Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1187: ?(?`^??)? Check it, what else is there to check...

"Check it out!"


"Really, they just helped you so much in the morning, what can you check? Anyway, they are definitely not on the side of those ugly bugs!!"

o( ̄~ ̄)o chew!

While eating her own things, Annie complained about herself, and murmured and complained to a big sister who was sitting next to her with a smile.


At this time, in the colonial ship group of MacrossFrontier, in this huge as an island floating in the universe, the ”class immigration ship, this fifth-generation immigration ship is also the flagship of the MacrossFrontier ship group. With a diameter of fifteen kilometers and a height of two kilometers, it is directly connected to agricultural ships and industrial ships to create a complete closed ecosystem and enable long-term cosmic voyages and interstellar colonization. The little girl pilots (pilots) who had just made great achievements in the war in the morning and wiped out hundreds (or hundreds of) of the enemy with their own efforts are receiving them in a building in this military zone. Related investigations of the New United Army.

Of course, although it is an investigation, there are not too many people who questioned her unkindly or some kind of interrogation. They just restricted her to this living room, and it was delicious. She waited drunkly, and at the same time sent someone urgently to investigate her origins and check some data and factory identification number of the weird VF-25 body.

Isn't this?

It may be to show the sincerity and gratitude of the new united forces, or it may be to appease a little girl who looks a little uncomfortable. The new united forces also sent Lieutenant Catherine Glass to talk to the other party (arbitrary) And entertain.

You know, Lieutenant Catherine Glass is no ordinary person. Although her military rank is only lieutenant, she is a clear-headed, talented and enterprising female officer who is also the chief control officer of the New United Army Staff Headquarters and a family of soldiers. The daughter who was born and the commander, the N generation and Bai Fumei of a proper army and official family!

And the New United Army sent her to entertain the little girl and asked her to sit on the side with a smile, which is enough to prove the positive attitude of the New United Army headquarters.


"Although you have provided us a tremendous help, but you can't tell your own origin and the origin of your machine. We don't even know which ship group you came from, so we always have to investigate a little first. ... Don't worry, it should be cured soon."

Catherine Glass answered with a smile.

She knew that her father's subordinate, the chief supplement officer of the chief commander, was sending someone to urgently investigate some of the little girl's information and was making a report to her father, and believed that there would be relevant results soon. Although she felt that it was impossible for them to investigate and obtain more information, she also knew that no matter what the final result, they would not be harmful to the little girl.

After all, apart from being unable to explain clearly the origins (and I didn't believe it), this little girl seemed to have no unfavorable thoughts or motives for their MacrossFrontier fleet? Anyway, through these two hours of conversation, Catherine Glass herself couldn’t see that the little guy in front of her had any bad thoughts about their ship group, because the other party was nothing but a heart that couldn’t hide it. It's just a naive and romantic little girl!

Apart from discovering that the opponent's temperament seems a bit weird, and the skill of driving the fighter plane is a bit weird and appalling, there is really nothing else.


(*╯^╰) Swallow!

"Then have you investigated now?"


"People are really just passing by, and when they see you are fighting, they stop by to help. After a while, they leave by themselves. What are you doing so troublesome!!"


In general, Annie still feels a little unhappy.

Because, she felt that she herself helped them these stupid guys so much, but they still came to investigate themselves so suspiciously, this is really unreasonable! If she had known this a long time ago, maybe she would have ignored it before, letting them and these stupid guys be beaten by the bugs.


"But, at least you have to explain where you are from and which ship group are you from?"

"But you just can't tell..."

Catherine Glass sighed, not knowing how to explain to this little girl who looked a little angry.

Think about it, a VF-25 suddenly appeared in this cosmic star field, and couldn’t tell its origin. In addition, although the VF-25 has the kind of extra space navigation (Fold), it is affected Limited by the power issue, the jumping distance still cannot break through the 30 light-year limit, and around the MacrossFrontier ship group, there is no human colony or ship group within the Fold distance of the opponent's unit. This kind of weirdness , How can they not be surprised and wonder, and investigate a little bit more?

Besides, they are just investigating. They just want to determine the origin of the little girl and notify the other party's ship group or an organization to report it, and it won't really be harmful to the other party!

