Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1221: On the eve of the storm|????)?

When a miserable little girl once again intervened in the war between the Sorcerer Kingdom and the Bajas Empire against the Dragon Kingdom, especially after the Dragon Kingdom publicly expressed the intention of shelter, the Sorcerer King Ainz suffered another miserable defeat. ·Wuer Gong ran away in embarrassment, but finally stopped their crazy and **** expansion and conquest that lasted for nearly three months...

He had to stop because, not long after the Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong defeated the Dragon Kingdom, he learned a major news:

Headed by the Kingdom of Riyestije, the participating countries include the Holy Kingdom, the Discrimination Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom. The meeting of the Anti-Dark Wizards and their evil alliances was held in Yelanthir City and ended smoothly. Some representatives Under the auspices of the third princess of the kingdom who attended the meeting, the four kingdoms formally united and formed an anti-black magician alliance and announced to the public that they are temporarily not prepared to have a greater conflict with a certain white magician. Wang Anzi Ul Gongcai finally stopped their military operations in anger.

He had to stop, because he found that there was no place to bully on this continent anymore to attack the Sorcerer Nation.

At this time, it took less than three months to start from the lizardman lake, to the underground tomb of Nazarick, and then to the large area of ​​the Katz Plain, the original Sri Lankan State, and the great desert. All places have been taken into the bag by their magical country, forming a new and huge country! And if you count the territories of the Allied (vassal) Bajas Empire, basically the evil alliance between the Magic State and the Bajas Empire can be regarded as occupying nearly half of the land on this continent, and the other half is temporarily Still in the hands of the Anti-Black Magic Alliance.

that's it……

This world, or the continent of this world, has begun to enter a stage of confrontation between polarization and strong alliances.

However, although the possibility of launching a large-scale war has been temporarily suspended between the two sides due to various reasons, or because of fear, or because of being caught, the evil black demon king of the Sorcerer Nation Zur Gong has never rested, and has been carrying out various activities frantically in various countries...

In the kingdom of Riyestij, especially in the territory of Yelantil City, the monsters of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick can often be found in the day or night. No one knows what they are doing, but However, it is not difficult for the people of the Kingdom and the Anti-Black Magic Alliance to judge: The Magic Kingdom and the Bajas Empire must be brewing some terrible action, or are they actively preparing for the next war?

So soon, the Anti-Black Magic Alliance also took action, began to deploy troops, dispatched elite troops and powerful heroes to the front line of Ye Lan Tier, and tried to make a certain position in the future as soon as possible. One day, launching military operations against the Sorcerer Nation and the Bajas Empire, hoping to completely end the terrorist rule of the Dark Sorcerer over this land?

Of course, no one knows when that day will arrive... Maybe someday in the future, it might be that the Dark Sorcerer Ainz Ul Christine took the lead in launching an all-out war against the Dark Sorcerer League?

Therefore, at this time, apart from frantically investigating and spying on intelligence with each other and conducting low-intensity confrontation and testing at certain levels, higher-level confrontations or higher-intensity wars have not erupted for the time being, and the two sides have maintained such a tacit understanding. This is the kind of peace that everyone knows will be fragile.

For example, now, in the floating city above Ye Lan Tier, a group of high-level leaders and important figures of the Anti-Black Magic Alliance have gathered here and are having a meeting in a secret palace.

Sitting here at this time, there are Gejiefu, the warrior chief representing the Kingdom of Riyestije, the second prince Zanak of the kingdom, the Platinum Dragon King representing the Jade Lange, and Chain, one of the thirteen heroes. The humanoid platinum armor and related representatives controlled by Dulux Baisiang, the Holy Kingdom’s saint queen Calca Besares and the strongest paladin Remedios Castedio, and the dragon The black-scale queen of the kingdom who turned into a human little loli is also on the list...Apart from them, there is a third princess Lana Tier, who has been authorized to represent the "White Sorcerer" in exercising authority. Chardonnay, Lyle and Vanseph have also been sitting here.

‘? ? ’

‘Strange, the White Magister has not come yet? ’

‘This...It is said that she never participates in such meetings. In fact, she never manages any miscellaneous affairs, so...’

