Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1183: |????)? The 10th "Oasis Cup" is high...

Because some unsuspecting players in the Summoner Canyon game just voluntarily surrendered and severely swept Annie out for fun, she, who returned to the oasis center after quitting, began to carry aimlessly. The little bear of his family did not pretend to be, nor was he afraid of being seen or tracked by his enemies, just wandering around angrily in the oasis safe area where the players are coming and going.



I didn't say anything, you can tell from her facial expressions that Little Annie is very unhappy now, very unhappy!

So, while strolling around and looking around, she was already thinking about whether she should run to play other dungeons or mess with other players in order to transfer the unhappy emotions on her to those unlucky Where are the eggs?

According to the law of "Happiness Conservation", if some bad guys can become unhappy, I believe she will become happy soon, right?





Yes, Annie, who has always thought about what to do, is already thinking about it. She is racking her brains to think about where she is going, or whose trouble is better? Is it to go to an open world copy to others, such as the fan league that often blocks themselves to make trouble... Or to blow up the mines of other people’s guilds, such as the mining operation area occupied by the bad guy IOI company, Throw some powerful bombs in their mines?


After thinking about it, Annie gave up, because she had done that kind of thing a while ago, and now she doesn’t want to ask for trouble while others are still vigilant and defensive, and she doesn’t want to go to the open world copy. The place was beaten by those bad guys!



Regarding how to make herself happy as soon as possible without disturbing other bad guys or making troubles for the guild, Annie felt a little scratching her head... so she just wandered aimlessly on this glass passage in the oasis. The earth is walking forward with the flow of people coming and going.



"so boring!!!"


As she walked, Annie was a little crazy...

So, she faintly decided, just randomly find a portal to run in, and then randomly find some people's troubles, to add a little bit of passion to their boring gaming career? Anyway, her dark girl's notoriety is well-known in the game, if so, then continue to find a random PVP map and find someone to guard the corpse!


∑( ̄□ ̄*|||

"Tibbers, that's..."


Unexpectedly, when Annie was wandering in the extreme boredom, hesitating and hesitating about whether to play other copies or add chaos to others, Annie suddenly froze, and then stood directly on the spot and began to lift it. At the beginning, I stared blankly at a huge holographic screen that had been flashing in the sky in front of me, and it said:


"The 10th "Oasis Cup" Gundam Contest! 》

As the saying goes: Gundam is a man's romance!

Are you willing to fight with the ideals and convictions of Secondary Two? Do you want to be able to fight one enemy against one hundred in the age of confidence? Do you want to ride your mech as a thousand, galloping across the starry sky invincible? Do you want to harvest countless ignorant girls or bring the screams and embrace of the men?

If you want it all, then you must not miss this year's Direct Gundam Tournament!

The official organization of this competition solemnly announces that the 2045 "Oasis Cup" Gundam Tournament will officially start tomorrow, and now is the last day of the deadline for registration. Welcome all Oasis players to register and participate!

Don't miss it when you pass by, you will have to wait another year if you miss it! !

The registration requirements and precautions for the 10th "Oasis Cup" Gundam Tournament are as follows:

Applicants must bring their own Gundam or other similar mechas for the competition. The organizer does not provide any mechas for the competition.

The maximum height of Gundam or other similar mechas shall not exceed 25 meters and must be scanned by the system to meet the requirements of various competitions.

The body is not allowed to carry weapons of mass destruction, such as atomic bombs, neutron bombs, black hole generators, anti-proton weapons, and two-way foils and other unavoidable range of concept weapons of mass destruction.

Participants must register and successfully pass the review before 24:00:00 today, and they will be considered invalid if the deadline is over!

Unlike previous years, this competition will be divided into two major stages, namely: PVE stage and PVP stage. This is obviously a more detailed assessment of the indicators and capabilities of the mecha pilots and mechas, rather than Just as in previous years, it was a simple operation against the aircraft.

The loss of the mecha during the competition is repaired by the players themselves. The organizer does not provide any maintenance services. If the mecha malfunctions and the participants cannot participate, they will be deemed to have given up the game!

The contest has the risk of character death and data being cleared. Participants must consider the consequences by themselves. The organizer does not provide any protection or compensation.

The final winner will be awarded the title of'Oasis' Strongest Pilot' and a mysterious mech provided by the'Oasis' official!

The final interpretation right of all the above clauses belongs to the organization team of the "Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Competition".






Annie stood still in the crowd, and stared at her own eyes in a daze, staring intently at the huge holographic advertisement and the text description above the oasis above the central passage.

Obviously, some of the interesting things above attracted her...



"It looks so fun, I suddenly thought about it and wanted to participate..."


Yes, looking at it, Annie became excited all over!

