Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1227: Back to Tatooine

In the dark cosmic starry sky, countless stars hang on the black screen, forming a huge silver galaxy with orange nebulae in it. It looks like a waterfall of stars, flashing down the sky, beautifully. It is intoxicating.


   When the person watching the scenery is accompanied by someone who you like in your heart?


"What a nice view……"

   Padmé Amidala, who was sitting in the co-pilot's position on the Jedi-dedicated shuttle of Anakin, without any entourage, sighed softly while looking at the cosmic scenery outside the cockpit.

   "Anakin, look at it, the scenery outside is really beautiful~!"

   In her opinion, there is nothing better or more romantic than being able to take a space shuttle with someone she likes for a journey that is neither long nor short.

Although, she herself knew that it was impossible for her and Anakin to have any practical development, because she was a queen, now a senator, and the other party is a Jedi Knight, the identity of the two parties is destined to not have What a great result... But that does not prevent her from staying with her favorite object, especially during the extra days when Naboo was staying for some reason and the few days after departure, she was quite sure , She felt very relaxed and sweet when she was alone with each other.

   She knows that it is a feeling of happiness, even if it may be short, even if there is one day to wake up, but she just wants to enjoy it now.


However, Anakin did not answer Padmé’s words, he was just checking the spacecraft’s instruments and watching the outer space conditions vigilantly, always paying attention to possible dangers at any time, and why would he be in the mood to see Padmé? What is the Milky Way view?

   "This journey should be very smooth, Anakin, you still don't worry too much..."

"I have obeyed your arrangement. Let the entourage follow the maid dressed as me and drive the shiny Naboo Royal Starship directly to Coruscant. No one will know that we are actually going around. On the way to the capital."

   "Even if someone really wants to kill me, they should attack the Naboo Royal Starship that will arrive a day earlier than us. Now we should worry about their safety, right?"

Seeing Anakin who controlled the spacecraft to stop in this place and slowly sneak forward by inertia, and prepared to anchor the next coordinate for superluminal navigation while alerting, Padmé couldn't help but laugh or cry. The earth comforted the other party and asked back.

"Do not!"

"Padme, don't underestimate those bounty hunters, you haven't contacted them, don't know their methods... I have studied with Obi-Wan for a full ten years, and I have fought with him in the past two years. Some difficult bounty hunters, you can never imagine how terrible they are!"

   "Anyway, I will send you to Coruscant safely at all costs. You can just sit with peace of mind. Just like that, you must listen to me for everything along the way!"

   Anakin glanced at Padmé next to him and the other person's ridiculous smile, but he didn't say much, because now is not the time to relax, he must be responsible for Padmé's safety!

Therefore, he first continued to carefully perceive the surrounding space with the Force, and found that there was indeed no danger or sensed there, and patiently waited for all the superlight engine values ​​to return to normal before doing it again. Started the engine, and let his Jedi shuttle sail toward the next coordinate, and disappeared into this beautiful space in an instant.

   "Of course, my Jedi Knight, I will listen to you, you are my commander now, is this all right?"


   "Anakin, this course, where are we going now?"

   After entering the state of super-light speed flight, there is no sight outside, and the eye is full of dazzling light bands, Padmé continued to question Anakin with some confusion.

   "Don't go anywhere!"

"It's just that you need to make a circle first and arrive at another busy route away from Naboo before diverting to Coruscant! This was specially explained by Obi-Wan before, and I also think this might be a good idea to confuse the enemy. Although it may not work, it is at least much safer than going directly from Naboo to Coruscant."

   After finally confirming that there were no problems with the instrument and coordinates, Anakin relaxed for a while, and was able to talk briefly with Padmé next to him.


   "Is it really as serious as you think?"

Seeing that Anakin no longer looked like on Naboo after setting off, but turned into an attitude of business affairs and task priority, Padmé suddenly became a little bit ridiculous, and sighed secretly. Scream.

   "Of course there is!"

