Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1076: ??|??ω?`) The Secret of Monkey King and...

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When someone was less than five years old, he was caught by the Big Demon King Piccolo in such an uninhabited, beast-ridden place for survival trials. After that, he was beaten up by the opponent and finally washed off his body. After she crawled out of the spring and put on her clothes, Annie, who had been waiting impatiently, naturally looked for the door again.

‘! ! ’

‘You haven’t left yet? ’

I was shocked, after seeing that the person was still the little liar girl just now, Sun Wufan sat down on the ground in frustration.

He just got ready to sit and rest for a while, regain some strength, and wait for his messy hair to dry, then go back and rest for a good night, sleep well, and then wait to wake up tomorrow morning to continue training or Continue to be beaten?

But I don’t think, a liar who doesn’t know why, always wants to come and can’t live with him, unexpectedly came to the door again without giving up... However, no matter what the other party wants to do, he doesn’t want to care because he is tired now , The place where he was beaten was also painful and sore, and I really didn't have the energy to entangle with the other party.

"Because the weather tonight is very good, the wind is very cool, and it is not as sultry as during the day, why do people rush to leave?"


Obviously, Annie would not tell the other party that before her goal was achieved, she would definitely not want to admit defeat and retreat so quickly.

"Hey! Monkey King!"


"Well, people think you are so pitiful today, and you were beaten so badly by that green-skinned monster... For the sake of that bare-bottomed dad in your family, they will show their kindness and teach you a little bit. You go and beat that bad guy named Piccolo. What do you think?"


In Annie's memory, she has never seen what Sun Wukong looks like when she grows up. For the other's father, the impression of the Monkey King is still the fun of peeing in the bathtub of Sister Buma with her **** naked. Guy, so she patted Sun Gohan on the head so carelessly and pretended to be generous with her suggestions.

"You play tricks... I don't like you..."

It's fine if the other party bullies himself, and every time he meets he denigrates the heroic father who saved the earth. How could Sun Gohan have a good impression of such a guy, and how could he accept the other party's things?


"I don't want your stuff!"

Therefore, when he opened the other party and shot himself injured, it is estimated that it was the hand that was beaten up by Uncle Piccolo and fell through. Then he coldly hummed and slowly turned his head away.



"It's fun, don't you really want it?"


As a last resort, Annie had to tilt her head again to get in front of the other party and seduced her.


However, it was okay if she didn't say it. After saying that, Sun Wufan stood up, then turned around and left?



"Hey! I haven't finished talking about this yet, why are you leaving? You can't listen to what kind of good things they want to give you, in case it is really useful to you, really can Make you stronger?"


There was no way, the unwilling Anne had to patiently catch up again, and followed the other side, just walking forward side by side, while persuasively bewitching.


"I won't believe you, I won't go back with you, I won't fight with you, and I won't learn martial arts with you or take any of your things!"

"I don't like you, you should leave as soon as Uncle Bick doesn't find out..."

Son Gohan knew that he really couldn't beat the nasty little girl around him, who haunted him and was still a little lingering, but that didn't mean that others couldn't beat him either, especially the one who was very harsh and harsh on him. Uncle Bick?

"However, they didn't say today that you would believe them or go back with them!"

(; one_one)

"Moreover, they are not here to teach you martial arts. Don't think too much about it, they don't have time to teach you!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

If it wasn't for fun, if it wasn't for the purpose of guiding this very potential (very good flicker) Sun Wufan on the right path, she wouldn't be so shameless to rely on the other party!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"Then what are you doing here? I will go back to sleep with Uncle Bick later, and I will continue to practice the exercises tomorrow, I have no time to care for you!"

Sun Wufan continued to walk back dejectedly. He not only felt extremely tired, but also his heart. He just wanted to quickly get rid of the little girl around him who couldn't beat and scold him.

"What are you practicing with that Piccolo? He is just like that. He must not be able to beat the Saiyan. You can practice with him for nothing!"



"If you don't practice with Uncle Bick, can you still practice with you?!"

Sun Wufan asked in an incredible way.

Because in his impression, Uncle Bick is stronger than his father, Sun Wukong, and the little girl in front of him is at best a little bit better than himself, or temporarily, as long as a while, He must be strong enough to beat her to find teeth and never dare to trouble him again!



