Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1219: ━(?Δ?∥)━ン people are not white...

The great war between the kingdom of Riyestije and the Sorcerer Kingdom and the Bajas Empire on the wasteland east of the city of Yelantil was against the world and the various countries on this land. The impact is undoubtedly as terrifying and far-reaching as a magnitude twelve earthquake!

Because this made it the first time that the Kingdom of Riyestige and the Bajas Empire, which participated in the war and suffered losses, became aware of the mighty powers, or the kind of powerful spellcasters. The shock that can cause to this world structure and the quiet changes in the rules of war.

After this battle, people also know for the first time... So, on top of the seemingly superior power of the king and the state apparatus, there is another thing that can surpass all beings?

And that kind of thing is that unmatched power!

Of course, maybe, that can no longer be said to be the power of mortals, it is like a god...

But in fact, it is not the first time people in this world have heard of similar existence.

For example: the six gods who came to this world six hundred years ago and rescued the humans of this world from the demi-human predators and established human nations; they suddenly appeared five hundred years ago and promoted rank magic in the world , And even severely damaged the strongest dragon clan at the time. With overwhelming power, he temporarily unified the mainland and established the King of Eight Desires. In addition, he participated in the "Devil God War" more than two hundred years ago, and it still has The thirteen heroes of the survivors and so on?

However, to this day, the glory of the six gods, eight desire kings, and thirteen heroes in the past have all faded like a flash in the pan, and they have been replaced by the "black and white dual magic guides" that now dominate the human world!

Yes, the "Black and White Dual Magic" is synonymous with the two adventurers who have already begun to do good things in this world, the official terms of various countries, and the two powerful spellcasters who have begun to spread among the people of various countries. In the "Magic" battle on the wasteland east of Lantil City, they controlled the whole battle with their own power, leaving hundreds of thousands of armies on both sides like two super magic chants who had been put in place and suffered heavy losses.

Among them, the "Black Sorcerer" is of course the ruler with the large underground tomb of Nazarick, the undead skeleton, the king of the wizard, the evil god, and so on. ·Gong!

And the other "White Magic" is naturally the only adventurer of the level of "Bright Diamond", the powerful dragon mage, and Anjie who have been exceptionally recognized and registered by the Adventurers’ Guild of the Riyestige Kingdom. The master of the Frost Dragon clan in the Lycian Mountains, the savior of the capital of Liyestij, the Grand Duke of Ye Lantil City, and the mighty great magic chant-Lord Anne Hasta!

So, now, the national power on this land has quickly gradually evolved into a state of polarization...

Because the "Black and White Dual Magic" has stood with the two hostile and war states of the Kingdom of Riyestige and the Bajas Empire. Of course, if you describe it more accurately, you can say it is. : Those two countries have clung to each other. It is said that the two powers are equally equal. Maybe the white magician is slightly better, but it should be the "black and white double magician" who can't help it?

The truth of the matter is not known for the time being, but people only know that after the terrible war of wizards, the kingdom of Riyestige, which suffered heavy losses, and the Bajas Empire, which has been fully allied with the wizarding nation, Never fought again!

At the same time, the Sorcerer Nation never dared to raise or demand the exercise of the sovereignty of the city of Yelanthir, and no longer dared to ask the kingdom of Riyestige to return the territory and other issues. A certain boundary line between the city and the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick confronted each other.

It's just that the Kingdom of Riyestige was able to preserve the city of Yelanthir and would no longer have wars with the Sorcerer Kingdom or the Bajas Empire. That does not mean that the world is peaceful!

Because, in the two months after that "Magic War", unlike the Kingdom of Riyestige, which stopped the war and began to lick its wounds, the Bajas Empire and the Magic Kingdom were constantly in constant motion. They are launching their war outside...

After the Sorcerer Nation was stuck on the way to the west by the existence of Ye Lan Tier, and did not dare to act rashly, it turned to join the Imperial Army and captured the Khaz Plains south, and blitzed for a month. Within it, they raided the entire Slian State! When the high-level leaders of the Sorcerer Nation, that is, the powerful guardians of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, crushed and defeated the "Six Sacred Scriptures" of the State of Silen with absolute strength, and captured the strongest of the State of Desire After the order and the announcement of the successful annexation of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, all countries were shocked!

But then!

The expansion of the Bajas Empire of the Magic State and its allies (vassal?) has not stopped...

