Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1034: ?*??(???*)??*? Full moon night, purple...

The two houses of Rong and Ning in Jinling North Street where'Jia is not fake, Bai Yu serves as the temple for the golden horse' are surrounded by two hundred inner court guards and three hundred Jinyi regiments. It has been nearly ten days for those inner courts. The guards and the Jinyi sergeants neither ransacked their homes, nor went in to make trouble or take people, but did not allow casual people to enter and leave at will.

However, in these ten days, the people of Ning and Rong were frightened, for fear that when they didn’t know, the soldiers who looked like wolves and tigers would come in. Confiscated their family property in Jia Mansion, and threw them all in prison, humiliated to death?

Therefore, as usual in the past few days, the main courtyard hall of Jia's mother today is still full of important family members of Jia family in Ning and Rong.

For example:

The three sisters of Xichun, Yingchun, and Tanchun, who are still waiting for their characters, are stunned. They are still eating and drinking every day. The demon king Jia Baoyu was innocent. The family of Aunt Xue, including Xue Baochai and Xue Pan, was inexplicably involved. , Jia Zhen and Jia Rong from Ningguo Mansion, Jiahe, Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Aunt Zhao, Aunt Zhou, plus Jia Cong, Jia Lan, Jia Huan and the maidservants of Yingying Yanyan from the Rongguo Mansion. Duwaixuanzhen practice, burning pills and smelting mercury, nothing else, Jia Jing, who indulges his family's behavior, etc. Basically, all the important figures and direct descendants of Ning Rong's Second Mansion gathered here, gathered to Jia's mother's wings. In the vain attempt to rely on the eldest historian, with the prestige of Shi Taijun, to protect the lives of this young and old family in distress?

However, what they said they didn’t know was: Shi Taijun’s natal family, Baoling Hou and Zhong Jinghou, are now equally devastated and desperate, and how can they manage to get Ning Rong, who is basically accused of being convicted and no one dared to manage. Erfu?

Now everyone knows that Lin Daiyu, who was imprisoned by the imperial court, or can be said to be the "Yangzhou Raid Bandit", is now basically a firm conviction!

Because the other party not only murdered officials in Yangzhou city for no reason more than half a month ago, but also blatantly refused to arrest them in the waterway outside Yangzhou city ten days ago. They also killed and wounded hundreds of soldiers and rescued Jia Lian and Jia Lian. After being subordinate to Jia Mansion, he left...that is the evil done under the eyes of so many merchants and countless travelers, there is no possibility of false concealment or framing.

Therefore, in such a situation where the emperor is angry and the world, the government and the public are all shocked, let alone the Jia family that is doomed to be miserable, even the implicated Wang family, Xue family, and Shi family are probably incapable of eating. Go around!

After all, the four of them are all in contact with relatives, lose all of them, all glory, support and decoration, and all take care of them. When the affairs of Jia Mansion come out and the dust settles, I am afraid that they will be separated from the other three. The time when the liquidation is defeated is not far away!

So in the end, no one can help Jia's house now. Their fate is basically certain, and there is almost no possibility of a comeback! As for why the emperor in the palace needs to consider why he hasn't done anything yet to take down the man in Jia's residence.


The old ancestor Jia Mu, who has been taking care of herself in the Rongguo Mansion, doesn’t know the extent of the deterioration of the situation outside. She is just trying to restrain and comfort her family, so that they will come to her to report as soon as daybreak. The unsuccessful sons who kept instructing her to keep going outside to listen to news, to see if there is any room for change or mediation.

‘When is it now? ’

‘Look at the sky, I guess it’s almost past time...’

‘Need to send someone to the kitchen to see it? ’

‘Forget it, there are only one or two wives left in the kitchen, only some vegetables, rice and steamed buns, and at most two plates of bacon, don’t look at it! ’


‘But this day is finally over, sir, are we going back to rest now? ’

‘Hey! Still wait till Xu Shi, wait till dark to talk about it! ’



‘Sister-in-law, why are you crying? The ones that should come will always come, and the ones that shouldn't come are useless if you think about it, hurry up and silence, don't provoke the ancestors again! ’


‘Lan’er is still so young, what should I do? ’


‘Okay, let’s say a few words less! ’


In the main hall of Jia's mother, a wife, young lady, maidservant, and Jia's male servants were sitting in their respective positions in silence. None of them dared to speak loudly, nor did they want to say too much, but only occasionally. I don't know whose sobbing and low-pitched whispering, there is such a sad and bleak condition in the whole hall.

