Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1041: (????) You are the little match girl...

The next day, when the sun rose from the east, on the streets of this small Western European town, a group of pedestrians was surrounding a corner that did not know who’s home, surrounded by piles of land. The snowy place pointed and whispered about something.



Little Annie, who was planning to leave this boring small town, walked eastward when she saw it, but she had some doubts in her heart, so she had to lean in curiosity.



o(*???)o! !

Soon, she actually saw that in the corner where the crowd pointed and pointed, there was a thick snowy corner, there was actually a man with long golden curly hair, naked and frozen to blue and purple and stiff. Feet, little girl in a thin, dirty linen gown?

at this time,

The warm sunlight had already begun to rise, and it was shining on the petite and weak body of the other party that had long been frozen.

Moreover, Annie clearly saw that the other party was curled up with a weird smile like that, her little hands were still holding on to a scorched matchstick that was almost burnt to the fingertips, and the corner of the wall under her feet was There were a lot of unburnt yellow phosphorous matches that were partly covered by snow. At the same time, there were more matches in the pocket of the other party’s worn apron...


‘She’s dead? ’

‘It must be dead! ’

‘She’s the little match girl? But didn't she die two years ago? ’

‘She’s not that, is she the daughter of the tailor in the south of town, Mapel? I recognize her, look at the freckles on her face, it's her! ’

‘! ! ’

'It really is! ’

'Why is she here? ’

'do not know…….'

‘Has anyone notified her family? ’

‘I went early, but there is no one in her family now. The tailors and couple went to the port for delivery early in the morning, and they won’t be able to return until the evening at the latest. ’

‘It’s so pitiful, it seems she has to lie here at least all day...’

‘Isn’t it? ’

‘But she asked for this, who made her secretly come out at night? ’

‘Strange, why does she dress like this? ’

'How would I know……'

‘It’s so scary! Go! Go! It must be the little match girl who did it, it must be her! ! ’


‘Let’s go, don’t look, there’s nothing good about it, I have to go back and talk to my family, so that they don’t go out these days and nights...’

'too frightening! ! ’

As everyone talked about it and broke up, there was soon only the frowning Annie, a few idle men who were not afraid of death, and two heavy faces, and they had to wait here for the family to collect the bodies. Town sheriff.

Although it is not the first time that they have seen this kind of thing, there are always a dozen or twenty cases in this season of each year, but they don’t know why, when they see this kind of little match girl again The horror of freezing on the streets always makes them feel chills in their hearts and numbness in their backs unconsciously.

It is still remembered in the file room of the public security management agency in their small town. Two years ago, it was precisely because a little match girl froze to death on the street that caused the strange tragedies in the next two years. ! Moreover, those tragedies have one thing in common, that is: they are all nonsensical homicides, the clues all point to a burnt match, and at the same time, none of them can be investigated for any reason, and they can only be regarded as one in the end. The unsettled case has been settled?

‘? ? ’

‘What are you looking at! Don't look at it, get away from this! ’

‘That little girl over there, what about you, go back, there’s nothing good here! ’

‘And you, hurry up and go! ’

After waiting for a while, I found that there were still people around who were unwilling to leave. One of the sheriff took out a rag and stepped forward to cover the frozen corpse of the little girl, and the other sheriff became bored. Wielding the wooden stick in his hand, several idle men and Annie who were watching were driven away.

If something like this happens again in the town, it will definitely spread panic in the town, which is definitely very detrimental to their security work. Therefore, they don’t want too many people to see this kind of thing, nor do they want it. This kind of negative news spreads too much, even if people like them almost never go out on duty on a snowy night.



Annie didn't go to the sheriff's general knowledge like the two policemen, but obediently turned her head and left silently.

Because she recognized that the dead guy was the little girl who pretended to be a ghost last night who wanted to scare her and cheat her money! It's just that the other party is now really frozen to death like the "little match girl" in the rumors, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, and the burnt matchstick in his hand. .

