Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1236: Naboo's surprise day 1

"Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Journey(

Today is the third day Padmé left Naboo with Obi-Wan and others.


Obviously, Anakin did not know the current situation of Padmé and Obi-Wan, because he was still staying on Naboo and reported on the Jedi Council’s elders ordering him to return to Coruscant as soon as possible. So that he couldn't wait for Padmé's return order and was upset and annoyed.

Of course, it may also be annoying because of some problems with the insect swarm?

After all, the speed and scale of the development of the No. 2 insect swarm on Naboo is a bit too horrible, at least, he is now worrying about their population size and the related problems of concealment!

Because at this time, there is no core in Naboo, only the inside of the coalescence structure of the extremely special huge rock body, in the water and ocean of the planet, which is scattered with endless caves and tunnel networks and extremely rich in resources. Anakin’s No. 2 Insect Swarm has already used countless hatcheries, splitting ponds, worm dens, infected abyss, Hydralisk nests, main nests, thunder beast dens, giant spires and other insect swarm buildings in the form of bases. , Occupying more than half of the Naboo Star Underground Ocean World with a very fast spreading speed, and the number of Zergs that have been hatched has already far exceeded the size of the Zero Swarm. It must not be long before it will be soon. You can't cover it up, right?

At least, as far as current intelligence is concerned, his Swarm No. 2 has been discovered several times by the natives of Naboo, by those Gungans with special'planting biotechnology' and underwater activities... If it weren’t for the fact that the biological populations on the seabed of Naboo were very diverse, it would not be surprising that one or two Zergs appeared, and the Gungan’s activity area was originally small, conservative and a bit stupid, without much crisis awareness. If he didn't want to go further into the investigation at all, I'm afraid his insect swarms had been discovered and publicized and exposed.

So, now Anakin is a little bit embarrassed. I don’t know what to do with this latest deployment, but the fastest and fastest growing Swarm II...Plus, Padmé has left with Obi-Wan and they are not here now. Naboo, he has always been a little worried, and the orders of the Jedi Committee, etc., so he has been a little upset and restless in the last two days.

After barely staying at Naboo for two days, he was already thinking about whether or not to issue an order to let the swarms of Naboo continue to lie dormant while slowly spreading to nearby galaxies, and he himself would return to Coruscant first. Look at the situation?

Otherwise, staying here and defying the orders of the elders of the Jedi Council is not the answer after all?

But he hasn't decided what to do, so this is in tangled...


"That is……."

Suddenly, Anakin, who was standing by a railing at the terrace of his and Padmé’s "Love Nest" villa mansion in the Lake District, staring at the rippling lake in a daze, suddenly discovered: In the sky of Naboo, the sky is blue and the sun is bright. A large spacecraft actually landed?

At the same time, there are a lot of blasting beams, missiles, and warplanes on the ground of Naboo Star. They suddenly bombarded and pursued those large and small spacecraft that landed on the planet?


"that is……"

"That's the C-9979 landing spacecraft of the Trade Union and the robotic starfighter. Are those Trade Union guys!?"

After just one glance, Anakin quickly distinguished who the guys were forcibly landing on the planet and fighting with the defenders of Naboo!

However, now he doesn’t care who those guys are, and he doesn’t want to care about the life and death of the Naboo. He just ran to the house for the first time and opened the communication, intending to contact those who are heading to Geonosis and the separatist allies. Padmé and Obi-Wan were negotiating.

"Damn it!"

"Why can't I get all of them? Wait..."

After discovering that not only Padmé and the others could not communicate, but even Coruscant and the Jedi Committee were unable to communicate normally, Anakin smashed the instrument severely. When he was about to think of other ways, he was suddenly stunned. , And then subconsciously looked towards the sky outside.

"Could it be..."

"This is a conspiracy of the Separatist League from beginning to end?"

"No! Padmé is in danger!!"

Seeing that Naboo Star seems to have been surrounded, and also found that encrypted communications and other external communications have been completely cut off, and then think about what Padmé and the others are doing, Anakin can't even think of what is terrible. thing?

So, inevitably, knowing that they seem to have been played fiercely by the Separatist League, and knowing that Padmé is in danger, and may even have suffered misfortune, as waves of dizziness hit, that great fear and The boundless anger began to envelope him.

"Damn it!"

"Those **** will pay the price!!"

With the billowing smoke rising from the far side of the sky, the trade alliance C-9979 landing spacecraft that are still landing, and fewer and fewer counterattacks, it is not difficult for Anakin to guess that the current Naboo star is basically finished. Up.

