Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1180: (· ̄?? ̄?·)??°I, Annie, jungle...

What kind of thoughts the people at IOI online creative company would have after being beaten back by themselves? Can you figure out whether or not Annie didn't care about it, and didn't want to care about it! Because no matter what, no matter what kind of reaction or crazy revenge of those people, she will never be afraid of them.

If they still don’t learn the lesson, and dare to kill the door again or take other irrational measures, maybe she might actually kill the door one day and burn the other party’s IOI headquarters, and Show them a play of Master Wushuang and show them a good look?

As for the people in this ruined house, such as that Miss Samantha or that annoying Wade, have any thoughts, then she doesn't care about it! She just informed them, and hurriedly entered the game, and started her unscrupulous and unscrupulous entertainment activities in the game.



"Tibbers, which dungeon should we go to play today..."


The Oasis game contains other games and some messy copies. There are so many, so much so that for a while, Annie looked at the portals one by one and didn’t know how to choose. That's good.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



"this is……"


Suddenly, Annie seemed to find the portal of a certain game, and then she quickly became immersed in the description and quickly flipped through the game's source and brief description on the pop-up player interface, and she quickly found one in the middle. A game character exactly like his name.

Lady of Darkness-Annie:

The close relationship between her and the flame is innate, and it first appeared with moody mood swings, but later she learned how to master these ‘little tricks’. Among them, her favorite is to summon her dear Teddy Bear Tibbers... The giant bear roared out with the flames of hell, wanton destruction... Annie has been lost in the eternal innocence, she is in the dark Runeland Forest Wandering in the middle, always looking for someone who can play with him.



"It turned out to be Summoner's Canyon. Someone still knows their story, and it has been written into a game?"


Annie was a little surprised, and then hurriedly began to read more game information and instructions, wanting to learn more.



"Looking at this and that description, it seems to be the story of that stupid guy who can only cry and can't even protect his sister, and can't control even Flame and Little Bear..."


After seeing more game information, Annie who was just taken aback was relieved. She thought that her own experience was written into games and stories and stuffed into this oasis VR game. It turns out that this is not the things and timeline related to her at all, but an old game 30 years ago on this earth in 2045?

However, although it is not related to her, Annie, who has already been interested and feels that idleness is also idle at this time, has made up her mind: she does not seem to hinder spending a little time to play this Summoner Canyon battle game? Anyway, this kind of game is similar to the CS shooting confrontation game that I have played before. It is mainly an entertainment and leisure mode. It doesn't matter if you lose or lose, you will definitely not worry about being cleared, although she has never Never worried?


Soon, Xiao Anni went straight through the portal and took advantage of the opportunity to join a qualifying game in preparation, and was assigned to the jungler position in the team.

Immediately afterwards, she didn't care what kind of role her teammates chose to enter the game. She just didn't even think about it, so she went straight to choose'Annie of Darkness', and clicked OK and locked in the shortest time. Up the hero.

‘! ! ’

'Hey! ’

‘Newcomer, what are you doing, are you going to grab the middle lane? ! ’

‘My grandfathers, older sisters, older sisters, and aunts, you must discuss things carefully, but don’t make trouble. I’m a promotion game and I really can’t afford to lose! ! ’

Annie had just selected a character, and she asked herself to enter the game without even changing the skin of the game character.

Then, at this time, she finally recovered, and finally she knew why someone had known and called herself the "Daughter of Darkness" before. It turned out that it turned out to be because of the existence of this game, because there is someone who looks like herself. Because of the same dumb guy?

Of course, those things are not important, because now the important thing is: those of her teammates have already started to quarrel, and then two other people directly targeted her!



"Which middle road? They are junglers now, what about the middle road passers?!"


