Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1105: ?(ψ`??′)o? What, do you want to fight...

The battle in the small town of Helgen continues...

With the Jedi Lord Ulfric Stormcloak and his general Larov, plus those stormcloak soldiers who escaped smoothly with their gleeful attitude, and where they escaped in the chaos to the Imperial Army of Helgen The difference in a fortress that disappeared quickly is:

At this time, in Helgen, the original appearance is completely invisible, and the townspeople fled, leaving only the sky of fire and the broken walls of the small town of Skyrim Province, the imperial general Turius and his men The Legionnaires were still fighting fiercely with the terrifying dragon that did not know why it suddenly appeared in Skyrim, suddenly appeared over Helgan and attacked them brazenly.

Or, the current situation can be completely said to be that they are being teased and killed by dragons that are constantly hovering, roaring, and releasing dragon breath or dragon language magic in the sky, releasing those terrifying and constantly bombarding the ground. What?

That's right, at least, in the eyes of a discerning person who is watching, that tyrannical dragon is releasing its heart's tyrannical and murderous desires, just like venting some negative emotions in its heart. Or maybe it's just playing around, teasing and teasing those Imperial soldiers who want to attack and shoot it down.

'on! on! ’

‘Arrow! Let go! ! ’

‘General Turius, it’s too dangerous outside! Please come here! ! ’

‘Go away! ’

'Humph! The warriors of the empire are still fighting the enemy, how can I leave? ! ’

Several soldiers wanted to take the top military commander of the empire stationed in Skyrim to the dangerous battlefield in advance, but he severely refused and pushed them away.

Because, in Turius’s opinion, the soldiers are still fighting the terrible dragon, and the one who is unleashing the magical meteor fire rain of dragon language that is destroying the world, and instantly destroying the entire Helgen into ruins. When the dragon is desperate for life, if his general dodges because he is afraid of the enemy, he will flee, which is extremely shameful!

‘Wow~! ! ’

'Roar! ! ! ’


boom! boom!

‘! ! ’

‘Uh! ! ’

With the thunderous roar of shaking heartstrings and eardrum piercing in the sky, two terrifying fireballs exploded in an instant where the soldiers of the Imperial Army gathered most. The imperial archers shooting into the air screamed and were blown out in a radial pattern.

‘Uh! ! ’

‘It’s hot! So hot! ’

‘Help me! ! ’

'Do not! ! ! ’


After the explosion, the group of imperial archers who shot the most arrows in the sky just now, except for a few who survived hard rolling on the ground and intend to extinguish the terrible flames on their bodies, the others rushed to the ground. They couldn't move, so they let the tongue of fire burn their bodies and armor a little bit into coke. It looked like they couldn't survive.

‘! ! ’

'fast! Save people! Put out the fire on them! ’

'damn it! Save those who can move first! ! ’

Soon, the group of imperial soldiers holding swords and shields, apart from standing aside watching and being burned to death by the dragon from time to time, were of no use at all, and there was a group of imperial soldiers who could not help much. The captain yelled, holding various tools or buckets, and rushed towards the archers who were bombed and ignited, but did not immediately die.

‘Great Eight Holy Spirits...’

'That does not work! ’

‘Battle Mage, how is the situation? Is there a way to knock it down? ! ’

Seeing that the situation took a turn for the worse, I felt that going on like this might lead to the futile ruin of many heroic Legionnaires to General Turius, who was here in vain, so he hurriedly moved towards the one who was casting a spell and waved his hand at a dozen rapid rockets and fireballs. He asked with the battle spell blasted by the dragon in the sky.

‘No! ’

'Sorry! It's too fast! I can't hit it! ’

‘Also, General! It is very cunning and powerful! I can't even guarantee that my extremely effective rocket and fireball skills can hurt it! ’

The meaning of the battle mage is actually very obvious, that is: the enemy has absolute air superiority, and the dragon's breath and magic are equally powerful, plus a hard skin, a huge body, and agility that is completely disproportionate to the huge body. Such an enemy, her expert fire fighting mage really didn't have much confidence to defeat or repel the opponent.