Because he knew that this idyllic planet Nabry didn't have much military power at all!

However, after knowing the idea of ​​those separatist alliances and knowing that Padmé and others are likely to be in danger, Anakin, anxious, can no longer care about other things, and does not care about the distance. Which of the Trade Union C-9979 landing spacecraft was flying towards their lake area, ran quickly towards the bottom of the terrace.

He needs to go to the hangar to take their small high-speed spacecraft without any registration information, and then leave before the trade alliance warships have completely blocked Naboo to rescue Padmé.

As for how to save, he hasn't thought about it yet, he is still thinking about it now!

'Look! ’

'what is that? ’

‘Yes, it’s a trade alliance! They are back! ’

‘Run! ’

'not good! There is also one over there! ! ’

‘Help, help! ! ’

In this lake area where Anakin and Padmé took refuge and vacation, there are obviously many servants and Naboo’s royal guards, especially after being attacked by the three Mandalorians, the Queen of Naboo More people were sent here to guard.

But unfortunately, at this time, after a large number of trade alliance robots landed, they still failed to play any role and began to become chaotic and run wildly everywhere... Presumably, they must inevitably recall Ten years ago, when I was dominated by those terrifying combat robots, I was so afraid that I didn’t have the will to fight.

Of course, even if they have the will to fight, it’s useless, because with their poor manpower, it’s okay to resist ordinary bounty hunters or stand guards, but if there are hundreds of thousands, it looks like a densely packed blockbuster. Fighting robots, it would be too reluctant to force them.

‘! ! ’

‘Jedi? ’

'Great! Your Excellency Skywalker, robots from the Trade Alliance have come in. What should we do now? ’

When Anakin walked to the entrance of the hangar in the back garden, several Naboo Royal soldiers who looked extremely embarrassed were using their'ELG-3A' and'S-5' to wait for Naboo products. The individual weapon, fired at a distance with a blasting pistol that was slightly insufficient in power and range, and ran up to him while cajoling.

As for why there are only a few of the more than 20 Royal Naboo soldiers stationed here, it is temporarily unclear.

‘? ? ’

‘Your Excellency Skywalker? ! ’

Seeing that the young Jedi warrior ignored them, and did not care about the Trade Alliance combat robots that were rounding up here in the distance, the Nabo officer who looked like the captain couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Asked strangely again.


Anakin stopped, first glanced coldly at these soldiers with sad expressions on their faces, and then looked at the combat robots in the distance that were rounding up from the surrounding gardens and grass.


"Swarm, attack, kill them for me!!"

Finally, before the few Naboo soldiers looked hopeless and on the verge of despair, and the combat robots in the distance were slowly raising their guns and preparing to shoot them, Anakin calmly opened his mouth and released the air. Gave some inexplicable order.


puff! !

Following Anakin’s orders, countless zerglings and hydrangeas appeared out of thin air in the distortion of the light, or they simply broke through the ground and jumped out of the caves one by one, and began to move towards the distant ones. Those fighting robots and heavy fighting robots rushed away.

‘Hiss~! ’


Soon, in the unbelievable gazes of the Naboo royal soldiers, the hyenas and zebras they had never seen before, and did not know what race they were, were like cutting melons and vegetables, using their ridges. In a very short period of time, thorns or fangs and claws can sieve thousands of light and heavy combat robots, bite them into pieces, or tear them into pieces of scrap iron!

Then, when the Naboo soldiers recovered from their horror, they only saw:

The insect swarms have rushed far away at this time, and destroyed the C-9979 type landing ship of the Trade Alliance and the small amount of AAT and MTT they just landed into a pile of potholes and severe damage. The burning remains of...

'impressive! ’

‘It, what race are they? ’

'do not know…….'

‘Is it the kind of intelligent race that can communicate? ’

"It should be..."

‘! ! ’

'what! ! ’

Soon, when the two C-9979 landing ships of the trade alliance that came here were destroyed in less than half a minute, and the fighters and robots that landed were all turned into a pile of shattered metal garbage. , One of the huge red Hydralisk slowly snaked past them under the nervous gazes of the Naboo Royal soldiers who were almost hugged by fright. A terrifying and fierce look glanced at them, and scared two of them to be timid and slumped to the ground.


"I'll set off by myself later, to Geonosis Star!"

"You immediately prepare a spacecraft and a sufficient number of insect swarms to come to support, and allow you to move freely in Naboo and the surrounding remote galaxies, use the fastest to destroy the trade alliance warships and robots and block this star field, think How to make it look the same as usual, do you understand!?"