"It's half right! But it's not someone who will train you, but something else will help them train you! How about it, isn't it a surprise, a surprise?!"


That's right, even the apprentices of her who play very well don't bother to teach patiently, let alone the son of someone else! If it weren't for something interesting, she would have turned her head back home and went to sleep long ago, but where would she stay here in the middle of the night?


"I'm very tired, I don't have time to practice with you anymore, I'm going back to sleep..."

Gohan, who was beaten with a swollen nose and swollen face, spoke with exhaustion, and then looked at the road ahead. It is not far from where he and Uncle Bick rested. I must wait a while until I get closer to myself This nasty little girl must have left by herself, right?

If she didn't leave, then, Gohan would definitely be happy to see Uncle Bick beat him up like himself!

"Do not worry about it!"

(* ̄︶ ̄)

"There is a baby here, named'holographic dream simulation training device'. You only need to activate it when you sleep, and you can use it in your dreams and practice how to fight against Saiyan or your villain Piccolo. Uncle, how do you want it?"


Annie took out a watch-style thing. To put it bluntly, it was a restriction and specified a specific function of the main **** watch. It referred to the holographic simulation training cabin on the Hope that year, and was able to train the Sun Wufan in front of her in her dreams. Some misleading, nothing more, there must be no other exchanges or more magical functions.

After all, the other party hates herself so much, and even scolds herself, how can Annie, who is stingy and obsessive, can give the other party too good things?


"What is this strange thing, a broken watch, what's the use?"

Sun Wufan stopped, glanced a little curiously, then lowered his head again to continue walking forward weakly. Because he is really tired, and he doesn't want to talk to the little girl in front of him about those meaningless conversations. Instead of that, it's better to go back to bed early and get enough energy for tomorrow's training!



"Don't underestimate it! It can really help you defeat those Saiyans, and it won't affect your practice during the day! However, don't think too much about it, except that it can help you find a way to defeat those Saiyans. Apart from improving your combat experience, there is definitely no way to enhance your combat effectiveness."


Of course, at most it is just a little training of the spirit, making the nerves more tenacious, and more sensitive to the battlefield. Other than that, there is really no other effect.

Originally, other functions might be possible, but now they have all been cut off by her. Because the other party doesn't like her at all, and she doesn't like each other either! And if it wasn't for that Monkey King's relationship, maybe she wouldn't have come to find such an annoying guy at all?


"Are you going to give it to me for nothing?"

If the other party gave it to himself for nothing, if the other party hurried away after the delivery, and would never disturb him again, Monkey King said that he could still accept the small gift reluctantly.

"Of course not!"

(= ̄ω ̄=)

I want to give it away for nothing, but I want to be beautiful!



"Come on, call Aunt Anne to listen? Remember to call it nicely. If you call it nicely, people will give you sweets and this instrument for you, and maybe teach you to beat those who are quick It’s the Saiyan’s way to come to earth to make trouble!"


In fact, something must be given, which is why she came here to find each other and pester for a long time.

However, if there is not a good sentence, isn't it too cheap for this kid in front of you? You know, Queen Anne is also very principled, some things cannot be saved, even if the other party is the son of the dead Monkey King!



(Is there a principle for my own messy little master? Tibbers said that it seems to have no impression at all. It must be some kind of illusion...)

"Forget it..."

"I still don't want it, you leave it to you to play..."

Seeing that the other party wanted to trick himself into calling the other's aunt again just like yesterday, Sun Wufan's originally depressed face with blue eyes and swollen nose turned away again.

"I am really tired now, and I will continue training tomorrow. I want to go back and rest. You should go back too. There are human-eating monsters here at night. Don't be eaten by them. But no one will avenge you..."

After speaking, Sun Wufan quickened his pace, ready to go back to the place where he and Uncle Piccolo slept quickly, and then slept well all night!

Tomorrow, after dawn, he will continue to train and continue to be beaten by Uncle Piccolo as he is now. If he can’t quickly rest and recover from his injury, then he will be miserable. When the time comes, he will definitely be beaten. The beating is worse than now!

Uncle Gebic is so fierce and harsh, he will certainly not be easy to forgive or let go of him just because he is entangled by a little girl...



