Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1225: Target: Naboo (°°)~(°°)...

In the universe, a Jedi Shuttle with its engine turned off is quietly floating in this darkness.

Anakin did not choose to stay longer in Tatooine's place that made him sad, hated and left him painful memories, and even less accepted the invitation and retention of his stepfather and family. He took his cosmic shuttle on the same day. The plane left the desert planet and just floated in the orbit of the Akanis galaxy region, just lying in its driving position and floating forward aimlessly.

He has left a "seed" of hatred on the resource-poor Tatooine, but as for where the remaining "seeds" will be placed in the galaxy, he has no idea...because he now Still in deep sorrow.

At the beginning, when he was rescued by Mr. Qui-Gang Jin and taken away from Tatooine, he had promised his mother several times in person, saying that he would come back to save her! And now, he did come back, and he came back with his head upright as a Jedi Knight, and originally wanted to make the other party happy, but how could he...

Those **** Tuskens, those sand people, those stupid creatures who are not worthy of being called'human', unexpectedly killed his mother, whom Anakin cared most, and turned them into such a cold corpse, Didn't even see him the last time as a son?


The kind of thing that the son wants to raise but does not wait for the relatives, should it be his situation at this moment?

Anyway, after experiencing that kind of painful thing, at this time, in Anakin's view, the creed of the Jedi Knights, that is, those:

No need for passion, calm mind.

Don't follow ignorance, follow true knowledge.

Don't indulge in lust, be calm and clear.

Although there is chaos, tranquility still exists.

Nothing perishes, only the original force... and so on, the core elements have long been left behind by him.

He doesn't want to think about those **** Jedi creeds and the essence of practice, and he doesn't want to plan his plan that has not yet been officially implemented. He just wants to stay in this place where there are no outsiders. He cried so scrupulously, and just floated in the universe and did nothing until he thought he was no longer so sad!


Although Anakin has already planned to spend a day or two in the dark deep space that deviates from the main cosmic course, he wants to be alone, do nothing, and think about nothing... But, Some people are not happy to let him do what he wants.

"Beep beep~! ’

Isn't this?

While he was lying in his driving seat, looking at the starry sky outside the cockpit, he was in a daze, thinking of his mother who had been busy all day and was embarrassed, still smiling and holding his young self to see Tatooine The free night sky and the stars...Suddenly, there was a burst of "beep" communication prompts, and then soon, the holographic image of Obi-Wan directly went over the authority and appeared in his driving seat. next to.

‘Anakin, I have an emergency here...’

'and many more! ’

'what happened to you? This... what happened? Is there something changed on Tatooine? ! ’

Before Obi-Wan had time to say something important and urgent, he was shocked by the appearance of his younger brother Anakin who was hurriedly getting up from the driving position, his face still wet and his eyes flushed.

Therefore, regardless of conveying which urgent task he almost said just now, he hurriedly asked with some worry.


"No, nothing, there is something you can say about Obi-Wan..."

Obviously, some stubborn Anakin is unwilling to recall the sad things, and is unwilling to let Obi-Wan know what happened to him, and don't want the other party to express any opinions because of his cowardly performance. !

‘You said it’s okay after all this? ’

‘Damn it! ’

‘I suddenly felt that it’s better to find someone else to perform that task. Anyway, you come back quickly. If you have anything to say after you come back! ’

Obi-Wan looked at Anakin now, and then thought about the reason why the other party tried every possible way to find an excuse to give the other party a "holiday" and was able to go to Tatooine, he could basically think of why the other party was like this! However, he thoughtfully did not rush to ask, but sighed, ready to let the other party return to Coruscant first, and then find a chance to have a good chat with each other after returning to the Jedi Temple?

"Do not!"

"Obi-Wan, I'm fine, now the matter has been settled, you can tell, what is the matter?"

After taking a deep breath, Anakin quickly recovered gradually, and then asked coldly with a sullen face.

'I do not believe……'

‘Anakin, you’re all like this and you still say nothing? Forget it, you can't fool me, unless you can convince me, otherwise, I won't give you that task! ’

Staring at Anakin for a while, Obi-Wan, who felt that the other party's state was a bit wrong, finally shook his head, obviously not believing the other party's words.


"Actually, it's like this..."

Seeing that the other party still had doubts, and why he was unwilling to speak out the urgent task just a few times before, Anakin had no choice but to slowly explain his experience on Tatooine.

However, he only said part of it. He just stated the fact that his mother had passed away when he arrived at Tatooine. He did not say why the other party was killed, nor did he say that he outrageously chose revenge and violated the Jedi Code because of his anger. Killing the entire sand tribe is nothing left of men, women, old and children.

In fact, that matter, he will probably always be buried in his heart, and will not talk about it to anyone! !


‘I’m very sorry for what happened to you...’

Unexpectedly, it was the result he had guessed in the end, Obi-Wan sighed lonely, not knowing what to say to the other party.

Because he really has not experienced or experienced that kind of human-relationship tragedy, he Obi-Wan is a standard Jedi who was selected through a textbook-style selection, and a potential Jedi usually starts training from an infant. It is from that time that they will be cut off from all their previous family life...So, unlike the Jedi apprentice who started training at a very young age like Anakin, Obi-Wan himself does not even know his parents or The names of brothers and sisters will not be asked or inquired, let alone the feelings between relatives.

Besides, that kind of emotion is not allowed by the Jedi Knights, that is why the Jedi Knights cannot marry and have children, they are not allowed to abuse the force, and they can never form a strong Jedi family and other reasons for the prohibition!

