Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1237: Geonosis again

"Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Journey(

Ten years ago...

Anakin still remembers clearly that he and his teacher, the Qui-Gang King who rescued him from Tatooine, and Obi-Wan plus nearly a hundred Jedi Knights, all because of rash raids. This planet was captured by Earl Dooku and those insect-like Geonosians!

Fortunately at that time, at a critical juncture, when the Destroyer robots and fighter robots were preparing to shoot them all on the spot, it was still the little girl and the powerful head Anne Hasta in time. Arrived and saved all of them.

And today, ten years later, Anakin came here again, and following what the Force had told him, and the kind of feeling he had with Padmé, he carefully landed his spaceship. A large steamer of Geonosians was near the entrance and hidden behind a pile of rocks.

He now vaguely perceives that Padmé should not have had an accident, and that the opponent should be nearby, because he feels the presence of the opponent! Therefore, he vowed that he would spare no effort to rescue the other party, just like the powerful head Anne did when he rescued them ten years ago?

In short, in Anakin’s view, since the only eight-year-old Xiaoyuan’s capital was able to sneak into the enemy’s nest and rescue so many of them safely, then he must be able to successfully rescue his Padmé. of! As for Obi-Wan and the others, if he could, he might also rescue them easily. If not, he would not force it.

After all, his swarm should be coming soon, so it doesn’t seem impossible to save those guys to his swarm?


Although anxious and very worried about Padmé’s life, Anakin still kept a trace of reason, and for the last time contacted a certain insect in the second swarm of Naboo on his spacecraft. Only the red elite Force Hydralisk.

"It's you?"

"I have arrived at Geonosis now. The Swarm Support Fleet I asked you to support, where are they?"

In the communication, when he saw the strong elite Force Hydralisk appearing, Anakin was only slightly surprised, and then quickly frowned and asked.

He didn’t have time to ask about the situation of Naboo, anyway, it seemed to him that there would be no big problem, and there were no people he needed to worry, now he only cares about his request What happened to the reinforcements?


‘Report the great Anakin master...’

‘Desini, the Queen of Swarm II, has led two Leviathan battleships to Geonosis. According to the distance calculation, they can arrive and attack the enemy within 18 hours at the latest! ’

‘Master, please be patient...’

The red elite Force Hydralisk spoke slowly, and explained some related situations between the reinforcements and the insect queen responsible for commanding the reinforcements.


"Eighteen hours, that's tomorrow noon? No! It's been too long, Padmé was caught by the enemy, and I'm worried it will be too late tomorrow!"

When Anakin thought of Padmé being captured by the abominable Geonosians and the Trade Alliance and might be tortured, when Anakin thought that that situation might be happening or had already happened, let alone eighteen. It's hours, he doesn't want to wait for an hour!

So, after considering it for a while, he gritted his teeth and made up a certain determination.

‘But master! ’

‘This is the fastest speed of our swarm. It took us a lot of time for the two Leviathans to fly from inside the planet Naboo to the universe...’

Before, they wiped out all the combat robots and spaceships of the trade alliance, and explained the situation to the worried Queen of Naboo in the palace of Naboo, winning the limited trust of those Naboo people and cooperating to block Naboo. , And then hurriedly controlled two Leviathans and carried a large number of Swarm combat units to Geonosis Star, which was only 18 hours slower than Anakin's speed, which was not too slow.


"I won't wait for you and you, I will sneak in later, and you will attack immediately after you arrive tomorrow. Do you understand?!"

Anakin gritted his teeth for fear that Padmé might have an accident or worried that the other party was suffering from some terrible torture. He made a decisive decision, and rarely took a Nabo blaster pistol from the cockpit. Beware.

‘But master! ’

‘That way you may be in danger...’

What does Anakin's power look like? How could this elite force hydralisk not know? From its point of view, the opponent’s ability, let alone the legendary Swarm Master in the Kepulu region, the Queen of Blades, I am afraid that the opponent has successfully upgraded and evolved from this one. The Force's elite Hydralisk can't be beaten, right?

Therefore, he was not optimistic about the opponent's single-handedly sneaking into the enemy's den, so he quickly persuaded Anakin to change his mind and honestly wait for the support of the insects to arrive.

"Do not!"

"You don't need to care about my affairs, you just need to obey the orders!"

Where would Anakin, who had been dazzled by emotions, care about so much?

Because he is their master, he is the one who gives the orders, not to listen to their opinions!

So, after speaking, he arbitrarily closed the communication, then turned around and ran to the cabin quickly, planning to break into the lair of the Geonosians alone without waiting for his swarm, and try to Save Padmé first!