After being besieged by the imperial court for so many days, and after so many days of rough tea and light meals, most of the people in Jiafu here have almost realized: Perhaps, soon, the sky of Jiafu will be almost complete. Has it collapsed?

Actually, after ten days of fear, some of them have gradually become numb or accept their fate. The expressions on their faces have become more and more numb, and more and more desperate... They know that soon, they will all Everyone will be arrested and brought to justice, and then, one day in the future, will be decapitated at Caishikou on charges of treason?

Of course, beheading or something, that must be something men need to worry about!

For the female relatives in Jia’s house, their fate may be even more miserable... because they all know that they will undoubtedly be caught by then and not enter the Jiaofang Division. From then on, they will be slaves, even Will he become an official prostitute, never stand up, and lead a terrible life that is worse than death, and that I dare not even think about it?


"I said before, that Sister Lin shouldn't be allowed to practice Rao Shizi's swordsmanship!"

"Han Feizi said clearly in "Five Zong":'Confucianism uses literary to chase the law, chivalry uses martial arts to violate bans'! If Sister Lin was not allowed to practice those fancy styles, and she was not allowed to dance knives and swords, continue to go How could there be so many things today when she was that soft and weak Miss Lin family?"

"At that time, I said it many times, but you didn't listen to it. You also said that she can strengthen her body by practicing swords, and that it is not bad that Jia Mansion has an extra'Lin Swordsman'? Look now, she has indeed become A terrific "woman", it can bring harm to the family, we are going to be out of luck!"

For a long time, a certain Jia Baoyu who didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the matter could not help but muttered such angrily.

Because ah, he has been suffocated these few days. Except for going back to sleep when it’s dark and having trouble with the assailant, Qingwen and others for a while, he has to come here every morning and watch this. This kind of sad and bleak scene stayed for a whole day, and I didn’t even go there. He ate coarse tea and light rice, and drank widow water and light soup. He was born with a jade, and he was a respected master. Kind of sin?



It's a pity that no one picked up his words, because it is meaningless to talk about those now, and they have argued, abused, repented, and cried countless times these days. Now Jia Baoyu will mention it again. It's just a repetition of the old tune, wasting energy.


"Look! Master Zheng is back!"

At this moment, when everyone was silent and didn't know what they were thinking about, I saw someone hurriedly walked in from outside, waiting for everyone to take a closer look, but it was not that Jia's mother sent out in the morning to get through the joints and ask questions. Who is Jia Zheng, the master of Rongguo Mansion?

"You can count back!"

"Okay! Alright! When is this, don't rush to salute, and tell us what the situation is now, and can you think of a way to save our Jia Mansion? ?"

Before Jia Zheng bowed down to salute himself or greeted those unconvincing children and grandchildren sitting there, Jia's mother stood up tremblingly with the help of the mandarin ducks, and hurriedly asked after stopping the other party.

Now she only hopes to get some good news from this second son who is still able to take care of outside matters. Otherwise, she would not be able to hold on to the "Dinghai Shenzhen" in Jia's mansion.


Jia Zheng paused, then glanced at the elder brothers and children in the family around him, his lips with long beards moved, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

Think about it these days, the people in their Jia’s mansion were only allowed to enter and were not allowed to leave, and the side servants outside basically escaped. They are so tired these days that they can only pay high prices for food to be handled by the soldiers or rely on the mansion. The surplus grains of rice and noodles in the warehouse live. Although people will not die from starvation within three to five months, the dishes are so few that all of them are not doing well these days, and everyone’s faces are faintly beginning. There are some pale dishes, just like the far-flung tribe outsiders?

"Oh~! There is no way right now!"

"Baby, I must not be able to get out myself. The Jinyi army guarding the gate came on the order of the emperor, but it is not at all accommodating. Therefore, the child can only spend a little bit of money to ask for help..."

"The person just risked his death to come in and replied: Jingying Jieduzhi Wangziteng has now been dismissed and returned home, and Shijia has also been under residential surveillance. They are afraid they can't count on it... and the Daming Palace is in charge of the palace. Although he accepted our family's money, but he didn't dare to pass a message to the imperial concubine for us. He only said that the situation is wrong now. Let us wait patiently and see?

