Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1060: (lll???) It looks so pitiful, like a group...

Without deliberately concealing the facts in the Emerald Palace, as the news spreads, almost all the humanoid animals in the Emerald Palace, including those pig laborers, goose guards, and ordinary rabbit apprentices, have already known. The terrible news that the evil "Taro" is about to return.


I know, I know, but because the tortoise master is still there, and the raccoon master and the little girl Anne are still relatively calm, plus the five heroes have been training and attending normally every day, often near the Peace Valley Haunted and hoeed the strong to help the weak. Therefore, the Emerald Palace was still relatively calm. Apart from being a little nervous during the two days when the news was heard, and occasionally talking after dinner, the animals were not too general. Keep that matter in mind.

Correspondingly, when the Emerald Palace remained stable and there was no self-conflict, the small town of Heping Valley was naturally not affected by any!

Although some bad news has spread widely among the pigs, bunnies, and gray swans in the town, it is still as peaceful, peaceful and serene as a paradise in the past.

But in fact, under the protection of the kung fu masters of the Emerald Palace, compared to other places, is Peace Valley really a paradise?

Peace Valley Town...

"Knowledge~! ’

"Knowledge~! Know it~! ’

Time is approaching noon. In the courtyard of Mr. Ping’s noodle restaurant, on the trunk of a tall tree that can provide a trace of shade for the diners who eat noodles on the open-air table in the hot summer, a summer cicada is standing The scream of "Zizi" from above adds a bit of scorching summer to this hot and unbearable season.

Today, seven days have passed since the big gray goose Xiaozeng from the Jade Palace brought back the news that Taro had escaped from the prison.


‘Ah hi~! Hello everyone! ’

At this time, a black and white obese big head suddenly came in from the arched gate of the courtyard of the noodle restaurant, and showed a big'bright' smile to the diners who were enjoying the noodle soup.

'That one……'

‘Please leave me alone and continue to eat your noodle soup. I’m just going home and have a look. Really, you can even treat me as if I don’t exist? ’

That's right, the person here is Abao the Pandaren!

On the eleventh day when he was lucky enough to be selected as a dragon warrior and joined the Emerald Palace, on the tenth day when he officially started practicing Kung Fu, he didn’t know why he would not continue to be in the jade at this time. The palace tried hard to practice, but sneakily ran back to his home and ran to this noodle restaurant of his old father Mr. Ping?


He smiled awkwardly, and waved his hand to the guests who were sitting at the square tables eating the noodle soup not to care too much about his existence, he was a little nervous and nervous, as if he was afraid of something terrible. Existence followed him, tiptoe, and cautiously slipped into the courtyard of his own noodle restaurant.

‘Eat your noodles! ’

‘Don’t be so surprised, have you seen me many times? You can think of me as an invisible panda......’

'Hey! Focus! Rabbit Xiaoliu, your noodles are about to fall to the ground! ’

‘Please don’t look at it, Piggy, your nose has dripped into the bowl, you will affect other guests...’


While greeted awkwardly one by one, familiar or unfamiliar guests, while forcing himself to make a smile, Abao, the panda man, just walked into the courtyard of his home that has not been back for several days. It froze.


He unexpectedly found someone sitting in the courtyard of his noodle restaurant, by the wall, by the table next to the neem tree with the best shade. There, he was still eating noodle soup with relish, not forgetting the kung fu master from the rare human animal family who occasionally looked at him with slanted eyes?


"Master, Master... you, you, you, why are you here?!"


"I mean: You are so busy, how come you have time to come here?"

No way, after seeing the master Keqing who trained himself to death these few days, and seeing the terrible little girl master, A Bao sighed helplessly in his heart, and then walked over with his head downcast. Asked tremblingly.

If there is any animal that can make him feel more heartfelt and despair than the upcoming Taro, then there is no doubt that it will definitely include the girl named human in front of him, including the present in front of him. A terrible little female animal?


∑(′△`)? !

