Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1061: \\?('Ω')? // // The death of the national treasure panda...


While sleeping in a daze, Pandaren Abao's originally chaotic brain suddenly subconsciously thought of a problem, that is: The Turtle Master insisted on building the Emerald Palace on the mountain instead of the small town of Peace Valley. Here, it seems that it is not completely unreasonable.

Isn't this?

In the hot summer weather, if he was in the small town of Heping Valley under the mountain, even if he was sleeping on the floor, he would definitely be sweating from the heat! In this regard, A Bao has a right to say, after all, he grew up in a small town down the mountain.

However, the Emerald Palace on the mountain is very different here.

Although, here you can also feel that the scorching summer is coming, and you can hear the sound of cicadas and the blazing sunlight outside the window, but under the effect of the ever-present breeze on the mountain and the cold current on the mountain, it is extremely It was so cool that he didn't want to get up in a hurry in a daze.

Abao is sleeping comfortably now.

Because the cool wind outside the window gently stroked him, as if someone beside him was fanning the wind thoughtfully, Xia Chan was still screaming happily, mixed with the array of young kung fu apprentices from the Jade Palace. The bursts of joy and laughter made him completely different from getting up, not wanting to wake up, and no longer wanting to worry about doing exercises.


‘! ! ’

'Hey! You see, what did I catch? ’

‘What’s fun? ’

‘Is it delicious? ’

'Wow! I saw! ’

‘What is it? Show me! Show me quickly! ’

'what! They have seen it too, is it Mr. Cicada? ! ’

'Yes! ’

‘But they’ve been on the tree, how did you catch it? ’

‘Haha! Master Anne taught me to make a net bag, and then I used the net bag on a bamboo pole to catch it. Am I very good? ’

‘! ! ’

‘You kids, let me go! ! ’

"Wow~! ’

‘His cry is so loud! ’

At this time, there were bursts of chattering noises and screams and screams made by a certain hapless Xia Chan when he was struggling... Don’t have to guess, Abao in the mist knows that it must be the one in the Jade Palace A group of lawless Bunny apprentices are making trouble again!

And if you listen carefully to the words they said in the frolic, it is not difficult to judge, it seems that it is because of his master, Master Anne taught them some kind of mischief?

‘Is this the great net bag you said? ’

‘Yes! ’


‘叽~! So awesome, I want to play too! ’

'I also want! I also want! ’

The noise is louder, it seems that they are fighting for something in the chaos?

‘! ! ’

‘Damn bastards, let me go! ’

‘No! I finally caught you! ’

‘Goo! ’

‘Don’t grab it! I caught this Mr. Cicada. Give this net bag to you. You can catch it yourself...’

'Wow! I want to catch it too! ’

‘I’m here first! ’

'What are you doing? ’

"Wow~! Dare to hit me? Watch boxing: Tiger style! ’

'Hey? Goo! Disillusionment kick! ’

'Hey! ’

‘Don’t fight anymore, can’t we catch it together? ! ’


Soon, the noise outside was getting farther and farther, and a certain Xia Chan who was screaming happily on the tree outside the window also exclaimed, then screamed and screamed like those little rascals. Going farther and farther, it seemed to be shocked by those little rascals, and then driven away?

Poor gentlemen Xia Chan...

Panda Abao suddenly felt that under the deterrence of those little bunnies, it is likely that they would not dare to come to the Emerald Palace to sing and drink the tree sap for a long time in the future, right? But that's okay, because in that case, when he takes a nap in the afternoon, he will never worry about being annoyed by those annoying bears.

After all, Master Anne has a way to tidy up those little bunnies and teach them new ways of entertaining and frolicking, so as not to break into his room and jump on his belly. I know, he doesn't like their little rabbits at all, he doesn't like them at all!

It's like he doesn't like that terrible black-hearted guest...

! ?

and many more……

There seems to be something wrong?

Suddenly, the panda Abao finally realized something, his mind was instantly clear and he opened his eyes hurriedly, and then suddenly sat up without time to see the surrounding situation.


"How is this going?"

For the first time, A Bao directly stretched out his hand and touched his body, legs and cheeks vigorously, as if to make sure that the parts on his body were still there? Before long, after touching it and discovering something was not right, he even reached out and pinched his cheek severely?


it hurts!

After an exclamation, A Bao finally woke up completely!

Because, since he can still feel the tingling when twisting himself, it proves that he is definitely not dreaming!

It’s just that he clearly remembers that he used to go outside of Peace Valley for special training with Master Anne in the dark, and was pushed to the ground by the strong and terrifying “black-hearted guest”. He even smashed him with a bigger fist dozens of times, and even smashed him directly into the dirt, why now he seems to be lying in the Emerald Palace soundly asleep?

