Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1021: ?(ψ`?′)o go away! Ben bear doesn't like you...


The three menacing vampire brides came suddenly, making the lord Anna Vilelis of this place and the townspeople in the ancient town of Transylvania feel a little caught off guard, even almost because of the chaos. And caused a serious accident of stamping on oneself?

However, compared with the sudden attack of the three demons and surprises people, their defeat was also more sudden. When people did not react and had not fully hid in the house, the monsters attacked. ended.

That's because, two of those vampires, or two?

Anyway, after they were killed two back, the last one remaining was frightened, and after a screaming scream, they spread their wings and flew high without turning their heads, and got into the distance. The gloomy dark cloud disappeared soon.

At this time, when people gathered from various places to the open area of ​​the town again in terror, the two vampire brides who died had fallen to a certain dwarf wearing weird and iron-clad clothes. Not far from the ground...

Those monsters, it is said that when they were attacking that little dwarf, they were beaten down by the strange iron rod that the opponent used to attack with some kind of bright light?


When the vampire brides, their devilish roars and the sound of breaking through the air as they flew down to catch people gradually disappeared, when it was confirmed that there was no vampire in the sky or nearby, they pushed each other before. The humiliation and even trampling caused many innocently injured townspeople. Only then, holding their respective weapons, they regrouped in this spacious part of the town with a wince, and faced the two from a distance. The vampire remnant who fell to the ground only in a twisted posture and the little dwarf'gnomish' who stood majesticly holding the steel staff pointed and muttered:


'Oh, God! ’

‘How did they die? ’

'do not know……'

'Look! Their chests were beaten! ! ’

‘She, they are really dead? ’

‘The whole chest is gone, you say it’s not dead? ! ’

‘But, who killed them, was it our female lord? ’

‘No! It's that little dwarf over there! did you see? Just the dwarf whose face can't be seen clearly! ’

‘Just him? ’

‘Yes! ! ’

‘It’s incredible, how did he do it? For such a dwarf, I might beat him with one finger! ’

‘Haha! If you want to be like those dirty monsters, you can try? ’


Fortunately, they didn't wait for long to argue, nor did they wait for them to say more things that offended a certain ‘gnomish’, their female lord who had been chased and fled before finally appeared.

‘Asshole! ’

"Step aside!"

‘Damn it! You all get away from me! ! ’

At this time, a violent woman screamed.

Then, the one who preached to Fan Haixin trio and threatened to disarm and order a certain evil woman to kill the three. The female lord who appeared to be the ancient town was pushing away those who were watching. After the townspeople blocked it, they strode and walked to the middle a little embarrassedly, and began to bow their heads and leaned down to study the broken bodies of the two dead vampires.


She saw that the two vampires, they seemed to have been directly penetrated by something as terrible as a cannonball. After completely devouring the hearts and all the internal organs of the two vampires, they continued to cast their momentum. They went through the hole, and then they wailed and fell to the ground...Finally, they became the two charred corpses in front of them, almost lost most of their torso!


‘Really dead? ! ’

He stretched out his foot and kicked, and found that they no longer had the slightest possibility of movement or resurrection. It was obvious that after they were really dead, a certain evil woman was relieved.

That's right, the two vampires in front of you are indeed dead!

Because no vampire can survive after being beaten up with its internal organs and heart! However, what she didn't know was, which of the three vampire brides Alila, Verona and Marishka were the two vampires in front of her?

It’s a pity that now they have completely turned into a scorched corpse, and their hideous heads all look the same. Perhaps, only after seeing the vampires coming next time, she can tell whether these two unlucky **** are in the end. Whose is it?

‘! ! ’

‘It’s really dead. If you die, you will die two...’

'you guys! ’

‘Hurry up, go to the church and get some holy water to pour them through, then pile it on the firewood and burn it! ! ’

Turning around and ordering the townspeople who are still a little cringing, let them use holy water and flames to ensure that the vampires have no chance of coming back to life. After that, the woman with **** and big **** who looks very heroic is great. Stepped to the front of the three of Fan Haixin, and after a little restraint of the domineering aura just now, he said:

"you guys……"

"I am Anna Villelis, the master of this ancient town and territory in Transylvania, a stranger from afar, please tell me, who are you? What is the purpose of coming to us? ?!"

