Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1035: (⊙?⊙) Wow! Hidden on the bottom of the planet Pandora...

On Earth, sunlight can only penetrate up to a depth of about one kilometer above the sea surface, and the planet Pandora is obviously no exception.

The area from one kilometer to four kilometers deep from the sea surface of Pandora is the deep zone. Since the light of stars cannot reach here, these areas are very dark...especially for the creatures in the deep zone of Pandora, Because they have lived in this dark environment for a long time, their eyes have basically degraded.

But amazingly, most of them living here have evolved biological devices that emit light and light, so that they can be used to trap small fish and shrimp or identify directions. This is what Annie sees. One of the peculiar scenes.

No one had thought that in this deep sea, there would be such a mottled place with all kinds of beautiful marine animals and plants that glow, like a gorgeous fairy tale world or a fairyland on earth. Amazing place!

Or it can be said that the entire depths of Pandora's ocean bottom seem to be such a magical and gorgeous world that is not lost to the land?

However, what is even more surprising is that in this undulating seabed'stone' mountain range that seems to be mainly composed of superconducting ores, there is still a large area hidden by the earth humans after hollowing out the seabed mountain range. Yes, here is a hidden and existing subsea base and subsea mine in the depths of the trench?

As we all know, the ocean is rich in various natural resources. However, seabed mining has always been an extremely difficult scientific research topic no matter what age or planet it is.

Because the depths of the ocean need to face a variety of harsh high-pressure environments, each increase of ten meters in the depth of the sea will increase the pressure of about one standard atmospheric pressure, and as the pressure increases, the The requirements for pressure resistance and sealing environment will also increase several times.

So, if you can mine on the ground, no one will be willing to go into the deep sea to do the kind of thankless mining thing!


If the ores that need to be mined are too precious, tens or even hundreds of times more valuable than gold, or minerals that are completely untenable on land due to various reasons and cannot be mined , That may be another matter.

Anyway, at this moment, she was rescued from the sea crashing point and dragged back all the way. She escaped by a fluke. Don't worry about the game characters being cleared and then had to practice from the beginning. Wearing a white shirt, two-part hair, a tie, and a stubborn beard. Although he looks very energetic, his face is still a little unhealthy and pale. At first glance, he knows that it is the kind of long-term living on the bottom of the sea, which leads to lack of exercise and sunshine. The shining guy stared at each other silently, wide-eyed and narrow-eyed.



Annie didn't speak, but blinked her big blue eyes, and continued to confront and remain silent with such a small, thin, and seemingly head of this human submarine base.


And a certain person who has been labelled as a “weird” by a little girl, the main person in charge of RDA’s Pandora’s mining project, a somewhat pale dichotomous, did not speak, but just kept looking up and down. A little girl who came to his office and was standing in front of him.

at last……

Maybe he figured out something, maybe he didn’t plan to waste too much time with the other party on such small things, so he sighed, took the initiative to end this meaningless stare, and went to his own. Behind the desk.

"Little guy, even if what you said is true..."

"Although, I still don’t know why the head office commissioned a little girl like you to investigate the dangerous Pandora. However, since you have the power of attorney from the company headquarters, since the surveillance video on your spacecraft also shows some facts, Then I just choose to believe you!"

"Anyway, you can't go back, can you?"

After Parker Seyfridge sat on the chair behind his desk, in this relatively small office, he waved the'power of attorney' paper he had just obtained from the other party and sighed. .

They sent two mining submarines to investigate immediately after receiving an unfamiliar distress signal... But as a result, they dragged back an almost completely damaged weird ring spacecraft and one of the spacecraft. Little girl'investigator'?

Afterwards, they basically learned the story of the other's spacecraft arriving in Pandora and being attacked and crashed through the video in the spacecraft, and they also established a basic trust relationship with each other.

"Hey! Uncle Parker!"


"What the **** is going on here on Pandora? How did you get to the bottom of the sea? People just said, why can't you find your mining base after searching for a long time!"


In this regard, Annie is also very, very curious!

This is the main purpose for her to come to Pandora. If she doesn't figure this out and returns to the Oasis, she will definitely not be able to hand in tasks and receive rewards! Although, now she has been fascinated by Pandora's miracles, she doesn't like the rewards, and doesn't care too much about them, but if she can successfully complete the task, it is always good.


"Please, kid, I really don't want to remember that bad thing..."

At first, after the peace party represented by Dr. Grace Augustine failed to negotiate with the stubborn Na'vi people (or Na'vi people), in order to completely get rid of the stumbling blocks that hindered the development of human resources, he had to obey On the suggestion of Colonel Miles Quachi, the safety director, a large number of armed helicopters, robots, almost all Marine Corps mercenaries, giant mining vehicles, and bombers modified from the "Valkyrie" transport ship carrying mining explosives were dispatched. Formed a coalition army to drive away those stubborn and ignorant Pandora natives.

But the result...

