Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1075: ?!(*???)? The robot in Penguin Village...

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Recently, Annie, who has nothing to do after eating and wandering all day long, found a very interesting place on this magical earth with many interesting residents. Obviously, it is the Penguin Village!

Everything in that village is full of peace and childlikeness, even the "bad guys" are very cute and interesting... The school here does not require examinations, and the objects have magical lives. Even animals can speak, super Heroes are also a group of great idiots...

In short, what Annie sees in Penguin Village is completely different from that in other places, because here are only the villagers who live carefree and carefree in this dreamlike world, as if the outside world is completely unaffected. Is this village average?

Of course, what surprised Annie the most was not the weirdness in the village, but the new friend she knew who she thought was super interesting-Arale!



"Ala Lei, how about these cakes that people brought from Sister Bouma's house? Are they delicious?"


On the grass outside the village not far from the Penguin Village, Annie, who was invited, raised her proud little chin when she looked at the other party's wolfing down.

It is precisely because she learned that the poor guy in front of her had never eaten a decent meal except for those unpalatable nutritious meals in the school and the motor oil provided by an unscrupulous doctor. At that time, I specially asked the robot maids of Buma’s sister to prepare this decent snack for her and brought it here to enjoy with each other.

"good to eat!"

"But, does it really matter if I eat them all?"

Little Lori with purple hair wearing glasses asked Meng Meng.

Because, she herself feels that they are really very, very delicious, although it may make her feel a pain in her stomach at night... But when she comes home, she only needs to ask the doctor to take her stomach apart. , Just eat all the food stored in her stomach, just like the other party did last time?

For Arale, who often removes her head, that is not a big problem, and she is also happy to share her things with the doctor.

"Of course no problem, you can eat it!!"


After that, Annie even pushed her share in front of the other party, because she had eaten enough at Sister Bouma’s house before, and she is not hungry now, and although these snacks are good, they are still slightly unsuitable. Her appetite.


"It's weird!"

Arale stopped, tilted his head and looked at the new friend he had just met a few days ago with a little puzzled.



"Is that weird again?"

∑(??△`)? !

Annie simply sat in front of the other party and asked in a puzzled manner.

"Sister Annie..."

After picking up a piece of baked snack, throwing it in his mouth, and swallowing it without chewing, Arale murmured weakly.



"Do you remember that you are usually stingy and stingy and refuse to share delicious things with others?"

"The big rooster last time, the chicken legs were all eaten by you..."

Anyway, in Arale’s impression, the Miss Anne she knew was definitely not like this!



"Shut up! If you want to eat, hurry up!!"


Annie didn’t want to discuss the big **** and big hen. She would definitely not admit that she encouraged the other party to catch it. Even if she ate most of it, it was just to avoid wasting food, absolutely nothing to do with stingy. On the relationship!


ε=(????`●))) alas



However, Arale is still a little hesitant...

"What's wrong with you?"


"Sister Annie, I ate so many cakes and juices into my stomach today. Will it rust and cause stomach pain?"

"I think I'd better drink motor oil..."

For Arale, who has drunk fruit juice, the experience after drinking this kind of sweet stuff is actually not very good, because once the parts inside rust or the gear gets stuck, she can only go back and ask Dr. for help. I took apart my stomach and ate everything in it.

"Don't worry, it will be fine!"


"People have used magic to help you transform your body. Your body will never be damaged in the future. It doesn't matter what you eat or drink, and it can be transformed into energy! Anyway, from now on, you You don't have to drink the super ugly thing called'Mechanical Dimensional A', and the mess of engine oil!"

|??????▽????)! !

For her friends, Annie has never been stingy with her own help. Therefore, she has quietly given the other party a real machine without changing certain characteristics of the other party before the other party is not aware of it. Life, this is not too difficult for Anne, who has created the fire source and Transformers a long time ago.


"Magic? Sister Anne, are you talking about magic like this?"


After speaking, Arale stretched out a finger for the first time, and then a slowly rotating fragmented fire appeared on the tip of her finger.