To be honest, she had never thought that there would really be such a thing, in this small town, there really is a resentful spirit that would use a match to kill him?

But it’s a pity that she slept soundly in the hotel last night and didn’t pay attention to things outside at all, because she had long been used to living like an ordinary little girl, and if there were important things around her If it happens, her little bear will definitely remind her, but how does she know...

(Little master, that seems to be the little girl from last night, her soul was really burned, this town is really weird!!


——Only at a glance, I could see that something was wrong with the little girl, and found that the other party was not frozen to death because of the cold, but was burned out of the soul and then the body lost vitality little by little, so Tibbers dutifully gave it to his family. The little master reminded. )

"Of course they know!!"



"Tibbs, this happened last night, why didn't you tell them?!"


Although Annie is not sad, and many have to save the little girl who is unfamiliar with her and cheated her without knowing her name, but she thinks, since there is such a harm in this town If Xiao Xiong could give herself a hint last night, she would definitely have a way to solve it.

(I'm sorry, dear little master, Xiao Xiao also fell asleep last night, and she is not familiar with you, so Xiao Xiao never went to'watch' such trivial things...


——Tibbers said that since it was served two years by Lin Daiyu and their two **** scavengers in the last world where it was delicious, drinkable and sleepy, it has already liked the comfort of'sleeping'. Therefore, if it is not for the unforgivable things that threaten the little master of the house or disturb the little master’s sleep, it will generally not take the initiative to pay attention. )


o(`^′)o hum!

Annie is very angry now, she never expected that that thing turned out to be true...

However, she did not plan to do it, nor did she plan to use any means to search the entire town to find the other party, or use some kind of magic to find the real murderer. She just planned to go back first and find the "kind" bakery yesterday. The boss, ask the other party about the specific situation of the'terrible' legend, and then go find the trouble of the'little match girl' who is likely to appear on her own tonight?


One day passed quickly, and night fell soon...

Although the incident that happened in the morning has basically spread throughout the town, it did not cause too much disturbance to the lives and rest of the townspeople, except that the tailor couple was said to be very sad. ?

Because the townspeople have long been used to it, in the past two years, dozens of cases of that kind of thing have happened. People have already learned lessons from them and accumulated experience. That is: as long as it snows at night or there is If you don't go out in the snowy cold weather, even if you have to go out, don't go out alone, there will always be no safety problems!

It doesn’t know what terrible existence is, or it can be said to be the resentful spirit of the “Little Match Girl”. It will not deal with people at home, nor will it deal with groups of people, as long as Not alone, no longer go out at night. This is not a big problem for most townspeople.

Therefore, even if people know that there is a terrible danger in the town, it does not affect their normal life too much... Besides, there are people who are safe and guarded who will not stay in their respective homes in the cold night. Want to go out and make trouble for yourself?

and so,

When the night was completely over, the streets of this small town quickly became quiet, there was no one...Even last night, the situation of people passing by in groups from time to time was completely gone. !

After all, something terrible just happened last night, and it is still snowing outside tonight, no one would choose to go outside to find themselves unhappy at this time!

Of course, other people's fear does not mean that Xiao Anni is afraid! !


?(* ̄3 ̄)?

Looking at the dim kerosene lamps on both sides of the street or the dim light from the candles in the windows that I don't know, Little Annie waved her hands like this and wandered aimlessly on the knee-less snow.

That's right!

She deliberately ran to the street on a snowy night by herself, in order to wait for the terrible'little match girl' who is said to be going to hang out in this kind of weather and sell fire to the person who placed the order. '! Of course, it was not the murdered fake she met last night, but another real guy who would really harm people.



"You tell me, we've been shopping here for almost an hour or two. The sky is getting dark and there are fewer and fewer windows that are still on. Why hasn't the bad match seller appeared yet?!"


Little Annie's patience has always been bad, probably like the legendary ‘Three Minute Heat’? So, after having patience and strolling with her bear cub for less than two hours, she herself, an incompetent ‘hunter’, became a little impatient.

