Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1104: Yo! Is it a giant dragon? o(??�第�


It's cold...

The heavy snow in the sky, the dim sky and the clouds that seem to be extremely low, and the large coniferous forest that towers straight into the sky and is pressed with a thick layer of snow are the themes of this world. At least, what Annie is seeing now is such a world.

Although she still never thought about using her super perception to scan this planet or the whole world, Annie knew that it was not in a high latitude area north or south of the planet, or she was in Severe cold winter!

Anyway, those little things are not important to Annie, and this severe cold weather won't affect her, right?



After a long time, Annie raised her head and glanced at the road ahead.

When she saw that she still didn't seem to reach the destination, she continued to lower her head, and then continued to sit on the crossbar of the carriage, looking at her book, and continuing to follow the carriages, following those who seemed The ferocious soldier uncle, a certain knight leading the way, and those dejected and dirty behind the carriages, the guys sitting in the carriage held by the soldiers continued to rush forward.

Annie doesn't care about the people around her...

Because, she just ran into this convoy halfway, and in a cute (shameful) way, the uncle knight in the lead had to agree to let her sit in a carriage and return to the nearest town, which is called Helgen, and at the same time It's just a place called Holy Land Town.

If it were ordinary people who jumped out, what was not said, maybe they would be slashed to death by those uncle soldiers who were nervous because of the need to **** the prisoners, and were fierce soldiers who had bad intentions? However, if she is such a cute little guy, is a little girl who is wearing a blue and white luxurious and beautiful skirt, and is still a little girl who is lost, then she can be treated more or less!

Isn't this?

In the end, Annie not only succeeded in getting into this prison cart group that was said to be pulling a group of death row prisoners, and took a ride, but also "borrowed" this book with some interesting legends from a certain cavalry uncle. , And dangling his little short legs wearing plush snow boots just looked at the cowl...

Although, at the beginning, that pesky cavalry uncle dared to laugh at her for being illiterate?

But the villain has a lot of Annie but doesn’t care about such small things, because when she casually read the contents of the book smoothly for a long period of time, she became angry, even such a thin book. The guy who didn't recognize the words in the "children's book" ran directly to lead the way, and never dared to run to her.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

The roaring cold wind brought snow and icy **** on the surface, so that the groom behind Annie's car had to half-squint his eyes, so that his eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard were frozen with tiny icy edges. . Obviously, rushing in this bad weather, whether it is death row prisoners who are said to be executed soon after doing bad things, or soldiers escorting the prisoners on the way, is a kind of suffering.

"Why haven't it arrived yet..."


Stretched out, shook her hat, and shivered the snow above, Anne continued to lower her head, and with the help of the dim sky, she continued on the swaying carriage cowl, watching her I gave the boring "story" book that I laid on my lap and opened it, and turned it to the next page.


In ancient times, giant dragons were always worshipped as gods by Nords, and a certain guy called'Alduin' relied on being the strongest among giant dragons, and at the same time dominating Who are the dragons and humans in ancient times?

But later, the brutal rule of Alduin and the Dragonism finally attracted strong resistance from the Nords!

After all, those rulers knew all day that they were worried about the Nords’ money bags and rice jars, and they didn’t plan to leave a way for the Nords to survive, and that would always be impossible... So, between the Nords and the dragons The'Dragon War' broke out outright under all kinds of irreconcilable class contradictions and was out of control.

Facts have proved that when it is related to the vital interests of the people, even the gods they worship, or even the supreme ruler of a country, must carefully consider it, and once shamelessly follow the barefoot If the mud legs compete for profit, they will be ruthlessly abandoned!

In this way, due to various reasons, the ancient "Dragon War" was in full swing, proceeding with the victory of the Nords...

Therefore, in the later period of the'Dragon War', seeing that the brutal rule of the Dragon Cult was about to be overthrown by the Nords, and as a last resort, Alduin the Devourer rushed out, and finally met The three strongest Nord warriors-the one-eyed "Hakon", the golden scabbard "Glas", and the old man "Fidel" have launched an earth-shattering epic duel in the Throat of the World!

