Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1176: Spicy, ugly, dare to come out scary? ?(?д?)=3 Ah...

Annie was wandering around in this huge house that seemed to have placed a non-marking expansion curse. She had walked through several corridors and stairs several times, but she could not remember her position. And where is the exit when I just came here...

However, she is not in a hurry!

Because she knew that this place was not cast with the "Worthless Expansion Curse", nor was there any other strange magic. It was just a copy of the VR game scene map in the game world that was accumulated and made with data. Nothing great.

In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of here, as long as the guys in Edge can overcome the special music surrounding their ears and the surrounding ‘horror’ atmosphere created by setting up and creating scenes like her.

In fact, as far as Annie is concerned, let alone these fake evil spirits piled up with data, even if there are real evil spirits outside, in the material world, she will not be afraid!

"Eh heh..."


"Tibbs, in a moment, those guys will definitely be out of luck here, right?"


As she wandered around, Annie began to have a bad taste, and she kept thinking about what the pitiful look of those guys who were scared and a little overwhelmed in the hall before they even came in. Maybe, she might still be able to hear their stern calls later, and then she has to rush to rescue them?


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Tibbers doesn’t know if the five ‘oasis’ players will be unlucky. Anyway, he only knows that at the moment, a certain mischievous master who is gloating at others is about to be unlucky!)

‘Hello, Annie! ’

‘Hello, Annie! ’


who is it!? (??\'\'????)??

Suddenly, when Annie was continuing to wander, there was a neat voice calling her name from the corridor on the left. Then she turned her head and saw two identical little girls in blue dresses. He was standing in front of the red elevator door and staring at her in a daze.

‘Come and play with us? ’

‘Come and play with us? ’

Another neat voice rang from the mouths of the two weird little girls. The tone was hollow and without emotion, which made Annie always feel a little weird.





"Are you calling others?"


Annie seems to have guessed what will happen next, but that does not prevent her from carrying her own little bear Tibbers towards which two bears are about the same height as her, and they should be about the same size as blond and blue. The little sisters in the skirt raised their legs and walked over happily.



(Don’t guess, Tibbers knows what the messy little master wants to do, so he knows that someone will be out of luck soon!!)



However, the two little girls in blue skirts who looked exactly the same did not answer, they just smiled weirdly, then turned around together, and walked quickly towards the two red elevators behind them, and then couldn't Annie He rushed over and closed the red door of the elevator.



"Hey! Open the door! People are not afraid of you, even if you are evil spirits, they will play with you!!"

?? (????????????) o?? beep! Beep!

When I walked to the elevator and looked towards the weird red door, Annie, who thought it might not be a big deal, simply stretched out her hand and pressed the two triangles towards the elevator up, down, and pressed a few times, as if she wanted Call the elevator, stop the two little girls who have just entered the elevator, and let themselves go in too?



Suddenly, Annie felt something was wrong...

Because, at this time, the red elevator retractable door on the left was cut open from the other side, and then, the endless blood red blood inside looked like a flood in a breach, or like a waterway when the reservoir was opened. , Rushed towards her directly from inside?



"I flash!!"

!!!∑(??Д??ノ)ノ flashes!

"The Ring of Frost!!!"


However, this kind of trick is obviously not difficult for Annie.

Seeing her flash, she easily flashed more than ten meters away, and before the dirty flood composed of blood rushed over, a ring of frost was directly thrown toward the blood! Then, under the effect of the icy magical energy and the frosty magic that even the enemy's feet can directly freeze on the ground, the blood water was instantly frozen into a pile of solid ice and blocked them directly. The broken elevator entrance and the entire passage.



"mock up!"

o(??^`)o hum!

Fortunately, there are certain rules in this copy of the game. Otherwise, once the spell she casts is invalid, then she will definitely find a certain designer or programmer, and then give them a beating or treat them well. Show me what real magic is!



"You wait, let others see you next time, and see how they clean up you!!!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah! !

A little trick wants to embarrass her Queen Anne, without seeing who she is?

If you change to someone else, you will definitely be frightened instantly when you see this flood of pure blood, and then you will definitely be washed away by these not terrible scarlet blood floods... But she Her Excellency Queen Anne was not among those who would be afraid, and she responded correctly almost instantly.




When the wooden door was opened, the infiltrating wood rubbing sound slowly sounded. Then, the surprised little Annie turned her head and saw that she flashed to the large double-opening wooden door in this room '237', and it was slow by itself. Broke the ground?





"Hello! Is anyone inside? You forgot to close the door of your house!"


Although I don’t think there will be anyone other than their group of players here, but after thinking about it, Xiao Annie still stretched out her hands to open the wooden door with a grin, and walked towards the room without any kind of politeness. Walked in.

