Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1188: ?(?д?)o go away! Don't fight against others! !

On the third island, which is the agricultural and tourist attraction of the MacrossFrontier ship group, a colonial spacecraft that fully simulates the earth's environment and allows the Zenith Stars to live in a huge body shape, the first time Annie is wandering here.



"What a beautiful big cat, it will be delicious, right? Hey! Stop! Stop! I will eat you!!"


Then, of course, after Anne found a strange animal that looked like a big cat but whose ears looked like wings and had wings on its back, she threw it straight up and put it in her mouth. Also made death threats.

Fortunately, here is a copy of the game world, and if it is the real world, maybe that strange big cat will not escape her palm, right?


"Annie! Wait for me first!!"

Looking at the naughty little girl in front of him who was driving the docile pet tamed by the Zenith Stars, the female officer Catherine who was following her sighed helplessly and shook her head, speeding up the trot and chasing him. .



"Sister Catherine, hurry up and follow! It's almost running away!"


Yes, Annie is wandering the colonial ship with a closed ecosystem that is linked with the female NPC officer Catherine Glass in the MacrossFrontier fleet.

Although Annie knew that the other party followed her for surveillance purposes and other ideas, she didn't care much, because ah, the most important thing was that the other party would help her pay the bill when she wanted to buy something, regardless of whether she liked it. What to eat or drink, that's enough!



"Damn it! It ran away!"


After greeted the big sister Catherine to follow up, Annie turned her head, where could she still see the big cat with wings that might be delicious but might also be fun?



"If you like, you can adopt one by yourself... but the one you just chased is just a larva with no full moon. They grow to be very big when they grow up, usually only giant Zenith stars. Talents will keep that kind of large pets..."

For her lack of training, Catherine Glass, the chief control officer of the New United Army Staff Headquarters, following such a little guy on the streets, she also drove from the park a kind that only the Zenith star can raise. The large animals came here a few blocks, and it really made her breathless.


After two heavy breaths, Catherine Glass stood up slightly and looked around.

Now this is already the giant area of ​​the Zenith Stars, and you can see the kind of Zenith Stars that are extremely huge compared to the people on Earth. And this 8 km long and 3 km diameter cylindrical agricultural and sightseeing ship is one of the few places that allows Zenithians to live in a huge body, but only a small number of Zenithians can adapt to it in a short time. It's just that they are living in a gigantic form here, most of the Zenithians still have to shrink and live together with the Earth people.

Because after becoming huge, the demand for materials and oxygen consumption are much higher than that of ordinary humans. This is undoubtedly an extremely large colonial fleet that has been carrying out interstellar voyages for a long time and has not been supplied for several years or even decades. Load!



"Sister Catherine, those zenith stars are so big...Are you not afraid that they will trample you suddenly when they walk?"

∑(′△`)? !

Seeing those giant Zenith Stars who almost have a transgender VF-25 fighter plane so hot, lying on the side of the street and looking outside, watching those Zenith Stars adults and children who are also shopping, Annie couldn't help being a little strange. Asked.



"Actually, the kind of tragedy you said has not happened before, but it generally does not happen now. You have also seen that the streets of the Zenith Stars are actually separate from the streets of our Earth humans and the reduced Zenith Stars. Yes, this is the same difference as a motorway and a sidewalk. As long as it is not a deliberate murder, they will definitely not step on you!"

Although the giant Zenith Stars do consume a lot of resources and energy, the giant is not unprofitable. At least when the other party is engaged in agricultural and animal husbandry activities, the agricultural and livestock products produced are at least good for ordinary people on the earth. Hundreds of thousands of times, so in the view of their MacrossFrontier ship group, there is still a need for the giant Zenith Stars to exist, so that this "Giant Zone" remains.

"Is that so?"


"But... Sister Catherine, I suddenly wanted to eat their Zenith Stars ice cream..."


Looking at the few little zenith star girls who rushed over in their skirts not far away and quickly went away, watching the huge skirt of the other party fluttering in the wind and showing no shame, Annie squirmed first. After curling his mouth, he kept his saliva and kept staring at the ice creams in the opponent's hands that were also huge.

"ice cream?"


"I said Annie..."

Seeing the unreasonable request made by the other party, Catherine Glass could not help but wipe the cold sweat from her forehead and subconsciously covered her purse.

"You saw it too!"

"Their ice creams, each weighing hundreds of kilograms, are as big as a small truck, can you finish it?!"