Although the three heroes used their own dragon roar stunt "Dragonrend" to greatly restrain the power of the dragon Alduin, but the dragon is a dragon, even if a huge part is suppressed. Power, as powerful as Alduin, still had the absolute upper hand, and easily killed the golden scabbard'Glas', one of the three warriors.

When Alduin couldn't beat Alduin in three hits and one, after the death of the golden scabbard'Glass', the situation of the other two immediately became precarious...

In the end, he had no choice. When Harkon saw that he was about to be defeated and was about to be swallowed by Alduin, the old man Fidil, who knew that he could no longer go to'leave a hand,' had to use his pre-prepared killer mace. ——The Ancient Scrolls, and finally successfully expelled Alduin from their time point and sent it to a certain point in the future.

At this point, the Dragon War ended with the victory of the Nords!

For some reason, there is actually such a prophecy in the book of fairy tales in Annie's hands. It says: That Alduin, who has the terrible title of "World Devourer" and "World Destroyer", will one day Return to Nairn and destroy the entire world?

Of course, the storybook also explains that when the time comes, there will be the last dragonborn, and then lead the people to participate in the battle to defeat Alduin?

Therefore, at the end of various ancient prophetic stories, there is such a legend that has been handed down in the form of ballads:

'When tyranny is in all directions, when the brass tower moves, when time is reshaped, when the three big blessings fail, the red tower trembles, when the dragon descendants lose power and the white tower collapses, when the snow tower is broken, when no one is king and the earth bleeds When it becomes a river, Alduin the World Devourer is about to wake up. At that time, the wheel of time will turn to the last dragonborn...'



Seeing this, Annie simply closed the book and showed a look of disdain.

Because, others might not know, but Annie understood it at a glance, knowing all the so-called prophecies written in it are all fools!

In her opinion, it was the three Nord warriors who found that they could not defeat the dragon, and then they simply used the insidious trick to exile the Alduin dragon directly with that kind of magical time scroll. , And the time of exile happens to be some time after countless years?

This kind of thing is not difficult to understand at all!

If you think more simply, you can analyze it so lightly: it's nothing more than the brave (little) scholars (people) of ancient times who saw that they couldn't beat a certain powerful dragon Alduin, so they simply hurt the black hand. , Very irresponsibly directly'transported' the opponent to countless years later, and then, in their time period and the time period of their descendants for many generations, they no longer have to worry about the threat of that terrible dragon Up!

And as for a certain unlucky person, the time period when they took Alduin directly and ‘airborne’ for no reason and what kind of tragic end the people at that time point would be, then they can’t care! After all, they are safe, their people and future generations are safe, and can comfortably enjoy a beautiful life as a winner, enjoy the fruits of victory, and no longer have to worry about an evil dragon in their lives. Come back to trouble them before the end.

As for what kind of tragic situation their little tricks will bring to later generations, that is, the people at the time when Alduin was banished, they must not see it, and they must not survive that time.

Snapped! !



Annie directly closed the ‘story’ book and threw it to the groom soldier who drove the car, not intending to read it any more.

Because, at this time, in front of these convoys, a stone-built city wall with thatched sheds and small towns and small towns made of stone was in her sight!

Judging from the reaction of the soldiers and officers who were waiting at the gate, it must be the destination of their team—Heergen, which is also called Holy Land Town!

Anyway, in Annie's eyes, this is just a shabby, backward town, nothing more.

‘! ! ’

'finally reached……'

'get off! ’

'get off! ’

'fast! Let them get off the station! ’

'you! Get out! ! ’

‘All stand here, don’t move! ’

‘Asshole! Do you want to die now? Go and stand! ! ’

When the convoy was gradually approaching, when the carriage had been surrounded and watched by the soldiers and watched by countless townspeople, it slowly walked to this small town and reached a certain clearing in the middle of Helgen, it was already here. For a long time, another group of armored officers and soldiers rushed up murderously, yelling, pushing, and beating all the prisoners sitting in the car. They pulled everyone down and ordered them to be in a certain place. Stand in this place.

Of course, there must have been some uncooperativeness during the period, but after they were slapped a few times with the whip, they still had to reluctantly deal with those fierce soldiers amidst a deep grin. Under the watchful eyes, stand still and wait for the verdict of fate.


