Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1184: ?P.L.A.N.T's little Phoenix Annie...

At 21:16:18 on the evening of August 15, 2045, it was only more than two hours before the final registration deadline for the Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Tournament. Until then, some The unscrupulous scapula warrior Aiqicai finally completed a certain task, and immediately contacted a sad little girl who had been waiting a little impatiently in the game, and used an important game item that the other party needed. The payment method was mailed in the past.

'All right! ’

‘Annie! Your machine, this'vf-25 Messiah' I have already fixed it for you, but I want to make one point: because I am not familiar with this kind of deformable machine, I just provided it according to the system The data and the best solution are restored and maintained. I didn't dare to modify it. If you lose, don't blame me for not helping you? ’

‘I really did my best, I promise you! ’

After urging the opponent's body several times and sending out the game props that were shrunk like a toy airplane in an instant, and seeing the other party's confirmation of the receipt of the goods, Ai Qicai finally sighed and relaxed. Come down.

"You will lose!"

ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah! !

"Wow! I saw it, and it's really fixed?!"


After spitting on a bad guy who dared to curse that she would lose in the newsletter, Annie hurriedly checked the repaired one she had received, which was related to the important body she was able to participate in the competition.

"Big Edgie, wait a minute, people first sign up for the competition!"


After that, Annie received and checked the'vf-25 Messiah' body, and found that there was nothing wrong, she eagerly opened an application interface again, and rejected her application twice. The organizer of has submitted its own competition application.

In the daytime, Annie finally managed to get Samantha, that is, the broken'vf-25 Messiah' in the hands of Miss Artemis, and handed it over to Jean Edge. To spend a huge amount of money to repair it urgently, and dangerously allows her to register with the body at this last juncture and wait for the application feedback of the competition.

The price she must pay to obtain that unit is: she must protect Artemis and their useless group of "IOI Resistance Army" from being persecuted by IOI in the real world by force, and until she finds Until the end of the Easter egg game?

Because, they are said to be confident in cracking Halliday’s clues, finding easter eggs and defeating the IOI online creative company, and the only thing they worry about is that the illegal armed personnel of the other party once again hit the door in the real world?

Although Annie really wants to say: she doesn’t need Easter eggs alone, she doesn’t need to bother to inherit a certain Halliday’s stock and gain control of the game to defeat those IOI bad guys... But since that Arte Mis only made such a small and simple request. She was so lazy and didn't explain more, but was patient and decided to live in the garden room on the roof of the other ruined building for some time in the future.



"Why so long..."


Now, Annie is still waiting patiently for a reply to the application just submitted.

This is her third application...

In order to prevent some people from maliciously repeating the registration multiple times and causing channel blockage, the organizer specially restricts each player to register up to three times. Once the maximum number of three applications is reached, they can no longer register...So, Anne, who is now waiting, is very nervous and anxious, for fear that some mistakes will cause her to fail again in her application.

If that's the case, I'm afraid she will definitely go to the office of the game organizer along the network line, and pull some bad guys who don't agree with her to participate in the seemingly fun game to grab the collar and beat them. Right?


Congratulations! Player Anne Hasta, your application to participate in the competition with your ‘vf-25 Messiah’ has now been officially approved! We now inform you: Please make relevant preparations, and please be sure to enter Portal 02136 of the "Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Competition" before 24:00:00 tonight standard time to participate In the first stage of the competition, those who fail to arrive before the deadline will be deemed to have waived the qualifications of the competition.




"Great, Edgie, the application is finally approved! Moreover, the first stage of the competition will start in more than two hours!"

?*. ?(ˊΩˋ*)??*.

Seeing the holographic interface that popped up with a successful application, Annie was first surprised, and then she finally cheered directly, and shared her words in the newsletter with an unscrupulous profiteer who had helped her a lot.

'is it? ’

‘That’s good, it’s not in vain that I work overtime and have dinner even if I don’t care about eating it. I will fix it for you first...’