After they destroyed the Slian State, the troops that launched the'blitzkrieg' were divided into two, part of which consisted of pure undead and alien species, and began to go west into the large desert west of Slian State. , It is very likely that you want to cross the desert and attack the holy kingdom to the west of the great desert, the holy kingdom protected by the huge wall?

The remaining part, the coalition mainly composed of the elite troops of the Bajas Empire, was like a broken bamboo, attacking the Dragon Kingdom directly to the east, and successfully besieged the capital of the Dragon Kingdom after taking a large amount of land. ...

In this way, in just over two months and less than three months, the Sorcerer Nation and the Bajas Empire have achieved the destruction of one country, trapping one country, and expedition to a third country at the same time. This crazy and terrible expansion Acts, the entire human world is stunned by the power and madness of the'Black Magic'!

As a result, the Holy Kingdom and the Jurassic Kingdom that have not yet been attacked have sent envoys to the Kingdom of Riyestige to discuss countermeasures and seek alliances and related measures against the alliance of evil sorcerers?

Yes, it is an alliance!

Because the sorcerer nation and the empire madly attacked, using powerful high-end force to open up the land and destroy the religious nation, they have deeply understood the terrifying and terrifying power of the black lord king Ainz Ur Gong! Therefore, they felt that they were unable to resist that kind of existence by relying on their own country's power, so they naturally placed their last hope on the white magister who was pinned in the kingdom of Riyestige, and placed the little girl Anne Ha Star's body.

After all, the power of the magical little girl who defeated the Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong several times and has left various legends in various countries is very convincing, at least as the messenger, the Platinum Dragon King himself. That kind of humble attitude is very convincing.

For the Holy Kingdom and the Evaluation Kingdom, which is not as rash as the Slian State, and the country that has been involved with the little girl, if you can win the help of the Kingdom of Riyestij, especially the powerful and capable With the help of the little girl who is fighting against the Sorcerer King, they will definitely be able to stop the encroachment of the Sorcerer Nation and the evil alliance of the Bajas Empire and save their land!

Of course, it is not yet known what kind of alliance conditions the Holy Kingdom and the Appraisal Kingdom have negotiated with the Kingdom of Riyestige, because at this time the Sorcerer King Ainz Ur Gong has already been with the Emperor Gil of the Empire. Knife Luen Farode Al led an army of nearly 100,000 to encircle the capital of the Dragon Kingdom on the spot, preparing for the final blow to the Dragon Kingdom.

The capital of the Dragon Kingdom, the city on both sides of the strait has been completely trapped by land, and the icy wind is roaring, but that can’t stop the imperial army and the death knight army of the sorcerer nation from destroying each other. enthusiasm.


A large number of large and small bone dragons are flying and patrolling in the air on the sea. Any sailing warship that tries to take advantage of the opportunity of the magical nation and the empire's allied forces to escape will be completely destroyed by those terrifying undead creatures with the cold breath!

Because, the evil Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong has already given an order that no one can leave here alive except for unconditional surrender and surrender!


'Humph! ’

‘It seems that they are not going to surrender...Jilkeniff, come on, do you know more about the Dragon Kingdom? ’

Look at the Dragon Kingdom guarded by the tall city wall in the distance, and look at the humans or other demi-human soldiers who are still stubbornly preparing the defense equipment on the city wall, although they are a little panic. Er Gong directly smiled grinningly and turned his head to ask a trash emperor who was wearing gorgeous armor but had no power at all.

It is not difficult to judge by listening to his voice that calls his name and is like asking a servant. It seems that he hasn't paid attention to the emperor of the Bajas Empire next to him?

'Yes! ’

"Respect, Lord Ainz..."

‘The Dragon Kingdom is very weak, but they have a powerful queen, her name is the Black Scale Dragon King! ’

‘It’s said that she usually likes to be a little human girl very much? Although the king of the Dragon Kingdom is a giant dragon, in the Dragon Kingdom, most of the subjects are still humans or demihumans. The number of dragons is very small. Counting the black scale dragons we have killed along the way, it is estimated that the remaining Not much...'

Having said that, Jilknefer paused and began to reorganize the language.

'The Black Scale Queen is not strong, but it is relative to the powerful and omnipotent Ainz-sama and your guardians. Compared to us mortals, she is still very strong, and this is also us. The empire had never dared to invade here before. ’

'It is said that……'

‘She can also use the powerful source magic, which is soul magic! However, because she is a hybrid of humans and dragons, every time she activates that kind of magic, it consumes a lot of the lives of her subjects. In addition, she loves her subjects very much, so she rarely activates that kind of magic. , So that they have been invaded by orc tribes all the year round, and they have been helpless watching those orcs taking humans as food? ’

‘But Master Ainz, that’s previous information. Now, it’s said that her soul magic has been improved by the little girl mage. Can it be activated without consuming the lives or souls of the subjects, but directly consuming faith? ’

‘According to reliable sources...’