She was already thinking about whether she wanted to find the door and burn the other person on the fire, or continue to walk around and wait for the other person to come to the door again?

(Respected little master, she seems to be here!!


——At this time, without waiting for his own bad little master to think about more of those messy things, Tibbers suddenly got a shock and quickly reminded his little master. )

"I noticed that too!!"


In the case of being prepared and staring at all times, how could her Queen Anne fail to find out what her little bear can discover? So, instead of waiting for the other party to find herself and take the initiative to find the door, Xiao Annie directly teleported and disappeared instantly!

When she reappeared, she had reappeared in front of the corner where the little girl was frozen to death during the day, and once again found a long golden curly hair with a full head, naked and frozen. A little girl with bluish and stiff feet, wearing a thin, dirty linen gown?

At this moment, the other party was so disheveled and stood there in a daze, standing at the corner of the legendary "Little Match Girl" and the wall where the fake little girl was frozen to death last night, and seemed to treat her Is there such a little accident of the appearance?



"I've caught you! You bad guy, you just killed someone last night, so you dare to come out tonight?!"


After looking at each other up and down, and instantly seeing through the details of each other and what it was, Xiao Annie couldn't help but sigh.

Because, she had never thought that the other party was so bold that she had just succeeded yesterday, and now she is really determined and stubborn to appear in this snowy night. It seems that it is really not at all. Are you not afraid of others coming to trouble it?


The little match girl paused for a while, seemingly panicked and uneasy about the fact that another equally strange little girl suddenly appeared and came to the door with strange means just now?

But soon, she seemed to have figured out something, and gradually calmed down.

"Sold matches..."

‘I’m selling matches, who wants to buy matches? Miss sister, do you want to buy some matches from me? Long, bright and burn-resistant matches...’

The kind of childlike voice that came out of the nether **** with a trace of metal friction sounded again, and successfully penetrated into Xiao Annie's ears.

It's just a pity that Little Annie didn't react at all, those blue eyes were still so clear, and they were still full of mocking sneers?

"Don't bother, because your inferior charms and biological intimidation are completely ineffective to others!"


"If you only rely on such methods, people advise you to surrender as soon as possible, otherwise, be careful of others letting the bear kill you!!"


As she walked forward, Annie threatened viciously.



(However, Tibbers said that after seeing what the weird person in front of him is, it has completely lost the interest it had before, and it will not go out to bite each other.)


‘Hiss~! ! ’


Seeing that the enchanting magic sound seemed to have no effect on the weird little girl in a blue and white plush skirt in front of me, and seeing that the other party was walking towards me step by step, he paused for a while, the'little match girl 'Then she finally had a new reaction. She seemed to be brewing for a while, and then suddenly grabbed something and threw it out when the other party was not prepared!

It turned out that it was a magical head that burned with a pale phosphorous fire. The thing was like a missile. It screamed and rushed to Annie's front with lightning speed.



"Go away!!"

(lll¬ω¬)=o☆)`Д′) 呯!

With just a wave of the little bear in her hand, Annie easily slapped the fierce-looking fel witchcraft skull flying out, making it fly away like a baseball. After crossing the snow-filled roofs of several roofs, I don't know where it fell.

‘! ! ’

Upon seeing this, for the first time, the expression of the "little match girl" finally changed a bit and had to take a big step back.

‘Jie Jie~! ’


Immediately afterwards, the'Little Match Girl' sneered slyly, and suddenly uncovered the hem of her worn linen blouse and apron, before Annie and Tibbers could see what was underneath each other's skirt. , Suddenly a large group of black evil spirits flew out from below, and roared around again?


!? (?''??)?

"Does this disgusting thing hide under your skirt all day?!"

?(ψ`╭╮′)╭?? Flame...

Just a finger, and a cluster of fireballs appeared on Annie's fingertips. Soon, the black evil spirits who rushed up, seeming to be about to tear and trap her, burned and wailed silently. Soon, they were The sparks turned into dots disappeared on the cold snowy streets, as if they had never appeared before.

