Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1023: ????? I’ve said it many times, bear man...

The monster that has plagued the ancient town of Transylvania for centuries, the terrifying vampire that poisoned and killed countless lives, the Count Dracula was finally successfully wiped out!

This is what people living in this land have always hoped for. Therefore, on the third day after learning that the vampire hunters who had come from afar successfully killed Earl Dracula, the female lord Anna After Villelis' injury was basically intact and the order was given, in this miserable ancient town, a super-large celebration was finally held to make the whole town carnival.

People began to sing and dance in their homes, wantonly enjoying the meat, bread, cheese, fruits and all kinds of fine wines provided by the female lord Anna Vilelis freely and freely, and utterly extinguished in the still a little broken piece. The ruins of the ancient town of vampires celebrated.

Although, in the battle that vampire attacked three days ago, many of the townspeople were buried in the weird and terrifying blood fog and the aftermath of the battle. Although, the monsters around the ancient town of Transylvania, those werewolves , The corpse, and a certain vampire bride have not been completely wiped out, but for the people here, the remaining things are no longer what the terrible Count Dracula is. It's too serious a threat, and it obviously doesn't affect them to celebrate at this time.


However, as the lord of this small town with a bandage on his shoulder at the same time, the injury is still not healed, only that Anna Velelis, who can walk without hindrance, did not join the town’s carnival. , She just stood on the steps of her slightly broken family castle, silently watching the hard-won everything in front of her.

Although they paid a heavy price, many of the townspeople died of vampires' vicious spells, but, in the end, even if they didn’t do it themselves, in the final analysis, the Novelles family finally completed the redemption. , Anna participated and finally succeeded in killing Dracula. Presumably, God will never allow the souls of their ancestors to ascend to heaven, right?

When she was the only one left in the Villelis family, she successfully completed a task that the family had not been able to accomplish for centuries. This was something she was proud of!


Suddenly, when the female lord Anna was about to turn around and go back to rest, she suddenly found a strange old man... the other party was holding a wooden staff, standing silently by the pit where Dracula and Van Helsing were killed. So silently staring at the bottom of the pit, not caring about the carnival crowds in the distance, they just stood silently, not knowing what they were thinking.


Frowning and staring for a long time, maybe because of curiosity, maybe because you think the other person's face is a little strange? In the end, the female lord Anna Villelis thought for a while, then made up her mind, so she covered her shoulders slightly, and walked towards the other side, towards the strange old man who was incompatible with everyone.


"This old gentleman, you shouldn't be from our ancient town in Transylvania? I think you have a face, I should be pretty sure, there should be no people like you in our town...speak, you Where did it come from, and what is the purpose of coming to our town?!"

The female lord Anna looked at each other up and down again, and felt that regardless of the other party's dress or appearance, they seemed to be a little incompatible with the people here. After confirming that she had never seen such an old guy, she pressed her waist. Longjian frowned and asked.

"Oh! Hello!"

"I'm from heaven, of course not from your small town... I just want to see how my archangel was killed..."

After the old man glanced at the female lord Anna, he smiled bitterly and shook his head, and continued to look at the bottom of the big pit with a deep groan, as if there really seemed to be something underneath that was attracting him?


"From, from heaven?!"

The female lord Anna instantly rounded her eyes and looked at the barefooted old man in front of her with a look like a lunatic, wearing a gray-white linen robe, holding a wooden staff and looking a little trembling.


"Where is the madman, are you planning to amuse me?"

Just a moment of stunned smile, and then unexpectedly, Anna Villelis, who was immediately involved in the wound on her shoulder, had to frown and gently cover her shoulder.


"No! I don't have time to come here to amuse you, this Anna Villelis..."

"I remember, three days ago, didn’t you hear that Dracula say? Van Helsing is Gabriel, and Gabriel is the archangel in heaven, and at the same time the'seraph', this Many people know this kind of thing, don't they?"

