Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1229: You, don't come over! !

Anakin and Padmé are no longer running, and there is no way to continue running, because the two of them have now reached their destination, and are surrounded by the enemy, hiding in such a room while it is still relatively solid. The kind of Tatooine characteristic sand dome small house.

   Then, Padmé, who had been in fear for an afternoon, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, and finally no longer worry about being dried into a dry corpse by the heat wave and dry wind on that **** killing motorcycle.

   Of course, that kind of thing is not important, because Padmé only hopes to drink a large glass of water! Even if she is going to die later, even if she will be cut off by those bounty hunters later and soaked in a glass jar to be collected by some **** trade union governor, she just wants to take a good mouthful before dying. Drink enough!


   There is nothing here!

   When she just rushed in, she had discovered that there was nothing here in this water, no food, no sand people, and no ‘friends’ as Anakin said! Here, it is basically a village that has been abandoned for a while, and what is worse: she and Anakin have been besieged by those bounty hunters, and the ending is likely to be absolutely impossible to escape or defeat. The kind?


   "What about the friends you just mentioned, why is there no one here and I didn't see anything?!"

   After sitting down, Padmé, who was thirsty and unbearable, felt increasingly uneasy.

Because she knows that they are now completely surrounded by at least two hundred elite bounty hunters. As Anakin said before, some friends who can help the two who live here are not there at all. Here! This is just a broken village that has been deserted for a long time. Apart from them and the enemies who have completely surrounded this place, there is really nothing else.

Therefore, in addition to exhaustion, endless fear and chill suddenly began to hit her, making her unable to help but shrink into the bed of what seemed to be sand citizens, as it would bring her a sense of security general.


   "I'm still here!"

   Anakin held Padmé’s face that was starting to turn pale and his lips were chapped, and then stared at each other for a long time before he asked:

   "Listen, Padmé, look into my eyes, yes, look into my eyes... I ask you, would you believe me?"



   After a long while, Padmé nodded and recovered, her face looked a little better, and the sad expression on her face had also faded a lot.

   "Very good!"

   "I'm going out to deal with them now, you just wait here, don't go anywhere until I come back, okay?"

   Without waiting for the other person to say anything, Anakin looked up and kissed the other person deeply. Then without waiting for the other person to respond, he quickly let go and walked straight to the door.



   "Wait! Anakin, I'll be with you!!!"

Finally, after a long while, Padmé came back to his senses, and subconsciously wanted to rush out of the sandman who didn’t know it belonged to. Many of the things in it looked very new and not covered by sand. house.


   "Hey! Anakin! What are you doing?!"

   However, as soon as Padmé opened the curtain door, he found out: This small house seems to be blocked by Anakin with a boulder?


She tried to push, but found that she couldn't move at all, and she saw that there was no window or anything in the domed house. After calling the other party and receiving no response, her feet were soft, and she was so soft. On the floor of the house full of yellow sand, there was just one person waiting helplessly in the dark.


She didn’t choose to scream, because she knew that Anakin must have chosen someone to deal with the vicious bounty hunters...because he was a powerful Jedi and she was just an ordinary woman. Her former status as a queen or her current status as a senator couldn't help him at all, so he chose to face it alone, to fight to protect her?

and so……

As she slumped on the ground, she began to pray silently, praying that her samurai could destroy those enemies and return safely, praying that the impossible miracle would happen to them, praying to open the blocked door The boulder is her hero, not the villains who rushed in with a grin and wanted to capture or chop off her head!

Padmé’s worries and prayers were not known to Anakin, so he used the force to control a heavy rock and moved it to completely block the deserted house of the sand people, to ensure that Padmé inside could not come out to make trouble or After seeing something that shouldn't be seen, he walked a few steps into the darkness ahead, then stood still, and softly asked a pair of red eyes that began to appear in the darkness:

   "Swarm Number One..."

   "So many days have passed, how is your Tatooine base now developing?"

Anakin did not pay attention to Padmé who was blocked in the house by him, nor did he pay attention to the bounty hunters who were surrounded and searched for the village where they were in the distance. He just looked at him with admiring eyes. The tall and strong creature named'hydralisk' looked at it.