This made him very puzzled...

Because at that time, although he tried very hard to fight with the opponent in the way of'combined punches' with'rolling and flipping','sweeping legs','disillusionment kick','throat cutting hand', etc. Unfortunately, without comprehending the true qi, he was knocked over by the opponent before he could hold on for long. He even got a discount on his thigh, and his head and eye sockets were blown up in the next blow. .

However, why now he feels that, except for the exhaustion after a long sleep, he has no injuries at all, and he is still lying in the room of the Emerald Palace?

Is it possible.......

Are those things that he had dreamed of last night?

However, if he really dreamed, the dream would be a bit too real...because, the pain, the despair of the moment before death, he still remembers fresh at this time, it doesn’t look like it at all fake!


‘Abao, are you finally awake? ’

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded, scared A Bao hurriedly turned his head, and at a glance saw a small guy slowly turning around from the dazzling window sill, and then gently walked to his Next to him, standing blankly in front of his'bed', which was spread on the floor by a mat, fixedly looking at him.

There is no doubt that that is another Kung Fu master in the Emerald Palace-Master Raccoon!


"Raccoon, Master Raccoon?"

"Ah! I'm sorry, Master, I don't know when you came. Did I overslept in the morning? Then I'm going to do morning exercises right now?!"

He got up from the mat in a hurry, and then casually smeared his face with the palm of his hand to make himself look more awake, after A Bao saw the blazing sun outside the window from the dazzling light, there was no idea why the raccoon Will the master come to him?

He must have accidentally overslept and violated the rules of the Emerald Palace, so if the master raccoon appeared here, he must be prepared to punish him, it must be like that!

Now, he is about to start a big deal.


Still doing morning exercises?

The slender moustache at the corner of his mouth trembled, and Master Raccoon didn't know what to say about the panda in front of him.

"Morning exercises should be avoided first."

"Abao, you have fallen asleep for a full morning, how can I wake you up... You guys, what did you and your master Annie do last night?"

Last night, the fat panda and the Keqing Kung Fu Master secretly descended from the mountain at night, he knew it, but he didn't know when the other party and Master Annie came back... …

Maybe it was because he was so shocked by what happened last night that it made him feel uneasy and confused?

"Sleep, slept all morning?"

"Oh! God, it's almost time for lunch now? Have I slept for that long?!"

Hearing the words of Master Raccoon, A Bao was stunned for a moment, and he hurriedly walked two steps to the side, poked his head and glanced at the more dazzling sun, before he retracted back and exclaimed in disbelief. .

In the past, his house opened a noodle shop. He often had to get up early in the morning and roll out the noodles unimpeded. Later, after he chose the dragon warrior and went up the mountain, he would wake up every day before dawn to practice kung fu... So, A Bao was really surprised at the fact that he could sleep until noon, and he couldn't wake up even though he screamed!


"Can you talk now? What did you guys do last night? Why did you fall asleep all morning when you came back?"

In this regard, Master Raccoon felt that it was necessary for him to ask.

Because he is now the official head of the Emerald Palace, and he has the responsibility and right to interrogate this disciple of the sect of the ‘succession’ who is not his own. Because no matter what, the other party is still the "Dragon Warrior" announced by the Jade Palace, where does it exist like the chief disciple, and he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to replace the other party?

"We are going..."

"That one……"

"Master Raccoon, it's actually nothing, I'm just going for special training with Master...Yes, it's an unusual special training, a special special training?"

After hesitating for a while, A Bao still didn't tell the raccoon master in front of him the terrible thing that happened last night, which he almost thought was a dream, because he didn't want the other party to worry about it.

Besides, he didn't understand what was happening to him now... You know, he thought he was dead at that time! But look now, the legs that were discounted at the time and the head that was blown out at that time are all still good? This kind of thing is really incredible, he is still at a loss now!


"Special training?"


"Never mind!"

Although I really want to know what kind of special training the other party has carried out, so that it will reach the level of lethargy for a full morning, but since the other party is going to practice instead of running out, I don’t want to tell him, Then he, as the head, did not intend to continue to ask questions.

Besides, he doesn't think it makes any sense to carry out the so-called ‘special training’ now, because they don’t have enough time!

"All right……"

"Abao, if it's okay, you can clean up quickly, go out for lunch later, and then, from this afternoon, I will give you the necessary guidance!"

Now that the other party is awake, since the other party does not seem to be in any serious trouble, Master Raccoon decided to expose today's matter for the time being, and at the same time, he did not forget to tell his decision.


