Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1032: (?>?<) ☆Lin Daiyu who was gradually turned crooked by a bear

When returning to Yangzhou by boat from Jinling down the river again, due to the smooth wind, it was much faster than when the masters and servants of Lin Daiyu came back from Yangzhou more than a year ago! Therefore, it has not been a month, the servants such as Lin Daiyu, Xueyan, Xiong, Zijuan and others who rushed back after receiving the letter from the seriously ill father, as well as the leader Jia Lian, were already staying in the Lin House in Yangzhou. It's been a while.


When Lin Ruhai died and met his own daughter for the last time, beside the hospital bed, he saw that her daughter was really tall and tall and more heroic, and she no longer had the previous sickness and early death. After his appearance, he finally stopped insisting, and swallowed his fart in one breath, and walked very peacefully. It can even be said that he was carefree, no longer the previous worry and sadness.

Therefore, during this period, Lin Zhai naturally needs to wear hemp and filial piety and organize funerals...

However, fortunately, Jia Lian came with him, so Lin Daiyu and other female relatives were not required to manipulate any affairs. His Jia Lian and the helper Zhaoer he brought with him were naturally arranged inside and out. After the first July 1st, When he was about to **** Lin Ruhai’s coffin to Suzhou the day before, he had already arranged all the relevant affairs of Lin’s house, including money, land deeds, house deeds and other objects, as well as the Lin’s side branch for questioning, and waited for tomorrow morning. Ling set off and left for Suzhou where he was from.

When Lin Ruhai’s coffin was delivered to Suzhou’s hometown, the mission of Daiyu’s master servant and Jia Lian and others to Yangzhou was completely over. They would then board the ship directly from Suzhou again, head against the river again, and return. Go to Jinling Jia Mansion a hundred miles away!

after all,

Here in Yangzhou, there is no one else in the Lin family. Unrelated people and servants have already been dismissed by Jia Lian in these days. Daiyu has completely become an orphan at this time, and she must be unable to stay in charge of the Lin House. , It can only be handed over to the Lin family branch to take care of...Plus Jia's mother has repeatedly asked before departure, so after finishing Lin Ruhai's funeral, everyone needs to go back, Jia Lian dare not throw My cousin will go home alone.

It's late...

At this time, Lin Daiyu was still wearing a white sackcloth, just kneeling quietly beside Lin Ruhai's spiritual position. Although she no longer sobbed, her cheeks and eye sockets were still red, and the snow goose and purple cuckoo were not here at this time. She was just standing here with her head down silently, and she didn’t know what was in her heart. Think of something.

Suddenly, at this moment, a gust of wind moved and the wooden door slowly opened with a ‘quack’...

The wooden door opened, but no one came in. After the white candles and the eternal light next to the spiritual seat flickered for a while, they were slowly closed. Then, in the house, the pale holy spirit banners gradually swayed and died down. After coming down, a white, fluffy little thing turned to Lin Daiyu's side.

It turned out that it was not a ghost that had just opened the door and came in, but the little white bear Tibbers!

When boarding the ship from Jinling, it almost failed to follow! Because everyone in Jia Mansion tried to prevent Lin Daiyu from leaving her auspicious little white bear, but in the end, under Lin Daiyu's persistent attitude, the people in Jia Mansion felt that she would return to Jia Mansion sooner or later after finishing the work. , Is it not too persecuted to allow it to follow again?



Tibbers looked at the white coat, which looked even more delicate and delicious, and made it wish to wash Lin Daiyu, who swallowed it in one bite, before he staggered to the side of an empty futon. Go down.

It was busy outside just now, so now it needs to rest first, so as not to over-consume the body fat that has been fattening hard?

"Little Bear..."

"You go back to sleep with Zijuan Xueyan and others. I'm going to stay here for the night. I will leave for Suzhou tomorrow morning. Then, in a few days, we can return to Jinling."

Thinking that the other party wanted to accompany her, Lin Daiyu was moved, but she finally raised her head after a day without speaking, and exclaimed towards the other party with a look of affection and gratitude.

Tonight is the last night of her dead father Lin Ruhai. Tomorrow the coffin will board the ship and return to Suzhou. Therefore, if she wants to accompany her for the last night, she will not go back to the room to rest... This matter, she has already I have told Xue Yan and Zijuan, and this is why she is the only one here now.


"Don't worry, don't worry! Lin Daiyu, there is something Ben Xiong must tell you now, otherwise tomorrow will be late!"


Rolling on that futon, I feel that this kind of futon is still not as comfortable as the arms of those **** shovelers. In the end, he had to lie on his stomach with his two forelimbs and turned his head to look at that no longer Lin Daiyu was crying again.

"What's the matter?"

"Can't you say it tomorrow?"