Moreover, so far, she has found desperately that she has consumed nearly half of her own magic power, but there is still no spell that can hit the one in the sky that is constantly hovering, roaring and attacking them. Terrible black dragon!

The opponent flies high and fast, and there is enough time to calmly avoid her bombardment. This is completely different from the usual situation when she fights with the army and bombards the enemy's fortress or army formation. It is really not what she is good at. jobs.

‘General Turius! ’

‘You have to think of other ways, it won’t work if you continue like this! ’

In fact, this battle mage is fortunate. Fortunately, they have a lot of soldiers here, and there are enough imperial warriors to help her distract the giant dragon and have enough life to kill and burn the demon-like existence. Otherwise, if she were the only one, she would have ran away early if she hadn't been burned to death on the spot. How could she dare to fight such a terrifying monster that only exists in the legend?

Compared with the name of the Dragon Slayer Warrior, she would obviously care more about her own life, especially after understanding the disparity in strength between the enemy and us! But it is a pity that it is not her who has the final say, but the general Turius behind her who is overseeing the battle.


'fast! Come here! ’

‘Soldiers, don’t be afraid, the gods will guide us. ’

‘Damn it! It is so big, why does it fly so fast? ! ’

‘Hurry up! ’

‘Can’t do it! Sir, I can't shoot it! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘It’s useless to shoot, it flies too high, and it has hard scale armor, and the arrows are just bounced away! ! ’

'fast! Just find some guys who can hurt it! ’

‘Where’s our short spear? Where are they? ! ’

‘Here are some! ’

'Great! Spearers and strong men, hurry up, shoot it with the spear! ! ’

‘? ? ’

'and many more! ’

'not good! Get away! ’


boom! boom! boom!

‘Wow! ! ! ’



At this time, a few terrible fireballs slammed down from the sky, and then the few archers and spearers who were constantly using arrows and short spears to shoot at the dragon in the sky were very He was almost submerged in the flame bombardment that continued to explode, and there was no sound anymore, obviously he was not alive.


'go to hell! The dragon! ’

"Roar~! ! ’


boom! !



‘General! ’

‘General? ’

'rest assured! I'm fine! ’

‘Go away! Leave me alone, how is the situation now? ’

‘We can’t beat it! ’


‘General! I'm coming! ’

'Well? ’

‘Hadawa, it’s great that you are fine! What's going on with you? ’

‘The townsfolk all fled, but the soldiers in our two teams are also gone! That dragon was so terrible, it burned an entire Helgen, and it was flames and its terrible dragon breath after all! ! ’


‘General! What should we do now? ’


‘If this continues, I’m afraid it won’t work anymore. Order: Let the soldiers enter the fortress immediately. We have to retreat now, and we can only withdraw from the secret passage below. If we stay outside, we will definitely be burned to ashes by it! ’

'understand! ! ’

Finally, I saw that although the battle mage worked very hard to attack rockets and fireballs into the sky, most of the spells were easily avoided by the opponent, and occasionally only a few of them were hit. It just exploded a little spark on the opponent's body, it seemed that there was nothing to do with the opponent... and seeing the archers also suffered heavy losses, and fewer and fewer arrows were shot into the sky, even if they were lucky enough to shoot. After seeing that the dragon became more and more unscrupulous, Turius finally knew that they might not really be able to stay here in Helgen.

At least, when that terrible thing is still wandering and attacking here, there is no place for their imperial soldiers, even if they may still have at least hundreds of soldiers here!