After a long time, maybe it was because I finally understood the situation at the bottom of the pit, maybe because I wanted to understand some things, the old man smiled and looked at the man who came alone to teach him with that kind of compassionate expression with a hint of tolerance. The female lord.


"You! How did you know? Say! Who are you?!"

Anna Villelis was very surprised, because what she had seen and heard in that battle three days ago had never been told to anyone, so this looks suspicious before her. Where did the old guy hear it?

Is it possible that the other party was with the vampire Count Dracula, so he knew so clearly and came here to explore the cause of the vampire's death?


Therefore, while waiting for the answer from the other party, she subconsciously used her free hand to pull out the musket pin in the back waist for the first time, and after breaking the striker, The muzzle of her exquisite flintlock rifle was slowly raised and aimed at the opponent's head.


"Didn't I just say it, I really come from heaven..."

Seeing the opponent's extreme reaction, the old man shook his head disapprovingly, first pointed to the sky, and then waved his hand. The beautiful silver-plated flintlock musket in the hands of the female lord Anna instantly turned into a long and crisp section. Branches with leaves.


"You! Are you a wizard?!"

Upon seeing this, Anna Villelis was taken aback, and subconsciously threw away the branch in her hand that began to slowly grow more tender leaves and began to bloom, and then backed up while pressing The hilt on his waist asked suspiciously.

"I'm very suspicious. Did you listen to what I said just now?"

He sighed again and shook his head. The old man no longer paid attention to the other party, but continued to turn around and looked towards the empty bottom of the pit.


"You! Are you...Is that the one?!"

Finally, Anna Villélis, who was stunned for a while, suddenly stood up, and at the same time was scared to step back for several steps! Because, she seemed to remember the words the other party had just said at the beginning... This old man in front of her, he just seemed to be saying ‘Look how my archangel died’ and ‘From heaven’?

Then, the weird looking old man in front of me, dressed in a gray-white linen robe, with a little messy hair, holding a wooden staff, clearly bare feet, but clean, is basically the identity of the strange old man. !

"You were there..."

"You saw it, Gabriel, he was really destroyed by that little mage?"

However, the old man did not admit to the female lord's startled question, but he did not deny it either. Only after looking at the bottom of the pit with regretful eyes did he slowly turn around and asked this quietly.


"You, are you going to punish him? However, I don't know where he went. After he bombarded Dracula and Van Helsing with that terrifying spell like a cannon, not long after, in the blink of an eye, Completely disappeared..."

"In these three days, we have never heard from him again!"

After swallowing, the female lord Anna, who was worrying about whether she would be punished for offending the other party for her behavior just now, was surprised and suspicious for a while, and then replied in a small voice, cautiously and nervously.

"But I know his name!"

"He said he was called Vega, a man from Yordel, and he also had a nickname called Shadow Bear Tibbers? If you want to punish him, you can go to Yordel to find him?"

Although I don't know where the place called ‘Yordel’ is, but, lest the other party will condemn her, Anna, the female lord Anna, hastily said everything she knows.

As for a certain little mage who saved the entire town like a benefactor, killed Dracula, and helped her a lot, she has all left behind now.


"No, no one will be punished..."

To Anna's surprise, the old man lowered his head and thought for a while, but finally smiled and shook his head at her.


"Child, you may not understand, but this world is really big, and the outside world is also bigger... Our existence trapped in the cage cannot do anything to the greater existence outside the cage. Formal punishment or interference..."

After speaking, the old man sighed.

And this is exactly what he had never interfered with before, and he didn't come here to see the reason until he confirmed that the other party had left! Because, some things are not as simple as what Anna Villelis saw or could think of.

He is indeed omniscient and omnipotent to everything in this world, but he only has a vague sense of something from outside, especially a certain person, but never dared to pry into the ultimate existence. Some helpless.