Seeing a fat panda walk to her table and say hello, Xiao Anni stopped the chopsticks in her hand and the fun action of'sucking' eating noodle soup, and she looked up and down at the one in front of her in a strange way. The apprentice who was salivating and rubbing his hands in front of her with a little bewildered.

"Fei Bo, you panda is really weird. Of course they came to your noodle restaurant for lunch! What's wrong? Can't they come here to eat your noodles? It's not that they don't give money!!"


Annie said that she was tired of the stuffed stuffed buns, steamed buns or baked snacks in the Jade Palace, so she came here to eat noodle soup at noon today to improve her food... , These delicious noodle soups are also meatless, all of which are chopped green onions and chunks of radish?

And if she hadn’t been secretly in her room from time to time, eating some delicious meats brought from various worlds in her own space bag, she would have wondered if she would stay in this world for a long time. Will it become a new type of herbivore called'human'?


"When, of course, you can use it slowly?!"

After saying hello, I saw that the other party didn’t seem to scold me, and it didn’t seem like he was here to chase me out and urge me to practice exercises. After that, panda Abao hurriedly nodded and laughed with him, planning to go around. At the other party's table, go to the kitchen behind the counter to visit his father.


A Bao was still a little confused, because he clearly remembered that his previous master was still strolling on the mountain when he rolled down the stairs. But now, the other party came to this noodle shop a little bit faster than myself... Sure enough, the master is worthy of being a master, she must have also used'rolling to flip' down the mountain from another place, it must be like that. That's right.

"Hey! You stop!"


"People remember, didn't you say that you would go to the step mountain road for a while to practice rolling? But why are you here again now?!"


It has been ten full days. After these ten days of cultivation, the strength of the pandaman Abao in front of him has changed from a situation where the fierce tiger couldn't handle a single move seven days ago, to a situation where he can barely handle it now. How to catch one or two moves?

But what use is there to catch one or two tricks?

Because, the panda in front of me hasn’t figured out what zhenqi is until now. Without cultivating zhenqi, when the fierce tiger takes a little seriously, one or two moves are just not enough. It only takes a second or less. Basically, it's just the same as lying down or landing in a box in the blink of an eye.

So, for the remaining twenty days, how can the other party successfully defeat the Five Heroes with strength or the Leopard Toutaro who is also likely to attack in the next twenty days or so, she really is I don’t have much hope...

Anyway, she is really almost giving up and a little desperate now!

Therefore, in the first two days, she taught all the kung fu, skills, mental methods and key points of cultivation of the wind-walking monk to the other party. In addition to occasional comments and guidance, I didn't manage it at all, just let the other party practice on their own?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers wouldn’t tell a certain stupid, fat panda, and the messy little master of his family would probably only be doing something for three minutes... So, put on such an irresponsible master. , He can only be considered unlucky, right?)

"Hey! What are your eyes twisting around!"


"Are you thinking about something bad again, or are you coming here because you want to be lazy and stop practicing?!"


Although Annie no longer has any hope for the panda in front of her, and she has let it go two days ago, but she is still actively trying to find ways to see how she can make her Defeating those opponents that must be defeated in more than half a month...

So, no matter what, when the fat panda in front of you is still her apprentice, if the other party dared to be lazy and not practice, then the kung fu would be too bad to get on the stage and make her lose too much face, Then she will definitely beat the other party to vent her anger!


"I also came back for lunch, and helped my dad by the way. I haven't seen him for a few days. I'll go to practice in the afternoon when I'm full."

In fact, Pandaren Abao just wanted to give up a little bit, and then fled back to pack up his things with his father, Mr. Ping, and walk away!

But it is a pity that now seeing his master eating noodles here, and staring at him with that inexplicable and terrifying eyes, he had to dispel the idea of ​​fleeing, and explained indiscriminately while touching. The back of his head smiled and moved to the back kitchen of the noodle shop a little bit, ready to go to the real man to help his father and find opportunities to remind him of some important things.



"God is mysterious..."

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Staring at the fat face of the other party for a while, Annie waved her hand directly, indicating that the other party could enter.