He also knew that there might be danger later, but when he thought that Padmé didn't know what it would look like now, he couldn't care much anymore.


Geonosians are a native race of Geonosians, and their appearance and social structure are similar to insects. Moreover, the Geonosians are very brave and militant. During this decade of chaos, they have not only acted as the vanguard of the separatist forces, but also built an astonishing army of combat robots for the trade alliance and the technical alliance.

Once, the Geonosians were attacked by the powerful human forces of the Heroic Federation. However, after the retreat of the very irresponsible Heroic Federation forces, that is, the'Great Republic Army', they were very Soon it made a comeback and re-occupied this place, and made it one of the bases and military factories of the Separatist League.

But today, Anakin came here again, jumped under the huge steaming smoke, and began to fumble towards the position where he felt the force...


Anakin didn’t know what was waiting for him, but, confident of his abilities, he walked forward firmly and avoided the Geonosians again and again with the induction of the Force. The patrol also used the Force to destroy the surveillance equipment that it encountered at a long distance.


When Anakin thought that everything would go well and that he would be able to rescue Padmé and return home with the beauty, he found that after opening a steel gate with the force, he was waiting for him in a hall inside. , But a large group of battle robots, destroyer robots and two Jedi warriors? !

‘! ! ’

‘Old teacher, why are you here? ! ’

Yes, the reason why Anakin exclaimed was because he actually saw that his teacher, the Qui-Gang King, stood with the group of fighters that surrounded him in an instant, and Anakin had met each other ten years ago, and in the past few years, he has often seen photos and holographic images of the other party. The leader of the Separatist League stood with that Earl Dooku?

"and many more!"

"Teacher, what is going on, why are you standing with them?"

Seeing the battle robots and the Destroyer robots slowly spread out into a circle and aimed their weapons at themselves, enclosing themselves in the middle, Anakin whispered inwardly, and hurriedly drew out his lightsaber and ejected it. With the magnetically bound plasma beam blade, he was slightly nervous to guard against the surrounding robots and questioned his teacher incomprehensibly.

He could see that the other party was not restrained or held hostage by any Count Dooku or those robots, and he even had the hilt of the lightsaber on his waist. Obviously he belonged to that Count Dooku?

"This one……"

"Anakin, this is a bit complicated to talk about, or else, you put down the lightsaber first, and I will explain it to you slowly?"

He touched his nose a little bit hesitantly. The Jedi Master Qui-Gang King seemed a little hard to tell about certain things. Therefore, he first looked at Earl Dooku next to him, and then hurriedly signaled Anakin not to be nervous. Things have to wait for him to make things clear first?

"I don't need to explain, teacher, you are in the same group with them, how can you do this?!"

"Where is Padmé?"

"What did you do to her?!"

Although it seems that he is a little hard to protect himself, Anakin is not more worried about him, but Padmé, who has been unable to contact him, and has probably been caught by the opponent!


"This is your apprentice, who came here for a woman? Qui-Gang King, the skills of your students in the Jedi Order are getting worse and worse!"

Without waiting for Qui-Gang King to say anything, Earl Dooku sneered and snorted.


"Anakin, you put the sword down first, I will tell you clearly..."

On one side is my teacher, on the other side is my apprentice, which makes Qui-Gang King in the middle do not know what to do, so he can only bite the bullet, intending to try to persuade Anakin to put down his weapons and not behave. Give out such a strong hostility and then slowly talk about it?

"Do not!"

"Teacher, are you now collaborating with the **** of their separatist alliance? You disappointed me so much... What about Obi-Wan? Why didn't I see him?"

"You killed him?!"

Finally, Anakin finally thought of a certain hapless brother Obi-Wan at this time. Then, judging from the fact that the other party did not appear here, it is not difficult for him to judge what the other party has experienced. I am afraid that from the beginning Must be similar to what you are now, right?

"Do not!"

"Anakin, I didn't! It's not as simple as you think, it's very complicated, listen first..."

When Anakin said that, Qui-Gon King was a little anxious and planned to explain. However, before he could say something, he was arbitrarily interrupted by the teacher beside him, the Earl Dooku. .

'okay! ’

‘Quigang King, my good apprentice, let me talk to him! ’

After speaking, Count Dooku slowly walked to Anakin and introduced himself:

"You must already know who I am, young Skywalker, yes, I am the Earl Dooku you have been looking for!"

"At the same time, I'm still Qui-Gang King's mentor, that is, your mentor's mentor. In this way, you should understand our origin and relationship?"

Ignoring the lightsaber in Anakin's hand that warned him, Earl Dooku said so and so.


