Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1047: o(*?︶?*)o?????????…

Annie is considered to have lived in the ice castle, but in fact she did not live there?

Because, she disappeared completely from the early morning of the next day, and even for more than half a month after that, no one could see her again, and no one knew what she was doing. Where did you go or where?

In this regard, the white witch Jandice and her evil dwarves or the snow wolves who guard the door all expressed their doubts, because they did not see each other leaving, and did not know exactly when the little girl suddenly disappeared. Yes, even, they thought she had something to do, so they left without saying goodbye in a hurry and would never come back again.

In the following days, except for the white witch Jandice who occasionally thought of the castle that visited her in her spare time, she can talk to her very well, has similar ideas, and the magic seems to be quite good. I originally wanted to borrow In addition to dealing with the little girl of Aslan, the lion king, the other people or animals in the ice castle soon forgot the fact that such a weird little guy lived in their castle.


Today, including the White Witch, she has almost completely forgotten that they had a little guest.

Because today, she is about to lead her army, the'evil' army composed of tauren, snow wolves, tigers, white bears, ogres, dwarves, one-eyed giants, wolves, etc., go Completely eradicate the group of four children in the distance, led by the so-called "son of Adam" and "daughter of Eve", also by horsemen, goat heads, beavers, griffins, cheetahs, rhinos, and wild boars Wait for the army of "justice" made up of messy things!



Seeing the Narnia rebels deployed in the distance on the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack stone mountain, the white witch Jandis sitting on the brown bear chariot couldn't help but snorted.

Obviously, this is what a certain lion king Aslan liked to hear and wanted to see!

Think about it carefully. If it hadn't inexplicably put out these talking and intelligent animals, if it hadn't been for the other party to call and form an army as soon as they landed on the mainland of Narnia, I am afraid that there would not be such a concession today. Jandice looked at the funny animal world war.

However, in any case, in Jandis’s view, this battle is already on the line and has to go on!

Although that **** lion, that Aslan had been run by words and contracts by her last night, and had to replace the so-called "Son of Adam" Edmond to let her kill once... But if it can't be defeated If the enemy forces gathered up again in the distance cannot eliminate the four so-called "sons of Adam" and "daughters of Eve", she wants to continue to rule this new land that she has spent a lot of effort to transform, she must not What is too easy and easy.

Fortunately, one of the biggest troubles now is that lion Aslan is dead. Although she also knows that it is difficult for the other party's existence to die out, but the other party will definitely not survive in a short time. ! Therefore, as long as Jandis, the white witch, completely defeats the enemies who have gathered on the opposite side and dared to oppose her, she will have a long period of peaceful reign!

It may be a long time of hundreds or even thousands of years. Presumably, it should be enough for her to do more decoration and management! At that time, this piece of Narnia will completely belong to her white witch, to her, the ice queen Jandice! !

"Null head!"

"Go up! Lead your strikers up and break their formation for me!!"

Standing on her own chariot pulled by two strong white bears and watching the enemy's formation in front of her, the white witch screamed and ordered the tauren general.

The enemy's troops are troublesome to charge, so she intends to use the front line as cannon fodder to contain and consume them, and then she will lead the army of her line to cover up and kill them, and the battle is basically over.

"Moo~! ! ’

Nodded, the Tauren general didn't say much. After roaring loudly, he resolutely held up the war axe in his hand, waved his hand in an angrily "pupupupupu", and strode forward. Leading his forward troops to the higher plain in front slowly speeded up.

At the same time, a large group of griffins flew up on the rocky mountain in the distance. Their powerful limbs were holding blocks of terrible boulders, and they were flying towards them at an accelerating speed. Ready to carry out the first wave of stone-slinging air strikes?

Fortunately, there are not too many of them, so the Tauren generals don’t pay much attention to them, and the evil dwarf archers in their team have strong bows enough to take them down. If they Dare to dive and sling at low altitude?

"Moo~! ! ’

'attack! For the ice queen! ! ’

When his more than two thousand forwards had crossed the **** and reached the flat ground, and clearly saw the dense enemies not far in front, the tauren general yelled again and screamed at his own The subordinates gave the order to charge and took the lead in that way, taking the lead in speeding up and rushing up...