Although I can't afford it, but for Catherine Glass, who does not have huge subsidies, it is definitely not to spend so much money on ice cream as big as a small truck. realistic!

"People know you can't finish eating..."

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"But seeing how spicy other people's ice cream is, and how spicy the ice cream they have just eaten is so small, I'm always a little reconciled!!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

It doesn't matter whether you can eat it or not, but the important thing is: you can't be compared with others!

In Annie’s opinion, even if she really can’t finish eating and has to throw it away, or eat something slowly after she saves it, it’s her own business... She can’t tolerate others holding it so big. The ice cream ran around in front of her indifferently.



"Anne, we have visited the main island and the Giant area today. Would you like me to take you to the forest eco-boat? Where is the scenery and air very nice, and there are such fun hippos and cows. Would you like to see ?"

Catherine Glass felt that it would be better to flick this little guy who knows how to eat and drink and ask her to pay to a place where there is no money. Otherwise, if she continues to eat, drink and have fun, she really has to insist on her purse. Living!

After all, this is now a private game, and the New United Army headquarters will not give her reimbursement or any form of subsidy. She is definitely not a problem with the salary of a lieutenant to support herself, but she can spend money to support this and don't take other people's money. The little guy with money as money is indeed a little difficult.



"Hippo cow?"


A hippopotamus is a hippopotamus, and a cow is a cow. But what is a hippopotamus and cow? Anne really said that she had never seen or heard of it.


"That is the result of the biotechnology of the Zenith Stars. It is the product of the hybridization of a huge domestic animal of the Zenith Stars with the hippos and cows of our people on Earth. There are a lot of them on the forest ecological ship. Only almost the size of a fighter plane!"

Catherine Glass tried to use words that the little girl could understand.



Annie was hesitating, not knowing whether to go and see the hippo cows, because she felt that this kind of thing, just by hearing the name, it must not be good, and it must not be too delicious... In fact, in this In the colonial fleet of internal circulation, none of the food that focuses on production is delicious!

beep! beep!



Suddenly, the sound of sirens immediately interrupted Annie's thoughts, making her hesitate to take out a mobile phone-like communicator in her pocket.

'alarm! ’

‘Second Lieutenant Annie, the Vajra bug is coming again, please return immediately! ’

'repeat! ’

‘Please return to the team immediately! ! ’


(? ̄? ̄?) Good


"Vajra! Those **** Vajra bugs are coming again?"


"Annie, I will take you back from the special passage right away, come here!!"

Looking at her communicator, plus hearing the voice from Annie's communicator, Catherine Glass, who knew that things could not be delayed, quickly grabbed the opponent's hand and went straight to a shelter. Ran to the place.

Because she knows that in addition to being used as refuge places, those refuges can be directly separated from the spacecraft and used as transportation ships to fly directly to the military zone or a certain battleship when necessary, and it happens that, whether it is herself or Xiao Annie, At this time, they have the authority and qualification to immediately apply for the right to use a special channel!


Five minutes later, a fiery red painted VF-25 fighter was mounted with the kind of space warfare standard plug-in, the kind of super backpack with four plug-in engines, some reinforced armor and two sets of missile pods, roaring to reunite the army. One of the aircraft mothership rushed out of the deck, and instantly disappeared into the vast cosmic starry sky through powerful afterburner.

‘! ! ’

'what? Why did she, she attack alone, why not wait for us? ’

'team leader! What shall we do? ’

‘What else can I do? fast! Let the preparation squad move faster and get ready for our fighters! Other prepared fighters can attack first, and must follow her! ’

'Yes! ’

'understand! ! ’

‘There are so many enemies outside, I hope she doesn’t do anything wrong! ’

‘She should be fine...’


The VF-171 fighter squadron of the New United Army, except for a part of it chasing after the disappearance of a certain fire-red painted VF-25, most of them are still nervously preparing. For the little girl who is unorganized, undisciplined, capable and arbitrarily attacked, they obviously have no good way.

Ten minutes later...

The .S skeleton team also came to the area where the vajra bugs appeared, and saw a certain fiery red VF-25 and a small number of VF-171 fighter formations fighting the bugs.

However, they can still see that it is said to rely on the single FOLD to directly jump and attack. There are about three to five hundred terrible Vaquila bugs. At a glance, there are only less than one left. Hundreds of them? !