After talking, Jia Zheng, who had been tossing for nearly ten days, turned around and looked around, and found that there was a chair next to his brother Jah that no one was sitting on, he slumped down directly, and at the same time sighed and supported him with his hands. Own forehead.

These days, since Ning Rong's Second Mansion was surrounded, he has done his best, and the silver has already been dying, spilled out like splashing water, but the result has made him feel more and more desperate. .

Those powers and dignitaries who had inconvenient relations with their Jia family in the past have now drawn a line with him, making it clear that they will not help mediate or speak for their Jia family, but they will support the Jia family and cover up with them. The Shi family were also somewhat implicated, and the situation was also very difficult...

Therefore, with physical and mental exhaustion and domestic and foreign difficulties, Jia Zheng felt that he was about to be unable to hold on.

Moreover, he still had some words just now that he didn't dare to finish. For example, Li Yushi and others fell into trouble, participating in the Jia Mansion’s bullying, murderous, ancestral virtues, torture of the people, occupation of citizens, collusion with foreign officials, and Intent to rebel and so on?

Especially for "intent to rebel", that charge is almost to be taken seriously!

After all, his Jia Zheng’s relatives and his sister Jia Min’s daughter Lin Daiyu blatantly murdered the imperial order officer and a county prince plus countless squire lives in Yangzhou, and even confronted the imperial sergeants in full view and humiliated the imperial dignity. Hard facts!

And if the other party was just two daughters who were not in time, just like Jiangyang robbers against the court, and there is no real gathering or flagging, I am afraid that his Jia Mansion is more than just being surrounded.

"This this……"

After listening to her son Jia Zheng's words, Jia's mother felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole person was a little unwell...

Fortunately, the mandarin duck on the side and the other little maid with the same dish rushed to support her, and helped her back to the chair that led her again, without letting her fall directly on the ground to make a Come anyhow.


"How can this be good, how can this be good?!"

After a long time, Jia's mother, who let the mandarin duck stroke her chest for a while, was relieved and looked at the Jia family's descendants and daughter-in-laws who were all over the house looking at her, and finally couldn't help crying loudly.


"It's all my old lady's fault. I didn't teach my granddaughter well. It was I who killed Daiyu and also the big son of Jia Mansion!!!"

"I lived more than eighty years old, and I was a girl who came to your father's hands. It was a blessing to my ancestors. I have never seen such things! But now that I am old, I see you and Jia Mansion suffer this serious crime. Seeing that this home is going to be ruined, how can you make me feel good about it?"

"It's better to close your eyes and die immediately, but it's a hundred!"

After speaking, Mother Jia cried again with her hands covering her face.

Now she really regrets that she didn’t listen to the words of her precious grandson Baoyu, and didn’t force Daiyu to stop practicing swordsmanship. Otherwise, it would not happen now that the other party uses force to ban it and fight fiercely. Killing the imperial army generals, and causing such a disaster-spreading thing came out.

At first, she was blinded by lard, seeing that Daiyu was in good health after practicing the sword, and seeing the other party dancing beautifully. She herself had been rare for a long time, and even refuted Baoyu secretly reporting her information. Behavior, thinking that Baoyu was born out of jealousy, so he said that slanderous Daiyu?

But look now, it turns out that it was her baby's stubborn grandson who was far-sighted. She really should have listened to Baoyu's words and stopped Daiyu from practicing that Raoshi Zijian in time!

"Never! Never!"

"This is actually the bad news of the sons. The old lady is frightened by the tiredness of the son who hasn't disciplined the children well. I also ask the old lady to be a little relieved. The son will definitely try his best to go outside and continue the mediation. If the old lady feels uncomfortable, the sons Isn’t the sin more serious?"

Seeing his old mother crying in despair, Jia Zheng was also a little bit sad and sad, but he still gritted his teeth and endured all kinds of sadness and indignation, and tried to step forward and persuade the other party.

'old lady……'


‘The old lady is so old, it’s useless to worry about self-blame, so relax! This person is sitting at home, and what can happen to things that come from heaven? ’

‘Yes! It’s all to blame for that little evil, if it wasn’t for her...’

