Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1022: ?(ψ???)o what to look at, I haven't seen it...

In the early morning of the next day, it was already bright...

However, the sky still looks groggy at this time, and the sunlight has not been able to shine through the thick dark clouds to this ancient town in Transylvania, which is located among the mountains of Eastern Europe. Today must be another bad gloomy weather, right?

However, no matter how bad the weather is, the people in the ancient town of Transylvania will always continue to live after dawn... So, in the dim light of the morning light, they began to live in the dirty mud Walking on the dilapidated streets and busy with their own affairs, occasionally some people passing by did not forget to cast curious and puzzled eyes toward the steps in front of the lord's castle.

Because they found a strange and interesting phenomenon, that is:

Before the steps of the small wood-stone castle of their female lord Anna Villelis’ house, at this time, there was a blue nose and a swollen face, like the vampire hunter Van Helsing and his assistant Karl who had been beaten up by others. , Was staring at a certain dwarf little mage who was wearing an armor-like wizard robe, but who also looked a little bit'puffy'?



If the gaze can kill people, presumably, a certain little mage Vega must have been killed countless times by Van Helsing and his assistant Karl with that terrifying vision, right?

However, it is a pity that when something has happened and is irreversible, besides silently condemning each other with their own eyes at this moment, they will say more words of condemnation after all. Some are pale and weak.



"What do you look at, and what is there to look good? Haven't you seen a bloated Yordle like this bear?!"


Facts have proved that for wild bees with thin thumbs and unknown species, as long as they are not energy creatures, or do not have the thick fur shell of the real Tibbers bear, they will always be afraid of stings, even on their bodies. The Yordel Vega, who wears an armor-style wizard robe and a well-covered wizard hat, is no exception!

and so,

As someone who stabbed the beehive first and uttered a cry for help in the middle of the night, Tibbers, the spirit bear, is definitely no better than the two in front of him after hearing the sound last night. The guy who came to find out what happened in the first time is better.


"You two guys just asked for it! We in Transylvania know that at night, when we hear abnormal sounds or screams, it's best to hide and hide. Well, before dawn, never go out easily or check it out..."

"It's okay for you to run to help him?"

At this time, last night, due to various reasons, the female lord and the lone seedling of the local family, Anna Vilelis, who had a slightly poor sleep, finally walked out of the small castle, and then, when she saw it outside After the encounter of the three people who were staring at each other, it was rare that she suddenly laughed, and then her mood became a lot better for some reason?


Van Helsing opened his mouth, but immediately after he caught his black and swollen face, he was a bit swollen and unbearable. After a pause, he had to close it slowly and gave up to follow him at this time. The other party's intention to refute.

Because this thing really can't blame anyone, who could have thought that a certain **** little mage would actually poke a beehive? Moreover, at that time, the other party made that kind of cry, making them think it was a vampire attacking, but as a result... When he kicked the door open, he saw that it was indeed that kind of rushing, some kind of A little more terrifying than a vampire?

But fortunately, those things are not a poisonous bee colony. Otherwise, the three of them might not be able to sit on the steps in front of the door, and appreciate each other’s funny faces and puffy bodies. Up.

"You can first..."


When Anna Villelis just wanted to continue teasing the three people in front of her, especially a little dwarf mage who was short and frustrated last night, she suddenly humiliated her. I found something wrong!

Because, at this time, she found that the entire sky was gradually turning red?

"No! What's going on?!"

Anna Villelis is sure about this, it will definitely not be a morning glow, and it is not even a sunset!

Because it is now the time of the morning glow, and there is still a long time before dusk, not to mention that she has lived here in Transylvania for nearly twenty years and has never encountered such a strange one. Fan scene!

Furthermore, the red on the sky now feels very strange, and it is very different from the morning glow or sunset glow they have seen before. It seems that... the clouds in the sky are too low. , And it's too popular?

Also, I don’t know if it was her own illusion. The female lord Anna also discovered: It seems that those red clouds are shrouding and gradually covering her entire Transylvanian town. And gradually enveloped them towards them?


"The situation is really wrong!"

At this time, the vampire hunter Van Helsing also suddenly stood up from the steps.

Because at this time, he also understood some doorways from the scarlet and **** mist that was covering the entire ancient town!