‘The more her subjects trust her, the stronger the spells she can cast. It is likely that she has reached the tenth level or higher? ’

Emperor Jilknefer slowly said what he knew, because his empire and the dragon kingdom were separated by a mountain of mountains, so he was naturally more concerned about what happened here before, and the empire also kept intelligence here all year round. Organizations, of course, know the general situation of the Dragon Kingdom.

‘Soul magic? Consume faith? little girl? ’

'Humph! ’

‘I hate human little girls! ’

It’s okay not to talk about the little girl. When talking about the little girl, Ainz Ul Christine subconsciously remembered that he was beaten and humiliated twice by a **** little girl. So, in the hate room Below Wu, he even hated the queen of the Dragon Kingdom.

‘Humph! ’

'go with! Let your useless soldiers prepare to attack. I will cast a spell to destroy the wall directly, and then your people will rush in directly. For those who refuse to surrender, all will be wiped out, and none will be left! ! ’

With a wave of his hand, Ainz Ul Christine screamed at the emperor of the Bajas Empire, as if driving a fly.

Obviously, although the Sorcerer Nation and the Bajas Empire are nominally alliances, from the dialogue and actions between the Sorcerer King Ainz Ur Gong and the emperor at this time, it seems that the empire has been completely reduced to A vassal of the Sorcerer Nation, and the emperor of the empire himself is regarded as a servant. Is it the kind of dispensable existence that allows the Sorcerer King to come and go?


‘Yes! Lord Ainz...’

After a pause and opened his mouth, the emperor Gilknefer, with a slightly ugly face, still didn't dare to say anything. He just nodded stiffly, and then bowed and bowed a little before he brought his own impunity IV. The knights and a group of black cavalry rushed towards the main formation of the empire's one hundred thousand army.


Of course, Ainz Ur Gong knows that the emperor of Bajas must be faintly dissatisfied with him in his heart, but he didn't care at all, just continued to look at the soldiers and civilians of the Dragon Kingdom on the wall in the distance. No matter how busy you are, doing things that are destined to be futile.

Just now, when the siege began, he actually gave the people in the city, gave the stupid black scale queen ten minutes to consider unconditionally surrendering and surrendering him, but now, that short ten minutes The time is coming soon, but the people in the city are still busy carrying the defense equipment, there is no intention to surrender at all, so he is ready to teach them a lesson!

‘Everyone in the city is listening! ’

‘I’m Ainz Urgon, the ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, the King of the Sorcerous Kingdom! Now that the time has come, since you are not going to surrender...’

‘Then, please accept my sanction! ! ’


Use loud spells to make sure that everyone in the city understands what he said. After knowing his kindness, Ainz Ul Christine began to cast his spells, so that circles of magic circles and the light of magic energy began to shine on him. Flashed beside him.

‘! ! ’

"Roar~! ! ’

At the same time, without waiting for Ainz Ur Gong to start casting spells, in the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, an angry dragon roar sounded, and then a burst of magical light was also lit up! Immediately afterwards, a whole body was covered with black scales, the head and back were covered with fierce and sharp barbs. The black dragon with a slender and sturdy huge body roared and appeared above the city and began to hover. , It also caused the soldiers and civilians who were not morale high to cheer loudly.

Obviously, the huge black dragon that appeared above the city and roared angrily was the black scale queen of their dragon kingdom who could become a little human girl!

And now, she appeared, and began to fight the evil invaders with the soldiers and civilians in the city, just like fighting the greedy orc tribes that invaded the Dragon Kingdom countless times before.

‘Humph! ’

‘A dragon with only level 70? ’

'ridiculous! Such a guy dare to show off in front of my Ainz Ur Gong? Come out, the fire demon from the abyss, tear up that wall for me! ! ’


Seeing that the black scale queen just talked about finally appeared, and after using the appraisal spell to find that the opponent was only at level 70, Ainz Ul Christine suddenly relaxed, and waved his hand to prepare and guide himself for a long time. The spell was released.

Following the movements of Ainz Ul Christine, a rotating magic circle appeared on the ground between the city wall and the undead legions of the Sorcerer Nation, and then as the magic circle became faster and faster, the ground Slowly cracked?


