Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1034: ???????? Welcome to Pando...

Pandora is an undeveloped, unexplored, and unopened teleporter planet added to and fictitious in the world of'Oasis'. Its real scientific name should be called'Centaur Alpha B-4', which is Centaur Alpha. A beautiful planet in the stars (South Gate 2), about the size and shape of the earth.

However, it is surprising that the planet ‘Pandora’ is not actually a planet, it is actually just a satellite of the giant gas planet ‘Polyphimis’? The Alpha galaxy has three stars, namely Alpha A, Alpha B and Alpha C. "Polyphimis" and its satellites orbit the Alpha A star together.

Many years ago, RDA company was not far away for hundreds of millions of miles, and even sailed for several years to come to the planet Pandora and set up a mining base, specializing in the collection of this beautiful planet, a mineral that is not found anywhere else. The element'Unobtanium' superconducting ore, the kind of rare mineral that can sell for more than 20 million per kilogram, is more valuable than gold!


Later, I didn’t know why. RDA discovered that their very important and profitable mining base on Pandora would completely cut off all communications with the Earth headquarters after an attack?

Therefore, in order to find out the truth of the matter, in order to know what happened on Pandora, and in order that they may still need to prepare for the expeditionary force for a long time before they set off, there is always someone to explore the way to Pandora. Someone'ventured' to the planet Pandora and find out the truth!

And this is also one of the important sources of the mission scroll in Annie's hand. Even if it is exploded, Annie can be regarded as an investigator sent by RDA to Pandora, and it is still a legitimate and reasonable one. .

Today, a ring-shaped spacecraft, the storm warship that was repaired by Annie, finally approached the coordinates of Pandora and saw the huge blue planet that appeared in the distance outside the cockpit.

'beep! beep! ’

'Hello! ’

‘Dear Anne Hasta, the destination coordinates you set have arrived safely, and the automatic cruise has finished offline. Please manually select the landing point. ’


The cockpit in the Stormship was obviously not a Protoss-style cockpit. A humanized electronic synthesis sound awakened a little girl who was dozing and might have been waiting for several hours.



"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh finally it is here, what do you do with this VR game that is so real, it's just a freaking planet, it will take so long..."


Annie stood up straight in the driver's seat and stretched out a lot. At this moment, she whispered a bit complaining.

And she really doesn’t like the broken storm warship created by this VR game, because it is completely different from the warships of the Protoss she is familiar with. If it is replaced by a real Protoss storm warship, from the earth How many hours does it take to fly to the Alpha Centaur B-4?

Sure enough, even if it is 2045, even if the earth people in this world have received some projections and influences from many, many other cosmic planes, their stupid earth people still have no way to understand and imagine the stars. Of the real technology and strength.



"Let me see where it is better to log in..."


Annie began to fiddle with the spaceship's console and people's panel quickly, a little busy and entangled and confused.



"Hey! Tibbers, is Pandora the biggest planet? But look at it, it seems to be a gaseous planet... There are very powerful storms inside, and a high-pressure liquid zone. If it falls, this ship Will the spacecraft be destroyed?"


Annie, who had broken the spacecraft, was not very worried. What she was worried about was that if the dilapidated spacecraft she was aboard on was damaged by those terrible storms in the planet, and then she was exhausted, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Anyway, she definitely doesn't want to be cleared and then practice a new account or trumpet again!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Report Dear Master, according to small observations, your target should not be the largest gaseous planet, but the one over there, the moon with a large amount of green vegetation and deep blue ocean coverage, that one A planet about the size of the earth?


——There must be no life in gaseous planets, and the earth company called Rushzi certainly does not have the kind of technical power to set up mining bases in gaseous planets, and the gaseous planet and the mission scroll are the ones in the power of attorney. Some descriptions did not match, so Tibbers, who was also managed to get into this broken game by a bad little master, gave his own conjecture after observing for a while. )



"It's the third of those small satellites over there, right? People seem to have seen it too..."


"Then what are you waiting for, let's go quickly!"


After discovering the target she was looking for, she was impatient for a long time, and Annie, who was already impatient for a long time, pushed a certain joystick on the console to make the Storm Ship look towards that one along a certain track. It used to be small, but in fact it was about the same size as the earth, and it rushed past far away!