"Because of this, just because he is your mentor, teacher, you betrayed the Jedi Temple?"

Anakin felt a little unbelievable, and couldn't help but improve his tone.

He felt that even if he wanted to betray the Jedi Temple, he should have Anakin Skywalker come first. Why is it that Qui-Gon King, a teacher who looks like a good old man and is often out of sight, is the first to betray?

"Do not!"

"I didn't! Anakin, the situation now is different from before. For the sake of the Republic, we must have our judgment and choice!!"

Kui Gangjin jumped a little.

Obviously, he didn't quite agree with Anakin's saying that he was ‘rebellious’ when he opened his mouth and closed his mouth, as well as the look of disdain and contempt when the other party looked at him.


"Okay, let me explain!"

I didn’t plan to waste time or listen to the mentor and apprentice who were arguing for a long time about something. Earl Dooku once again arbitrarily interrupted Qui-Gang King’s speech and stared at Anakin coldly Some basic situations are revealed.

For example, the Supreme Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Shiv Palpatine, who has clearly passed his term of office but refused to abdicate, is the Lord of the Sith, the Dark Jedi and his name is Darth Sidious. The guy? And he organized the Separatist League to defeat the Sith Lord and eradicate the corruption of the Galactic Republic?

"It's probably that way."

"In short, we already have enough evidence to show that the Supreme Speaker Palpatine is the biggest enemy of the Republic. He has led the split of the Republic and is preparing to brew his terrible conspiracy!"

"So, Anakin, I am very optimistic about you, come on, join our business!"

After speaking, Earl Dooku stretched out his hand towards Anakin and motioned to Anakin to put down his weapon and stand with them these great insurgents.

"shut up!"

"I don't care who you are right or wrong. You should tell the Jedi Committee about this kind of thing. Now, give me Padmé first!"

Where does Anakin care about conspiracy and not conspiracy?

You know, even he himself is still engaged in conspiracy, and even at the bottom of Coruscant hides an entire army of insects that is enough to destroy or occupy Coruscant, and soon his fleet of insects will be here. What is it that Palpatine does splitting or conspiracy?

He thinks it, Anakin himself and the Speaker Palpatine, or the guys in front of him, don’t say anyone, and no one is right or wrong. Anyway, put his Padmé first Hand it over, then everything is easy to discuss!


"Jedi Committee? Believe me, young Skywalker, they are not much better than Palpatine! Had it not been for their detached position and secret control of the Galactic Council, Galactic Republic? How could it be so corrupt and reduced to such a situation?"

"And, do you naively think that the Second Republic Army is really the Republic's army?"

"Wake up, Anakin Skywalker, now the Jedi Committee is hard to protect itself. No one can count on you now. Only joining us is the best way out!"

Not to mention the Jedi Committee. When it comes to the Jedi Committee and the people in it waving the banner of righteousness, but holding on to the powerful elders in private, Count Dooku sneered.

If it hadn’t been for the faces of those guys, how could Count Dooku voluntarily give up his 80-year-old method of using the force, and turned to the Sith, and finally formed the Confederation of Independent Galaxies Confrontation with the Galactic Republic?

Of course, the current Earl Dooku is not only going to fight the Galactic Republic, he also has to fight the Jedi Temple and his Sith teacher! Therefore, if possible, he also hopes to succeed in persuading the legendary and said to be very powerful Anakin Skywalker in front of him to join his team and let their family-style master and apprentice three together To accomplish that great cause?


"I can't easily believe what you said. In short, hand over Padmé first, and then I will naturally investigate what you said slowly."

Whether it's the Jedi Council, the Galactic Republic, or even Lord Sith or something, Anakin doesn't care about it! However, if the other party can hand over his Padmé, then everything is easy to discuss!

Moreover, he might even give orders to his Swarm Fleet to return to Naboo and stop attacking Geonosis and the fleets of the Separatist Alliance scattered around?

"Do not!"

"Other conditions are fine, but this one won't work!"

However, Earl Dooku smiled and shook his head, and refused Anakin's reasonable request. Even the expression of the teacher, Quigon King, looked a little weird?



Anakin has a faint hunch, or maybe it has something to do with Obi-Wan not being here?

"Is such that……"

"Padme Amidala has been handed over to the governor of the Trade Union, and promised them to be executed tomorrow! Our Independent Galaxy Federation wants to exchange her life for joining the entire Trade Union, which is very Cost-effective!"

"Young Skywalker, you have to know that sometimes we have to sacrifice a small group of people to take care of the overall situation when we do something?"

In an instant, Count Dooku had just finished speaking, and the furious Anakin waved a lightsaber and rushed towards him.