"It's the vampire here!"

"Ka, Karl, you have to be careful, put things down, you go back to the castle first..."


He felt that they might really be in some serious trouble!

Therefore, after picking up his own crossbow machine capable of shooting evil silver arrows and sprinkling some holy water on it for the first time, he commanded his assistant Karl with a slightly leaky and swollen mouth.

Because, although he doesn’t quite understand what is happening right now, he only knows: He smelled blood from the mist, a **** smell that was almost nauseating... There is no doubt that it is now shrouded in By their side, the red fog that enveloped the entire sky and the ancient town of Transylvania, is it likely that some kind of fog formed by blood?

Then, the current situation must be obvious. The enemy they are going to deal with must be the enemy they are going to deal with, and it must be the vampires that have caused all this! !




At this moment, abruptly, when a certain assistant Carl dropped something and hurried to the castle to hide, when the other people in the town also felt something was wrong and clamored to use their fastest time to run to their respective homes to hide. , While the vampire hunter Van Helsing and the female lord Anna Villelis were vigilant with their crossbow and musket, a certain bear Tibbers who was also suffering from the painful physical pain, but Cheered and jumped up abnormally.


"Good? What's good?"

Fan Haixin was taken aback for a moment, and then looked strangely at the little guy beside him who jumped up holding the staff.


"What the **** is going on with this red mist, little mage, do you know something? Come on!!"

Due to some events last night, when the female lord Anna treats a certain little mage, it is not polite at all, and even the previous title of "Master of the Master" is no longer To use it.

"of course I know!"


"This red mist looks like some kind of ancient blood magic, maybe, it could also be a kind of magical plague?"

"Now that blood mist has begun to spread. All people in this town, including us, have inhaled the blood mist-like poisonous mist. When a certain ceremony is over, everyone here should die. Right?"


Although I have never been the kind of serious spellcaster before, but after following his own bad boy for so long, and seeing Tibbers, who has long been extraordinary, it is easy to see through the enemy's tricks. .


"Magic, magical plague?!"

Subconsciously, Fan Haixin and the female lord Anna immediately covered their mouth and nose with the fabric of their sleeves or collars, seeming to intend to prevent them from inhaling more of the red poisonous mist with a strong **** smell. ?

"It's useless……"

"A magical plague like this can't be stopped by holding your breath. As long as it is within its range, it can almost infect all of us through all the most basic contacts!"


Therefore, unlike the two men in front of him, Tibbers did not even think about preventing the poisonous fog from attacking, nor did he cover his mouth and nose. Instead, he held the steel staff in his hand tightly and started four. Be vigilant and aware.

Although its current limited mental power is not as strong as it was in the body, if it only scans the surrounding areas that have been completely shrouded in poisonous mist, it is still barely possible?

"Damn it!"

"What are you doing, little man, since these red poisonous mists are so terrible, why were you so happy just now?!"

The female lord Anna thought for a while, and after knowing that covering it was useless, she simply put her hand down.

It's just that she is very puzzled now, and if it hadn't already begun to have some preconceived impressions of some of the bad temperament of this little dwarf mage, she might have begun to wonder if the other party was following those attacks. Of vampires!

She couldn't imagine, how could the other party laugh with this terrifying vicious magic that could destroy all of them and an entire town?

"It's easy!"

"Because... the enemy is here, as long as I defeat them, I can leave here!"


Tibbers would not tell the other party: it was stung so badly that it didn't want to live, and it didn't want to be in this world, or it didn't want to stay in the body of a certain Yordle long ago!

Now, it just wants to get rid of the Scarlet Reaper Vladimir quickly, and then send the opponent's soul and the evil little mage he possessed back to the world of Runeterra, and then, it will be free!

As for a certain evil little mage Vega's suppressed soul after'waking up', and discovering that he was stung incomplete and painful, what kind of reaction would he have, then it has nothing to do with Uncle Tibbers Bear Too much relationship.


"So, where are they now......?!"

The female lord Anna did not expect the other party to think this way, but before waiting for her to ask what happened, she saw that the dwarf little mage, that Vega suddenly passed her and Fan Haixin two steps forward, and suddenly lifted it up. He removed the wand in his hand and pointed it at a house not far away.

"over there!!"


Dark matter!