The planet Pandora revolves around the planet'Polyphimis', its size and volume are about the same as the Earth, and because'Polyphimis' is more than just one satellite of Pandora, you can see that there are two at the same time on Pandora. It is even a marvelous sight with three moons high in the sky and of different sizes.

Of course, especially the planet ‘Polyphimis’ is clearly visible on Pandora and it is horribly big!

The planet "Polyphimis" is twice the size of Jupiter in the solar system. Its name comes from the Cyclops in Greek mythology. This is mainly because it is like Jupiter, and there is a storm cloud on the planet. The huge storm erythema, it looks like one eye of a giant is glaring at its satellite'Pandora' planet?

And this is one of the reasons why Pandora is named!

Planet Pandora, this is a planet in which the air is full of terrible gases such as ammonia, methane, chlorine, etc. in addition to oxygen. At least it is considered highly toxic gas for human beings on Earth... So, if you don’t rely on it Other equipment, humans or any creatures on the earth cannot survive here!

However, in such a terrible and sinister environment, Pandora has bred groups of unique and beautiful creatures.

Due to the existence of a large amount of surface water and a large area of ​​ocean, Pandora has thick clouds and smoke, just like the earth or other living planets. Of course, there are countless birds and beasts of various sizes flying in the air. And the dense jungle, at least, what Annie saw while driving the Storm battleship into the atmosphere of Pandora.

Looking on the ground and far away, this is a beautiful green life planet, primitive and backward...

Anyway, flying down all the way, from high altitude to low altitude, Annie could not find any shadow of an ancient or modern city at all. This must be a savage primitive planet. There is no doubt that there are some primitive intelligent life at most? Therefore, although it is not a matter of her own, she is still very confused about the fact that the mining base of a mining company suffered a terrible failure on this planet and cut contact with it, and is very interested in getting to the ground of this planet. Take a look around.



Anne’s storm warship pierced through the air of Pandora. After making waves of howling and leaving a long trail of clouds, it suddenly swooped down, stirring up waves of strong air currents and causing countless strange animals. Amidst the hustle and bustle of fleeing in panic, the ring-shaped Protoss Storm was on the edge of a cliff on the coast of the dense jungle on Pandora, slowly in such a place without much shelter. Stopped.


After a jet of air ejected from the cabin door, it was slowly opened.



"Hello? Is anyone here?"


Anne walked out of the battleship without any defense, and jumped to the ground carelessly, and greeted the open grass outside and the dense red and green forest in the distance.

Although she also knew that there were no people there, at most there were just some beasts that were frightened by their arrival?




∑(??△`)? !

Soon, within a few seconds of jumping off, Annie felt something was wrong, because she seemed to feel that she was faintly unable to control her body in a VR game, as if there was a delay in the network?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

'caveat! ’

'caveat! ’

‘You have been exposed to the atmosphere of Pandora and it is detected that you are not carrying a filtering breathing device, so you are now having difficulty breathing. It is estimated that you will be unconscious and completely incapable of movement in 20 seconds, and you will die in four minutes...’

‘Count down now...’






∑( ̄□ ̄;)

"Not good! Worse!"


Carelessly jumped out of the cockpit of the storm battleship, completely forgot about some important things, only then remembered that she was still a little girl in the game, she suddenly became stiff, and then hurriedly turned her head back, using her hands and feet to make use of herself gradually Some uncontrollable'body' crawled towards the cockpit of the battleship.









Finally, when the countdown number flashed on the word '6', Annie was able to control her increasingly uncontrolled game body climbed into the cockpit of the battleship and closed the hatch, pressing a certain Key buttons.

‘Beep! Beep! ’

‘After testing, you have returned to the breathable atmosphere. Now the alarm is lifted. I hope you have a good game. ’



"Damn it!"


"Tibbers, what kind of a broken game, come to a planet and even need breathing apparatus, why didn't they say it earlier?!"


Actually, there are only a few words and enough clues on the mission scroll to explain the relevant situation of Pandora, but it is a pity that those important contents were gorgeously ignored by a bad little girl. Up.

(But, dear little master, don’t you know the magic that filters breath?)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"But... people seemed to think it was useless at the time, so they didn't learn that broken skill in the game..."

ヾ(. ̄□ ̄)ツ

(Then you hurry to learn now!)