‘Captain, can we start now? ’

'let's start! I can't wait to see the head of the storm cloak fall into the manger! ’


'Yes! Yes! ’

In the front, the one wearing silver armor, no helmet, silver armor with some beautiful golden decorations, looks like a clerk, the male general, after communicating and confirming with the female officer next to him, did not panic. He took out a roster and a quill pen in a hurry, took two steps forward, and stood a few steps before the prisoners.


‘First of all, it’s Ulfric Stormcloak, Lord of Windrud City! ’

Under the name of the clerk, a middle-aged man wearing a luxurious black fur cloak, the lord of Windhelm City (also known as Windhelm City) Ulfric Stormcloak silently spoke to the soldiers He walked to the front of a beheading platform and stood still.

In fact, he couldn’t say anything, because he might be worried that the other party would verbally verbally or instigate unsuspecting fools in Helgen. Therefore, at this time, his mouth was already tied with a thick line. The cloth tape has basically eliminated the possibility of the other party making any inflammatory remarks at critical times.

'Ah! ’

‘It will be the honor of my life to be able to face death with you! Dear Lord Ulfric, please rest assured that we will follow in your footsteps even if you die! ’


‘! ! ’

'To shut up! ! ’

When the Ulfric was the first to be called out from the prisoner’s team and went out, the other prisoner said this softly, and then, of course, he attracted some guarding soldiers from the side. The whip whizzing down and a fierce rage.


'next! ’

‘It’s Larov from Ximu Town! ’

When the clerk called out the second name, the one who spoke and was given a whip when Ulfric Stormcloak walked out, also wearing precious fur clothes, seemed to know that it was not ordinary The human blond man also walked to the front without saying a word, and stood firmly beside the Ulfric.


‘Rocker of Lolik Town...’

The clerk kept watching the Larov walk to the side of the guillotine and stand still. He didn't know what he was thinking, and then he slightly frowned and looked back, and had to tick the roster in his hand. Click, and then called out the name of the next person.

'Do not! ’

‘I’m really not a rebel! I just wanted to steal their horse, but you arrested me together. I really am not a rebel! ! ’

‘You can’t kill me! ’

‘I’m not guilty! Do not! Don't you guys want to kill me! ! ’

Locker from Lolik Town who had tied his hands yelled loudly when he was called out and went out.

Then, when he saw that there were fewer guards in front of him, and there were no soldiers pressing him down, he didn't want to be beheaded by someone inexplicably on charges of rebels, so he resolutely accelerated, staggering in the mud The small town ran toward the front in the snow.

‘! ! ’

‘Stop! ’

‘I order you to stop! ! ’

'Humph! ’

'Archer! Ready...put it! ! ’

At this time, seeing that the prisoner was still thinking about running, the female captain of the Imperial Army resolutely raised her hand to an archer not far away, and then ran out of that Rocker. Ten steps, after the archer bends the bow and shoots the arrow, she furiously swishes it down.



‘? ? ’

‘Uh~! ! ’

As the long arrow sank into the body, the diamond-shaped arrow of the arrow and the blood rushed out of his chest and heart, the innocent man with an arrow in his back, the horse thief Locker screamed in an instant, He fell directly on the slab-inlaid pavement in the cold and dirty town of Helgen, and after twitching and struggling for a while, he gradually stopped and could no longer move.

'Humph! ’

‘Does anyone else want to run? If so, you can run now! ! ’

Seeing the annoying being killed by an elite Imperial archer with an arrow through his chest, the Imperial female officer, the female captain did not even frown, just as if they had done something small for granted, and then slowly turned around. He sneered and warned the prisoners who were afflicted.

'how? ’

'no yet? ’

'Humph! If there is not, then continue to roll the call, the next one! ! ’

Seeing the annoying people no longer dared to say anything, the female officer with a fierce expression signaled that the clerk beside her with a quill and notebook could continue.



Under the fierce eyes of the female officer, the prisoners were so frightened that they didn't dare to speak again.

Obviously, they might be more willing to be beheaded by the guillotine with an axe without pain than the painful way of death in which they were shot immediately by a bow and arrow and then died slowly? Besides, the beheading comes one by one, they can continue to live a little longer, right?