!? (??''????)??

"This! Arale, when did you learn it, people remember it very clearly, they obviously never taught you?!"


That's right, Annie sees it clearly, that is her own signature magic-Fragmenting Fire!

However, she doesn't quite understand how the other party uses it...because she has never taught each other, after all, they have not known each other for a few most, it seems that there is only the last time, which is the last time. Did you use it once when you went to catch the ostrich and roast it with your partner?


"I'll see it right away. What's wrong, Sister Annie, is this difficult?"

Arale was a little puzzled. She did see it once, which was as simple as she could learn to memorize everything she learned in school quickly and at a glance.



"It stands to reason that this shouldn't be right, because Arale, you don't have magical powers, you should never learn like my idiot Tibbers..."


With that said, Annie began to squint her eyes slightly, scanned the other person's body up and down, and began to ponder carefully.



(Tibbers said that learning magic is not its fault, because it has nothing to do with brain and wisdom. Those things are innate and no one can force them!)



"It seems that people have modified your body with magic, which gives you a certain contractual connection with them, so can you indirectly guide magic power?"


Scratching her head and looking again, Annie managed to come up with such a reasonable explanation.

Because, she herself can no longer just use "some kind of powerful existence" to describe. When she used magic to transform the other party's body, she may have inadvertently changed certain rules so that the other party can also Guide and use the energy floating in space to a limited extent and express it in a magical way?


Arale didn't quite understand, so she could only blink and looked at the Miss Annie in front of her with a little ignorance.

"That one……"

"Sister Annie?"

After waiting for a while, after eating a little more, Arale seemed to suddenly remember an important question, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"what happened again?"


"People are more than thirteen years old this year, but you are only eight. Why do you have to call your sister?"

Actually, this logically wrong question has really troubled Arale for a long time, and she has wanted to ask.



"Because you are a robot, you have not been manufactured for many years, but people have lived for at least eight years and dozens of months, so of course you have to call them sister!!"



(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"But, if you live for eight years or dozens of months, why are you still eight?"

Hearing what Miss Annie said, Ala Lei expressed even more confusion, even her ignorant computing core was a bit overheated.



"Anyway, Arale, you just need to know that people's age is calculated in a different way for people on Earth!!"


Annie didn't want to explain the problem of constant time to this guy too clearly, otherwise, God knows what kind of things this guy who learns magic can do after he understands it?

Anyway, she didn’t want the guy in front of her who would always do some weird things to be exposed to too much magic, because she could now imagine that once the other party learns too much magic, what it means to this penguin village What are you doing!

Presumably, it must be a catastrophic terrorist event...


"But Sister Annie, how could it be different?"

Arale also wants to be a sister, although she looks a little shorter than the other? But that kind of thing is not difficult. At most, when she goes back, she asks the doctor to help her make her legs longer, or she can pull out her head by herself.


"Because they are not people on earth, the way of calculating age is different from that of people on earth!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

"But, people themselves are not earthlings..."

Arale has long known that she is different from ordinary earth people. For example, she doesn't need to eat, and she doesn't have many important organs, etc.?

"But you were made on the earth, even a robot is a robot on the earth!"



"Sister Annie, does it take dozens or hundreds of months for your alien planet to revolve? Otherwise, why are you still eight years old?"

Araleo, who was still struggling with the question just now, shook his fingers to calculate, and tried to use the data to analyze it.



"Let's talk about food. Do you still want to drink motor oil? I seem to have a little bit here?"


In fact, Annie didn't have the engine oil, and didn't want the other party to drink those things... But she suddenly remembered that the Banshee fighters, Viking fighters, siege tanks or Gundams in her bag, there are many in it. It is the lubricating oil. As long as the other party wants it, she can remove the engine and lubrication pipeline at any time, and then take out a few large tanks to give the other party enough to drink.

"Not for the time being."

"Sister Annie, I'm more curious now, how can I play with this strange thing?"

Suddenly, Arale, who was still eating, suddenly got a quadruple box from somewhere, and there seemed to be some buttons and simple screen radars that were familiar to Annie?



