Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1033: (lll???) Oh! This bear seems to be careless...

During the nearly two-month period when Daiyu and Jia Lian went by boat to Yangzhou, many things happened in Rongguo Mansion, such as: Qin Keqing died suddenly after being seriously ill, and then held a grand event. The funeral ceremony? Then Wang Xifeng assisted Ning, Rong Erfu and Yuan Chun to choose Fengzao Palace, and was rumored to return to Rongguo Mansion and so on.

However, regardless of what happened in Ningrong Second Mansion or outside, it would definitely not affect the "flood protection", and only Baoyu who played for fun among the Yingying Yanyan of his sisters!

Isn't this?

In the early morning of this morning, Jia Baoyu, who was idle, went to Baochai's boudoir in Lixiangyuan, and went directly next to Baochai without any embarrassment. He kept shaking his nose and didn't know it was. Sniffing something.


"Baoyu, what are you doing?"

Bao Chai, who originally thought it was a bit improper for the other party to enter his boudoir casually, couldn't help but move a little bit inside after seeing the other's intimate actions.

After all, she is three or two years older than Baoyu. Naturally, she knows some guards against men and women, and she herself is not the same as the sisters who grew up in Rongguo Mansion since she was a child, so she dare not just be like each other. Men stubbornly stay together.


"Sister Bao, you are so chic. What kind of rare powder and balm do you put on your body?"

Smelling the cold body scent from the opponent, looking at the rich skin between the opponent's neck, the snow-white crisp arms exposed at the cuffs of the yarn, and looking at the opponent's silver basin-like face, like water apricot Like eyes, red lips without a touch, and green eyebrows without a painted eyebrow, I feel that the other party's sister Lin, who has a touch of femininity, has another kind of charming and dry treasure. .

In the past, when Sister Lin was there, Jia Baoyu naturally only wanted to get to Sister Lin to stubbornly and attract her attention! Now, when his sister went to Yangzhou for nearly two months, when he had to run to Sister Bao to pass the time, he discovered that Sister Bao still has the coquettishness of Sister Lin who is not inferior to him. A beauty like a fairy?


"What kind of powder balm, I never use those things myself!"

"Perhaps because of the'cold incense pill'..."

After moving a little bit back quietly again, Bao Chai explained.

Not long after she came to Rongguo Mansion with her mother and brother, she is still not used to being too close to Baoyu, the only man who grew up in the backyard. After all, the other party’s age is placed in an ordinary home. People in China are all able to get married and have children!

"What is Lengxiang Pill, is it so magical?"


"Sister Bao, have a pill with me?"

Jia Baoyu, who was not ashamed or impatient and didn't intend to take it at all, continued to move forward and continued to get close to the other party's side, then while holding the other's warm and lubricated arm, he pleaded urgently in a low voice.

"Hurry and let go! What kind of style do you pull and pull?"

"Baoyu, you may not know that the'cold incense pill' is a medicine, where can you eat it at the same time?"

The materials and production conditions of Lengxiang Pills are extremely demanding. The fact that her family could provide them at the time was nothing more than ‘Keqiao’, and she didn’t have many pills in total. The rest is now buried under the pear tree outside their Lixiangyuan. Only when she is ill, she digs out and eats one. How could she dig out and have a pill with him in order to try the other side?

Besides, she doesn't know the consequences of taking the medicine to different people. If this old lady's beloved baby eats something good or bad, she can't afford it!

"Sister Bao can eat, why can't I eat it?!"

Since eating it will give off the cold and strange aroma, Baoyu will definitely not let go of that kind of good thing! Because he felt that that rare thing was probably better than eating the rouge on the mouth of those sisters and sisters at home.

"Okay, Baoyu!"

"You should think about your sister Lin! Counting the time, it has been about two months since she went back to Yangzhou's home. I think she will be back soon, right?"

Baochai, who didn't plan to entangle with the other party on irrelevant things like'Lengxiangwan', quickly started to change the subject and transferred the matter to the other sister Lin who was more interested.

"You mean sister Lin?"