For her who is extremely bored and has nothing to do, it seems that this kind of big game that is about to start, this kind of officially organized grand event, this kind of thing that she is obviously good at is better than going to random people to PK and defend. Corpse, and then make others hate yourself more. What is more fun?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"No way!"


"It's been decided! They will also participate in the competition, so they want it now!!"


After speaking, Annie hurriedly pulled out a frame on the advertisement in the sky on her player interface, and started to quickly operate the operator on the top, and filled in her own player personal information according to the above requirements.

(Dear master, you should give up quickly, it's definitely useless, they won't allow you to participate...)


(However, very uninterestingly, Tibbers suddenly made a noise at this moment and interrupted some unrealistic thoughts of an excited and miserable little master.)



Annie ignored her own bear’s objection, and directly continued to operate on the interface, and soon clicked the button to confirm and submit the application.

beep! !


After system testing, player Anne Hasta, your personal qualifications do not meet the basic requirements for participating in the "Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Tournament". Now the application has been rejected by the competition review team. You can still stay at most tonight Initiate two applications before 24:00:00. If you still fail to pass the application, you will be completely disqualified from participating in the competition.



"Why? People are so good at driving Gundam, why don't you participate in it? Are you jealous of them?!"


Seeing that the messy broken system was exactly the same as what a nasty little bear said, and she rejected her entry application in an instant, and Annie was so angry that she clicked on the holographic dialog box again. Button to submit the application again.

beep! !


After system testing, player Anne Hasta, your personal qualifications do not meet the basic requirements for participating in the "Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Tournament". Now the application has been rejected by the competition review team. You can still stay at most tonight Initiate the last application before 24:00:00. If you still fail to pass the application, you will be completely disqualified from participating in the competition.



"How can they be like this? Why don't they let people participate..."

=????(???????) No ━=????(???????) ━情!!!!

"No! They must have made a mistake in some parts. They are so powerful, so why not let them participate!!"


Annie was a little anxious, so she planned to click on the button to submit the application one last time, and then see what broken system or official organization dared to continue to reject her request, if she still dared...she swears in the name of bear, She will definitely follow the network cable to find the "Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Tournament" organization team and beat them severely, and will not let them go until they agree to participate!


ε=(′?`●))) alas

(Dear little master, it’s not that people won’t let you participate, but they said: “Applicants must bring their own Gundam or other similar mechas to participate in the competition. The organizer does not provide any mechas for the competition.” You can see your Player package, is there a Gundam inside?


——Finally, when one of his own wretched little masters was about to click on the third application, some Tibbers who could not stand hurriedly spoke out and stopped the other party, and also explained the relevant situation thoughtfully. Dangerously, a nasty little girl who was likely to actually find a game company along the network cable and beat others to stop. )



"Hey! It turned out to be like this, do I have to prepare a Gundam for participating in the competition?!"


Annie remembered, in the real world, there are indeed several Gundams hidden in her own small bag, which she brought in from PLANT’s Zaft army hangar, and there is even a backward one. , A broken spacecraft that can't even jump and fly faster than light?


If it’s in this oasis game, then she really doesn’t seem to have a Gundam... Although last time, in that Avatar world, on the planet Pandora, she had snatched a Zaku II, but it’s a pity The thing is, that Zaku II was chopped down by a nasty faceless monster before it was played for long. She never thought about recovering its wreckage and reusing it after repair.

So, now think about it carefully, it seems that it is not unreasonable for others to reject her and judge her not to meet the conditions?



"Hello? Edge? Are you free? I want to ask you one thing now!!"


There is no way. Since you must have a Gundam to participate in the competition, you must contact some of her Queen Anne's queen errands and a certain helper who is proficient in mechanical maintenance to find or buy a Gundam.

‘! ! ’

‘Annie? ’

‘Sorry, I’m not free at the moment! Because I'm helping people fix things and I'm in a hurry, what can you talk about another day? ! ’

Edgy, who is busy with certain things in his studio, sees the beating head in the address book as something doing nothing, and it is said that he has successfully met with Parsifal and Artemis, and is said to be After learning the real spells in the game, and smashing the illegal arms of the IOI company, but stingyly refused to tell them the stingy little girl, he didn't even think about it, so he just shied away.



"Eggie! People need a Gundam, whatever you want, you can find a way for them, they need it today, the sooner the better!!!"


Regardless of whether the other party is busy or not, when she saw that the other party was connected to the communication, she directly ‘ordered’ the other party in an unquestionable tone. Anyway, she doesn't have high requirements for Gundam's performance, whether it is Genn or Zaku, or the assault or mass-produced Cunyu, that's all right.

Because she firmly believes that with her driving skills, she can absolutely smooth the gap in the body's data and defeat all the enemies who participated in the competition and faced her!