After all, if the other party wants to come back home to visit the other party's father, visit that duck or something, she can't stop it, and she shouldn't stop it! Besides, it is indeed almost time for lunch now. How can she care if the other party goes to eat in the Emerald Palace on the mountain or eats at the other party's own home?

"Then Master, you eat slowly, did I go in first?"

"By the way, if you want something else to eat, just come and tell me?"

After speaking, the panda A Bao finally swayed his fat buttocks like an amnesty, ran to the counter and wandered through a small door into the kitchen.

‘! ! ’

'you? Fat Bo? ! ’

‘Father! I am back! ’

'Oh! My God, look at who this is, my Po, my dragon warrior is back! ’

Soon, in the direction of the kitchen of the noodle shop, Mr. Big Grey Goose Ping's exclamation and screams sounded, and many guests who were eating noodles outside looked sideways.

‘Yes, father, I’m back, I want to kill you...’

'and many more! ’

‘No, how could you miss me? Fei Bo... Couldn't you have been driven down the mountain by the masters of the Emerald Palace, so you came back dingy? ’

After raising the kitchen knife and rejecting the other's hug, Mr. Big Grey Goose asked suspiciously.

‘No! Absolutely not! ’

‘I’m a dragon warrior from the Jade Palace, and I was accepted as an apprentice by the master Keqing Annie outside, and I also taught a very powerful wind-walking monk’s unique skills. How could I be driven down the mountain? ! ’

Hearing what his father said, Panda Abao hurriedly waved his hands and glanced carefully at the counter. For fear of being heard by more people.

‘Then you... came back secretly? ’

Obviously, Zhizi Mo Ruofu, even if Mr. Ping is not Abao's biological father, he has been raised by the other party since he was a child, and he is very familiar with each other's nature, so he quickly guessed right.

'Do not! ! ’

‘Yes, not really! ! ’

A certain panda's faint voice came out. It seemed that he was going to die or not admit it?

‘Then why did you come back suddenly? ’


‘Father, I used to practice ground rolling at the mountain gate ladder today. Isn’t it almost time for lunch now? I suddenly wanted to eat your noodles with your secret soup, so I took the time to come back, and by the way, I can come back and help you...’

'Oh! ’

"Is that so? ’

‘But I don’t need your help, I can barely handle it now! Now, the noodles are over there. They are already pulled. I don’t have time to eat them below. You can make them yourself as much as you want. I’m very busy now, and there are customers waiting for my side dishes! ’

As Mr. Ping said, he quickly cut his shallots and white radishes on the chopping board.

For so many years, besides the secret soup, the noodle soup in his noodle shop is still the same white radish and chopped green onion. It is still so innocent. It is deeply loved by those neighbors, pigs, rabbits and rabbits. Like the big geese.




‘You kid, drink slowly, your own noodle restaurant, as much as you want, no one will grab it with you! ’


‘Really, hungry on the mountain? ’


‘After you’re full, take a rest and then go back. You look a bit thinner...’


Seeing the other party's embarrassed eating, Mr. Ping shook his head, no longer caring about the other party's starving ghost reincarnation behavior, turning around and continuing to silently cut his own side dishes.


‘Father? ’

The kitchen was quiet for a while, and soon Annie heard the hesitating voice of a certain panda.

'how? ’

‘I’m very busy now... if you want money, you can get it in the cash box. Since you are not at home, I don’t remember to lock it anymore. ’

‘! ! ’

‘No, daddy, I didn’t want you to get money when I came back. The Emerald Palace has food and clothing, and I don’t need to spend money...’

‘Then what do you want to say? ’


‘Father, I’ve been thinking about it, can you temporarily change to a safe place to open a noodle restaurant? ’

‘Opening a noodle restaurant by changing places? Why at this time? ’

'No reason……'

‘Abao, did something happen? ’

Obviously, a certain Mr. Ping who looks like a duck pondered it for a while and he heard something unusual, because he knew his own son very well. If nothing special happened, he would definitely not. Suddenly ran back, and then asked myself to say such things.