"She didn't come back so quickly! But the second sister-in-law of Lian said a while ago that they have just sent the coffin of their uncle Lin Ruhai back to Suzhou. Come on, even if you travel day and night, you won’t be able to return without ten and a half months?

Sure enough, after hearing Sister Bao talk about Sister Lin, Jia Baoyu was taken aback for a while, and soon stopped worrying about the ‘cold incense pill’ that he had just said, and instead sighed a little gloomily.

His uncle Lin Ruhai has died, I'm afraid Sister Lin will be very sad, right? It was a pity that he couldn't accompany Sister Lin to comfort each other, and he didn't even have a chance to see the other side's sobbing look that made people feel pity.


"I just hope they don't have trouble!"

"I heard my brother say a few days ago. I heard that there was a big case in Yangzhou city today: Many officials, gentry and powerful, including the king of Beijing Shuirong who went to Yangzhou at that time, they overnight They were all killed, and it is said that they were all the same kind that sealed their throats with a sword?"

"The government hasn't found the criminal who committed that kind of terrible crime. Sister Lin and others shouldn't run into that kind of thieves!"

Baochai said with some fear, she couldn't imagine that there would be such a vicious strongman in this world, who could kill so many lives overnight, and most of them were officials, gentry and powerful, even including An extremely noble prince?

It is said that this case has spread all over the world after shaking Jinling, but the emperor in the palace has revealed the will, and the secretary will solve the case within a time limit. There is no mistake!


"King Beijing Shuirong died?!"

Baoyu didn’t know about Yangzhou, and he was not interested in asking about miscellaneous things. So, when he heard the news, he stood up straight after being horrified, and at the same time, he opened his eyes round, and he was just right now. Lengxiangwan's sister Lin or something were all thrown into the country.

Right now, he was full of thoughts just thinking about the original colorful shed on the side of the road, setting up a banquet, playing with music, mourning and condolences Qin Keqing, and invited him to Jia Baoyu to meet, and they both expressed mutual sympathy. , And also presented the figure of the handsome prince with a string of rosary beads from his imperial wagtail.

To be honest, he dare not imagine that a good talker like that, who is not bound by the official and secular state, actually died, and was assassinated by a strongman? What kind of strong man is he who is so vicious that he can act on such a person? !

"Baoyu! Baoyu?!"

Seeing that the other party was silly and stupid, it seemed that some kind of silly illness had committed again, and Bao Chai, who was a little worried in his heart, couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pulled at the other party.

"Baoyu, are you okay?"


"Don't you want to scare me!!"

If the other party fell ill in her Xue Baochai’s place, then she would have to eat something to hang up and roll her eyes. Therefore, she couldn't help but start to stand up anxiously, tugging at the other party’s cuffs and constantly Waved his hand in front of the opponent's eyes, trying to wake him up.


Before she awakened the other party, she saw at this moment that her maid, Ying'er, didn't know what was frightened, so she turned pale and rushed in without knocking the door?

‘Miss! Miss! ’

‘Something happened! This time something really happened! ! ’

Ying'er, who rushed in, couldn't take care of the silly second master Bao, she just took a look at the other side, and then used the kind of cry that almost immediately burst into tears, loudly towards her girl Xue Baochai cried.


"Don't worry, just tell me what the **** is going on? Isn't your brother causing trouble again?"

In Baochai’s view, the thing that made her maid Ying'er run back to report the news in such an anxious and embarrassing manner, except that her brother, who caused trouble all day, ran out to make big troubles, she really couldn’t think of why. Up.

If that is the case, then she has to go to the main landlord's house of her aunt's house, and call her mother back to discuss the countermeasures.

"Not Master Pan!"

"It's Miss Lin! It's Lin Daiyu who has a big deal!!"

If it was Xue Pan, Master Xue went out to make trouble, that would be fine.

Because in that case, Ying'er would definitely not be so anxious. In her opinion, although their family's Xue Pan Xue Gongzi is unlearned and idle, he will not cause too much trouble. At most It's just to kill some people in order to steal women, they Xue family always have a way to settle.

However, this matter now, I'm afraid it really is about to poke a big hole in the sky, and no one can solve it! !


"Huh? Something happened to Miss Lin?!"