Soon, she discovered that this room inside looked like an apartment? However, what made Annie feel a little depressed: The walls here are not white or other comfortable colors, but are painted with a strange green paint, making the light here look extraordinarily dark. And the atmosphere is exceptionally terrifying?

"Is anyone here?"


"Hello there?"

|??˙??˙) Hello?


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Finding that no one answered, and after curling her lips boringly, Annie continued to walk inside and looked around.



"Ah, hello, auntie, it seems that you forgot to close the door of your house. If you are going to take a bath, remember to lock the door! Because ah, there are a few bad players outside, if you are accidentally caught by them If you show it all, people will definitely ignore you!"


Seeing this green and ghastly room, in the bathroom with a small piece of white wall covering and gilt decoration, someone was taking a bath in the bathtub, and half of the transparent curtain was pulled, making people unable to see the inside. Who it was, but from the outline, she only knew that she should be a woman, so she kindly reminded him.


ε=(????`●))) alas


However, without waiting for Annie to withdraw kindly and help the other party to lock the door, she found that the beautiful auntie, the other party had walked out of the bathtub in a straightforward manner, and was so naked, nothing at all. With such a bashful look, he walked towards her step by step?



"Auntie! Didn't your mother teach you that you must wear clothes when you come out of the shower, and you can't be naked in front of strangers?!"


Annie said, politely covering one of her eyes, and motioned to the other party to hurry up and put on a dress, bathrobe or something, because the other party was really ugly doing that!



‘Hey hahahaha! ! ! ’

A stern, savage and arrogant laugh came out!

The other party turned from a beautiful aunt into a body with rotten muscles, loose and broken skin, hair loss and tooth loss, just like the kind of undead natural disaster zombie that Annie has seen many times before. With a sharp dagger, he pounced and jumped at her with such an unusual sensitivity?





"Huh! Burn you to death!!!"


Since the other party has shown the original shape and launched an attack on herself, of course Annie will not be polite to the other party!

I saw that she directly grabbed a ball of blasting fire art, and just before the opponent jumped into the air, before she was about to pounce on her, she pushed her hand towards the opponent's body in time and blasted it over! !

Boom~! !


Between the flames and the ashes, the opponent was blown up and shattered into several pieces in an instant, and soon flew out and fell beside the furniture and burned to ashes... At the same time, this weird green room Also under the influence of Annie's blasting technique, those wooden furniture, beds, curtains, etc. quickly spread sparks and burned violently.



"Really, a little undead dared to run out to scare people...Who are you like, the kind of kid who has never seen the world and can only cry, or the one who is scared when he hears evil spirits? Shoulder blade warrior with trembling feet?!"

s(??`ヘ????;) humph!

Easily burned the other side by fire. After seeing that the other side would not come back to life to fight with her, Anne looked at the house ravaged by the fire and walked openly in front of the large wooden door behind her. Exit first, and plan to kindly close the door for the other party so that the fire and smoke inside will not spread to the outside?


∑(??△`)? !

It's a pity that before she touched any wooden door, she hurriedly retracted in fright.

puff! !

Because at this time, there was a huge axe at the gate that slashed at her from outside the wooden door in an instant, and it almost hit her?

And when she turned her head, she found that the scene here changed instantly, turning into a maze, and at the front and back of the passage of the maze, there were a chainsaw madman and a crippled leg. Uncle's crooked neck squeezed toward her in a'huh' and'huh'?

‘Hey hahahahaha~! ’

In addition to the two bad guys, outside the maze, there is the undead old witch who was just burned to death by her. At this time, the other party has become as high as tens of meters and is still shouting cruelly. Smiling grinningly, wielding a huge axe in both hands, and holding it up high, intending to slash and strike at her in the next moment?



"Flame Storm..."


Of course Annie will not be easy to deal with these bad guys! Isn't this? Before she flashed and teleported out according to her previous location, she directly raised her hand to be a blazing storm, summoning a pillar of fire that soared to the sky, so that the high-intensity flame and magma instantly covered the huge maze and the axe. The huge undead that was chopped down towards her...

"mock up!"

(??????????) Hey!

In the blink of an eye, Annie had appeared outside the closed room, and grinned at the closed double-opened wooden door.


!? (??\'\'????)??


Annie just came out of 237, she was shocked by the 239 opposite room 237!

Because, at this time, the door of 239 did not know when it was opened, and inside, there was a dirty white nightdress with a fruit knife dripping blood in his left hand, and a fruit knife in his right hand. The big scissors, the upper blade is also a weird woman with red liquid and remnants of unknown tissue!

Regrettably, at this time, the long black hair of the other party directly covered the other party's face, so that Annie could not see the specific appearance of the other party at all.



At this time, the other party stood silently at the door of Room 239, and then allowed the blood from the fruit knife in his hand to drip to the ground, or give her dirty white nightdress to Stained with scarlet blood...





