Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1179: The big secret of the ‘Oasis’ game world|???...

Because I met a wrong opponent at the wrong time and in the wrong place, he attacked the headquarters of the'Oasis Rebels' and carried weapons. He planned to trample on the law and also killed some gangs of players against the IOI online creative company. And by the way, some of the high-ranking players on the Easter Egg Ranking will be captured and brought to justice by the'sixth man' who has seriously affected the IOI who successfully captured Halliday's eggs, so as to achieve the goal from the physical A certain group of IOI’s field security personnel who completely wiped out their competitors in Shanghai finally returned back in a difficult and desperate manner after a few hours.

In addition to losing all their weapons, the group of private militants almost drank or choked dirty muddy water, plus a few accidentally broke their arms, thighs or spleen. Finally, But I didn't get anything.

And this kind of thing is definitely impossible to conceal, and there is no need to conceal it!

Therefore, at IOI's headquarters at this time, it is logical that a certain IOI field security director who has experienced some terrible things and painful lessons, the originally beautiful Miss Zander, is so full of dirt and mud. She also clutched her injured round **** and returned to the IOI headquarters building in an extremely embarrassed manner, and was carefully reporting the incident and the casualties of the field staff to a boss.

Of course, there is still a certain degree of seriousness for a certain messy little girl against ordinary people. Those private armed personnel are all injured. At most, the degree of injury varies. There is no death case yet, but That was enough to shock some IOI seniors.


"What did you say? There is a wizard? Can spells?!"


"You all mobilized so many people to encircle you like that, and I also greeted the community police and relevant departments. You set out in full armour. You can still defeat so badly when facing a group of unarmed mobs... Zander, I can think about it this way, it's actually a funny and absurd excuse you have fabricated for you and your men's incompetence!"

Originally, there was still a bit of uncertainty. Nolan Sorrento, the president and CEO of IOI, who did not know what happened to the other party, was immediately frustrated after hearing the reports from his own men that they knew it was impossible. With his mouth crooked, he stepped forward and approached a few steps, got close to his female subordinate, stared at the other's eyes, and furiously questioned:

"answer me!"

"What I just said was right? Is it that way? Are you going to perfuse me like this?!"

If the other party makes up another reliable excuse, such as those mobs who are prepared for a long time, and they still have lethal weapons and a large number of people, they will be defeated and expelled in the chaos, maybe he will not Will you be as angry as you are now?


"No! Sir!"

"This is by no means an excuse for our failure! I think you can take a look at these things first?"

A trace of grief and annoyance flashed in the eyes of the female director of the security department Zander, but in the end, she just stared stubbornly at the eyes of her boss, and then slammed her hand to signal the other people behind to be with her. The security guards who attended and came back to report stepped forward and put the iron pieces that were salvaged by them, first melted and then cooled by the pool water, in front of the boss who refused to believe her words in front of them. On a precious solid wood table.



"I still don't understand, Zander, what's the point of these rags? What can you tell me if you show me these rags?!"

Glancing contemptuously at the different appearances on the table, but without exception, they all looked like scrap iron that had been thrown into a furnace and burned for a while, and Nolan Sorrento resisted. The anger in his heart asked back at his own subordinate.

Because he also saw that the stubborn iron was pushed down by the violent fall of those guys, and his table was marked with several obvious marks, and a good solid wood table was destroyed like that!

"This is a gun!"

"They are all melted guns! To be precise, they are the guns that our IOI special service team carried when they set out to capture those mobs!!"

The female supervisor Zander first took a deep breath, then said in a gnashing tone, and subconsciously covered her scald. At this time, she was **** with a bandage and simply treated with anti-infection drugs. The palm of the right hand.


"Guns? Are they guns?!"

"Well, I'm a bit confused by you... Then tell me, why did they become what they are before me?"

Nolan Sorrento froze for a moment, looked again, and found that after taking a tuo of rotten iron, it did have the outline of some kind of gun, his brows could not help but frowned again, and vaguely felt that today's things seemed a little weird. , Some are beyond my expectation?


"This is about to bring up the thing I just reported!"

"We just got information today..."

“It’s said that Halliday’s game is weird? It’s like making physics professionals a great fighting or swordsman. Those magic professionals are meeting certain conditions, or practicing and using spells to achieve a certain After the extreme, you can successfully use spells in the real world!!"

