Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1226: Why did you bring such a bug on your body, and throw it away...

For many years...

Naboo, this is located near the outer edge of the Milky Way galaxy, the environment is as beautiful as an idyllic world, mainly living the Naboo people and intelligent amphibian native creature Gangga people (Ganggan people) planet, young Jedi apprentice Anakin came back here again.

In all, Anakin has not been to Naboo for ten years, and now it is still as beautiful and peaceful as he imagined...the Naboo and Ganga people are dotted with the capital of Sid Strolling comfortably on the streets of green trees and red flowers, peaceful and serene, busy but not crowded, the morning sun shines like a veil on this poetic city, just like the one hidden in his heart The same beautiful woman.

Anyway, that's what Anakin thinks. He never thought that coming to Naboo would make him feel so happy again?

However, one thing that surprised him a little was: Some words and descriptions in the urgent task assigned by Obi-Wan were not accurate?

Because now Padmé Amidala, who is gradually overlapping with the beautiful shadow in his heart, is no longer the queen of Naboo.

After the expiration of her term of office for two terms, not long ago, she finally voluntarily stepped down from the highest post of Queen Naboo and let another young woman re-elected by the people of Naboo as the new Queen Naboo. And she is nothing more than a representative of Naboo and a member of the Galaxy Council.


It is precisely because of this that she needs to go to the planet Coruscant as soon as possible to report to the Galactic Council in the capital of the Galactic Republic and need the full protection of a Jedi warrior, especially now that someone has openly offered a reward for her, the former queen of Naboo. In the case of Padmé Amidala's head?

In fact, Padmé Amidala is not pedantic. She doesn't mind that the Jedi Committee sends a Jedi Knight to protect her. She just doesn't like it a little... However, what makes her feel a little overjoyed is: The Jedi who was sent to protect her was not a stranger, but she turned out to be her childhood friend she hadn’t seen in ten years, the Anakin who made her a little bit dreamy, had a deep friendship and died together. ·Skywalker?

In this regard, His Excellency Padmé Amidala said he was very, very satisfied, and sincerely thanked the Jedi Committee for its considerate humanistic care!


"To be honest, Anakin, I really never thought that the Jedi Knight sent would be you..."

"You have truly become a powerful Jedi Knight, congratulations!"

Without refusing the gentleman's behavior of the other party to give him a gift, Padmé Amidala walked easily to the corridor inside the Naboo Star Palace, turning his head and laughing at the other party jokingly.

To be honest, if the Jedi Committee had sent another Jedi Knight to protect her, even if it was an old acquaintance like Qui-Gang King or Obi-Wan, she would never be so happy and relaxed as she is now. .

As for why, she didn't know. Anyway, she felt that no one was more satisfied than Anakin Skywalker.


"Neither did I expect to receive such a task suddenly..."

Indeed, Anakin himself was a little surprised, because he was originally just deceived with Obi-Wan and found an excuse to go out, and went to Tatooine to find his mother and rescue it. Only, although the process was a bit tortuous and difficult to accept... But he never thought that he would suddenly receive such an urgent task and be able to meet again with this beautiful lady in front of him.


At this time, Padmé Amidala is no longer a young little girl queen. Ten years later, she has grown up like herself and has become a charming and charming woman. The heart that was originally not quite calm couldn't help but restless.


"Padme, I still don't understand, why did you suddenly stop being the queen of Naboo?"

Anakin, who had some doubts in his heart, still felt that the other party was obviously doing it well, and he had saved Naboo and the Galactic Republic ten years ago. That feat broke through the sky, and now he is no longer a queen. Isn't it a pity to give the throne to someone else?


"Anakin, I have been a queen for two terms, although they have said that they want to amend the constitution so that I can always be legally... But I still feel that when I was a queen, I was a little too young. , So that many things are not mature enough, and things are too radical. Therefore, now I want to change my identity to think and live. After all, it would be very tiring to be a queen all the time!"

"Thinking about it now, I don’t think I have the ability to lead a country. So, lead by example and follow the ancient constitution so that others can contribute their own strength to this beautiful planet. What a qualified queen should do."