Although she didn’t know what the other party was talking about, Anna Villelis only knew that now, no matter what the other party said, and no matter how outrageous or difficult the other party’s words were, she just pretended to be Just be respectful and listen humbly to each other's teachings.


"I'm afraid you don't understand what I have told you. Actually, we are just poor bugs trapped in this corner of the world. We are all..."

"Forget it, let's do it for now, I'm going back, anyway, thank you very much for coming to say so much to this bad old man of mine."

After speaking, the old man finally started to move, and began to turn around, ready to leave here, leaving this place where mortal people are bustling with noise.

He suddenly felt that, perhaps, ignorance is a kind of happiness for the mortals around who can be happy for days because of a little thing? It is precisely because of ignorance that they will be fearless and happy; it is also because of ignorance that they do not have to worry and look too much like him, let alone be surrounded by endless troubles.


"Please wait, sir?"

At a critical moment, Anna Villelis suddenly thought of something important, and then hurriedly stretched out her hand and called the other party.


"Child, do you have anything else?"

After taking away Fan Haixin, or the poor soul of Gabriel, the old man who was about to leave heard the sound and stopped in doubt, and turned half of his body to ask.

"Is such that!"

"The matter of our Villeris family..."

Anna Villelis didn't know how to speak, she was afraid that she would offend the other party by accidentally saying something wrong. After all, the other party is the existence of people in this world who dare not offend, and she can't tolerate her being careless.

"Don't worry, kid..."

"The things I promised will definitely count. Goodbye... But, we will definitely see you again soon."

After speaking, the old man turned around, and disappeared completely after only two steps.

He had never appeared before, and the townspeople in the ancient Transylvanian town who were carving in the distance were still cheering and drinking to their heart's content. No one had noticed this at all. In the situation of the side, no one had noticed that such an extraordinary existence had been here.


Opened her mouth, when she found that the other party disappeared in front of her in the blink of an eye, as if it had completely melted into the air, or disappeared with the wind, the female lord Anna turned around a little desperately, ready to return to her room. Inside quietly and digesting all this.


Soon, without taking a few steps, she quickly turned back, and then as if picking up some incredible treasure, she picked up from the ground with great speed the one that had just been dropped by her. A branch of blossoming branches with lush green leaves.

Because she knows that this is an extremely sacred object!

Perhaps, she should carefully keep it in the treasure house of their Villeris family? Of course, if planted in the open space behind the castle, maybe it would also be a good choice?

But anyway, she only knows that the branch in her arms will be the most precious and secret treasure of their Villeris family, and promises that only the kind of family she closest and trust can learn about this greatness. Secret.


What a certain white-robed old man and female lord Anna didn’t know was that now, a certain Yordle little mage Vega that they were discussing just now, has already returned to the world of Runeterra, and is rolling in pain. Wailing...

Because, Vega didn't know what was going on, why did he lose weight when he woke up, and even scorched all over his body in pain?

Therefore, he outrageously attacked an evil wizard and successfully occupied the opponent’s mage tower. Then, he hid in the opponent’s tower and wailed and wailed, causing his sharp and crazy voice to start from the mage tower. It spread far and wide, and the people around the wizard tower were even more afraid of his name as an evil little wizard.

However, that kind of thing has nothing to do with Tibbers, because it has now reached another world, and was once again stuffed into a stranger's body by a **** portable system!

Of course, perhaps, it is more appropriate to call it a "stranger bear"?

Because, after Tibbers crosses for the second time now, he actually possessed the same demigod who accidentally lived in this world, and it can be said that Tibbers is like a brother and sister, from the land of runes, Freljo. De's Thunder roars at Volibear?


"That system, come out and talk, do you have an opinion on this bear? Huh?!"


Tibbers, the "white bear" sitting on the grass like a national treasure, iron-eater, began to anger at a certain system monarch who had never spoken.

Actually, being possessed by the demigod Thunder Roar Volibear may be considered business proficient for Mr. Tibbers Bear. After all, he and the other party are both bears, although one is a shadow bear and the other is a polar bear, but , Certain habits, movements, and bodies are all in common, which is much better than crossing over to those stupid humans!