"Look, this is the evidence!"

The female supervisor pointed to the guns on the table that had melted a little bit and then continued:

"We were defeated by that little girl today, by the hands of the dark girl!"

"In an instant, she easily subdued us with unknown spells and melted our weapons. She even threw so many of us hundreds of meters away into a mud pool with that unknown terrifying spell. Here, we almost drowned!!"

The female supervisor Zander said with some fear.

It was the first time she encountered something terrible and beyond the imagination of all of them after so many years! She also said that if she could, she might never want to confront such a terrible little girl again! Because, in front of each other, their proud skills, personnel, and weapons are useless at all?

Moreover, the opponent's spell is really too weird, and there is no sign at all before using it...

She was already thinking about it, at that time, if the other party had a murderous intention on them... With that terrible means, whether it was directly throwing them far away on the hard ground, or using the kind of horror of melting weapons People used to deal with them. Presumably, none of the security staff who went out on duty could come back alive or intact and report to their chief Nolan Sorrento, right?



"Zander, if you say that those mobs will gradually become master fighters, then I believe that, because that is indeed a hidden function of this VR game. This was the original intention during the development and design of the game, and for so many years, Many people have discovered this fact more or less!"


"What is the'spell' you are talking about? Are you sure, are you really kidding me?!"

After a moment of stunned, Nolan Sorrento, who was so angry at last, didn't even look at the broken copper and iron, and directly pointed the spear at a female supervisor who stood stubbornly in front of him.

In the past, he thought that the other party was shrewd and capable, Yunwen Yunwu, a confidant and beloved general who could be trusted by him... However, now that the other party failed his love, and in order to shirk his responsibility, he returned Dare to fabricate that ridiculous reason in front of her... Is it possible that she thinks the CEO of his company is really that good to cheat?


"Sorry, I thought the same way as you before!"

"But...before you refute us, I kindly ask you to take a few minutes to watch our action videos? There are many copies here, and they were shot from different perspectives. You should take a look at them first, and then Make another judgment?"

Knowing that the other party would definitely not believe it, Zander rolled her eyes helplessly, and then she waved her hand again when she was prepared, signaling a technician to hand over a tablet with a transparent screen, and then she first opened it with her own authority After turning the password into a video file, he passed it to Nolan Sorrento.

That was the real-time action video on the helmets of the combatants who set out together on duty. She had just copied the most important part. Otherwise, she is really indefatigable now, and she definitely cannot convince the one in front of her. The stubborn boss!

"Action video?"

"Huh! Very good! Then I want to see, what the **** is going on with you?!"

After bitterly snatching the tablet computer handed over by the other party, Nolan Sorrento paced aside and looked at it for himself.

However, soon, half an hour passed...


I thought it was just a few minutes of watching a video that was fiercely refuted, but he watched it over and over many times?

In half an hour, Nolan Sorrento watched it several times from different perspectives, until he was sure that it really didn’t look like some editing special effects, nor did it look like an Oasis game. After that, he turned his head in a little amazement, looked at his confidant, and waited for his explanation. 516


"You must have seen it too..."

"We had already succeeded, and we also managed to catch that Wade Woz and that Samantha Cook! But we soon discovered that we are really not the opponent of that little girl... She knows spells, The kind of weird spell, and we are pretty sure that it is not a high-tech weapon, just like those arcane spells in the game?!"

"So, sir, what do you think we should do now?"

In the opinion of the female supervisor Zander, with the little girl there, they would definitely not dare to approach the abandoned factory anymore, because they really couldn't fight, and they didn't dare to fight again! After all, all of them who participated in the action and finally returned alive were a little frightened at this time, and even a few unfortunately were still lying in the hospital immobile at this time!


"Just hold off for a while and leave them alone!"

As the president and CEO of IOI online creative company, Nolan Sorrento's way of thinking about problems is obviously different from that of his subordinates!


"The others go out first, you let me think about it first, let me think about it first..."

Because, compared with those who are frightened and who are still terrified for the failure of the mission, Nolan now seems to have discovered something extraordinary, and is urgently thinking about what they can give him or the company. What benefits and changes will it bring?