  ‘Report the great Anakin master...’

'The development of the No. 1 Insect Swarm is very normal. In the cave below this canyon, we have successfully hatched the hatchery, the red snake nest and the split pond. The area covered by the fungus blanket has already spread to almost hundreds of thousands of square meters... ...'

  ‘But Master, the resources of this planet are too poor. I’m afraid Swarm No. 1 can’t grow to the size of Swarm No. 0...’

   This distinctive Hydralisk speaks in a special syllable of ‘hiss’, in a language that only Anakin can understand.

   "Very good!"

   "What about the current military strength?"

   Anakin doesn't care about the development of the swarm, because he knows that they will adapt to the environment and overcome various difficulties to develop themselves. He only needs to issue orders and wait for the results.


  ’Not counting the larvae and the worker bees, there are more than 1,000 springworms, and more than 500 Hydralisks have hatched. The queen who leads the No. 1 Swarm is hatching, and it may take a long time...’


   "Is the current military strength only more than 1,500?"


   "More than one thousand should be enough, you have also seen it, now there are two to three hundred bounty hunters outside, are you sure to completely eliminate them?!"

  Although the development was slow due to insufficient resources, Anakin was still very pleased to be able to develop from a larva as thick as a finger to its present scale in less than half a month!

   After all, compared to the underground environment of Coruscant, Tatoo is still a bit too sleepy. With the corpses of the sand people at that time able to develop to the present level, he is not dissatisfied.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  ‘Master……’

  ‘This is very simple for the swarm, very simple...’

   "Very good!"

   "Within an hour, I want you to end the battle, and none of those enemies can stay!"

"and many more!"

   "Grab one of their leaders, I need to interrogate... But you try not to make too much movement, and don't let them have any chance to escape, understand?!"

   Anakin said viciously.

Half a month ago, he slaughtered the entire tribe of sand people here with one person. Now, he wants to see if his No. 1 Insect Swarm can satisfy him and bring those daring to hunt him and Padmé’s guys wiped out?


'Roger that……'

  ‘Great Master Anakin, let’s make arrangements less than an hour, at most a short while, you will see the results. ’


   After finishing speaking, the Hydralisk bowed its head slightly and bowed to Anakin, then slowly snaked back and disappeared into the dark night, as if it had never appeared before.

"is it?"

   "I will look forward to it..."

   Anakin, who has not really understood the true strength of the Swarm, is somewhat noncommittal, but he is still looking forward to the first battle of the Swarm! And now, those powerful bounty hunters, some of them who are not even inferior to ordinary Jedi knights, will definitely be good subjects for experimentation.


   The bounty hunters did not realize what they were about to face, they still greedily stared at the two green figures on the life detector and fumbled forward little by little.

   There is no doubt, from their point of view, a Jedi apprentice plus a former queen of Naboo who has little resistance and may even have no weapons, it must be impossible to escape their round up! And now, the reason why they are still cautious is just worrying about accidental injury and the dying counterattack of that Jedi Knight.

   They are here to make a lot of money. Since they have an absolute chance of winning now, under this situation, no one wants to lose their lives here easily.

  ’! ? ’

'what happened? ’

  ‘The one who just jumped over, what is that? ! ’

  ‘What did you see? ’

'do not know……'

  ‘Damn it! There is no response on the detector, the two of them are still in front, don't mess up the formation! fast! Keep searching, don’t let those guys on the other side get ahead! ’

'Yes! ’


A group of Mandalorian bounty hunters stopped for a while and confirmed that there was no abnormality on the detector, and their target remained in the middle of the village and did not move too much, and then began to cover each other and move forward again, ready to cooperate. Catch the most valuable and important target, and kill the Jedi Knight by the way?


  嗖! Whoosh!

   tu! Tuk! Tuk!

  ’! ! ’

'Wow! ! ’


   With bursts of low-pitched air, the fastest Mandalorian bounty hunters walking in front were accurately hit by something in the dark and fell dead instantly!