After hearing that a certain little guy had successfully passed the application for the competition, the unscrupulous scapula warrior Edgie heaved a sigh of relief, saying that his efforts had not been wasted.

"I won't tell you anymore!"


"People are going to find that portal now, goodbye~!!!"


After finishing talking, Annie immediately shut down the communication without waiting for the other party to continue to say something, and then turned around and ran across the bustling oasis crowd in the distance, ready to find her portal No. 02136.

And as for someone with no conscience who was given a choice to ignore because of temporarily losing the value of use, she wouldn't care about it! !


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


Soon, the time came at 23:45 on the second night. Edgy, Dadong, Ashiu, Parsifal and Artemis all came to the "Tenth Oasis Cup Gundam Tournament". The venue and entered a virtual box they had booked in advance.

‘Hi~! ’

‘Parsifal and Artemis are you two finally here? ’

Seeing the two being teleported in, Edge greeted them for the first time.

‘How is it, did you crack the last clue? ’

Immediately afterwards, Edge asked what he cared about most, which was the last clue of Halliday's Easter Egg game.

After all, the little girl who is currently ranked number one in the standings, the guy who even dared to attack Halliday’s avatar, must have bothered to crack the clues without talking. This is because she is still in the mood to participate in the Gundam Championship It can be seen in the game! Therefore, Edge felt that their hope of deciphering that clue might really only be placed on Parsifal or Artemis in front of them.

'what! Clues...’

'not yet! ’

Parsifal and Artemis looked at each other, then shook their heads sullenly and spread their hands. So far, they still have no idea at all, otherwise, they would not have the thought to come here to watch this game.

"That's a pity..."

‘But don’t worry! ’

'I heard that, IOI or other people who passed the "The Shining" level and got the second Emerald Key also failed to crack that clue, so you don't have to worry too much, at least everyone is now Those who are on the same starting line, and if anyone cracks it, according to your score, they will definitely be notified as soon as possible. ’

Seeing that the two seemed a little depressed, Edgie hurriedly said with relief.

'hope so……'

'correct! ’

‘Where’s that little guy Annie, did she come, why didn’t we see her? ’

For clues or something, Artemis felt that they had racked their brains in these two days, so she didn't want to talk about that topic anymore, and hurriedly looked at the box while asking strangely.

‘She? ’

‘She should have been here long ago! It may be time to make preparations. We will be able to see her performance later when we officially start! ’

In fact, Edgie doesn’t know where the little guy is, but if you think about how the opponent was in a hurry two hours ago, I believe they must have been in the competition venue. Besides, the opponent is a contestant and will definitely not follow. They appeared in the audience as spectators.

"That's it..."

‘Have the names of the players participating in the competition and the data of their bodies come out? ’

Artemis was a little worried, because she knew that the damaged'vf-25 Messiah' they had accidentally acquired was just an ordinary mass-produced machine, and compared to the players' bodies in previous years, there was no What's too outstanding performance and advantages.

‘I don’t know, it shouldn’t come out yet. Isn’t this about fifteen minutes left? ’

Edge just held his arms and waited, and began to scan this virtual, huge Colosseum-like venue that appeared in the void of the universe, watching the bustling crowds and all kinds of people on the audience seats. Lighting decoration.


‘You said, that little guy, does she have any hope of winning? ’

Parsifal asked hesitantly.

If it was before, he would definitely not think that the other party could win, nor would he hope that the other party would win! However, something happened recently that caused his impression of the little guy to change a little bit. Therefore, if his friends think she has hope of winning, maybe he will put all his gold coins on On that little guy?

‘I don’t know, but I heard that her driving skills are pretty good. When she was on Pandora, she even robbed a Zaku II from the Fan League. She killed and trampled a lot of people because of it? ’

As for a certain little guy’s deeds on Pandora, Edge is quite clear. After all, he can be said to have taken over all the superconducting ore agents that Annie got back. So after many inquiries, he told Annie Certain things are clearly understood a little more than others.