"The skill book has been accidentally sold, because they always think it takes up a little space..."


Anyway, Annie herself has never thought about the need to'breathe' in such a broken VR game. Therefore, she feels that it is of no use and sells it as a broken, and she does not carry the messy thing with her. Things are in the data bag on the body.



(Tibbers suddenly didn't want to speak... Regardless of the game and outside the game, it really shouldn't have any expectations for this miserable little owner of its family.)

"Tibbers, tell me, what shall we do now?"


Annie, who didn’t carry any breathing apparatus or props, and didn’t learn related magic skills, didn’t know what to do. She was trapped in the cockpit and couldn’t move forward. After seeing that there were no spacesuits around, I had to look at Tibbs the bear like her for help.

(Go back, buy a new magic skill that can breathe freely, wait until you learn it!)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

"But it's so far, and it can't be teleported here..."


Whenever she thinks that it might take several hours to go back and forth, Annie always has the urge to beat someone! Of course, if no one beats her, it seems okay to beat a bear?

(Then consider it yourself...)


(Tibbs shuts his mouth directly, not wanting to entangle those boring little things with the awful little master of his house.)





"Well, it seems I can only go back one time, really..."


After struggling helplessly for a while, Annie compromised...

After all, this ‘Oasis’ game is set up like this. As long as she wants to continue playing, what else can she do besides following its rules?

So, after the entanglement, she started busying on the console, preparing to control her storm warship to take off and fly back to the central hub of the'oasis', and then see if she can buy the skill books she needs. Or find the boring game items she needs for breathing.

If she had known this a long time ago, she shouldn’t have set her character in the game as a normal human little girl. Now, looking at it, a simple planetary atmosphere would completely stump her and make her have to Many hours were wasted.



"Huh? Tibbers, look, what is that animal over there planning to do?"


Anne, who was starting the battleship, just swiped a few times on the console. She hadn’t had time to start her own spaceship, which was several numbers smaller than the real Storm Warship. Before she could start the kinetic energy matrix, she discovered , A huge animal like a rhino or a hippo suddenly appeared in the forest in front?

Its head has a bulge of hard bone tissue, which makes it look a bit like a hammerhead shark, but its sturdy limbs and huge body are more than five meters tall and 20 meters long, and its weight is very likely. The weight of more than ten or twenty tons has given it a very different pressure, especially when its front hoofs are constantly scratching the ground, and the nose is constantly spraying out thick white gas?

(Respected little master, you should run quickly! It is obviously about to attack you, you should not take off quickly!

ε=(????`●))) alas

——When is this, some bad guy is still in the mood while watching the excitement, and Tibbers has to remind him quickly. )


The head has a piece of bulging hard bone tissue, which makes it look a bit like a giant hammerhead shark. Without giving a messy little girl more manipulation or reaction time, it just roars and steps. Drive the four heavy hooves, like a land tank, rushing directly toward its enemy!


!? (??''????)??

(Get off!!)




"People also thought about it, but the system of the broken spacecraft had to perform a self-check before taking off. Who did the broken data? Do you understand what the system of the Protoss spacecraft is all about? People's control system Where is it like this?"


boom! ! !

The terrible sounds of violent impact, beating, trampling and biting sounded, and then Annie, who was in the cabin, felt only waves of shaking.




Bang! ! !

Without giving more time to a certain little girl and a certain bear, the huge monster from the planet Pandora rushed forward viciously after backing up a few steps and accumulating its power, and used the last one. The impact force overturned Annie and her small "Battleship Storm" which was obviously a "cottage" and pushed it beyond the cliff.





boom! ! !

A few seconds later, a huge falling water sounded...

Under the hard work and outrageous attack of a certain Pandora beast, finally, a certain mischievous little girl, together with the opponent’s spaceship, was almost destroyed by it by hitting, trampling, and biting. It hit the sea and stretched out its poor eyesight to look at the sea. After watching the spacecraft gradually sink to the bottom of the sea and no longer float, it shook its head contentedly, dragging its huge body and tail slowly. Slowly turned his head and left.


Gulu Gudong...





In the cabin of the spacecraft, a certain little girl could only stare at the Pandora sea water that had completely submerged the spacecraft with her little bear. The clear and bright sea surface and the sound of'gulugudong' flooding in that ear...

