Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1040: ?(?`д′)┌┛★)`з?) let you run...

Between the smiles, little Annie, who was wearing a blue and white thick fur winter dress, stood in front of her, wearing a thin linen gown, with the same dirty apron outside, her feet red with cold hair. Covered with trivial snowflakes, she was sullen and looked at her "little match girl" with her half drooped eyelids.

Annie is not afraid of each other. In fact, it doesn’t matter what the "little match girl" is or the devil from hell. In this endless world of planes, it seems true to find something that makes her feel scared. Not too easy?

"Sold matches..."

‘Long and bright matches...’

The little girl was still talking with her cold purple lips and that gloomy tone.

There was an inexplicable light in her eyes, staring at someone who was already standing in front of her, who was wearing a gorgeous dress, but I don't know why there was no fear on her face. Some were just curious and laughing guys.

"Of course I want to buy it!"


"Go ahead, how do you sell these matches in your house?"


Stepping up to the other party, completely ignoring the other party's gloomy tone and purplish-looking face like the horrible look in the eyes and the dead man's. After looking at the other party again, Xiao Anni paid her attention. Liji put it on the matches held in the opponent's hand.

Although she never played matches, she really wanted to study and see what kind of things the little guy in front of her could do when she was full and idle.


‘One match needs one crown...’

Finally, between the trembling, the little match girl said the price.

And this price is obviously very expensive, because one krona is equal to one hundred ohms, and one fire is about one ohm at most, but, I don’t know why, this little girl actually called out such an outrageous price? If it is a normal situation, for example, during the day, the people in the town will definitely yell at this price and leave directly. No one wants to be that kind of fool and buy it at a hundred times the price. A match used temporarily to start a fire!

"One crown..."


Annie doesn't know how much a krona is, or whether the price is expensive or not. Anyway, she never regards money as money. The gold fighter in her pocket weighs tons and tons, she doesn't even think about it. I pretended to feel it in his pocket.



"Here you! This is a gold coin, but it must be worth more than one krona! So, if you look for money quickly, they will only buy a match!"


After speaking, after squeezing the golden coin into the cold palm of the opponent's vacant hand, Annie took out a match from the opponent's other hand carelessly and began to study a little bit rare. stand up.

Think about it seriously, since Annie started to set fires when she was two years old, she almost never thought about how others ignite fires, and she has never played with matches. Therefore, it is said that small peas flames will be released for this kind. She's still quite rare for her sticks.


Seeing the golden and heavy flat coin in the palm of her hand, the little match girl couldn't help but stunned.


‘I can’t find it, you can buy more..."

One gold coin buys a fire, and the little match girl obviously has no way to find it, so after a certain divine light in her eyes flickered, she continued to say gloomily.

You know, if she has enough money to find a gold coin, she won't have to sell matches again! In fact, let alone one now, even if all the matches on her were given to the other party, even if all the matches were counted as one kronor, she might not be able to find them.



"People don't want to buy so many, they just want to buy one! You can look for money slowly, anyway, they are not in a hurry, they just look at you here to find them!"


After studying the match in her hand and discovering that it didn't seem to be special or something strange to her, Xiao Annie smiled and blinked playfully at the other party.


The little match girl did not speak, but started to lift her lips, her lips were purple and black, her eyes were open, and her face looked like she was sunken, staring at the strange one in front of her Guy.

"what happened?"


What's so great about staring?

Therefore, Annie, who didn't counsel the other party at all, and didn't have any fear, asked curiously, while naturally staring back at the other's dead face.


'Do not! You must buy more today! ’

After staring for a while, I found that the other party did not compromise, and did not rush to buy more matches like others did. The little girl had to use that gloomy one again, but she didn't know why she started to tremble a little Gritted his teeth in a tone of voice.



"Why should I buy more? People just want to buy one for fun today, so they just don't buy more!"


"Hurry up! Find money!!"


After continuing to pretend to be stupid and sell a cute to the other party, Little Annie continued to urge without haste while waving the match she had already obtained.

