Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1246: ??(???*)? Queen Anne’s first day...

Today is the next morning when Annie was forced to accept the free pasture in the hands of Mayor Thomas, the old man with a bad nose, and settled temporarily in the town of Ore. At the same time, it was also this strange world spring. The next day in the house.

Amazingly, Anne also discovered that the world is only four months in a year, and only thirty days a month. Every thirty days is a quarter. At the same time, there is a goddess living in spring water in this world. , And the goddess still likes TV and is widely known to the people in this world?

   It is said that this pasture is covered by heavy snow in winter and cannot grow anything. Crops can be grown normally in the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, and each crop can be matured in just ten days?

it seems that……

   This world is shrouded by some kind of magical power, so that this world is very different from other worlds she has been to? Of course, it is also possible that the creator of this world is really too bad or too lazy, so he created such an ancient world?

But that kind of thing is not important, because Annie doesn't care who created the world, or how strange or unreasonable and unreliable it is. Anyway, she only knows that she is here to eat, drink, and manage. This nobody wants a ranch.

   And now, she succeeded in getting her first harvest after hard work in this ranch early in the morning of the second day after she came here: a large piece of sweet, greasy and crooked honey!




   So sweet! So delicious~~

Annie doesn’t care whether eating sweets in the early morning is good for your health. Anyway, she only knows that this farm is now hers, and all the harvest and the things that exist on this farm are of course her legal property. ! So, after she found a certain honeycomb, she took it for granted, and just sat beside the gate fence of her ranch, eating the sweet, sweet, original juice from the honeycomb. The original natural flavor comes.



   "Don't look at you guy, they tell you, oh, it's bad for bears to eat too much honey, just look at it, and the rest of these people will help you wipe them out!"

After slapped open the surreptitious little paw of a bad bear, and then picked up the last piece of honey with the honeycomb in the big wooden spoon and threw it into her mouth, Annie was sucking the stickiness on her finger. Slushy and sweet, he warned a bad guy who knew he wouldn't die without eating, but wanted to steal his own breakfast.

   "You are useless to be fierce! Anyway, you guys can't beat others, so I'm not afraid of you!"

In this way, Annie ignored her cub’s protest, and just sat in front of her door, licking the delicacy left in her fingers and the big wooden spoon, while shaking her legs, she never thought of giving someone a name The little bear of'Tibbers' is starred.



   took a breath, and after rubbing it on the bear by the way, Annie breathed out contentedly.

  For now, Annie is quite satisfied with the farm that was given away for nothing!

Even if she was not happy at first, even if the bad-nosed mayor Thomas insisted on giving it to her forcibly, even if she said that she was alone and only passing by, there was no family member to follow... I didn’t believe it, so unreasonably and reluctantly, I gave her all the land deeds, agreements, and keys, and then asked her to help her build the small wooden building that was said to have been newly built not long ago. Clean up the house and let her live in last night?

Yes, that house is indeed new, but it’s a bit small, except for a small bed, a bookcase, a backward TV, a desk, a wall calendar, and a storage box. Now, the area is as small as less than 30 square meters?

After all, the original old farmer who didn’t know his name had died years ago, and the other party’s original dilapidated house had long been decayed. The town has only recently reluctantly funded the renovation of many buildings in the ranch. Fishing law enforcement in the newspaper, and got Annie such a small point...

Although Annie did not come here because of newspapers, they just thought about it so stubbornly and forcibly gave her such a farm. Then after a lot of things, the situation is now This is the case for the time being, and Annie can be considered a small home here?



   "Hello! Excuse me...Grandpa, who are you, is there anything going on here?"

  ! o

At this time, when Annie had finished eating, she was wiping her little sticky hands with her bear-and-drag Tibbers, although she had sucked, she suddenly saw a tape in front of her. Wearing reading glasses, hunched back, his beard and eyebrows have already turned white, and even his hair has fallen out. The strange old man with a wrinkled head is coming to her leisurely with a puppy. .

   Seeing this situation, she couldn't help but ask out a little curiously.

   After all, this farm belongs to her now. When the other party comes here, she must be a master. If it is yesterday, if these guys are in love, she won't care about it!


   "Good for you too! Ahem, I guess... You should be the little Annie they said? It's really pitiful, such a small guy has to manage such a big farm..."


   "Really, I don't know what Thomas did..."

Seeing a little girl sitting on a wooden fence dangling her feet and saying hello to herself, the visitor first nodded and replied, then sighed and shook her head. Finally, when she came to her and looked at it carefully again Continued to Annie:


   "My name is Mu Qi, and I am the farmer on the pastoral farm. From today on, we will be regarded as neighbors. Please take care of me in the future?"



   "Okay, okay! It turned out to be a neighbor, so please take care of it too!"

   It turned out that the other party came here to greet herself as a neighbor, so Annie hurriedly jumped off the fence, stuck out her tongue at the other party playfully and made a grimace, and said politely.