Baochai was taken aback. She had just told Baoyu about the sister Lin. Why is Ying'er reporting the news right now, is it possible that her mouth specifically says good things or bad things, and bad things are particularly good?

"Sister Lin?"

"Sister Lin!!"

"Sister Yinger, please tell me what the **** is going on with Sister Lin? What happened to her?!"

There is no doubt that my sister Lin is definitely much more important than the one-sided prince Beijing! Therefore, after hearing Ying'er's words, Jia Baoyu, who recovered from the spirits, quickly forgot the dead ghost king who was not tied to the official and vulgar state and cherished him, and turned to grab it. Hold Ying'er's arm and asked about Lin Daiyu.

"She's fine! But she has gotten into trouble!"

After a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but break free. Second Master Bao made a slight pain in his arm, but he grinned and said:

"I heard that Ms. Lin killed a lot of people in Yangzhou, now the incident has happened!"

"Just now, the Inner Court sent two hundred Inner Court guards and three hundred Jinyi Army to encircle our Ning and Rong Mansion to Tuan Tuan!"

"So the old lady sent a message and asked all the ladies, daughters-in-law and nephews in the family to go to her side, go now!!!"

Ying'er almost told the story in the kind of sorrow and fear that she was about to cry, and then she saw that, whether it was her lady or Bao Erye, the expressions of the two of them were changing. At the same time of panic, they were all frightened instantly.

"Sister Lin and Sister Lin murdered in Yangzhou?"


"This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!!"

Now, Jia Baoyu, who had just recovered from the daze, fell into that kind of silly state again...

However, compared with just now, his face is much uglier now. Obviously, he was scared not only to find it incredible in his heart.


"Quick! Ying'er, and Xiren, quickly pull him up, let's go to the old lady now!!"

Xue Baochai, whose face was also ugly and scary, finally recovered a little bit of composure. Therefore, while subconsciously wringing the Sipa in her hands, she did not forget to hurriedly face Ying'er and just behind her after Ying'er. Said the attacker who ran in.

At this moment, Baochai knew that Jia Mansion and their relatives who had taken refuge in Jia Mansion were really going to be a catastrophe...


Lin Daiyu, Jia Lian and others on the waterway between Su and Yang certainly didn’t know what happened at the feet of Emperor Jinling. Therefore, their sailing boat was still swimming freely against the current and was preparing for a way. Yangzhou, which caused Daiyu's pain and left bad memories, turned to the river and hurried back to Jinling, which is more than 300 miles away.


At this moment, in plain white clothes and a white hairband still wrapped around her hair, Lin Daiyu, who represents the meaning of serving filial piety, was holding her little bear, standing silently on the bow of the boat thinking about things.

Now, her father's coffin has been buried in Suzhou's hometown of origin, and all the affairs have been arranged, so they are now on their way back to Jinling. From today onwards, she is really just a lonely person. Her grandmother and uncles and aunts can only take care of her for a while. From now on, apart from the little bear and Xueyan, she probably has nothing to rely on. The person or thing...

However, it is very rare. At this time, Daiyu didn't feel too much hesitation in her heart?

Because of the Yangzhou incident, she has already let her know that she is not an ordinary person, or it can be said that she is no longer an ordinary person. She now has the ability to choose her own life, whether she chooses to stay in Rongguo Mansion or go In other places, nothing can stop her!

And all these changes are just because she has been practicing for less than two years. As long as she keeps on practicing swords and cultivating immortals, one day, she will be able to be like Xiao Xiong said. Outside this world, above the top of all beings?

What kind of scene will be at that time, she would never dare to think about it at this time, but he was very looking forward to it!


"That is……"

Suddenly, on the waterway that was about to reach Yangzhou at this time and was about to diverted to the Dajiang River, for some reason, Lin Daiyu noticed at a glance: There, somehow, there were hundreds of Jinyi officers and soldiers set up at the place. And there are still a few small boats connected horizontally, blocking the originally not too spacious waterway, and at the same time there are many bows and arrows on the shore, waiting for the armored sergeants who inspect the passing ships?


"Little bear! They... didn't they come at us?!"