Anyway, her Queen Anne has time now, and she is not so eager to find a place to sleep, so as long as the other party honestly finds her own change, it doesn’t matter if she waits for a long time, because she definitely won’t mind. of.


‘Aren’t you afraid of me? ’

After struggling for a while, the little match girl seemed a little unbearable. She hesitated to step forward and got a little closer to the other party. Then she raised her head slightly and used her bodyless dead man who thought she could scare countless people. Face to stare at each other.


"It's weird. People were looking for you to buy matches, so why should they be afraid of you?"



‘You... haven’t you heard the story of the little match girl? Are you really not afraid of me? ! ’

Gradually, the little girl's voice began to tremble, even her body, anyway, she was no longer the way she was before, the secretly smug tone that thought she could control everything.

"The little match girl?"

∑(′△`)? !

"It seems that a guy told them before, but they left before they heard it! But aren't you just a little match girl? People don't think you have anything to fear, although you see It looks a little dirty and weird..."


If the weird guy in front of you thinks he is wearing a thin and tattered linen gown, he is also wearing a torn apron, he is also disheveled, his eyes are blackened, his lips are purple, he is pretending to be a dead person, and he will stand barefoot in the snow. At night, if she could even scare her Queen Anne by speaking in that gloomy tone, that would be really bad!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

'you! ’

‘You’re not from our town? ! ’

Finally, after hearing what Annie said, the little match girl was taken aback, and asked in an exclamation and a slightly normal tone for the first time.

"Of course not!"


"Quickly stop talking nonsense, people will buy a match, you quickly find money!!"



After speaking, Little Annie stretched out her hand and struck the plain-looking match lightly on the wall, and then a small cluster of light yellow flames started to ignite on the long, straight wooden stick. The fire light slightly illuminates the cold and dark corner of the street.

'what! ! ’

"Ah~ sneeze! ! ’

Finally, after listening to Annie's words, the little match girl couldn't help but sneezed! Obviously, she seemed to be badly frozen, and her two little red and purple feet could not help but tremble and stomped on the ground. It must be uncomfortable to stand barefoot in the snow. of.


"I, I won't sell it!"

Hearing that the other party is not actually from this town, and I am not afraid of myself, nor have I heard the story of the "little match girl" circulated in this small town. There is no way, the little match girl in front of me has no choice but to He stomped his feet and breathed while running his nose, and tremblingly returned the golden coin in his palm.

"How can that be?"


"Look, I have crossed out the matches, now it's too late to return the goods, don't talk nonsense, look for money soon!!"


Stretching over the extinguishing matchstick, and after making a gesture towards the opponent, Xiao Annie smiled triumphantly.

mock up!

Such a guy dared to run out to scare her Queen Anne, not to mention that the other party is a cunning fake undead, even if it is a real undead resentment, she will not be afraid!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers has no idea what to say about the evil taste of his little master. Sure enough, after all, he is still free from eating!)


"I, I won't sell it!"

It turns out that the other party has already discovered it? Surprised, the ‘little match girl’ who didn’t know where he had made the mistake, after returning the gold coins to the other party, hurriedly took two steps back and said bitterly.

"That match will be taken as a gift for you!"

‘Ah~ahh~! ’

After speaking, the little girl who sneezed a lot and didn't care about what the other person was thinking. She just took care of her feet that were so blue that she was so cold, and hurried to the trash can in the corner, and quickly I found out her cotton clothes and cotton shoes, and then put them on quickly.

She really couldn't stand it anymore. After all, no one had ever dared to entangle with her for so long like the hateful outsider who was not afraid of her, and was still in this icy night street! In the past, those idiot adults, didn't they honestly pay her money and then took a match to run away?

So, she just wore so little and stood barefoot in the snow for a while, but she was really frozen.


(?`▽'?)?? Pop!