"Ala Lei, how did you get this thing out, why do people always seem familiar?"


Yes, Annie said that she seemed to have seen the thing the other party was playing with from somewhere, and she always felt familiar, even playing it? However, what it is seems to be for a while and I always can't remember it.

(Dear little master, of course you are familiar with this thing, because, isn't that your super large Ivan quadruple simple launch (self-destruct) device with 10 billion tons equivalent and known as the planet destroyer?


——Tibbers directly reminded a forgetful and inattentive little master. Because, that was originally carried on the body of the Destroyer robot Xiaopang and used instead...Of course, when necessary, like the unrelenting Arale robot in front of you, it is also possible to directly launch it manually!

However, once the button is pressed, there is probably nothing about the launcher and the witness... As for why it happened, Tibbers didn't bother to explain it! )


"It looks like a lot of fun, how should I go..."


"I see, it turned out to be like this, first set the goal, and then press this button?"

"Great! Mimi Missile: Target Penguin Village, launch!!"

While Annie was stunned and listened to her own little bear Tibbs, all of a sudden, Arale, who was a robot and was fast at learning everything, was muttering to herself. He acted like a tiger and locked them down. After the Penguin Village where he was, he suddenly pressed the red launch button.


Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

In the next instant, a series of four-lane trumpet missiles dragged a brilliant blue tail flame, and slammed open the top cover of the metal square shell placed by the quadruple missiles, bringing up bursts of dust and grass clippings. At the same time as the fragments of the metal lid, he shot towards the Penguin Village not far away with a mighty posture!





"Stop, stop! Stop!"


Seeing that the other party actually did such a frenzied thing, Annie didn't think much about it, so she hurriedly stretched her finger. When the four missiles flew over the Penguin Village, they were about to burst open. , A teleportation spell directly teleported them from the earth to the deep space of the universe outside the solar system, making them instantly turn into four shining stars in the dark universe that the people on earth can’t feel, and they soon fell silent again. Go down...

(Unfortunately, just a little bit, the earthlings don't need to worry about the threat of Saiyans...

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——Seeing that his little master took those things away in time and became the savior again, Tibbers couldn't help but sigh with regret. To tell the truth, it is really a little robot who likes that temperament more than that of the messy little master of its family, and has to do whatever it wants. Because what the other party does is very appetizing for it! )



"When did you take that thing out of someone's pocket?!"


There is no doubt that the four-burst super Ivan just now has and only her Queen Anne has on this earth! And, is it the kind of thing that she throws in the space bag and presses the bottom of the box, and hasn't thought of using it for a long time, or will never be able to use it in the future?

Therefore, it is obvious how the other party got it.

"Of course it was just secretly taken when you were not paying attention..."

"Any questions?"

Arale said it for granted.

And she doesn’t think it’s a big deal to detonate those small missiles, because, when she asked Dr. Zhimuan Chibei to get up before, she once threw a fragmentation grenade directly into the opponent’s mouth and exploded. Is there nothing wrong with it?



"Anyway, you are not allowed to take the things in my pocket without paying attention in the future. It is very dangerous. Have you heard?!"


Annie herself did not even think about preventing this little guy just now, but she never expected that she would let the other party take advantage of it? But fortunately, the other party did not get her delicious things and other treasures, otherwise, she would definitely feel distressed!


"Then people will only take it when you pay attention?"

Nodding, the smart Arale said (__*)o this...

"People have set permissions now, don't want to mess around again in the future!!"


Angrily, Annie finally began to set up the permission that only herself and Tibbers could get things on her space pocket that she had never seriously protected, completely preventing a nasty robot from arbitrarily paying for itself and taking out something. All possibilities of dangerous goods.

"What are permissions?"

Blinking the purple eyes behind the glasses, Aralei curiously leaned to Annie's side, opened the small pocket on the other's skirt, and directly reached in.


"Wow! I really can't touch something, it's so cunning! Then how can people open it in the future?!"

However, after a long while, she finally had to exclaim...