Wearing a white plain dress and standing on the bow of the boat, Lin Daiyu, who was slim and ecstatic even when she was only eleven or twelve years old, was frightened after seeing the sight in the distance. He had to exclaim, and quickly subconsciously asked the bear in his arms.

That night, under the command and instigation of Little Bear, she did something big that she never dared to think of, and her mental quality was still poor, and her experience was seriously insufficient. Now she is very sensitive to the sergeants who are inspecting. Therefore, Daiyu almost ran into the cabin to hide.



I didn't say it, maybe it is?

However, Tibbers is not worried! From its point of view, there are only a few hundred soldiers on the left and right, not to mention the demigod Tibbers Bear. I’m afraid it’s only one battle, but Lin Daiyu, the shoveling officer who killed all his enemies in one night. It can be handled easily, so it doesn't think it is too much trouble.

"Little Bear!"

"Say, what should I do now?!"

When I was revenge, I didn’t think much about it. I let Cubs lead the way, and then I acted according to what the other party said. Although I fought a few times, I didn’t think much about it at all, and my heart was full of resentment. Daiyu, who was completely confused, had completed the big event.

However, she hasn't regretted the matter until now. She did it very secretly that night. Except for Xueyan, even cousin Lian didn't know that she had gone out... So, she thought it was just that. It has passed, and her thoughts are well understood, she is about to gradually forget that matter, but how can she think that there will be such a change now?

"What else can you do? Don't hurry up to get your sword in the cabin?"

"This bear heard it faintly. They seemed to be looking for a female gangster named Lin Daiyu. Who do you think they are looking for?!"

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

It's so stupid to ask about such small things!

In Tibbers' view, if he were replaced by the nasty little lord of his house, seeing someone who was aggressive and daring to block the way, he would have thrown a few fireballs a long time ago, so there would be so many scruples there?


"But, but! They are officers and soldiers, how can I?"

Although Daiyu was still a little ignorant and a little unreasonable, she also knew that to kill an official openly would be tantamount to rebellion, so Ling Chi would have to sit there!

It's good now, when the secret and important thing she did that night was discovered, this little bear didn't rush to give her an idea, but dared to instigate her to use a sword to resist? That kind of thing, she has never thought about it, she can't even think about it!

"Do you want to be caught by them?!"


Although I don’t know where Lin Daiyu and I were at fault at the time, how could they be known by the other party that she did it with him, but I didn’t give those people and such small things to Tibbers, who was in my heart. Asked indifferently.


"No! I don't want to at all!!"

Without even thinking about it, Lin Daiyu almost gritted her teeth and replied for the first time.

If those people are really found out because of what they did, then there is nothing to say. Once she is caught, then Lin Daiyu Yilu must be executed by Ling Chi! Ling Chi was going to pull naked to Caishikou, and then cut the meat in front of countless people. How could she be happy with such a terrible thing?

"Then you don't hurry back to get the sword?"

"But don't worry about it. Maybe it's a routine checkup. Let your cousin ask about the situation first!"


But Tibbers also knew that it was just for comforting each other, and it absolutely believed it! Because now things seem to be obvious, those guys are waiting here specifically, and the goal is their ship!


"Snow Goose!!"

Daiyu, whose face changed and changed, seemed to have finally figured it out at this time. She felt that she could not wait to die anyway, so she left the bow for the first time, and when the sailboat was still moving forward for inspection, she used the most Quickly ran into the cabin, and greeted the maid Xueyan who had just come out to see what happened.

Anyway, she only knows that, no matter what, she can't be caught. If they really came to catch her, then she would fight with Xue Yan and the little bear! !



Tibbers didn't follow it up, it just squatted on the bow, waiting to see the reaction of the soldiers in Jinyi.


‘Stop the boat! ’

‘Lower the sails and get checked! ! ’

As the sailing boat of Jia Mansion slowly approached, a Jinyi officer held his waist knife along the plank road two steps forward and waved to Jia Lian, the ship boss and others who came to the bow of the ship to quickly step aside to accept their interrogation and inspection.


"Dear officials, this is the ship of the Jinling Rongguo Mansion. This is our ticket number and guide. We have female family members on board. It's better..."