   "Otherwise, Obi-Wan would not send me here!"

   Padmé has been in danger since he left Naboo. As a Jedi Knight and Anakin who started using the Force, he was very sure.

   "This way..."

   "Doesn't that mean, Anakin, you are now a very, very powerful Jedi?"

   "Is that so?"

Hearing that Obi-Wan had sent Anakin specially, Padmé asked with excitement, because she was very concerned about Anakin's situation. If the other party has really become a powerful Jedi, she I will definitely be happy for the other person!

   This is just like what he said to himself who pretended to be the queen's maid when the other party was a little kid. One day, he will definitely become a powerful Jedi Knight? And look now, the guy who looked so skinny because of malnutrition, really became a Jedi, and seems to be very strong?

"Do not!"

"That’s just because I’m the closest to Naboo. According to the time you originally decided to leave, other Jedi Knights or Jedi Masters didn’t have time to come to Naboo, so Obi-Wan had to let me come. I’m not a one yet. Jedi Knight, I’m just an apprentice for the time being, Obi-Wan said I still have a lot to learn."

   "That's it..."

   "Then what do you think it is?"

  ‘Hey! I thought you were so strong that Obi-Wan had to choose you to perform this task! ’


   "Padme, it won't be long before I will become stronger. I promise you, you will see that day soon!"

  ‘I’m looking forward to it, Anakin...’

   "Thank you!"

   "I hope you won't be too surprised then?"

'what! ’

  ‘Anakin, no matter what you become, I won’t be surprised, I promise you too! ’

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "Really..."

'of course! ’

"hope so……"

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Anakin, don’t you believe me? ’

   "No! No!"

  ‘You have it, your eyes and expressions have betrayed you! ’


In this way, Padmé and Anakin were chatting happily with each other in this small Jedi shuttle, and they soon arrived at the coordinates of their second destination. Out of the Akanis area.


   "Wait, it looks like..."

It’s just that this time, not long after he emerged from a super-light speed voyage, he hadn’t waited for Anakin to check the surrounding situation and lock the next coordinate and perceive the origin of the slight sense of crisis. I saw a sudden attack in the distance. The blasting beam, and inevitably, the Jedi shuttle that had just emerged from the super-light speed shook violently, and it also shot a lot of sparks in the cockpit.

  ’! ! ’

  'Ah~! ! ’

Padmé, who was dozing off, was woken up in a daze, and when she saw the sparks exploding on the dashboard, she was scared and screamed on the spot, and she was shaken away from the co-pilot. Location, and hit the top of the cockpit hard.


   "Sure enough, it was all Obi-Wan's fault, he shouldn't have made this fixed route for me!!"

After Anakin subconsciously cursed a certain self-righteous senior brother Obi-Wan, before waiting for certain attacking enemies to send a second blast of energy toward his injured shuttle again, Suddenly he accelerated, pressed a preset landing point because he had landed before, and rushed towards a planet that he didn't intend to return back soon, flying dangerously short distances faster than light...




caveat! !

   The super-light engine is damaged, the balancer is damaged, the auxiliary power is offline, the spacecraft is crashing now, please prepare for the impact...

After flying out of the speed of light again, I saw Feichuang plunged into the atmosphere of a khaki planet, and began to make the outer side of the spacecraft red and ignite due to intense friction, and let the spacecraft drive at the same time. The sight looking out of the cabin became very horrible!

  ’! ! ’

'not good! ’

  ‘Anakin! It's about to crash, you must think of a way! ’

After being hit and recovering, Padmé, who had just gotten up from the floor just because of the gravity environment, once again tilted down next to Anakin's driving position because of the spacecraft's stall, and hurriedly urged him. Tao.

   "No way!"

   "The spacecraft is completely out of control, I can't help it!!"

'what? ’

  ‘Then what should I do now? ’

"Hold me tight!"

'what? ’

"Hold me tight!!"