"Hey! Stop! Son Gohan, you little kid, stop for me! Just call it, don't you really want it?!"


"Really don't..."

Monkey King answered weakly.

He doesn't want to waste his energy to entangle the boring things with each other, because tomorrow he will continue to work hard with Uncle Bick to become as strong as his father, and then save them from the evil Saiyans. The earth!


"I don't care! Here! Give it to you, if you don't want it, you have to!!"


It is not once or twice that Annie has done the forced buying and selling, but it seems that it is the first time that the forced delivery is?

Anyway, seeing that the other party was so stubborn, she even dared to refuse her kindness, so she became ruthless, rushed directly towards the other party, and took out the one she just showed off. The watch was directly put on the other side's wrist, which was beaten to blue and purple, and still had many broken skin wounds, and snapped it up firmly.


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)


"What are you doing? I said no, how can you be like this?!"

This is the first time that Sun Wufan has encountered this kind of weird person who wants to give him something forcibly and doesn't want it! So, thinking that what the other party gave him was definitely not a good thing, he threw away the other's hand, and then hurriedly tugged it on his wrist, as if he wanted to pull it off?


"Why is it so tight, how do you open this button?!"

After trying it, I found that Sun Gohan, who seemed to be unable to pull it off easily with violence, had to work hard to open his bruised and swollen eye sockets, wanting to see more clearly relying on the starlight, and want to understand that the other party was forced to send it. How do you take this thing for yourself?



"I'm telling you, Sun Wufan, once you wear this thing on your hand, it will never be taken off once you put it on. You can't take it off if you want to!!"


Seeing the other party’s embarrassment and sweating, and constantly tearing and biting on his own wrist, trying to get the watch off, Annie finally smiled proudly and compared Gave a small victory sign.


"You villain, how can you be like this?!"

Sun Wufan was a little surprised. So, after trying to violently tear, find buttons, and directly use his teeth to remove the thing, he became annoyed and opened his other hand. Then I got enough energy and hit a small qigong cannon on my wrist, seeming to want to burn the watch that I don't know what harm to me?

‘! ! ’

'Wow! So hot! So hot! ! ’

However, it is a pity...

Sun Wufan soon had to admit that even if his anger burned a small piece of his wrist, the strange watch was still cold, and there was nothing to be scorched or burned. ?

"Don't bother, it's useless for you to do that!"


Just kidding, is the Lord God watch so easy to take off?

"Monkey King, I will tell you: In the auxiliary holographic simulation training device, you can set up various enemies, even those Saiyans who have not come here! Anyway, when you go back to sleep Just figure it out for yourself, and I will definitely not teach you how to use it!"


"When you find a way to defeat the Saiyans inside, you can go to the house of Sidu Bulma, to the mansion of the president of the largest and most luxurious capsule company, and then find the Dr. Breff, who will help you Prepare the rest thing you need."



(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers couldn't help but froze for a moment. It just remembered it now. It seems that as early as a month ago, a bad little master had taught the old bean of Bulma and taught the Dr. Breff some messy things. Something...)

"Goodbye, people are going back to sleep, you have to go to bed early!"


Seeing the other party still trying unwillingly there, and finally after telling the other party those things, after Xiao Annie waved her hand at the other party playfully, she hurriedly sent a teleport and disappeared in an instant.

‘! ! ’

'stop! ! ’

'hateful! How come this thing is not small? ! ’

"That bad guy..."

Bang! Bang!


With constant tearing, biting, and burning, Sun Wufan became angry from his heart to the guts, grabbed a sharp rock directly from the ground, and pointed it down at the wrist. The watch smashed hard.

'Wow! ’

'it hurts……'

‘? ? ’

‘Why is it nothing at all, what is this? ! ’


‘Ah~! ’


'Humph! ! ’

‘If you don’t sleep at night, what are you doing? ! ’

Finally, the movement here and Sun Wufan's repeated use of qigong cannons to burn his wrists aroused the idea of ​​the Great Demon King Piccolo, who was meditating in the same place, and the opponent quickly rushed to this side with a direct dance. Volley and frown looked at the Monkey King who was struggling with his wrist on the ground.