Similarly, seeing that the enemy has rushed up and is unwilling to lose the superiority of his own cavalry force, the one from the earth is riding on a white unicorn, and the fighting power may only be '5' Peter'The Great'. He also pulled out the long sword from his waist suddenly.

‘For Narnia and Aslan! ! ’


After the unicorn man under his crotch stood up and roared ‘neighing’ with anger, he resolutely rushed out with the horsemen, sheep heads, rhinos, leopards and other messy things behind him.

‘For Narnia! ’

‘For Aslan! ! ’

‘Long live the Kingdom of Narnia! ! ’

‘Long live the Son of Adam! ’

‘Kill~! ’

‘Destroy the witch! ! ’

"Come on~! ! ’

Originally occupying favorable terrain, and their current formation is higher than the flat battlefield in front of them, these'justice' troops began to resemble floods that burst a bank, after accelerating downhill. , Was in a sharp cone formation, with a certain "son of Adam" with a fighting power of only five and a group of horsemen and rhinos with a fighting power of at least dozens as the pioneers, and viciously slammed into the forward of the evil army of the Snow Queen... …



"Tibbs, how come their fighting looks more and more like a kid's game?"


At this time, above a certain white cloud in the sky, Little Annie was lying on top of the cloud that was solidified by her, so she supported her cheeks, dangling her lower legs, and frowned. The more she watched the next battle, the more she felt like a joke of war.

Although Annie is a child herself, she said that she hasn't played this kind of playing war game long ago! Now she, once she really fights with a large number of enemies, the only difference is to take out a nail rifle to rush over. If she fights harder, it will definitely be earth-shattering, littering nuclear bombs, burning stars and destroying the country, and even The kind of broken planet?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Look! Look!"


"That one-eyed little giant, it can clearly beat the guy who is not capable and dare to rush to the front from the unicorn with a mace and squash it with one foot, but it is I just slowed down, and craned my neck awkwardly to let him chop. Is this kind of truthful?!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

After discovering that the battle seemed to be being watched or interfered in secret by some existence, Little Annie spit in disdain and yelled disdainfully.

In her opinion, other guys, like those tauren, horsemen, goat head monsters, snow wolves, rhinos, and other messy things are fairly normal when they fight, basically they can see blood and fists. The kind of meat, there are even those that rely on their size to hit the enemy or trample the enemy into meat patties...

However, once the guy with a combat power of only five approached, the monsters seemed to be suddenly stupid. If anyone dared to say that no one deliberately interfered, Annie would dared to twist off her Tibbers head and kick the ball. ! !




!? (??\'\'????)??

"Whose pig is that pig? Why is it so smart? It knocked over dozens of dwarfs in one fell swoop. It's really amazing, it looks so delicious!"


"Okay, just behave like they didn't say anything..."


I just wanted to give a small compliment to the dwarf who rushed from left to right in the formation of those little dwarves, even if he was shot with dozens of arrows, he still ran so fast, killing those powerful little archers crying. The **** pig who shouted at the mother screamed, but how could he think that the other party made a sharp turn without death, and rushed directly toward the white witch Jandice who was slowly pressing on with his army?


You don't need to think too much to know that when Little Annie was lying on the clouds with black lines, it was directly petrified into a heavy boulder, and it continued to roll forward for dozens of meters, crushing to death. After crushing and knocking over a lot of snow wolves, they just stopped moving.

Such a good pig, looks fat and fat, and gets a guy who eats meat must be delicious, so why can't he think about it so much, but is going to trouble the witch? Look, I hit an iron plate now, and I was petrified directly. I can't eat it if I want to eat it!



Little Annie, who had no face, continued to look at her and kept her face muffled in the clouds for a long time before she continued to raise her head.

However, at this time she found that the next battle was coming to an end...

The bluffing five scumbags and his army have been defeated by Jandice and the'evil' army and followed and killed them to the stone mountain. Except for the archers who were hiding on the top of the mountain and shooting arrows, it seemed that The battle will end soon?


(* ̄△ ̄*)

"The cheating guy finally appeared..."


Finally, after waiting for a long time, Little Annie saw that in the distance, a certain lion king brought his army from the petrified statue forest of the ice and snow castle, and slammed towards the poor aunt Jandice's army from behind. Rushed in from the rear?