Not being afraid of death does not mean that they want to die earlier, even if they are not afraid to throw themselves into the arms of their ancestors, the warriors in the storm cloak who have already put life and death out of the ordinary are no exception. Moreover, in this case, running away or resisting is destined to be futile, and they will not do that kind of futile and ridiculous boring things.


'Wait!, come here! ! ’

‘You don’t seem to have your name on the list, who are you? ! ’


When it was the third person, the clerk suddenly got a little bit embarrassed...because it seemed that there was no other party's name on the roster at all? Therefore, he called the other party to take a step forward and began to inquire carefully.


'passing by? Man, I have to say, it’s really not the right time for a passing guy to show up in that place...’

‘Although I want to believe you, but your fate is not up to me! ’

Soon, the clerk clarified the situation.

It turns out that the third annoying person doesn't seem to belong to the stormcloak rebels, nor is it someone nearby, but a passing traveler? Moreover, was it because he had to go back to his hometown and he was arrested by Turius' soldiers at the black water junction?

However, this situation did not prevent him from quickly writing the name of the other party on the roster with a quill.

'team leader……'

‘He really seems to be passing by, not on the list we arrested, and he is still a local, you say, what should we do with him now? ’

No way, the clerk who felt a little difficult had to turn his head and look at the prisoner next to him who was responsible for executing the prisoner, and there was an absolute imperial female officer who decided to die, and carefully consulted the other side.

'Humph! ’

‘Don’t worry about the list, as long as it has something to do with the storm cloak, it’s the same! ’

In the eyes of the female officer, the guy who appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time is a major suspicion in itself! Therefore, with the idea of ​​Ning killing three thousand wrongs and not letting go of one, she waved her hand viciously and motioned to the soldiers to quickly press some unlucky guy to the guillotine.

‘Yes! team leader! ’

‘I’m sorry, buddy, although I don’t know if you are innocent, but I promise, at least you can die not far from your home...’

‘Bring him there! ’

Although the clerk in charge of the record said that verbally, he sketched out on the list and ordered the soldiers to push the opponent away, but he was not slow at all. He directly asked the soldiers to give the fellow villager who seemed to want to say something. Coming to the side of the guillotine, stood with the rebels in the storm cloak.


‘Captain, there seems to be no important person anymore, what else do you want to tell? ’

The clerk scanned the list, and then looked at the prisoners who were caught, those ordinary soldiers in storm cloak uniforms. He didn't plan to confirm the names of each location, so he turned around and again. Asked the female officer beside him.

Since Locker, who now claims to be innocent, and the fellow passing by, who seems to have few suspicions, cannot avoid the fate of death, then the soldiers in the storm cloak must not survive, and they have no need for questioning and interrogation. It's just a waste of time to roll the call.

‘Of course! ’

‘All you can tell me, who is she and why is she here? ! ’

Taking a step forward, the female officer sharply drank and stretched out her finger to someone who was standing behind the prisoners, and then kept looking at the lively little girl.

Because, she just saw that the other party got off from the prisoner’s car together, plus the other party was wearing the same luxurious clothes, unlike the kid here in Helgen... So she subconsciously thought that the other party It should be the family of an important person in Stormcloak, such as the child of Ulfric Stormcloak?

If that's the case, then the other party will also be put to death. Their empire will never leave a little kid from the rebel leader's family, regardless of whether they are men, women or children! !


∑(??△`)? !

"Obassang, what do you want?!"


Annie said that she was just a free ride, and she had nothing to do with these people, whether they were prisoners, soldiers, or the townspeople who were onlookers! Therefore, if the fierce guy also wants to shoot her with a bow and arrow or wants to disadvantage her, then they will definitely regret it, guarantee it in the name of her Tibbers! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


‘It doesn’t seem to be on the list, does any of you know how she got here? ! ’

After looking at the list of prisoners in his hand, he was sure that there was no such little girl, and the clerk had to ask the soldiers who had just escorted the prisoner.

‘Report sir! ’

‘She met on the way we came, saying that she wanted to take a ride to Heergen, because she looked pitiful and looked like a rich kid with status, so I decided to take her for a ride! ’

It didn't make the sceptical clerk embarrassed for long. At this time, the same fierce cavalry leader who had been responsible for sending the prisoners to Helgen walked out and reported loudly.