Finally, looking around for a long time, before Van Helsing and the noisy female lord could react, Tibbers suddenly waved the steel staff in his hand, and a bright light flashed from the head of the staff. Soon, It summoned a large mass of dark matter from the void and guided it to fall from the sky...


"Don't hide, I can see your inner fear~!"


Boom~! ! !

The black light fell abruptly from the sky. After it hit the ground fiercely, it sent out bursts of strong light and a shaking explosion... The house was blown to pieces in an instant, and it was on the ground. After being hit and corroded by the dark energy, a deep circular crater was created, and before the ashes exploded by the dark energy were completely dissipated, Fan Haixin and the female lord Anna only saw the dark shadow in that house. Flash, and then a slightly embarrassed guy quickly flashed to the left, while another thick blood mist escaped to the right?


"It's Count Dracula!!"

Van Helsing and the female lord Anna found the guy on the left who emerged from the dark shadow, and the other party was the object they had always wanted to destroy-the vampire Count Dracula!

So, without hesitation, after the two looked at each other, they first rushed towards the dark shadow.

And at this time, on the right, from the thing that is a bit denser than the surrounding blood mist and looks like a pool of blood, slowly emerging is a scarlet aristocratic robe with terrifying claws. And pale hair, the face is extremely weird, let people know that they are not normal people...

"Are you Vladimir the Scarlet Reaper from Runeterra?"

"I found you!"


A certain bear Tibbers had already heard the **** system lord's prompt. Obviously, the other party was that—Vladimir the Scarlet Reaper!

Therefore, if it wants to complete the task quickly and get rid of the stubbornly stinged "puffy" body of the evil little mage right now, then it is better to try to destroy the opponent quickly, regardless of whether it is killed or captured. It doesn't matter, anyway, the sooner the better.

"Who are you? How do you know..."


Damn it! !

I was shocked. I just wanted to ask how the other party knew that he had strayed into this place from the world of Runeterra. Before Vladimir had time to speak, his heart beat and found that there was something wrong with the top of his head, and it seemed Is there a sign of energy surge?

Therefore, he didn't even think about it, and directly activated the blood-red pool once again, turning his body into a dense blood mist and sneaking into the sky of blood, avoiding the coming enemy's magic from harming him.


boom! ! !

Another shot of dark matter fell fiercely from the sky. Although Vladimir turned his body into a blood mist in time and dived into the pool of blood red, the opponent's attack seemed to be a little outrageous and exploded again on the ground. At the same time that he was in a big pit, he actually eroded a lot of his blood witch energy?

"Still hiding?"


"You can't hide it!"


??ψ(??^??^)??--*?? Dark Sacrifice!


A beam of dark energy suddenly blasted towards the opponent's blood pool, and a large pool of blood evaporated in an instant.

(* ̄?? ̄)o─═≡※: ☆Dark matter!


Then, unable to show the opponent's figure, a certain Tibbers waved the steel staff in his hand again, and summoned a large group of dark matter to start bombarding the area where the target was moving! !

You know, Tibbers is not as powerful as its little master. Therefore, it is not a good idea to play with the enemy or nonsense. This time, he did not even think about giving the opponent a chance to fight back or explain. When he came up, he bombarded with his supernatural evil power that didn't know how many layers he had stacked.


While the enemy was constantly trying to avoid its bombardment and leaping from left to right, the houses began to be razed to the ground by the dark matter amidst the roars, and the wooden buildings were also like bunches of them. The dark energy like an energy cannon blasted a hideous breach...

Although, it would cause a lot of casualties if it messed up like that, but Tibbers, who felt that he was not familiar with the stupid earth humans in the small town, did it like that without even thinking about it! Moreover, now this whole town is enveloped by the other party’s blood-fog magical plague. If it does nothing now, then the humans hiding in their respective homes will die sooner or later, so , Thinking that it did nothing wrong, it still bombarded like that.


Boom~! Boom~!

The sound of bombardment and explosions like the shaking of the earth and the mountains still continued, accompanied by the sharp and wild evil laughter of a certain evil little mage.