'what! ’

"Bi, Uncle Bick? ’

‘What are you stunned! ’

‘I ask you, why don’t you sleep at night and what are you doing here? ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘No, nothing, I just went to take a shower...’

After hesitating for a while, Monkey King still didn't dare to tell the truth, and even put his hands behind his back, unwilling to let Piccolo see the watch that appeared abruptly on his hand.

‘A bath? ’

'Humph! Now that you have finished washing, roll back and go to sleep. If you don’t want to sleep, I can start a new training session with the other party now. ’

After staring for a while, he found that the other party's hair was indeed wet, and his skin and clothes were not so dry and stained. Picco didn't think much about it, but he snorted coldly.

'what! ! ’

‘No no no! I will go back to sleep now! ! ’


Seeing the other party rushing back pissing, and thinking about the other party's sneaky look just now, Piccould not help but frown, perceive and scan the surrounding carefully, and use his nose to sniff in the air carefully.

But unfortunately, apart from faintly smelling some strange scents that he didn't know came from other human beings or other animals and plants, he didn't find anything, nor saw other figures, and even more. Did not perceive the breath of a third person besides himself and Monkey King.


'Humph! This kid! ! ’

The Great Demon King Piccolo, who couldn't understand and found nothing, had to conquer the doubts in his heart, and then snorted in his heart and flew straight in the direction where Sun Gohan had just escaped.

Because he himself has to go back to rest.

In the next six months, in addition to training Sun Wufan, he also has to constantly train and improve himself. Therefore, he himself must also ensure sufficient rest time every day, whether it is sleeping or meditating. That's all essential!

Otherwise, once their strength can't be improved to a certain level, after half a year, when the terrible Saiyans arrive, all of them will be finished, and none of them will want to live...



Time flies by, and the sun and the moon are like a shuttle. In this world, time is the fairest thing, because it will not easily stop its pace due to any factors.

Isn't this?

When a messy little girl was still eating and drinking on this earth, and occasionally fooling around with her new robot friend and causing trouble to others, some two were worried for a whole year. The aliens finally boarded their spacecraft, and took the kind of advanced single-person shuttle spherical small airship arbitrarily into the solar system and began to slow down and fly towards the earth.

One day at most, two spherical single-person space shuttles can slow down and safely break through the earth's atmosphere and reach the earth!

Of course, people on earth don’t know about these things, and there is no way to accurately capture them. In fact, a guy called the “king of the world” saw it and notified a bad old man who was going to the toilet through a remote mind dialogue. .

‘! ! ’

'fast! Hurry up and get ready to summon the dragon, we are going to revive Wukong now! ’

Just now, the immortal turtle who rushed out of the bathroom in a hurry reported to the Bulma, Poole, Oolong, and two little girls who made troubles in his home who Qiqi gathered in his home today. His business, and everyone gathered here, gathered on this beautiful beach outside his house.

"Already preparing!"

"But, old turtle, can't you wipe your **** clean before you come out?"

Bulma clutched her nose, and then quietly moved a few steps to the left of the beach to ensure that she was standing in the upper wind of the other party, seizing the T-head, and avoiding the attack of the large number of gas bombs released by the other party.

"I want, too!"

"But there is nothing but newspapers. Did you throw away or run out of toilet paper?!"

Seeing that Oolong was stacking the dragon **** together, and after he was about to summon the dragon, Guixian looked at the little girl he most doubted with an angry look.


!? (??\'\'????)??

"What's the matter with others, she must have done that kind of boring mess!!"


Without even thinking about it, Annie turned around and pointed her finger to the nose of a little robot girl who has always had a bad hobby, how to teach it.

Now in the turtle fairy’s hut, besides this Arale in front of her, she really wants to do it, except for this guy who likes to play poop, has never changed, and hates the clean bathroom, and has always wanted to blow up the toilet. It's unclear who would do that kind of boring thing.

"I won't deny it!"

"Because it was indeed made by someone else, who told you to play it without me?!"

Arale, with an innocent look of no denial, raised her hand directly and proudly admitted that kind of thing.



"Forget it, let's hurry up and summon Shenlong to revive Wukong..."

The blue veins on Guixianren's light head jumped, and in the end he still didn't dare to say any more serious words, and instead nodded to Oolong who had already placed seven dragon balls.