He found that the panda man Abao's roots and savvy were pretty good?

As for the wind-walking monk skills that the less responsible little girl Kung Fu master gave to the other party, the other party has also practiced decently, but has not yet understood the use of Qi, so that the power is'lacking'. That's it?

Therefore, seeing that little girl refused to instruct each other these days, and now his five apprentices have gone down the mountain without authorization and are not in the Emerald Palace, feeling that they are idle and idle, in order not to let the other party waste and To ruin the kung fu inheritance of the'Windwalker Monk', and to prevent the other party from burying the name of the'Dragon Warrior', he first went to inform the Master Anne, and then resolutely decided:

Starting today, he will carry out the necessary basic training for Pandaren Abao, so that the opponent can more effectively and quickly comprehend and practice the peculiarities of the wind-walker monk, and hope that one day the other party can understand the kind of'true energy' sooner. Magical use, and pass on the "Shenlong Tianshu"?

"Yes! The raccoon is big..."


"Master Raccoon, did I hear it right? You really want to guide me to practice martial arts?"

The panda A Bao, who was just about to agree, was stunned for a moment, then opened his dark circles eyes in disbelief, and asked the master in front of him.


"I have already told Master Anne about this matter, and she has no objection..."

"However, you don't need to be too nervous. I don't want to teach you other Kung Fu, I just guide you in the basic training of Kung Fu... That is the training that all formal disciples of the Emerald Palace must conduct. Trust me, that's right. You do no harm."

"and also……"

"I will only guide you in the morning and afternoon, and it will definitely not affect your special training in the evening."

After speaking, when he saw the master raccoon who was safe and sound after the other party woke up, he turned his head, holding his hands behind his back, and walked towards the retractable wooden door of this small room step by step without waiting for the other party to say anything. .

Because, although he didn't want to admit it, but now, the inheritance of the Kung Fu in the Emerald Palace is likely to rely on the panda, A Bao... Therefore, in an emergency, he had to choose to do that.

"and many more!"

"Master, do Huniu and Xiaolong have any news?"

Before the other party opened the wooden door and was about to go out, A Bao asked expectantly when he remembered another important thing.


"They should be still on the way, they want to intercept Taro, I'm afraid they have not been so fast..."

He stopped, his body stiffened for a while, and he didn't know it was the master raccoon who had been thinking about something for a long time before sighing and shook his head slowly.

To be honest, he has never supported the reckless approach of his disciples, because he knows Taro's strength better than anyone else! However, at the same time, he was faintly looking forward to... He hoped that those brave children would really succeed, in one fell swoop to help him get rid of the Taro who could not be brutally attacked either back then or now, and accomplish what he did not accomplish?


"The raccoon master, do you think they can successfully eliminate Taro?"

The stupid Abao, who doesn't know what the master raccoon is thinking at all, asked which pot to open or not to lift.

He felt that if Hu Niu and Xiaolong could succeed, it would be the best! Because, in that case, he doesn't have to go so hard to practice the exercises himself, and he doesn't need to run out with his master at night to do that kind of terrible special training in order to become stronger.

Although he still hasn’t figured out why he is recovering so quickly, Abao only knows that the special training given to him by his Master Anne is very, very scary. If there is a choice, he will be true. Never want to experience the second time!


The raccoon master stood by the door, silent and did not speak, but even if he didn't say Har Ai, his meaning was somewhat self-evident.


"It would be great if Master Tortoise could make a move..."

After discovering that there was no good news, and after sighing in depression, A Bao said with some regret.

Yes, just as he thought, if Master Tortoise can subdue Leopard Toutaro with just one finger as he did decades ago, then he won’t have to worry anymore, and don’t have to persuade himself Dad left the town... Then, the people here in Heping Valley are the paradise for all of them. After he has cultivated the kung fu of the wind-walking monk to a high level, this place will be inherited by his Pandaren Abao. The dragon warrior of the heavenly book, will he be guarded by his future "Dragon Hero"?


"Abao, I'm afraid you don't know yet, do you?"

The body suddenly stopped. After hearing the words of the panda behind him, it took a long time for the master raccoon to turn his head again and stare at the panda's eyes with complicated eyes.

"what do you know?"

A Bao was somewhat inexplicable by the opponent.

"Master Turtle..."

"He has already emerged and ascended to heaven last night, and he has gone to the spiritual world first...A Bao, you have to remember that in the future, the Jade Palace will only depend on us!"

"No one can shelter us anymore. Instead, we need to protect everyone, the entire Peace Valley and more places..."