Immediately after, after a series of earthquake-like vibrations, the ground suddenly burst from the inside to the outside, and then a huge head, entirely composed of magma, with human arms, body and face contours, but nothing at all. The lower body, the giant who was still burning with flames and billowing black smoke crawled out.

‘Ainz Ul Christine! ’

‘Evil Sorcerer, immediately take your evil soldiers out of my territory! Otherwise, I will let you know the anger of the Black Scale Queen! ! ’

Seeing that the other party summoned a huge lava giant, the huge black-scaled dragon incarnate by the black-scale queen did not rush down rashly, but slowly lowered its height, just like the fluttering wings hovering in her own city. After the upper part, he angrily warned the evil existence who had just cast an unknown magic level in the distance.

‘Angry? ’

‘Yes, you are about to meet your doomsday, you can indeed be angry...’

‘But, I think you should feel more fear and honor! It is an honor for you to die under the tenth-order magic cast by my own hand by Ainz Ur Gong! ! ’

‘Go! ’

‘Fire demon, destroy them for me! ! ’

Although his rank ten magic is powerful, Ainz Ur Gong knows that the fire demon can last for a short time. Therefore, he does not intend to talk with the black dragon that is doomed to death, and directly stretches out his hand. , He motioned to the fire demon he had summoned to destroy the wall and the defenders hiding on and behind the wall!

After it completely destroyed the city wall and killed enough enemy troops and caused enough damage, the useless soldiers of the Bajas Empire can rush in and harvest the fruits of victory! At that time, he must be able to harvest tens of millions of corpses again.

And those corpses can at least provide thousands of powerful death knights and thousands of elite skeletons to his magical kingdom!

‘! ! ’

‘Ainz Ul Christine! You will pay the price! ! ! ’

Seeing that the other party did not retreat but moved forward, and instead ordered the huge flame monster that was more than twice as high as her city wall, dragging a molten molten molten road towards the gate of his royal capital, Hei Queen Lin was anxious and resolutely activated her unique soul magic.

‘The spirit that nourishes everything, please follow my call! ’

‘Rise your tide, release your power, and use your inclusive body to block the evil in front of me! ! ’

As the Black Scale Queen began to sing in that huge dragon accent, her voice soon resounded through the entire sky and the earth, which sounded terrifying, and the soldiers of the empire couldn't help but agitate slightly.

'Oh? ’

‘What kind of spell would it be? ’

But at this time, the Sorcerer King Ainz Ur Gong not only did not stop or counter the opponent, but sneered and stood still, still looking very interested?

‘O the sea, you are all water! ’

‘Use your endless power to drown and destroy the evil beings! ! ’

As the huge black dragon hanging above the city finished casting its spell, Ainz Ur Gong quickly saw that the rippling sea in the distance suddenly became calm, and the waves and wind suddenly became A lot smaller?

'Well? ! ’

Just when Ainz Ur Gong was about to laugh at the other party's ridiculous magic, he was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly turned his head and looked towards the surface of the sea, towards the distance of the sea level!

Because, he seemed to see, in the distance, it seemed that another high-altitude white line was coming towards them at a very fast speed?

Rumbling rumbling...

'That is……'

A big tsunami? !

With the rumbling sound, as the white line got closer and closer, everyone including Ainz Ul Christine quickly understood that what the black scale queen just showed was a What kind of spell!

However, although I can understand it, Ainz Ur Gong didn’t mean to run away or use defensive means, because he knew that the spell did not have much influence on least, to his magician. The elite troops of the country will not have much influence.

Besides, the tsunami came a little too hastily, even if he wanted to respond, it was a bit late...

‘! ! ’

'what is that? ’

‘Yes, it’s a tsunami! ! ’

'not good! Run! ! ’

‘Help, help! ! ! ’

'fast! Run high! Faster! ! ’

'His Majesty! Run! ! ’

‘Here! ’

‘Uh ah ah...’

Soon, the soldiers of the Imperial Army turned around and ran away without waiting for the officer's order!

Because the Bajas Empire also has a long coastline to the north, they know what a tsunami is and the power of a tsunami!

And even if I haven’t seen it or heard of a tsunami, I can see the terrifying power of the sea as high as the wall of the sea, rushing towards them with the force of thunder, as long as a normal person knows what the consequences will be. How to deal with it.

Rumbling rumbling...

It's a pity that roaring the sea water that spreads and swept from the sea, the tsunami that almost flooded the walls of the Dragon Kingdom rushed across this area quickly, causing countless monsters of the Sorcerous Nation and completely The imperial troops who had no time to escape were directly swept into the huge wave of terrifying destructive power and disappeared instantly.