‘Okay, you guys don’t say a few words! ! ’


‘Old ancestor, don’t cry, I can’t help but cry again! ’

‘What good is it for you to cry? It's not that the Jia Lian of your family is not good enough, and you call him to send someone to Yangzhou, and he will send it. But how can you let the disaster star of the Lin family do such a big thing? ’

'you! ! ’

‘What are you? Could it be that I didn't say it right? ! ’

‘Second sister-in-law of Lian, as well as Master Zhen, Auntie Zhao, just say a few words...’

'shut up! There is no room for words! ! ’

‘Yes! It's this time now, the tree falls and the humiliation is scattered, and the catastrophe is about to fly separately, who can care about whom? ’



After the old lady cried and cried bitterly there, the daughter-in-law, young lady and nephew in this hall also began to clamor, complain, grieve, or scold.

Although they have been arguing about those things for many days, but when the crisis is getting worse now, when the situation is getting more and more critical and the catastrophe is imminent, they finally broke out again, and let Jia's mother The lobby of the main courtyard, which had been quiet for two days, began to become noisy again.

"you guys……"


Jia Zheng looked at the chaotic family members, and could do nothing except shake his head and sigh.

Now he is still at a loss, and he has no idea what is going on with that little girl in Daiyu, how young is it, a girl who is only eleven or twelve years old, and usually looks like a weakly literate girl. , How could it happen to be able to do such a big thing that hurts the world and shakes the ruling and the opposition, and even the bandits can't do it?

If possible, he really wants to quickly find the unscrupulous descendant Jia Lian, who is said to have fled, and then ask the other party carefully, what is the matter with his niece Daiyu and the daughter of his sister Jia Zheng? How good is it? I suddenly go crazy and usually do things like that. How did the brother Jia Lian do things?

However, the question comes next. The most important thing is to ask clearly the cause of the matter, and then he can mediate from it to see if there is any room for reversal.

It's a pity that he himself definitely can't get out of the gate of Rongguo Mansion, and the unscrupulous descendant Jia Lian does not know where he is hiding now, let alone whether the other party is still stranded in Yangzhou or stole back to Jinling, or is there Somewhere hiding incognito from the court? Therefore, Jia Zheng, whose eyes are darkened and trapped in the Rongguo Mansion, really has no way at all. He can only let his fate...


"Let you go, I'll go back to rest first, whether it's dead or alive, and I'll talk about it tomorrow!!"

Seeing the noisiness here, and seeing that Jia's mother has been unable to stabilize the situation, and seemed to not want to stabilize the situation anymore, the impatient Jia Zheng had to shook his head and prepared to go back first.

However, he himself also knew that after Daiyu had done the kind of catastrophe, the final fate of their Jia Mansion and the people in Jia Mansion would not be too good. It is natural for those people to make trouble, and they should not be harsh. too much.



Lin Daiyu certainly didn't know the chaos of the Rongning Second House in Jinling City!

Because, until now, she has just arrived in Jinling from Yangzhou and mixed into the city. She has not had time to sneak into the Rongguo Mansion to meet her uncles, aunts, cousins, siblings and grandmothers, just from the mouths of others Knowing that the two residences of Ning and Rong have been besieged for nearly ten days, it seems that a big family of power is about to lose.


"I don't know what happened to the grandmothers in Rongguo Mansion. Are sister Bao and the others okay?"

Along the way, what she heard and seen the text had basically let Lin Daiyu know what kind of serious crime she had committed.

However, since there is no turning back arrow in the bow, and regret is useless now, there is no regret medicine in the world, and at the same time I don’t feel that there is anything wrong with revenge for my father, and I don’t want to be stripped naked and dragged to Caishikou Lingchi to be executed. Then she was the first to show her to the public, besides gritting her teeth and continuing to resist and being always ready to find ways to rescue her relatives and family, she really has no other good way now.

However, she has a lot of opinions on the content of the marine catch documents that are posted everywhere!

Because, outside of Yangzhou City, the officers and soldiers who intercepted them were indeed killed easily by her and Xue Yan. However, at that time, they did not kill the soldiers in Jinyi. They just scratched their arms accurately, making them unable to hold their weapons and had to flee in embarrassment. In addition to actually killing those who were killed Her father, Lin Ruhai, is a foe who has never killed an innocent person so far. She can swear to heaven on this!

However, what she thinks and does is not important, what matters is what the current court and those in power think! Because, in the eyes of today's sages and military and civil powers, Lin Daiyu is indeed a female gangster who commits all evil, burns, kills, pillages, murders officials, kills sergeants and intends to rebel!