After speaking, the tired raccoon master sighed and walked directly outside the door, and then closed the door, leaving the one behind him with his eyes rounded again. You don’t need to look at it. What kind of obese panda looks like.

"This this……"

"How could this happen, Master Turtle is dead at this time?!"

The amount of information that Master Raccoon said just now seems to be a bit big, so at that moment, Abao's head was a little confused, but his eyes and mouth were wide open. He didn't know that he should say something to the enemy at this time. What is good.


‘Hahaha! ’

‘Look! You see, I caught another one! ’

‘Hurry up, put it in the cage! ’

‘Listen to you? It's that kind of call, there seems to be another one there ’

‘I heard it too! ’

‘Yes! Where's the net bag? Hurry up, let's go and grab it...’

‘! ! ’

‘Boys, what do you guys do, let me go, help! ! ! ’

'let me out! ! ’

'cough! Brother, have you been arrested too? ’

'you? ’

‘Don’t bark, be honest! ’


In the distance, in the woods on the back mountain of the Emerald Palace, the group of lawless little bunnies, who are still no one to take care of because of the absence of the Five Heroes, are noisy carrying a small cage woven from strips, inside. Pretending to be the second hapless Mr. Cicada they caught, the net bag tied to the long bamboo pole carrying them, crowded and noisily flooded deeper into the forest.

There is no doubt that it must be the third poor Xia Chan who screamed on the tree.



"Looking at how excited they are, it's really pitiful. Those cute little bunnies have not even caught them... It's just a pity. They don't seem to be able to eat them. What a pity..."

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

When those little bunnies rushed into the woods happily and never saw them, only a faint noise came, someone was sitting on the tree of a big tree, watching the little bunnies playfully The messy little girl playing around, only then sighed with regret.


I don’t know if what she said “can’t eat”, does it mean those who were caught, that is, the talking gentlemen cicadas can’t eat, or the cute little bunnies can’t eat?

Or is it both?



(I said, my dear little master...those who were caught know, they are not the one that offended you yesterday, can you commit to tossing other bugs like this? Are you really sure that you did not retaliate against the wrong person?


———Finally, Tibbers, who was still ‘good-hearted’, couldn’t stand it anymore. He always felt that the bad-hearted little owner of his house was a little nonsense, so he carefully reminded him.

Think about those who have lived around the Emerald Palace for an unknown period of time. They are also really pitiful, but they have been caught by a group of lawless and temporarily uncontrolled little bunnies. God knows what it will be. I was rescued away! )

"Of course they know!"


"But it doesn’t matter, Little Bear, think about it, after Little Bunny and the others learn that game, they will definitely teach the Little Pigs and Bunnies at the foot of the mountain... At that time, once they know the way to catch After spreading, the pesky guy who lives in the small town under the mountain will be unlucky sooner or later!"


Animals all have a certain territory, so Annie is not worried about that kind of thing.

But this kind of thing Annie just breathed out, she was not too worried that it would cause any serious trouble. Because, the animals here in Heping Valley are quite kind. Presumably, those little bunnies who catch the knowledge will play for ten days and eight days at most, and those hapless bugs will be let go. ?

Because this is not an ordinary earth, if it were replaced by those little **** kids on the earth of another world, where would those guys easily let go after catching it? Even if you don't put it in the pan and fry it, you will definitely have its wings cut off on the spot, and then live as a toy to toss for several days, playing until the day when you can no longer make a cry and starve to death?

(Well, it's up to you...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

(Tibbers thinks that it must have been a huge mistake for the raccoon master to let his nasty little master take care of the little bunnies, right? I just don’t know, under the influence of a little girl who leads by example What will the Jade Palace and the Peace Valley Club be tossed by those little rascals in the future?)

"Okay! Tibbers, we should go to lunch now..."


Annie jumped directly from the tree and trot to the kitchen of the Emerald Palace. She wanted to see it. Is there anything delicious today? And if there is, she will definitely not be polite. She will definitely take the best food first, bring it to her room, and enjoy it with the meat she secretly took out of the space bag?

"Almost forgot!"


Little Annie, who had just ran a few steps, suddenly stopped, then turned around, facing the direction of the disciple dormitory of the Emerald Palace, and shouted to a certain panda in a certain open window:

"Fei Bo~!"

"Remember to keep your spirits up. You are going to have a second special training at three quarters in the evening. You are not allowed to be late!!"


After speaking, without waiting for any reaction from the panda that had awakened, after making sure that the other party had heard clearly, Annie happily threw her legs away, and between the left and right turns and Nuoteng, she rushed to the distant emerald No trace in the palace complex.

