Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1220: (?·??-)? Hi~! Big bone shelf...

call! !

At the moment when Albedo’s black fallen angel wings spread out, her spiky, pitch-black armor that covered her whole body and did not reveal any skin showed a proud curve. At the same time, her hand The pitch-black giant axe that glowed greenly held tightly in the metal gloves with claws, cut through the air viciously, and after making a piercing whistling sound, it slashed firmly to the black-collar queen. On the neck of the dragon's head.

You know, Albedo is the guardian of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. He lives in the Hall of Thrones and a room on the ninth level of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. Its creator is the original Ainz Ur ·The "Cuiyulu" of one of the 41 members of the Guild of Christ, after crossing into another world, Albedo became Ainz Ul Christine's right-hand man and an extreme admirer? She has the perfect ability to manage Nazarick in addition to the military aspect. She is undoubtedly the strongest defensive power among all guardians, and she also possesses a world-class prop-Hell Abyss.

It is a deformable world-class prop with the strongest ability to destroy objects. Although the effect on living creatures is a little bit worse, if you only cut down a black scale dragon that is only level 70 If you have a head, it must be more than enough!

At least, in the distance, Ainz Ur Gong, Shatia, and some of the liches in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick think so.


Cang~! !

Amidst the metal-like collisions and frictions and sparks splashing, something that shocked everyone's jaws happened: Albedo’s powerful and determined blow, which was made by a world-class prop-Hell Abyss The slaying launched did not succeed in slicing the head of the 70th-level black scale dragon?

Moreover, it doesn't matter if you don't cut it off with a single axe, the skin scales on the opponent's neck are even hard enough to resist the horrifying point of being slashed by world-class props without being hurt?

‘! ! ’

Why is the enemy missing? !

"Roar~! ! ’

Here! !

Although I don’t know what happened just now, but when I found out that she was almost beheaded, the black scale queen was also completely angry, and directly roared to the side, and once again slammed at the black one. With wings and black armor, the female knight who looked like a demon bit it.

'Humph! ’

‘Come again! See how long you can hold on? ! ’

Three consecutive cuts! !

I also don’t know why the trick I am aiming to achieve will fail for no reason, but Albedo, who thinks it may be because the opponent has some life-saving props or skills, does not think about it, and directly relies on the speed of his absolute advantage. For a moment, when the opponent’s second bite failed again, it appeared on the other side of the opponent’s neck again, and then the pitch-black giant axe in his hand once again slashed towards the other side of the opponent’s neck, and Activated the ability to cut three times in an instant!

Dang~! !

Another loud sound of metal collision!

Then, while the Queen of Black Scales was smashed and wailed a little, the great axe in the hands of the magistrate Albedo was once again bounced high, and because of the extra strength she used this time, She had to fly more than ten meters backwards so that she could stop.

‘? ? ’


Although once again luckily not beheaded by the opponent, due to the huge power, the black scale queen who was stunned and stunned was a little scared. She had to hurriedly flap her wings while staring at the inverted not far away. After flying out, the terrifying enemy who had been suspended in the air slowly retreated in the direction of the city with some fear.

‘Damn it! ’

'This is impossible! ! ’

Seeing the intact giant axe in his hand, and the tiger's mouth that was slightly numb by the huge force just now, Albedo's doubts in his heart became even greater.

Because she just noticed that when her second, third, and fourth slashes hit the dragon's neck in an instant, she didn't find any abnormalities at all!

If the first time it was careless or because some of the opponent’s props and skills were working, then Albedo is now very sure that her second slash was really done. The thin scales on the opponent's neck are on, and she hasn't seen the opponent inspire or use any protection skills, she is very sure of this!

Therefore, at this time, seeing that the two slashes that were originally mortal had failed, and seeing that the time agreed with Ainz-sama had passed, but she could not get the opponent's head, she couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed and turned to anger, and planned to do it again. Fly up, try to chop other places on the opponent's body a few more times to see if the opponent is really invulnerable, why can't even the world-class props in your hand be the slightest?

‘Albedo! ’

'stop! It's dangerous over there, come back! ! ’

However, instead of waiting for the irritated and enraged magistrate to pounce on again, Ainz Ur Gong, who seemed to have felt something wrong, suddenly yelled at her and urged the other party to return quickly.