"Sister Bouma, who are these guys?!"


Annie discovered that at this time, I don't know why, on the beach of the Turtle Immortal Hut, there were still a few guys that she didn't know at all, and who were fully armed and looked like the army?


"They are generals and soldiers under King Pilaf, the king of the earth. They are here to monitor our use of dragon **** and pay attention to the alien Saiyan invasion of the earth, because one of our dragon **** is obtained from their hands. Yes, the little king is afraid that we will make some wishes that threaten his rule, so he always tries to find a dragon ball and monitor our use of it..."

After talking about Bulma, she shrugged indifferently. Obviously, she was already familiar with those people, and they were obviously also very familiar with Bulma and Guixianren and a group of martial artists or friends from martial artists, so they would I stood aside easily, and didn't do anything too exciting.

"Master Pilaf?"


"Oh! So it was him!"


Annie suddenly remembered, as if she knew that guy before, and even gave him something so that he could successfully become the king of the earth?

Unexpectedly, that guy would actually become one in the end, depending on the situation, isn't it a day or two? Sure enough, her Queen Anne's things are easy to use, although she seldom uses those boring things now, but they are still exerting residual heat in the hands of others and still performing their glorious mission .


"Annie, do you know that King Pilaf?"

Seeing the sudden look of Annie, Bulma asked strangely.

"You don't want to know..."


Annie didn't want to have too much relationship with the Lord Pilaf. Anyway, no matter whether the other party did good or bad things, she didn't want to know, nor did she want others to know that she had given each other some interesting little things.


"I always feel that something is wrong..."

Seeing that the little guy didn't want to say, Bulma couldn't help it, so she shook her head and looked at the Oolong who was chanting a spell seriously and summoning the dragon.

‘! ! ’

‘Sister Annie! ’

‘Come and see! Shenlong really came out, it's so big! Can it really fulfill any wish? ! ’

Arale yelled excitedly, and pointed to the other end that not only caused the sky to suddenly turn black, but also kept circling upward. The growing dragon was facing away from the sky, and she cheered for Annie, who didn’t know what she was thinking about. Write.



"Ala Lei, let me tell you, that dragon is actually a very useless guy. It can't do a lot of things. That kind of statement that it can realize any wish is a lie to a child. Don't you Take it!"

o(??^`)o hum!

Annie, who had summoned the dragon and made a wish, said that she didn’t feel cold at all for the kind of guy who didn’t want to use it. it works?

"Is that so?"

"Is it really that bad?!"

Hearing what her sister Anne said, Arale felt a little unbelievable, and raised her head again, blinking the purple eyes behind her glasses, looking at the mighty and beautiful green dragon.


‘It’s the life given to me by the gods, and my power cannot surpass the gods. Therefore, I cannot satisfy you with some desires beyond the scope of my ability...’

'right now……'

‘Tell your wishes, only any one within my ability! ’

Maybe I heard the conversation between two little girls below, maybe I recognized the little girl who had lost the face of her dragon in the twelve years and had to rush to complete the ritual and escape, so she was silent for a while Later, the huge dragon in the sky explained angrily and hurriedly said.

It doesn't like that little girl, and always feels that if he doesn't leave here soon, something that makes him feel very embarrassed will happen?

"Me! Me! Me! Let me speak first!"

"Shenlong! My item will become stronger than Miss Annie, I will become faster and stronger than her!!"

Of course, when everyone present, when the turtle fairy, Bulma, or Oolong have not had time to speak to let the dragon resurrect Monkey King, there is a certain day on the side that is fearless and fearless and doing things has always been a scrupulous robot Arale. Bento took the first step and shouted loudly at the huge and incomparably huge dragon overlooking them, which was said to be very useless.

Because, every time Arale fights with Miss Annie, she loses. It's because she was hit on the ground by the other party or spanked. Therefore, I wanted to use the other party to bully herself. She seemed to retaliate against the other party once. Seeing that there was a chance now, she quickly said the opportunity.

‘! ! ’

‘Arale? ! ’

'not good! ’

'shit! ’

Seeing that a little robot girl suddenly promised such a meaningless wish first, Bulma, Poole, Oolong, and Guixianren all stared and exclaimed. Sound, and then hurriedly looked towards Shenlong.