‘! ! ’

'Do not! ! ! ’

‘Master Anne! I don't want to conduct special training at all. Can we change to a separate training program? ’

A certain panda's stern and desperate sound of fear came out...

However, when he squeezed out his fat upper body from the window and looked around, where could he still see Master Master who just reminded him of the time for the second special training?



Recently, during this period of time, I don’t know why. A lot of big and small things have happened here in Heping Valley. This makes the residents of Heping Valley feel a little dizzy and a feeling of depression.

For example:

First, Abao, the stupid son of Mr. Ping's family of noodle shop, was lucky enough to be selected as the Dragon Warrior, which excited the residents of Heping Valley for several days; then, was a strange-looking Kung Fu master coming to the Emerald Palace? Besides, there is the news that the terrible and cruel Taro is about to return in the legend... And yesterday, the "Five Heroes" and the Five Heroes of Rage went down the mountain together to crusade the Taro who is approaching toward the Peace Valley. and many more?

Of course, it must be the sad news of the patron of Peace Valley, the master of the Emerald Palace, the creator of Kung Fu, the great and kind tortoise master Xian died...


Although the Peace Valley has gradually become a little no longer peaceful, the lives of the pigs, rabbits, and gray swans here still need to continue...because they are the bottom level, they can't control everything, they can only silently Endure... Does it break out in silent endurance, or perish in silent endurance?

Therefore, no new instructions were sent from the Emerald Palace, and the town was still quiet before Taro finally approached the Peace Valley.


Anyway, three quarters later in the evening, when panda Abao followed his Master Annie out for a special training for the second time and passed through the town, he didn't see much change here.

A Bao, who grew up in Heping Valley, saw that it was still very peaceful and peaceful, with a thriving and peaceful scene...

This is his home, the place where he grew up, and the paradise he secretly determined to protect. He will never allow anyone to destroy the tranquility here, absolutely not!

"Master Anne!"

"Where are we going for our special training tonight? It's not going to find the black-hearted guest again? If that's the case, we can go back now, because I really can't beat it now, I don't have any confidence... …"

Until now, Abao still doesn’t know what method his master used to rescue himself, who was severely injured and dying last night. He always felt that things shouldn’t be like what the other party said, yes. What's the reason for the magical qigong of the so-called "fog weaving monk"?

Because, having obtained all the inheritance of the wind-walking monk, he probably understood a little bit about the'zhenqi', but he knew that the magical qigong of the mistweaver monk could indeed heal injuries, but it was hammered in the head. Explosion, when the thigh is discounted, it will definitely not be treated so quickly in one night!

However, when his master was vague and unwilling to say more, he could only bury his doubts in his heart.

"Blackhearted guest?"


"No more! That gorilla is not very funny, so let's not bully him this time, let's find other funny ones!"


Annie's special training will definitely not be repeated, otherwise, it is so boring to look at it? Therefore, tonight, she intends to find something more interesting, at least to make the process a little suspense, so that a certain stupid fat panda will not lose even the chance to fight back?

('s a poor panda...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers has already understood that, although the horrible little master of his family is nominally taking the other party to special training, but more, I am afraid that taking the other party to play and play means more. A little bit? Of course, maybe that hapless panda is also one of the fun, and the one who is watching the excitement and making fun is some bad guy?)

"Bull it?"

"Master, when have we bullied that black-minded guest? Obviously he has been bullying me!!"

Thinking about being beaten by the opponent last night, the hammer fell directly into the ground and couldn't move. The panda Abao protested loudly as if he was about to die.


(((o(; ̄▽ ̄)o

"Oh! Please don't pay too much attention to that kind of little things. People will pick you some worse opponents this time, don't worry!"


Don't worry, you have to worry, because she is the other party's master, her orders and arrangements absolutely cannot resist and resist the other party, otherwise, the consequences will be very serious!

"and also!"


"Fei Bo, it’s not the master. I said you. If you still want to defeat Taro, you have to work harder for special training! Think about it, if you don’t even the ordinary little guys. If you dare to fight, how can you dare to fight Taro?"


Annie believed that when the panda in front of her was accustomed to being beaten, was beaten to the point of being suspicious of Xiongsheng, being beaten to the point of numbness, and not even afraid of death, the opponent would definitely be able to defeat the leopard head Taro.

Of course, what she said about "victory" is to overcome spiritually and despise the other party! As for other things... It seems that you really can't expect much in just one month? After all, not all people and animals are as brilliant as her Queen Anne, who can learn everything at a glance.


This is like, for example, a certain idiot bear Tibbers in her family. It is useless to learn anything, because that idiot will never learn any skills, martial arts or spells!