‘Damn it! ! ’

The female lord Anna Villelis stopped. She first looked at the one on the right that was bombarding wildly, so that the one called Vladimir could only escape, and there was no way to fight back. After taking a look at the nasty little mage who was constantly tearing down her territory and bombarding her people, she looked at the two confronting Dracula and Van Helsing on the right. She gritted her teeth and resolutely moved towards Van Helsing. Rushed over there.

Because she could see that the vampire hunter Van Helsing seemed far from that Dracula’s opponent, she had better go and help each other now. As for the unexpectedly powerful little wizard Vega over there, I'm afraid I can only go to the other party for theory after everything is over.

What if she and that guy are still alive by then?

"Where to run?"

(∩??????????)??-*?? Dark Sacrifice!


"Still running? Your cowardice makes me tired, vampire!!"

(*`??′)o─═≡※: ☆Dark matter!

boom! !

For this creature that only drinks blood and does not eat meat, Uncle Tibbers Bear expresses his extreme spurning!

Because ah, it has always been boring with blood and flesh, but it is not as picky as the other party! Moreover, the flesh of the living beings is the essence, and the blood is just a means of transportation for sugar and waste.

"Give up! You can't run away!!"


As for what happened to Van Helsing and a woman against Count Dracula on the other side, Tibbers doesn't care about it, because ah, it only sees Vladimir who doesn't seem to be very powerful now! As long as it kills or subdues the opponent, its task this time will be completed. As for the life and death of Fan Haixin and that woman, what does it matter?

??(ψ▼??▼)o─═≡※: ☆Dark Sacrifice!


??(ψ??`??????)o─═≡※: ☆Dark matter!

Boom~! !

at last,

When Vladimir emerged from his "Red Pool" embarrassedly and weakly, and was about to use him to come to this Transylvanian town with the Count Dracula before The large-scale “Blood Plague” has been set up. When planning to extract the lives of nearby townspeople to replenish the damage he had just been bombarded by the hateful little mage, he hadn’t waited for those around him to get from a building. The blood blasted from the house gathered on him, and he was hit by a shot of dark matter falling from the sky!

Rumbling rumbling...


∑(????`)? !





After cheering, a certain bear dragged its steel staff for the first time, and ran towards the area in front that had been battered by it, basically leaving only a ruined area. go with. Soon, it found the incomplete body of a hapless guy at the point where it finally blasted out of a pit that was several meters in diameter and two meters deep.

Now the opponent has only one head and half of the upper body left, and the lower body and four of them have all been bombarded or eroded by the dark energy that fell from the sky, but the opponent can still retrieve one under that terrifying bombardment. Life, rather than being bombarded directly into the soul state, is enough to prove that the opponent is really strong.


", who are you?!"

Vladimir didn’t understand, what kind of hatred he had with the little boy in front of him, why the other party chased him after he broke his own history, and made them unable to find a chance to fight back or catch a breath. Arrived?

"I am the devil!"


Running to the bottom of the pit, Tibbers, who was condescendingly overlooking the opponent's remnant body, clenched his fist proudly to show off. It's all right now. After blowing up the opponent's hands, feet and lower body, there is finally a guy shorter than himself.

You know, letting it look up at others before, it really hurts its neck...



Just about to say something, Vladimir suddenly coughed up a pool of scarlet blood from his mouth. Obviously, his injury was very serious... If you knew this was the case, if you knew there was such a lunatic here. For the same mage, maybe he won't come here with that **** Count Dracula today?

It's alright now. It hasn't been long since I came to this strange world. Before I figured out what happened, I was about to lose it here?

"Anyway, you don't believe me, here, you should go back now!"


Tibbers, who didn't intend to delay the time, suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed a rune to the opponent's forehead.


"Wait, what are you doing..."

Vladimir thought that the other party had used something terrible to destroy himself before he could finish his words, so he wailed, and then his mutilated body soon disappeared...

"Get it!!"


Feeling more and more that he is a genius, and at only two levels, he took advantage of the loopholes of a certain system monarch and defeated the legendary vampire. Tibbers slapped his hands triumphantly, and then the heavy and long broken staff was gone , After being thrown directly at the bottom of the pit, he climbed up with a whirr.

‘! ! ’

‘Your Excellency Vega! Come and help~! ! ’

Suddenly, Tibbers, who had just climbed up and was about to leave the world in order to get rid of some irritating Yordle body, heard a cry for help from a distance.