‘! ! ’

"How do you grab Gundam? ! ’

Hearing what Edgy said, the samurai Daito sitting on the stool next to him suddenly asked curiously.


‘Who knows? Anyway, she just grabbed it! ’


‘What happened later? ’

'later? ’

'The machine she grabbed was quickly chopped off by fans from the Fan League, but unfortunately, she didn't even remember to take away the wreckage. Didn’t she know that the device could be repaired, even if not? Is the repair also worth a lot of money? ’

Edgie said bitterly, thinking that some day by day she knew that the bad girl who called the poor had lost at least hundreds of thousands of gold coins out of thin air like that was a bit violent?


‘I hope she doesn’t lose too badly this time, right? ’

Parsifal and Artemis looked at each other, and then they prayed tacitly. Because they came to a conclusion through this conversation between Edgy and Dadong, that is: A certain little girl's mecha manipulation technology seems very ordinary? Otherwise, it wouldn't be abruptly chopped up after snatching a machine.

‘! ! ’

'Great! The time is up, the Gundam Tournament is about to begin! ! ’

Looking forward to Gundam infinitely, but because of his own abilities and lack of a real body, Dadong regrets that he could not participate, he was upset and excitedly stood up from his position and went out. The sound reminded friends who are still planning to chat.

At this time, sixteen large portals and sixteen different mechas appeared out of thin air in the distant starry sky, and amidst bursts of brilliant firework explosions and colorful beams of light, On a huge virtual digital graphics platform, first appeared a narrator dressed in a non-mainstream style, and then the opponent took the microphone and faced the bodies of the contestants and the millions of spectators around the scene. Up his performance:

‘Guests and audience friends here! ’

"Good evening everyone~! ! ’

"Today, the exciting "Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Tournament" is finally about to officially begin. Have you all made your bets? ’

As soon as the non-mainstream narrator finished speaking, there was a boo in the scene. Some viewers seemed very dissatisfied with this? Of course, there seemed to be whistles and cheers in the meantime. Obviously, some people were just like him. They participated in some interesting off-court games of these games?

'Oh! Ok……'

‘Perhaps, I should say so, are you all ready? ’

'Everyone may know that in this competition, our organizer has made some small reforms to the rules and events of the game. It is no longer a one-on-one model, because our organizer requires the players First, go for a long-term adventure in PVE mode. After they have fully utilized their abilities and exercised their skills, the next stage of the game will win or survive from the high-quality PVE mode. The qualified part of the players is selected to enter the next stage of the competition...'

‘And those unqualified, inferior players who are not up to the standard will be ruthlessly eliminated in the PVE project! ’

'Hey! stop! ! ’

The narrator just wanted to continue talking nonsense, but the audience at the scene was terrible to buy it, and they immediately roared, and some players even took out various rifles, shoulder-fired missiles, etc. to shoot at the narrator’s phantom and platform. And bombarded?


'As for the specific rules, I won’t say much here, because I believe you should have already seen it, so I’m here to officially announce: "The Tenth "Oasis Cup" Gundam Competition" is now officially Start! ’

In order to prevent the audience from quieting down, and in order not to affect the ratings and advertising revenue, the commentator saw that the audience did not buy it, and hurriedly ended some unnecessary opening remarks and began to announce the official opening of the game.

‘Let’s see the players at the scene! ’

‘Please, player number one! ’

"She is..."

‘Daughter of Darkness, Contestant Annie Hasta, who claims to be from P.L.A.N.T's little phoenix, Valkyrie, and never-falling fire eagle! ! ’

"Hello everyone!"

! ?(???′)???

A fighter plane flew out, and then, the head of Annie’s cockpit was projected on the huge screen directly above the arena, allowing millions of spectators present to see the cute little girl waving at them. Figure.