'but! ’

However, where is Albedo who was willing to accept two attacks that were determined to be defeated?

She first glanced at Master Ainz behind and at Shatia who was looking at her mockingly next to Master Ainz, and then planned to rush up again, saying that she would slash the invulnerable dragon for everything. Kill!

'Humph! ’

‘Come back soon! This is an order! ! ’

Knowing what his guardian manager is thinking, Ainz Ur Gong yelled again, and cast an indisputable look at the opponent.

'what! ’


No way, I found that Master Ainz's order was very firm, and Albedo, who had to follow him, could only stare fiercely at a certain inexplicable despicable dragon, and flew toward the owner in an angrily manner.

‘? ? ’

"What's the matter, Lord Ainz, is there any problem?" ’

At this time, she originally wanted to ridicule Albedo's true ancestor of vampires, and that Shatia seemed to have faintly noticed some abnormalities. Therefore, she hurriedly dispelled the untimely thoughts and showed full arms at the same time. After she was in the blood-red form, and she was still holding an artifact-level weapon-the dropper spear, she asked her Master Ainz carefully while on guard.

"That dragon..."

‘Is it weird? ’

But, she must be gloating a little bit more in her heart, because she was fortunate that she didn’t rush to deal with the dragon. Otherwise, she is shameful in front of the great Ainz-sama now, but she is Shatia. !

That kind of thing, but she absolutely cannot accept it, she will never allow herself to be rude in front of Master Ainz again, nor will she allow herself to disappoint Master Ainz again!


However, Ainz Ur Gong did not answer, but silently used his blood-red evil eyes to guard towards the front, until Albedo, who was wearing the pitch black armor, returned safely to his side. , He faintly prepared a certain spell while tempting the distant air and shouting loudly:

'Humph! ’

'Come out! ’

'Able to save the life of a mere 70th-level dragon under Albedo’s full attack, and still not let us discover that there is that kind of power and ability, except you in this world, I believe There will be no more people! ’

'Am i right? ’

‘His White Mage Anne Hasta, you must be here now, am I right? ’

In fact, from the very beginning, Ainz Ur Christine felt something was wrong.

He always faintly felt that the magical power of the black forest dragon was something wrong, and it was impossible to easily control the power of the sea!

However, since he has never been in contact with'soul magic', and all his knowledge, power and skills come from the game, he is not too familiar with the true meaning of spells and certain details, so he was fooled...but Now, when he saw that Albedo had a level 100, but twice and three times, even a seventieth-level looking ordinary dragon couldn't break the defense. Why didn't he know what was going on?

Because, this situation reminded him of the first time he met that little girl...

At that time, the opponent also easily blocked almost all Albedo’s attacks with a lava shield. The opponent even slightly injured Albedo by using the weird magic’s powerful automatic counterattack ability, and finally hit them both. Being able to escape in embarrassment... the kind of humiliating encounters and experiences, his Ainz Ul Christine still has his purpose.

‘! ! ’

‘Master Ainz, you mean, that guy, she’s coming? ! ’

‘So it is! ’

'Humph! Can't spare her this time! ! ’

Hearing the words of their owner, Ainz Urgung, Albedo and Shatia finally reacted, and they held the weapons in their hands together, just like this. Their left and right, Ainz-sama, were waiting for someone in front of them who didn't know where or even that there was no enemy.

Now, they are fully armed and carry many world-class props. Ainz-sama has brought all the things that can be used in PVP, so they feel that if the little girl comes to the door at this time If they come, maybe they will have a chance to beat each other in a three-on-one situation.

‘? ? ’

"They are..."

'and many more! Sir Anne really came? ! ’

The Black Scale Queen shook her head and slowly adapted to the dizziness caused by being hit by a huge force. After she understood the words of the Black Magus Skeleton King in the distance and recovered her senses, she vomited. Yanhe also looked around questioningly.

To be honest, she herself is actually a bit strange, because her scales and defenses can't withstand the two attacks that the opponent just made! That kind of huge power that shocked her own head, she was a little scared thinking about it now... But as a result, the other party just couldn't hurt her at all, which was very intriguing.



