Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1247: My ranch is bankrupt!? (·''·...


  Ψ Chew!

Because it was necessary to let a certain group of poor bees on an apple tree calm down for a period of time, so, today Annie did nothing, did not stay in her own farm, and did not try to manage the pasture. In that large mess of fields inside, just one person wandered around in this small Ore Town, and I also met many people in Ore Town, and successfully found a shop selling delicious things.

That’s right, it’s a bar opened by an uncle named Dart, where they sell food during the day and drinks at night. The main business is alcohol, so that people in Ore Town can find a place when they are tired. Have a drink, but when you encounter something like Xiao Anni, there are also a variety of food and juices, etc., not in the narrow sense, such as in some spicy cities, they are specially provided to certain strange scorpions and The bad sisters go to the place where ghosts and wolves howl like crazy.

Anyway, when Xiao Annie saw from the business sign in front of the bar that the business hours written on it were from 8 o'clock in the morning to blackjack in the evening, she naturally rushed in as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, I got a warm welcome from the owner of this shop, "Dart" and the other's daughter, the lively outgoing young lady "Lin" who likes to eat like Annie, and a free reception opportunity.

   "Ha! It's delicious! Dart, your craftsmanship is really good~!"


   "Please give me another delicious set meal and an apple pie! Thank you!"

   I don’t know if it’s because the other party’s craftsmanship is really good, or because the ingredients they use to make food are excellent, or what makes this world unique? In short, Annie was very satisfied with this meal, and after patted her bulging belly, she felt that she was only 80% full and urged again.


When Annie has eaten three full portions of Dart’s signature set meal, two salads made of fresh vegetables and fruits, a large portion of apple pie, two large pieces of cheese cake, and a plate of cookies Not satisfied yet, after wanting to continue eating and drinking for nothing, the father and daughter Dart, who had to treat herself to death and entertain her, finally couldn't resist.


"It’s getting late. Look. It’s almost eleven o’clock. It’s almost noon. Don’t you need to go back to the ranch to work? Today is your first day to take over the farm. Please be sure to Work hard, don't let everyone underestimate you!"

   "How about..."

   "Come here for the time being today, can you come back for another day?"

Seeing that the table in front of her was full of dinner plates, she was in a mess and didn't want to leave. It seemed that she wanted to take advantage of the chance to eat free food. Lin was a little scared. After touching the cold sweat on his forehead, he walked to the other person's side, biting his scalp and softly persuading him with implicit and slightly shameful words.

To be honest, Lin and her father Dart didn’t expect that such an inconspicuous little, such a little guy, would be better than the shipper in their mineral town, who claims to be the most edible. Is the big belly king and big Zach even more edible?

   If they knew this was the case earlier, they would definitely not invite each other to have a free meal!

Now it’s alright, look, the other party has eaten their family’s almost 3,000 G of food, and her dad Dart’s face is black and looks stinky... In fact, don’t say it’s her right now. Dad, Lin herself felt that her face might be a little ugly?

Anyway, she just calculated an account secretly. Excluding the cost of service and handwork, the other party’s meal today almost ate at least two thousand G worth of materials from her family. In this mineral town, that’s equivalent to Their operating costs for almost two or three days!

   Therefore, this thing really can't go on like this...The shop in their home, such a low-profit small business place, is really a bit entertaining the inconspicuous little guy! Think about it, their Ore Town is so small, even if you count the occasional tourists from the city, they can have a net income of a few hundred gigabytes a day on average, even if it is very good, how can they stand the other side? Continue to toss like this?


  ∑? !

"But, people don't need to work today... That Uncle Zach just provokes the bees on my ranch in the morning, and now they are wandering in the ranch angrily. People don't dare to go back to work now, or else just I will definitely be stung like Uncle Zach!"


   "Tibbers, don't you think?"


   After directly raking a shipper who had suffered innocent calamity, Xiao Annie glanced thiefly at Tibbers, her own little dog, who was lying on her feet, who seemed to be somewhat listless, and asked back.

   Obviously, work is definitely impossible to work. Her Lady Anne can only eat, drink, have fun and burn people with fireballs. When did you ever see her work seriously? So, if a certain mayor Thomas with a bad nose thinks that by throwing the farm to her, he will be able to re-eat the delicious agricultural products from the Ranch in Ore Town, then they are really wrong!

  ‘Wow~! ’

  Ε=)) alas

Obviously, the'Tibbers' who was forcibly turned into a Wang Xingren looked a little listless, just barked casually and wagged his tail and then stopped moving. It seemed that he was not willing to pay attention to it. The little owner who is eating alone?


   "So it's like this?"

   "I just said, why didn't I see Dart coming today, he usually is very punctual and regular, so it's the same thing..."

After grinning reluctantly, and then carefully exchanged glances with her stinky-faced father Dart who was behind the counter, Lin once again leaned to the side of Little Annie and said something nervously. Asked:

   "But Annie..."