If this demigod thunder roar turned into a little bear without knowing the reason, and now his body is extremely weak, he is too hungry to walk, cannot catch food, and is about to starve to death, then the situation is a little bit It's not so good.


However, it is a pity that a certain system prince does not know if there are any problems except for the world itself, so that the other party cannot establish contact with it? Anyway, after a few laps, Tibbers, the white bear, who had no choice but to lie on the ground and panting, found in vain:

The portable system that had always been connected to it before has never said anything at all, and it has not even done missions and things that limit its power?


"Okay! This bear remembers you, you wait for us, when we go back, we must complain to the great little master! She must punish you severely, and then put you in a small dark room for ten thousand year!!!"


No way, Tibbers, who felt like he could not help the other party, had to pretend and threaten to blow the pillow wind before using the little strength left in his new bear body to get up weakly. , I was going to walk towards the river to see if I could catch a fish in the river?

Although Tibbers the Shadow Bear is a fire, he doesn't like water at all...

However, it has been stranded here for a long time, and it has not seen any prey that can be captured by its current power. If you don’t want to starve to death or change careers to eat grass and gnaw bamboo bark with a certain national treasure brother, Then you can only try your luck by the river.



However, it turns out that although Tibbers is not the kind of child of luck, but its luck is not bad, no, it seems to hear a certain footsteps moving towards it. Coming here...

What didn't say, there is no doubt that it must be a mass of meat walking on the ground! !


"Hit, robbery! Immediately lie on the ground, let this bear take a bite, just one bite!!"

?? (??????,)??

However, as soon as he finished speaking in that half-threatening, half-pleading tone, the certain bear couldn't help being taken aback!

Because ah, it found that after rushing towards this side and rushing out of the grass, what it saw was a thin and tender girl who looked white and tender, with delicate skin and tender flesh? Moreover, looking at the other party's clothes or something, it was a bit like the people from the Great Song Dynasty that the messy little master had visited?


Tibbers was damned, and the portable system that had an opinion on him got the great Song Dynasty of Fahai and Li Gongfu, right?

However, no matter what, Tibbers doesn't care so much now that he is hungry and crazy. The little girl in front of him who doesn't seem to be any worse than its wicked master is undoubtedly a mass of meat walking on the ground. As long as you eat the opponent, even if you can't recover the injury and the power of the demigod, at least you can fill your stomach and prevent you from starving to death on the spot.


However, Tibbers, who was just about to rush over and take a few bites, stumbled upon a knot tied by that **** guy on the grass, and made it fall to the ground like a chubby white ball. Rolled to the opponent's feet?


"You, are you a monster?"

Although the little girl's eyes widened, she didn't seem to be afraid of anything unexpectedly, except that her eyes and face were all surprised and puzzled. She didn't seem to understand why the white head looked like a little girl. Things like cats and dogs can still talk?

However, she also knew that the little thing in front of her was definitely not a kitten or puppy, maybe the fox or the fox fairy in the story?


"You are the monster!!"


Tibbers, who knew what a monster was a long time ago, refuted the opponent fiercely, and then just about to jump up and hug the thigh of the opponent and gnaw it fiercely. He only felt a wave of weakness, but in the end only Can give up helplessly.


"If you are not a monster, then why do you talk?!"

I don't know the other party's plan at all. I only think that the other party seems very cute. Regardless of the danger, the funny little girl started to grab the handkerchief and slowly squatted down, as if she wanted to get closer to the other party and look closer?


"Is it weird that this bear can talk?"


Seeing the other side approaching, Tibbers was happy!

It feels that the little girl in front of them seems to be much more cheating than the sly fox-like little master who was only two years old. Maybe, after she has enough energy, she can jump up directly. , Bite the other party's white and delicate throat, and then full of the other party's warm blood?