"Have you played enough? Now it's time for someone to shoot!!"


After catching a ball of fire again, Annie stared coldly at the opponent's pair of pretends, she thought it would be very scary, and approached the opponent step by step.



"Can you run away if you are stared at? Stop! Wow! Are you looking for a fight?!"

( ̄? ̄)=○))~~~~~~Ю☆)°?°)


Seeing that the other party wanted to run, of course Annie would not give the other party a chance. So, without waiting for the other party to cast the spell for the third time, she stretched out her hand, and a fiery red flame rope drew it like a whip. , After easily drew the opponent away, it turned into a slender flame serpent at the same time, swam directly to tidy up and firmly bound the opponent, and was easily burned by the fire magic. The botched disguise of the other party.

It turns out, where is the resentful spirit of the "Little Match Girl"? This is an old, dirty, hideous witch with a mouthful of yellow teeth! !



"this is……"

"A kind of soul sacrifice match?!"


After successfully catching the opponent, Annie didn't take care of the old witch who fell on the thick snow and wanted to struggle for the first time. Instead, she picked up the opponent's matches that fell on the snow, and then fined it. I studied it carefully and quickly understood the key!

It turns out that this is really a match that can directly sacrifice the user's soul, and it seems to be a ritual item, used to summon or resurrect a certain existence?

"Come on, why did you do that? Why sacrifice the souls of those innocent people?"


"I've heard that there are dozens of unlucky people you sacrificed. With so many souls, do you want to summon some great devil? Just like you, summon demons. Can you control it when you come out?!"


After igniting and watching the match burning in her hand and extinguishing it, she realized that it was the same as she had guessed before, and Annie threw away the tattered thing that burned only the matchstick. , Asked the guy who was firmly bound and had to show a prototype instead.


"You! You are also a witch?!"

Seeing that the other party burned the match to death, thought that the other party would become a cocoon and burn her own soul, or the old witch who was affected waited for a long time, and saw that the other party had nothing at all, and it was okay. With a little hope, she asked in fear while continuing to roll and struggle on the snow hysterically.

She knew how powerful the match was, and even she herself did not dare to burn it by herself... But now, the little girl in front of her, the other party not only smashed her attack easily, but also caught it at once. You can even be unaffected by the burning of that kind of match?

"Do not!"


"Strictly speaking, they are not the kind of witch you think they are, they are the most, most powerful, and most powerful arcane archmage!!"


Although they are all spellcasters and are often mistaken for witches, little Annie obviously prefers others to call herself an arcane archmage because that seems more accurate.

‘Archmage? ’

The old witch obviously hadn't heard of that word, but frowned and thought.



"Quickly explain it honestly! What kind of devil are you going to summon and why are you sacrificing so many people? Anyway, you must be unable to escape, and no one can save you now! Don't force me to use means to deal with you like this Bad guy, there is a way for others!"


After smashing the matches that the opponent had fallen on the ground, Annie took two steps forward and pointed to the opponent's nose to force her.

Although she can easily learn what she wants to know from the other person’s mind, she still likes to play this kind of interrogation of prisoners because she has never liked to use that kind of small means and is more interested in the process of seeking knowledge. small game!


'Uh! ! ! ’

Seeing the hopelessness of struggling to escape, seeing that the opponent easily stepped on his own matches, the expression on his face suddenly became a little horrible, and the old witch who just wanted to hysterically rushed to bite the opponent was severely strangled by the flame rope Then fell on the snow again.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Fine! It doesn't make sense anymore... Little girl, you ruined my match. I have completely failed. You ruined everything about me!!!"

After laughing miserably for a while, the old witch seemed to collapse, crying and laughing, and roaring at Annie? However, in the next moment, when the flame rope on her body was slammed again and a string of sparks ignited, she immediately became honest again.

"I, I said..."

The old witch, whose spirit was severely hit, and whose body was restrained and scorched by flames, finally did not intend to continue resisting.