Because, she could no longer reach into the pocket that looked small but had a lot of space in it and pulled out some very fun and interesting things.

"I won't tell you, I know you are very smart at learning, although you are a little bit worse than others..."




"and many more……"


"Arale! fellow, when did you break my Gundam?!!!"


Looking at the one behind the other party, it was shrunk by myself and placed in the space bag. I don't know when it was taken out by the other party. At this time, Liberty Gundam who had his head directly snapped off and exclaimed. .

That is the Gundam of her Queen Anne, a souvenir and treasure that she finally collected, and it is a super figure that has been scaled down from the original original! And now, it has been beautifully broken off the most, most important, and most important beautiful head as the data processing center and radar center! !

"It was taken out just now with the four missiles..."

"Miss Annie, isn't it just a small toy made of iron? If it breaks, it will break. What's so great about that?"

"Don't worry, someone will make you more beautiful someday!"

Arale turned her head with a bit of disdain, and expressed dissatisfaction and disdain for the little sister-like performance of Miss Anne.

She just dropped a few missiles and broke a little iron man, what's the big deal? You know, Arale often breaks her head off, and even has the experience of leaving her head at home to continue sleeping, and letting her body go to school!

"You guy, it's more than just a toy!!"


With some distress, Annie snatched her Gundam from behind the other party, and then hurriedly stuffed it back into her bag, and prepared to wait until she was free before going to repair it carefully.

However, fortunately, what the other party is breaking is only the Freedom Gundam that she has not opened. It is not too bad, and if her baby, Fiery Jean, is treated like this by the other party, she might be ruthless. Punish the other party!

For example: take the other person's head off and not put it back all day? Or, shove the opponent directly into Tibbers' belly?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Oh yo, oh yo..."

Arale didn't care about the stingy Miss Annie at all, but made a certain unexplained pleasant sound in his mouth, while trying hard to eat the rest.


"Sister Annie, have you ever played your own poop? It's fun!!"

Suddenly, Arale, who was eating the delicious food that the other party brought from a sister called Bulma, suddenly asked such a nonsensical question.


!? (??''????)??

"I won't do that kind of boring thing! Also, Arale, please don't discuss that kind of disgusting problem while eating!!"


Sure enough, robots or something, although they are very cute and fit their own temperament, they are still somewhat different from normal people in some aspects.

Anyway, Annie said that even if she is boring and has nothing to do, she will never do the kind of thing the other party just said, absolutely not!

"very pitiful……"

"Unexpectedly, I have never even played poo. People often play it. Every time I see it, I play it..."

You know, Arale’s favorite things are: eating motor oil, imitating animals, playing with all kinds of **** and doing crazy things with Xiaoka (bao melon)?



"What kind of eyes do you have, do you feel very proud of playing poo?!"


Annoyed, Annie pointed directly at the opponent’s nose and scolded her.

"I'm very proud, it's really fun, do you want to try it? I know where to find those poop!"

After that, Arale planned to take off his jumpsuit jeans, and planned to sell them now, to teach the sister Anne, who doesn't even know how to play, how to play. Anyway, she is a robot, so she won't have to brew for a long time like ordinary people want to poop!

Of course, she didn't need and didn't have **** before, but now this Miss Annie has used magic to transform her body, in the future, she will no longer have to play with others.



"Never! The mud plays triumphantly!!"


Annie pushed away the other's face, trying to keep a safer distance from the disgusting little guy in front of her, so that she could feel a little better.



"Sister Annie? ’

After the two were silent for a while and started eating again, Arale couldn't help but speak again.



Annie said that as long as it is not the kind of disgusting problem that affects her eating, she will not mind.

"That one……"

"Can you give some of those little missiles just now?"

Arale discovered it when she secretly took something out of the other party’s pocket. There are many other little missiles like the one she just played. Therefore, she intends to persuade the stingy and stingy lady in front of her to give it away for free. Some of her.

And she promised that next time she would use it to fight another place, she would never choose Penguin Village again.