Facts have proved that the combat effectiveness of the army led by King Peter of the Five Scums and the army led by a lion king is really very different.

Look at the bottom, it’s obvious that they are all almost the same army configured by horsemen, sheepheads and other messy things. In the hands of the almost dead Peter'the Great' of the Zhan Wuzhu, it is at best showing The fighting power is only about ten minutes, but under the command of the lion king Aslan, he showed a full percentage of outrageous fighting power. He also directly killed Aunt Jandice’s army and was about to be defeated. Lost?

(Respected little master, when are you going to watch the show? Wait a while, that Jandice is going to die, didn't you mean to help her?


——Tibbers expressed his doubts about the performance of some of his own bad little masters. So, when he saw that the hapless guy below was already confronting the lion and was about to be killed, he Then he gave a rare reminder. )

"Tibbs, some things are not as simple as you think, you can just watch them first!"


Of course Annie saw the Aunt Jandice who was surrounded by the horse goat head monster and a certain lion below, but she didn’t tell Tibbers why she didn’t go down and help each other, so she continued to lie on the cloud above the sky. Here, continue to look at the battle below that has entered the end.

(Then do whatever you like...)


(Tibbers didn’t go to multi-control. Anyway, he didn’t know that witch very well, and he didn’t have much affection for the other party. So, since the wicked little master of his family didn’t plan to intervene, he was happy to continue. Watching the show above.)

‘Roar~! ! ’

At this time, the battle below quickly ushered in the result, and the situation reversed. A certain witch, who was attacked by the front and back, and reached the end of the road, was too late to escape, so a certain lion rushed up and spread it all over the wilderness. After the roar of the lion, he was bitten off his neck alive, and fell into the rocky hill in a strange place with his head, and he died without a trace?

‘Victory! ’

'Long live! ! ’

‘Long live Aslan! ! ’

‘Long live the Kingdom of Narnia! ! ’

‘Ula~! ! ’

‘Wahhhhhh~! ’

With the arrival of Aslan, as the opponent quickly solved the evil white witch in twos or twos, the Narnia coalition forces who gradually ended the battle watched a small number of evil coalition forces flee in embarrassment, and held them high. The weapons in their hands and shouted loudly.

Well now, after a difficult battle, His Majesty Aslan, who originally thought he was dead, led the army back to kill again, and successfully reversed their originally tragic ending and killed them like a reversal. The White Witch made Narnia, who had been shrouded in snow and ice for countless years, finally ushered in peace again, and was able to regain the long-lost, gentle and warm sunshine, allowing the coalition to win the final great victory!



How miserable! How miserable!

The miserable situation of Aunt Jandice below seemed to make Little Annie unbearable to look straight, so she directly exclaimed and covered her eyes.



"All right!"


"Tibbs, it's time for us to play now!!"


However, what made Tibbers’ little head couldn’t understand is that the overall situation is set below. After the white witch Jandice has been killed by a lion, and even his head and neck have been torn into pieces, before his eyes Some messy little girl of, just picked it up, ready to go and help?

(Little Master, what do you want to do? Just reminded you of the younger ones, but you just said that you can just watch them... Now that everyone else is done, the head of the white witch has moved. What else can you do now?

∑(????`)? !

——To tell the truth, now Tibbers can’t figure out what his own bad boy is thinking. Even if he wants to help, he shouldn’t show up at this time. Is it possible that he wants to turn the tide or resurrect The white witch?

But according to Tibbers’s understanding of the nasty little master of his family, she has always disliked the troublesome things of resurrecting others, and it’s even less likely to be able to avenge a stranger who has only met for a day. , But now why choose to appear at this time? )

"Shut up! Tibbers!"


When Little Annie scolded her bear cubs and began to lower the cloud head, the Narnia coalition forces below were still cheering loudly.


‘Emond, and Peter, you did a great job, we won! ’

Killed the White Witch and dispersed the evil army of the opponent. The Lion King Aslan, who won the final victory in the battle, shook his head and walked in front of Peter, Susan, Emmond and Lucy. High up, the result was announced majesticly.

Now, it's time to verify the old man's prediction: Once Adam's own flesh and blood are on the throne of Kyle Ballavel, the age of sin will be gone forever!