Although Annie didn’t know what a jungler was, she never thought about going to play mid lane, because the game system assigned her a jungler position, so she naturally went to jungle, as for other things, she I don’t care how spicy it is! And ah, she is a very reasonable and well-behaved little girl, under normal circumstances, she will not grab someone else's things easily if it is not necessary.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

‘? ? ’

‘It’s over! A scam came, but I placed a heavy bet of five thousand gold coins! ’

‘What are five thousand gold coins? I’m a promotion match! ! ’

‘I said jungle, can you play? ’

The teammates once again spoke up one after another, or were wailing, or simply asked in anger.

"No! This is my first time playing, do you have any questions?"


‘! ! ’

‘First, first time to play? ’

A certain player who had already picked a hero on the road suddenly asked in a trembling tone with some uncertainty.

"Yes indeed!!"


‘? ? ’

‘Look at her, she doesn’t have a rank. Maybe it’s the first time she played? ’

‘! ! ’

‘It’s over~ This time I will definitely take a break! ’

A Mengxin who played for the first time came to qualify and chose a messy hero jungler. In this case, the rest of the team didn’t have to think about it and knew what a tragic ending would be. .



Annie always feels that these teammates are weird. Which hero does she choose to participate in the game and what matters to them? Why is she always screaming?

'How to do? ’

‘Cold! ’

'Forget it! Just give her a jungler, let's not collapse online, so there is still a little chance! ’

‘Mao’s chance! A million on the road! ’

‘! ! ’

‘I’m annoying you by mentioning a million? When I get up, you will know how powerful a million mushroom array is! ! ’

'stand up? I bother! Can you get up without a jungler to help catch people? ’

'Humph! Wait and see...’


‘Forget it, just treat the jungle as no. I choose the card. You should be careful of their blind monks in the early stage, and be a little bit awkward to replenish the soldiers, and wait until I reach level six. ’

'alright! ’

‘The ADC and the support you both need to develop awkwardly, remember to put your eyes in! ’

'understand! ’

'no problem! ’

‘Timo, you must not collapse! ’

‘Lao Tzu’s 1 million worth of combat power is 18,000, betray your sister! ’


‘Okay, okay, don’t make trouble, this time it’s a four-on-six situation. Only by unity can we win! ’

‘Oh~! This can only be done first...’

‘Stop talking, there are still thirty seconds to send troops, I’ll go online first! ’

'let's go……'

After a wave of contradictions and disputes broke out for a while, the four Oasis players who were not reconciled to lose a qualifying match quickly reached a tacit understanding, and then simply ignored someone who continued to be in a daze in the spring. The jungler, just ran to the upper, middle and lower three lanes.



"Hey! Wait a minute, what are people doing now?!"


Seeing that those people had ruled out and ignored herself in a few words, and had also developed a certain tactic, Anne had no choice but to shout loudly to a certain player who looked like Captain Timo, the quick scout she knew, and Asked loudly.


‘You’d better buy your own equipment and go play blue first. It’s awkward and developed, and be a jungler...Anyway, we don’t expect you to help arrest people! ’

A certain advancing player stopped for a while. After his body gradually became transparent, he sighed and said such a sentence, and then continued to escape from the invisible state and ran on the road. .

"Buy equipment? Play blue?"


"I buy equipment here... but where is Lan going to fight?!"


Anne, who was equipped, knew that because there was a weird-looking NPC selling things in the spring, she quickly bought something based on her only 500 gold, but where would Lan go to fight? She really didn't know.


‘In the wild area below, in the fog of war, the big guy called the Blue Glyph Golem is that if you knock it down, it will be blue. ’

After a while, the swift scout who was about to reach the first defensive tower on the road said this quietly.

"It turned out to be like this..."

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"Thank you! People now know how to play!!"


After knowing where ‘blue’ was about, Annie rushed out of the spring and ran towards a place below.


‘Brothers, leave her alone, look at what she bought and what Summoner skills she brought! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Increase, increase the classics? ! ’

‘There is still flash, teleport? ! ! ’

"It's over, it's over..."