"What do you want to do?"


To be honest, Annie is a bit scared of this little guy now...Anyway, she has made up her mind, no matter what the other party wants to do, she will never give that kind of missile to the other party! Otherwise, God knows one day when she wakes up, this earth will be completely finished! Then, who will she go to play with?

"I did not do anything……"

"People want to put them in their stomachs, and then they can launch Mimi to make trouble. People have always thought about it that way. That is the biggest wish!!"

Arale said pitifully, and unconsciously lifted up her coat, revealing the flat, bionic skin and body that were different from the normal earth human.


!? (??''????)??

"No! Don't even think about it!"


She fired missiles in her chest and her biggest wish. Such boring things can be said with a face. Her Queen Anne is not crazy, so how could she satisfy her?

"Sister Annie!"

"You are so stingy! Even more stingy than Kongdou Xiaoxiong!!"

Arale made a grimace, and turned his head angrily, intending to snub some nasty guy for at least a few seconds.

"Whatever you say, I won't give it anyway!!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

Also Mimi missiles, what kind of **** is the guy who made Arale? Anyway, Annie, who couldn't believe what kind of knowledge the other party had instilled in Arale, would definitely not dare to imagine.


‘Then Sister Annie, can you make your little bear bigger and play with me? ’

"No way!"


‘And why? ’

"Because it will take you bad!!"



‘Sister Annie, there was a very good bear in the past...’

Arale remembered her previous big bear. It was very pitiful. It was kept in a cage by bad guys. After she rescued it and put it in the mountains, she was accidentally killed by poaching... Later, she threw the bad guys who were poaching into the lion's territory, but it was a pity that after being transformed by the doctor, the big bear didn't live long and died.

Therefore, if Miss Annie can give her Tibbers to play for a few days, she will be very happy!

"It's useless to pretend to be pitiful, and Tibbers won't let you play around!"


The other party was not a fuel-efficient guy, nor was her Tibbers. In order to prevent the two bad guys from getting together, Annie refused the other party's outrageous request without even thinking about it.

"Don't play, don't play!"

"Huh! Goodbye!"

Seeing that the other party refused to play poo with her, she refused to give her the missiles, and even refused to let the other bear’s bear play with her for a few days, Arale stood up and turned her head away with anger, planning at least several God ignores some nasty guy!


(lll¬▽¬) Sample!



Seeing that the other party walked so simply today, instead of haunting her facelessly like she used to, and don't know why, Annie always feels that things seem to be faintly wrong?

Then, she subconsciously drew it into her pocket, and found that there seemed to be nothing left in it, and found that the permission restrictions she set would definitely not be broken by the other party, and she finally turned her gaze to someone in her arms. A bad bear.


!? (??''????)??

not good! be cheated! !

"Ala Lei! You cunning fellow, stop for me! Give me back my Tibbers, the soul is light!!"


It turned out that that nasty little guy, that nasty cunning robot, actually made a doll bear that looks exactly like her Tibbers in advance, and then, just now, I didn’t know when she secretly dropped it without paying attention. ?

That hateful guy actually relied on being a robot and approached him without the benefit of mood swings, and successfully dropped the package? !

Of course, the most hateful thing is that the bad guy Tibbers also cooperated with each other, without reminding himself from beginning to end?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Don't run! Stop for me! Otherwise, I must hit your **** to bloom!!"




"You can't jump! Just stop where you are!"


Annie's threats and warnings seemed to have some effect. The Arale did not run away, but she was squatting with her feet close together and jumping high in place. She wanted to escape to the other side of Penguin Village by jumping?


"Sister Annie, I'll just play for a while, just for a while, really!!"

A certain Arale, who decisively changed to jumping when he heard the chaser shouting not to run, was caught in the next second, and pretended to be pitiful and howled loudly, and kept the water in his body through his eyes. Braving outside.



"This Tibbers is also fake, you cunning robot, want to lie to me?!"


Soon, after snatching'Tibbers' back from the opponent's hand, Annie started to get started. You don't need to look at it to know that the thing is also fake, and the other party has made preparations after she discovered it?