‘! ! ’

'is her? ’

‘God, how is that demon? ! ’

‘Damn it! ’

‘Where’s my shoulder-mounted nuclear bomb? Let me blow her down! ! ’

'stop it now! You can't hurt her here! ! ’


‘It’s over! She is definitely going to die in the arena, the bounty of more than one billion yuan, I don't know who will be cheaper? ’

‘Κατηγ?ρησε! ! ’

‘Сволочь! ’

‘¥@……%##! ! ’

There were bursts of boos and noisy, chaotic sounds at the scene.

‘Please be quiet, everyone! ! ’

'what! my eyes! Which **** lost the nuclear bomb? I advise you to save it quickly and stop wasting your stinky money, because here, it is useless for you to lose black holes! ’

Seeing a burst of blinding light on the field in vain, the holographic projection of the narrator hurriedly cursed and stopped.


'Yes! I believe all the audience friends here know her, or have they been bullied and played by her? But anyway, she participated in this competition, so here, in this specially-made competition venue, any attacks you make on her will be judged invalid! ’

‘Close to the subject! ’

‘Is there any grievances, you can ask her to settle the account after you go out, but let’s take a look at her body first. Is that... an airplane? ! ’

'Oh! ’

‘Sorry, I’m not blind, and of course you guys don’t, viewers, because it is indeed a serious mecha! ! ’

Immediately afterwards, the commentator saw that the audience seemed to care about which dark female player was very concerned, and began to introduce the machine in detail.


vf-25 Messiah

Multi-purpose transformable fighter-bomber, 1 crew (reservation seats can be set)

Human type hourly height 14.53 meters (including head laser cannon)


FF-3001A Tier II thermonuclear turbo engine manufactured by Xinxing Heavy Industries PGPR Co. × 2

Thrust 1620KN+×2

Extreme speed (in the atmosphere) is about Mach 5.00, and the acceleration limit outside the atmosphere is unknown

The maximum load of the body is 27.5G


Standard armed:

The head of the GU-17A anti-Vajra MDE machine gun

ROV-217C12.7CM Coaxial Beam Rifle×1

ES-25A25CM High Speed ​​MDE Machine Gun×2

ROV-25A25CM beam cannon×2

AKVF-M9 combat knife in the left wrist shield × 1


‘It’s a very ordinary machine. I remember someone driving a similar machine to participate in the competition in the past few times. Which hapless guy was destroyed without holding on for three minutes...”

‘As for her driving skills, we can wait and see? ’

Immediately after introducing Annie's identity and body data, the commentator who was obviously not optimistic about the little girl smacked his lips and began to introduce the other pilots one by one.

For example, is the second player a masked person who can't see his appearance, and at the same time, is a pilot named ‘yo hey 321’ from the Fan League Guild?

And what he drove was an all-metal frenzy M9Gernsback (ガーンズバック), and it was also a commander-level specification, the latest third-generation AS used by Misrilu! Its biggest feature is that it is equipped with a composite angular antenna that can strengthen the sensor function on the head assembly, and through this it can obtain the electronic warfare capabilities required by the frontline commander, and can also use the ultra-high data link device'-5 (integrated Tactical Communication Control System)' to analyze, manage, and unify the huge information in the battlefield. It has ultra-high performance that surpasses the existing aircraft, especially in terms of high mobility and concealment far beyond other AS!

It can even disable various sensors, radars and other electronic devices through ECS, and it has a stealth function that can't even be discerned by the naked eye!

Moreover, it is said to be equipped with a BUG-like ‘λ-DRIVER’ driver, which is the legendary driver called Lambda Drive or Lambda Drive! It is one of the highest manifestations of black technology in "All Metal Frenzy". It is to transform the attack and defense impulse into energy with physical properties, rather than a simple ‘thought’!

When the pilot has a desire to detach from fantasy for something, the general emblem he launches is full, and the effect is a desire like imagination! There are only 3 ways to break λ-DRIVER:

Use λ-DRIVER directly against λ-DRIVER!