‘Everyone, work hard! ’

‘The gods are on top, what are we going to do to defeat that monster? ’

‘Run! ’

‘What is this thing, why can’t it be killed? ’

‘You fool, stop sighing! Run! ’

‘But sir! All the prisoners just ran away! ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Damn it! Leave the prisoners alone, the gods will punish them sooner or later! Soldiers, the order has come down, retreat quickly, everyone immediately retreat to the fortress, be quick! ! ’

'retreat! ! ’

'fast! The general has ordered that all staff retreat! Go to the fortress now! ’


'retreat! retreat! Leave the dragon alone, we have to hide inside as soon as possible, this is an order! ! ’


Soon, after discovering that even by relying on a large number of people, it seemed that the dragon could not be defeated and the casualties were heavy enough, the imperial troops finally recognized their counsel and commanded the general Turius and Hadawa. Under the command of the officer, including the exhausted battle mage and the embarrassed soldiers, they soon hid in a safer stone fortress, leaving only the flames on the ground outside the streets of Helgen. Thick smoke, broken walls, and countless scorched dead bodies lying motionless on the ground...

‘Sizzle~! ! ’

'Roar! ! ! ’


boom! boom!

However, even if there were no enemies, the terrifying black ferocious dragon did not mean to stop at all. It continued to bombard any intact or semi-perfect buildings in Helgen with magic and dragon's breath flames. Its terrible dragon's breath flame ignited and burned them everywhere.

"Roar~! ! ’


Especially the small castle-like fortress Helgen where the imperial soldiers who had been fighting with it for a long time hid were taken care of by it!

The sturdy building that could maintain the basic structure under the meteor fire rain, after several dive bombings and dragon breath, now it has completely collapsed and submerged in the raging flames, except for a few strong The stone pillars still stood still in the broken walls and flames, and their original shape was no longer visible.

As for Turius, the highest military commander of the Empire stationed in Skyrim and the soldiers under his command, who just hid in, I don't know whether they are alive or dead! Perhaps, long before the dragon destroyed that strong fortress, they had already hid in a safer dungeon under the fortress and entered a secret tunnel that could escape to Helgan, right?

‘Hiss! ! ! ’

‘Roar! ! ’


boom! boom! boom!

Although there are no living people on Helgen’s ground anymore trying to attack it, the giant dragon has no intention of stopping at all. It still exhales flames and dragon’s breath to its fullest, and is constantly burning. Flying above the town of Helgen and wanton destruction.





"What was written in the story book just now seems to be true! That Alduin, who is called the'World Devourer' and the'World Destroyer' in the myths and legends of the Nords, only exists in Nord In human myths and legends, that hapless guy really seems to have been banished to this point in time!"


I have been watching until now, and seeing that the giant dragon was really an imperial legionnaire who easily defeated hundreds of people, destroyed the entire town of Helgen and set it on fire. It seemed to be very easy to do, Anne soon remembered The stories and legends described in the book I read on the way here.

Then, compare the obscure descriptions in the book according to the opponent's appearance, and then see that the other party will devour the souls of the dead to strengthen its own strength, and other things that it uses dragon language and muttering when attacking the imperial soldiers. Some words, how can she not guess who the other party is?

(Dear little master, you still don't care about what the dragon is. Now that the battle here is over, are you still planning to stay here?

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——In the case of a mischievous little master of his own plan not to help each other, Tibbers didn't think it would be fun to stay here when he didn't have any possibility to play! Because, now there is nothing left here, except for a sea of ​​fire and broken walls and the black smoke that billows up into the sky, there is really more excitement to see. )

"OK then!"


"You're right, Tibbers, anyway, they are all finished, then let's just..."


"Huh? What does it want to do?!"


However, the words were not finished yet. When Annie was about to leave, suddenly, a certain person in the sky had just wreaked havoc here and harvested at least a few hundred souls, the'World Devourer' whose strength was rising steadily. Alduin actually circulated and rushed towards her?


After roaring angrily for a while, the dragon Alduin finally found a little girl in the swaying flames who was still standing on the steps and holding a toy bear.