Fortunately, the other party is just a little girl. If they were replaced by an adult who couldn't tell their origins, they might wonder how their new united army would be suspicious!



"I don't want to talk to you anymore! If you like to check, check it out slowly by yourself!!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

In fact, Annie said at the beginning that she herself came from the'oasis', and a group of weird people asked her to come here to fight bad guys and do some tasks to show off the driving skills, but they didn't believe it, what else does she have? How?

So, after thinking about it, she had no choice but to continue eating her food and let these guys toss.



(This matter is really complicated... Tibbers thinks that if it is replaced by the officers of the new united army, it believes that it will certainly not easily believe in the bad little master of its family. Those'truths'!)


Blinking and looking at the other person’s angry little face, the female officer Catherine Glass laughed with him, and saw the little guy being indifferent, and suddenly she didn’t know how to talk to each other and relieve her. In this awkward atmosphere, he could only sit aside with some helplessness.


(? ̄~ ̄?) Chew~!

Seeing how can’t be said, the other party didn’t seem to believe it, Anne simply stopped paying attention to the big sister named Catherine Glass next to her, instead she started to eat her own food on her own. When the other party does not exist in general.



"Your Excellency, why are you here?!"

Finally, a few minutes later, Catherine Glass suddenly stood up, and said nervously to the MacrossFrontier crew leader who walked into the reception hall in a well-suited suit, and turned to the chief who followed him. The assistant officer Leon Mishima looked at it with questioning eyes.

To be honest, Catherine Glass never imagined that her father, Howard Glass, the commander of the ship regiment, would come here in person, which really surprised her.


"Strange, Catherine, why can't I come, don't you want me to come?"

Hearing his daughter's question, some unsatisfied generals cast a dissatisfied and playful look at the other party.


"No! No! I just..."

In front of outsiders, Catherine Glass didn't know how to explain to her father.

"All right!"

"Don't be nervous..."

"I just want to see our little hero who wiped out most of the enemies with my own power and protected the flagship of our colonial ship group from destruction!"

After comforting his daughter for a while, the captain of the ship regiment, Howard Glass, turned around with a smile, and ate and drank to someone who was still sitting on the sofa. He didn't even look at him at all. The little girl who looked at him more looked.


"I saw it, little guy, the great hero Anne Hasta they said should be you, right?!"

Although there is no other person here who I don’t know, the other party must be the weird little pilot in the report I heard. However, the commander of the ship regiment Howard Glass still knowingly walked to the other side and sat down. He smiled and asked when he got to the sofa.


"I am Howard Glass, the commander of the MacrossFrontier fleet, and the president here!"

While questioning, in order to be polite, Howard Glass hurriedly introduced himself.



"Hello, uncle..."


The chief or the president or something, Anne of course knows, in the terms of the people on earth, that is the largest official in a country or a region? However, the identity of the NPC in front of her did not make Annie look up at her, because her own titles such as queen, cute, head of state, emperor and so on in other worlds are gone, she is right The NPC president in front of him who only manages a population of about 10 million doesn't care!

"……" 139 in Chinese

"Is such that!"

"Annie, I heard about you... I want to know now, what are your plans now?"

Howard Glass has actually made some decisions, but before telling his plan, he still wants to ask the little guy in front of him about his plan.



"Not at the moment! People should play with you for a while, right?"


Annie said honestly, because she felt that the time of the PVE match should not be too long, but it might not be too short, so she must have to stay here for a while.


"Let's do it! Although this matter may not be in compliance with the regulations of the New United Army, in view of your performance... Annie, we intend to temporarily recruit you and yours during your stay in our MacrossFrontier fleet. What do you think of the VF-25 fighters joining the New United Army?"

They could not find out the origin of the little guy, nor did they find more clues on the VF-25, but they also knew through scanning that the little guy in front of them was a serious little girl who had not passed by. Any transformation will definitely not be some of the guys they worry about, that's it.


Congratulations! Player Anne Hasta, your strength has been recognized by the leader of the MacrossFrontier fleet and most of the officers. Now the MacrossFrontier fleet intends to recruit you into the new unified army. Do you agree?