"I didn't want to summon any demons, I just wanted to hold a ceremony in exchange for my granddaughter..."

The old witch said feebly, and she let the hot flame ropes melt the ice and snow on the ground, and then the warm snow soaked into her dirty and dark wizard skirt little by little. It becomes cold and freezes rapidly in severe cold weather.


∑(′△`)? !

"Your granddaughter... who is she?!"


Now that I have asked all the questions, and the results seem to be somewhat unexpected, the curiosity of little Annie must continue to ask.


"Two years ago, the little girl who was frozen to death in this corner. She is my granddaughter..."

Reluctantly struggling to sit up, leaning against the corner, the old witch who stopped the flame ropes from melting the ice and snow and let the snow pour into her clothes, said with a sad smile.

Originally, she would not tell anyone about this matter, but after her match was stepped on by the opponent, and after she was captured by the opponent, she had completely failed and she had no hope at all! Therefore, whether it is said or not, it doesn't make much sense.

"Oh, are you talking about the "little match girl" in the story?!"


Little Annie expressed her surprise, and now the story seems to be getting more and more exciting.




The old witch did not speak. Obviously, she seemed to have acquiesced.

"ok, I get it……."


"But, you can't just sacrifice other people's souls casually. Your granddaughter is innocent. If it is difficult for others to understand, it is not innocent?!"


Although things are basically understood here, Xiao Anni said that the other party's method of killing dozens or more people in order to save one person is always inappropriate! Besides, a person saved by such a method can no longer be regarded as a normal person anymore. It can only get a twisted life?

"Do not!"

"The people in this town are all executioners..."

"My granddaughter, she was persecuted to be homeless when she was still so young. She was still frozen to death on the streets and here on the night of those rich people enjoying their families and celebrating Christmas Eve. , Why are they innocent?!"

"In this sky of ice and snow, not a single snowflake is warm! They must pay their due price for their cold and cruel behavior in the snowy night!!"

The old witch talked a little ferociously and hysterically.

She had already found out clearly that her granddaughter and daughter died tragically because of the people here, the people in this small town are all cold-blooded guys without mercy, justice, and sympathy!

None of them has ever done anything to her granddaughter's family who is being persecuted, or said a fair word, and even less did they lend a helping hand when they were persecuted to the point of displacement. They just ridiculed and laughed, and watched. Looking at that home, watching those truly innocent people destroy little by little...

And this is that she didn't go anywhere, but stared at this small town, and after taking revenge on the villains, she still stubbornly appeared here on a certain snowy night to perform her ceremony, still cruelly one. This is the main reason for sacrificing the souls of the guys she is eyeing!



"No one has to pay the price, although they are indeed not innocent, but they know that you are likely to be crazy!!"


Although the other party said a little bit of truth, but Annie certainly did not agree with the other party's behavior.

"I'm not crazy!!"

The old witch gritted her teeth and stared back at Annie, as if her fierce and stern eyes could help her defeat the powerful enemy in front of her?

"Seeing that your magic power is not weak. You should know that death is not the end. You don't have to go to resurrect someone... Besides, who did you sign the contract with to get those soul offerings? The match offering?"



However, the old witch was silent about the little girl's question, and did not continue to speak, she didn't know if she dared or didn't want to speak?

"very pitiful!"


"You must have been cheated!"

"People don't believe that the guy who wants the soul to trick you into doing this kind of thing can really resurrect a dead little girl! You are so stupid!"



"You won, you ruined everything, do it, little girl!!"

The old witch did not beg for mercy, nor did he continue to speak, but started roaring hysterically again and planned to stand up, but the flame ropes on her quickly made her sit back honestly.


(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"Although they are not good people, they also think it seems wrong for you to do that..."


(Really rare...

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

——After hearing that his little master finally admitted that he was not a good person, Tibbers muttered such a sentence in his heart. )

"How about this!"


Not knowing what was thinking, Annie suddenly stretched out her hand, and a white light rushed directly into the sky...