Although the lion king Aslan himself knew that Adam's flesh and blood were too much on the earth, perhaps as many as billions? But it doesn't matter, it doesn't need so many ‘sons of Adam’ or ‘daughters of Eve’ to be king, it only needs four now.

‘Now, everything is over, the kingdom of Narnia will usher in a new peace, and you will be crowned kings...’

‘? ? ’


In astonishment, the Lion King Aslan raised his head subconsciously, because it seemed to feel something wrong?



‘! ! ’

‘? ? ’

Bang~! !

However, before Aslan finished speaking and allowed the Narnia coalition to cheer for the victory and celebrate the arrival of the four new kings, all of them were surprised to find:

In the sky, the oblique thorn actually bombarded a spear that was red as lava and still carrying flames. Then, it happened to hit the head of the lion king Aslan in an unbiased manner, and then directly attacked the opponent. Nailed to the rock hard?


Soon, the lion king Aslan, who was staring at him with his eyes wide open, twitched twice, but he kicked on all four legs without being able to say anything that was suppressed in his throat, and stopped moving within a few seconds... Then let the blazing spear burned its brain, burned its blood, and quickly set ablaze soaring to the ground, burning its entire body completely. .

‘! ! ’

‘Aslan? ’

‘Aslan! ! ! ’

'Do not! ! ! ’

'what? ! ! ’

Watching Aslan, the lion king full of wisdom, love, glory, justice, and power, was shot and burned in front of him like this, Peter, Susan, Edmond, and Lucy were all about The "son of Adam" and "daughter of Eve" who enjoyed the victory and crowned the king, and the large army of sheepheads, horsemen, and other messy animals surrounded them in panic.

However, the flame spear and the flames on its spear are so vicious and violent that all of them can't even get close to five steps. They can only watch them as a loving father. The ordinary lion king was burnt little by little into a miserable skeleton that kept screaming and shattering in the fiery high temperature fire?

'How could this be……'



'Do not……'

Therefore, all of them and the animals can do nothing except surround the fire and the flame spear screaming and fluttering in panic.

at last,

After the initial panic, sorrow, and bewilderment, finally a horseman came back to his senses and subconsciously followed the flame spear that stabbed down obliquely, towards the sky that it thought was empty. I looked up...

‘! ! ’

‘Look! Who is that! Why is she there! ’

Soon, the Narnia coalition forces spotted the little girl in the sky carrying a stuffed toy bear. I don't know what it was like, just standing on a group of weird white clouds and looking down at them.

‘She did it? ’

‘She must have killed Aslan, she must be a witch! ! ’

'on! Revenge your Majesty Aslan! ’

‘! ! ’

‘She, she must be an evil witch! ! ’

'fast! Throw an arrow and shoot her down! ! ! ’

At first everyone hesitated to the little girl, but when they saw her stretched out their hand, they recalled the flame spear that had burned the lion king Aslan. After seeing the fire extinguished, only the rock was left. After the next pool of charred and smoking bones, they still don't know what the other party did?

'attack! ! ’

‘Kill her! ! ! ’

So soon, I didn’t know who was the first to cry out in grief. Those horsemen, sheepmen, and other self-reliant guys with bows and arrows in their hands turned their bows, crossbows, and short spears at The evil little witch in the sky who killed the Lion Queen was still watching them and attacked.

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!


A dense rain of arrows shot at the little girl in the sky.


o(`^??)o Humph!


Tuk~! Tuk~!

Tuk~! Tuk~! Tuk~!

However, what makes the people below do not understand:

They obviously didn’t see what the little girl did, and they didn’t even see the other party casting some kind of evil spell. They just heard the other side snorting coldly, and the long arrows that had been shot upward were short. Spears and other projectile weapons, at this time, they shot backwards and then directly nailed a large number of archers and spearmen who had just participated in the shooting to the ground with their own weapons on the spot?

The blood immediately dyed the earth red...

'you! ! ’

‘Enlighten! Evil witch! ! ’

At this time, seeing the tragic end of the companions, maybe it was frightened, maybe it was too much?