However, after being cold for a long time, when both the enemy and us began to fall into weird silence, when both sides thought it was a misjudgment, even Ainz Ul Christine felt that he was over-hearted and that he was damned. When the little girl was not here at all, finally...



In a hearty laughter, a little figure wearing a red dress with a stuffed bear in his hand finally appeared out of nowhere on the forehead of the dragon queen who almost cut off his head. Just standing beside those sharp horns, made a big grimace at Ainz Ur Gong and others.

‘! ? ’

"Ann, Lord Anne? ! ’

‘! ! ’

‘It’s really her! ’

‘Master Ainz, be careful! ’

'Humph! You are finally willing to come out, the White Mage...’

After everyone was surprised, horrified, or vigilant, or coldly snorted and guarded, a certain miserable little girl smiled and said:

"That one……"


"He is not a white magister, he is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, and, most powerful, arcane magical spell!!"


Yes, Annie said: That Rao Shizi’s White Mage was a name given to her by others, and it was terribly ugly. She would rather ask the opponent’s ‘Black Sorceress’ to accept that ugly ‘White Sorceress’! Because that title always reminded her unconsciously of a cunning old man named Dumbledore, that white magician or something, it sounded like a curse!

Anyway, she definitely wouldn't take the initiative to admit it.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

'Humph! ! ’

‘Shatia, cooperate with me! Later, let's destroy her with Master Ainz! ! ’

'it is good! ’

After realizing that it was the little girl, Albedo didn’t talk about it. First, he let a black kite shield appear on his left hand, and then flew to the opponent’s left with a huge black battle axe. At the same time, he also let Xia with white wings appear. Tia flew to the opponent's right, and formed a three-to-one semi-encircled posture with Master Ainz.

As for the seventieth-level dragon under the opponent's feet and the humans and demihumans in the city below, they were directly ignored by them.



"You want to fight? But, are you sure? People tell you, you will definitely not be their opponents!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Seeing that the two ferocious little sisters had quickly prepared for the relevant fight, and seeing that the big bone frame Ainz Ur Gong in the distance seemed to be guiding a certain spell, Little Annie shot I took a picture of the black-scaled dragon who wanted to tell her something, and let the other party transform into a human form and retreat to the city. Then she went forward without retreating, just crooked unpreparedly. The cute little head asked the three guys who faintly surrounded her in front.

She didn't want to come here today, but, given that a certain big bone was too much and had laid so much territory, it didn't count that even the bad guys in the church country had been beaten. She even knew her. This female dragon and the other party's country are going to be bullied. As a last resort, she ran to help secretly at a critical time, but how could she think that she was finally guessed by the other party?

'Humph! ’

‘White Sorcerer, don’t be too smug...this time, we won’t lose to you so easily like the last time! ’


‘Since you are here, don’t go! ’

Regarding the little girl in front who repeatedly opposed herself and humiliated herself many times, as for the player who is suspected or must be a traverser, Ainz Ul Gon can’t say how much he hates each other, but Since the opponent chose to be hostile to himself, since the opponent may have what he needs, since the position is different, then he must definitely destroy the opponent.

This is like he has been fighting for more than two months and has eliminated tens of millions of humans or demihumans who oppose him Ainz Ur Gong. He will not allow anyone in this world who opposes him to live well. , At least not allow those who blatantly oppose and oppose him to live!

‘Albedo! ’

‘Shatia! ! ’

After finishing speaking, before waiting for the other party to react or prepare, Ainz Ur Gung suddenly ordered the two guardians who had been suspended in mid-air not far away.

‘Hi~! ’

'go to hell! ! ! ’

In an instant, the black and white wings flicked, and then two figures, one red and one black, flashed quickly, and then the black giant axe and the dropper spear in their hands all moved from different directions to different directions. Slam away!

Obviously, whether it is Albedo or Shatia, they know that a certain little girl will have a tough shield that is very strong and will automatically counterattack with flames. Therefore, they have prepared and planned for this. At the same time, they used their almost strongest power to click towards a certain one in front of the opponent with a sense of strength, intending to fight a strong counterattack and also break through the opponent's shield, so as to give back to the security that has already prepared some powerful spell. Master here is to provide opportunities.

You know, Shatia is the guardian with the strongest comprehensive abilities of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and is also known as the strongest spear among all guardians? And Albedo is one of the four most adept at hand-to-hand combat in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and is also the strongest shield!