'beep! beep! ’

‘Alert, the spacecraft is detected to be damaged and cannot continue to fly. ’

'alarm! ’

‘The kinetic energy matrix is ​​detected to be offline, and the backup energy will be exhausted in three hours. ’

'alarm! ’

‘The main system is short-circuit detected, the system is about to...’

"Beep~! ’

The last alarm had not been broadcast. Soon, the entire cabin fell into darkness. Except for the few life-sustaining devices that were still working, other equipment had obviously been damaged by the monster and the sea. Soaked and went offline.

"Wow! How could it be like this!?"


Annie didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly manipulated it on the console.

However, the reality is often cruel. Under the attack of a certain primitive monster, her ‘Battleship of Storm’ seems to have really been destroyed by the opponent?



"It must be that Aiqi used cheap accessories to repair, otherwise how could it be so spicy that it would break easily?!"


In a hurry, Annie began to complain loudly, but that didn't do much to change her situation.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

Soon, under the action of gravity, the spacecraft, which are all made of metal and some special materials, can only spin under the water when they lose power, and gradually shake the deep pitch black sinking into the distance. Submarine trench.


‘Go back and report. The target has been destroyed by a large adult hammerhead thunder beast. It has fallen to the bottom of the sea and no crew has been seen to escape. ’

'Ok! ’

'go! Let's go back! ’

In the distance, on a big tree, when I saw a little girl’s spacecraft crashing into the sea, I tracked down a few people who came to this place in blue, with shiny skin with patterns, pointed ears, and long tails behind them. After a few brief exchanges in Na'vi language, the humanoids stepped on their mounts. The kind of pterosaurs, like the pterosaurs of the dinosaur era on earth, have translucent wings that can move independently. The color monster flew away from here.




"Really! How can it be like this!!"

(.﹏.*) Grievance...

I don't know how long it has been, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours?

A little girl who had worked **** the console for a long time and finally had to give up, after taking a photo of the help signal transmitter, a little aggrieved, she sat back in her seat, and closed her eyes. Angry.

Obviously, she was really finished this time...

Because, on this planet, there must be no one who happened to come here with a spaceship, and received her request for help, and then rushed here to rescue her!

(Dear little master, there is good news and bad news here, do you want to hear it?)




"Say it together!!"


If it's not good, Annie said that she will definitely beat the other person to vent her anger! Of course, it is a beating outside of this "Oasis" game!

(Well, after you turn off the lights, look up outside?)






Annie tried to turn off all the lights in the cabin, and then she saw:

Outside, in the place where her dilapidated spaceship sank, outside of the trench, there were colorful, even colorful, brilliant rays of light?

Those seaweeds, those different kinds of marine fish, the various soft creatures on the bottom of the sea, starfish or messy things, even seaweed mud, coral-like things, kelp and even other marine animals and plants that Annie can't recognize. , Together with the entire ocean, is exuding that gorgeous, twinkling light?

That kind of scene, maybe even the fairy tale world in the book can't describe it, right?



"Hi! Tibbers, what's the bad news?"


Seeing such a beautiful and unusual scenery, Annie suddenly felt that this time, even if the data was cleared, and then had to practice from scratch, it seemed to be a good deal?

(The bad news is... your spacecraft is broken, it is leaking, and the oxygen will be exhausted soon. Do you want to practice a new role later?

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

——After hesitating for a while, Tibbers still had to report the cruel facts he discovered. )



"Huh? What is that?!"


Just as Annie was about to say something to her little bear, the two obviously man-made machines that looked like submarines suddenly rushed over from a distance with searchlights on, and they were scaring away the fish and shrimps. After the same thing, I looked around Annie's spacecraft and saw a little girl lying on the glass porthole of the cabin looking at them, UU reading www. will directly use two huge towing anchors to fix the Storm Warship, and then directly half-close to the bottom of the sea, towing her and her spacecraft directly.

Obviously, they must have been found after receiving a distress signal...



Annie had no idea what was going on, because she could only let the other party drag herself forward.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Well, Tibbers suddenly felt that the mischievous little lord of his family seemed to be undeserved of his life this time, and was lucky enough to be saved... Or, her lucky attributes have been seriously exposed. As for the impact in this VR game?)


??????(*??)????????Various new plots for tickets????????(*??)??????

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