In the light of the fact that no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat, even the soul of a little girl can restore its strength as soon as possible. After being unable to find those imperial soldiers with more supplements and higher soul strength, it was upset. Had to fly down here viciously, and sprayed at the little girl with a breath of dragon!

Although the opponent looked pitifully cute and helpless, Alduin said that it would certainly not be merciful, and would definitely burn the opponent to ashes and swallow it instantly.

'Roar! ! ! ’


(Report to the little master! The big thing is not good, the dragon, the flying lizard, it seems that it really wants to burn you to death, and then take the opportunity to eat your soul so that its power can be restored more faster?)


(Tibbers said that the great dragon Alduin wanted to do what he wanted to do before, but, unfortunately, when he moved a certain thought and idea, he never regretted it. I have a chance, and mellowly become the object of a bear, a toy, a beating and venting anger in the hand of a certain mischievous little girl... So, now that I see a dragon, I will soon be as unlucky as myself before. I really feel very happy and yelling gleefully!)



boom! ! !

Soon, the flame instantly flooded Annie and the steps where Annie was.

Then, in the fireball, the barely intact wall was blown away by rocks and flames, and a certain little girl was completely included in the terrible dragon's breath magic fire that could melt steel. After the mile, Alduin shook his head contentedly, flapped his wings again, and flew over the place where the opponent was burned to death.

‘! ! ’


"Roar~? ’

However, the reason that made Alduin let out a puzzled dragon roar was: it just seemed to have failed to harvest the soul of that little girl at all?

Therefore, it couldn't help but curiously turned its head and looked at the ground behind it again, and was sure that the little girl had been completely submerged by its dragon's breath! It stands to reason that she should be burned to death in an instant, but now, why hasn't it swallowed the soul of the other party?


Is the opponent's vitality more tenacious and has not been burned to death immediately?

Therefore, Alduin, who was annoyed in his heart, had to hover in the air again and began to turn back. He dispelled his plan to fly away from Helgen and search for the escaped guys and harvest their souls, but again. Dive down, planning to take away the soul of the little girl who must have been burned to death first.

After all, there are many gods or holy spirits in the world of Nairn, so its movements must be faster, otherwise, the souls of those mortals would not have the turn to grab and enjoy it.

‘? ? ? ’


However, something even more incredible happened to Alduin:

At this moment, when it turned back and swooped down, ready to reap the poor girl’s soul, and then strengthened a little bit of its own strength, it was surprised to find... from the sea of ​​flames caused by its dragon’s breath, from that The place where the little girl had just been swallowed by flames, unexpectedly flew out abruptly with a large basket of fireballs, and then went straight to its head, who was unable to avoid it and was a little surprised, and slammed it up in a daze?

boom! ! !


The fireball hit and exploded instantly, directly shrouding half of the huge body of Alduin the'World Devourer' in the flames.

Then, maybe it was a little caught off guard, maybe it was hurt, or it was blocked by flames? Anyway, Alduin, who was hit, turned towards the ground without saying a word, whirled towards the Helgen Fortress, which had just been completely burned, bombed and destroyed, and planted, and succeeded in putting the one that stood in the fire. Those solid fortress stone pillars were completely knocked to the ground...

‘! ! ’


‘Eight Holy Spirits...’

‘General, general! What's the situation then? ! ’

Under a cliff not far from Helgen, at the exit connecting the destroyed fortress dungeon and the underground passage, he has successfully escaped from the fire in Helgen and was able to hide the empire that saved his life in the sky. The highest military commander of the province, General Turius, the commander-in-chief of the crusade army, and his men were staring dumbfounded at the doomsday scene of Helgen that had been burnt in the distance. The terrible dragon that fell in the middle.

'I do not know……'

‘But maybe, we can stay for a while and see the situation? ’

Facing the question of his subordinate Hardawa, General Turius certainly didn't know why!