They actually lost in the end, and they also lost very thoroughly! They not only captured the base by the enemy, smashed the mines and equipment that had been repaired for many years, and even rushed to the universe after being captured and disarmed in a desperate manner. They almost had to make good use of and still stay in Pandora orbit. The "Entrepreneurship Star" aircraft carrier on board rolled back to Earth several light years away.

But fortunately, those stupid and ignorant Na'vi people did not have the power to fly into space, nor did they supervise whether they left, so in the end, they passed the Valkyrie 1-7 transport spacecraft and "enterprise A large number of supplies and equipment on the "Zhixing" aircraft carrier, it took nearly three years and sneakily regained a foothold on the planet Pandora, and established their own in this seabed mine with a depth of more than 1,000 meters. Another mining and forward base.

In any case, the Parker Seyfrey Wizards will not be so stupid that they will go back to Earth after losing a lot of combat personnel and wealth. If that were the case, the bosses on the company’s board of directors would certainly not let go. Pass him! Because he is the person in charge of RDA's Pandora project, and if the ‘person in charge’ is in default, he will be held accountable!

Therefore, in the end, he will secretly lead his unwilling subordinates to slip back, and in the influence of the Na'vi people, the traitor Jack Sally of the earth humanity and his primitive men. Outside the scope, in the depths of the deep ocean, they established their new mining base.






"It's actually very simple! Because we lost the war and were driven out of the ground base by the Na'vi people... In the end there was no way, because we couldn't fight them, and to ensure the company's interests, we had to give up I went to the land of Pandora and came to the bottom of Pandora!"

Parker Seyfridge shrugged indifferently.

Anyway, they have mined a lot of minerals in the past two years, and plan to use the only remaining Valkyrie 1-7 transport spacecraft to transport the refined minerals to the "Entrepreneurship Star" aircraft carrier in the near future. Then, through the carrier that was "forced to damage" the communicator, the minerals were transported back to the earth, so that the head office could see that he was still working hard, plus a large amount of rare minerals, and could barely spare him. This negligent person in charge this time?

"It's you..."

"What's the matter with you little guy? Why do you come to Pandora in a spaceship?"

"Also, your spacecraft is obviously an advanced warship, but why was it attacked by that kind of hammerhead thunder beast, and it was damaged to the sea, and had to send a distress signal?"

To be honest, if Parker Seyfridge is more puzzled than a little girl sent to investigate the truth on Pandora, it is: why the other party was clearly driving a battleship, but in the end he was caught by Pandora. The monster smashed into the sea, but instead let them, the "troubled ones," rescue the opponent?

Is there a subtle error in the relationship between the two of them?



"Of course they learned about your lost contact information and RDA's entrustment, and then came to have a look..."


Annie didn't tell the truth completely, anyway, the other party didn't seem to have the intention to verify, and they didn't have the kind of channel to verify.


"Just you? Is there anyone else?"

Parker Seyfridge felt that if the opponent still has someone to respond or there is a large spaceship in orbit, maybe their human situation will be a little better, and it may even be possible to retake the traitors who were planned by the "Avatar" Occupied the original mining base?

"No, there will be people and their warship!"



"Is it that weird little ring-shaped spaceship? It's a pity, it's almost completely damaged! And the technology above is very strange to us, I'm afraid it can't be repaired."

With regard to the spacecraft, Parker Seyfridge, who was originally a technical engineer, had personally ran to the repair shop to see it before, but he himself said helplessly that he could not understand the weird engines inside the spacecraft. And distinctive equipment.



It took hundreds of thousands of game gold coins to fix it, and it turned out to be broken again. This made Annie feel a little pain. After all, her money was all her hard-earned money that she took so hard!

"Let's talk about the problem I just had. Your ship should be an advanced warship with offensive capabilities. You said before, it's called'Storm Battleship'?"

"But I don't understand, why did you fall into the sea?"

Such a warship, even if it is a little small in size, in Parker Seyfridge's view, shouldn't be easily ‘destroyed’ by a beast on Pandora.



"At that time, they forgot to bring breathing equipment and ran out. Then they finally ran back into the cabin. When they were about to take off, they were knocked over by the big guy and pushed them to the beaver. No one thought of it. , That kind of animal, it is so fierce!!"


Her Excellency Queen Anne said that if it weren't for her carelessness, a monster like that could only be killed by her using warships or magic, and then peeling, cutting meat, tearing bones, and drawing blood for money. The son almost made her capsize in the gutter and lost a huge fortune of 140,000!

"Ha! Very good!"

"Little guy, I think we have some common language again. We all have similar encounters and objects of the same enemy, right?"

After a self-deprecating laugh, Parker Seyfridge gradually relaxed.

In any case, all kinds of evidence have proven that the little guy in front of you is indeed from the earth, and the other party has a power of attorney from the headquarters company, and was attacked by the monsters on Pandora and almost lost his life. It is definitely not a traitor. The people over there shouldn't expose the fact that their base is here, that's fine.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if it is exposed, he Parker Seyfried does not believe that those Na'vi people can ride the banshee wing beast or lion eagle wing beast to fly one kilometer under the sea and attack them with bows and arrows!




ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Now Annie doesn't have any good solutions. She can only stay here for a day or two and see the situation and wait for the progress of the task. Otherwise, what else can she do?


"Now that I've almost figured it out, little guy, do you need us to do something for you? Although our space station does not have too many vacancies and our capacity is limited, if you are alone, we might be able to be in the spacecraft After starting, send you back to Earth?"

"Of course, it may take a few years..."

"Of course, you can also wait here for a few years. If we do not contact the headquarters within the specified time and do not ship the minerals back, I think the company will definitely send people. Think about it, it is almost the past few years. Up."

"How about, which one do you choose?"

The person in charge of Parker Seyfridge, who is secretly digging in the submarine base every day, seems to have nothing to do. Therefore, after talking to this weird little girl, he tentatively asked about the other party’s plans. Come.



"No! I'm going to beat up the badass monster outside!"


However, there will be little Annie, who has a grudge, and will run back so sullenly?

"just you?"

"Forget it, you can't even beat us, so don't think about it!"

Think about the memorable battle in which all his troops were beaten to the ground... Parker Seyfridge sighed quietly.

It’s too embarrassing to think of it. They obviously have the advantages of various advanced technologies and weapons, but in the end they lost...Although there are various reasons, such as those traitors, and Pandora’s “planetary will”, etc. But, after the people from the head office arrive or re-establish contact with the earth head office, regardless of the reason, he will definitely be dismissed even if he is not held accountable then?

"People are wizards!"

"I'm not afraid of them!"


Anyway, Annie certainly wouldn't leave this Pandora planet so easily, she would stay here at least for a while.


"what is that?"

Parker Seyfridge was a little puzzled, and asked curiously while playing with the suspended superconducting ore on his desk.

"That's it!"



"You still have a lighter in your hand? But what's the use?"

Parker Seyfridge was a little dazed, wondering what the little girl wanted to express.



"This is magic, it's not a lighter!"


"Haha! Little guy, who do you think I am? Is it the native Na'vi who can fool me with a lighter?"

"But you may not know that after the spoils of those traitors and the teachings of Grace before, those Nevilles are not so easy to fool now..."

The man was a little disdainful, he just sat back on his rocking chair and wandered around leisurely, obviously not interested in some kind of concealed ignition device hidden by a little girl.

"It's really magic, not a lighter!!"


Annie repeated it angrily, but the two-pointed Parker Seyfridge, the head of the base just waved his hand casually.

"Annie, you can go out to play first, don't touch things randomly, I will let someone arrange a small separate dormitory for you."

Parker Seyfridge signaled that a little girl could go out, even if there were other things to come to him another day, even if they wanted to return to Earth, they had to wait for their mothership to be filled with cargo and set off to return. Just work.



boom! ! !

Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Annie simply threw the fireball out and blasted the steel door of the other party's office directly into a puddle of hot red molten steel.


Parker Seyfridge, who was frightened by the movement made by the little guy, jumped up from his seat, was a little stunned at this time, and didn't believe that it was what a little girl had just done.

'beep! beep! ’

'beep! beep! ’

Amid the sound of a fire alarm, a group of security mercenaries, armed with weapons, rushed in aggressively toward Park Seyfridge’s office.

‘! ! ’

‘Sir? ’

‘Did someone attack here? ’

Although I don’t know what’s going on here, the security guards who rushed here after hearing the explosion, saw that it seemed to be bombed by some explosive device, and subconsciously took them in their hands. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at a little girl who was still akimbo.

If anyone is most suspected of being attacked here, it is undoubtedly the new kid who is not a member of their base.


"No! It's okay, this is an accident, you should go out first..."

After hesitating for a while, Parker Seyfridge waved his hand and motioned to the players to go out first, because he knew that the little girl was just eager to prove something, and there must be no hostility towards him or them. .

"That one……"

"Little guy, does the lighter you just used, does it have an explosive function? If you still have it, hand it over. That kind of thing is too dangerous. It's the bottom of the sea. Once you blow it to the gate outside, that's it. Something big will happen."

Subconsciously, even if it is an NPC, Parker Seyfridge is not willing to believe that the little girl just used some kind of magic. He is more willing to believe that the other party has some kind of ignition tool, and it is the kind when necessary. What kind of self-defense tool can be used as a weapon through power overload?



"But that's magic!!!"


Annie suddenly hated these NPCs and this ‘oasis’ game.

Because, those guys are okay to adjust the AI ​​intelligence of this kind of NPC so high, what do you do ~ so that she has to explain for a little bit of small things for a long time! What's worse, even if she explained for a long time, the other party seemed to be reluctant to believe it?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


Parker Seyfridge held his arms and did not speak.

Undoubtedly, from his facial expressions, he would definitely not want to believe what a certain little girl said, for such absurd things! Even if it's just an NPC, he is only willing to believe in his logical things for the time being, unless... the other party can prove or convince him with more facts?


(??????????????)??~?? Ask for a ticket?? (??????????????)??~


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