Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1046: (°?°〃)It’s so embarrassing, do you want to help Bai...


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

In Little Annie's place, there has never been anything that a good meal can't forgive. If there is, then please continue to have another meal. Maybe it should be almost all right?


"'s delicious!!"


So, in the White Witch’s castle, the one behind this “icecrown fortress” is super beautiful, with many kinds of prismatic polyhedrons, flowers and trees condensed from large and small ice crystals. In the special ice and snow garden that was piled up, after eating several kilograms of delicious food in the courtyard that reflected the brilliant colorful light like dreams, Annie had completely removed herself from Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver. The thoughts that came out of my home are forgotten.

Because now, after her research, discussion, and verbal “taste”, she finally came to an amazing conclusion, that is: Just like herself, Snow White Witch Jandice should be a bad expression and dislike The good man of conspiracy, is a beautiful and straightforward big witch?

And a certain lion king, the one called Aslan, is a completely evil hypocrite, a pseudo-lion, a conspirator and a big villain? !



(Tibbers thinks that if there is a chance someday in the future, it must tell a certain lion that is likely to become a tragic lion under the combined blow of two witches and witches: originally you might be able to lie down and win, but very Unfortunately, you just lost a meal...

Take a look, the situation in front of you is already obvious, a certain horrible little girl, that horrible little master of the Tibbs family, she just met someone who had never met for a small meal. The lion has given **** and classified the other party into a group of evil villains? )




"Aunt Jandice, people think you are good, but why are the people here... Of course, they refer to those talking animals, why those guys outside, they always say you are a badass , Or the kind of very evil and evil white witch?"


After the contact, Annie no longer believed those words of Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver, so she directly asked her own doubts.

But, in her own judgment, how many factors are there because the other party brought her to this beautiful colorful ice crystal garden and entertained herself deliciously. That is a question of different opinions. .


"Evil witch?"

First, she handed a box of assorted toffees in a fine silver box to Little Annie, and looked at her mouth full of greasy and sugar foam with some joy, and then the white witch Jandice was astonished. After staying for a while, repeating the misunderstandings and judgments of those who oppose her and those who do not understand her that the other party just reported.


Perhaps, for those animals who can't understand or don't want to stand on her side, she herself is indeed a very evil and cruel witch?

Thinking of this, Jandice couldn't help lowering her eyelids a little lonely, and sighed like a mockery...

"Annie, this is a long story."

"But... if the creatures outside, who had to survive in the cold and long winter, in the ice and snow world because of my spells, insist on thinking like that, then I have nothing to explain. , Let them go!"

She shook her head, seemed unwilling to say too much, or thought that the little girl could not be interested in that kind of thing, so she lay down on her seat with a wry smile and stretched out her hand to use her A special magic made her a glass of cold wine, and then took a small sip with some wonder.

Unlike this little witch who is good at setting fires, since Jandice is called the White Witch and the Snow Queen, she obviously prefers this kind of cold air, because the cold makes her feel more comfortable. , This is why she has always lived in her own ice castle instead of going to the Kelparrava Castle, which is warmer and more spacious and near the sea.

"Say it!"


"It doesn't matter if it's a little longer. People want to hear it now. Anyway, they are still not full yet?"


When she meets other times, or people she doesn’t like or things she’s not interested in, Annie must ask the other person to make a long story short, but now the situation is different, she is in a comfortable mood and she is also idle. She is very interested in listening, wondering if what the other person said is consistent with what she thought and observed?


Jandice didn't speak, but while sipping the iced wine in her hand, she stared at the opposite little girl who didn't treat herself as an outsider with her stern, more stern look.

"Well, let's talk about..."

Anyway, there is nothing to do now, and finally she can come to a little witch who has no interest in her. Since the other party is willing to talk to herself, then Jandis feels that it seems that there is nothing to complain about back then?

So, after pondering for a while, she settled her attention and began to speak:

"Where should I start?"

"I think about it, it seems that Aslan started to create the world of Narnia more than a thousand years ago? By the way, Annie, you still don't know who Aslan is?"

In the world of Narnia, there is probably no one who does not know Aslan. Of course, almost no one does not know her white witch Jandice... However, she is more notorious, and the other Is it a eulogized existence?

From this point of view, the cunning lion did a lot better than Jandice. She knew it well, but she didn't bother to imitate him. Imagine that when she was in her own world, she had used an extinction curse to wipe out a whole world of creatures. It was not her fault, it was just because her sister broke the contract first, nothing more? Therefore, some of her behaviors have always been straightforward, as cold as winter ice and snow, once they have determined something, they will never compromise or bend around!



Annie knew from Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver's mouth last night what the "Aslan" was! Anyway, it was definitely not the one who partnered with outsiders to steal her body when she was in another world!