‘! ! ’

‘Gundam? ’

‘That thing is a large ultimate weapon. The price is very expensive. Except for those big guilds, we can’t afford it. Where would you ask me to get it for you? ! ’

Without even thinking about it, when the other party made such an unreasonable request, Edge hurriedly waved his hands and refused. Because, he can barely get a car or a motorcycle, but if he wants to get a Gundam, and he is in such a hurry, if he wants it today, he really can't help it, let alone the money!

This is indeed a bit difficult for him, because that kind of things and things, I am afraid that only IOI or other large guilds can get it, he is just a mechanic repairman.

'and many more! ’

"You want Gundam, and you want to..."

‘! ! ’

‘I see, you want to participate in the "Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Tournament" where only local tyrants and big guilds have the opportunity to participate? ! ’

Through the other party's request for a Gundam and the impatient tone that pointed out that he wants to buy a Gundam today, Edgie froze for a moment, where did he still not know the real purpose of the other party's wanting to get a Gundam?



"And people remember, you guys, don't you have a Strike Gundam in your hand?!"


Annie suddenly remembered. She remembered that these guys, it seems that once said, they went to fight on the death planet in the 12th combat zone, and then grabbed a Gundam?

‘! ! ’

‘Do you even know this? ’

Even Edgie didn't expect that he and the others had Gundam in their hands, but the other party remembered...

"Of course!"


If it is useless to herself, Annie certainly can't remember it, but once she needs it, she will remember it immediately, such as when she needs a Gundam to participate in the competition now?


‘Sorry Annie! ’

‘Although I really want to help you, that Gundam is not mine, it’s Dadong’s! Also, that thing is not assault Gundam, it is rx-78-2, and it is not permanent, we can't get that kind of thing, it takes a short time to transform each time, it can only last for a short time The time is probably less than two minutes at most. Are you sure you can use it to finish this session of the Gundam Championship? ’

Edgie remembers that Dadong’s Gundam gloves can only be transformed once every twenty-four hours, and each time is only 100 seconds, so a little bit of time, I believe it must be impossible to participate in the "10th Oasis Cup" "Gundam Contest".



"Isn't that permanent?!"


‘! ! ’

‘Not permanent! We don't have so much money to get permanent! ! ’

Edge waved his hand regretfully. Obviously he also knew that Dadong's glove did not meet the requirements of the game.



"Is there really no way?!"


Annie suddenly felt that this time, she really didn’t seem to have anything other than to follow the net line to hit the door, let the guys who organized the game but did not provide the body to allow herself to participate and unconditionally get a body for herself. chosen.



'Sorry! ’

"Really nothing..."



‘! ! ’

'correct! ’

‘Annie! I remember, it seems that Artemis and the others in the anti-IOI organization have hit a half-damaged vf-25 Messiah. Or, you can ask them? ’

‘Aren’t you talking to them now? If they are willing to sell it to you, maybe I can help you fix it? ! ’

Edge knows that the vf-25 Messiah obviously meets the requirements of the game, and the performance is not too weak? Even, Edge feels that the kind of mecha that can perform three-stage transformation is much stronger than some Gundams to some extent, not to mention that the thing is a nuclear power machine, with two'FF-3001A Tier Ⅱ' The thermonuclear turbo engine is much easier to use than the general Gundam energy pack!



"But...I don't have any money now! Have you sold those superconducting ores?"


The gold coins obtained last time in the continent of Elasia have been squandered by Annie. So, if she is looking for someone to buy a mech, even if she will definitely give her a fair price for Samantha, she is sure There is no money.

'ore? ’

'That thing was sold a little bit, barely enough to repair... But it is definitely not enough to buy Maybe you should think of other ways, let Artemis lend you first Go to the competition? ’

Edge also knows the price of a vf-25 Messiah, even if it is damaged, it is estimated that it is not easily affordable by the financial resources of such casual players.



"Forget it, people will ask about this later..."

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

In any case, Annie is definitely going to participate in the "Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Contest"! So, she decided, and she can try to find that Samantha later. If they really have that kind of thing, maybe she should think of a way to get it?

‘Then you better hurry up! ’

‘If it’s too late, I can’t guarantee that I can fix it for you before the early hours of tonight! ! ’

Edge knows that the deadline for registration for the "Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Contest" is 24:00:00 tonight, because he has helped people repair one of Gundam's "phase transfer armor" boards. I also know that the investment is huge, but it is said that the return is also huge.

However, it is obvious that only big guilds and big companies, such as IOI, can afford such games. At most, they can only watch the excitement and cheer off the court.

"Got it!!"


After finishing talking, Annie shut down the communication directly and went offline soon. Obviously, she was looking for a certain Miss Artemis who hadn’t been a long time since the "face-based" and helped the other party a lot, that is, the Sa Mansha negotiated and asked for a damaged'vf-25 Messiah' to go.


_〆(′Д`)? The codeword is hard, ask for votes, ask for subscription! ?

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