Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1228: Anakin and Padme being hunted


The chucking sound of the old engine of the slightly backward sand dune suspension motorcycle has been lingering in the ears of Anakin and Padmé, and it seems to have become the only theme in this monotonous sand sea world The song is general.


   Anakin has not spoken, nor has he dared to stay long at the crash site of his own spacecraft.

After he snatched the floating motorcycle under the two people from the hands of the stupid sandmen who wanted to take advantage of the fire, he and Padmé left for the first time, and they were already in this area forever. The golden-yellow sand sea of ​​China has been racing at an extremely fast speed for about two to three hours.


Even after so long, even if they are almost rushing forward in a straight line at a super-high speed close to the speed of sound, but now looking back around, where you can see, apart from the lingering wind and the endless sand sea That endless sea of ​​sand!

   If ordinary people dare to drive so fast in an atmospheric planet without protection, they will definitely be hurt or overturned by the strong air current! However, Anakin is not an ordinary person. He is a Jedi Knight. Even if he is only an apprentice now, he can also use his force stronger than ordinary Jedi to break open and block those who are attacking him and Padmé. The airflow between the two makes them feel a little more comfortable.


  ‘Anakin, are we too fast? ’

Yes, in Padmé’s opinion, she and Anakin are indeed a little faster. They are flying at all, and they are flying too low. She is afraid that the other party will not have time to react and bump into each other. On a sand dune!

  If that were the case, then she and he would probably die in a ridiculous traffic accident after escaping the dangerous catastrophe of the crash? Of course, she would definitely not say it rashly, because she felt that she should choose to trust Anakin. She felt that the other party would distinguish the importance and would take her away from danger.


  ‘Then how long do we have to fly, where are we going? ’

Looking around, the only thing that makes Padmé feel a little change, she feels that she and Anakin are not in a circle, except for the straight path behind the two, which is formed by the whistling of the two. Apart from the yellow sand and smoke, there is really no other reference!

There are absolutely no green plants, no villages and cities, and no past businessmen or spaceships, even the barbaric sand people who like to steal, murder, kidnap and torture that Anakin said. Never seen it again.

And if it wasn't for the atmosphere here to breathe directly, if it wasn't for Tatooine, if it wasn't for the Tatooine, if it wasn't for the guy who had been easily killed by Anakin before, and the Taskan Sandman and the captured vehicle used to travel As for the suspension motorcycle in the sand, I am afraid she would still think that the two people here are on a deadly wild planet, right?


   "Anakin, I seem to have seen it just now, like someone is chasing us?"

   "Hey! Did you hear what I said?"

at last……

About an hour later, Padmé, who was tortured by the dry sand and thirst, was holding Anakin's thick waist and touching her with chunks of strong abdominal muscles. After hesitating for a while, he said in a weak tone with some uncertainty.

Because, several times, she seemed to be faintly watching something behind the two of them. It seemed that someone was following her and Anakin, but... she wasn't sure if it was a human or an animal, or just Is it her illusion?


   Anakin was noncommittal, and continued to drive forward on the suspension motorcycle, and looked at the fuel gauge on the dashboard with a little frown.

   "You just found out?"

   "Padme, you read that right, someone is really chasing us behind, so I must keep this speed!"

   Anakin said lightly.

   And listening to his tone is not difficult to judge, Padmé later realized that he already knew it! It's just that he didn't bother to pay attention to those guys who couldn't catch up with them for a while. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that those guys deliberately followed far away, and are not ready to rush up easily before they have a certain number of advantages or form an encirclement?


   "Anakin, how many of them are following us? I seem to... seem to have seen several groups of different guys, and they don't seem to be sand people either..."

Yes, Padmé is quite sure that the dress of the sandmen is not that way, and the vehicles that those guys are riding are too advanced, at least compared to the wild and backward Tatooine who only sells second-hand goods. That's it.


try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Of course they are not sand people, they are bounty hunters!"

   Anakin snorted coldly, and directly stated the identities of those who came.

   "As for the number of them...The Force told me that there are currently more than one hundred?"

   "Anyway, what I have seen so far is that there are almost six teams of different bounty hunters chasing us around. The smallest team has less than ten people, and the largest number is dozens!"

   "Moreover, they still have a few spaceships going forward..."

   Although this might worry Padmé, after Anakin hesitated for a while, he honestly told all he knew.

as expected!

Just after Anakin finished speaking, a bloated spaceship appeared in the distance, and then it followed dozens of vehicles on the ground and appeared openly in Anakin and Padmé. Among the yellow sand rising behind... soon, more teams appeared around, and successfully made the yellow sand roll about one kilometer behind the two people, like a sandstorm, and closed together. People rushed.

Fortunately, the sandman’s suspension motorcycle sitting underneath Anakin and Padmé seems to have undergone some illegal modification, coupled with the blessing of Anakin’s force, making it a little faster It's not slow, it can faintly pass the chasers behind him a little bit, even those bloated spacecrafts whose speed is severely restricted and hindered after entering the atmosphere can't catch up at all?


   "Ah! He, they really have so many!"

   "What shall we do now?"

   Finally, after seeing that there are so many enemies, and no longer lurking and trailing, but starting to chase and want to surround themselves, Padmé is a little anxious.

   "What else can I do?"

   "Go on, and then, find a place to destroy them!"

   glanced at the tattered rearview mirror and saw that the enemy seemed to be trying to surround himself and Padmé. Anakin gritted his teeth and said with murderous words.

'what? ’

  ‘But, Anakin, can we beat them by the two of us? Also, do you have any extra weapons? ’


   "We Jedi Knights have always only brought a lightsaber!"

