! ’

'not good! ’

‘It’s a vampire! ’

‘Wow~! ! ’

‘They’re here, everyone, run away...’

Along the direction of the strange strange man’s attack, the townspeople could easily find that in the sky, there were three monsters with ugly pale skin, black faces like dead people, huge fleshy wings and terrifying fangs. Pounced at their female leader who had just been standing on a high place, and then, of course, they were so scared that they dropped their weapons and ran away!

Because they knew that they were terrible vampires, the brides of Dracula, the vampire count, and they were out again to prey! Therefore, now they have no other choice but to escape...At the same time, they also know that those monsters are difficult to kill, and anyone who tries to kill them will die under their claws or fangs. , The only thing they can do now is to run faster than the people around them!

Anyway, those vampires **** the blood of one person at most every time. Today, at most three people will die here. They just need to make sure that they run faster than others! Besides, aren't three strangers here today? Just throw them to the vampire brides as prey or sacrifice.

‘Everyone, go to the house! ’

'fast! Hide! ’

‘Hide your women and children! ! ’

‘Don’t mess with everyone! ! ’

‘Take your weapons and beat them down! ! ’

At this moment, the woman who stood up again holding her head saw that the man who was almost killed by her order was really here to help them deal with vampires, and shot the vampires with that crossbow machine so that they were afraid to fly. After coming down, she immediately shouted and began to command.

However, with the exception of a few brave people, most of the other townspeople just fled around, just hid in houses one by one, and what did they say there?

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!


"Your Excellency Vega Mage! Come and help!!"

Several rows of silver crossbow arrows were fired up, but found that there were not many hits at all, and even if the hits failed to cause effective damage, Fan Haixin was anxious, turned his head abruptly, and stood aside not far away. The dwarf mage who didn't run and didn't do anything urged.

"No time!"

o(`????) o Humph!

However, at this moment, a certain bear was looking up at the vampires who were driving the crowd in the sky and telling the flying vampires. After a glance, he still stood still and didn't want to move. the meaning of.

Because Tibbers discovered that those female vampires flying high in the sky flew high and fast, and when they were unable to fly and their spell accuracy was not very good, they would definitely not be able to hit the opponent easily. Then don't fight at all?

What's more, the three vampires were not the ones that Tibbers had to deal with. Therefore, whether they prey on humans or hunt them, they don't care much about it.

This is like the little owner of the family said: If the lion is not allowed to hunt in order to save the zebra, the lion will starve to death! So, if the zebras can't run away on their own, let the zebras be eaten by the lions, which might be better?

"what did you say?!"

Fan Haixin couldn't believe what his ears heard. He didn't believe that the other party would say that kind of thing and really planned to stand by? !

"They are not the vampires I am looking for, I will not destroy the harmony of this world..."


!? (??\'??\'????)??

But this time, Tibbers hadn’t finished speaking, he saw: the one in the sky with pale and ugly skin, dark circles, long fangs, and the monster with fleshy wings is so undead. The earth flew over to its uncle Tibbers Bear?


"What? Who do you think I am? I will show you what cruelty is!!"

??????????← Super fierce!

Whether it is a lion or a vampire, anyway, it must not easily turn himself into the preyed zebra! Therefore, when seeing the dead female vampire thinking that she was a bully, and grinning and roaring at her, she hurriedly raised her iron staff and pointed it at the head of the wand. To each other.

In Tibbers' eyes, anyone who dared to grin and show his teeth at it is all its enemy!

"watch out!!"


Dark sacrifice! !

Under the premise of threatening one's own safety or interests ~ the balance, prosperity and stability of the world are all shit! Therefore, Tibbers flew down the opponent without hesitation, and when he was about to catch him like an eagle catching a chick, he shot a shot at the guy who grinned and dared to violate his majesty. A beam of dark energy made it like a cannonball, blasting from the head of the stick suddenly, and blasting towards the opponent along a straight line diagonally upwards.


That is a beam of dark energy superimposed with a full 133,566 layers of extraordinary evil power!

Although it looks unremarkable, but at this time, with an unstoppable violent posture, it slammed into the chest of the vampire bride in amazement and penetrated the past in an instant. After continuing to cut a long track in the sky, it slowly dissipated on the gloomy sky...


??(ψ`▽′)o?? Ask for a ticket??

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