‘! ! ’

‘Is it an important meeting between the Magic State and the Bajas Empire, is that also a miscellaneous business? ’

‘Actually, for Your Excellency the White Mage, it is indeed! ’


Seeing that an important person seemed to be absent, I didn't know who said it in a low voice, and then soon, he was refuted by the ruthless facts and he was speechless for a long time and could only sit back angrily. In his seat.


‘Every time I see this floating city of Eleuentyu floating above Ye Lantil, I can’t help but think of those things back then...’

‘Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed! ’

‘Now, the King of Eight Desires no longer exists, but yet another evil Black Sorcerer Ainz Ur Gong has appeared to be a disaster for the world. I don’t know how long this endless cycle will last? ’

After so many years, I was able to set foot on the floating city of Eleuenty once again. Looking at the familiar guardians and buildings, the beautiful hollow armor controlled by the Platinum Dragon King could not help but sighed slightly, and began to remember the original. everything of.

It's just that now things are different, and the "Thirteen Heroes" of the year are only two of him and Rigrid, and they can no longer shoulder the heavy responsibility of fighting evil... and their powerful captain back then , I still sleep under the castle, and even say that I don't want to be resurrected by them...So all kinds of things, even if he is as strong as the Platinum Dragon King, what can he do except sigh?


'Everyone here should know that on average, there is a reincarnation every 100 years. There will be many passers-by in this world. This is unavoidable. We have to get used to it... But fortunately, black and white doubles appear this time. Sorcerer, at least not all bad things, we still have the ability to resist, right? ’

On the other side, he was also one of the thirteen heroes, but this time it was the captain of the original "Cang Qiangwei" who participated in this meeting as the entourage of the third princess of the kingdom. The powerful old woman Rigrid smiled. Persuaded the Platinum Dragon King.

'Yes! ’

‘Rigrid, you’re right. Fortunately, it’s not all bad things. Otherwise, the Slien Church will be my role model...’

Hearing his old friend's ridicule, the Platinum Dragon King just shook his head slightly, then stopped sighing, and just sat in his own seat silently, waiting for the meeting to begin.

'Ah! ’

‘It’s more than the Sleng State? I’ve heard that wherever the Sorcerer Kingdom has occupied, such as the Khaz Plain, the cities where the Dragon Kingdom was captured, and the tribes in the Great Desert, which one is not slaughtered by those monsters and then transformed Become an undead? ’

'That’s right. In our Dragon Kingdom, there are indeed those powerful undead monsters left by the Black Sorcerer everywhere. They are difficult to entangle, and there are some powerful undead wizards that we can’t clean up. ...'

'Ugh! Your Majesty, Black Scale Queen, don't worry, there will always be a way. Compared with the exterminated Slian State, at least you still have the capital and half of the southern part of the country. ’

‘Yes, thank you for your relief, the second prince...’

‘But everyone! ’

'This is no way to go on like this. So far, millions or more of living people have been brutally murdered and transformed into undead creatures. The purpose of the Dark Lord Ainz Ur Gong has been very high. Obviously, he is the enemy of all life. We must find a way to get rid of him and his underground tomb of Nazarick as soon as possible, otherwise, what awaits us will only be a terrible doom! ! ’

‘But, Saint Queen, can you do anything? What are we going to do? ’

‘Proactively attack, never let their evils continue to grow stronger! ! ’

'attack? ’

‘What kind of offense is available? Probably none of our soldiers add up to their undead, and most of the soldiers are not stronger than their terrifying undead, those are high-level undead! ’

‘At least, we still have the White Magic! ! ’

‘Master Anne has defeated the evil black wizard Ainz Ur Gong several times, but the other party is very cunning and can easily escape every time... It shows that the other party is not easy to deal with! Just like last time, in the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, the opponent lost an arm and could still escape...Think about the opponent may still have many super-order spells and world-class props, I'm afraid it will not be better than the original Eight Desire King weaker! ’

‘What should I do? ’

‘Would you just keep waiting for him to continue to act recklessly and turn all the living people of the Sleng Church into undead before attacking us? ’