"I saw that you seemed to have eaten a lot just now. It is enough to have several times the amount of my usual appetite! Now you should be almost full, right? I think you can go and play elsewhere first, and at the same time, Get acquainted with our mineral town?"

   "You will live here in the future. If you don't say hello to everyone, it would be very rude!"

   Seeing that nothing can be done, Lin quickly gave birth to another one.

   Anyway, she is determined, and she will fool this little guy in front of her for anything! Then, in the future, she said that she would never easily come up with the horrible idea of ​​entertaining anyone for free...Look at the results of this little guy in front of you, this table full of plates, Lin can already imagine. In the evening, after going out of business, she would definitely have a meal from her father Dart.

   She was really crazy just now, how could she suddenly be okay to find something and say something to entertain the other party for free?

   "No need to go!"

"Before they came to this store of your house, they had already visited the entire Questyle Town. The forging house of Grandpa Saibala, Uncle Dick’s vineyard, Sister Mary’s library, Ka Sister Lian’s grocery store, the hospital where Ellie works, the church in the north, and the dock in the east have all been there, and I have met many people!"


   "Besides, people are still not full, so they should be able to eat as much food as before!"


Yes, Annie said that she has already met most of the people in Ore Town, and it doesn’t matter if she hasn’t met for a while, she doesn’t care what those guys think of her, so... she thinks Now it’s more important to stay here and eat a big meal?


   It's all right now, Lin is a little bit out of the way, ready to showdown.

   "I really didn't expect you to eat so much, but we can only invite you to eat so much for free. If you want to continue to eat, then...then you have to pay..."

No way, she turned her head again and looked at her father Dart and received some kind of strong signal from him. Lin first took a deep breath, then gritted her teeth and turned her head in embarrassment. After a smile that was even worse than crying, she said shamelessly.

   Anyway, now this little guy is shameless and cheeky to eat the big family of her family, so she doesn't care, just lay out something, and then let the other party directly retreat and leave by herself?



   "Ha! They seem to be rich too! Give it to you, Sister Lin, just brush it, and then give me a delicious set meal. People can't wait now!!"


Hearing that this was the case, Annie was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly took out from her body a ranch account and her own financial card that Mayor Thomas had handled for herself, and directly stuffed it into Miss Sister Lin’s. In the hand, motioned to the other party to do as she said quickly.


   "Well, would you please wait?"

   Although Lin really wants to persuade each other not to eat too much at once, even if her father's craftsmanship is really good? After all, if the other party is such a small guy, if he accidentally eats up or eats his stomach in their shop, it is not very good.

However, when seeing her dad Dart instantly become energetic, and waved her to swipe her card, Lin finally sighed and walked to the counter with some listlessness, ready to continue to entertain someone A small rice bucket that doesn't leave and can't eat enough.


   Thirty minutes later...



   "It’s so satisfying to eat, Sister Lin, let me give someone an apple pie and a salad. Remember to make it sweeter and less spicy!!!"


   "Also, I will pack two big meals later, and they will take them back to eat at night!"


Reluctantly ate a nine-layer full, Annie felt that if she had another dessert later, she could go back with the packed things and take a nap directly. As for the farm or something, she can wait until tomorrow. Say it again.

   Of course, it might be useless to wait until tomorrow, because she will definitely not work anyway!


   However, upon hearing Annie's words, the young lady on the side Lin did not go to prepare, but walked to her side with a helpless expression, then frowned and gently put the ranch shipping card on the table.

   "Sister Lin, what's wrong?"



   "That's the case, our store does not accept takeaway, because the food must be eaten while it is hot, and if it is taken away, it will affect the taste and it will ruin our reputation!"

   "There is..."

   "Your card is out of money, the money left just now is only enough to buy the set meal......"

   After speaking, Lin covered her forehead with a headache.

This greedy little guy has only 500G of money in his account. He even came to her store to fill up a lot of money, and he dared to order so many things, and he even had to pack it away. ...Anyway, she no longer knows what to say about this little guy!



   "Is they out of money?!"

  ! o

   Anne really didn’t know about this, because the old man with a bad nose, the Mayor Thomas said yesterday, he prepared a card for himself while there was a little reserve for him to start the farm?

   But now, it seems that it is really just a little bit, so poor that she can only pay for a set meal...

   But it doesn't matter, this kind of thing is not a big problem, in Annie's view, as long as money can solve the problem, it is not a problem!

and so……

   Snap~! !

   "Hey! Sister Lin, I have these gold coins here, shouldn't it be enough?!"


Annie patted a few gold coins directly on the table, and then motioned to a certain sister Lin to get her food ready, even the ones that were packed, she didn’t care about the other party’s broken rules, she just wanted to take it away ! The big deal, she secretly received her space bag while the other party was not paying attention, that was not a big problem.



   looked at the gold coins on the table in a daze, and then at the decent little girl in front of her, Lin didn't know what to say.

"what happened?"

  ∑? !