Anyway, that ‘daughter of Eve’, that beautiful long-legged Susan slammed her bow and arrow, and after aiming at the witch’s head, she resolutely let go of her arrow feathers.



There has always been a certain kind of magical power, and the long arrow with the blue light stabs at a very high speed towards the witch in the sky!




Tuk! !

The long arrow with a trace of strange energy still hits something invisible and shoots backwards directly, passing through the center of the eyebrows of Susan'Daughter of Eve', and it is brought out. After a piece of red and white liquid, it went deep into the ground behind her without any reduction, leaving only the arrow feathers with red and white liquid still trembling.


With eyes wide open, Susan, who was unable to kill the enemy but was pierced by her own long arrow, is sensible, mature, and responsible. She is responsible for uniting the four brothers and sisters, and is responsible for commanding the main long-range troops to deal with bows and arrows in this ultimate battle. The enemy girl Miaoling, her eyes rounded like this, and after shaking twice, she fell straight to the sky...

‘Susan? ’

"Yeah~! ! ’

‘Susan! ! ! ’

Seeing this tragedy, brothers and sisters Peter, Edmund, and Lucy were ignorant of the tragic loss of Aslan’s being killed and burned, and the tragic loss of countless one’s own partners. After exclaiming in horror, they hurried to horror He rushed towards the family who had fallen to the ground motionless.

"Why is this..."

‘No, this is not true...’



at last,

From the beginning of the Lion King Aslan was killed innocently, his troops fought back angrily, and then was countered, and the daughter of Eve was shot and killed by some kind of witchcraft on the spot, the Narnia coalition forces were a little numb. After that, he finally calmed down sadly and desolately.

They can only look at the witch in the sky in vain, and then at Aslan who was burnt to charcoal, the daughter of Eve who was shot and a large number of companions, but they didn’t know what to do or what to say, just Even the Griffins who were just about to fly towards the witch were scared by the enemy's ferocity and screamed and retreated. They only dared to hover far away, but they didn't dare to pass it.


"Evil witch! I never thought that you were such a fellow!!"

At this moment, Mr. Beaver rushed out with a bow and arrow, and shot an arrow at Annie in the sky!




Surprisingly, the arrow it shot was not reflected back, but continued to go up, and before it could attack a little girl, it was nailed to a certain toy bear that was lifted by her.



(Tibbers doesn’t understand. A certain tragic little girl, she can easily block or avoid it easily, but why should she use it Tibbers to block arrows? Of course, let mention What Perth is even more puzzled is: Although this bad little master of his family always likes to use his strength to do whatever he wants... But it is the first time Tibbers has seen what the other party is doing now. of!

It stands to reason that she kills the lion at most, then pats her **** and walks. Why is she not planning to leave now? She even puts power into the flame spear in her hand. It seems that she really doesn't intend to let it go. Those people below are better off? )



"Perhaps, but if so, would it be a bit more evil?"


Seeing that Mr. Beaver below was angry at herself, Annie did not explain, but grabbed the flame spear that was charged with enough energy by herself, and then slammed it violently while smiling hippiely. Throw it to the bottom, let it'shuh' hit the ground, and plunge it directly into the ground?


Mr. Beaver, who originally thought he would be killed by the bow and arrow fired by him, was startled by the flame spear that the opponent fiercely projected not far in front of him. He had no idea what the opponent meant.

However, it only knows that the other party is indeed an evil little witch, and the previous self and his wife shouldn’t scout each other so deliciously... When they were losing, they were fishing again and again. Put it on the table with honey. If you knew that was the case, it should have added some poisonous grass roots in the soup!

‘? ? ? ’

‘? ? ’

Obviously, the grieving Peter brothers and sisters and the other Narnia coalition forces also didn’t know what the other party meant, but subconsciously looked at the root with tearful and desperate eyes, even if it was stuck on the ground. In the burning spear turned from vicious witchcraft.


‘! ! ’

‘? ? ’

Finally, when everyone didn't know why, the mutation happened...

In an instant, the vicious witchcraft spear with terrible flames burst open suddenly, and then, as if it had hit the catkins, it quickly followed its landing point in all directions, towards the entire nani. Frantically spreading around Subterranean?