  ‘But, what's the use? ’

   "We don't necessarily die, I have the force, if you hold me tightly, it may make you less hurt when you land!"

'Are you sure? ’

"I do not know!!"


   "Hold me tight!!!"

'what! Good, good! ’

At the urging of Anakin, Padmé, who had no good solution at all, did not continue to persist or be reserved. Instead, he fumbled forward and hugged him from the driving position. Anakin stood up.

   But, even though Anakin just said that, he himself knew that the force was not omnipotent, at least not! Therefore, even if he tried his best to stimulate his power, it would not make a spaceship that was smoky and crashing crash toward the planet's ground slower.

  ‘Anakin! ’

"what happened?"

  ‘I...I like you! ’


"what did you just say?!"

'I said! I like you! ! ’

   "I can't believe it, I want to dream, but when did you start?"

'I do not know either! ’

   "But, Padmé, why are you only willing to say it now?"

  ‘Because I’m afraid I won’t have a chance if I don’t say anything! ! ’

   "Padme, I like you too..."

'what did you say? ’

  ??~? Whoo~! !

   Boom! ! ! !

Finally, the black smoky spacecraft slammed into the soft yellow sand of the planet, and then after knocking out the dust in the sky and plowing out a trail dragged by a deep ravine hundreds of meters long, The burning spaceship finally came to a stop.

   And at this moment, at the moment of the impact, two men and women who were clinging to each other were thrown out at the same time, and they fell on a soft sand dune and began to roll towards the bottom of the dune...


   "Anakin, we're not dead? That's great! But where is this?"

After a long time, after the two men and women rolled frantically on the sand dune and stopped at the bottom of the dune, a woman who looked so embarrassed finally stood up and stood up and looked at the surroundings. The scenery asked Anakin, who was also getting up while groaning.

"I do not know……"

   "But in an emergency, I clicked on the nearest suitable planet randomly selected, and it was still a landing point I preset... Now depending on the situation, this should be Tatooine no doubt."

   Anyway, Anakin will not tell Padmé that he just chose this place deliberately, because here, he and the two of them have a chance to survive! Otherwise, if they really choose individual planets randomly, in the border zone of the Galactic Republic, I am afraid they will not find helpers or wait for the arrival of reinforcements.


   "Are we safe now?"

After looking at the left and right, and then wiping his body, he found that neither he nor Anakin seemed to be missing any parts or injured. Padmé hurriedly patted the yellow sand on his body and hair while facing him. Nagin asked.

"Do not!"

   "It's definitely not safe now! Because they will definitely come after!"

   Looking at the sky, Anakin felt that there was more than one spaceship coming towards the place where they fell... It can be seen that those guys would definitely not give up before they were sure that they were killed!

   Of course, it is also possible that they need to get Padmé's body or head so they can ask for commission from the remnant employers of the trade alliance?

   Anyway, it won’t be long, maybe an hour, maybe only half an hour, they will definitely find here!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Ah!"

   "What should I do, Anakin, now your spaceship is broken. Are we going to find someone to repair it, or buy a new one?"

   Looking at the burning spaceship, Padmé had no good way, so he could only suggest that.

"Do not!"

   "I'm afraid they won't give us so much time..."

  '? ? ’

  ‘Why? Are they chasing? ! ’

   "Hmm! You guessed it!"

   "But, let's go, regardless of them, get out of here first!"


  ‘Where are we going? Moss Eisley? ’

"Do not!"

   "What's so good about Mos Eisley? Padmé, why are we going there, why do you think so?"

  ‘Then you have to ask! ’

  ‘Because I know that it is the largest cosmic harbor in Tatooine, and only there can you buy a spacecraft that can leave here! ’

"Do not!"

   "Padme, believe me, don't destroy them. Neither of us would want to leave this planet alive. I know which bounty hunters! They are like a group of hyenas, they will bite us hard!"


  ‘Anakin, are you sure, do you have to do that? ’



  ‘But, do you know how many of them are? ’

"do not know!"