No matter what the reason she shot in the beginning, it doesn't matter now.

In the court's law, killing an official was equivalent to rebellion, and that was to be executed quickly, let alone a serious county king among the people she killed!

And this is the reason why Jia Mansion is currently surrounded by heavy soldiers, and the Wang Family and Historians are also affected at the same time! As for why Jia's Mansion has not been copied directly, maybe only a certain emperor staying in the palace knows. She, Lin Daiyu, a certain bear, or someone else, definitely doesn't know why.


After sighing, Lin Daiyu, who was dressed in a plain white dress, a gauze cap, and her'Qinghong' dagger hidden in the wide cuffs, began to stare into the distance again, looking at the street. There are two huge stone lions squatting outside, three gates with beast heads, and two flats above the main entrance. The Jia’s mansion, which says “Ningguo Mansion” and “Rongguo Mansion” are written separately, looking at the surrounding outside. The large group of brightly armored soldiers in Jinyi was in a daze.

They surrounded the huge Ning and Rong mansions with three steps, one sentry, and five steps. Obviously, even if she is now superior in swordsmanship, agile, and possessed of mana, she wants to not be disturbed during the day. It must be impossible for those soldiers to sneak into the Rongguo Mansion under the circumstances.

So, she must think of other ways, or must she wait until dark before making any plans?


‘Miss! ’

"A team of soldiers is coming on patrol, you come in quickly, I found no one in this yard!"

While Lin Daiyu was staring into the distance and thinking about countermeasures, suddenly, a yard beside her was opened from the inside, and then the Snow Goose, who was already waiting in it with a bamboo basket on his back, quickly waved. Called her, while hurriedly ran out and pulled her in.

Xueyan doesn't know whose little yard here is, and it doesn't matter! Anyway, she only knows that there is a small yard with a tree, a kitchen, a latrine and three houses. There are no people in the small yard, and the stove is also very damp. I don’t know how many days ago the ash inside was left. So, it must be unoccupied here, just to give them a rest for the master and servant and the nasty little bear behind her back.


Finally, when Xue Yan closed the gate of the yard and locked the small yard with the bolt behind the wooden door, blocking the eyes of the soldiers patrolling outside the street, Daiyu sighed quietly.

Now things seem to be getting worse. Her relatives are controlled by the government. I don’t know if she can think of a good way to solve the problem before it continues to deteriorate.

As for the cousin Jia Lian who was hurt by herself...

She could only sigh in her heart, and hope that the other party can continue to hide well before she thinks of a way. Before she has handled the affairs of Rongguo Mansion and Ningguo Mansion, she should not be caught by outsiders, right?

"Little Bear!"

"Rongguo Mansion is now surrounded, what should we do? Are we going to rescue them immediately?"

Although, Lin Daiyu and Xueyan knew that they were very good, but she had no confidence to rescue so many people from Jia Mansion from hundreds of sergeants! Therefore, after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't think of a good way, so she could only turn her head and asked the little white bear who was being carried out by Xue Yan from the bamboo basket that had been carried behind her back.

You know, they were able to safely rush all the way from Yangzhou to Jinling and sneak into this big city because of the little bear's idea! Therefore, when there is no good way for them, all they can rely on seems to be the little bear who has helped them a lot.


∑(′?`)? !

"Save what? Don't save it!"


Tibbers certainly saw the situation outside Rongguo Mansion and Ningguo Mansion, but he didn't think that the two fights in front of him were not straightforward, and the guys who didn't dare to kill people could get help from those soldiers. A large number of people were rescued under his hand.

After all, the people of Rongguo and Ningguo, all the old and young, and the servants and servants together, there are at least a thousand people, relying on the swordsmanship of Lin Daiyu and Xue Yan, who have only learned less than two years. It's great to be able to protect yourself, and if you want to keep so many people, it's impossible for them to die of exhaustion. It's just wishful thinking!


"Not saved?"

Lin Daiyu was taken aback. She didn't expect her little bear Tibbers to say such irresponsible words! Think about it before, but the other party kept persuading them to come to Jinling to see the situation, why didn't they plan to let her take care of it now?

"How can that be?!"

"Miss! Don't listen to it, we can't leave the old lady and they just ignore it!!"