   "Grandpa Mu Qi, what are you doing here on my ranch today?"

  Annie has no time to waste time with such a terrible old man who not only has trouble walking but is about to lose his teeth, so after the basic polite greetings, she directly asks very rudely.

   Although she has nothing to do on her own, no matter what, even if she is idle in a daze, she will probably not go to play with such a strange old man!

"of course!"

   "In fact, it is like this...because I heard them say that you came to Ore Town alone, and you lived in this ranch that has been abandoned for several years last night, so..."

   "I am worried that you, this little guy, will be lonely or scared here. I brought this puppy from our ranch early in the morning. It is called Xiaohua. Come and see. Do you like it?"

   "If you like it, I will give it to you to raise!!!"

   Talking, the old rancher named Mucci waved behind him, and he greeted the one who had been wagging his tail very well, but for some reason, it seemed to be a little scared of Annie's puppy.

   "Keep a dog..."


   "I don't think it should be done anymore, right?"

   Annie wants this kind of puppy!

Because of this kind of daily feeding, I don’t look for food by myself, I have to **** and pee, I don’t know how to take a bath myself, and it may make the house smelly, plus possible shed hair, The behavior of barking, running around, and even that kind of nasty lice, and it doesn’t look fierce at all...So, she wouldn’t accept it at all!

"Do not want?"

   "But, you live here alone. If there is no dog on such a large farm, can you take care of it?"

   "If you don't have a dog, there will be other animals running to alarm the cattle and sheep at night, although you have not raised cattle and sheep..."

   "Or, do you think about it for a few days before making a decision?"

   Obviously, the old man Much, who originally thought that the other party would readily accept his kindness and gifts, suddenly became a little at a loss. He didn't know what was going on with this little girl and why he would reject him.

You know, in their pastoral farm where only he and his little granddaughter live, if it weren’t for the company of many cows, sheep, horses, and puppies, he wouldn’t know how lonely he would be, or how to live. Been there!


   What's there to consider for a puppy who looks stupid and can't eat? However, Annie saw that the other party was worried and would never give up without selling the dog, she suddenly thought of a wonderful idea.

   "I don't think about it!"



   "People have already had a puppy, and its name is Tibbers. Compared with your little flower, my Tibber is fierce!?"


   After finishing talking, Annie glanced at a puppet toy bear on her hand that had been wiped dirty by herself, and secretly made up some bad ideas.

  ! o

   "Do you already have a dog?"


   "Where is it now, why didn't I see it?"

   Generally speaking, things like dogs have a strong sense of territoriality. Once a stranger comes to the door, they will definitely find and come ‘welcome’ as soon as possible, even if it’s a new dog!

But now, he Mucci has been here for so long, but he hasn't seen a dog here at all, and he hasn't heard Thomas talk about the other party with a dog, so he can't help but wonder if the little girl in front of him is right. Because I didn't want my own little flowers, so I said that on purpose?


   "Look! My little bear...the puppy Tibbers is here!"


Taking advantage of the opportunity of the opponent turning his head and looking around, Annie turned her little bear Tibbers into a little dog with a metamorphosis technique, then grabbed the opponent's back by the neck and brought it to her. Said to Grandpa Mucci who still doesn't seem to give up and wants to sell dogs to her:

   "It's called Tibbers. It was brought from home, and it's fierce!"


   "Hey! Tibbers, hurry up and say hello to Grandpa Mucci and his dog Xiaohua~!"


   Seeing that a certain guy seemed a little reluctant, and even wanted to stand up after being thrown on the ground, Annie hurriedly lowered her head and screamed and secretly threatened the other party with a small, fierce look.


  : Oh~ Wang!

  ’! ! ’


   However, Tibbers had just finished barking, and the little milk dog who had been wagging its tail, followed by the old man, was so frightened that he turned his head and ran away with his tail in his hand!


   "Little Flower! Hello! Little Flower?"

"Well, Annie, since you already have a fierce-looking dog in your ranch, then I won’t force you...Let’s do it, after my mare has given birth to another day, I will give the foal to You sent it?"

   "Remember, I have time to go to the pastoral farm in the east to chat with my little granddaughter. People of the same age like you should be able to talk very well!"

I felt it was necessary to take care of the puppy that I didn’t know where he had escaped. The old man Mu Qi didn’t dare to wait anymore, and he hurriedly turned around after making a polite conversation with Xiao Anni. With both hands, he chased at a fast pace.

  ‘Uncle Mucci? ’

'Hey! ’

'what happened to you? ’



   "Little guy, what happened to Uncle Mucci just now, why shouldn't I call him?"

   At this time, without waiting for Annie to figure out what she was going to do, another rough man came to the door of her ranch and asked her unceremoniously.

"It's nothing!"

   "He just went to find his puppy...but who are you, uncle, why come here on my farm?"

After    dismissed the funny old man who failed to send the dog and was about to send the pony, Annie looked at the strong uncle who seemed a little familiar and asked strangely.