Now, after the other party outrageously attacked the vampires and killed two of them, Anna Vilelis can no longer be as aggressive as before to take the opponent’s weapons or order the townspeople to kill them, and He started to ask with some admiration after looking at the little dwarf who was still standing aside and holding the other side's weird iron weapon silently.

"I'm Van Helsing, a monster hunter from North America, and a member of the Order of the Holy Knights! Of course, Miss Villelis, you just need to treat me as a person to help you eliminate the vampire Count Dracula The hunter will do..."

"This is my assistant Karl!"

"This man, he is a friend of mine, a powerful mage, his name is Vega, or can you call him the Shadow Bear Tibbers?"

"Miss Villelis, now you see it too, God can testify, I said from the beginning, we are really here to help you!"

"and so……"

After introducing himself, his assistant, and the little Vega Mage who was successfully fooled by him to deal with vampires, and seemed to be a little more powerful than he imagined, Fan Haixin didn't have time to say anything, he was surprised by that. The impatient Anna Villelis reached out and interrupted arbitrarily.

"All right!"

"Maybe you really planned to help us before, but now you may not be able to help!!"

Seeing the townspeople walking over to deal with the scorched corpses of the two vampire brides according to their orders, the female lord Anna Villelis said with some boredom.


"I don't understand, Miss Villelis, why do you say that? Didn't we win the battle now, didn't we eliminate two of them?"

Although he had just shot a full quiver of crossbow arrows, he was completely unable to cause any actual damage to the fast-flying female vampires. However, Van Helsing said that the people he brought had eliminated two of them. , Then he is somewhat credited, so he said that he was a little hard to understand the ups and downs of the woman in front of him.

"Mr. Fan Haixin..."


"I think you have seen it yourself: the three vampire brides who came here, two of them died. Do you naively think that those vampires will just give up like this?!"

Thinking of this, the anxiety and annoyance in Anna Villelis' heart grew stronger...

If these guys, the so-called vampire hunter and wizard Vega, can completely kill the three vampire brides, it would be okay, then she and her town may have a few more days to prepare or deal with Time, but now...

Anyway, when she thinks about what she and her townspeople are about to face, she feels faintly terrified. It is not because she is afraid, but she is not ready at all!


Fan Haixin was taken aback, not understanding what the other party was trying to say.

"It's actually nothing, mainly..."

"The guy who ran away, that vampire, she might soon bring back the news that you outsiders came to our Transylvanian town and killed her two companions, thinking It won’t be long before the revenge of their monsters is coming!"

"Mr. Van Helsing, are you ready to face Lord Dracula? Do you know how many people will die here?"

In the past, the hunting of vampire brides alone could cost her Transylvanian town a heavy loss, but fortunately, whether it was the resistance of her and her people or the predation of vampires Some tacit understanding, in addition to normal predation, at best they want to kill her Anna Villelis, the last descendant of the family!

Countless years and generations of people’s efforts have made her understand that it is very difficult for them to really kill those terrible vampires, and the predation of those vampires is also limited. They usually leave when they are full. 'Kill the innocent'? Therefore, she and her territory and the townspeople here in Transylvania can continue to survive and thrive on this land.

Although that situation has lasted for nearly three hundred years, and has made the people here and the vampires have the same relationship as a shepherd and a flock, but there is no doubt that the identity of the “flock” is for the “shepherd” People's existence has been basically used to it, even if they want to fight more than once or want to use their weak horns to confront the'shepherd', it is the same, and it does not change their situation much. .

"You said that Dracula is coming?"

"That's right! We are here waiting for him to come, so we don't have to run to his lair to find him!!"

For a moment, Fan Haixin finally recovered, and proudly raised the special crossbow in his hand.

Because he originally came to the ancient town of Transylvania to destroy Earl Dracula’s vampire, now it’s fine, they don’t need to venture to search for the other side’s castle, the other side will find them by themselves. The trouble, such a low-risk thing, he has always wanted!

"it is good?"

"Ha! Mr. Van Helsing, I think, you vampire hunter, you probably don't know the horror of their monsters?!"

"Also, now it's not just the terrible Dracula, but also the accomplice he didn't know where he found, the Scarlet Reaper Vladimir, the same terrible vampire! He was in our little one last time In the town, I sucked the blood of a hundred people at a time!"

"That's a hundred people!!"