"I know, isn't it a big lion that is said to be very powerful?"


Anyway, in her understanding, it is actually like this: ‘Aslan’ is ‘a lion’, and no matter how powerful lions are, they are all ‘animals’, and animals are equal to food? However, this is also the same as Anne didn't have to eat Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver, talking animals, that kind of intelligent things, she would not consider eating them easily under normal circumstances.


"Heh! It is indeed a lion, but it is more than just a lion..."

When she heard the innocent words of the little guy, Jandice couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Aslan, the lion king, it is indeed the creator of the Narnia world. I just ran from the world of Charn to the outer world of mortals, and came here from the outer world... You may not know, I personally I have witnessed how it created this world... In this Narnia world, in the eyes of other creatures created by it, it is indeed the Supreme Lion King full of wisdom, love, glory, justice and power? "


Rarely, the white witch Jandice began to fall into the memory, thinking of things thousands of years ago...

When Aslan used that magical song to create this Narnia world, everything was fine at the beginning, because the magical song was still lingering in the deep forest, mountains and earth for a long time. They kept The earth breeds this world and the creatures in this world...

At that time, everything here is alive!

Everything, whether it is animals or plants, whether it is rock or soil, or even a lamp post, is also alive, and can grow and reproduce thrivingly in the powerful magic or song movement of the creation.

Countless animals, moles, dogs, stags, frogs, leopards, panthers, elephants, cows and horses and other insects, fish, birds and beasts that were bred as the world was created began to thrive here... …

Among them, what shocked Jandis the most was: that lion, that Aslan didn’t know what was in his mind, it even allowed the trees here to move, the beasts could talk, and that kind of The sacred water that provides long life force for all living things? !

Perhaps, the other party wants to create a beautiful and fairy-tale world, the original intention is indeed very good... But Jandice is not commenting on this, because she knows that the other party’s kind of assumption creates an ideal The world, that kind of world that does not conform to the laws of nature will never last for a long time, but sooner or later there will be a mess!

as expected……

Hundreds of years after the world was created, chaos began to appear!

Since the insects, fish, birds and beasts and even plants can speak, they have high-level wisdom, and they will not fight each other to kill each other at the beginning. So soon, when the magic power that breeds and creates the world, when the magic After the ballad movement gradually dissipated, Narnia's situation began to deteriorate sharply.

Without the support of the power of creation, the rapidly expanding nature began to lose its balance, the earth became overwhelmed, plants began to wither, the insects, fish, birds and beasts were at a loss, the chaos began to intensify and continued, and the one at that time was being overwhelmed. Silan was crowned, but the stupid groom and his descendants didn't know how to deal with it? !

As a last resort, seeing the ‘Utopia’ world created by a certain ridiculous lion was completely destroyed, but the other party never appeared, her white witch Jandice had to take action...

She used her own bigger, powerful and abundant magic power to create carnivorous white bears, tigers, snow wolves and evil dwarves, etc., adding new vitality and balance factors to the world, and adding new elements to the river and forest. More, those ordinary insects, fish, birds and beasts who can't speak, add new vitality and deeper standards to the food chain of this imperfect world without excessively consuming the power of the earth.

"Although I have been the queen of the world, my magic power is still much worse..."

"Later, I found that it was still not possible to do that. Even if it added a rule of survival of the fittest to this world, even if countless species were added, even if I myself directly integrated into the'deep magic', it still failed to balance the world. !"

"The Narnia world has long been overwhelmed. Aslan has no way or is unwilling to deal with it, so it ran overseas to hide... And the incompetent king it was crowned, the so-called Adam My son knows nothing, he only knows to hide in the castle and enjoy, so I just..."

Having said that, the white witch Jandice sneered and narrowed her eyes, obviously being very content with something she had done?

"I still remember that, the first king of the Frank dynasty, he was nothing more than a groom. He was just lucky enough to be brought here by me at that time. He didn't do anything or contribute anything. , And don’t know how to make the world develop better, so he became a ridiculous king in a funny way, and made a mess of Narnia here..."

Thinking of the Frank dynasty destroyed by herself, Jandice the White Witch sneered again.

But she didn’t feel proud for long, because she believed that Aslan would not let go, it would definitely make all kinds of ridiculous people to become the king of Narnia, but it didn’t have to do anything. Just hide overseas and watch the development of Narnia here?


"Later, you may have seen the little guy yourself, and found that the world is already a bit overwhelmed. I must cultivate in time, so I took action again. I directly covered the world with ice and snow, causing most of the animals and vegetation to fall into Hibernation..."