Now Daiyu doesn't want to discuss some irrelevant chores, she just wants to stay by her father's spiritual position, do her last filial piety, and send her father the last time.

"I really can't say it tomorrow!"

"Here! Don't say this bear doesn't talk about loyalty, this list is for you, you can take it and figure it out!"


With a snap, spread out the ball of paper he had been rubbing when he first came in and photographed it in front of Lin Daiyu, Tibbers squatted aside in annoyance, waiting for the opponent's response.


"Why is this again, why give me this weird list?"

First, I looked at the crumpled paper for a while, and found that there were a dozen scarlet names written densely on it, like a blood book, the handwriting was still crooked, and there were a lot of red stamps on bear paws. ? Knowing that this must have been written by the little bear in front of him, Lin Daiyu asked puzzledly.

Because she didn't know what the other party meant for this list, and she didn't think it was time to look at that kind of trivial matter. She just wants to stay here now, and do nothing else!



"do you know?"

"A few days ago, Ben Xiong had discovered that someone outside was staring at your Lin's house, staring at people coming and going here, and seemed to be unkind? Therefore, Ben Xiong has been paying attention until just now. When he ran to report to someone, Ben Xiong followed to hear it, and then he went out to take them down, and then finally asked about this list..."


Tibbers would not tell the other party that it had tossed a lot of time for this list. The two guys caught by it were really hard-hearted and would not say it to death. No matter how it asks, how to scare it without saying anything, its mouth is very hard?

In the end, it was still impatient, so it had to use its claws with lightning to beat the two alive, and after catching each other's muddled soul, he barely asked what was going on.

As for whether the two of them should die before they started, and whether they might be wronged, Tibbers didn’t get too entangled. Anyway, the two of them are dead now. If you think about so much, what’s the matter? use? Besides, Tibbers thinks it, it thinks the two are guilty, they are guilty! It thinks they deserve to die, then they deserve to die!

Besides, in the end, the facts also proved that its uncle Tibbers Bear's guess was correct, and it really asked it some interesting things.

"But so what?"

Daiyu was stunned, then after a sigh in her heart, she turned her head slowly.

Obviously, she is not too concerned about someone monitoring her home or their behavior, because her father is dead. By tomorrow, they will leave here and take the father’s coffin back to their original place in Suzhou. It is very likely that they will never come back again, whether they are watching or having other plots, what does it have to do with her Lin Daiyu?



"My dear shoveling officer Lin Daiyu, is it possible that you think that your dead ghost father really died of illness?!"

ε=(′?`●))) alas

Seeing that the other party didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and there was no way, Tibbers had to sigh and explain to the other party:

"This bear has already found out for you, it's probably like this..."

"Your dead ghost father..."

"What you do when you look at Ben Xiong like that, he died, and it wasn't Ben Xiong who killed him, Ben Xiong couldn't save him. No matter how you look at it, it's useless. Why don't Ben Xiong talk about it? !"

∑(′?`)? !

Seeing that Lin Daiyu, the **** shoveling officer, stared at herself with angry eyes, Tibbers stared back directly, before continuing to explain.

"Anyway, you have to know, this bear has checked it out for you. Your dead ghost father was poisoned and slowly poisoned to death, and the people on that list planned and participated in the poisoning of your dead ghost father. murderer!"

"Well, this bear is doing pretty well, right?"


Even if it is not the murderer, it should be at least the participant, as long as it appears on the list, it is definitely not innocent.


Sure enough, Lin Daiyu, who had been dumbfounded after hearing the words of her own little bear Tibbers, was taken aback for a moment, and then the unbelievable expression gradually appeared on her face, and the horrified eyes began to flash until she sat down again. He couldn't help but licked, got up from the futon he was sitting on his knees, and asked in a hasty and stern tone:

"Little Bear! Are you sure?!"

"But... but why did they do that?!"

For Lin Daiyu, who is just over eleven this year and almost twelve years old, this kind of thing is unimaginable anyway! Anyway, she couldn't figure it out, so good, why did those people have to poison her father?

Is it possible that this is the reason why her father insisted on leaving Yangzhou the year before last, and had to persuade her to seek refuge in Jinling Rongguo's grandmother?

"too easy!"

"Because your dead ghost father is deeply trusted by the emperor to serve as Yangzhou Xunyan Yushi. That is a big fat man, and many people are jealous!"

"and also!"

"Your dead ghost father is too stubborn, and he refuses to cooperate with others, and he refuses to stand in line. This hinders many people's financial resources. Can others not kill him? Fortunately, you are not in Yangzhou, otherwise you will not be able to survive. !"