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Just find a useless dragon and want to make a wish to become stronger than her Queen Anne. Is this possible?

Therefore, unlike Sister Bouma and Guixianren, whose faces were full of panic and worry, Annie was full of disdain, and she never thought about the possibility of that kind of thing, and she was right in her heart. A certain dragon and a certain Arale, who didn't know what he was hitting, snorted disdainfully.



‘Sorry, I can’t realize this wish, please change one...’

After staring at a certain little girl for a while, she said she couldn't see through the other side at all. Trying to use the power that contains the rules of the world to try and get no response at all, only barely able to see the other side's strength. Shenlong had no choice but to leisurely refuse to the little robot girl who had just made a wish to it.

Obviously, the little girl wearing a red dress with a stuffed toy bear in her hand must be far above the gods, she can't even peer into the other party, then Not to mention increasing the power of the little girl robot and raising it above the opponent's upper limit.


"You guy is really useless!!"

Arale stomped angrily.

You know, just now, she had a lot of effort to utter the wish in front of the grudge Miss Anne, but now it has not been fulfilled, then she is almost certain that she must have been hated. And, one day in the near future, she will be given an excuse to'fix' severely, that is something that will definitely happen!

'call! Ok! ’

‘Ala Lei, you are really messed up! ’

'Scared me……'

‘Okay! Ok! ’

Seeing that Shenlong could not fulfill the other party’s wish, Bulma, Guixianren and others were just fortunate. No one realized what Shenlong said just now that it can’t be done beyond its capabilities. The problem.


"Hurry up, tell us that wish!"

Since Shenlong couldn't satisfy the meaningless wish that Arale just said, Bulma hurriedly said the wish just now, but was urged by a little fat pig who Arale had preempted.

'Ok! ’

‘Shenlong! I ask you to defeat the two Saiyans who are coming to earth tomorrow and save our earth! ! ’

Hearing Bulma’s urging, the Oolong, who looked like a pig, was actually a pig after hesitating for a while, finally gritted his teeth and said that he had been brewing for a long time, and he never knew whether he should be like that. The desire to do it.

‘! ! ’

‘? ? ’

‘Oolong, how are you....’

Hearing the other party's promise, it turned out to be such a wish, instead of resurrecting Monkey King, Bulma, Wulong and Guixian once again looked at Wulong in surprise.


'very sorry……'

‘This wish is beyond my ability. Please tell me another wish...’

Unsurprisingly, after seeing this group of troublesome guys who had formed a special group to make things difficult for themselves, Shenlong's eyes flashed with an inexplicable look of grief and indignation before he had to sigh, and again patience and speak up. Said apologetically.

'hateful! ’

‘Short and fat dead pig, please don’t talk nonsense about that boring wish, don’t you want Goku to resurrect him? ! ’

‘Don’t you dare to mess around again, be careful I’ll kill you with guns! ! ’

The relationship with Monkey King is probably the best Bulma among all the people here. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Shenlong's refusal. At the same time, she hurriedly and violently shouted at the color pig who was like a certain turtle. Up.

After all, Monkey King was willing to die in order to save the earth. Bulma was deeply moved by that kind of thing, and has always been very sad about it! But now, Oolong doesn't want to hurry up to resurrect their hero, and ask Wukong to save the earth again, yet she promises such a boring wish. How can she not be angry?

'Damn! ’

‘Buma, think about it, as long as the Saiyan is dead, our earth will be saved. The Monkey King is dead, and he can be resurrected next year! ’

Not at all persuading the threat of a woman Bulma, who is becoming more and more **** and beautiful, but also more and more fierce at the same time, Oolong protested with reason.

‘You guy! ! ’

Bulma was so angry that he directly drew out a universal capsule, intending to use weapons to attack a dead pig who dared to ignore and disobey him.

‘Okay, Bouma and Oolong, don’t quarrel! ’

‘Actually, what Oolong said just now is right. If the Saiyans can be eliminated directly, it’s not impossible for Wukong to resurrect next year. On the contrary, might it be safer to do that? ’


Seeing Bulma and Oolong, they planned to stage a full-fledged martial arts tour here, while Di Guixian Ren and Poole hurried forward to persuade them to fight and comfort them.