"I understand! Master, I promise to support you firmly! In the future, no matter how difficult it is, no matter who you want Abao to fight with, Abao promises that there will be no more complaints!"

After thinking about it carefully, Abao, who felt that his master’s arrangement seemed very reasonable, was finally able to feel a little relieved, and promised to work hard to complete the various special training tasks assigned by the other party, and promise not to complain or flinch. step!

call! call!

"But Master, how far do we have to go? Isn't it the same as last night, you have to catch a half-night stay?"

Breathing hard, following behind the light-weight little girl in front of me, watching the other side enviously moving forward with light effort on the trees, bushes, and stones with his feet. Don’t mention it. How envious.

However, it is a pity that he must not be able to do what the other party did before he learned his true qi. Now he can only use running besides rolling. There is no better choice, and it is even more impossible to let him. The master who took him a hand.

"Don't rush!"


"We will be here soon, just ahead, you will be pleasantly surprised..."


Suddenly, Annie dared to say that I stopped after turning a forest path, and turned back to signal the fat panda who was running behind her, panting, to move lightly so as not to startle the enemy.

Because, now she has seen the goal this time, those guys are right in front, a little closer than she originally thought.

‘! ! ’

‘Master, who is the goal this time? ’

After taking two breaths, for A Bao, who often practiced rolling and climbing from the foot of the mountain to the Emerald Palace, although these roads following the opponent made him very tired, but compared to before, it is basically still Can bear it, so he stepped lightly while leaning over and asked his master quietly.

"Here! They are there!!!"

?? (??`▽????)╭??

Annie stretched out her hand generously to show the other party the direction.

‘? ? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Master, Master! ’

For an instant, A Bao's tone trembled a little.

‘This, this is the kind of slightly worse opponent you are talking about? ! ’

I just kept saying that I would work hard to complete the various special training tasks assigned by the other party, and that I would not complain and flinch. The panda, who was too scared to turn around and escape! But it is a pity that he was pulled back by his master before he could put it into practice.

"Of course it is! Because they know that they are definitely not as good as chimpanzees!"



"But Master, they are the sharp swordsmen of the crocodile gang. Look at them. They are crowded and they have knives in their hands. They are born with that terrible'death roll' stunt, no matter who is successfully bitten by them. It only takes a moment, and they will be strangled into a pile of rotten meat! ! ’

Panda Abao was about to cry, he knew that his cheap master would definitely not make him feel better!

"What are you afraid of! Abao, I am very optimistic about you, Master, oh, go up and defeat them?"

'I do not! ! ! ’

As soon as he broke away from the opponent's hand, A Bao turned and wanted to run.

"Where to run?!"


↑The rising sun kicks!

After stopping the opponent, Annie kicked the opponent's chin, kicked it high and flew up and rolled into a ball!

Moreover, fortunately, after landing, A Bao accurately relied on his remaining momentum to roll over in a "rolling and flipping" posture, and violently knocked over the three crocodiles. At the same time as the pot on the fire, he poured the unknowing food and the hot soup in the pot at one of the crocodile!

‘! ! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Wow! ! ! ’

A sorrowful cry followed, and then the unlucky crocodile with its head and face all over rolled onto the ground and continued to howl...

Cang! Cang~!

What followed was the sound of the other two crocodiles pulling out their knives.

'and many more! ’

‘You two, please listen to me, really, it’s just a mistake...’

After jumping up from the fire and extinguishing the large cluster of sparks on his **** for the first time, A Bao hurriedly explained to the swift knives of the two crocodiles.

'on! ’

‘Avenge the second child! Chop him! ! ’

However, where are the evil fishes of the Crocodile Gang willing to listen to Po's explanation? So, they waved the knives in their hands and venomously stepped on a panda that seemed to be planning to defend.


A touch of blood blew up!

'Wow! ! ’

Obviously, from the screams, we know that this is a certain unlucky panda who was cut...


‘Wow~! ! ’

The tail of a certain national treasure panda was cut off by the root...

puff! !

'Uh? ! ’

The knife passed straight through, even if the fat and black and white fur could not stop it at all!



clang! !

Puff~! Puff~!

The pandaman A Bao, who fell to the ground, was not let off by the evil and cruel crocodile gangs coming soon. Their two guys with sharp blades still surrounded them reluctantly and flew up and down. Randomly chopped up, even if the weapon in the opponent's hand is chopped from time to time, even if it is chopped to the ground from time to time, it will not hesitate!

at last.

When they gasped and stopped the movement in their hands, when the two crocodile gang villains put away their chipped blades and carried their severely scalded companion who passed out in a coma, a certain The panda was already lying motionless in the pool of blood on the ground.