However, in addition to the blood, it will also eat the opponent without a few bones left, because it is not a vampire, it is extremely hungry now, but it can't control so much.


"But isn't it weird that you are a small animal, but now you can speak human words?"

The little girl, who was not aware of the danger, thought about it for a while, and even grabbed her handkerchief in one hand, stretched out the other, and gently touched Tibbers's white furry head.

She found that she seemed to like this little animal a little bit. The other person was so well-behaved, so pitiful, and could talk. Maybe she could beg her cousin so she could raise it?


(灬?????? 灬)

So cute...

Seeing that the other party was completely unprepared, he just wanted to pounce on the other party’s throat, and then Tibbers, who was full of blood from the other party, felt very comfortable after the other party began to stroke his head. Somehow, it was unexpected. Heart softened.

Maybe it's because it has been with that awful little master for too long. It hasn't preyed for a long time, and it hasn't even eaten people. !


"It's great, you don't seem to be as heavy as I thought, otherwise I can't hold you!"

When a certain bear hesitated and was entangled in whether to eat or not, abruptly, the little girl who looked thin and weak in front of her eyes, and seemed to be about the same size as the mischievous little owner of her house, stretched out her hands and directly It hugged it, and hugged it directly in that warm and fragrant arms?


"What are you doing? Put down the bear, or the bear will eat you in one bite!"


Tibbers was struggling and threatening with teeth and claws, but after all, it still failed to bite down on the white tender neck that was close at hand, and did not even stretch out its own bear claws when struggling, as if he was afraid of a real injury. To the other party?

"eat me?"

"Are you hungry? There are many sweet-scented osmanthus cakes on our boat. They are very sweet and similar. Do you want to eat?"

After hugging each other, the little girl quickly decided: She must raise this talking little animal, and take the other person to her grandmother's house with her. Then, in her free time, she can also be considerate. Can you talk to her?

After all, she didn't even dare to say something about her maid Xueyan, but if the object was such a well-behaved, honest and talking little animal, there should be no problem.

"Gu, sweet-scented osmanthus cake?"

∑(????`)? !

Sounds delicious?



Tibbers is thinking, now that he is hungry, did he eat the little girl in front of him or eat osmanthus cake?

Obviously, the little girl who looks pink and tender in front of me must be better than sweet-scented osmanthus cake, but... if you eat the other person, go back and get caught by some damn, silent system. If you complain to its little owner, it will be dead!

In addition, the things of "a meal" and "a meal" are basically clear to Master Tibbers Bear! Then, the fear of being accounted for by the autumn queen gradually overwhelmed the appetite, so it is a bit hesitant and hesitating now, whether it wants the little girl in front of him who does not look like a bad person, or does it want to follow the other party back to eat osmanthus cake?

‘! ! ’

"Cousin, why are you here alone?"

"Woo~! ’

‘Miss! I thought I would never find you again! ! ’

At this time, I didn’t wait for a certain real bear Tibbers to think about it. In the distance, there was a handsome guy who was not a good person with a crying little girl and several hard-dressed housekeepers holding wooden sticks. Found it here.


"It's cousin Lian, and Xueyan you guys..."

When the little girl saw the crowd crowding her side, she smiled a little agitatedly at them, for fear that they would startle the little animal in her arms.

You know, she is not a little girl who is uneasy. She just came over after hearing something happening here. It was only more than twenty steps away from cousin Lian and Xueyan. If not, They could see her from far away because the grass covered her.


"Little, miss! Is the thing in your hand a puppy? Where did it come from?!"

At this moment, the little girl named Xueyan who leaned over to the little girl and found that there was nothing wrong with the other side did she discover that there was a little animal in her arms that she did not recognize, She exclaimed, covering her mouth.


"Is this... looks like a bear cub, or a rare little white bear? However, I have never heard of such an animal as a blind bear near here!"