   "Hello, Little Annie, it's like this. My name is Zach. You can call me Uncle Zach in the future. I mainly work in the shipping industry here in this small town. Please help me in the future?"

   first nodded clearly, and after knowing why Mucci just walked so fast, the rough guy explained.

"I have just heard about you from the mayor Thomas. Although I don't think you can manage the largest ranch in Ore Town because you are so small, but anyway, I have to tell you something first. ."

   "If you want to manage this ranch well, you must remember what I will tell you next?"

   "Come on, come here!"

After finishing talking, before Annie could say something, he was familiar with him. He was more familiar than Annie and led her to the fields full of weeds, boulders and trash, and pointed at that Annie didn’t know. What's the use? The big wooden box with the canopy said:

"This is the shipping box of the farm. In the future, you only need to put all kinds of goods or agricultural products that need to be shipped in it every day, and then I will pick it up on time at 5 o'clock every afternoon, and at the same time, according to the goods The price and quantity pay you regularly."

"However, during the holidays, I have to rest like everyone else. I will definitely not come to work. Don't put in those things that are not easy to save. Otherwise, the time will change. I am I will never compensate you!"

   As he said, this stout man named Zac laughed to himself, not knowing what was funny about him.



"I also know that you must have no goods in a short period of time, and you may not have the energy to work... But you can also collect something else first. For example, you can go to the mountains to collect some mountain products to make money? They are put in this shipping box. Mountain products are very popular in the city, although our country folks have long been tired of eating..."

   "Anyway, although you look a little too small, as long as you work a little bit, there is no big problem. If you are not familiar with farm work, you can talk about it later."

"By the way, the shipping boxes are also in the chicken house and the cattle and sheep pen. Although you always feel that you may not use them, I will explain to you. If you have shipping, remember to put a sign. I will definitely help you see when I pass by..."

Obviously, Mayor Thomas threw this big ranch to such a small little girl. Zack felt unreliable no matter how he looked at it, but there is no way. The agreement has come into effect. In addition to trying his best to explain and provide help within his capacity , There is no good way.


   Annie was said to be a little big head, but she knew that the weird big wooden box was used to sell things. You can change money by throwing things in?


  ∑? !

   "Hey! Uncle Zach, people think it's better not to go to the chicken house now..."


   After a long time, when seeing the other party wanting to lead herself to the chicken house again, Annie hurriedly stopped, and said embarrassingly to the other party.


   Zach was puzzled, still insisting on continuing to walk forward at a fast pace.

   "Anyway, you must not go there, it's dangerous..."


   thought this strange uncle seemed very interesting, and Annie, who couldn't bear the other party's suffering, reminded again.


   "Little guy, I am more familiar with this farm than you. What can be dangerous here, if I want to go there?"

Many years ago, when Zach was living in Ore Town, Rod introduced him to do the goods business. Later, he felt that this profession was suitable for him and it was very profitable, so he stayed here and settled in Ore Town. . In all, he has been in this business for many years. He was in this business when the old rancher was still alive. He was obviously much more familiar with the situation on this farm than the little guy.

   So, he didn't believe there was any danger here, and he still walked forward while laughing.


   "Really, then you go over, don't regret it later!"


   Anyway, Annie has kindly reminded her twice, but the other party didn’t listen, so you can’t blame her! So, she just stood in place with such a big grin, waiting to see how regretful and embarrassed the other party would be!



   "What can be dangerous..."

  Although I think that one person and one dog is always a little strange, Zach, who is very confident in his own experience, continues to walk forward.




"That is……"

Finally, when Zach walked under the apple tree next to the breeding pond, the buzzing sound finally made him notice that something was wrong, and then... he subconsciously raised his head towards the sound. Place, looking towards the branches of the apple tree.


   "Strange, I remember, a few years ago, wasn't their hive under the eaves of the cow and sheep pen?"


   Finally, the mumbling Zach finally found out what was wrong!

   It turned out to be The honeycomb that was just picked up by a bad little girl before, and now there is a large group of angry bees hovering over the apple tree! And when he came here at this time, Zac accidentally gave those bees vent to their anger?


   "Ouch! Not good!!"


   buzz buzz buzz...

   And now, when they saw someone approaching, those bees who were nowhere to vent their anger, they gathered to besiege and surrounded a certain strong man!


"it hurts!"

"It hurts!!!"

   "Wow ah ah ah..."

Soon, the muscular shipper Zach, who was as strong as a cow, finally let out a scream and cry of pain, and then flew into the distance while the four people waved their arms while holding their heads. , And soon disappeared.

   "Tibbers, look at him!"


   "There is danger on the other side that people just said, and he didn't let him pass, and he said it twice, but he still didn't listen, and he wanted to pass. Now he finally knows that he was wrong, right?


   hid aside, after avoiding the furious bee colony, Annie pointed to a muscular uncle who was running away with his head and howling and howling, and laughed loudly while gleefully.

  Ε=)) alas


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