Therefore, she simply did it herself, and directly stripped off the opponent's denim jumpsuit, and successfully took out the other's cowboy jumpsuit from the belly outside her family's one who wanted to run with a robot. Bad bear!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



When she said she did it, she lifted up the bear in her hand, using the other person as a shoe board, and then slapped her white and tender little **** vigorously.

‘! ! ’

'Wow! ! ’

‘Sister Annie, why does my **** hurt? ’

"Because you are no longer an ordinary robot! You are now a robot with a complete life!"


‘! ! ’

‘Spare, spare me! ’

"Sister Annie..."

‘Wow! ! ’

‘No! Then I don't want the pain now, can you change me back quickly? ’

Arale, who never knew what pain was, felt the terrible sensation of being spanked by an adult for the first time, and kept struggling and begging for mercy.

"No way!"


"It's too late now!!"


Slap~! Slap~!


‘No! ’

'it hurts! stop fighting……'




In the evening, Annie was playing with Arale for a day. Before going back to Bulma’s house to sleep, she once again came to the desert woodland of the karst landform, and successfully found someone who was sneaking away from the Great Demon Piccolo. It seems that it is the little clever Sun Gohan who intends to **** and pee.


"You villain again?!"

When Gohan with a blue nose and a swollen face lifted his pants and was about to go back, when he saw the smiling little girl who appeared in front of him under the stars, he was shocked and stepped back!

Then, his body stiffened quickly, because he seemed to accidentally step on something warm...

"You are the villain!"




"Huh? What? It smells... so smelly! So smelly!!"


"Wow! Son Gohan, you guy, what are you not learning well, you are going to learn to play your own **** with that bad robot Alalei?!"

!? (??''????)??

Knowing what it was, and subconsciously glanced at the opponent's feet, Annie was so frightened that she jumped up the wind next to her, and then stepped back several steps at the same time, intending to stay far away from the opponent, never close. The opponent's five yards away!


"You just play with your own poop, isn't it all caused by you?!"

Some Gohan, who wants to cry without tears and is exhausted physically and mentally, has no time to argue with the other party. He just talks bitterly while rubbing his feet on the grass beside him, intending to wipe his boots clean. .

But it's a pity, how can that thing get rid of that disgusting smell by just rubbing it a few times? Therefore, he suddenly felt like he wanted to cry, and he didn't dare to go back. Because he knew that once he went back like this, he would definitely be laughed at and abused by Uncle Pic!



"They didn't do anything just now, so don't blame good people!!"


Annie dared to swear with her own bad bear's morals. She really didn't do anything just now. She just wanted to come and say hello to the other party, but the other party herself was not scared and was still in a hurry. Stepping on his own poop, how could she be wronged by that kind of thing?

When she bid farewell to Arale from the Penguin Village and sent it over, how did UU read www.uukā know that this unlucky person in front of him was beaten up by a certain Piccolo with a bruised face and swollen face. What are you doing? !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"Go away, don't block my way, I'm going to the pool over there to wash well..."

With that, Sun Wufan dropped his hands physically and mentally exhausted, passed the restless and kind little girl, and walked towards a certain large oasis in the desert woodland surrounded by desert.

There, there is a clear and sweet spring water, which was originally an important drinking place for him and the surrounding animals, but now he just wants to go there and take a good bath...First make an exception to take a bath, then wash the boots, and then wait until there is no After the smell, go back to sleep! In that case, maybe he won't be scolded by his uncle Piccolo.

"Hey! Wait!"


"Sun Wufan, someone has something important to tell you, don't you want to listen to it?"


Annie ran up to the other person, pinched her nose, and said with a look of disgust.

"I don't want to..."

"go away……"

Sun Wufan no longer has the energy to talk to the other party any more, because after training for a whole day, he almost doesn't even have the energy to talk to the other party.

"Really don't want to?!"


"I don't want to..."

"Hey! Wait!"




(??????????)?? Ask for a ticket?? (??????????)

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