A certain cousin Lian is obviously more knowledgeable. He recognized the true identity of a certain bear at a glance. However, he obviously only knows a certain kind of rare white tiger, and he also knows that there is another more rare kind of'white tiger'. As for white bears, it is said that they only exist in the extreme north. He has only seen it in the free book. This is the first time he has seen it in the Jianghuai area in the south!

Anyway, he knew that the thing his cousin was holding in her arms must be even more rare than the big bugs that are said to haunt and eat people!


"Quick! Cousin, put it down, it's not safe here, let's get on the boat and go! If there is a she-bear nearby, we are in danger!"

Obviously, a little white bear would definitely not show up here for no reason. Therefore, after the man called cousin Lian by the little girl thought of something, his face changed and he hurriedly persuaded his cousin.

He is well-informed and sent out to welcome the other party home, but he doesn't think he and the people he brought can fight a dangerous cub-protecting female bear! That thing is even more powerful than wild boars. Without a trap, a hundred orion hunters might not dare to do it easily!


"Cousin Lian, can I take it back and raise it? I think it's starving to death. It looks a little pitiful, and I don't seem to see a female bear nearby..."

At this time, the little girl holding Tibbers thought for a while, and instead of telling her something about the form, she directly pleaded.

Because she knew that the little white bear in her arms was not simple, and the other side was not an ordinary animal! And ah, she must have been abandoned, or she wouldn't look so weak and hungry... It made her think of her life experience, of her mother who died of illness three years ago, and pitying each other. Below, she hugged each other's hands tighter, obviously not planning to give up easily.


The man known as'Cousin Lian' saw his cousin's sobbing appearance, thought of his dead aunt, thought of his uncle's instructions, thought of this lonely and helpless, had to leave her own father When I went to Jinling to go to my cousin, I looked at the rare little white bear before me. With a soft heart, he finally nodded.


"But let's hurry up, get on the boat and go far, but don't let its mother bear come to you!"

Indecisiveness leads to disaster!

Knowing that this is not the time to discuss, and knowing that there may be potential dangers here, Cousin Yan thinks that the little white bear in front of him is quite rare, and he may be worth a lot of money, so he finally waved his hand and ordered the family and the maid. Xue Yan hurriedly escorted the troublesome lady away from here, and quickly returned to the boat.

Regardless of whether there is a terrible female bear nearby, "Cousin Lian" only knows that it is best for them to end Yaxing who is resting on the shore immediately, then set up anchor and set sail, leave here as far as possible, and the sooner the better!

‘! ! ’

A certain bear Tibbers thought to speak, and then, a certain little girl's hand with the scent of weird green grass firmly covered its bear mouth, as if he didn't want it to speak at this time?


"Okay! Thank you cousin Lian!!"

With joy, even the little girl who felt seasick when she got off the ship instantly dissipated a few minutes, then smiled and bent her eyes, and then stubbornly hugged the little white bear in her arms while following her in the crowd. Cousin Lian and maid Xueyan hurriedly walked toward the big wooden boat that was not far away listening.


"From now on, you will be my pet! My name is Daiyu and my surname is Lin. As for your name, you will tell me when you turn around. If not, I will find a way to make you a nice one!"

While walking, the little girl named Lin Daiyu, who seemed to be about eight or nine years old, said proudly to the little white bear in her arms.

Originally, leaving her father, leaving her home, and traveling thousands of miles to Jinling to join her grandmother, she was always worried and uneasy, but now, after she unexpectedly harvested a cute little thing on the road, All the thoughts in her heart were all forgotten by her!

Although this little white bear may be the kind of monster that only appears in a certain book, but now she can't manage so many, at most...she just needs to pay attention to it later, don't let others know that it is a gangster Talking bear is fine?



Tibbers didn't understand, when did it become the opponent's pet? Is this little girl still unreasonable?