In Tibbers' view, it is very possible that Lin Daiyu, the old lady of the shoveling officer, was poisoned to death! Of course, like that kind of unfounded thing, it didn’t make random guesses in the end, because it only asked what it said just now, and that list came out like that, and it is said that it involves Many dignitaries in Yangzhou and some dignitaries from Jinling?

But who are those people, Tibbers is not in the mood to care, he only knows that they have participated in the poisoning of Lin Daiyu's dead ghost father, and that's it!


"This... how is this possible?!"

Standing blankly in her father’s mourning hall, Lin Daiyu, who was dressed in white and still looked a little thin and fragile, was directly stunned. She just opened her eyes and looked at the wrinkled piece on the ground. My mind was blank, I didn’t know what I should do now or what I should do.

She did not doubt the authenticity of what the little bear said, nor did she ask how the other party knew it, but she knew that her little bear never lied to her, let alone in such serious matters. Up!


No matter how clever she is, she is just a little girl who is only eleven or twelve years old. She has little experience and is still in the world. Even if she knows her father, her father was killed by others, but she is now What can I do?


"Xiao Xiong, you said, what should I do?"

For a long time, I was sluggish for a long time, until the sound of the dialing outside, finally recovered, and leaned over and trembled to pick up the wrinkled and light list Lin Daiyu, who was in her eyes, was scanning. After the shocking names on the top, she finally asked, shaking her heart.

"What do you mean?"

"Anyway, the funeral here is finished, and your cousin Jia Lian said to leave for Suzhou tomorrow, so you should still have one night!"


What else can we do? According to the list, the copy guys will come to the door and do it! Tibbers didn't find it difficult to deal with such a simple and clear thing.

"One night?"

Looking down at the little bear at her feet, Lin Daiyu didn't know what the other party meant.

"Why are you so stupid!"

"Of course it takes one night to get revenge! Don't you want to go to Suzhou tomorrow?!"



"Take revenge, revenge? Yes! I want to avenge my father, but what should I do?"

I was shocked, and then looked at the list in her hand. Finally, Lin Daiyu came back to her senses. She knew the purpose of her little bear looking for this list. However, she was a bit embarrassed about how to avenge her, because she herself seemed to know nothing other than practicing swords with Xue Yan and talking about the female red poems with the sisters in Rongguo Mansion?

"Of course... Kill those on the list!"



"No way! Me, what I can't do..."

Lin Daiyu was shocked by the murderous words of a certain bear on the spot, and took a step back subconsciously. You know, she has practiced swords for the past two years, and more of it is just to strengthen her body and do something. She has never dared to think that she can kill people herself.

"If it doesn't work, you will have been practicing for nothing in the past two years!"


"But, I, I really can't..."

Lin Daiyu took a step back again, then subconsciously looked at her father's spiritual position, looked at the stocky coffin and the hoisting flags above, the crumpled list in her hand couldn't help but shudder.


"If it doesn’t work, go back and cry hard! Then go back to Suzhou with your cousin tomorrow, and don’t practice anymore. Learn the same as the others in Jiafu. Human!"


Tibbers became impatient.

You know, it was so difficult to get that list, and it was stained with blood from its paws, but it turned out that the other party's performance was like this, which really disappointed it!


"But, me, can I really?"

Lin Daiyu had already cried enough during the time she was guarding the spirits, and now she has more anger in her heart than sadness, she must be unable to cry!

But now, Little Bear asked her to kill, even if it was an enemy, she was still a little scared, because she couldn't even think of that kind of thing in the past.


"What do you think?!"


In any case, the other party has practiced swordsmanship for more than one year or two years, and it is still passed on from Yuandaxian in Wuzhuangguan Town. Although it can’t fly through the clouds or fly with the sword, it is usually practiced It’s easy to dodge, move, and overturn the walls. So, if you can’t deal with those mortals after practicing for so long, they just don’t practice anymore. It’s a bit of Tibbers. Can't afford to lose that bear!


"What should I do now?!"

After hesitating for a while and turning to look at the spiritual position of her father Lin Ruhai for a while, finally, Lin Daiyu seemed to have figured it out. As her eyes gradually became firm, she turned her head to look towards. The little bear standing in front of her was like a little adult.

"It's easy!"

"Change into black clothes, cover your face again, then bring your sword and set off with this bear! The sky is about to dawn soon, you don't have much time!"


"it is good!"

"Little Bear! I listen to you!!"

After carefully receiving the list into her arms, Lin Daiyu, who was less than twelve years old, first took a deep breath, and finally stared at the spiritual position in front of the eternal light for a while, then she gritted her teeth and attached She picked up a certain bear, and then turned to the back of the hall in this night, quickly walked to the backyard of Lin's house, and walked to her own room...


(*^▽^*)? Ask for a ticket? (*^▽^*)

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