"But it's okay now. Under the cover of my ice and snow magic, this land is gradually returning to life, and the natural world is also in balance. Presumably the world of Narnia will slowly return to normal soon! So that Aslan started again. It's about to move... It doesn't know when an inexplicable prophecy came out. It seems to be preparing to continue to get four puppet-like sons of Adam and daughters of Eve, wanting to usurp my throne, and want to kill me... …"

At this point, Jandice gradually became a little grumpy.

She knew that Aslan, its carefully woven prophecy and the so-called Son of Adam, were nothing more than a lie...because what the lion needed was nothing more than a foreigner without a foundation. It guards the world, and then when something goes wrong or it is useless, it does not hesitate to abandon the other party, and then guides new ones again, allowing those ridiculous and poor children of Adam and Eve to come again and again This world, and it goes round and round like this?

And those stupid creatures created by Aslan can't see what she saw at all, they only know that they resist, abuse, slander and attack her under the cunning lion...

"Little Annie, you say, can I make it happen?!"

Therefore, in return and countermeasures, she directly petrified them. Anyone who dared to openly opposed her, she petrified them all without fail!

As for when to lift the petrochemical process, it probably depends on the evolution of this world and her needs and mood.

"Of course not!!"



"Yes, I really can't, so I'll take the shot first."

That lion is so naive, it thinks that planting that apple tree can restrain her? However, the fact is that no one can restrain her, she easily overturned the ridiculous kingdom of Narnia built by the groom!

And she has ruled here for many years now, and gradually hopes to release the ice magic that freezes the entire land someday in the future, so that this land and nature can rebalance and evolve sustainably under her efforts...

"After a while, when the world recuperates to a certain extent, when the world can withstand the reproduction of those animals and plants, I will let this place return to normal, but..."

"I feel it, that Aslan is coming back soon, I know, it will take away from my hands everything that I have spent countless magical powers to balance, it wants to sit back and enjoy it?"

"Well, let's not talk about those things for now."

Gradually, after explaining everything clearly, when she saw that the little girl seemed to be fed too, Jantis waved her hand, causing the food on the ice crystal table to disappear instantly.

Obviously, she has made a lot of contributions to this land, and has also been rewarded by the world. She is controlling this world little by little, including certain rules... It is very likely that this is also that. Silan is ready to move, and doesn't plan to wait any longer, right?

"So, Annie, if you were me, what would you do?"

With an inexplicable smile at the corner of Jandice's mouth, she didn't know what she thought of, so she suddenly asked the little Annie who was opposite her.



"Of course it was burned to death?!"



(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Yes, that's right!"

"You are right, I actually think so..."

Even a horseman who did nothing but toss the world of Narnia to lose balance and almost collapsed can be supported by it to become a ridiculous king, and plans to continue to bring in more so-called "sons of Adam", she Jane What could Tiss expect from that stupid or cunning lion?


At this moment, having finished talking about Narnia and her own affairs, she felt that the relationship between the two parties was a step closer, and was about to ask about each other's affairs and what method was used to get here. Jandice was suddenly taken aback and turned directly. Looking into the sky of the southern forest.

"what happened?"



"Some foreigners like you came to the forest, and those trees reported to me..."

In the forests of Narnia, the big trees that are slowly conceived under the cover of ice and snow have advanced intelligent life. They can ‘see’, ‘listen’ and ‘speak’! And just now, Jandice heard those wise old trees who were more inclined to the way of her white witch and reported to her what they had seen.


"Did someone find the wardrobe again?!"



Jandis frowned when she heard the little girl's words, and then silently wrote it down.


"It seems that Aslan's movements are faster than I thought!"

Now that the sons of Adam are beginning to appear, there is no doubt that Jantis knows that a certain lion must have appeared somewhere in the mainland of Narnia by now.



Annie, who was probably full of food and drink, didn't quite understand what the beautiful and tall white witch aunt was talking to herself.

"Do not!"

"Nothing, I may be busy for the next period of time, Annie, do you want to stay in my castle for a few days? I can ask someone to arrange a big room for you, but it might be a bit cold?"

Jandis has already had some eyebrows against the lion Aslan. However, if she can, she hopes that the little witch in front of her can stay. At that time, maybe she can use the other's power?


"Of course! But they won't stay for too long!!"


When eating and drinking in Mr. Beaver and Mrs. Beaver’s house, UU reading they always said that the white witch Aunt Jandice in front of them was a badass, but now that he is in the ice castle, the other party is justified. Say that lion is a badass?

So, Little Annie decided to stay here for a few days first, and then continue to observe and observe, to see who is the bad guy who says the other is bad guys on both sides?


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)


??(??﹏??、)?? I don’t know what to write, I have no face to ask for votes...

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