'Humph! ’

‘A little girl like this appeared in the snow and ice, and even dared to hitchhiking. It seems a bit suspicious no matter how you look at it! ’

The female officer began to look up and down at a little girl with sharp eyes, and there was a fierce and cruel light in her eyes. She seemed to be considering whether to do nothing and treat her as a family member of the storm cloak. Slaughtered together?

"You are suspicious!!"


"You fierce fellow, I will tell you! A fierce and ugly fellow like you will generally not survive the second episode on TV!!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!

After seeing the other's fierce and unkind eyes, Anne of course also retorted unceremoniously, and retorted bitterly in front of the other party and spit, she had no intention of admitting counsel or begging for mercy. .

‘! ! ’

'you! ! ’

The female officer was angry, and when she wanted to order the soldiers to **** the opponent to the guillotine, suddenly, a man with short hair, like a bald head, and a short red cloak came over. And asked aloud with some doubts:

'Hey! ’

‘Why the delay is so long, is there something happened? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Report to General Turius! ’

‘Here is a suspicious little girl, I’m considering whether to execute her together! ! ’

The female officer was not polite at all in front of a little girl in front of the impatient officer who walked over to ask what was going on, facing the highest military officer of the empire in Skyrim, who was also the commander-in-chief of the empire’s crusade army. The general reported loudly.



"You! You are suspicious! Are you still executed? Okay! People are standing here now. If you have a list, come and try! People's little bear promises not to bite you!!"


Annie said that she really hitchhiked and came here, and she just didn’t leave in time because she was too engrossed in watching the excitement. If the brutal guy dared to be rude to her, see if she would Throw out your own little bear directly, and then kill or burn all these bad guys?

Anyway, now she has a reason to burn them, as for whether they are innocent, she doesn't care!


??????????← Super fierce!

(Tibbers said that it hasn’t burned anyone for a long time...So, if someone doesn’t know the sky and the earth, dare to offend, and really want to respect his family, the clever and cute little master is disadvantageous If it does, then it will not be stingy with force, and will teach the other party how to be a qualified undead.)

'you! ! ’

'Humph! ’

‘Your Excellency General! You see? The subordinates always feel that this kid must have a problem! How can ordinary children be like her? ! ’

‘Or, just...’

Seeing that the other party is facing so many murderous soldiers in this situation, there is no reaction at all when facing their fierce aura, and they even threaten themselves without fear, the more the female officer looks The more suspicious, the more you look, the more you feel that the other person is definitely not a normal little girl, the more you look, the more you feel that there must be some hidden secret under the other's cute appearance?

So, while her heart was furious, she silently took a step forward and held the handle of the long sword on her waist and proposed to the General Turius.

Because, she has heard that some organizations in Skyrim Province will specially train children who can confuse people to be assassins or thieves? Therefore, she is now more and more sure that the other party's path is definitely not simple, maybe it was sent to wait for an opportunity to rescue the storm cloak?

But fortunately, they escorted more soldiers along the way, and the guards were more alert, so they never gave the other side a chance?


However, unlike that female officer, General Turius, known as the ‘Confucian general of the imperial capital’, did not shout and scream like a murderous female officer.

'All right……'

Turius, who almost never likes to express too hard emotions, frowned and glanced at some funny little guy who was still tit-for-tat with his subordinates. Although he felt suspicious in his heart, But he didn’t feel that the other party’s emotions seemed to be fake. He thought for a while, and after a while, he smiled and stretched out his hand to stop the movement of the female subordinate next to him. The little girl asked:

‘Don’t get frustrated! ’

‘Tell me first, kid, who are you, what’s your name, and why are you here? ’

Although there was a certain decision in his heart, Turius still hoped to ask a few words.



"My name is Annie, Annie Hasta, she is a mage! I stopped by here to play, are you satisfied now?!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

If it was the fierce old woman who asked, Annie would definitely not say it, but if it was the kind of old man in front of her, she would barely be able to say it.