‘! ! ’

'team leader! ’

‘After scanning, there are still 97...96 bugs left on the battlefield! Their number is still declining! ’

‘There are about eight VF-171 wreckages, and the battle-damaged new United Army fighters should be below ten digits. There is currently one VF-25 on the battlefield and 72 VF-171 fighters of various types...’

‘It has been determined that the New Unified Army is currently in absolute advantage! ! ’

The number three of the S Skeleton Team, which is driving an electronic warfare type, has an oval head shape with a built-in radar, no monitor, headless laser machine gun, modified electronic warfare antenna, and a rotary type on the back. Luca Angelo of the FOLD radar and the RVF-25 fighter with a stabilized wing-shaped electronic warfare antenna on his left arm suddenly exclaimed in the channel of the Skeleton Team.


‘Captain Ozma! When did they become so great? ’

'Do not! ’3a Reading Network

‘They haven’t become great, and the manipulation techniques still seem to be rigid...’

‘But captain, how did they achieve such an amazing record? It’s amazing to get this kind of result by losing only a few fighters! ’

'Humph! Not because of that little girl! ’

Ozma Lee suddenly became a little upset.

Because, their .S Skeleton Team, their private military company originally planned to recruit that amazing little girl directly, but how can I think about the actions of the New United Army when he was still hesitating and preparing to make a report? It was so fast that they took the first step and recruited that little guy on the same day?

Afterwards, although they felt a little dissatisfied, they could only acquiesce in that matter. After all, they could never do it against the New United Army.

‘That little girl? ’

‘But, can she still make those new united army guys better? ’


‘No! But she gave them the courage to die and the confidence to defeat the enemy, that's enough! ’

To put it bluntly, if you use numerical values ​​to quantify, for example, the technology of the new united army was 80, morale was 30 or 40, and the overall strength was about 50. Now, their new united army is still technology 8 Ten, morale eighty to ninety or even one hundred! Therefore, under the high morale bonus, in the case of daring to die with a strong enemy and subconsciously despising the enemy from the heart, the strength that can be exerted is probably one hundred or more!

Of course, this is only Ozma Lee's own emotions and guesses. As for the actual situation, that is what they see before them, and it is estimated that it is inseparable.


'It really is……'

‘Then Captain Ozma, shall we go there? ’

‘Go! ’

‘Since it’s all out, even if it’s cleaning up the mess, I have to show it a little bit! ’

'Yes! ’


After the discussion, the fighters of the .S Skeleton Team quickly rushed towards the battlefield that was about to end in the distance, surrounded by their Captain Ozma Lee’s captain!

"Just such a little bug, it's not enough to fight..."


Annie was driving her flaming red VF-25 against the Vajura bugs, and with a beautiful continuous rolling maneuver, she killed a big red bug that wanted to emit the electromagnetic pulse laser and volleyed it directly into the air. It exploded and became a pool of flesh and blood in the universe.

In the short span of less than ten minutes since the start of the battle, Annie has eliminated at least one hundred Vajura bugs, and guided the useless VF-171 squadrons to wipe out almost the same number. Bugs.


('???`)! ?

Suddenly, when Annie's VF-25 with a flaming red paint flew over a tumbling asteroid fragment floating in the starry sky, a feces yellow insect suddenly jumped out of it, and the other party hurriedly moved towards her body. The above attacking blind spot pounced, as if intending to pounce on her body, and then tear her to pieces?



"Is this trying to ambush someone?!"


If it's just a fighter plane, in this case, Anne can't save her tragic fate no matter how skilled she is... But now she is driving more than just a fighter plane!

Isn't this?

Before the shit-yellow bug was about to pounce on her back and start doing bad things, she quickly switched the half-human and half-computer form, and then let her VF-25 robotic arm hold the one. The ROV-217C12.7CM coaxial beam gun was aimed at the bug’s head just right.


A ray of light flashed, and Annie quickly switched the fighter form, and then the fighter’s two FF-3001A Tier II thermonuclear turbo engines and the super backpack’s four external engines directly erupted with a long plasma tail flame. The bugs rushed out before they approached and opened the missile pods of the super backpack, making all the missiles inside them like bees in a bee hive that was alarmed, flying toward the bugs densely.


‘That kind of technique is really amazing, it’s like dancing on the battlefield...’