However, after answering the questions of his subordinates, he quickly took out an exquisite little single-scope telescope from his waist pocket, stretched it to the longest, and then pointed it at a distance. The Helgen from here took a closer look.

Although due to the terrain and distance, he could not really see exactly what was going on with Helgen, but he could also see that the terrifying dragon seemed to be fine. It soon Slightly embarrassed, flapped his wings from the sea of ​​fire and flew up, staring at a place fiercely?

What the dragon was looking at, Turius did not see at all!

Because his current terrain is much lower than that of Helgen. In this case, in addition to seeing the large sea of ​​fire and a few broken walls, as well as the giant flying in the sky staring toward the ground. Outside of the dragon, there is really no more to see.


‘Roar~! ! ’

The dragon Alduin had seen the sneak attack on him just now, and he was emerging from the sea of ​​fire at this time, and was completely unafraid of its flames, and was looking up at the little girl!

Just now, it was the little girl who seemed to be harmless to humans and animals and gave it a big fireball. It burned so hard that even the one who was good at using dragon's breath and flame magic could not help but feel the searing pain, even feeling The nails on my head and neck are going to be burnt red! Otherwise, how could it crash to the ground just now and then almost broke its wings?

"Are you asking someone's name?"


"It's called Annie, how about it, the dragon Alduin, did it hurt just now? But don't worry, someone remembers to be lighter, otherwise you are probably already cooked by now!!"


Yes, Annie didn't take it too seriously just now, and she also remembered to work hard to condense her strength, otherwise, she just burned the other party to ashes!

But after the other party burned herself a bit, and she fought back, it was basically a tie. She did not intend to pursue this funny evil dragon more, for nothing else, just because she didn't want to , Nothing more.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

‘! ! ’

'Well? ! ’

‘You can understand what I’m saying? How do you know the complicated language of the dragon? No, you are not afraid of fire? Say! who are you! ! ’

Roaring, Alduin, who just wanted to continue attacking the opponent, fluttered his wings and hovered in mid-air. After regaining his senses, the opponent was able to communicate with himself normally, and then asked in an incredulous tone. .

"Are you asking this?"


"My name is Annie Hasta!"


Because she was never afraid of others seeking revenge, nor was she afraid of being used by her name to do evil things, such as cursing, controlling, enslaving, or knowing her weaknesses, so Annie gave her name openly. Came out.

‘Hasta? ’


‘What is your relationship with that old ruler? ! ’

Obviously, Alduin, the dragon of the Devourer of the World, seemed to know some secret information that mortals did not know, so it directly continued to ask in a little astonishment.

"I don't know! Basically it doesn't matter!"


Scratching her head, Annie said that she has nothing to do with those ugly old dominators! Moreover, things like those of the old rulers, such as the ancient **** of big octopus, she caught several, and now they are in her space pocket bag as specimens and soaked in glass jars!

"But they are much better than the old dominators you know!!"


Yes, if it was before, if she had just stepped out of the land of voodoo, and her power was only a demigod level Annie, then she would definitely not dare to say such a thing! However, to this day, the so-called old rulers, the "Lord of Deep Sky Stars", "The Nameless", or the "King of Yellow Clothes" can really only be reduced to looking up to her. The kind of existence.

This kind of thing is actually shy when I think of it...


Because, if she is not careful, she becomes more and more powerful before she knows it. She can't stop even if she wants to stop!




Alduin the World Devourer was a little stunned. He almost forgot to flap his wings, and the height of the stagnant air was slowly lowering, as if he was digesting what a little girl said?

‘! ! ’

'are you kidding me? ! ’

‘Accept Alduin’s anger, stupid mortal! ! ’

If the other party said that he was a powerful mage or something, maybe Alduin would still believe it? However, the other party actually said that his weird surname has nothing to do with the old dominators, and dare to say that it surpassed the existence of such an existence, just such a little girl who is not afraid of fire and can set fire, what about it Might believe it?