'Ugh! Forget it, let's get to the line as soon as we get off the road. Leave her alone and let her fend for herself! ’

‘I think it might be better to let her hang up? ’

‘Okay, let her be, as long as you don’t give away heads! ’

‘Compared with IOI, I suddenly felt that she might be the best sixth person? ’

‘Haha! ’

'is not it? ’



"Are you talking ill of others?!"


Annie was a little upset, although she was playing for the first time, but she was really very, very confident, kind of enigmatic! But why these guys talked to themselves strangely before they even started? You know, she didn't seem to provoke them, and even more did not grab their place!


'Do not! ’

‘It’s nothing, just be happy...’

At this time, the system appeared to remind that the legions of both sides had begun to send troops.

‘! ! ’

‘Don’t pay attention to her, send troops, go and prepare to control the line to replenish troops, be sure! ! ’






Although I don’t know where I did wrong, the bad guys are dissatisfied with them and isolate themselves, but Annie, who has always been lonely and accustomed to being a lone ranger, doesn’t take it seriously. Just mention that Mo said and ran to the jungle below.

Soon, about half a minute later...

firstblood! !

The personnel on both sides of the enemy and us who were replenishing troops and you came and went against you were quickly frightened by the subtitles of the first blood that was broadcast by the system and the kill information brushed up. A big jump!

'Ah! ’

‘I knew it, the jungler must be unreliable! ’

‘? ? ? ’

'what happened? ’

‘Brother, it seems that our jungler killed the opponent’s jungler? ’

'what? ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘I’ll talk! It really is! ’

‘This is really unexpected! ’

'Hey! Jungle Annie, how did you do it? ! ’



"How did you do it? They didn't do anything. They just got lost accidentally, and then when they got out of the grass, they saw a bald head hitting a very large scarlet-marked tree monster, and they were all disabled. Blood, and then they burned it directly..."

(*?′?`?) Hehe!

Annie didn't know why those guys were so excited, she just accidentally picked up a bargain just because she got lost, it didn't seem to be great.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

At this time, the chat channel of the other team that was donated had already opened up.

‘Asshole! ’

'blind monk! Can you really play? You were turned red by an Annie jungler? ! ’

‘Tsk tusk! This is a big joke! I just read it, UU reading www. The jungler opposite has no ranks, and look at her equipment and skills! ! ’


"Everyone, I don't want to..."

‘Who knew that guy would dare to turn around at the first level? ’

A certain blind monk jungler said he was very wronged and aggrieved...

Because just now, he was about to kill the wild monster, so he planned to save a punishment, but that thought, a little girl suddenly walked out of the grass, then blew her head and covered her face and burned at him. ?

Now that he is well, he was successfully defeated by the enemy at the first level, and he doesn't know what to do next!

Perhaps, he should use the punishment and go to fight the stone beetle or the front beak first? But anyway, when he died like this, he would definitely waste a lot of time and lose the first move. When he slowly jungled and upgraded on his own, it is estimated that he would lose the blind monk's early catching advantage.


‘Be careful when you get down the road, don’t let the jungler Annie run down and catch you! ’

'understand! ’

‘Don’t worry, I just got a real eye in the grass on our side! ’

‘I’m really particular about assistance, I went out with real eyes...’

‘Stop chatting, pay attention to line control and replenishment! ’

'Hey! What's the matter with you on the road, you can't beat one to raise one million? ’

‘I only have one displacement skill, but he fired Blinding and Poisoned Arrows. It’s a bit overwhelming, so I'm going to make up for the soldiers. It shouldn’t be a big problem...’

'That's good! ’

It’s a pity that when the enemy team’s bottom two were reminding them to be wary of a weird jungler that might appear at any time, they didn’t know that the jungler had once again been lost in a wild area with the fog of war. Up.


o(*ˉ︶ˉ*)o? Ask for a ticket?o(*ˉ︶ˉ*)o

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