Then, the white light exploded quickly and turned into a huge angel emitting a holy light. He seemed to open his eyes to look at the small town underneath, and he thought for a moment. Small meeting? However, the angel quickly dissipated and turned into numerous feathers flying down.

Those light feathers disappeared instantly after they fell on the house and the ground, but they neutralized and destroyed the unknown breath that had enveloped the entire town due to the sacrifice of matches? When all this returned to peace in this snowy night, a feather woven like light finally fell in front of Annie and was caught by her as soon as she reached out.

"Your ritual has been completely destroyed by me!"


"Although they are not judges, and they never thought about trying to judge you, it is still very bad for someone like you to possess magical powers, so they always feel that you must be punished a little bit..."


"Right! You want to resurrect your granddaughter. You must have preserved her body, right?"


Lifting her feathers, Little Annie, who was just about to do something, suddenly stopped and asked in front of the old witch.


However, the old witch did not speak, she was stunned by the behavior of the little girl just now! Because, she saw the action of the other party, and even saw the other party summon an angel?

At this moment, her eyes were full of horror...

Because she knew that she seemed to have encountered some kind of extraordinary existence, and that kind of existence that made her unable to mention any resistance to will in an instant?



"Take this feather!"


Little Annie threw the light-like feather into the opponent's hand.

"Since you really want to save your granddaughter, take it back and put it on the forehead of her corpse. She will come alive, but..."

What? What?

"As a price and punishment, the magic power needed to resurrect her will be drawn from your body at that time! From then on, you will no longer be a wizard! Also, your long life will gradually come to an end. You will die when she is an adult, and you may fall into hell. Can you accept this?"


Leaning in front of the opponent, little Annie asked, tilting her head.

If she knew it earlier, she could help the other person directly, but think about the little girl who died last night. Although she just let the other person’s soul go to heaven, it is a bit unfair after all, so she did it last Made this decision.

"Why not?"

"Thank you very much for your gift, great existence..."

When the flame rope gradually dissipated, and when she could move again, the old witch tremblingly held the feather in her hands, and knelt down on her knees in the snow.

"That's it, I have to go elsewhere to play, goodbye~!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

After dealing with the matter here, and probably understanding what the story of the "Little Match Girl" is about, Little Annie, who felt like she was a little nosy, turned around and left.

Originally, she should have left this town in the morning, but as a result, she has stayed until now, and somehow exposed the truth of a certain matter, and did both sides help?


"Excuse me, are you God?"

After a long time, the old witch behind him suddenly heard such a very nervous question.

"certainly not!"


"But He recognizes me!"


After turning her head and blinking at the other party playfully, Little Annie didn't give much explanation. She carried her little bear and walked forward step by step, and soon disappeared into the distance, leaving only a long time. The footprints of the string are in the snow on the street of the town.


for a long time,

The old witch, who didn't know what she was thinking, finally turned into a cloud of black smoke and completely disappeared in that corner.

As for the people in this town, they don’t know what happened just now. Maybe, many years later, they will be relieved from the terrible story of the "Little Match Girl" and dare to be in the snow. Go out at night, right?


(Dear little master, you never thought, that old fellow, what if she lied to you?!


——Suddenly, when a bad little girl left the town and entered the snowy field, Tibbers suddenly asked. Because, it is obviously a little reluctant to believe the old witch, it always feels that the other party does not seem to be telling the truth, nor does it really believe what the other party said, her granddaughter is all innocent! )



"You can cheat, but in that case, that feather might kill her!"



(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Sure enough, Tibbers knew it would be like this...)



Annie wouldn't tell Cubs, UU reading www., she just couldn't tell who was right and who was wrong on both sides, so she just helped both sides just like muddy mud! Of course, if there are such bad guys on both sides, then she really did something stupid...

However, as long as you don't let her know, that's okay. As for other things, she won't care about it.



(Tibbers really wants to remind the nasty little master of his family, even if she doesn’t say anything, he can ‘hear’ some thoughts...)


(*^▽^*)? Ask for a ticket? (*^▽^*)

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