Annie didn't speak, so she stood outside the door of Room 237, and silently'looking at each other' like this, because she knew that the other party must have been unkind!

for a long time……

"Hello, little girl..."

"Hey hey..."

When the other party could not help but raise her head first, and revealed that pale face and scarlet bloodshot eyeballs, and also showed the filthy teeth and smiled at Annie, Annie finally couldn't bear it. Lived, I just opened a holographic interface, and then took out a holy white staff from her player’s "backpack" that was seized from the hand of a counterfeit Gandalf, and held it like that, preemptively With a stick at the other side, he turned around fiercely!

Bang! !

Caught off guard, a certain evil spirit who didn't know whether it was a guest Sadako or Kayako was easily hit by the holy white wand that Annie held with certain magical damage and evil-breaking effects!

Then, Annie rushed over with strength and reluctantly, and stepped on the opponent's back. While not allowing the opponent to get up, the long-handled weapon in her hand-the holy white wand, slammed towards the back of the opponent's head. The ground turns.

"Ghosts are amazing?"


"Let you come out scary!"


"Let your hair grow!!"


"Let you not speak!"


"Let you play with a knife! Make you laugh!!"

~( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o(??曲??///)pia!



Ah hit! Ah hit! Ah! !

Annie didn't give the other party a chance to get up again, so she opened her bow and hands and feet and used the ground to turn her holy white wand that popped out on a certain player on the planet Pandora. The general violent beating kicked up, and from time to time, he used that messy binding magic to trap the opponent, and there was no room for counterattack or explanation.

Annie thinks, these NPCs definitely don't know a guy called Sadako, otherwise, they must not dare to pretend to be like this in front of them! !

Although she is in the game now, but with her ability, with the title and strength of her archmage, it is more than enough to deal with the ghosts in these horror movies.

for a long time……

When the addicted Annie finally stopped, the guy in this'shining' horror movie who didn't know what kind of monster or wraith was already lying on the ground and twitching and unable to move... Obviously, the physical attack of the holy white wand Some of the attached attributes have already caused him a lot of damage, so that he can't even stand up now?





Seeing that the other party was not completely dead, Annie just wanted to go up and make up a few more times. However, at this time she heard chaotic footsteps from far and near, and then she had to turn her head and head towards the corridor. Looked around the corner, and successfully saw three figures whom he was familiar with.



"Great, I finally found you! Come on, here, Parsifal and the others are likely to find the key soon!"

In the distance, Aiqi, Dadong and Ashiu who also saw a certain little girl cheered and ran towards this side in a slightly embarrassing manner.

"and many more!!"

"Annie...she, who is she?!"

Hearing the movement here, I followed the sound. After I found a little girl, Edgie sighed in relief and looked down at someone on the ground wearing a white nightdress with a sharp knife in his hand. Shi had already fallen to the ground and pumped, and the messy black hair was covered with blood flowing out of Pobo. It was obvious that a little girl had beaten to death the NPC, and asked a little strangely.



"It's nothing!"


"She is an evil spirit who wants to scare others, but don't be afraid, now she has almost been beaten to death by others!!"



"Can both resentment and resentful spirit be killed?!"

The guy on the side was slightly shorter than a certain shoulder blade warrior, Ashiu asked in surprise and incredible. Because just now, the three of them were frightened by the sudden appearance of evil spirits, but if they hadn't run fast, what would happen now!

"Why not?"


"Could it be that you have never been to any copy of the game with resentful spirits and undead monsters?"


Annie despised these adults with a rare and strange look.


"Who would be crazy to choose that kind of copy?!"

Edgy, who had been frightened a bit too much, directly refuted Little Annie's words with fierce words, and directly admitted the fact that he didn't dare to go to the copy with the terrible Stop talking! ’

‘Parsifal and Artemis are going to be anxious, let’s go over and meet them! ’

Without waiting for everyone to continue to say something, Dadong on the side urged Edgy and a little girl anxiously.



"Are they really spicy? They will find the key soon..."


Annie thought that those guys might have been beaten up by the evil spirits, but how could they think that they actually succeeded? !

"Of course!"

"Parsifal and Artemis seem to be very familiar with the horror movie "The Shining"..."

Edge explained carefully, and looked at the wooden doors in this corridor a little nervously, for fear that something terrible would run out of them.

"It turned out to be like this..."

━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━

‘Stop talking! ’

‘It always feels weird here, it always feels different from the Shining, let’s hurry up and meet Parsifal and Artemis, right? ’

‘! ! ’

'you're right! ’

‘Annie! Ash! Hurry up, let's get out of here and move towards the side! ’



"Hey! Wait! People haven't killed the evil spirit yet..."


However, Annie's protest didn't work. The big Edgie took her hand directly and ran, completely without giving her a chance to fight a certain evil spirit lying on the ground.


(??????????)?? Ask for a ticket?? (??????????)

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