When the boat slowly approached, I don’t know why the card was set up here, but Jia Lian, who had to make a secret noise, jumped up to the trestle with a smile, and while pulling out his relevant documents, he did not forget to move An ingot of silver was stuffed toward the opponent.

Jia Lian is well aware of the truth that the King of Hades is better than the little ghosts. Moreover, their big ship not only has female families, but also a lot of the Lin family’s property. If they are seen by these soldiers, they will be no big or small. It’s troublesome, so it’s better to just take care of it, let the other party get out of trouble, and let them go early after taking some money.


"Rongguo Mansion? Female family? But took the boat of Lin Ruhai's daughter Lin Ruhai?!"

However, what surprised Jia Lian was that the other party did not accept the ingots at the same time as Lu Yin and the ticket number, but instead asked him in surprise.


"Exactly! I don't know..."

Jia Lian responded, and when he was about to inquire, he saw that a small school came up uncertainly and said to the Jinyi officer pointing at their ship:

'grown ups! ’

‘Look? It's that little white bear, right? ? ’

"Also, the subordinate just saw a woman in white running into the cabin..."


"That's right, this is indeed the guide of Jinling Jia Mansion!"

"Brothers, it's just today that you get promoted and get rich! Get on me, take them down! Other people enter the ship, and they must catch Lao Tzu Lin Daiyu alive!!"

"If other people resist, don't worry about killing them!!!"

Finally, after investigating here for many days, the officer who had been waiting for the target, at the same time his eyes lit up, he slammed and drew the long knife from his waist directly, with a smile on his face. Jia Lian's neck became stiff in an instant.

‘Kill~! ’

‘Catch thieves and do meritorious service! ! ’

‘Catch the offender of Lin Daiyu and reward you with a thousand taels of silver! ! ’

‘Kill! ! ! ’

At the same time, a brave and brave soldier in Jinyi also held their long spears, spears or short swords, rushing up directly, shouting and screaming and jumping onto the deck of the sailing ship.



Got it!

Right now, Tibbers, who was standing behind Jia Lian watching the excitement, did not rush to the cabin to know without much thought: the one that it took Lin Daiyu to do that day, which it thought was a seamless assassination, was indeed exposed. For it and Lin Daiyu!

However, these guys don't seem to know how powerful it is, Uncle Tibbers Bear, and no one has thought about catching it first. Instead, they just jumped over it and rushed toward the cabin in one mind?

‘! ! ’

‘Uh ah~! ’

'you! ! ’

"Wow~! ’


Boom~! Puff~! !


Soon, with the screams and screams, the people outside only heard a scream, and then they just rushed into the cabin, before they had time to scream and rush to the lower or second floor cabin. The sergeants in Jinyi screamed and flew out, and fell directly on the deck, or fell directly into the river.

Without exception, their hands have been scratched by sharp weapons, so that apart from screaming, they can't hold the weapons in their hands at all?

Immediately afterwards, the two seemed to be only eleven or twelve years old, but they were slim and heroic young girls rushed out of the cabin with daggers, and moved around with the two white clothes. The sword light of the dagger flickered. Soon, everyone on the shore lost their eyes. When they recovered, the dozens of soldiers on the deck of the ship had already screamed and fell on their wrists. On the deck.

‘! ! ’

'fast! Let go! Life and death! ! ’

Seeing that the opponent was so fierce and losing more than 20 men at once, the officer who felt that it might be a little difficult to catch alive, made a decisive decision and resolutely issued new orders to the dozens of archers on the shore~www.! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!


In an instant, arrows rained down, swarming at Lin Daiyu, Xueyan, a bear on the deck, as well as the bewildered boatmen and soldiers who fell on the ground and howled and moaned...


"Xueyan! Go and deal with those archers!!"

Seeing arrows raining down, Daiyu screamed at Xue Yan, and her whole body instantly turned into a white light. While hitting countless sharp arrows, she flew viciously towards the one on the trestle bridge. The officer rushed over! Because, at this time, the other party's big knife is still on the neck of her cousin who seems to be scared and stupid, and is about to wipe it off?


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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