"Maybe it's a few, maybe a hundred people, maybe there are hundreds... Padmé, you might not know it? Your head is very valuable now! The trade alliance wants your life, but This is enough for the bounty hunters to take any risk and kill you, even if you get to Coruscant!"

'what! ! ’

  ‘Aren’t we dangerous now? ’

   "It may be elsewhere, but not necessarily here!"

   ‘how about...’

  ‘Let’s call for support? ’

   "It's too late! The fastest spacecraft will take several days to get here. If we all count on others, we will probably be over when they arrive!"

   "Let's go! This way!"

  '? ? ’

  ‘Anakin, the spacecraft must be broken, but the communication equipment is probably not broken according to the important ones. Don’t you send a distress message first? ’

   "No need!"

  ’! ! ’

  ‘You must be sure to beat them? ’


   "Nowhere else, but here it is!"

   Anakin said confidently, and motioned Padmé to follow him if he was not injured.

   "But why?"

   However, Padmé, who was stunned by Anakin's words, didn't intend to give up, and rushed to Anakin's side and asked.

"No reason!"


   "Wait for me! Anakin, are you hiding something from me?"

   "Of course there is!"

   "I'm a Jedi Knight. Of course, Jedi Knights will keep a lot of things from ordinary people like you, that's confidential!"


   "Let's go! Padmé, go up quickly, or we may miss important transportation later."

   "Transportation? Anakin, where is transportation in such a place?!"

   "Why not, look?"

   Soon, when the two climbed to the top of the dune with difficulty, Anakin and the slightly surprised Padmé quickly discovered:

   In the distance, a smoky yellow sand was rising. Obviously, someone saw that there was a crash site here, so they rushed to see what happened, or...want to take advantage of the fire?

   "It's the sand people, those Tusken people!"

   "It seems that we can save a credit for buying transportation..."

As the opponent got closer and closer, after seeing clearly that the people riding on the floating motorcycles were a group of sandmen-like people, Anakin sighed, took out the lightsaber grip that was buckled around his waist, and Hold it tightly in the palm of his hand.

"what happened?"

   "Anakin, aren't they here to help rescue?"

   Seeing Anakin's reaction, Padmé hid behind him with some fear, and asked timidly.



"Padme, you have to remember that the sand people here are not very friendly, especially those who wander the sand dunes. If you don't want to be caught by them, tortured to death or sold as slaves, then the most Stay away from them or be ready to fight back at any time!"

As the sandmen riding on levitating motorcycles in the distance approached and surrounded them with weapons inadvertently, Anakin didn't say anything any more, but only when the other party approached and clamored to catch them. , Suddenly revealed the iconic lightsaber hilt of the Jedi Knight, and then threatened it step by step.


Originally Padmé had some doubts about what Anakin said, but when she found out that the sandmen had clearly seen Anakin's identity, they still used their hands regardless. After the weird explosive weapon in Anakin shot at Anakin, she instantly believed his words.

  ‘He is a Jedi! ’

'How to do? ’

  ‘Kill him! Then grab the woman, no one here will see that we did it! ’

  ‘Shoot! ’

'kill him! ! ’



Following the menacing group of sandmen who arrived on a levitating motorcycle, but chose the wrong target, Anakin, a Jedi apprentice with certain previous convictions, easily killed them within a few strokes and cut them several times. Picking and driving one of the most energy-efficient and state-of-the-art levitation motorcycles, carrying his former queen Padmé, directly abandoning the corpses of the incomplete sand people in that place and heading away...


   "Anakin, the sand people here, I mean those Tuskens, are they all like that?"

  Although Anakin's behavior just now was a bit cruel, Padmé didn't think there was anything wrong with the opponent's defense counterattack, but she still had some curiosity and doubts about the sand people on this chaotic planet.


   "At least what I know is that. They are all bandits, thugs, terrorists and killers!"


  ...Nnn? Ask for a ticket?nnn...

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