‘Huh? ’

‘Father, I...’

‘Abao, come on, I’m listening. ’


'That's it, maybe you have heard of that terrible thing, but you may not know it. Taro will be back in 20 days at most...Master Tortoise is too old and may not be able to restrain him. Master Raccoon may also be unable to restrain him... At that time, Taro will definitely anger everyone, and the town of Peace Valley will become very dangerous, so I hope you can go first and go to other safer places. ’


Although the panda Abao spoke in a very small voice, Annie still heard it clearly.

After all, her hearing and vision have always been good even without magic, and they are so close, and she happens to be a little curious, so it's impossible not to hear.


‘Let everyone leave the town, is this the will of the Turtle Master and the Emerald Palace? ’

Mr. Ping was a little surprised. He put down the kitchen knife in his hand and approached the panda A Bao who put down the noodle bowl and asked with some worry.

'Do not……'

‘This is my idea, because I don’t want you to stay here to face the danger...’

Fixedly looking at the remaining soup in the noodle bowl that he had just drunk in a few sips, the panda Abao drooped his shoulders and hung his head, not dare to look at his father. .



‘You are the dragon warrior of the Emerald Palace, can’t even you protect everyone? ’

After Mr. Ping's hesitation for a while, he asked expectantly to his son who has made him more and more proud and proud of him.

You know, he is considering whether to expand the noodle restaurant, beckon a few guys, and then change the sign of the noodle restaurant to "Dragon Samurai Ramen"... But now, his son, his new sign is planning to let him leave. Evacuation elsewhere in Peace Valley?


‘I can’t do it, my kung fu has just started to learn...’

Panda Abao became even more depressed.

‘! ! ’

‘Can the many kung fu masters in the Emerald Palace beat Taro? ’

Mr. Ping couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe that things would get so bad.

'I'm afraid not……'

‘Because Master Tortoise is very old, he may not have much strength to take action... Master Raccoon too, although Taro is his apprentice, but he is not in his prime now, and he does not have much confidence in winning...’

'Although the fierce tiger, the fast mantis, the pretty little snake, the old spirit crane and the golden monkey king have secretly concealed the master raccoon from setting out in the morning, they went to the Taishan Sudao Road, and the Tai Lang must come to the Peace Valley. Jingluo is about to intercept him, but...'

‘I know, Huniu and the others are not sure...’


Speaking of this, A Bao's fat pie face collapsed directly, almost hanging down into that big bowl.

He is not ready to continue talking, worrying that it will seriously hit his father.

Up to now, the cruel reality has made Abao no longer have the kind of audacity that he had when he was selected as a dragon warrior and entered the Emerald Palace... He has now faintly predicted that if things go in the worst direction. , What kind of situation will it evolve into in the end? That's why I came here now and said the kind of words that let my dad evacuate in advance.

"That's it..."

‘Then Abao, will you leave with me and open a noodle restaurant somewhere else? ’

Mr. Ping felt that he could not leave, but the premise was that his son would also go with him. If that was the case, then there must be no major problems.

'I? ’

‘I can’t leave yet...’

‘Father, I’m a dragon warrior, they all believe that I can protect everyone, and they all believe that the Emerald Palace can shelter this land... So, I may not be able to leave for the time being...’

When sneaking here, he did have that thought and idea, but...

When I saw that, although it was very strict, he was very good to myself. The master who taught me all the kung fu was still here, and I saw that the other pig friends in the town were still there and not yet. After knowing the danger is coming, he hesitated again.


‘If you feel that the Emerald Palace cannot stop Taro, if you feel that this place is dangerous and are willing to go with me, then I will definitely pack up and leave with you. ’

"We can go anywhere..."

‘But, if you don’t leave, I will stay here and continue to accompany you! ’

Mr. Ping, who didn't know what to say, patted the other party's shoulder, shook his head, walked back to his cutting board again, picked up the kitchen knife and continued to cut his own side dishes.