‘Wow~! ! ’

'Do not! ! ! ’

And the one that was called out just now was a little slow. Until now, he hasn't touched the giant lava giant beside the city wall. It can only struggle and roar in the tsunami griefly, and can only let those who come to it. It was said that the terrible sea water soaked and washed its body, and there was a cooling sound of'zizi', and fell aggrievedly in the sea water in the white mist of steaming, and gradually became a piece of water. Pile of motionless, jet-black cooling rocks.


‘According to your strength, you shouldn’t be able to master spells of this level, how did you just do it? ’

At this moment, Ainz Urgong, who was suspended in mid-air with his guardian chief Albedo, guardian Shatia, and a large group of flying dead creatures, took a look at the lower side and charged towards the shore. He asked strangely after the waves passed by and soon began to recede.

He didn’t worry about the safety of those death knights and skeleton soldiers, because they would naturally retreat and line up again after the waves retreated, and at most they would be broken apart... the lava giant that was summoned, he also Also don't worry, because he can summon another one later!

As for those unlucky soldiers of the Bajas Empire, who are likely to suffer heavy losses due to the tsunami, he doesn't mind...because he will largely take all their dead guys after the war. Lead him into the kingdom of death, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and let them become powerful death knights or skeleton soldiers. That will be a supreme gift to them!

Therefore, what he is more concerned about at this time is of course the tsunami spell that the black scale dragon can quickly cast!

'Humph! ’

‘That’s the water faith magic taught to me by the White Magister Anne Hasta! ! ’

Seeing that my own spell using faith to launch a spell was extremely effective, even better than the previous soul magic that consumed the souls of countless subjects. It was just as the little guy said at the time, and it was basically done with one move. After the invading enemy, the somewhat proud black-scale queen showed off proudly.

'is it……'

However, it’s okay for the Black Scale Queen not to mention the name of a little girl. When she mentioned that, the original interest of Sorcerer King Ainz Ul Christine instantly became depressed, and at the same time, she began to exude fear. Breath.

‘! ! ’

‘Master Ainz? ! ’

As the guardian director, of course Albedo felt that the other party was wrong for the first time, and then asked with some worry.

'Humph! ’

‘Albedo, go, kill that dragon and bring back her head to me. I will use her head to summon a strong bone dragon! ! ’

In this world, there are only two things that Ainz Ul Christine most hates and taboos in his heart, one of which is: the bones of his own **** ruler of death!

Because this body has a big defect, it... it doesn't have any tints! This flaw made him look at the large number of beautiful guardians and maids who admired himself in the great underground tomb of Nazarick every day without being indifferent, even if they hugged themselves every day and were willing to let him do whatever they wanted, but he But there is absolutely no impulse or way...

And the other one is: He extremely hates anyone mentioning that little girl in front of him, or extremely hates anyone who has a relationship with that little girl!

'Yes! ’

‘Master Ainz, don’t worry, I will get her head for you in three breaths! ! ’

After feeling the anger of her master Ainz, Albedo, who felt the same, did not wait for Shatia to grab the merits. She stretched out her hand and summoned her pitch-black giant axe, which was transformed by the world-class prop, the abyss of hell. , And then the fallen angel wings behind the armor moved quickly towards the dragon above the city in the distance.

The level is 100, which is 30 levels higher than that of the dragon, and as one of the four guardians of Nazalek who are best at hand-to-hand combat, she is also the strongest shield, In sulking anger, something like cutting off the head of a seventieth-level dragon, for her, three breaths should be enough.

Although, her beloved Ainz Ur Gong does not need to breathe?

‘! ! ’

'court death! ! ’

Seeing the woman with wings and black armor, holding a black battle axe, dared to rush towards herself alone, the black scale queen of the Dragon Kingdom opened her huge mouth in anger and stretched her neck. Bite towards each other!

In front of the evil black mage, she would kill the opponent's entourage alive, then slowly chew, and then swallow into the belly of her giant dragon, and even give the opponent's armor and weapons. Digest it!

'Humph! ’

‘Stupid creature! ! ’


Before the giant mouth of the giant dragon was about to bite over, Albedo suddenly flickered. While easily avoiding the bite of the giant mouth, her figure also appeared above the giant dragon’s head instantly and sneered. He raised her pitch-black giant axe high, and slashed it at the dragon's neck with the world-class weapon with the strongest destructive power! !

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