'This one……'

'Wait can’t be long, I’m afraid they will attack soon, you’ve all seen, they have a way to transform and summon some powerful Tier 7 death knights, as well as those undead. Lich... that is like a nightmare enemy, even if there is no Dark Lord, our soldiers are not their opponents at all! ’


‘Then quickly think of a solution! ’

‘Is there any way, as I said, just hit the door now, anyway, it’s very close here in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick! ’

'Humph! We can't easily break through their defenses, but they have built a lot of fortifications on the front line of Ye Lan Tier! You have seen those giant war puppets, they actually used them to build city walls...’

‘There is also the village of Kahn, a small village with less than a hundred people, and there are five thousand heavy armored goblin regiments garrisoned. It’s crazy! ! ’


In this way, before the meeting started, everyone talked aloud like this, but, after all, no one could think of an effective way.

'All right! ’

‘Everyone! Now let’s get back to business and start today’s meeting! ’

At this time, the third princess of the kingdom who presided over the meeting, the acting lord of Ye Lan Tier City, the Lana Tier Chardun Lair Vansef saw everyone arguing for a long time and seemed to say no. After giving some constructive suggestions, she finally stood up with a smile and began to speak:

"We all know..."

'The recent small movements of the Sorcerer Nation have continued, and all kinds of monsters and methods of investigation have been almost exhausted, and the actions of war have become more and more obvious...Presumably, they must not be far from launching a new round of attacks. We must act as soon as possible, otherwise, we may be eliminated soon! ’

‘We have no time. This is a life-and-death war. If we don’t want to become that ugly monster, we can only use our most powerful force to fight back! ! ’

Although she didn't have any power in her own right, the third princess of her kingdom, the agent of Ye Lan Tier City, still spoke to the powerful professionals or dragon kings present in a very imposing manner.


‘Sounds great, but, your Royal Highness, what do you want to do? ’

At this time, the Platinum Dragon King's armor was very simple and asked.

Of course he also knows that the situation is very urgent. All countries and people on this land are threatened by the Dark Lord Ainz Ur Gong, but how to fight against that powerful and terrorist army? Exist, there is no good way for him.

'Humph! ’

‘It’s very simple, gather superior forces and powerful hero professionals, gather all the forces we can gather, and raid the underground grave of Nazarick! ’

‘Also, the sooner this matter, the better! ’

‘Otherwise, what we will face is a very embarrassing situation! ’

The third princess of the kingdom, Lana, clenched her fists, and said with a flush of excitement... She had never dared to imagine that she was Lana Thierry Chardonnay Lair Vansef There will be a historic day that leads and gathers powerful men from various countries to defeat the Dark Lord Ainz Ur Gong and save the world!

‘! ! ’


“It’s feasible, but it’s feasible, but there are their elite army of undead and various guardians around the large underground tomb of Nazarick, and there is a large camp of nearly 300,000 troops in the empire behind. If we want to raid the large underground tomb of Nazzaric , You must have several times their strength, but such a big move can't be concealed by the Dark Sorcerer! ’


‘Ainz Ur Gong is not a fool, that evil skeleton is very cunning, and the equally powerful demons under him, plus that line of defense, it’s not so good that you can surprise...’

‘That’s right, it’s okay to mobilize your forces to attack directly. It’s probably not realistic to attack the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick like a sneak attack. We can’t hide the monster spies! ’


‘His Royal Highness, do you have anything to add? ’

At this time, listening to the discussion of the people, the Platinum Dragon King noticed that His Royal Highness Lana, the third princess of the kingdom, still had a confident face, and seemed to have thought of the things they were discussing? Therefore, he thought that the other party might have a way, so he asked quickly.

'of course! ’

‘Everyone, I have considered your concerns before, because it’s really not an easy task! But what if we don't need to assemble too much force this time, just use the forces of Floating City and Ye Lan Tier City? ’

Like a sly little fox, Lana slowly expressed her thoughts.