‘But father, Peace Valley is dangerous now! ’

'Danger? ’

‘No, Abao, what’s not dangerous in this world? However, as long as you are here, I am here, and our home is here, then this place called home is the most peaceful place. ’

‘If there is real danger, then we shall face it together...’

Looking up for a while, Mr. Ping smiled contentedly at those guests who were eating the noodle soup they made and were gulping outside.


‘Father, I am a dragon warrior, I definitely can’t protect our home and everyone’s home, nor can I protect Heping Valley...’

A Bao has been cultivating for a full ten days, and he dared not slacken his country for a moment, but in the end he couldn't resist even a face of the fierce tiger, and now there are less than twenty days left, even he himself I don't have much confidence in myself.

‘Abao, you haven’t tried it, how can you know if it’s OK? ’

‘No, I tried...’

‘Why did you try? ’

‘I tried hard, but it’s still useless...’


‘Abao, do you know? Actually, I always wanted to tell you the secret recipe of our top-secret soup in our noodle shop later, but now, I decided to tell you now! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Father, didn’t you tell me you would wait until the day when the noodle shop was delivered to me? ’

A Bao was suddenly a little surprised. He had asked many times before, but his father was reluctant to live and die, and he was always mysterious, so he refused to tell him!

But now, why did you suddenly change your mind?

‘It was true before, but I think it’s better to tell you now? ’

'why? ’

‘Just leave it alone! Bao, listen carefully, the secret of our secret soup is...’

‘What is it? ’

‘There is no secret! ! ’

‘? ? ? ’

‘When you are confident that you can make the best soup, you can definitely make the best soup! And this is the secret of our noodle restaurant and the reason why our noodle soup is so popular! ’

Mr. Ping gave a mysterious explanation to his son after taking a mysterious look outside the door.

'what? ’

‘Don’t, Abao, you have to remember! ’

‘Remember what? ’

‘No matter what you do, whether it’s opening a noodle restaurant or practicing Kung Fu, you have to believe in yourself, because confidence is the best secret! ’





(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Then, it seemed that Mr. Ping, who looked like a duck, continued to say something to his son Panda. However, a little girl who was burping after eating noodles had no intention of eavesdropping anymore.

‘Got it~Got it~! ’

On the neem tree trunk in the courtyard of the noodle shop, the cicada has been screaming for a long time, because the other party screamed so loudly and cheerfully that after eating enough, Xiao Anni couldn't help but look at each other.


'Hey! ’

‘Little guy, have you seen enough? Haven't you seen our kind of "knowledge"? I drink my sap, you eat your noodle soup, what do you keep watching me for? ’

Maybe it was because a little girl stared at her with too hot eyes, or she perceived danger, or something else. Finally, the Xia Chan who had been screaming on the tree stopped her film. Zhen made a sound, and then asked a strange animal under the tree that had been looking up at it.


!? (?''??)?

"What happened to people looking at you? Just take a look, they won't really eat you!"


Although Annie was just looking at each other while thinking about deep-fried cicada pupa, fried silkworm pupa and test cicada pupa, she swears that she really never thought about eating each other!

Because Annie knew that the cicadas that shed their skins and can fly and cried are completely inedible. The cicadas that people eat are usually the larvae of the cicada, which just crawled out of the ground. The kind that hasn't had time to shell and emerge!

That stuff is very fragrant and fragrant if it is fried or fried. The whole cicada pupae can be chewed and eaten directly after being fried, and it is rich in protein and amino acids. It is slightly crispy and has a chicken flavor, not to mention how delicious it is. !




'Humph! Impolite guy! ’

Maybe his meal was disturbed, maybe it was because the sap of this neem tree had almost been sucked by him, so he snorted directly after eating and drinking, spread his wings and left the noodle shop. Mr. Ping’s tree flew to another place.



"It's already very polite that people didn't catch you and put you in the frying pan and fry them directly!"


Angrily waving her fist in the direction where the opponent flew away, watching the opponent fly further and further and disappear in the shade of the big trees in the same place, Annie made a decision: When she is free , I went to the side courtyard of the Emerald Palace to teach those stubborn apprentices how to make net pockets and catch them to play?