And now, the strongest shield and the strongest spear under the command of the black magician Ainz Ul Kung are here, and he still tacitly abandons all the suspicions and joins forces to assault the enemy, presumably, it must be them. Some of the previously anticipated results... and if even Albedo and Shatia equipped with many powerful props can’t suppress or break through the opponent’s defenses, then Naxalek underground No matter how many people come from the big tomb, it is useless.





"I flash!!"

!!! (?''??)?

Seeing the two menacing guys rushing towards her, this time, Annie did not simply block each other out with a lava shield. Instead, she simply dropped a little thing first and then disappeared. A trace.


(● ̄? ̄●)

‘? ? ’

Seeing that the other party disappeared instantly, and replaced by a plush toy bear, Xia Tiya was taken aback for a moment. However, knowing that the bear in front of her could grow bigger and smaller, she still used her own. The artifact dropper spear pierced towards the opponent's belly.

‘! ! ’

'Be careful! ! ’

Unlike Xia Tiya, Albedo, who knows that a certain bear is powerful, suddenly said horrible in his heart, and then hurriedly stopped, without forgetting to remind his companion in a hurry.



??????: Roar~!

boom! ! !

Without waiting for Shatia to accept Albedo’s suggestion and retreat quickly, the stuffed bear surrounded by them suddenly swelled and exploded, and then the dark red flames swallowed them in. ...

Then, when the flames gradually reduced, whether it was the Black Sorcerer Ainz Ul Christine or the White Sorcerer Annie, they saw the scene in the sky: the huge shadow flame bear had a handle stuck in its body and head. A spear and a battle axe, but it seems to have nothing at all, except that there is a vampire Shatia with a red armor on one side of its arms, and a female succubus Yarbe with a black plate armor on the other. Germany?

Then, in the desperate struggle of the two women, they followed the huge flaming bear and fell to the ground that was still full of sea water...



"The mark that the little bear slapped on your **** last time is still there. Do you dare to come out and fight now?"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

At this moment, Little Annie, who had already appeared in the distance, joked at a female succubus with a big bear paw on the armor of a certain ass.

Undoubtedly, those two guys were caught by her cruel bear Tibbers at once, and then they fell to the ground between them. Although they stood there, the tide had gradually receded, but accumulated The water was still submerged in the sea at the knee of a giant flame bear.

It's a pity that a certain bear Tibbers has shadow flames on his body. The sea water must be the kind of flames that can still burn in the water, just make it a little unhappy?


'Humph! ’

‘Enlighten! ! ’


However, unlike a little girl who is paying attention to Albedo and Shatia who were captured alive by a bear, Ainz Ul Christine didn’t care about that at all, and he didn’t have time to care about those things. , Because at this time, he has already activated another skill he can think of to make the opponent lose under his hands-time stop!

It was a time-based magic that was not high in rank. Originally, he himself didn't have much confidence to use against that powerful little girl. However, he used other amplification spells and krypton gold props to forcibly upgrade it to super After level magic, he became confident. Before Albedo and Shatia were hurt more, he completely turned out to that nasty little girl, and then the other powerful summoned beast, which was suspected of using some kind of The powerful monsters summoned by the props will surely destroy themselves!

Therefore, he was not worried, but in a world where time stopped suddenly turning black and white, he walked step by step towards the motionless little girl not far in front.


‘It seems that the time magic countermeasures are really correct! ’

'right now……'

'farewell! Little girl, although I don’t hate you, hindered my Ainz Ur Christine path, so...’

‘Krypton Gold Props-Delay Super Magic: Real Death! ! ’

Walking forward step by step, I saw that the magic that stopped time really took effect, I saw a little girl who had repeatedly humiliated myself, and saw the powerful white magic wizard standing motionless in place, still staring round. Those big blue eyes gloated towards Albedo and Shatia in the distance, and Ainz Urgong sighed and sighed, then resolutely stretched out his hand in front of him. Prepare to launch the super-level upgraded with krypton gold items to let the opponent die instantly after the time flows again!

Then, at that time, he will take away the opponent's body, enslaves and resurrects it into a powerful lich! By then, he believed that he would definitely be able to obtain some important information he wanted to know from the twisted soul of the other party.