Xueyan was not as heartless and heartless as a certain bear, so she hurriedly dissuaded her before her own lady could make a decision.


"How many can you save now? There are many of them. There are hundreds of people guarding here. There are also thousands of people patrolling nearby. There may be tens of thousands or even dozens of troops that can be mobilized in and out of the city. Wan, who have you two little girls saved by filming?"

"Even if it is saved, can you protect so many people in Jia's house? Where can you go?"


Of course Tibbers didn’t want them to save people. He just didn’t want to let the two fun female earth humans that he finally trained to save people indiscriminately, and then they would be caught or set up before they grew up. Kill the game?

"But, bear, what should we do now?"

"Is it possible that I just watched my grandma and the others suffer?!"

When I think of my grandmother, the three sisters Bao, Tanchun, Yingchun Xichun, and so many uncles, aunts, aunts, and sister-in-law cousins ​​who have been affected by their actions and incurred cruel punishments, Daiyu’s heart It's almost broken in a hurry.

"Perhaps you can give yourself a try?"


Abruptly, Tibbers first came up with a bad idea that was definitely a bad idea.

‘! ! ’

'I do not want it! Don't think about it! ! ’

"Then, how can that be?!"

However, whether it was Daiyu or Xueyan, when they heard the words of the little bear, they all exclaimed and objected for the first time.

Obviously, the two of them can go back to Jinling and try to save everyone in Jia Mansion, regardless of their own safety. However, they should be asked to surrender, and they should be taken to Caishikou to Lingchi to be executed or something. They are absolutely impossible to be happy!


"Little Bear, do you have any other way?"

Daiyu, whose face gradually turned a little ugly, didn't seem to be too anxious when seeing a certain bear's face, so she had to squat in front of the other party with a shy face, and asked cautiously and expectantly. .

Anyway, there is no way for them. If the other party has no good way, then she will have to wait to sneak into the Rongguo Mansion at night, discuss with her grandmother and uncle, and see what can be done to rescue everyone in Jia Mansion. ?


‘Hurry up, little guy, both me and my lady know that you have the most bad ideas! Otherwise, be careful I smoke you! ! ’

A little girl who became less and less maid warned Tibbers with her teeth.

From this point of view, Xue Yan must have complained about a certain bear who fudged her family's young lady to do that kind of terrifying case, and even care about the whereabouts and clues discovered by someone! She didn't think there was anything wrong with what the young lady did, but she just felt that a certain bear shouldn't urge her young lady to do it in a hurry. Otherwise, how could they be so embarrassed now?


"Well, there is another one here, but this bear is afraid you dare not do it!"


As the saying goes, as long as the mind does not slip, there are more solutions than difficulties!

What's more, who is Tibbers?

It is Tibos, the omnipotent bear head warrior who is known as the omnipotent and omnipotent bear head soldier! In the past, when following a bad little master of its family wandering in various planes and worlds, it did not come up with all kinds of bad ideas to pass the'Nanguan' for the little master of its family, so now this How can it be difficult to survive a simple situation?


"What is the solution?"

‘Hurry up and talk! ’

‘If you don’t say it, how do you know that we dare not do it? ! ’

Daiyu and Xueyan hurriedly asked aloud. Now that the matter is, both of them have become serious court offenders. They are still the kind that the whole world knows. Even the army of hundreds of people talked about fighting. They just fight, and they won it magically and easily, who would they be afraid of when their self-confidence is extremely expanded?

To be honest, if there is really no other good way, maybe the two of them will finally kill all the sergeants and inner court guards surrounding Jia Mansion, and also kill the soldiers on patrol. , And then count one of the people in Jia's house, save them as intact as possible?

"it's actually really easy!"


"You think, since they arrested your family, then you can also arrest their family!"


A certain bear started to get the two close to him, and looked at his little girls with that kind of baffling eyes, came up with a bad idea and began to urge.

Its method is actually very simple. The left and right are just the same as the other, because now the two female humans are barefoot, and those who want to deal with them wear shoes. This is a mess. If you are older, who is afraid of whom?

Anyway, regardless of what the trouble would be like in the end, it's Tibbers and the two guys in front of him, it would definitely not happen.


"That! That kind of thing is definitely not possible!!"

After being taken aback for a while, she didn't expect Little Bear to give herself such a bad idea, so Lin Daiyu hurriedly waved her hands, rejecting the other party's absolutely bad idea without thinking about it.

