Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1042: Pan's Labyrinth|????)?

After leaving the small town to the east, Annie came to this forest, and she unexpectedly found some interesting magic traces here, so she was idle and idle, and she was also curious in her heart. Because of this, she found this dilapidated monument between the forest and the small town mill.



Annie did not disturb the people in the quiet small town not far away, because she was going to explain to Shan Dongtao, who was blocked from news and rarely communicated with the outside world, where she came from, and where did she go, or she The question of where is the adult at home and so on is really too much trouble, so she took advantage of the opportunity of no one to come here quietly, standing in this place where she found some interesting magical fluctuations.

In front of her, there is a huge stone arch, on which there is a statue that seems to be some kind of sheep-headed creature exclaiming, and there is also a line of ancient words inscribed on the arch. Inside the arch, there seems to be a large area A broken wall made up of huge stones, how high are two people, and it looks like a maze?

"Pan's maze?"

∑(??△`)? !




"It looks weird, but people want to see, what is so rare in this tattered maze?!"


Although this place seems to have a history of more than a thousand years, even the broken stones are about to be weathered out of shape, but the more I look at it, the more I feel that there are all kinds of weird magical powers and the wave of Xiao Anni here. He picked up his own little bear, and then walked directly into this so-called maze.




Maybe, this maze is still playing some magical role?

However, when a little girl accidentally lost her way, she couldn't get out and get in after she wandered around for a long time, and her patience quickly ran out and she never wanted to try ordinary people's way again. After reaching the end of the labyrinth, she unceremoniously began to do things that were damaging other people's "places of interest"!

For example, directly summoning flames to burn and melt any section of the high or low stone maze high wall in front of her, burning out the passages of those ancient buildings that have stood for at least a thousand years, and then they are so careless and arrogant. Yang Di directly stepped on the hot and scattered magma, walked directly to the middle of the maze in a straight line, and saw a circular spiral ladder that was also cut from a huge stone and hovered down. Hole.





"Look at it, Tibbers! People just said, how can there be a maze that is hard to come by in this world? No, people are really the smartest and most witty, in less than ten minutes, they just go straight We have reached the end of the maze!!"


Looking at the dark underfoot, she didn't know what was in it, or the stone spiral staircase cave with a treasure, Annie smiled triumphantly.

If the nasty guy who set up the maze thinks that Queen Anne can be successfully intercepted outside or trapped in the maze using that simple method and the special magical fluctuations that interfere with human perception, then it would be a big mistake. ! Because, there is no maze in this world that can stump the great Queen Anne, not a single one! !

(Yes Yes Yes……)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers said that if the opponent does not have a straight molten channel that is burned on the wall of a stone maze of at least dozens of sections, it will definitely believe what the opponent said.)



"Tibbers, people know that you are not convinced, but no one says that you won't burn the wall when you go through the maze, so they won't be as knowledgeable as an unseen little bear like you!"


After finishing speaking, without waiting for any reaction from a certain bear, Annie hurriedly walked along the spiral staircase made of smooth black boulders, which was covered with moss and vines in the middle of the maze, towards the bottom of the cave entrance. He ran off in a hurry.

As for whether there was some kind of huge treasure below, or some terrible monsters and other dangers, she didn't care at all, because she just wanted to hurry up and see the rarity.


In this world, is there anything more dangerous than her Queen Anne, or her little bear?



Although the spiral staircase is very deep and long, but at the speed of Xiao Annie running fast, even jumping and sliding across several floors, she soon came to the bottom, and unfortunately found that there seemed to be only one Except for the weird, unactivated space portal formation and a stone pillar carved with a certain weird face and many words, there is nothing!

Of course, it wasn't nothing. At least, she saw one in front of her and didn't know if it was dead. She was standing there in a weird posture and started to grow thick moss.




"That weird bird over there, don't pretend to be asleep. People know that you are awake. It was the little bug that had been following them to wake you up, right?"

?? (??`▽????)o

I looked at the bottom and felt that there seems to be nothing fun here, there are no treasures, no powerful demons, and no other interesting things, and I don’t want to activate the boring portal that leads to little Annie. So she had to focus her attention on the guy she had spotted when she came down.


Maybe it's really hard to pretend, maybe it's really just waking up? Anyway, when Annie screamed and screamed, the guy who had been facing Annie tremblingly turned around with a very stiff motion.

‘! ! ’

'It's you! You are finally back! ’

However, what makes Annie feel a little inexplicable is that the one in front of her has goat horns and transparent eyes. The body is like a piece of withered and rotten branches. At first glance, the guy who knows that he is not a good person actually uses a funny Cheered in surprise?

"Finally back? Are you talking about me?"


Hearing the other party's abrupt remarks and the action that she wanted to rush towards herself, some disliked the other party's dirty, rotten and mossy body, and some inexplicable in her heart, she couldn't help but step back. Annie was very sure, she obviously didn't know the horned monster in front of her, so she felt a little baffling about what the other party said!

‘! ! ’

‘Don’t be afraid, I beg you, listen to me first...’

Seeing Anne stepping back, the shofar hurriedly waved and persuaded him with his hideous and pointed hands.

'look! ’

'what is this? ’

Maybe it was worried that the other party would run away, or maybe it was afraid that the other party would not trust him. The horned demon thought for a while, and he simply opened the worn-out satchel that he had not known how many years he had hung on and released the two elves in it.



"Where is they scared again? It's obviously that you are too dirty and smelly, and they feel a little disgusting!!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

You know, Anne likes cleanliness very much, and if she wants to come down to find out and take risks by the way, she will never come to this kind of moss everywhere, withered vines, very damp, with a lot of disgusting bugs Hidden in a crack in the stone, I don't know how many years no one has cleaned the broken place!