"Do you know that when the blood of those people burst out directly from under their eyes, nose, ears, and cracked skin, it gathered on his hands at the same time, so that his whole body was hidden in the scarlet pool of blood? When he was able to gather a terrible blood cell in his hand with blood after he was full, what a terrible sight was that?"

Imagine that after the terrible monster left, the townspeople who lay on the ground for a hundred moments were sucked into corpses, Anna Velelis still couldn't help it. be terrified.

Although she and her family have been committed to killing Dracula for generations, but at the same time, she also vaguely knew that it was just their wishful thinking! Whether it was that Dracula or the new vampire Vladimir, they were not something she or the people in her territory could easily fight against.

Otherwise, to this day, her Anna Villelis family would not have died so that she was the only heir.


 ̄(エ) ̄)ゞ?


At this moment, a certain evil little mage Vega, who had been watching, not saying much, and didn’t know he was playing around with something, finally reacted and moved towards Anna Villelis and Van Helsing. People walked over here with short legs.

"Am I right?"

"Woman, you just said, that vampire, that Scarlet Reaper Vladimir has indeed been here in your town?!"


What Dracula, what vampire bride, or how many earthlings died, he doesn't want to care about it, Lord Tibbers Bear! Because that is the business of people in this world, for the peace and stability of the world of planes, and for the balance of the world, it must not be able to, and do not want to care too much...


If Vladimir the Scarlet Reaper is involved, then it must be taken care of! Because that is the task of Tibbers, and it must be completed within the specified time. Otherwise, it is likely to be locked in the small black room of time by some bad master who can do it. Here, endure the loneliness and loneliness of ten thousand years?

That kind of thing is something that Tibbers cannot and dare not bear anyway!

Moreover, if it remembers correctly, it seems to be the afternoon of the third day. There should be only six days or less than seven days left before the ten earth days described in the mission. It must be a little bit. A little bit of urgency.


"Yes, yes, Master Vega, do you have any questions?"

Anna Villelis still respected the mage who had successfully eliminated the two vampire brides who had entangled them for countless years. At least, it might be more respected than the vampire hunter who kept saying to help them deal with vampires, but in addition to shooting indiscriminately, a vampire hunter named Van Helsing who almost accidentally wounded herself was much more respected!

"No problem, I will deal with him then!"



"Do you know where there are ant nests near this small town? I think it is necessary to practice my spells for a while before dealing with that vampire Vladimir!"


For the uncle Tibbers Bear who is used to stomping on his feet, sitting on his butt, tearing his hands and swallowing his mouth with his mouth wide open, and even burning his enemies alive with shadow flames, this is the first time he changed his job to become a mage. It's really a bit unfamiliar, even if it just killed two powerful vampire brides and upgraded to a level, and also acquired the [Dark Matter] skill, is it still not too confident now?

So, if it can, it hopes to find another ant nest nearby, and then squat for two or three days to play the game of counting ants, until the vampires said the vampires come back?

"Ant, ant nest?!"


"I'm sorry, Master Vega, I don't know where there is the kind of ant nest you need... But if you want to practice spells, I know that there is a big beehive on the west wall of my castle, that thing can ?"

Anna Villelis didn’t know what the other party was doing in finding ant nests, and she had never paid attention to that kind of thing... But after thinking about it, she was honestly something that might help each other. , Told the location of a big beehive that had been hanging on the west wall of her Villeris family castle.

I don't know why, she always felt that the little wizard in front of her, the Lord Vega seemed a bit weird?

If you met such a wizard in another place, or one or two hundred years ago, I am afraid that the other party would have been arrested by her or someone from the church, and tied to the square, piled up firewood and burned it directly, right?

However, here in the ancient town of Transylvania, in their ancient city that has been ravaged by vampires and werewolves for countless years, there must be no one who cares about such small things at this time, especially in the other side. It's still on the premise that Beng helps them fight against vampires.


"Also! Hurry up, you can take me there now!!"


Tibbers, who is not very good at communicating with outsiders except for a bad little master of his own family, and does not want to communicate with outsiders, signaled the other party to lead the way on the spot. Perhaps, as a shadow bear, it has the talent for bears, and now it can't wait to dig its nest?

Because it knows that a big beehive must have at least thousands of wild bees! Anyway, the more they are in number, the larger their body, and the stronger their vitality, the more useful it is! As for other things, it doesn't have time to think more.