When the time comes, do you dare to be proud of seeing that nasty little thing just now? !


ε=(′?`●))) alas

(Tibbers knows that the nasty little lord of his family is really too idle, isn't this? A little bug can be so angry, and he has planned some kind of retaliation.)

"Tibbers, were you talking ill of others?"


Little Annie stood up from her seat, grabbed a bear and held it in her hand, she also habitually took a photo of a golden noodle on the table of the duck house. gold.

(No! Absolutely not!!)




(It's really not...)


"Anyway, people think you have it if you have it, and you have it if you don't have it!!"



(ㄒ? ㄒ)

Just like that with her doll, the bear, Little Annie didn’t care about the dull gazes of the silly pigs and rabbits around. There will be no trace soon.



After I had finished talking to my dad about something, and then came out a little desperate to help tidy up the table, Abao, the panda, when he saw that his cheap master had already left, then there was a gold coin on the table, and the gold coin was still there. After being deeply imprinted into the wood by a certain ingenious force, it took him a lot of effort to buckle it out with his claws, and he couldn't help but fall into contemplation.


That night,

Pandaren Abao did not return to the Emerald Palace to rest, nor did he rely on talking to his father at his house, and no one escaped. Instead, he followed his cheap master, followed Master Anne, and left the Peace Valley. It was only half a night before I arrived in the woods not very far from the boundary of Heping Valley, preparing for a special training.

And all of this should start from what happened during the day...

It turns out that after hearing the words of his father, Abao, the panda man, felt his heart and made up his mind. Since he is a "dragon warrior", he must do it for himself and his family. Dad, do something for the Emerald Palace and the residents of Heping Valley.

Before giving back to his fathers and villagers, the first thing he has to do is:

In any case, he must become stronger!

And how strong can it be? A Bao himself has set a goal for himself, that is-strong enough to be alone, strong enough to defeat the Five Heroes, strong enough to defeat the evil Taro who will soon strike!

Of course, Bao also knows that it's very difficult...

Just having determination, confidence, and goals is definitely not enough. If he wants to become stronger, he must find the right way to become stronger. For example, the one who asks him for help is idle and does nothing, and often does not sleep in the middle of the night. That strange human animal that ran out mysteriously and didn't know what to do, the cheap master of his Abao, the master Anne who taught him the martial art of the wind-walking monk?

Therefore, this is the main reason why they did not sleep at night and ran from the Emerald Palace to this forest far away from the boundary of Heping Valley!

Now, starting today, every night, his Pandaren Abao will conduct a secret high-intensity death training! Because Master Anne said that if you want to become stronger in a short time, you can only stop treating yourself as a treasure, not treating yourself as a human being, and experiencing the training of blood and fire, and the test of life and death. Reach the outrageous goal he wants in time?

Yes, it's possible, it's not too absolute...



"Fei Bo, look. Master, I found you a good target tonight, right? That villainous orangutan who behaves a lot and eats Mrs. Bird's child (egg), you can defeat it now and take it back to The'government' in this area has been dealt with!"


After looking around and making sure that she was correct, Annie hurriedly urged the pair of pandamen who followed her here who wanted to become stronger.

That's right, the one sleeping on that flat rock in the distance is black and big, and may be as big as a gorilla twice the size of A Bao, the panda man. The guy who is sleeping asleep is just right. It is their goal to come here for special training this time!

In general, gorillas are very friendly. They feed on the tender leaves, bark, fruits, bamboo shoots, etc. of more than two hundred plants. Except for occasional bird eggs and tree worms, they never eat animal nature. The food, so, in general, it's relatively friendly?

However, the other party's problem happened to be the matter of eating bird eggs...

Because, the birds in this world also have high intelligence, like the old Linghe, one of the five heroes of the world? Therefore, regardless of whether the other party is intentional or unintentional, he has already violated certain laws in this world, and is said to be disgusted by other animals, and has become that kind of heinous existence!