Soon, everyone, including Mr. Beaver who just shot her, including the remaining three "sons of Adam" and "daughters of Eve", including a large number of chaotic Narnia army in grief, and surrounding All the surrendered'friends' of the ice castle were instantly burnt to ashes by the terrifying flames that spread out at high speed...


The fire did not stop, it still spread wildly around at high speed!

But at this time, the big trees in the forest have uprooted one after another, seemingly aware of the danger and want to turn around and escape? However, their movements were really too slow and too slow. Before they could turn around, they were overtaken by the fire that seemed to touch the catkins and burned into a section of red coke in an instant, and then collapsed to the ground. ...

At the same time, countless insects, fish, birds and beasts also realized the danger at this time and began to stir frantically and fled farther.

But it's useless!

Almost in an instant, that terrifying fierce sea of ​​fire was like a tsunami of flames, but it swept across the entire continent of Narnia faster and more violently than the tsunami! Everything here, countless creatures, flowers, trees, houses, stones, soil and even sea water, were all burned to ashes!

After blinking, between heaven and earth, except for the scary little girl wearing a blue and white winter skirt, who was as terrible as a certain demon descended to the earth, there was only a white dust left, and nothing was left... …


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers thinks that his little master must be crazy... However, I don’t know why the other party did it. After thinking about it, he didn’t dare to speak out at this time. He just waited silently. Because it clearly I felt that the little master who started the attack didn't have any anger at the time, nor any killing intent, so there must be something weird in this matter!

As for what weird it is, it can’t think of it. Besides, now that it’s all burned, and even the whole world is burned out, what else can it do besides waiting patiently and preparing to see it? )

"Hey! Are you still coming out?"




"Do you want me to burn again, another world below?"


At this time, Annie finally spoke, and said something that Tibbers couldn't understand, and she also caught a ball of fire, and said aggressively at a place where there was nothing but dust.


‘Why do you need this? ’

Unexpectedly, Tibbers saw that a certain lion that he thought had been burnt to death appeared intact from the white ashes. After sighing, he used that kind of lion. Looking at the sad little girl who was still standing on a certain cloud with her eyes without joy and sadness.

"Why do people do that, don't you know?"


Annie didn't explain, and didn't say much, just after asking a question, she stared at the lion standing majesticly on the ashes with the funny expression like a little devil.


‘You shouldn’t have been concerned about this...but, let’s handle it like this! ’

Staring at the little girl for a while, and seeing the other person staring at him without showing any weakness, Aslan the Lion King sighed slightly, then he raised his head and opened his chest. Huge mouth then roared into the sky.

Roar~! !

! ! !

With a roar, sound wave-like energy spread from the lion's side like a touched pool of water to the surroundings. The ripples are like waves, climbing to the distant hillside and spreading further away...

Then, a very magical thing happened, all the flowers, plants, trees, all the insects, fish, birds and beasts, including the army of animals and monsters that had just died, including those shot and burned to death, including Susan, Peter, and Mr. Beaver. And the white witch Jandice, etc., they all resurrected from the same place looking at each other and stood up, completely okay?


'what happened? ’

‘Aren’t we burned to death? ’

'Look! ’

‘It’s your Majesty Aslan, it’s it! Great! Are we alive again? ’

‘! ! ’

‘His Majesty Aslan must have saved us! ’

'what! ! ’

‘Long live Aslan! ’

‘Long live the Kingdom of Narnia! ! ’

‘Down with the evil witch! ! ! ’

Resurrected with blood in the same place, seeing the world still the way it was before being burned, seeing that all those who died in battle or being burned are restored to their original state, knowing that all this should be the credit of the omnipotent Majesty Aslan Allied forces of Narnia shouted and regrouped behind His Majesty Aslan. Then they waved their flags behind and shouted and stared at the witch who was still standing in the sky and the ground in front of them. They were still a little confused The white witch and his evil army.

'All right! ’

‘Everyone, be quiet! ! ’

Without waiting for the Narnia coalition forces to continue to clamor, the Lion King Aslan directly shouted and called them, and then silently watched the little girl in the sky land, the light in his eyes flickered, and I didn’t know it was. Think of something.

"Annie, why are you here?"

"Also, what the **** is going on, didn't I just die..."

I was clearly killed by a lion just now, why now...