‘Ouch! ! ’

The little girl who had just had time to put on cotton shoes and cotton-padded clothes, before she had time to relax, she cried out! It turned out that Annie walked over and gave her a heavy brain collapse on her disheveled golden curly hair, so she had to squat aside with her head in pain.


o(`^′)o hum!

"You cunning stupid fellow, do you usually deceive others like this?!"

?(ヽ`д′)╭? (ó﹏ò?)

Obviously, Annie had already seen that the other party was fake. Maybe, that terrible legend was passed on by this little clever ghost, right? Then, the other party is so good to deceive others to buy those boring matches at a high price, and still dare not bargain, and then let others think about other things, and rush home after buying?


"it hurts……"

"I just wanted to tease you..."

The little girl will not tell the other party that she has already made a lot of money by this method, and has never revealed her stuff! But who knows, this guy I met tonight was not fooled, and was an outsider who didn't understand the terrible thing about the "Little Match Girl"?

"Is it just a joke?"



"I want to make some pocket money by the way..."

Under Annie's terrifying eyes, there was no way, the "Little Match Girl" had to honestly state her purpose.

Her father is a tailor and so is her mother, so they are usually busy and don’t care about her very much. So, I don’t know when, her little brain suddenly had an idea, thinking of such a need not to beg parents to ask Money is a great way to get pocket money to buy delicious things!

Every time, after dressing up with the worn-out cloth hidden in the house, she sneaked out while her parents were asleep, and was always able to deceive one or two people and then returned with loads of loads... But what to think, she fell on the iron plate today , Met a bold foreigner?



"Let's talk about it, how many people have you fooled with this method? No one can see through you?!"


Annie wasn't angry, she was just curious.

Anyway, she just wanted to know how many people the little clever ghost in front of her had deceived by this interesting method? I also want to know, did anyone see through the opponent like myself and beat him up?

"Really not many..."

The little girl was a little evasive, obviously she didn't plan to be honest.

"How many are there?!"



"The most, the most is more than a dozen! Really! I lied to you as a puppy!!"

I was ready to tell a lie, but when I saw the opponent's fierce eyes, I felt that my height was a little shorter than that of the opponent, and I knew that I was at a loss. It was likely that the little girl who could not beat the opponent hurriedly added.


(?`╭╮′?)?? Pop!

"more than ten!"

"Are you proud? They are so stupid, none of them can see you through?!"


After rewarding the other party with a brain collapse, and completely suppressing the other party from the aura, Xiao Annie continued to ask the question she had just asked.


"Those guys of them are directly terrified. Where else is there like you just now?"

Thinking of the way the adults cowered when they met them and had to be bold enough to buy a firewood and then fled, the corner of the little girl's mouth couldn't recognize a proud arc.

Until now, the little girl still doesn’t feel that she has done anything wrong. She only feels that the only thing she did wrong is to choose a target person who is not afraid of her and does not understand the terrible legend in their town. ?



"Little guy, you must have been frozen out, right? You asked for it! Here, return this gold coin to you. Quickly show me the way. Where is the best hotel in your town?"


After figuring out the reason, and tossing the other party fiercely, Little Annie, who didn't intend to continue playing with each other in this kind of ice and snow, suddenly felt a little sleepy, so she didn't plan to continue staying outside at night. In the icy and snowy streets, she just wants to find a comfortable place to have a good night's rest.

As for what to do tomorrow and where to go, then I will have to wait until tomorrow. Such troublesome things, Annie does not want to rush to think about it now.


"You... you really want to give it to me?"

After being teased by the other party in the icy night streets for a long time, she was so cold that she was beaten up with two brains, and felt that today might be her unlucky day. After seeing the gold coin handed over by the other party again, While his eyes were shining, he asked in a somewhat unbelievable way.

You know, this is a gold coin...

Although she doesn't know which country's gold coin is, she only knows that it is heavy in her palm and must be very valuable. If she can buy all her matches, there will be leftovers, and she can still buy them. Lots of delicious!

For her, who knew the importance of money a long time ago, such a gold coin can at least match her pocket money for several years, or even more?