"Please state your wishes..."

‘Say a wish within my abilities, please hurry up...’

Shenlong was already a little impatient. It didn't have time to wait for the people below to quarrel for a long time, so before they stopped by themselves, it urged again.

In the past, after other people gathered Dragon Ball, which one did not hurriedly express their wishes, such as those who want countless gold jewelry, endless life, highest power, or beautiful women, like Such a wish is not a problem for its dragon! However, since the group in front of them began to collect dragon **** and summon themselves, its life has become sad day by day.

For example, now, it’s just a simple wish. It was forced to clarify its own abilities just now. Therefore, if you wish, you should be considerate of each other and have a meaning. Let’s go through the process. Just make a simple wish... After all, no matter how strong it is, it is only made by the bad old man on the Celestial Temple. If it is really omnipotent, then why doesn't it swallow that bad old man, himself Going to be a **** on that day, if you are still trapped in a dragon ball, can you be so angry in a year?

However, looking at it now, they all promised what kind of unreasonable wishes. Their own dignified dragon has been deliberately made difficult again and again. Is it still shameless?

‘! ! ’

‘Shut up! ’

‘This time for me! ! ’

‘Ahem! ’

Seeing that these people were unreliable one by one, there was no way. Gui Xianren had to take out teacher Wu Tian's score, and after a little reprimanding the Oolong and Buma present, he cleared his throat. , Raised his head and said to the impatient dragon:

‘Shenlong! ’

"Please let the Monkey King who died in the battle with Saiyan Raditz a year ago..."

‘? ? ’

'Hey! Arale, what are you doing? ! ’

Before he could finish the words, Immortal Turtle had to stop, and turned his head in doubt, and looked behind him.

Behind him, the little girl robot named Arale was constantly pulling at the corners of his clothes at this time, and with great force, the buttons of his shirt were tied to his neck, and his speech was a little unfavorable.


The dragon in the sky opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

It really wants to directly satisfy the other party’s wish and resurrect the Monkey King who died in the battle with Saiyan Raditz a year ago. However, since the other party didn’t say everything, it’s a bit unreasonable to do that. Too much in line with the process, it had to stop, and again patiently, waiting for the people below, even if anyone said any wish it can achieve.

‘Ala Lei, what are you doing? ’

‘Your Grandpa Turtle, I’m doing business, I don’t have time to play with you now! Hey, can you wait for a while? ’

Some petting touched the other party’s head. Guixian was about to turn his head and tell Shenlong his wish to resurrect Monkey King, but was dragged back by the other party. The strength was so strong that he almost made him Teacher Wu Tian This dignified one hundred and thirty-nine combat force of the former strongest earthling fell on the beach.

‘! ! ’

‘Grandma, what do you want? ! ’

Got it!

Right now, Immortal Turtle couldn't take care of making a wish and resurrecting Monkey King. He could only ask his father to tell his mother, and asked the little girl in front of him in a soft and gentle manner.

‘Grandpa Turtle! ’

‘Do you really want to eliminate those Saiyans? ’

Arale bit her finger and asked Mengmenda.

'what? ’

‘Of course it is! We all dream! ! ’

Without even thinking about it, Immortal Turtle nodded directly, admitting that he really wanted to eliminate the Saiyans. After all, since they learned that their evil Saiyans will arrive on Earth in a year, they are just like I felt that there was a terrifying sword of Damocles hanging on the heads of all of them on earth, for fear that it would fall off one day, not to mention how tormented it was.


‘Their spacecraft has entered the solar system and will arrive on earth tomorrow, right? ’

You know, Arale’s mathematics is very good, she can figure out the arithmetic problems that the teacher does not know at once, even the advanced calculus and advanced algebra are the same! So, in fact, she can now basically analyze what position the Saiyans are now based on the existing intelligence, and asking now is just a final confirmation.

'Well? ’

‘What are you asking about this? Well, Wukong and the Lord of the Realm did say that when they first contacted me, but is there any problem? ! ’

Immortal Turtle was a little confused. He didn’t know what the weird little girl was thinking about when she came to ask this question... You know, now things are very urgent, and the two Saiyans will arrive on earth tomorrow. They have to be faster.