Regarding the bizarre changes in front of me, look at the army that should have been almost dead, the ice queen, and the white witch Jandice, who are slowly gathering behind me. I can only look at this in front of me. She knew it was the little girl who had settled everything.

"Hey? Aunt Jandice, don't you understand?"


Little Annie sighed, she thought, the other party is obviously a demigod, but she still sees too shallowly. If the other party can look deeper into the Narnia world, maybe she can understand more things?

"Understand what?"

At this time, Jandice was even more puzzled.

"Don't be so nervous, witch..."

"Now that everything is over, let me explain it all."

At this time, the lion king Aslan walked up to the little girl and the white witch alone with a lion imposingly, and after beckoning the white witch not to be too nervous, he went on to say:

"in fact……"

"She just burned this place, it was not without reason, because everything here, this Narnia world, was not a complete world from the beginning!"

"It's just a projection I created based on our world, which is what Adam’s sons called heaven... based on a corner there. It is not a complete real world at all, and it has no meaning in itself. ... and I, Aslan, I have never had that great power of creation, even in such a small semi-plane world..."

Having said that, the lion stopped and looked at the little girl who seemed to see through everything early in the morning and deliberately did something like that to force herself to come out for a showdown again.

Just now, the other party showed her strength, that kind of strength is something it cannot resist, and it has also forced it to say everything here.


"This is just a world of phantoms. All of us, including all the creatures and animals in this world and everything they encounter in Narnia, are just like the cover and title page of a book..."

"It, Narnia World..."

"It's just to give those helpless souls access to their temporary habitat before their final destination, so that they can enjoy the last good times in the world and use it as the last repaired harbor, and at the same time allow them to maintain certain The good quality we want?"

Having said that, the lion shook his head and looked at the slightly surprised Ice Queen, and looked at the white witch Jandice who had occupied this place while she was not there and transformed it.

"So, the White Witch, I have always disapproved of your approach, and disapproval of your over-remodeling and excessive interference in this world... Because I know that it doesn't make much sense for you to do that. It's just a waste of effort."

"Now, should you understand?"

Lion King Aslan only explained to the white witch in front of her. As for the little girl, she must have seen everything clearly, right? Otherwise, she wouldn't have done that kind of thing and forced herself to show up just now, so it didn't say more to her.

Thinking of the other party's way of running to the end of the world a few days ago, thinking of the other party playing and playing in the sweet, light-like sea water, it thought that the other party was just a little powerful naive witch, but how can I think about it, the other party You have already seen everything and forced yourself to change your plan in embarrassment?


The white witch Jandith's eyes widened and did not speak, but her expression was getting colder and a little terrible. It seemed a bit difficult to accept that she had worked hard for thousands of years, but the result was all this in front of her?

"in fact……"

"I think you should understand. The people here and everything here, including the White Witch, are already dead. This is just a harbor for their souls, little girl, you Didn’t you know it a long time ago?"

Finally, the lion king Aslan stood in front of Little Annie and looked amused at the little girl who had ruined everything just without saying a word and scared many people that something went wrong.



"Anyway, you are all playing around, why can't others also make a noise?!"


Yes, after a little bit of skinning, Little Annie feels very happy and feels very happy! Because, she just lied to her own little bear just now, it thought she was crazy just now, knowing that she had only returned to a little bit of God later, but she definitely didn't think of so many.




‘As for you...’

After the explanation, looking at the little girl who couldn't beat and beat herself, scolded and didn't dare to scold, and made herself a little helpless, the lion king Aslan had to sigh and turned to look at being drawn here by herself. The four of Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy.

"I will send you back to and erase this memory of yours, you will treat it as a dream..."

"After a while, I will recall you again."

After speaking, Aslan didn't wait for the other party to answer or inquire, and he took a breath, making the four of them disappear in an instant, without knowing where they were taken.

"Now, two, I think we should be able to talk about it..."

It’s time that unrelated people have been dismissed by it, and the armies of the two sides are irrelevant. Therefore, the Lion King Aslan felt that he should come and talk to the white witch and the little girl, especially the little girl. They had a good chat...

Otherwise, how to deal with the follow-up matters of Narnia World, or whether it should still be handled according to its own previous arrangements, it is really a bit difficult to handle.


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