Anger makes people blind, and of course love is the same!

Anakin, who is worried about Padmé’s safety, can no longer take care of too much. He just wants to get to Geonosis in the fastest time! As for the insect swarm, although he also knew that once they were activated, they would definitely be completely exposed to the world, which would be very detrimental to his plan!

However, Anakin felt that now he has no time to think so much. He can only defeat the Trade Union and attack Geonosis first, and then block this remote galaxy at the same time. It can be delayed for a while. What's the problem? Time to talk?

Anyway, in Anakin's opinion, the trade alliance occupied and blocked Naboo ten years ago, and it took several months before and after, but now it shouldn't be a big problem for him?

‘Yes! ’

‘Great Master Anakin...’

After bowing his head in response, the huge red ferocious Hydralisk turned around and glanced at the group of Naboo Royal Soldiers who were huddled together a little at a loss, until they were backing together again. After several steps, although it seemed slow, it actually snaked away at a very fast speed.


Beep! Beep!

He sighed and used the code to open the automatic steel gate of the small hangar in the back garden, revealing the high-speed small space shuttle with the wings folded inside, Anakin paused. Then he turned his head to the group of Naboo Royal Soldiers who were still squeezing together in a daze and said:


"Don't be stunned, can you come and help me push it out and fill me up with fuel?!"

This hangar is very small, just barely enough to cover the spacecraft from wind and rain. If Anakin were to force it to start inside, maybe it would collide or scratch, causing him to go to Geonosis? Therefore, he felt that it might be a bit slow to do it all by himself, so he had to ask for help from the Royal Nanabo soldiers.

'what? ’

'Yes! ! ’

‘Yes! Lord Skywalker! ’

After a while, the Naboo soldiers came back to their senses, and hurried over, began to help Jedi Knight Anakin to push the small spaceship out of the narrow hangar, and first Time to find the fuel pipeline to skillfully fill the spacecraft with fuel and energy.

'That one……'

'and many more! ’

‘Your Excellency Skywalker, I don’t know what race those creatures are. Are they really you looking for help us Naboo Trade Alliance? ’

Finally, when Anakin rushed into the cabin and was about to close the cabin door and leave, the captain of the Royal Naboo soldier finally couldn't help it, and hurriedly asked.

You know, the fighting power of those monster-like guys have just witnessed with their own eyes. Hundreds of thousands of Trade Alliance robot soldiers and those AAT, MTT and two C-9979 landing ships are in less than a minute. Li was destroyed by those dozens of monsters...So, he was very worried, if they couldn't communicate well or if there was something wrong with the communication, what should they do with the Naboo people who seem to be unable to beat them?


"Don't worry, they can communicate, they are the helpers I got! Go back and tell you the Queen of Heart in Naboo, tell her: They also have some relationship with the Hero Federation, so let her try to cooperate with them as much as possible!"

"Specifically, wait until I rescue Padmé!"

After finishing speaking, before the Naboo Royal Soldier Captain who still wanted to ask questions, Anakin closed the hatch impatiently, and then quickly, there were bursts of engines. In the blowing air, under the gaze of the few Naboo soldiers who had escaped from the dead, he slowly ascended with the spaceship empty, and after adjusting the direction, he faced a certain direction in the sky. It disappeared in a flash.

And at this time, in the distant sky, countless allosaurus, countless allosaurus are like bombed beehives, shooting out from the waterways, lakes and swamps of the entire Naboo Star. , And soared into the sky, swooping towards the C-9979 landing spacecraft in the sky and the trade alliance warships in the universe, and activated the terrible living weapons at their tails-devastating , Even the thick armor plates of the human battleships in the Kepulu region and the protective plasma matrix of the Protoss clan can’t completely defend against semi-sensing parasitic blade insects!

And on the ground, let alone!

Countless, tens of millions or even billions of zombie, hydrangeas, poplars, cockroaches, infected, saboteurs, thunder beasts, etc. terrifying Zerg army will be shuddered when anyone sees it. The posture gushes out of the sea or earth tunnels inside Naboo, and in an extreme time, it clears the army of the trade alliance combat robots that have landed, and at the same time occupy the desperate Naboo and Gungan cities. And the gathering place, etc., and then directly controlled the entire Naboo star.

At this moment, Naboo has fallen again.

However, it did not fall into the hands of the combat robots of the trade alliance, but fell into the terrifying sea of ​​worms formed by the Zergs...



?? The Swarm Army asks for votes??

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