‘Of course! ’

‘If that’s the case, people can have a way to prevent the bad guys from coming to earth! ’

Arale knows that if the diameter of the solar system is calculated according to gravity, it is about 3 to 4 light years. If it is bounded by the orbit of Pluto, it is 11.8 billion kilometers. Such a distance is certain without a spacecraft. It is impossible to come to the earth, even if it is as strong as her Arale!

and so……

‘Shenlong! ’

‘I don’t want you to kill the two Saiyans, but if you are asked to destroy their spaceship, it’s okay, right? ! ’

After confirming some things from Grandpa Turtle Immortal, Arale nodded happily, and then excitedly again, under everyone’s horrified eyes, he greeted the person in the sky and almost asked them to be quick. The dragon who clicked on the wish said loudly.

'what? ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘No Arale! ’

'not good……'

'Do not! Shenlong, don't satisfy her wish, she doesn't count! ’

‘Shenlong! You should hurry up and bring Monkey King back to life, we chose this wish! ! ’

‘Shenlong? ! ’

Seeing that Arale said irresponsibly that kind of nonsensical desire, although faintly felt that it seemed to be a way, but Bulma, Guixianren and Poole still anxiously stopped and hurriedly confronted the dragon. Shouted.


‘I have fulfilled your wish! ’

‘The energy packs of the two Saiyan’s aircraft have been short-circuited by me and exploded. Their aircraft has been completely shattered into the dust of the universe...’

"Then, goodbye..."

What does the relieved Shenlong think about other people?

Anyway, it only knew that the little girl's robot's wish was very simple to it, so after saying this in a hurry, the huge burly body gradually dissipated, and at the same time, the seven dragon **** slowly rose into the air. , And flew towards all parts of the earth in a strong light, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

After the dragon ball dissipated and flew away, soon, the sky that was originally dark as night finally gradually brightened, and the abnormal weather due to the appearance of the dragon returned to normal again, turning into the clear sky before, and a blue sky. That kind of summer sky.

‘Are we going to die? ’

'do not know……'

'Perhaps? ’


When the Shenlong disappeared, when everything returned to its original state, Bulma, Oolong, Guixianren, and Poole all looked at the person who didn’t even know what wrong they did, and they were still there triumphantly. Arale looked over while smiling.

"What a little clever ghost!"


Originally, Anne wanted to send the Saiyans to the earth and have a good time, but how can I think that Arale used the simplest means to successfully destroy them with the dragon ball and the dragon?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

‘! ! ’

‘Don’t talk, the King of the World and Monkey King are contacting me! ’

Suddenly, Immortal Turtle seemed to feel something, and he quickly reached out to the people who were about to quarrel and signaled that they all shut up, then quickly closed his eyes and contacted Monkey King who was having a spiritual dialogue with him through the realm king. stand up.

for a long time……

Guixian finally opened his and stared at a little girl robot who had turned her head and was amused by a castle on the beach with her gaze of happiness or sorrow. Arale.

‘Everyone! ’

‘I have two news here, one good and the other bad, which one do you want to hear first? ! ’

With a sigh, Immortal Turtle turned towards Bulma, Oolong, Poole, a little girl who was indifferent to a certain old god, and the farce that was forced to watch the whole scene at this time. Say something, the officers who were taken aback by the surprise and were sent by King Pilaf to monitor the use of Dragon Ball said.

‘! ! ’

‘Old man, you dare to sell it, just say it! Say it together! ! ’

Bulma wouldn't let the other party's words to ask questions. When she got angry, she went straight forward, and then grabbed the white beard on one side of the other party and threatened it severely.

'Ouch! ’

‘Let go! Let go! Miss Bouma, I said! I said it's not alright? ! ’


Finally, he saved his beautiful bearded turtle fairy from the opponent's claws. Then he cleared his throat again, and then slowly raised his head, holding his hands on his back, so that his bright bald head and sunglasses reflected a glare. After the sunshine slowly said:

‘Everyone! ’

‘The good news and the bad news are...???? Please go and see what the author said afterwards! ????’



Sure enough, Annie knew, where are such cheap things in the world?

And, as always, after that guy Arale helped out, things really got worse and worse.


ε=(????`●))) Alas! It's hard for the bear to live, ask for votes~!

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