"This time looks even more pitiful, it has been chopped into meat sauce..."


Annie couldn't bear to look more, and directly covered her eyes.

To be honest, at first, Annie thought that this fool A Bao could win... because as long as she overcomes the fear in her heart, and as long as the opponent fights to the death, she doesn't think this stupid panda can beat the opponent! Besides, one of them has been burned, has lost its combat effectiveness, and can no longer fight?


ε=(????`●))) alas

"Well, let's do this tonight..."


There was no way, seeing Annie, who had thought the special training that was a bit worthwhile, died again, so she sighed and waved her hand in an instant, a golden light flashed, and she instantly rescued and completely restored the other party, except for the whole floor. Apart from his blood, there is no longer the poor fellow who was chopped into meat sauce.

Then, feeling a little boring, she waved her hand and the two disappeared again.


In this way, Abao, the panda man who didn't know if he was lucky or unlucky, began the terrible experience of being trained by the raccoon master during the day and accompanied by Master Anne to send the death special training at night, and so on.


On the third night,

He encountered the poisonous snake "Seven Step Langjun". After a hard fight, he was unfortunately bitten on the **** by the opponent. Then, after six steps of his own cleverness, he did not move again, thinking With this, when he could escape the fate of death, he suddenly fell to the ground and died...

On the fourth night,

A Bao was taken to the hornet’s “poisonous arrow gate” nest. He roared and rushed to the opponent with a torch under the nest bigger than his head and brandished the torch to wipe out the opponent’s nest and most of the villains. Later, after he had gained weight for several laps, he fell to the ground feebly.

On the fifth night,

The grey wolf'Wolverine' came to him. A bear and a wolf fought for dozens of rounds. Then, his body was bruised, even his belly was cut open, and his intestines flowed to the ground. All the gain was just Blind the other's eye?

On the sixth night,

A Bao, who was encouraged by his master, had no hesitation in finding the trouble of the notorious Central Plains’ first evil man in the cloak... Then, there was no suspense. Although the opponent’s combat effectiveness was not too strong, he fought for three hundred. After the round, A Bao was still chased by the guy with the shaved head for a full twenty mountains, and was finally killed by the opponent's fangs.


Repeatedly, the pandaman A Bao lived the terrible life of living and dying, dying and alive, and having to go to the Emerald Palace every day... until he joined the Emerald Palace for exactly one month. Until the big event that happened in the evening when he practiced Kungfu for twenty-nine days!

Because Taro is coming soon!

That terrible and evil guy in the legend is about to arrive in Peace Valley! Now, no one can stop him...

The Five Heroes of the World, of course, failed.

Because the fierce tiger, the fast mantis, the pretty little snake, the old spirit crane, and the golden monkey king were all seriously injured and acupointed. They were also pulled back to the Emerald Palace by a wooden cart by a few horsemen sent by Taro. Is it like this to humiliate or provoke Master Raccoon, and to demonstrate to everyone in Peace Valley?


"What should I do now, have you beaten that Taro?"

Pandaren Abao has become very tough after experiencing so many things, but after learning that Taro will kill the Jade Palace tomorrow, he still appears a little anxious and hesitated.

Because now the raccoon master is healing the five knights and lifting the acupuncture state, he really has nothing to do except discuss with his master at this time.

"Can't beat..."



Of course Annie could beat the leopard head Taro, but she didn't want to fight, because she did everything she should do, and the rest is the panda and the animals in front of her.

She has worked very hard to train (play around) the panda in front of her for almost a month. If they still can’t beat the leopard who doesn’t know what it looks like, then they will simply put the Heping Valley, the Emerald Palace and the The broken book without any content in the volume is given to the other party directly?


"So, what should we do now?"

Seeing his master so straightforwardly admit that he could not beat Taro, A Bao felt a little bit weird, because he faintly felt that the martial arts of his master, the little human girl Kung Fu master, should be far superior to that of the raccoon master?

"What else can you do, go and deal with that Taro!"



"I can't beat him either!"

After the training of the raccoon master and the special training of his own master, now Abao has become more and more courageous, and his nerves are getting more and more numb. Even the most powerful opponents dare to rush forward without hesitation and punch or bite. Apart from'death with generosity', it seems that he has not made much progress?

Because, he still hasn’t been able to comprehend the mysticism of'Zhen Qi', and without Zhen Qi, the stunts of the wind-walking monks he practiced are just mere styles, even worse than the master raccoon gave him. Those basic moves and steps...

"You won't go together?"


"Look, you have six or seven people, plus I have given you special training for so many days, and I have to count the tricks I taught you. That should be almost the same?"