You know, it has always had a master, the omnipotent Her Majesty Queen Anne! And if it wasn't for some reason that the little master had to work on certain things for the time being, I'm afraid it would still be carried around now, right?

and so,

It began to struggle hard, intending to escape from the arms of the cunning little girl who wanted to adopt it without the consent of Tibbers or the approval of its little owner.

Because it is the shadow bear Tibbers, it is the pet and companion of its miserable little owner, and they will never be slaves! Especially this kind of little girl who looks fragile, just don't want Tibbers to give in! Don't even think about it! !

"Don't move!"

"Do you still want to eat? We have sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and freshly cooked fish soup in our cabin. Do you want it?"

Seeing that the other party was struggling and twisting, there was no way, the little girl Lin Daiyu had to walk along the wooden pedal along the side of the boat to the sailing boat with the support of her maid Xueyan, while leaning against the other party's little furry white ears. Said this in a low voice.


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

Hearing what the other party said, finally Tibbers was stunned, and then had to slowly stop the body of the creature bear, who had little strength before, as if he intended to temporarily compromise?

It feels that for the sake of food, it can reluctantly follow the other side for a while, Lord Tibbers Bear?

After all, it just wandered around for a long time, and it didn’t find anything to eat, so it almost didn’t really go to eat people...


"Little, miss, it is so good, it seems that it really understands what you are saying? Can you give me a hug as well?!"

At this time, when the little family supporting her walked to the deck of the ship, and when the other party had begun to stand firm, Xue Yan, a little maid about the same age as Lin Daiyu, pleaded eagerly.

Obviously, such a cute little white bear has absolutely no resistance to a little girl like her!


????????????: Roar~!

A certain Xiong Tibo suddenly raised his head, and screamed at a little girl who wanted to hug him.


"Miss! Miss! It, why is it so fierce to me?!"

The little maid Xueyan was so scared that she hurriedly withdrew her hand, then hid aside fearfully, patted her little breast, and never dared to come up casually.




Little girl, I want to hug this bear without giving me something delicious, don't even think about it! It's Tibbers Bear Uncle, but will never be easily hugged by someone other than its messy little bamboo, unless it is covered by food? If that's the case, maybe it can reluctantly accommodate it?

Of course, just one shot, not too much! Besides, except for the nasty little master who doesn’t know when he will pick him up, his uncle Tibbers bear will never recognize anyone as his master. At best, it’s a win-win cooperation. Relationship only?


"Because I found it, so Xueyan, you are fine, don't provoke it, be careful it really bites you!!"

Lin Daiyu felt that when there was no one, she had to talk to this little bear, but she couldn't let it bite people casually!

‘Hurry up! Strive to arrive in Jinling tomorrow!

'Yes! Don't worry, son! ’


"All right!"

"Cousin, you should go back to the cabin and rest first. Remember to take good care of it, but don't let it go!"

Seeing that the sailing boat had begun to start slowly, and seeing that there seemed to be no horrible she-bears that came along on both sides of the riverbank, Cousin Lian was secretly relieved and asked the boatman to speed up. Persuaded his cousin.

Originally, he wanted to let someone find a cage to hold the little guy first, but when he saw that the other person was so docile in his cousin’s arms, he thought about it and gave up the idea because he felt The opponent can't get anywhere on the boat.

‘! ! ’

????????????: Woo~!

After just being fierce about a little maid who didn’t give him a a certain Xiong Tibos turned to a little white face who didn’t seem to be a good person again. Owl. Because if it wants to run, if it wants to run, these stupid mortals will not be able to watch it!

However, it definitely can't run now, at least, until it is full of food and drink and the damage and strength of the demigod bear's body are fully restored?

"Got it…..."

"Then cousin Lian, should Xueyan and I go back to the cabin first?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party to answer, the little girl Lin Daiyu took a blessing, and then she hugged the little white bear she had "caught" with her maid. In the eyes of everyone's envy or surprise, she disappeared into the door curtain of the sailing boat. in.


???????????? tickets????????????

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