"right now……"

"But, Master Vega, I see that you are tired after a day of fighting and fighting again. Why not, I invite you to rest in the castle of our Velelis house, and then we can enjoy it together. A delicious dinner, as for other things, can we talk about it after dinner?"

Anna Velelis looked at the Vega Mage and the other iron, not knowing whether it was the weapon or the shimmer from the top of the staff, she thought about it and asked tentatively.


"Yes! Go get ready, this bear happens to be hungry too!!"


If it's your own Shadow Bear body, it didn't say anything, Tibbers could not eat or drink at all, because some bad master of his family almost never feeds him for fear of trouble!

However, now that he possessed this evil little mage named Vega, and possessed himself on this Yordle, Tibbers must be easily unavoidable of the super troublesome things like eating, drinking and peeing.


"Please follow me here?"

I don’t know why, I always think this little mage named Vega is weird in ancient times, and he doesn’t even want to show his face... But in view of the need to borrow or use the other’s Anna Velelis, that kind of little mage It is certainly not a big problem.

Therefore, I saw that the townspeople in the distance had begun to burn the bodies of the two vampire brides soaked in holy water, and I could see that others had also begun to rescue the wounded spontaneously and deal with those who accidentally died in the vampire attack. After the corpse of the fallen person felt that there should be nothing wrong with herself, she led the young Vega and Fan Haixin to her lord's castle.

She is already thinking about it now, if these guys from afar can successfully eliminate those vampires, it would be best! If not, then the time to live comfortably in her castle, and the evening party, may be the last supper of the three of them!

At that time, she will definitely let people leave three tombs next to each other in the cemetery behind the small town church! Perhaps, the epitaph above will also say: These are three unlucky people who want to help Transylvanians to eliminate vampires, but in the end they died in the hands of vampires?


As the sky gradually darkened, after a few hours, the dinner soon ended...

In the female lord, the dinner with the hostess Anna Vilelis at the Villelis family castle in Transylvania made everyone including Tibbs very satisfied! Maybe it was because the three of them had been on the road for a whole day. Is it really the reason for the exhaustion?

Or is it because the woman tried her best to please them?

But anyway, when the vampire hunter Van Helsing took his assistant Karl to a room of the two of them contentedly, the female lord Anna Villelis also carried a kerosene lamp at this time, and took some The young wizard Vega, who was just about her waist tall, but whose strength was seriously inconsistent with her size, came to a large room with a window to the west.



"Master Vega, this is the room I arranged for you. Are you satisfied with it?"

As the wooden door of the castle room was pushed open, and as the Anna Villelis put the kerosene lamp on the bedside table, she asked each other while walking aside and picked up one that had been placed there. His wine glass poured himself a glass of scarlet red wine like blood.

Originally, she still wanted to pour the other party a glass, but when she thought about the other party's previous meal in the restaurant, she clearly rejected the proposal to drink together. Therefore, she didn't force it too much, just put the bottle down. So he drank to himself, and at the same time made up some determination.



"Woman! Ben bear is not satisfied with this room at all!"


However, to a certain woman's expectation, a certain little mage uttered a word that surprised her even after scanning around this not too small room.

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Look, Master Vega, there is a big soft bed, clean bedding and neat walls and floors. This is a pretty good room. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

Yes, in the opinion of Anna Villelis, this room is already quite good, except that the window is facing west, maybe only a little bit of sunlight can shine in at dusk throughout the day. Too good outside?


"What about the honeycomb you said? Where is it?!"


Tibbers doesn't care how good this room is, because it only knows that there is nothing it needs here, and there is no honeycomb that it said to the other party before!

You know, once it does not have enough life to sacrifice, its supernatural evil power may not be high enough. If it is not high enough, it may not be able to defeat a certain vampire, and once it cannot defeat a certain vampire. , It may be severely punished by a bad little master, which is unacceptable anyway.

"Bee, honeycomb?"

"Ha! Master Vega, it's already night, are you still thinking about that thing?"

Shaking his head, in the room, the woman in the red evening dress held a wine glass and drank a big sip, then lied on the big bed with a smile, and then just supported her head with one hand and swayed the other. After holding the wine glass in his hand and looking at the red liquid rippling under the light without lights, he bit his red and plump lips, and said in a very seductive, faint tone:

"Dear Master Mage!"