  ’! ! ’

'then what do I do? ! ’


   "Don't worry, Padmé, I will protect you, I promise!"

   "But I always feel a little uneasy..."

  ‘Or, Anakin, let’s go to Mos Eisley now. Is it far from here? ’

   "Why are you going there?"

   Anakin felt a little curious, not knowing why the other party suddenly said this.

  ‘Because there are so many people there and it’s the largest spaceport, they should not dare to mess around! ’

'What do you think? ’

"Do not……"

"You are wrong, Padmé, Mos Eisley is not only the largest spaceport, it is also a pirate city! Let them know that if you arrive at Mos Eisley, you will be more dangerous than outside here. , Because everyone inside may want your life!!!"

  ‘What about Mos Espar? ’

   "No way!"

   "It's too far, they won't let us go to that place, and we don't have enough fuel."

   The them in Anakin's mouth are obviously the boy bounty hunters who are hunting them down, ambushing them in the universe and shooting them down!

   "Where shall we go now?"

   This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, Padmé is a little worried.

   "Padme, would you believe me?"

'of course! ’

   "Then don't ask!"

   "I can only tell you this: In a sand village on the planet Tatooine, I met a group of friends...I think, after so many days, they should be able to help us."

   "And that place is not far away, just ahead..."

   After hesitating for a while, Anakin said a little flicker.


   "Are these sand people?"

Padmé asked loudly against the wind, because she had just seen that Anakin simply killed several sandmen and robbed each other’s motorcycles, and said that none of the sandmen was good, but Why are you now saying that you have friends in a sand village?


   "But don't ask for now, as long as you know, I will protect you with all my strength, that's it!"

Anakin did not intend to explain, and it is not the time to explain, because the bounty hunters began to speed up to catch up, he must deal with it with all his strength, and strive to reach the one he just said before the encirclement of the opponent is closed. Destination, otherwise, he and Padmé would be really dangerous.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Once caught by those bounty hunters, in this kind of desert with no shelter, he is not sure to ensure Padmé’s safety, even Even his own life can't be guaranteed!


   "Okay, Anakin, I believe you!"

No way. Padmé didn’t want to say anything when he saw the other party. He just hugged him tightly, and then pressed his cheek tightly to the other party’s back, listening to Anakin’s strength. The steady heartbeat of the body and the inexplicable sense of security that the other party brought to him as a Jedi warrior.


   "Don't worry, it's not far away, just ahead, we should be able to get there before dark!"

Look at the sky, and then look at the enemy who is chasing frantically behind. Since childhood, Anakin, who has lived here in this Tatooine, is very familiar with the length of time and the environment here. Continue to talk to Padmé, but squinted his eyes and focused on controlling the suspended sand bike, twisted the steering wheel slightly, and turned towards a certain spot in his force perception.

   The current situation between him and Padmé is indeed very dangerous, because he is really not sure to fight against so many bounty hunters, even if it is changed to Obi-Wan or the teacher Quigon King here!

But fortunately, when Anakin came to Tatooin before, due to some chance and coincidence, he had arranged some interesting little things on this planet. Although the time was not very long, he believed that, So many days are enough time for them to provide him with the necessary assistance and eliminate the bounty hunters who want to besiege or capture them alive!

Even if he has never really tested their power, even if it will be the first time he will test them, but his force has told him more than once that his'friends' are very powerful, very powerful !


At night, although the sky full of galaxies can be clearly seen in the sky of the Tatooine Desert, the ground is abnormally dark. Looking up, there is quiet between the sky and the earth, without the sound of any animals or birds. , And there is no fire or light belonging to civilization, just like this is really a wild planet without any life.

   And now...

A group of bounty hunters with various eyepieces on their faces quietly surrounded a similarly quiet building composed of many domed sand-sand buildings and tents, but strangely, there was nothing at all. Abandoned village where sand people live.


  ‘The two goals, are you sure they went in? ’

'Yes! Boss, we chased and saw them go in! You see, the current positioning device also shows that the **** with a very valuable head is inside. This time we are rich! ’

  ‘Hmm, good...’

  ‘But what did others say? ’

  ‘They’ve negotiated and said which team caught the bitch, they can divide it in half, and the one who killed the Jedi Knight can get 10% more, and the rest will be divided equally! ’

  ‘Very good! Very reasonable! ’


  ‘At all I will also capture the woman’s head alive! ! ’

'Yes! ! ’

  ‘Other people stay on the outside, don’t let them run away! ’

  ‘Don’t worry, we have all set up the anti-aircraft guns, they will never run away! ! ’

'Humph! ’

  ‘Offense! Watch out for that Jedi Knight! ’

'Yes! ’

  ‘Yes, boss Harding...’

Soon, this group of bounty hunters who surrounded the village and seemed to have reached a certain agreement, under a tacit command, began to feel the darkness, carrying a variety of advanced night vision equipment and weapons, toward Not far away, the deserted desert village hidden in the sand, boulder piles, and ravine gaps and canyons touched it.

'Well? ! ’

  ‘What’s wrong, boss Harding? ’

'Do not! ’

  ‘It’s nothing, I seem to see something in the distance...’

   The bounty hunter who was called Harding's boss turned on the life detection instrument on his eyepiece with some doubts and swept towards the distant place, but found nothing.

Then, he turned his head again and swept towards the village, and found that the life signals of the target woman and a certain ridiculous Jedi were still clearly displayed in his eyepieces, he nodded in satisfaction, never again Regardless of the small sound that sounded like a rustling sound from the back of their encirclement that you just discovered.



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