Suddenly, what made Ainz Ul Christine feel caught off guard: The other party looked at him suddenly and made a big grimace? !

‘! ! ’

Seeing this situation, Ainz Ur Gong was shocked and had to stop the spell hurriedly, preparing a teleportation to leave the opponent's front and pulling a safe distance.



It's a pity that he is still a little slower?

Because, before he teleported back violently, a little girl had already grabbed his hand that had reached the opponent’s face and was about to use it to delay instant death, and then felt some terrible heat coming from above. He was so scared that he made a decisive decision, and instantly gave up his arm and the white claws of the skeleton.



Seeing that the other party ran away so quickly, Annie had to be a little surprised to instantly burn the arm she was holding into ashes.

After all, she doesn’t like holding other people’s disgusting bones in her hands, and it’s even less likely to use them to threaten them. She knows that for the other’s big bones, lack of arms and legs is nothing to beat. The problem is because the other party can find other things and press them at any time, and there will be no discomfort at all!


"Time has obviously stopped, how can you still move?!"

Turning his head and looking around, Ainz Ul Christine, who found that his time spell was still in effect, asked angrily with some fright.

It stands to reason that only his spellcaster should be able to move here now, but why the other party can not only move, but can also easily cast that unreasonable non-delay spell in this time-stop magic, Did he burn off his arm directly? !

"Nothing is impossible, it just happens that I have a little bit of research on the rules of time, just a little bit stronger than you!"


Yes, it's just a little bit, about how many times the circumference of the Milky Way galaxy is multiplied by the gap?

Besides, Annie wouldn't tell the other party that although she hasn't played with time for a long time, she is not weaker than space or other abilities in the control of time.

Also, unlike the other party who can only use time magic to shuttle through a short period of time to do bad things, if Annie herself wants, she can even give the time of an entire universe, or even an entire plane, at will. time out?

Although it is a bit more troublesome to explain the time than the other party understands, but it is the same thing anyway!



Seeing that the other party is even more difficult than I thought, plus having defeated more than once in the opponent's hands, Ainz Ur Gong, who has no heart to confront the opponent head-on, is really persuaded again!

I saw that he took advantage of the time the spell was not over yet, and when a certain little girl didn't seem to want to take advantage of the pursuit, he flew back, and quickly retreated to the side of a certain flame giant, and then at the moment when the time spell failed. , Once again used his tricks to teleport and escape with his two guardians.


☆? (o*?ω?)?



"Really, people still want to talk to him about something..."


Seeing the other party running so fast, Annie, who didn't want to be too embarrassed, had to decide that next time she saw the other party, she would talk about something that didn't seem to be too important?


At this time, on a high ground in the distance, a small group of imperial soldiers and senior officers on horseback were gathering there, looking at a little girl who appeared in the distance with some bewilderment.

There is no doubt that although the fighting and confrontation time is very short, and even they have not been able to figure out what happened, but they only know that the black magic leader once again lost to the white magic leader, that is to say. Under the terrible little girl, UU reads www.uukánshu. Com and once again left their imperial army and ran away first!


‘Your Majesty, what shall we do now? ’

Look at the sea water that has gradually receded below, look at the muddy ground and the sparse imperial soldiers lying on the ground, look at the skeletons who have lost command and start to spin around in a daze. The horse fled to the high ground, and the high-ranking imperial army who had been swept by the sea didn't know what to do.

Because at this time, there were nearly one hundred thousand imperial soldiers and almost the same number of skeletons. Most of them have been swept away by the tsunami... At this time, there may be three to fifty thousand skeletons left, and the imperial ones After the big tsunami, the soldiers, excluding those who were swept away and drowned, are probably less than ten to twenty thousand alive, right?

'hateful! ! ’

'Humph! Since that guy has run away, leave some officers to take care of the remnants, and we will immediately return to the empire! ! ’

Seeing that the high-levels of the underground tomb of Nazarick, such as Ainz Ur Gong, have completely disappeared, and seeing the flying liches and alien species under the opponent’s command also began to flee in a frantic manner, Emperor Gilkney Fr Luen Farode El did not dare to be big, and quickly gave the order to withdraw troops and admitted the fact that the battle failed again...

Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Tour https://

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