"No! Obi-Wan, it's okay..."

"You don't have to be sorry!"

"I have almost recovered now, there is nothing worth worrying about anymore, you can say, what do I need to do? I know, if things are not urgent, you would definitely not think of letting me as an apprentice do it. ."

Anakin said lightly, because all the people who should apologize have been cut by him, and there is no one to live! Therefore, Anakin will not accept anyone's apologies now, and there is no need for it.

"Well, Anakin..."

‘I’m so relieved to hear you say that, because now is it a time of sadness, we Jedi should not have that kind of feeling! ’


'Since you think you can perform the task yourself, then I happen to have a very urgent task here. Among all the Jedi outside, you may be the only one closest to the planet. Therefore, I think this task is very suitable for you. ! ’

‘Furthermore, you happen to know the person you need to protect. There is nothing more suitable than this! ’

After hesitating for a while, I think that the matter is really urgent, and I really don’t have a better choice, and the elders have already instructed... So soon, after seeing Anakin gradually recovering, Obi-Wan thought After thinking about it, I still compromised, ready to hand over that important task to Anakin, who is still floating in the Tatooine area.

"I know……"

"Then tell me, what the **** is it, and who is it that needs me to protect?"

Anakin thought with a sullen face, and couldn't think of anyone he knew nearby was worthy of protection by his Jedi... So, he was ready to listen to every word the other person said next and take a look. What kind of task is that?

'Is such that! ’

‘Anakin, the elders of the Jedi Council need you to go to Naboo now to protect Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo and **** her back to Coruscant safely! ’

‘This is a task that must be completed. No difference is allowed. Can you do it? ! ’

Now that the order has been officially issued, Obi-Wan has a calm face, changed his relaxed look just now, and stared at Anakin's eyes with a grim expression and asked.


Queen Naboo? !

For a moment, the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly, and a beautiful and peaceful smile, a pretty face, a kind and stubborn temperament and the like suddenly emerged from Anakin’s long dusty memory. Angel-like figure...

Yes, it was her... the increasingly clear shadow was the Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala!

He still remembered her, remembered her name, remembered all her expressions and smiles... He still remembered clearly when he saw the Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala, posing as an ordinary maid. , He was deeply attracted by her bravery, and at the same time ridiculously germinated in his mind the idea of ​​marrying her when he grew up?

You know, he was still a sad little slave boy on the planet Tatooine, so he dared to have that unrealistic idea...

However, those things are not important right now, because now, listening to the meaning of Obi-Wan’s words just now, the shadow that has always been in his mind, the queen of Naboo, she is actually in danger, and there are still people Want to harm her, so that Obi-Wan had to let the closest self to Naboo to strengthen and protect? !


"Obi-Wan, tell me why do you want me to protect Queen Naboo urgently? Shouldn't she stay on Naboo? Then what kind of danger is she involved in? A Jedi to protect her?!"

Anakin was anxious.

You know, the two most important women in his life, except for his mother, that is, the remaining Naboo Queen Padmé A who has been well hidden in his heart. Midala! And now, not long after he had just lost his mother, someone still wanted to take away his second and most cherished second woman from his heart? !

So, involuntarily, Anakin clenched his fists, and at the same time the surging power and anger in his heart began to brew...Of course, he covered Obi-Wan’s face very well, and he did not show too much wrong at all. Now, it was just a question on the floor with curiosity.

‘Oh~! ’

‘Isn’t it because the Hero Federation withdrew the army for no reason? The Jedi Council received a reliable message. It is said that the remnants of the trade alliance are not reconciled to failure. They are now colluding with the neo-separatists led by Earl Dooku, wanting to avenge Naboo, the Queen of Naboo Deme Amidala! ’

‘They even offered a high price to the bounty hunter, want her head? ’

‘So, Anakin, the situation is urgent. You must get to Naboo as soon as possible, then meet Padmé, inform her of your coming, and choose a safe route to **** her back to Coruscant as quickly as possible! ’

‘Have you heard clearly? ! ’

After explaining the reason and requirements of the task, Obi-Wan, who was afraid that the other party did not hear clearly, confirmed it again.


"I see, Obi-Wan, I assure you that they will not succeed!"

Nodding, indicating that he had fully understood, Anakin quickly sat in his driving position and turned on the instruments that he had previously turned off.

‘I hope so, but you should leave as soon as possible, UU reading www. arrived at Naboo and sent me a message immediately after receiving the queen and ensuring her safety! ’

‘Remember to be fast! ’

If it weren’t really urgent, sending Jedi from other places or from the planet Coruscant might not be able to keep up, how could Obi-Wan let Anakin, a Jedi apprentice who hadn’t been a teacher and had no full hair, go there. Perform that very important **** mission?


"Well, Obi-Wan, I will go now!"

Anakin did not continue to talk with the other party, because at this time he was more worried about the Naboo Queen and the personal safety of Padmé Amidala!

So, after packing up his mood and confirming that there were no problems with the spacecraft, he resolutely interrupted the communication with Obi-Wan and turned on the standby superlight engine of the space shuttle, and then searched in the coordinate list And soon after the fixed coordinates of Naboo were locked for the first time, it disappeared from an unknown orbit in the Akanis galaxy area immediately, and proceeded toward Naboo for that long distance. Jumped and flew faster than the speed of light.



? Larva ask for a ticket?

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