"Black, black-minded guest?!"

"Master, Master, I can't. That kind of black-minded guest is not only powerful but also invulnerable. A fist is about the size of my head. I definitely can't!"

"Or, let's change the target of special training?!"

Seeing the huge black figure in the distance, Panda Abao was so scared that his legs were a little soft...

Because he knew that a guy like that would at least be able to play at the level of the Five Heroes, and he had to be cautious? Otherwise, if you get hit by the opponent's big fist, even the fierce tiger will be fainted by the hammer, right?


o(`^′)o hum!

"Go! Use the mastery of the wind-walker monk I taught you to kill it!"


Seeing that the other party even dared to refuse, Annie straightened her face and ordered without doubt.

"Master, I dare not..."

A Bao waved his hand and took a step back, not daring to go up even alive.



"Why don't you dare? You can't beat the **** five heroes, the arrogant tiger, can't you still beat that kind of little guy?"


"That's not a little kid, that's a black-minded guest..."

Isn't it Xiao Xiao, he Abao can't tell?

If it were replaced by an ordinary bobcat, wild wolf, or wild boar, he would definitely dare to rush forward if he didn't say anything! But, like an adult male black-hearted guest, he would not dare to rush up with a bear easily.



"Abao, if you want to practice the peculiar skill of a wind-walker monk, the first step is to overcome your inner fear..."


"Listen to the master, be good, hurry up and send it...hurry up and defeat it?"


Annie began to persuade her in a persuasive way.

‘! ! ’


Abao is still unhappy, because he feels that this is not to overcome fear, it is to find death!

"Nothing but! Can't you make it?"


‘Master, I really dare not...’

"Don't dare?


After that, Annie was angry from her heart to the guts, and she directly took possession of a stone, and threw it towards the chimpanzee who was asleep in front of her, and at the head of the so-called black-hearted guest!

"Don't worry, they will help you!"


At the same time, she moved quickly, rushed behind a certain fat man, kicked her big **** up.



At this time, the stone hit the sleeping gorilla’s nose, and it also caused the opponent’s nosebleed to spray out.

'what! ! ’

This is the chimpanzee, that is, the scream of the ‘black-hearted guest’.

'Ouch! ’

This is the exclamation of a certain panda who was kicked by his own unscrupulous master...

‘! ! ’

‘Good boy, dare to provoke your grandfather, I will smash your head! ! ’

After finishing talking, the black-hearted chimpanzee who was sleeping properly but was bullied by an idiot came to his door, then furiously hammered his chest more than a dozen times before waiting for a certain unsteady panda to explain. He jumped over fiercely.


'what! ! ’

Boom! !

‘Wow! ! ! ’

puff! puff!


Boom! Boom! Bang! !


The violent movement and a scream lasted for a long, long time...



In the distance, little Annie, who was secretly observing on the side, quietly turned her head and couldn't bear to look again.

for a long time……

When the black-hearted guest vented his anger and covered his bleeding nose and left, Xiao Annie walked over with a weird expression and looked at a certain panda lying motionless in a human-shaped pit with a surprised look.

"It looks so pitiful, like a muddy ball..."


Although a certain panda resisted very hard just now, he was still knocked to the ground with a few fists from the black-hearted guest. Then, under a series of blows, his head was already a little deformed, and he was still lying in the pit bleeding with his seven orifices, out of breath , There is little air intake, and it's about to burp.

(Little master, hurry up, he is going to die...)

(● ̄(?) ̄●)


??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????

"Tibbers, don't worry, you can save him if he dies!"


As soon as he stretched out his hand, the injuries on the opponent's body slowly recovered. However, the opponent was still sleeping, obviously because he was beaten badly...

"Okay, come here today, and continue tomorrow?"


After speaking, she looked around and found that there was no one. Xiao Annie waved her hand directly, causing her to disappear without seeing a pandaman lying on the ground in a coma, obviously teleporting back to the Emerald Palace.


(*?′╰╯`?)? ticket? (?′╰╯`?*)

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