[Agree] or [Reject]



Looking at the player's virtual dialog box that popped up suddenly, Annie blinked a little strangely, and finally clicked the [Agree] button.



"Anyway, people are idle now, so let's help you stupid guys a little bit!"


Yes, in Annie’s opinion, these MacrossFrontier crews are just a bunch of dumb guys, because they obviously have so many warships and so many transformable fighters and mechas, but they are so stupid that they are even a bunch of ugly bugs. Can't win, it's really terrible!


"Then this matter is so decided! I will order them to open a new ID card for you. Starting today, you will be a second lieutenant air force pilot of the new unified army of our MacrossFrontier fleet!"

"Welcome to join us!!"

Although I heard the other party say that his new united army is a group of'stupid guys', just listening to this inevitably makes Howard Glass's face feel a little dull... But, think about the other's terrible record, and then Thinking about the record of the new united army flying squadron at the beginning, in the end, he was witty and didn't justify, but smiled cheerfully and expressed welcome to join them.

After all, compared to the little guy in front of him, the performance of their new united army is indeed a little bit poor.


(? ̄? ̄?)

Annie nodded indifferently, as long as the somewhat old and thief uncle in front of her did not prevent her from doing missions in the MacrossFrontier ship group and at the same time, it was enough to provide food and accommodation. As for other things, she didn't want to worry Gee!

"OK then……"

Seeing that the goal was achieved smoothly while he was on his own, Howard Glass happily stood up.



Seeing that the other person stood up and seemed to want to leave, Annie hurriedly called the other person.


Seeing the little girl suddenly shouting to herself, Howard Glass couldn't help but wonder.

"That one……"


"Master Shu, if people help you fight those bad guys and bugs severely, will you give them a lot of money when they leave?!"


In the past, Annie didn't have much concept in the real world, but after she came here to play in the "Oasis" game, she realized for the first time that something called Xiaoqianqian was so useful? So, since there is a chance now, she must definitely strive for it.


ε=(′?`●))) alas

‘! ! ’

'what? ! ’

Catherine Glass and the Chief Replenisher Leon Mishima who followed the commander of the ship regiment were a little stunned by the little girl's words.


"Relax! As long as you continue to perform well, in the name of the MacrossFrontier fleet leader, I assure you: Our fleet will definitely give you a generous reward!!"

Howard Glass, who didn't think this would be a big deal, just smiled cheerfully and promised with chest pain. In his opinion, if money can be used to get their MacrossFrontier fleet to obtain a super ace pilot, then it must be a very cost-effective business?



"Retractor! Whoever dares to scorn is a puppy!!"


Annie excitedly stretched out her little greasy finger towards the opponent.


The leader of the ship regiment looked at the other party's little hands that were still full of food scraps and couldn't help but hesitate.


"Annie! I'm the chieftain's daughter, I will help the chieftain to draw a hook with you, UU reading, let's make it so!!"

Seeing her father seemed a little embarrassed, Catherine Glass rushed forward and took the hook for her father to play with such a little guy and winked playfully at both sides. .

"Then it's a deal!!"


Looking at the chief, and then at the eldest sister who claimed to be the other's daughter next to her, Annie thought for a while, and she nodded with satisfaction and sat back in her place again, feeling that she seemed to be no different.


"Then Catherine, you'll leave her affairs to you to arrange, shall we go back first?"



After finishing speaking, the ship regiment commander Howard Glass finally nodded and confessed to his daughter, and then quickly left the room with his new unified government chief assistant officer.

Because, he is very busy, and then he will take charge of various post-war post-war work and matters, such as condolences to the families of soldiers who died in battle and people who were injured by mistake, visits the wounded soldiers in the hospital, and prepares to host mourning for the dead. As well as the burial ceremony, etc., it was necessary for him, the general leader of the new unified military government, to be present in person.

"Yeah! Goodbye! Super generous corn!!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

Annie suddenly felt that she seemed to like this and didn't bargain at all. She directly agreed to give her a small amount of money as a dungeon reward uncle NPC, and secretly decided that she should work harder when there is a fight. All the bad guys and bugs are all lit up, so you can go to exchange for more rewards with the other party?


?(?`^′?)?? How about the ticket?

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