Therefore, after scolding away those unknown pawns, he was pacing back and forth while thinking, and his head was full of other ideas, and he was racking his brains to measure the impact of this matter on him and his company. Influence, what can you and your company get from it, and what changes will it bring to the game of Oasis, or to the real world?

In short, he must think carefully about these things, and if possible, he must also mention to the think tanks or directors of IOI to meet certain challenges that are likely to cause chaos in the game or the world?


the next day.

At the headquarters of the IOI online creative company, a senior executive was studying and thinking about certain videos and asking a female director for more information on'spells'. At the headquarters of the'Oasis Rebels', in this shabby In the slum factory of, a little girl who initiated the instigator is also receiving the onlookers of her admirers.


"Last night, is the thing you said true? Learn spells in the game and reach a certain level, and you can learn it in the real world? You learned it from the game?!"

Samantha Cook asked excitedly, and the previous one who had always had a certain misunderstanding about Annie, Wade Warz, also clings to her face, including the other players in the headquarters of the'Rebel Army', they all Looking at Annie with anxious and expectant eyes, it seems that he hopes to get more information from her so that they can also become stronger?



"They lied to them! Because they were originally a mage, before they played the game, they were still the most, most, most, most, most, and most powerful kind!"


Anyway, these dumb guys can't learn, and she can't teach!

Furthermore, at that time Annie only said: Her spells are the same as those arcane spells in the game, but she did not say that her spells were learned from the game, so ah, as for those people and those in front of her How the guys think about it, and have some unrealistic ideas, it doesn't matter to her.


ε=(′?`●))) alas

(Sure enough, his own horrible little master likes to play this kind of word game, so Tibbers silently gave some help to some guys named'IOI' who were beaten and cheated. sorrow……)

‘! ! ’

‘False, false? ’

'No way? ’


The full expectation was shattered in an instant, and everyone instantly gained more intuition about this messy little girl named the Dark Lady.

"I won't tell you this kind of thing!"


"I'm going to play in the game, remember to remind you when you have dinner!"


Annie originally wanted to leave this messy and messy place directly. However, thinking that these people were almost caught as coolies yesterday, and thinking that the bad guys of IOI might not learn their lesson, she reluctantly decided to stay here. Stayed for a while, and moved directly into the best little room with a garden on the top floor.


"Samantha, what do you think?"


"I don't know... Wade, what do you think?"


"It's impossible for a little girl to have such a powerful spell for no reason..."

"Anyway, I think she must not be completely telling the truth, I think her spells may really be obtained from the game! This "oasis" game of Halliday, there must be more secrets hidden, maybe we can Crack it!"

As he talked, Wade Warz gradually became excited, as if he was even more excited than he cracked Halliday's clues twice?


"But Wade, what can we do?"

Samantha Cook looked at the stairway where the little girl disappeared, and listened to the cheerful footsteps running towards the top floor. She couldn't help but hesitate... But Annie didn't want to say, neither did they Isn't it to force each other? After all They can continue to live here, but they are protected by Annie. If they anger the little guy and let him go, they might have to move. Up.

"Halidi's egg!"

"If we want to know more secrets in this "Oasis" game, then we must obtain Halliday's Easter eggs and gain control of the "Oasis" game!"

"At that time, no matter what its secrets are, it will be exposed to us without any hindrance, including that powerful spell!!"

Wade Warz boldly guessed and described it, and he had already imagined in his mind what would happen after he got the easter eggs, the control rights and stocks of the Oasis game, and that powerful spell ability. A sense of supreme satisfaction!

At that time, he can not only punish and sanction IOI company and avenge the hate, but also Oasis Games and Samantha Cooke, and even anything he wants will easily become his! !

"What are you waiting for!"

"Hurry up, put on your experience server, let's hurry into the game to crack the last clue!"

Samantha also felt that what Wade said was reasonable and feasible, so she became energetic in an instant, planning to hurry up and go into the game now to see if there is any way to crack Halliday’s The last clue!

They must do it as soon as possible, because she heard reports from her subordinates that the people at IOI have stepped up the cracking of "The Shining". I believe that it will not be long before they rely on their huge manpower and material resources. To the second emerald key and the last clue.


ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★)`з゜)←No voter!

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