"Don't say anything, I will beat you up again!"


Some impatient little Annie was so angry that she directly raised her small fist, planning to go up and give the other side a resounding brain collapse.


"No! The best hotel is on the west side. You walk straight along the street. When you are almost outside the westernmost town, you will surely see a tall white house, which is made of white stones. , You can just go and shoot the door!"

The little girl hid the gold coin neatly, while holding her head and smiling, pointing to the west street and talking to the other side.

She never thought that she could make so much money when she came out tonight! !

"Is it to the west?"


Little Annie nodded, just about to walk to the west, then suddenly turned her head and looked up and down again at the little girl who was secretly smug.

"That one……"

"Even if there is no such kind of ‘little match girl’, you’d better not do that again, because it’s not safe at night!!"


After speaking, Little Annie turned around and walked to the west without even asking what the other party's name was.

Because the other party is not her friend, and she doesn't want to make friends with that cunning little clever ghost! Moreover, although she does not believe that there are such things as the "little match girl", she always feels that this small town is indeed shrouded in an unknown atmosphere, and thinks that what the adults are afraid of should not be out of thin air. She fabricated it, and kindly reminded the other party.

However, she is just a reminder, it doesn't matter if the other party listens to her! She is not familiar with each other, and she doesn't even know the name, just a stranger who has met once! Moreover, she also felt that the other party was not a good person, she was cunning and cunning at a young age, and she knew that she had come out to pretend to be a ghost and deceive others for money. This is really unreasonable!

(Dear little master, haven't you learned to lie to bears at the age of two?!


——Whenever I think of that kind of thing back then, Tibbers is so angry! I think back then, a certain horrible little master was just two years old, and he was able to deceive Tibbers out of it...)



(Respected little master, you just let your little one fart...)


"Shut up! Tibbers!!"


Being interrupted by the little bear like this, little Annie quickly completely forgot the little girl who was selling goods after her birth, and just pulled a certain bear’s paw, while dangling and walking westward. I was going to see if I could find the hotel made of white stones that the cunning little guy had told himself.


What a messy little girl and her little bear don’t know:

When she found a hotel and started to fall asleep on the big warm bed, she was wearing a tattered linen gown with bare feet and bluish cold, and her head was covered with icy scum on her hair. , In the palm of her hand and in the pocket of her apron, a little girl with matches appeared on the silent snowy night street, and with a strange speed, she gradually caught up with the one who was about to go home, dressed in cotton cotton. The'Little Match Girl' of shoes?

‘! ! ’

Finally, seeing the sly little girl who was able to go to her home by going around one more street, she noticed what was wrong behind her, and then turned her head in surprise to meet the terrifying eyes exposed under the stray hair.


After an exclamation, the little girl fell directly on the snow.

'you you you……'

'you! Don't come here! I, I am not afraid of you! Really! ’

Staggering back on the snowy ground, the original "disguise" on the face that the little girl wiped with the snow indiscriminately is long gone, and what is left is that kind of innocence with a trace of cunning and full Freckled face of extreme fear! Never imagined that one day she would actually meet her. At this time, even the matches that were constantly spilling out of her arms in the panic could not be taken care of.

"Sold matches..."

‘I’m selling matches, who wants to buy matches? Miss sister, do you want to buy some matches from me? ’

The kind of childlike sound that came from the nether **** with a trace of metal friction sounded, and successfully penetrated the little girl's ears, making her fearful eyes straighten in an instant And gradually became sluggish.

'I need to……'

‘Buy one...’

She took out the gold coin that hadn't been long before she got it, and then, like a puppet, walked stiffly towards the other party, towards the existence she was originally terrified of.


It gets bigger...

On this night when the cold wind is whistling, the streets of this small town are quiet, except for the dim light from some houses on the street illuminating a small street, the sky and the earth are all white and drowsy. one slice.


(*?′╰╯`?)? Ask for a ticket? (?′╰╯`?*)

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