"Go to your overall situation!!"

Anxiously blushing, Anakin looked at the opportunity and jumped directly on it.

"What is a trade alliance? In my eyes, Padmé is more important than all of you combined!!"

He plans to take down the Earl Dooku first, then use the opponent to intimidate the surrounding combat robots and destroyer robots, and then use the opponent to exchange Padmé or delay time?

Otherwise, once the distance is pulled, he may be finished. He will definitely not be the opponent of those Destroyer robots, because the small deflector shield generator on the opponent is really very difficult, let alone there are There are so many, even if there are only one or two, they can make Jedi like them escape!

"Huh! Stubborn!"

"Qui-Gang King, look at you, these are the two good apprentices you taught. One was brainwashed by the Jedi Committee, while the other was disregarding the overall situation of the galaxy for personal reasons?"

While avoiding Anakin's attack, Earl Dooku slammed at Qui-Gang King behind him.



Qui-Gang King seemed to be in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

This was the case of Obi-Wan before, and now Anakin is even more unbearable. His old face as a teacher seems to be unable to put it off... However, he doesn't understand. Why don't these two apprentices understand the West? Sovereign Lord Darth Sidious is terrible, do not know the serious consequences that can be caused to the galaxy once the other party's conspiracy succeeds?


"I'll take him down, just watch it on the side!"

After avoiding the opponent's swords and roughly judging Anakin's strength, Earl Dooku popped out his red-blade lightsaber and directly attacked Anakin.


"Anakin is very strong. If he can join us, it will definitely be a great help for us to fight against Lord Sith!"

Surprisingly, Qui-Gang Jinhua had just spoken, and the two in front had not yet faced three moves. He saw: His teacher, Earl Dooku, kicked away the lightsaber in Anakin's hand with one kick. And with that red lightsaber against Anakin's throat? !

"I do not understand!"

"Qui-Gang King, how can he defeat more than two hundred bounty hunters with his ability...Could it be that there are more than two hundred people or more than two hundred Nuna?"


"He even brought this kind of rotten iron, so he naively wanted to defeat a Jedi Knight with this kind of thing?!"

Count Dooku drew the ‘S-5’ Naboo explosive pistol from Anakin’s waist and threw it into a corner with scorn.

After waving a hand to signal several combat robots to come forward and lock Anakin in shackles and hold it, Earl Dooku asked back at Kui Gangjin with a ghostly look.

Obviously, he had also heard a lot of Anakin's deeds before, and he also knew the fact that the opponent had defeated hundreds of powerful bounty hunters by one person, and he was worried for a long time, and even wanted as much as possible. Recruiting each other, but now look at it, is it such a vain thing?


Qui-Gang Jin was speechless, but he had just recommended Anakin to his teacher, and even worried about his teacher for a long time.


"You will not succeed, someone will come to defeat you soon!"

His hands were handcuffed by special alloy shackles, and there were two battle robots and two destroyer robots holding him behind him. Anakin, who knew that he had completely failed, still said stiffly.

"is it?"

"But it's a pity that no one can save you, not even the Second Republic Army!"

The previous'Great Republic Army' may be possible, but Earl Dooku is sure that they and the amazing woman Nova are no longer in this galaxy, and their only contact is in Naboo, UU reading www. uukanshu. com should also be occupied and destroyed by the robot army of the trade alliance now?

So, now he doesn’t think there is anything to worry about, and thinks that after he has officially joined the Trade Union, maybe he can try it. Before his teacher has fully obtained the full power of the Galactic Republic, he will directly attack. Coruscant and replace it?


"Teacher, what are you going to do with Anakin and Obi-Wan?"

Regarding Padmé, although Kui Gangjin wanted to save the other party, he could only pretend to be deaf and dumb for the sake of the overall situation, the entire galaxy and the Republic... However, for the sake of his two apprentices, he still plans to slightly Fight for it.


"Tomorrow, I will give you one last chance to persuade you, if it still doesn't work, then don't waste time!"

"Qui-Gang Jin, we don't have time, go and think about it yourself!!"

After speaking, Earl Dooku waved his hand and asked the combat robots to take Anakin to prison. Then he put away his lightsaber, spoke to Qui-Gang King and turned his head away.


"This this……"

Qui-Gang King looked a little at a loss, and could only watch the robots take Anakin away.

Although he did not spend a lot of time teaching Anakin, he brought him out from Tatooine after all, and he also watched him grow up, plus he was still his own apprentice. It seemed to Gang Jin that he couldn't bear to watch them die here.

However, how to do it, I can only wait until tomorrow...



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