"What's the solution?"

"Didn't you see this stupid bear? They have so many people, and there must be more family members. The young lady and I are just two people. Where can we catch it?!"

Xueyan thought that the other party wanted to catch people and exchange prisoners with the court. She also shook her head like her own lady and rejected a certain bear’s bad idea. She simply thought that the other party was saying it literally, so she didn’t go. Think deep.

"Are you stupid......"

"When did this bear tell you to arrest the families of those soldiers? Look at you silly, what's the use of arresting their families? If we want to do it, we have to do a big vote!!"


Looking at the two guys in front of me who had been trained for so long and were somewhat useless, Tibbers, who was angry from his heart to the guts, refuted them, and corrected them gloomily. Tao.


‘! ! ’

‘You bad bear! But you caused the matter, so don't sell it, and look at it. When is it, don't you hurry up? ’

Without waiting for the young lady who was exclaiming in her own home, Xue Yan, who was already a little impatient, stretched out his hand fiercely, grabbed the thick fur on the other's neck and held it to the front and back of the other party before he forced it out.

"Let go!!"



"Well, since you asked so sincerely, Ben Xiong will tell you generously! The method is actually very simple, that is: kill the palace, catch the old emperor inside, then control him and order him to let Jia Mansion, otherwise, kill him!!!"


After waving his fat short legs, and finally freed himself from the hands of that nasty second-class **** shovel officer Xueyan, Tibbers proudly said his method.

It has seriously thought about it. With the abilities of these two guys in front of you, it is really difficult to catch a lot of people! However, if only one person is caught, there should be no problem, right? Besides, they still have the help of Uncle Tibbers Bear to catch a mortal emperor. Isn’t that the same as playing?


"You mean...just like the book says, want us to hold the emperor to make the princes?!"

Lin Daiyu was shocked, and then remembered a certain miscellaneous book she had seen. There seemed to be a bridge to capture the emperor and then order the world?


After thinking about it, the more he thought about it, the more Lin Daiyu felt that it seemed feasible, she couldn't help but turned her head and looked at her maid Xueyan tacitly, and then soon they saw a wave of joy in each other's eyes. Don't admit it, this bad idea of ​​a certain bear sounds pretty good?


"Little Xiong seems to be right. We can only do this right now. Let's just do it! Anyway, they seem to be unable to beat us, and the palace wall is not high. It must be impossible to stop us. We can just go in. , Catch the emperor and run away!!!"

She had always been a maid who was sold to the Lin family, but fortunately she was valued by her own lady and treated as a sister. Now she has become a powerful female warrior, even the Xueyan who even hundreds of sergeants treat her like nothing. Her courage is undoubtedly getting bigger and bigger!

Isn't this? Now she, her face flushed with excitement, dare to persuade her own lady to go to the palace with her to catch the emperor Laoer!



If this kind of appalling thing had been in the past, Daiyu would definitely not dare to think about it, let alone do it! But now it’s different. Her father was killed, Jia’s Mansion was also implicated and there was no hope of salvation by ordinary methods. She was the only one who was alone and without support and scruples, she could not care too much. Up.

Moreover, she has now achieved success in her cultivation. Although she has not become the kind of powerful sword fairy who can fly with swords, she has reached the realm of heaven and human beings. Even the "brave of ten thousand husbands" can no longer be used to describe her situation. Next, they still have the ability to complete the kind of method that the little bear said.


"Little Bear, and Snow Goose, let’s take a good rest here, eat something, and recharge. Today is fifteen. Look at the sky. The night should be the night of the full moon. Let’s break into the palace. Make trouble in that Forbidden City!!"

After squeezing the dagger in the sleeve of her wide coat Daiyu finally made up her mind, gritted her teeth, raised her clenched fist, and decided to execute the bear The time for Tibbers' approach.

'it is good! ’

‘Miss! I'll get some food now! ’

Xue Yan almost didn't jump up in cheers, but, looking at her when it was getting late, she hurried to the kitchen, ready to simply make a hot meal for herself and her lady, and a certain bear to enjoy it. So that you can have strength during the fight tonight?



Seeing that Lin Daiyu was being trained by herself to be more and more of the little demeanor of some nasty little master of her own, the certain bear finally laughed with relief.


??????: Wow~! Ask for votes! !

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