Padmé didn't think there was anything wrong with the fact that he stepped down as the queen and turned to be a member and representative of the Galactic Republic. Besides, it is too late for the other party to say anything, she has stepped down, and the new queen has been selected, everything has become a foregone conclusion.


"But your subjects think you are doing a good job, very competent, you should probably continue to be..."

Anyway, Anakin only knew that the beautiful and virtuous Padmé Amidala was gone, and now he became a member of Parliament Padmé Amidala...Although she was still her, he always felt a little unhappy. As for the reason, he didn't know why.

It is possible that it is because the halo in the memory of his absolute opponent suddenly disappeared, making him feel a little uncomfortable or at a loss?

"Do not!"

"Anakin, I won't accept it! Because I am very satisfied with my life now. The two tenures of tenure like thin ice have made me a little overwhelmed... Now it's all right, I feel that after putting everything down It's really good. I really like the more relaxed life now, without too much restraint. I think I am me again, not the queen who needs to be cautious in words and deeds!"

"That's the truth!"


"Isn't I still Naboo's senator representative? Anyway, whether it is the Queen or the senator, they are all working for Naboo, it makes no difference to me."

Shrugged, Padmé was a little bit funny but moved a little bit by Anakin's ridiculous and childish behavior that he took the initiative to resign from the throne, because she knew that the other party was caring and caring. she was.

However, her term has expired and she has resigned. It is too late to say anything. Naboo has Naboo's laws, and she has her own principles and will not easily change for whom.


"I agree with this point. In addition to Naboo, the Galactic Republic really needs you... Padmé, I only know that you are different from everyone, and you are different from those other congressmen. You are not only satisfied Bu, I have done a lot for the Galactic Republic. That's why I have always admired you!"

Anakin couldn't help but stunned when looking at the other side's face with a relaxed smile that was very different from when he was the queen. Then he suddenly felt that maybe it is indeed the right choice for the other party to no longer be the queen?

Because he felt that Padmé now is a bit more approachable than the previous Padmé. Without that kind of superior power, he just felt that the distance between him and her suddenly became a little closer.


"But what I did was not as good as you said. When I was the queen, I could not keep the army of the Hero Federation and Admiral Nova. If I could keep them, maybe, the current Galactic Republic is not like this. It looks like."

"I really hope that the separatists can wake up...In that case, the galaxy will not be in such a serious turmoil and threat of full-scale war."

Thinking of some of the shortcomings and mistakes in his work during his tenure again, Padmé began to sigh and deeply regret, and lowered his head. Where is the relaxed and happy appearance before?


"But, Padmé, they... I mean Admiral Nova and their heroic federation army, they really withdrew, and nothing is left?!"

Although he already knew this, Anakin couldn't help confirming it again.

Because, the former queen of the Naboo star in front of us has been staying on the Naboo planet, plus the army of the previous Heroic Federation, which was formed by Admiral Nova and high-ranking congressmen. The'Great Republic Army' was also stationed here in Naboo in the later period. Therefore, if those guys are really withdrawn, then Padmé is undoubtedly the person who has the most say and the most knowledge. There is no one. !


"I tried to keep them, Anakin, really, I swear!"

"I tried all my methods, but they finally left, leaving only a small office in the city, where there is only one housekeeping robot staying there, Naboo and any surrounding It is known that there are no half of the Hero Federation or any of their warships in the star field..."


Padmé has some regrets, because she has always felt that failing to retain the army of the Hero Federation and that tough Admiral Nova is the biggest stain on her being Queen of Naboo!

If she worked a little bit harder to let the other side keep a little army down for deterrence, maybe the Galactic Republic would not be in the current situation. But it is a pity that she did not do it, and she could not change anything. She just watched the army withdraw and watched the Galactic Republic, which lacked a tough high-level congressman suppressed, gradually evolved into The chaos is worse than it was ten years ago.


"That's really a pity."

Anakin nodded secretly, then said nothing more.