'who is it? ! ! ’

The Mandalorian who survived by the fluke saw his companions wiped out instantly, and even the Besca metal armor that could resist lightsabers and blaster guns, that is, the Mandalorian steel, was completely straightened. After the sharp object penetrated, before he had time to raise the explosive gun in his hand and fight back, he saw in horror from his night vision device:

A monster with two strong hooves, fierce fangs and sharp claws, and spikes and small wings behind it suddenly jumped out of the corner of the wall and jumped towards him, and he did not have time to buckle. Before pulling the trigger, he bit his head severely!




   When the terrible, jumping monster jumped from the headless body of the Mandalorian bounty hunter, there was no living Mandalorian in this dark place.

On the ground, there are only those corpses lying still and a certain unlucky one. Even the head wearing a mandalorian helmet was bitten out of shape, and the white and red ones were flowing out. Liquid, like a hapless corpse without a head...

  嗖! Whoosh!

  ’! ! ’

'Who? ’

  ‘Uh! ! ’

'not good! enemy……'

  ‘Uh~! ! ’

At the same time, the same thing began to happen to the other bounty hunter teams who invaded the village... It didn’t take long until everything calmed down, and those surrounding the village soon discovered that the village There are no more signs of life for your team members, and even the call is unresponsive?

   Besides, they never had any contact with the two targets who were in the middle of the village. How come they all died somehow? !

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Damn it! ! ’

  ‘Quick! Push our blaster over and blow up the village, the Jedi knight inside, and the woman! ! ’

Seeing that the situation had taken a turn for the worse, and seeing the hunters who had been rounded up and searched in, they were wiped out in a very short period of time, and they didn’t even escape. A group of bounty hunters gathered around the periphery angrily shouted and prepared. Launched shelling.

  Because they felt that it must be the ghost of the Jedi Knight, and only the mysterious force that they did not understand can achieve the terrifying record of destroying more than 100 hunters in a short time! However, they had never heard of the Jedi Knights who could achieve that level. Therefore, they were a little worried, so they decided to choose the method of shelling to destroy each other.

  '? ? ’

  ‘Asshole! Didn't you hear it? Push me the blaster...! ’

A certain chief stared at the two life signals in the village for a long time. He really couldn't figure out what happened. He cursed in angrily, and took the night vision binoculars with life detectors in his hands. He fell to the ground, then turned his head angrily, planning to teach some disobedient subordinates first?



  嘭! !


   He was surprised to find that the subordinates who were still standing behind him, after shaking for a while, threw themselves on the yellow sand, and made a muffled noise. At the same time, behind them, there are actually long and poisonous long thorns that are glowing with green light? !


Knowing that something was wrong and the boss of a bounty hunter who first touched his waist blaster before he had time to draw his gun, he was jumped over by a monster that jumped high and snapped him off. That just took out the arm of the explosive pistol.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  ’! ! ’

  ‘Wow! ! ! ’

   Soon, a heart-piercing cry sounded on the quiet desert wasteland.


  嗖~! Whoosh~!

At the same time, behind various places in the bounty hunter's encirclement, a hideous-looking monster suddenly burrowed out of the sand, and pierced the armor-piercing spines with strong toxic armor on those who did not react, or reacted. Under the horrified gaze of the bounty hunters who had no way to stop them, their bodies were pierced one by one, so that they could only fall to death on the desolate desert surrounding this sandman tribe with their eyes wide open...

'Do not……'

  ‘Don’t come here! ’

'Do not kill me! ’

  ‘I can give you money, a lot of money! ! ’

Only the boss of the bounty hunter whose arm was bitten off was not dead yet. He just rolled on the ground, and the yellow sand stuck to the wound prevented his blood from continuing to drain, but he couldn't stop the dense crowds. Yes, the zombie and hydrangeas surrounding him were causing great pressure in his heart and the horrible breath that almost made him nervous.


   "Huh! They won't want your money!"

   "Now... tell me, how exactly did you track us down, and why can you still ambush here in the Akanis area in advance?"