‘Roar! ! ’


So, in addition to his anger, Alduin, who felt that he was being played fiercely by the other party, made a decisive decision, and immediately spit out the other party with a breath of dragon!

"Do you want to fight?"




"People are angry!!"


Being attacked again inexplicably, although that kind of flame certainly can't hurt yourself, but it is always not good to be spit on by others, even if the opponent is a dragon! That kind of thing, but when I think about it, I feel disgusting, so after a flash teleported to the other side, Annie directly hit the other side with a lightning bolt!

‘! ! ’

‘Oh oh oh! ! ’

Soon, a stern roar sounded, and then, the two sides fought in the ruins of Helgen in such a reciprocal manner, and in a certain raging dragon, under the action of the'World Devourer', Is the meteor fire rain just above Helgen even more terrifying flames that smashed down from the sky like a meteorite, completely enclosing Helgen and the surrounding area that had been reduced to a sea of ​​flames... …



‘The eight holy spirits are on top, what is going on? ! ’

'do not know……'

‘Maybe, Gina Laise will know? ’

‘But whatever it is, we better stay away now! ! ’

In the distance, General Turius, who is looking at Helgen, and hundreds of remnants of the Empire's Skyrim Provincial Legion under his subordinates are staring at the battle in the distance, watching the terrifying dragon follow. Someone who exists, completely invisible fighting frantically.

Flame??, Frost??, Lightning??, Dragon's Breath, etc. began to wreak havoc on Helgen...

The dragon did its best to use all kinds of terrifying flames and breaths to continuously blast towards the ground that Turius and others could not see!

At the same time, the terrifying lightning and icy ridges were continuously blasted from the ground of Helgen, which caused the dragons in the sky to howl miserably, and they even saw a lot of scales and splashes on the opponent's body. A lot of **** flowers?

But it's a pity...

This terrible battle that was terrifying enough to make all witnesses tremble did not last long. After the dragon completely buried Helgen and a large area of ​​mountains and forests around Helgen in the sea of ​​fire, in a certain Under the impact of not knowing what existed, the dragon finally couldn't stand it, and had to wailing, dragging its wounds and wings full of holes, flapping its wings awkwardly and raising the height. Then he flew away to the south without looking back, and disappeared completely above the clouds in a short while.



And everything that was emitted from the sea of ​​flames in Helgen was naturally seen by the imperial army who were constantly moving away from this terrible place.

‘Great Eight Holy Spirits! ’

‘Hadawa, do you know what’s going on? Who on earth is fighting that dragon? ! ’

Turius could see that there should be only one person or other existence fighting the giant dragon, but what kind of existence can directly beat the dragon that their legions can’t beat? That really made him unable to imagine.


‘Looks like a mage? ’

Hardawa thought for a while, then replied with some uncertainty.

'Ah! ’

‘I know it’s a mage, but what I want to know is: Who on earth will it be? ! ’


‘Could it be that little girl? ’

‘Which little girl? ’

‘The little hitchhiker who was determined to be executed by the captain? ’

Having said this, Hadawa subconsciously turned his head around and looked back, but, unfortunately, he did not find the deputy of General Turius, and did not find among them the violent, severe and addictive character. The figure of a murderous female captain.

Perhaps, the opponent failed to run out and was trapped somewhere under Haier? Or was it burned to death by a dragon? However, no matter what the reason is, I am afraid it will only be known after a day or two, because they must not dare to return and clean up the ruins before the fire in Helgen and the surrounding area goes out.

'little girl? ’

‘You mean the little girl who claims to be a mage? ’

'Ah! Hadawa, don't be kidding! ’

It is impossible for a little girl to have that kind of strength, anyway, Turius himself would definitely not believe it!