"Maybe, we don't have to think about such troublesome things tonight. The castles of vampires are far away from here. They will definitely not come so fast..."

"So, we should be honest with each other tonight and have a good chat...You can get to know me well, and then, I also want to see your true face and some true abilities hidden in the robe of the mage? "

Anna Villélis, who had already bathed before and put on an evening dress that was not suitable for combat, bit her lips, and slightly loosened the front of her evening dress, so that the white flowers were exposed. Some come out.

Yes, she is teasing and seduce this little dwarf mage!

Although, the other party is not the kind of person she likes, in fact, no normal woman would like such a weird little dwarf, but... after so many years, this is the first time she has seen someone who can Success, even the relatively easy killing of two vampires, is really great for her. Therefore, if you want to get help from the other party, or simply want a way to kill vampires from the other party, In order to let the people of the Novellis family get redemption and ascend to heaven, she really can't care about anything now.

Today, she is the only one left in the Novellis family. If she can no longer kill Dracula’s vampire, then those who wait for her and her family will be in a desperate situation, she There is no retreat!


"Woman, what are you doing?"

∑(′?`)? !

Tibbers didn’t understand what the other party was doing. It obviously only wanted the other party to tell him the location of the beehive, and then he could dig out the beehive. But now it’s fine. The other party would tell him what kind of inexplicable things he did when he slept in bed. ?

Moreover, although the strong perception is no longer present because it is not the body, it still discovered a strange thing, that is: the other party’s body temperature is slowly rising, and the heartbeat is gradually increasing. Even started to emit a strange smell?

In this regard, Tibbers said it was really difficult to understand, not knowing what the other party's stupid head wanted to do.

"What do you mean?"

"Dear Master Vega, don't you think that now is the time to do some pleasant things?"

After finishing speaking, Anna Villelis was cruel, and simply tore off a button on the front of her red and beautiful evening dress, and then began to twist it uncomfortably, causing part of the gully to appear in something that seemed unreasonable. Before the eyes of the sophisticated little dwarf.


"I see, woman, are you expressing that you want to behave like a partner?!"


Remembering the behavior of some stupid earth humans mating bare-body that he had seen before when scanning with his super-sensing ability, Tibbers finally nodded suddenly, finally knowing the weirdness in front of him. The true meaning of the weird behavior of women.


"Then what are you waiting for, dear Master Vega?!"

Although I wanted to pry open the head of the short body of the other party to see what was inside, but after a pause, Anna Villelis finally resisted some impulses and continued to treat a certain small body. The dwarf seduced.

"Huh! Enough!"

"This bear is not at all interested in you old females of the earth with **** and big butts! Your meat is too old and doesn't look very delicious. Put away your stupid behavior!"


In this regard, Shadow Bear Tibbers is extremely disgusted!

Because, from its point of view, this female human being on Earth who is courting it for mating is really too old and ugly, completely inconsistent with the courtship view of its uncle Tibbers! It likes it, but the kind of she-bear that has a strong body, sharp claws, hideous teeth, bright coat, and it's best to be brave like it is in flames!

And now in front of him, this sleek and sleek female human on Earth, with no hair at all, looks no different from a pig that has been plucked from Tibbers' eyes. She wants to court her? That kind of thing is simply impossible, don't even think about it, unless it's bear-eye blind, it will look at this kind of guy who can only be regarded as the food in its mouth!


"Old, old woman?!"

Anna Vilelis, who was planning to continue to use more charm moves, immediately became petrified after hearing the other party's words...

You know, she seems to be just eighteen years old this year, right? This is the golden age, how come you get old? Moreover, she is developing just right now, with **** and big butts, isn't it what men like?

Furthermore, she has clearly confirmed before that the guy in front of her named Vega, nicknamed Shadow Bear Tibbers, is a male dwarf. So, her plan to charm the other party is absolutely impossible to fail. , How come the other party has such an attitude now? !


"Old lady, you should put away your set quickly! Tell me, where is the honeycomb that this bear needs?"


In Tibbers’s opinion, the value of this stupid earth female human in front of him is far inferior to that of a colony of ants or a colony of hornet. Therefore, it just wants to quickly learn from the other’s Ask about the honeycomb that the other party has said before. As for other less important things, it has no time to take care of the other party!


What a **** dwarf! !