'just you? Return the Master? ’

'I understand……'

‘That’s it, Hadawa, you take her aside, I can see that she should really have nothing to do with this matter, as long as she is not allowed to interfere with our execution. ’

'Ah! ’

After pondering for a while, although he thought the little girl was a bit weird, Turius, who knew from the little girl’s eyes to the prisoners, knew that they should have nothing to do with each other, thought about it, and didn’t plan to waste time on it. When he was on the other side, after beckoning the clerk Hadawa to come and take the little girl, he directly led the female officer to the other prisoners' guillotine.

Now for Turius, the first thing they need to do is to punish Ulfric Stormcloak here in Helgen, and try to emulate them, instead of going to waste with a weird little girl who claims to be a mage time!

That little girl, no matter whether it was suspicious or not, and no matter what it had to do with the prisoner, he didn't intend to pursue more, because it was just a little girl.

‘Ulfric Stormcloak! ’

‘There are still a lot of people here in Helgen’s Holy Land Town who treat a guy like you as a ‘hero’, but I don’t think so! Because a hero will not kill his young king and usurp the throne with the "Dragon Roar"! "

‘You launched a rebellion, launched this civil war and plunged Skyrim into serious chaos...’

‘And now, I will behead you here on behalf of the empire, and I will soon wipe out your remnants and restore true peace to Skyrim! ! ’

General Turius, the empire’s highest military commander in Skyrim, and the commander-in-chief of the crusade for the crusade against the'cloak of the storm' began to circumvent the soldiers there, the prisoners and the onlookers. The people of Helgen spoke loudly.

‘! ! ’

‘? ? ’

Suddenly, there seemed to be some movement in the sky at this time?

Then, all the prisoners, soldiers, townspeople, and a certain imperial soldier rushed to the outside of the defense line. At this time, there were still some angry little girls looking toward the sky.



However, it may be that the visibility is not high due to bad weather conditions. Therefore, everyone watched for a while, except for a little girl who saw but did not say that they were broken. They still couldn't see why.



'be quiet! ’

‘Let’s go on! Nothing, let's get ready now! ’

The Empire General Turius, who looked at the sky for a while, was also a little surprised and waited for a while, but he didn't notice any more movement, so he didn't intend to entangle anymore, but waved his hand to signal the woman. The officer and the clerk Hadawa can begin executions on the prisoners.

He felt that only when the heads of the Ulfric Stormcloak and most important party members were hung on the gates of Helgen and deterred the rebels, everything would end soon.

Presumably, when the time comes, under the headless group of dragons in the'cloak of the storm', his rebellion will be smoother. At that time, the sky province can maintain peace and stability, and there will be no more disputes. That is him. Want to see.


‘Hooooo~! ’


Soon, when the first soldier in the storm cloak was escorted to the guillotine, before he had time to kneel down and put his head in the groove, suddenly, there was a burst of clarity in the sky. Roar, and when everyone including the executioner all followed the voice and looked into the sky again, they saw a huge black shadow rushing down the thick clouds and rushing towards them. ?

‘! ! ’

'what! ’

'what is that? ! ’

‘Noble Eight Holy Spirits...’

'That is…...'

‘It’s a dragon! ! ! ’

‘It’s really a dragon! Damn it! It rushed down~! ! ’

'Wow! ! ! ’


Soon, after the huge guy rushed down and landed fiercely on the circular high platform like an arrow tower, and immediately trampled all the soldiers on it to death or shot flying, it went directly towards The people at the execution site below roared, causing the terrifying sound waves to oscillate instantly, causing the eardrums of everyone present to buzz instantly and as if their souls were deterred, and even let many soldiers who bear the brunt directly directly She fell to the ground and screamed with fright and covered their heads tightly.

Immediately afterwards, chaos inevitably began to spread here in Helgen...

Countless onlookers, the people of Helgen, and even some of the imperial soldiers are all like headless flies, just struggling and running, they just want to get away from here quickly, away from the kind that is only in the legend. A terrifying giant creature that will only appear in China.

‘It’s a dragon! ’


‘Don’t froze! ’

'fast! Soldiers, kill that thing! ’

'guard! Move all the townspeople to a safe place! ’

'Archer! ! ’

‘! ! ’

'Do not! Bows and arrows are useless for it, come here, go and call the Battle Mage! be quick! ! ’

'Be careful! ! ! ’

‘Wow! ! ! ’

‘Calm! ’

‘Soldiers, summon your courage! The gods are equal to me! ! ’

'Be careful! Its dragon's breath! ! ! ’

The voices of a certain female officer and general Turius are also roaring, seeming to be planning to command those soldiers who are just panicked and have not lost their square inch as soon as possible, and then let them organize to deal with the dragon in the sky?



boom! boom! boom!