‘What the **** is going on, who defeated it, battle mage, do you know? ! ’

He looked at the terrifying dragon that had killed at least hundreds of soldiers and many townspeople in their empire to flee for a while, then turned his head towards Helgen, who was completely enveloped in flames. After looking at it for a few times, he really couldn't see what was there, and Turius, who hadn't seen or heard any more movement, had to turn his head and ask about the powerful battle mage they were with.


'Sorry! ’

‘Your Excellency, I can’t see it either...’

After pondering for a while, the hooded combat female mage, the mage who had performed a series of rockets and fireballs so amazingly before, shook his head slightly before continuing to add:

‘But, Lord General! ’

‘I’m pretty sure. Just now, the one who didn’t know what it was, he (she) used powerful attacking spells such as ice spear, incineration, and thunder. That must be an experienced and powerful master of destruction! ! ’

For this, this battle mage is very sure!

Because, as powerful as she can't help the terrible dragon, even with thousands of imperial legionaries defending and coordinating the attack, they have to retreat and flee. Then, that alone is alone. Li smashed the dragon away, and even had a chance to kill the opponent's existence, he must be a powerful mage she could not imagine!

‘Master of Destruction? ’

‘Then do you know who it might be? ’

‘Sorry General! Such an existence should not be in Skyrim Province! Moreover, as far as I know, those destruction masters shouldn’t have that level of power...’

'is it? ’

Seeing that the battle mage didn't seem to know more than he did, Turius sighed and turned his head again to look at the sea of ​​fire where he was, especially Helgen, who was almost burnt to the ground.

Now there is no movement there anymore, they can see nothing except the sky full of fire and billowing smoke...

Today, they not only lost an entire town of Helgen, but also killed hundreds of soldiers of the Heroic Empire Legion and many townspeople, and what’s worse, they made it hard to catch them at the blackwater crossing. The traitor leader Ulfric Stormcloak and his important party members ran away. Even if something happened, even if it was force majeure, it had to be said that this was a tragic failure of his Turius!

Maybe they could move faster at the beginning. If you don’t engage in formal rituals, presumably, the heads of the Ulfric Stormcloak and his partisans have long been chopped off and hung in Helgen. Is the gate deterring those rebels?

But unfortunately, this world is so cruel, it has nothing to do, and once things happen, there is no chance of regret or re-emergence. Therefore, what Turius has to do now is to deal with the aftermath. , And fill up the vacancies, strive to minimize the loss and impact, that's it!

‘Hadawa obeyed! ’

‘The subordinate is here! ’

‘You go and gather the defeated soldiers and the fled townspeople, just say that the dragon was beaten away, let them come here to make peace! ’

'understand! ’

‘Captain Cavalry! ’

'in! ’

‘I saw You just gathered a few horses that escaped, right? Then, you take your hand down to the Falkreath Pass to the east, and let the defenders there immediately send cavalry to search the area around Helgen and block the road to the Heishui fork in the east! ’

‘Maybe we can’t catch the cunning guy Ulfric, but don’t let them run back to Windhelm so fast! ’

'Yes! Let's go now! ’


Ugh! !

Seeing his two subordinates quickly accepted the order and left, Turius sighed and looked at the embarrassed soldiers around him before turning around and continuing silently towards the distant ones. Helgen looked.

At this time, the fire was still raging in Helgen...

There is no doubt that that important town in the southern part of Skyrim Province, that important place that guards the eastern part of Falkreath has been completely destroyed, destroyed by a giant dragon!

However, what he didn't know was that that kind of terrifying dragon, the kind that hadn't appeared for a long time, and that only appeared in myths and books, the terrible existence that could destroy a town on its own appeared again in Skyrim , What does it mean?

And once this news spreads out, I'm afraid it will definitely cause greater turmoil here in Skyrim Province, right? !


Presumably, Turius sighed deeply again.

However, what he didn't know was that a little girl who defeated the dragon and the legendary ‘World Devourer’ Alduin was just strolling around not far from them.


??????(*??)???????? Ask for tickets, ask for support????????(*??)??????

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