Anna Vilelis, who was ashamed and angry, jumped up from the bed and drank the red wine in the wine glass bitterly. Then she resisted some kind of urge to chop people and put the wine glass. After putting it on the bedside table, he hurriedly tied the front of his evening gown, while glaring at a certain little dwarf bitterly.

If it wasn't for the other party's ability, if it wasn't for the other party's usefulness, or if her Anna Villelis still needed the other party, she would definitely not let the other party leave her territory alive and leave this Tracy The town of Vaniya!


"I asked you to be arranged here because this is the closest room to that **** honeycomb. It is on the wall outside the window. You can see it when you reach out!"

While talking, Anna Villelis walked quickly to the wooden door with an angrily, and pulled it open.


"Master Vega, I hope you don't be stung to death by those wild peaks?!"


After that, wearing a red evening dress, I want to hook up with a short and frustrated dwarf little mage, I want to see the true face of the other party, or learn some Anna Willelis who can deal with vampires and witchcraft. After glaring at the other side bitterly at last, he slammed the door directly and walked quickly towards her room angrily.

Click~! Click~! Click~!



∑(′?`)? ?

As the wooden door closed, as the opponent's footsteps left further and smaller, Tibbers scratched his head in a puzzled manner.

It still doesn't understand. It just rejected the other party's courtship and mating attempts because they didn't like it. What kind of anger is that old earth female human with **** and big ass?



Is it possible that that guy is not courting, and he wants to sleep with his uncle Tibbers Bear?

But unfortunately, Tibbers said that it only sleeps with its mischievous mistress. For this kind of external female non-bear creature, if there is no restraint by its little master, it is very likely. I can't help but wash and peel the other person in the middle of the night and swallow it!

So, for the safety of the other party's life, and in order to prevent his own life from killing himself, it is certain that Uncle Tibbers Bear would not agree to the unreasonable request of the other party to sleep together.


That kind of thing is not important now. I think the most important thing now is to dig out the honeycomb and continue to stack up my own extraordinary evil powers, so as to summon powerful dark energy from the void to deal with the enemy Tibbers when needed. Thinking, he picked up a chair for the first time and put it under the window to the west.

Its current small and fragile Yordle's body is too short, and it must be out of reach of the window sill, so a stool must be needed.



"Where are you beehive?"



"found it!!"


Stepping on the stool, the short, small and frustrated half of his body was exposed outside the west wall of the castle, no matter how high the bottom of the window is from the ground, a certain bear Tibbers looked around, and finally succeeded. A huge thing almost the size of a basket was found on the upper left side of the window where it was.



What to do next, Tibbers is thinking... because it found that at night, the wild bees seemed unwilling to come out of the black beehive?



Soon, I thought of a certain way that would definitely lead out those little things hidden in the honeycomb that were unwilling to come out, that is: use its steel staff to poke! !

"come out faster……"







When a certain bear is dead, using the steel staff in its hand that is longer than its current height, it stabs it towards the honeycomb, and there is something dark about it. The little thing as thick as the Del's fingers screamed, and followed the light of the kerosene lamp exposed in the window, and rushed directly at it violently!



not good! !

At this time, a certain bear Tibbers finally remembered, it seems... its current body belongs to the evil young wizard Vega of the Yordle, not its shadow flame that is not afraid of any physical attacks and is full of fire. Body? !


"Wow ah ah ah~!!!"

"Pain! This bear is so painful! Come and save the bear~!!!"


late at night,

A terrible cry of pain began to sound on a certain floor of the Villalis family castle in the ancient town of Transylvania, and then, the originally quiet towns were shocked and shaken~www. People who thought it was a vampire attack again, they blew out the lights that were still on in their homes...

Because, in the ancient town of Transylvania, except for a nervous gravedigger, no one is stupid enough to go out to fight against vampires at night!

At this moment, even the commands of a certain female lord are useless!

After fighting against vampires for countless years, they have long understood that all they can do on this kind of night is to blow out all the candles or oil lamps that attract attention, and then hide in their respective homes, in the closet or bed. Underneath and hope that the vampires will leave after drinking some hapless blood.


I hope that the morning sun of the next day will arrive sooner, and help them pierce the terrible darkness and drive away those terrifying vampires who drink human blood?


?(ψ`?′)o? It's the end of the month, ask for votes?

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