Attack by surprise, such as using a sniper to directly destroy the body before the pilot reacts!

Break the driver's reaction time with quick actions!

But unfortunately, this ability should belong to a certain type of brainwaves, that is, individual conscious will into external manifestations. But because it consumes the so-called mental power, the damage to the body after use cannot be ignored-it is said that it is easy to cause brain damage? Therefore, according to the official research of the game, it is believed that this λ-DRIVER drive does not have the ability to completely destroy the rules and fairness of the game, so the machine was allowed to be selected?

The third player is the Assault Freedom Gundam driven by a Gundam fan from IOI online creative company. It is a gorgeous and powerful machine. It is also the hottest player in this championship. !

Because the power of this machine is beyond doubt!

It integrates all the top technologies of the SEED world, has a beam shield with a copper wall and iron wall defense, armor cutting technology and the unparalleled mobility brought by the light transmitter, and the super drive brought by the PS armored internal skeleton. , Plus the terrifying firepower of a total of fifteen guns! Moreover, it is also equipped with a nuclear engine and a deuteron beam charging system combined with the ‘super-advanced deuteron’ to obtain the overwhelming power of the engine...

In short, this is a machine that ordinary people and ordinary guilds can't afford, and can't afford it. It's not an exaggeration to say that it is a work of art piled up with money by IOI?

And this is why it has successfully become the hottest player in this competition!

But unfortunately, it is said that this machine was built with Kira Yamato as the driver, so the extremely complicated weapon system of this aircraft is only the NPC Kira Yamato can play its maximum performance? As for the manipulative ability of the **** enthusiast employed by IOI online creative company, it is open to question...

However, many people believe that even if a pig is manipulating it, it will definitely achieve good results!

Otherwise, there would not be so many people putting so much money on it.

The other players also have a variety of different types of units, such as "Zhanyue" and "Lancelot" from the rebellious Lelouch, the first and second units from EVA, from Gundam 00 Those messy mechas and so on...

at last,

After a certain commentator talked about dry mouth, he finally explained the history and data of all 16 players and their bodies in a simple or detailed way. Then, the number of pilots who participated in the competition was millions. Amid the cheers of the audience in the oasis of the plan, they began to speed up to fly in or ran into the portals and disappeared.


‘This is over? What about the Gundam Tournament? ! ’

Seeing that there was no Gundam in the entire venue for an instant, only empty venues and those huge portals were left. Some did not understand the rules of the game, and there were some Parsifal who had not read the rules of the game. Asked strangely.


'They are now going to challenge the PVE independent copy of the first project separately. Only players who survived or scored to a certain standard after the end are eligible to enter the next which is the one we are most familiar with. The PVP stage of Gundam Contest? ’

‘But before that, if we need to, we can read any player’s PVE copy record through the options page of the competition group at any time to check their performance in the copy! ’

‘Just like this? ’

Seeing that Parsifal did not seem to understand, the Dadong on the side slowly explained to him and directly demonstrated how to retrieve the copy of Anne’s "Macro Fortress F Void Diva". A certain little girl was flying that vf-25 Messiah in the vast dark sky of the universe.

"So it's like this..."

‘But, since this is the case, what are we still doing here? ’

'This one……'

‘It seems that today is really nothing good, it’s just an opening ceremony...’

‘Hey! ’

‘Look, many people have already left. ’

‘Go! Let's go back, anyway, now the PVE stage can be seen anywhere, there is no need to stay here all the time! Moreover, we can also think about it by the way, what is the last clue of Halliday? ’

‘Good too! ’


Soon, as the contestants entered the dungeon portals and disappeared in the field, as the long PVE stage unfolded, this huge cosmic arena began to gradually become quiet, and then, watch After the opening ceremony and the audience who knew the players well, they left the stage sadly amidst screams or other complaints, leaving only this huge and empty place.


(??′?`?)?? ticket? (??′?`?)?

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