It’s like Tibbles, her little bear. If she doesn’t throw it into the bathtub every day to rub, wash off the dirt, or simply burn it with a flame and go to the “dry cleaning” once, she will definitely Will not hug each other to sleep!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Go away! Go away!"


After waving Tibbers in his hand and driving away the little things that flew to him and surrounding him, Annie, who said that she was not rare for elves at all, then looked at each other impatiently. :

"Say it!"

"The shofar, who on earth are you and what did you just mean?!"


If it wasn't for the other party's words that aroused her a little bit of curiosity, maybe she had burned to death the one in front of her just now, and she knew that she was not a good monster, right?


'my name? That's too much and too long. Many of my names and old words can only be said by the wind and the ancient tree...’

Seeing that the other person doesn’t seem to be afraid of him anymore, and is very courageous. They are not the same as the little human girls who have come here before, so that they can start to listen to their own words and speak normally, The goat head monster began to relax, and began to move tremblingly as he recalled.



"Then say the shortest and human-readable name!!"


Annie has no time to listen to too many stories from the other party, and she feels that it is very likely that the speechless elf who just awakened the other party must have not told the other party how she came here. , Otherwise, I am afraid that the other party would not use this attitude to talk to her.


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

'in fact……'

‘I am a **** of mountain forest and animal husbandry...’

‘I am your humble servant, my lord! ’

After a pause, although I also felt that Annie seemed to be different from the little human girls she had seen before, but after thinking about it, she still tremblingly said her script, respectfully. Bend down respectfully and saluted Annie.



"That one……"

"Although, they also know that they have many, many, super many! But they never remember that there is a servant like you..."


Annie really wants to tell the other party that she has come to this world for the first time, so if the other party wants to impersonate her subordinates, it's best to come back in another world?

Of course, that might not be of much use, because ah, Annie is very confident, even if she is blind, even if she is blindfolded, she will not take the decay in front of her, it seems that she doesn’t have much power, and The guy who was covered with moss and smelled like a servant was treated as a servant!

'Do not! ’

‘I am your servant, the honorable Princess Moanna, the daughter of the king of the ancient underground kingdom...’

After finishing speaking, the goat head monster actually bowed to Annie once again.



"It seems that you have confessed to the wrong person. My name is Annie, so I am not a princess "Mo Anna"! Moreover, that nasty father in my family is not a king at all!!"


‘No no no! ’

"You are not a human daughter... In the past, your real father was the king of the ancient kingdom underneath, and your mother was the goddess of the moon. He asked us to open portals around the world for your return... This is the last well-preserved portal to the ancient kingdom. Mortals will definitely not come here. Since you can come, you must be the reincarnation of Princess Moanna! ’

'and so……'

The sheep head monster was still so funny and tremblingly speaking solemnly, seemingly not seeing Annie's deepening brows at all?

"Shut up!!"


Finally, Annie became angry and interrupted the other party directly.

"let me tell you……"


Annoyed by the lie of the other party, Annie, who was a little impatient with the other party’s mouthful of lies, grabbed a blazing fireball directly after drinking the other party, and then continued after seeing a hint of accident on the other party’s face. Said:

"My name is Annie Hasta!"

"My father is the mystery warlock Gregory Hasta, and that pesky mother who doesn't care about others at all is called the Shadow Witch Amoryn..."


"Also! I can come here, of course because I have never been a mortal!"

"What else do you have to say now? The devil with horns, do you want to continue to lie to me, or do you want to wait for me to catch the moon goddess to confront you?"


Annie, who was holding a ball of fire and sneered, saw that the other's face finally became more and more ugly, and then she continued to say while holding the fireball:

"Return to the **** of mountains and forests and animal husbandry, do you think I have never seen a demon?"


‘! ! ’


Obviously, the shofar monster who never thought that such a situation would happen, the guy who claimed to be the **** of mountains and forests and animal husbandry was a little at a loss for a while.

'and many more! ’

‘I have something to say, I really...’

However, the guy with a devil's head who claimed to be the **** of mountains and animals before he could finish his words, he was shocked to see that a fireball as big as his head had already smashed at him. come?





Seeing that the other party seemed to want to run, she slammed into the other party with a fire, and after watching the other party burn into a section of red coke in an instant, Xiao Annie approached her with a cold snort and was next to the other party's body ashes. , Picked up the book she deliberately didn't burn and a piece of chalk that seemed to be some kind of spatial object.



"The book of the astray, the key, the cruel dagger, and the blood of the innocent..."

"Hmph! I dare not say that it is not a common method used by demons. I want to lie to people to help you get things, and want other people's blood to open the portal. You think people will follow you stupidly like those who were killed by you. Do as you say?"


After opening the "blank" book without a single character, Annie quickly curled her lips in disdain and threw it onto the ashes of the unburnt corpse of the horned demon, leaving it a little bit. The ground was ignited and burned.

Annie did not believe in the nonsensical claims of underground kingship, because she had probed it, and there was no underground kingdom at all. All of this was a conspiracy. It was the demon who wanted to steal the underworld and steal the dusk of the gods. It's just an excuse for meticulous camouflage of the remaining power of the fallen gods!

But Although Annie burned the book, she eventually left the piece of chalk.



"This piece of chalk seems to be able to connect to a fun place. Why don't we go and see it now?"


Now that the shofar demon has been dealt with, and the other party’s trick of deceiving the ignorant children’s trust, and then offering sacrifices to death in exchange for power, Annie doesn’t think much about it, but uses that root impatiently The chalk drew a big circle on the wall.


As the traces of chalk that formed the big circle flickered on the wall little by little, when some magical power in between came into play and a round door appeared, Annie dropped the one and could still use a lot. The second piece of chalk, just pushed the door and got in...

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