If you can't beat that Taro even at seven to one, then these guys are too useless. Her Queen Anne is a little bit disdainful to be with them, because it's very embarrassing!

‘But Master! ’

‘Your special training is completely useless, I don’t seem to be stronger at all! Hu Niu and the others are in bad condition, and Master Raccoon...’

"No! Abao, you have become stronger!"


‘There is there? ’

Bao felt that only the dozen or so days that Master Raccoon gave him shocking guidance would still be useful, and his master just changed his method to let him die? Although, he didn't seem to die in the end, and I don't know what method the other party used to save him every time?

"No, you have become stronger, you have become unafraid of death!"


‘! ! ’

‘This is the purpose of your special training for me? ’

"Probably... Almost?"


‘But what good is that? ’

"At least let you face that Taro with them tomorrow, anyway, you are not afraid of death, will you still be afraid of Taro?"



Po think about it seriously, it seems that he is not too scared?

‘But, Master...’

Abao is a little uncertain

"Stop it!"


"Abao! Master, I am very optimistic about you, you remember to work harder tomorrow, and you must defeat Taro!"


‘! ! ’

'you guys? Master, you are...’

A Bao, who was still struggling with how they should defeat Taro, was suddenly taken aback, because he seemed to have heard some unpleasant news from his master's words?

"Master, I still have something to do. It is a very important and important thing..."


To put it bluntly, I just don't want to participate!

However, Annie knows that you can't be too straightforward when rejecting others, even if you just find an outrageous reason, or an unreasonable vague reason!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


‘Master, Master! You, do you want to escape? ! ’

The tone of Abao's speech became a bit trembling...

If it is said that in the presence of this master of their own, they will have at least a 80% chance of defeating Taro in the Emerald Palace, then, now, without the participation of the master in front of them, there will probably be less than two at most. Tier's winning percentage?

"What escape? People don't need to run away! People are just too powerful, once they intervene, then you have no chance to perform!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

"Anyway, let's not talk about it, people have to go busy first, in short, they are very optimistic about you, you must come on!"


After that, I didn’t plan to talk to this stupid and fat panda man who didn’t understand the truth for too long, so she stopped giving her a chance to speak, and she ran away from the gate of the Emerald Palace. Under Jia's light work, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

‘! ! ’

'Hey! ’

‘Master! wait? ’

‘? ? ? ’

‘Master? ? ? ’


The frightened Abao directly dragged his fat body out and chased him to the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine stone stairs outside the gate of the Emerald Palace. However, he looked down at the empty mountain road. Where are the shadows? !

All he saw was the one at the foot of the mountain, who was in chaos, dragging his children and women, preparing to pack his luggage, and under the organization of pig laborers and goose guards, he left Peace Valley as soon as possible and went to take refuge outside. , In order to avoid the townsfolk who are poisoned by Taro...

'How could this be……'

Looking at the chaotic and bustling scene below the mountain, A Bao, who was standing in front of the stone steps of the mountain gate, didn't know what he should do.

He suddenly felt like crying...

His master has been teaching him to be brave, strong, and to have the belief in facing difficulties and fearless death, but when things happen, the other party runs away first? So, what is the significance of what he is still doing and what is about to be done? !


‘Peace Valley, everything here, my home, is it really going to end soon? ’

Tomorrow, the legendary cruel and powerful Taro, the prisoner who killed a whole thousand of the most elite Rhino Corps soldiers and killed the prisoner who was defeated by the guards, will be as expected. And to!

At that time, what should they do? !


‘Father, what should I do...’

At this moment, A Bao, whose mind was swaying, was really a little confused.

Therefore, he stood on the highest steps in a dazed manner, staring blankly at the chaotic town under the mountain, letting the setting sun send his figure to the old elders, until the darkness gradually fell, until he No longer can I see the situation under the mountain and the noodle restaurant in his house...

However, the noise at the foot of the mountain is still there, and many townspeople who have not had time to evacuate are still busy with the lights. From time to time, there will be a few cries of pigs or rabbits.


"I am a dragon samurai..."

‘I’m the Dragon Hero...’

'Do not......'

"I am not one of those I am Abao, a panda man, I am a noodle maker in Heping Valley, I don’t want to be a dragon warrior, nor do I want to be a dragon hero, I just want to protect my father , Protect all people, so that they can live here forever! ’

‘Live forever...’

After a long time, after the stars in the sky began to flash and flash, Abao, the panda man who had been standing motionless in front of the steps, finally reacted, and said something like that to himself as if muttering to himself.


(*????╰╯`??)?? Ask for a ticket?? (????╰╯`??*)

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