Finally, as the terrifying insect swarms slowly and voluntarily gave way to both sides, the Jedi apprentice Anakin Skywalker, who walked step by step, had a gloomy face, and fell to the ground at someone, looking very embarrassed. The boss of the bounty hunter pressed.

  ’! ! ’

'you! you are……'

  It never occurred to me that these terrifying monsters were controlled by a young Jedi Knight, which shocked the boss of the bounty hunter who just wanted to ask for mercy!


   After half an hour, Anakin returned to the room where Padmé was'held'.

   Then, when he moved the dashi with the original force and walked in, a black shadow with a hint of fragrance suddenly leaped at him from inside, and it seemed that he was still holding a certain iron rod in his hand?

   "Stop it!"

   "Padme, it's me..."

After    easily avoided and grabbed the iron rod that the opponent smashed toward his forehead, Anakin reminded him with a bitter smile.


   "Ah, Anakin? Great, you're fine, I just thought..."

   whimpered, and after hearing who was coming, Padmé rushed directly at the black figure who had entered the house and hugged him hard.



"and many more!"

   What made Padmé feel horrified and trembling is that after letting go of him, the other party reached out and started to tear his clothes?

"do not!"

   "! What are you doing?!"

And if it weren’t for the brave Jedi Knight Anakin who could be 100% sure with her voice, tone, body, and taste in the dark, she would have thought that the other party had done all those things. Asshole bounty hunter too!


   However, Anakin did not speak, and continued to stretch his hand to tear at the opponent's body.


"do not!"

   "Stop! What are you doing! Anakin, let go!!"


"Do not!!"



   "You! Don't come over!"

Soon, even though she was in the dark, no one could see who was clearly, but Padmé knew that she was now smooth and clean, and all her clothes had been ripped off by the other party, including hair accessories, nothing at all. Left!

   So, she can only grab the things next to her and throw it towards the other party as much as possible, and can imagine, what the other party will do to her next!

   To be honest, if it is changed to another place, or when the atmosphere is better, maybe she will just follow it, right? But, it really doesn't work now. I am thirsty, sleepy, tired, and scared... Except for eagerly wanting to escape from this place and have a better rest and eat, I really don't want anything!

   What's more, what kind of hateful and strong way the other party chose to use against her?




"Padme, what do you think! Now, hurry up and put it on. The boss of a bounty hunter who was just caught by me has already said that someone around you has been bought, and they have a certain position in your body. Device, I don’t know what exactly it is, so..."


Anakin just threw the new clothes towards the other party. Before he could say more, he noticed several vague shadows coming towards him, so scared that he just evaded and explained loudly. .

"You bastard!"

   "You can't talk about that kind of thing earlier and then let me do it myself?!!!"

   Padmé scolded angrily. If she weren't in the dark room now, she could see the inexplicable redness on her cheeks, right?


   "Hug, sorry! I, UU reading I didn't think so much just now, really, Padmé, I swear..."

   Yes, just now Anakin was just immersed in the powerful excitement of the insects under his command, and there was no time to think about other things.

After all, his swarm easily wiped out those powerful enemies without any loss. Then, after being excited, he hurried back after asking why he was ambushed. , And directly tore off all the clothes and hair accessories on the other party that might hide the tracker. Where did you think about things between men and women?


Now that he had come back to his senses, Anakin was worried, he couldn't help but use the great force to gather in his own eyes and look at the other person... But unfortunately, the other person is already holding Except for the round and white shoulders, he could not see much of the clothes he had just thrown over.


   "Aren't you hurrying out?!"

Realizing that the other party was still standing there and not leaving, and the vague shadow was still sneaking in to spy on something, Padmé was ashamed and angry, so he grabbed a sandman’s instrument next to him and moved towards The opponent smashed the past fiercely!


   "Okay, okay...Hurry up, Padmé, I just grabbed a spaceship, we better get out of here as soon as possible!"

   After that, Anakin just ran away in a hurry, and never dared to do things like watching the other party change clothes or other rude things...



  ? The gentleman's king of the swarm asks for a ticket?

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