‘! ! ’

‘Well, is this a bit too forceful? ’

‘Mischief! There are only more than 100,000 elite coalition forces in Ye Lan Tier City. Even if you count the floating city, it is a bit dangerous to deal with the huge coalition forces of the Sorcerous Nation and the Empire...’

‘Yes, I’m afraid that we won’t be able to touch the edge of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick at all, so we have to go back! ’

‘No! This is definitely not good, it's too messy! ! ’

‘I’m against it too! ’

‘This is dying! Although we all know that we must act on the Magic Kingdom and the Bajas Empire as soon as possible, we can't be so foolish! ’

‘Yes! ’


Soon, everyone discussed loudly, and they all felt that the advice of Lana, the third princess of the kingdom, was not so good. Even the Platinum Dragon King, who was still very interested just now, shook his head in disappointment, and was equally unhappy. That plan like a fool.


‘Who said... the army of the Bajas Empire must be on the side of the Magic Kingdom? ! ’

Snapped! Snapped!

'Come out! Renasi! ’

Seeing that the reactions of the participants were exactly what she had expected, Lana, who was still full of confidence, suddenly clapped her hands, indicating that a secret weapon she had been preparing for a long time could be released.

‘! ! ’

'She is……'

'strange! Why is she here? ’

‘Your Excellency, do you know her? ’

'of course! ’

'Who is she? ’

‘Let’s listen to what His Royal Highness Lana says first, what do you think? ’

‘Well, that’s good! ’

After the people whispered for a while, they were confused or surprised to the one who was still standing there with a smile, and led the woman in a hooded blouse with a half-hidden hairstyle to cover one side of her face. Princess Lana in the middle of the venue looked over.

‘Maybe some people have recognized this messenger...’

‘Yes! ’

‘She is Renas Rockbruce, one of the four knights of the empire, nicknamed "Chong Bang", and this time, she is here to represent the Bajas Empire and the Emperor! ’

Lana began to introduce the identity of the messenger to some attendees who did not know the messenger.

‘! ! ’

'is her? ’

‘But, isn’t she wanted by the Empire and removed from the Four Horsemen? ! ’

'Before the Black Sorcerer appeared, I had heard of a woman who was one of the Four Knights of the Empire many times, and I also knew some of her information. I thought her escape was a normal thing before. I didn't expect the truth to be like this...'

This matter was actually wanted by the empire before, and high-level officials from various countries who were more concerned about the empire’s intelligence naturally knew it, but unexpectedly, the other party ran to the city of Yelantil and was invited to the floating city. Here?

‘! ! ’

'Well! ’

‘Then this is a good opportunity! ’


‘Next, it should be almost time to act, right? ’

‘Let’s see what His Highness Lana would say first ’


After looking at each other for a while and discussing it, everyone was shocked, they also guessed some of the other side's purpose here, and then they couldn't help but bursts of ecstasy in their hearts.

Because they know that some wonderful opportunities have finally begun to appear!

‘Everyone! ’

‘Master Anne is also a little tired of the evil deeds of the Dark Sorcerer. She doesn’t want the other party to turn this world into a kingdom where only the dead are left. So everyone, this is our best and last chance! ’

‘And this is why I invited you to the floating city! ’

‘Here, we can ensure that the content of our conversation will not be leaked out, and we can ensure the secrecy and suddenness of our actions to the greatest extent! ’

‘We, must not wait any longer! ’

After seeing that everyone seemed to have no objections, the third princess of the kingdom of Riyestige, that is known as the "golden princess", and at the same time represents a certain "white wizard" who does not matter. Her Royal Highness Thiel Chardonnay Lair Vansef began her official speech, she told her plan, and put forward a series of requests to the participants.

No one knows what the attendees in the palace of Eleuenty on the floating city said that day. They never left, but secretly sent someone to connect a powerful heroic professional and A reliable high-ranking adventurer is invited to Ye Lantil City...

In this way, a storm of the century that did not spread began brewing in Ye Lantil City...

At this time, a certain messy little girl is still wandering around the world, and as for a certain evil Black Sorcerer Ainz Ul Christine, of course, it is also intensively transforming the undead forces and Spying on the intelligence of various countries and actively preparing for a certain plan of his.

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