‘Hey! ’

‘It’s really amazing! ’

'Humph! Alter, don't sigh for now! ’

‘Her attack alone is still a bit too thin. The VF-171 fighters of the New United Army can’t keep up with her pace. Quickly, let’s use the cone formation to keep up and help her! ’

'Yes! ’

'understand! ’

‘Yes! ! ’

‘.S Skeleton Team, attack! ! ! ’

After rushing to the battlefield and seeing the performance of a certain fiery red VF-25 body at close range, I sighed, and after sighing with the sighs of Saotome Alt and Mihail Brown, the captain of the Skeleton Team, Oz Ma Lee led his team members with an afterburner and followed the flaming red VF-25 to rush over, and used a machine gun to destroy a yellow feces following the opponent.



"Hey! What are you doing? Go away! Don't grab other people's blame!!"


Annie said that she has eliminated 149 insects. If she worked a little bit harder, maybe she could kill two hundred insects today? And the more she plays, the more rewards and evaluations she will get when she leaves this instance, right?

Therefore, she is very dissatisfied with a squad who came to nosy without her consent!



However, the members of the Skeleton Team did not respond to her anger, but still cooperated and tacitly harvested the surrounding Vaquila bugs that seemed to have been disrupted.



"Wow! How can you guys look like this!!"


Seeing that the other party didn't even stop, and didn't respond to her intentions at all, Annie had no choice but to turn on her firepower and rushed directly into the airspace with the most insects in front.



The war is still going on, but anyone can see that under the crazy output of a certain VF-25, and with the efficient cooperation and attack of the later .S skeleton team, those Vajura bugs are no longer a climate. .

Presumably, in a few minutes, their second attack will be wiped out again, right?

At the same time, at the flagship of the MacrossFrontier fleet, outside the military zone on the artificial island No. 1, a beautiful woman was talking to two guards.


‘I’m sorry, Miss Shirley, I really can’t let you in, this is a military restricted zone! ’

‘Please go back! ’

‘! ! ’

‘You fellow, then you can tell me or tell me something, right? ’


'Sorry! No way! We do not have this permission! Please go back! ’

'you! ’

The singer of the galaxy, the active idol singer who lives in the immigrant ship group, was born in Meixing Academy High School of Aerospace Division 2 years, and is very popular in various ships, and Shiryl Nome, also known as the "fairy of the galaxy" Entangled with two guards in this military zone.

However, what annoyed her was that no matter what she said, the two loyal soldiers refused to inform them, let alone let her in because of her special identity.


"what happened?"

After a long time, the situation here was finally discovered by the upper ranks of the New United Army, and then Lieutenant Catherine Glass, the Chief Control Officer of the New United Army Staff Headquarters, came here.

'report! ’

‘This civilian, this Miss Shirley said that she wanted to meet Lieutenant Anne of our new united army, and we refused! ’

Seeing an officer coming out to ask questions, the soldier hurriedly stood at attention and reported.


"I don't understand, Miss Shirley, do you know Annie?"

Nodding, Catherine Glass, who signaled that she understood the situation, looked at a certain singer with suspicious eyes.


"Is it counted as long as I saw it?"


"Stop teasing you, it's like this: I have a final concert in a few days, so I hope that before I leave your MacrossFrontier ship group, I can invite the little guy who saved my life~www.wuxiaspot .com~ That is, Lieutenant Anne Hasta going to watch my concert?"

Seeing the official and skeptical expression of the female officer in front of her, Shiryllu suddenly regretted it. If she knew this was the case, she might have asked for the contact information of that funny little guy that day. ?


"Then did you bring the ticket?"

Catherine Glass was noncommittal and asked directly.


"Of course, remember to bring it!"


"Then you can send it to me now, and I will pass it on for you."


"Can't I invite and thank her in person?"

"No way!"


"Because Lieutenant Anne just launched an attack, and he is not here now! Also, this is the Air Force headquarters of the New United Army, which is a military restricted zone. You are only a civilian, so you must not be able to enter..."


Shirley was anxious when she heard what the other party said, but she seemed to be unable to give a reason to refute her.


"In this case, I beg you!"

She bitterly took out her mobile phone, swiped and sent a VIP ticket directly to the mobile phone taken out by the female officer in front of her, and let the other party pass it on, Shiryllu stroked her beautiful long hair, and then simply He turned his head neatly and left.


Catherine Glass did not say much, but stood there silently frowning and watching the other side's back thinking about something, until the other side walked to the side of the sports car that stopped not far away and got in and drove away, whistling and driving away.


━(?Δ?∥)━ンTickets ━(?Δ?∥)━ン

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