The one who responded to them was the one who hovered and flew back into the air, and raised the arrogant and cruel head high, and the cunning and cruel fellow like a monster of apocalypse spit out at them. Dragon's breath!

Balls of fire, the breath of dragons falling into the sky like intensive bombing, and the numbers are densely packed, instantly exploding the originally prosperous and not small town of Helgen, as well as the strong imperial army fortress, arrow tower and city wall A piece of ruins with only remnants and broken walls!

The fire and thick smoke immediately engulfed the execution grounds and spread throughout Helgen...

Many imperial soldiers, a small number of Helgen citizens, and certain unlucky prisoners quickly turned into a burning human-shaped torch and screamed and rolled.



"Tibbers, that seems to be a very small and powerful dragon!!"


Annie took a step back gently and easily avoided the dragon's breath magic like a fireball bombarded by the giant dragon. However, she didn't have the idea of ​​taking action, because he was not very familiar with those people... Besides, she was not familiar with the world. In case that dragon is a good dragon, and those people are all bad, then she But you will do bad things with good intentions!

So, keep watching?

Besides, the soldiers were so fierce just now, especially the Obasan, who kept saying that he was going to cut himself. How could she, who had always been very careful and very vengeful, help them? Such things are impossible, don't even think about it, don't even think about it! !


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



Suddenly, the dragon's breath fireballs in the sky that were making indiscriminate blows blasted down toward her! It's a pity that Annie, who was unwilling to continue avoiding the steps on the steps of the burnt-up house, waved her hand. The dragon's breath fireball that might be as big as a basket was used by her simply. The arcane missiles blasted into dots of ashes.

‘! ! ’

'little girl! You really are a mage! ’

'come here quickly! I call you in the name of the empire and help us deal with that dragon immediately! ! ’

At this time, the female officer who ran over from a distance with a long sword saw the movement of a certain little girl. She was shocked by the strength and identity of the other party. At the same time, she was overjoyed and pointed at the other party. The tone of the command urged.



"Why? People won't help a bad guy like you!!"

o(??^`)o hum!

She had just finished killing herself, and she still shouted and killed her. Now her Queen Anne has been very restrained without directly hitting it with a shattering fire, how could she help the other party?



However, instead of waiting for the female officer who could not figure out the situation and was vicious in her mind to continue to say something, two men with weapons suddenly appeared behind her. They united and used skilled martial arts to fight two enemies. In a few strokes, the female officer was chopped to the ground.



"Sure enough, people know that that kind of brutal villain will definitely not survive the second episode..."


Seeing that the imperial female officer was hacked to death, it turned out to be the two prisoners Ulfric Stormcloak and Larov who had almost had their heads cut off just now. Annie murmured a little bit.



‘Little girl, you are really a mage! ’

‘I’m Ulfric Stormcloak of Windhelm City! How is it, kid, would you like to run away with me? You see, the Imperial Army is not a good thing, you continue to stay here, be careful to find you trouble after they slow down! ’

Ulfric Stormcloak just saw the opponent's spell and broke the dragon's fireball, looking very powerful...So, he suddenly felt that if he took advantage of the chaos, he would'snatch' the opponent away. Seems to be a good choice?

"No! You are not a good person!!"


Annie directly gave the other party a grimace, indicating that she would not easily believe the other party's nonsense! Moreover, she didn't need to escape, she just stayed here, and wanted to see how the imperial army dealt with a giant dragon?


'OK then! Time is running out, Larov, let's go! ’

The situation here is not good now. Ulfric Stormcloak, who finally got the chance to escape, will not stay here and wait for the Imperial Army to catch him and chop off his head. So, seeing the little girl refuse, he Without saying much, he quickly greeted Larov and the other prisoners, turned and ran, and quickly ran to a fortress destroyed by a dragon.


(??????????????)??~?? Skyrim province ask for tickets????????(__*)????

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