Because he didn't pay attention to Padmé's frustrated expression at all, but frowned thinking about his affairs and secretly happy, and finally made up some determination. Because now, the guys who might restrict Anakin really don't exist anymore!

"Let's go!"

"Anakin, don't talk about the past, I will take you to meet our new queen of Naboo, and after talking about the matter, we can set off later and go directly to the capital Coruscant planet!"

Padmé didn't think much about seeing Anakin. She thought the other person was worried or worried about her, so after a sigh of relief, she smiled and gently pulled her. The wrist leads the way forward.

"it is good!"

"However, Padmé, you are in a dangerous situation right now. You have to listen to me on the way to Coruscant, including questions about the route and stopovers!"

Hearing the other party talking about business, of course Anakin would not lose the chain. He hurriedly raised his spirits and talked about the precautions that require the other party’s consent. After all, Padmé is now the subject of a named reward. God knows those crazy bounty hunters will What kind of things to do, so he must explain the seriousness of the situation to the other party.

"of course!"

"No problem! You are my Jedi Knight, of course I will listen to you!"

It is rare that after he ceased to be the queen, Padmé seemed to be less stubborn than before, and it was rare to refute Anakin's words.


"Ah, Anakin..."

However, not long after holding Anakin's arm, Padmé was so frightened that he quickly withdrew her hand.

"what happened?"


"Anakin, how can you have such terrible things on your body?"


"You mean this? It's my pet, very well-behaved, it's a larva."


"Take it, take it away a little...Anakin, how can you raise this kind of thing?!"

"No way?"

"Padme, look, it's very smart..."

"Do not!"

"Please keep it away from me! Anakin, no matter how clever it is, it is a bug. Are you going to release it soon?"


"You don't like it?"


"Trust me, no normal woman will like it!"


"Are you sure, let me release it on Naboo?"

After a few conversations, Anakin seemed a little hesitant, wondering if he should listen to Padmé.

"Let it go, the ecology of this planet is not as fragile as you think. Such a small bug will definitely not reproduce, nor will it cause an ecological invasion."

Padmé urged with a look of disgust, because she couldn't help but want to stay away from him when she thought of something disgusting on Anakin.


"However, if it's Padmé your opinion, then I choose to accept it!"

Anakin didn't say much, just stared at the bug and glanced at it silently. After moving his lips as if saying goodbye, he threw it directly into the flower bush in the palace.

Anyway, he originally wanted to do this, but he just kept hesitating... and now, since Padmé requested it, he would naturally obey and directly choose Naboo to be an incubator of his swarm. Planet.

It's just that whether or not it can lurch and develop in Naboo Star depends on its good fortune.

Anyway, he has just given it the instructions to develop and grow and try not to be discovered and not to actively attack the Naboo and Ganga (Ganggans). Presumably, there should be no major disturbances in a short time. of.

‘! ! ’

‘His Excellency Amidala, are you finally here? Come in quickly, Her Majesty the Queen has been waiting for you for a long time. ’

‘? ? ’

'Who is this……'

‘He is Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Knight sent by the Jedi Committee to **** me to the planet Coruscant, can I take him in with him? ’

'what! ’

‘So it’s a Jedi Knight? ’

‘It’s really amazing, such a young and handsome guy, actually...’

'Oh, sorry! Since this gentleman is a noble Jedi, of course you can come Mr. Skywalker, please come in. Her Majesty the Queen will be very happy to see you too. ’


'Thank you! ’

When she came to a door with two red doors, a female officer had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Then, as soon as she saw Padmé and Anakin, she greeted them as soon as possible. After asking them briefly, she nodded and turned around to open the door and gave them to Welcomed in.

‘Congressman Amidala, you are finally here. ’

"Please come here to sit..."

And in the main hall inside the gate, Anakin saw a strange young Queen of Naboo dressed in costumes, dressed like the Padmé he saw for the first time, and was already sitting in the main room in time. The superior has been waiting for both of them for a long time.

‘Everyone, now we can start that issue, regarding the return of Senator Amidala to Coruscant...’



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