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

Obviously, it was the voice of the stupid woman Anna Villelis. At this time, the shoulder of the other party seemed to be pierced by a silver nail and nailed to a wooden stake immobile. The blood had already stained her clothes. , And in the distance, it was Van Helsing who was clamoring and fighting with another vampire.

Judging from the scene, Tibbers is not difficult to find that the stupid woman and the Van Helsing teamed up to deal with Count Dracula must have failed. In the absence of help, the one still worked hard with the vampire. Fan Haixin, who was hugged tightly together, would definitely not last long.

However, that kind of thing doesn't concern its uncle Tibbers Bear, because ah, that Count Dracula did not come here from another world, and the other party is not in its control! Besides, now that its task has been completed, it is ready to go back, and does not want to stay in this world and endure the ubiquitous physical pain.


"Your Excellency Vega Mage! Hurry, come and help~!"

After struggling for a while, seeing that a little dwarf mage who didn't know what he was thinking was indifferent, the female lord Anna Velelis shouted again.



However, Tibbers still didn't think so much, because its mission had been completed, and now it had called that **** portable system, and it was about to submit this mission, so it didn't want to go out of business to be nosy!


"Quick! Come and help...erh~!"

The female lord struggled again, and then she seemed to have accidentally affected the injury on her shoulder, so that she had to cry out miserably.


ε=(????`●))) alas

"That kind of stupid woman is really troublesome~!"


No way, Tibbers, who felt that he could barely help the other party, used the skill points upgraded after defeating a Scarlet Reaper to click on a new skill, and then cast a distorted space to directly stun the distant ones. That Count Dracula and Van Helsing who was being beaten by Dracula, and then...


Dark matter!

Summoned by Tibbers with the few remaining mana, a large group of dark matter suddenly fell from the sky, and then when some two guys were stunned and unable to resist, they slammed down!


Rumbling rumbling...

Under the powerful spell power bonus, under the bombardment and swallowing of the terrible dark matter, it is said that Earl Dracula and the monster hunter and a member of the Order of the Holy Knights have been dominating the land for centuries. The two of Dr. Van Helsing vanished instantly and became fans...

At the end of the 19th century, in the ancient town of Transylvania in Romania, Eastern Europe, the vampire Count Dracula was finally wiped out... At the same time, a certain legendary guy, a famous monster hunter, a human His Excellency Van Helsing, the bravest hunter in the world, also died here on the same day!


Seeing the weird dark magic circle slowly dissipating in the distance, and then looking at the ground that was instantly blown into a big hole, the female lord Anna Velelis directly rounded her eyes, as if she couldn't believe it. Everything you see?


"You, why did you even kill Fan Haixin?!"

Although she was seriously injured and she was already weak after being nailed to a wooden post, the female lord Anna still used her little energy to question the other party.

"Do not!"

"You actually killed them!"


"I killed it?!"

Anna Velelis raised her head with difficulty, walked towards her step by step in a puzzled manner, and for the first time dissipated the magic under the wizard’s hat, allowing her to see the devil-like grinning no It looks like a normal human face.

"Yes! You let me do it! Woman!"



She didn't know what to say anymore, she could only stare at each other in a daze.

"I'm leaving……"

ヾ( ̄?? ̄)Bye~Bye~

Looking at the blood mist gradually dissipating around, and seeing that there were no vampires here, Tibbers, who didn't want to stay here to clean up the mess, resolutely contacted some **** system.


"Where to go?"

Anna Villelis asked subconsciously.

"you guess……"


Rarely, after learning the way of his own little master, after blinking at the other party, a certain bear Tibbers instantly turned into a breeze and disappeared.


‘What’s wrong here? ’

'do not know……'

'Look! Isn't that our lord? ’

‘! ! ’

'fast! Go and save people! ! ’

For a long time, UU read when the red blood mist completely dissipated, when the rare sunshine slowly shone across the small town of Transylvania, when the surviving townspeople from their respective When they walked out weakly from the house, they soon discovered the town that had been beaten up to almost a half and a certain female lord who was being nailed to a stake by a silver nail.

Then, when they came back to their senses, those who still had the strength clamored to cross the big pits on the ground, and rushed towards their female lord, wanting to show them. Brave or courteous?


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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