   "Sister Lin, what are you still doing here, aren't these gold coins money?"


   The other party stood still and looked at herself with weird eyes, which made Annie feel a little strange and asked angrily.

   "You're right, Annie... it's really not money!"


"I am afraid that no one here will accept this kind of small toy made of mineral gold... and gold is really not very valuable. Ours is Ore Town, and you can barely change a hundred pieces of gold like you. Twenty-five G?"

   "And it should be the gold ingot after smelting!"

"and so……"

   sighed, took a gold coin and looked at it and observed the strange text pattern on it. Lin didn't care about it and threw it on the table, just like throwing a small stone? Then, he explained to Little Annie in a dumbfounded tone.



   "The gold here is so spicy, is it worthless?!"


   Annie was shocked!

She never imagined that her gold or gold coins, which had been invincible in countless worlds, were only worth the money in this world, in this mineral town, and the lost money was like scrap iron. , It takes a hundred hot peppers to exchange for 25G, and then two thousand can barely exchange for a big meal, and the other party may not accept it?


   Uncle’s opponent, let alone the messy little master of his house. )

   "It's not worthless..."

   "At least worth a little bit more than copper, iron and silver?"

   Biting her little finger, Lin began to recall the price of those ore shipments in their Ore Town, and then quickly remembered that gold seemed to be the third place in the shipment price?

   Of course, the one that counts down!

"If you can dig the sage's stone or pink diamonds and alexandrite, it is still very valuable. In the past, people in our mineral town have occasionally dug them... But since everyone's life is getting better, few people are willing In the winter, I went to the mine in the center of the lake and the springs to dig..."

   "Moreover, mining can only go in winter, but now it's just beginning spring..."

   Lin faintly remembered that the shipping price of the most valuable sage stone is a full 20,000G? The slightly worse pink diamond and Alexandrite are both 10,000G, which is the top mineral.

But that kind of thing definitely has nothing to do with the super edible little guy in front of her. She doesn't believe that the other person with small arms and legs can go to the mine to dig, let alone go deep into the legend. The ancestors of Ore Town dug a full 255 floors of spring mines and lake mines!

   "But Annie, you definitely can't mine!"

   "Your ranch is bankrupt now, you should think of a way to make a little money or find some seeds to plant the land!"

   "Otherwise you will be kicked out by the mayor soon!!"

That’s right, although their ranches in Ore Town are almost free, but for those guys who don’t farm and spend too much money and lead to bankruptcy, the patience of the townspeople is limited. After a period of time, if the ranching situation is If there is still no improvement, then Mayor Thomas will definitely be driven out as a lazy guy.

   "My ranch is going bankrupt!?"

  !? ?


  Annie suddenly felt a little weird, because she obviously didn't do anything, why is she going bankrupt so soon?

   "Then! Sister Lin, how are they going to farm?"


The food in this mineral town is delicious. Annie hasn’t been able to eat a few, so she doesn’t want to be driven away for the time being. So, if she can make money from farming and give her a little rescue to the bankrupt ranch, maybe she Would you give it a try?



   "Although I haven't planted it before, but I still know a little bit..."

There is no way, seeing that the other party no longer struggles with the food problem, and feels she has a little need to guide this little guy who doesn’t know anything, so Lin slowly introduces what she knows... although she is not. It’s too clear, and even more so... But when Lin was a child, she saw how the old rancher grandfather in the ranch farmed, so she just hoeed what she knew based on her memory. , Buying seeds, sowing, sprinkling, and finally harvesting the kind of seemingly simple farming methods are explained.

   "Is there no need to fertilize and deworm?"


   Anything that grows bugs, Annie knows, and she also needs to fertilize, which is probably to throw away animal poop? That kind of thing is simple, the big deal is that in the future, Tibbers, who was turned into a dog by her, can go to the field and pee.

   "What is fertilization and deworming?"

   However What surprised Xiao Anni was: A certain young lady Lin seems to have no impression of fertilization and deworming?



   "Just don't let bugs eat the crop..."

Annie told me about things that she knew, such as crop plant diseases and insect pests and bad growth without fertilization, but she didn't know how to do it, but she believed that by then her magic would be able to deal with it very well. Ok.


   "No need! Our farms in Ore Town are like that. You just need to plow the land and plant it, then water it every day, and then you can harvest it in ten days or so!"

   Hearing the weird planting experience of Little Annie, Lin hurriedly waved her hands and said with a smile, because they really don't need to do the kind of things the other party just said here in Ore Town.


   I don’t know why, Annie always feels a little weird...

But she didn’t ask too much. She planned to go to the grocery store later to see if there were any seeds to buy, and then buy some for herself, and plant all the big fields on the farm, and then she would know when the time came. The specific situation.

   Maybe, that should be caused by the rules in this weird world, right?

After all, there are four months in a year, and then divided into four seasons. Each season is only a small world of one month and thirty days. She really encountered it for the first time, so some things are beyond common sense. inevitable.



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